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Название [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] CBTNugget - Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)
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1. Get Free Premium Accounts Daily On Our Discord Server!.txt 1.32Кб
1. Intro to Certified Kubernetes Security (CKS).mp4 54.42Мб
10. Apply Egress Rules to Kubernetes Network Policy.mp4 41.99Мб
100. Setting the Client Config for Kubernetes Webhook Configs.mp4 56.19Мб
101. Understanding Extra Webhook Config Options.mp4 47.45Мб
102. Inspect Validating Webhook Config Requests.mp4 57.02Мб
103. Intro to Container Image Scanning with GitHub Actions.mp4 75.66Мб
104. Create Simple GitHub Actions Project.mp4 31.69Мб
105. Install and Run Trivy in GitHub Actions.mp4 53.72Мб
106. Abort GitHub Actions Workflow on Detected Vulnerabilities.mp4 28.79Мб
107. Improve Trivy Performance in GitHub Actions.mp4 50.19Мб
108. Schedule Chaos Mesh Experiments with Cron Expressions.mp4 77.87Мб
109. Develop Complex Chaos Mesh Workflows.mp4 49.17Мб
11. Deploy Example Kubernetes Network Policy Scenario.mp4 29.20Мб
110. Inject Stress Chaos into Kubernetes Pods.mp4 46.97Мб
111. Perform Kubernetes Network Attacks with Chaos Mesh.mp4 41.12Мб
112. Intro to Pod Security Standards.mp4 90.44Мб
113. Implement Warning for Baseline Pod Security Standard on Namespace.mp4 102.05Мб
114. Enforce Baseline Pod Security Standard Versions.mp4 47.79Мб
115. Apply Pod Security Standard to Entire Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 66.72Мб
116. Intro to Kubernetes API Priority and Fairness.mp4 49.89Мб
117. Understanding API Priority & Fairness Resources.mp4 47.70Мб
118. Examine Kubernetes FlowSchema Resource Type.mp4 3.70Мб
119. Validate FlowSchema Applied During k8s API Requests.mp4 58.14Мб
12. Practice Kubernetes Network Policy.mp4 29.79Мб
120. Explore Kubernetes Priority Level Configuration Queues.mp4 55.02Мб
121. Intro to Kubernetes Infrastructure Testing with Pester.mp4 9.04Мб
122. Discuss Specific Use Cases for Automated Kubernetes Testing.mp4 42.22Мб
123. Setting Up PowerShell and Pester Dev Environment.mp4 29.42Мб
124. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Pods in Default Namespace.mp4 48.31Мб
125. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Deployment Replica Count.mp4 47.48Мб
126. Add Pester Template Strings to Test Cases.mp4 32.46Мб
127. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Cluster Role Bindings.mp4 52.39Мб
128. What's Driving the Need for Policy.mp4 56.85Мб
129. Intro to Open Policy Agent (OPA) Concepts.mp4 65.83Мб
13. Intro to Securing Kubernetes GUIs.mp4 90.44Мб
130. Understand OPA Gatekeeper Architecture with Kubernetes.mp4 60.25Мб
131. Install OPA Gatekeeper on Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 55.21Мб
132. Deploy OPA Constraints to Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 65.18Мб
133. Remediate Audit Violations from OPA Gatekeeper.mp4 61.07Мб
134. Intro to Kubernetes Resource Validation with Datree.mp4 62.15Мб
135. Run Datree CLI Against Local Kubernetes Manifest.mp4 29.94Мб
136. Skip Datree Policy Rules with Resource Annotations.mp4 38.28Мб
137. Evaluate Datree Policy Rules on Live Kubernetes Resources.mp4 52.20Мб
138. Configure Datree Policies Centrally or Locally.mp4 37.52Мб
139. Intro to Rego for Open Policy Agent (OPA).mp4 20.93Мб
14. Secure Kubernetes GUIs with Cloud Native Firewalls.mp4 66.98Мб
140. Create Rego Policy and Parse with OPA CLI.mp4 40.91Мб
141. Write Rego Policy Tests and Execute with OPA CLI.mp4 21.64Мб
142. Pass Inputs to Rego Policies and Use String Functions.mp4 28.56Мб
143. Evaluate Rego Policy Return Values.mp4 21.34Мб
144. Implement Time Window Policy in Rego.mp4 47.46Мб
15. Encrypt Network Packets with Ingress and TLS.mp4 50.70Мб
16. Understand Kubernetes Network Policies for Securing GUIs.mp4 47.00Мб
17. Enable AuthN and AuthZ for Kubernetes GUI Security.mp4 52.96Мб
18. Disable Web UIs for Improved Cluster Security.mp4 56.45Мб
19. Intro to CIS Benchmarks for Kubernetes.mp4 59.00Мб
2. Kubernetes Cluster and Node Hardening.mp4 64.67Мб
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20. Discuss the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark Document.mp4 44.68Мб
21. Understand Etcd and Control Plane Authentication Recommendations.mp4 61.45Мб
22. Review Kubernetes Worker Node CIS Benchmarks.mp4 12.61Мб
23. Learn Kubernetes Policy CIS Benchmarks.mp4 82.64Мб
24. Intro to Kubernetes Sealed Secrets.mp4 66.01Мб
25. Deploy Bitnami Sealed Secrets to Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 90.10Мб
26. Encrypt Secrets with Kubeseal CLI Tool.mp4 60.22Мб
27. Deploy and Unwrap Sealed Secret Resources on Kubernetes.mp4 29.03Мб
28. Intro to Chaos Mesh for Kubernetes.mp4 57.89Мб
29. Install Chaos Mesh on Kubernetes Clusters.mp4 75.89Мб
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3. Secure Microservices with Service Mesh and Policy.mp4 69.63Мб
30. Explore the Chaos Mesh Dashboard UI.mp4 36.84Мб
31. Inject HTTP Chaos Mesh Experiment into Pods.mp4 83.61Мб
32. Intro to Signing Container Images.mp4 56.79Мб
33. Understanding Sigstore Cosign CLI.mp4 72.57Мб
34. Install Cosign CLI and Generate Key Pair.mp4 78.81Мб
35. Build and Digitally Sign Container Image with Cosign.mp4 90.39Мб
36. Intro to Open Service Mesh for Kubernetes.mp4 46.68Мб
37. Understand Open Service Mesh Installation Process.mp4 56.84Мб
38 Install Open Service Mesh on Kubernetes with OSM CLI.mp4 48.42Мб
39. Onboard Kubernetes Namespaces to Open Service Mesh.mp4 49.18Мб
4. Discuss Software Supply Chain Security.mp4 70.82Мб
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40. Verify Service Connectivity from OSM Client Pod.mp4 34.39Мб
41. Limit Network Connectivity with OSM IngressBackend Resource.mp4 67.56Мб
42. Intro to Hashicorp Vault on Kubernetes.mp4 35.43Мб
43. Understanding Hashicorp Vault Architecture on Kubernetes.mp4 56.45Мб
44. Install Hashicorp Vault on Kubernetes with Helm.mp4 38.55Мб
45. Initialize and Unseal Hashicorp Vault and Create Secret.mp4 38.86Мб
46. Create Vault Permissions Policy and Role.mp4 25.98Мб
47. Inject Hashicorp Vault Secrets into Kubernetes Pod.mp4 74.42Мб
48. Intro to Pod Security Policies.mp4 53.45Мб
49. Learn Pod Security Policy Architecture.mp4 49.89Мб
5. Kubernetes Monitoring and Runtime Security.mp4 51.21Мб
50. Test Default Behavior of Kubernetes PSPs.mp4 41.64Мб
51. Create Kubernetes Service Account and Pod Security Policy.mp4 24.49Мб
52. Create Role and Validate PSP Behavior.mp4 34.98Мб
53. Intro to Kubernetes Admission Controllers.mp4 69.94Мб
54. Learn About Dynamic Admission Controllers.mp4 59.66Мб
55. Examine Built-in Kubernetes Admission Controllers.mp4 67.73Мб
56. Customize Kubernetes (k3s) API Server Admission Plugins.mp4 64.82Мб
57. Intro to Auditing in Kubernetes.mp4 73.12Мб
58. Understanding Kubernetes Audit Policy Configuration.mp4 80.76Мб
59. Install K3S and Enable Audit Logging.mp4 73.00Мб
6. Learn Network Policy Security Concepts in Kubernetes.mp4 45.00Мб
60. Enable Kubernetes Audit Backend.mp4 52.26Мб
61. Intro to Kubernetes Event Resources.mp4 80.30Мб
62. Explore Kubernetes Event Schema.mp4 58.94Мб
63. Understand Node Level Events in Kubernetes.mp4 29.49Мб
64. Explore Pod Events in Kubernetes.mp4 43.55Мб
65. Filter Kubernetes Events with Kubectl CLI.mp4 48.07Мб
66. Intro to Processing Kubernetes Audit Logs.mp4 73.56Мб
67. Provision Kubernetes Audit Database with MySQL.mp4 61.97Мб
68. Connect to MySQL Database from PowerShell and VSCode.mp4 69.44Мб
69. Parse Kubernetes JSON Audit Logs and Insert MySQL Records.mp4 133.70Мб
7. Block Network Traffic by Source CIDR Block.mp4 38.40Мб
70. Intro to Container Image Verification in Kubernetes.mp4 116.51Мб
71. Customize Connaisseur Helm Variables.mp4 61.39Мб
72. Install Connaisseur Helm Chart.mp4 39.83Мб
73. Build and Test Signed Container Image.mp4 104.44Мб
74. Intro to Container Image Vulnerability Scanning Tools.mp4 49.96Мб
75. Explore Trivy Scanner Functionality.mp4 62.14Мб
76. Deep Dive Into Trivy Vulnerability Data Sources.mp4 74.43Мб
77. Run Trivy Vulnerability Scan on Linux VM.mp4 76.09Мб
78. Intro to Falco Open Source Event Detection.mp4 59.93Мб
79. Learn About Falco Sidekick Utility.mp4 48.64Мб
8. Apply Pod Selectors to Kubernetes Network Policy.mp4 28.33Мб
80. Engage with the Falco Development Community.mp4 51.53Мб
81. Install Falco on Linux Virtual Machine.mp4 59.34Мб
82. Review Falco Configuration Files and Launch Falco.mp4 60.98Мб
83. Intro to Teleport Proxy Security for Kubernetes.mp4 36.66Мб
84. Understanding Teleport Architecture on Kubernetes.mp4 46.27Мб
85. Install Teleport Proxy on Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 56.74Мб
86. Configure Teleport DNS Endpoint and User.mp4 57.86Мб
87. Login to Kubernetes Cluster via Teleport CLI.mp4 67.62Мб
88. Intro to Kyverno Policy Management for Kubernetes.mp4 82.15Мб
89. Install Kyverno on Kubernetes Cluster with Helm.mp4 68.42Мб
9. Select Network Traffic by Source Namespace.mp4 32.17Мб
90. Examine Kyverno Policy Library and Network Policy.mp4 53.78Мб
91. Apply Kyverno Policy to Enforce Kubernetes Quotas.mp4 32.90Мб
92. Intro to Kubernetes Monitoring with Sumo Logic.mp4 28.32Мб
93. Install Sumo Logic Helm Chart on Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 46.57Мб
94. Explore Sumo Logic Open Source Components.mp4 35.82Мб
95. Explore Built-in Kubernetes Dashboards in Sumo Logic.mp4 25.49Мб
96. Understanding Kubernetes E-mail Alerts in Sumo Logic.mp4 41.69Мб
97. Intro to Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Controllers.mp4 66.18Мб
98. Learn Basic Structure of Validating Webhook Configuration.mp4 61.70Мб
99. Understanding Kubernetes Webhook Configuration Rules.mp4 66.46Мб
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