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Название Quest of the Historical Jesus - Collection 2
Тип Книги
Размер 212.56Мб

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Acharya - The Christ Conspiracy; The Greatest Story Ever Sold (1999).pdf 2.48Мб
Atwill - Caesar's Messiah; The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus (2005).pdf 2.29Мб
Charlesworth - The Messiah; Developments in Earliest Judaism and Christianity (1992).pdf 34.00Мб
Cone - Gospel Criticism and Historical Christianity (1891).djvu 11.95Мб
Drews - The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus (1912).djvu 7.30Мб
Habermas - The Historical Jesus (1996).pdf 35.61Мб
Leeming - Mythology, the Voyage of the Hero, 3rd ed. (1998).pdf 16.70Мб
Massey - The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ (1880).pdf 2.08Мб
McKnight - Jesus and His Death; Historiography, the Historical Jesus, and Atonement Theory (2005).pdf 1.92Мб
Middleton - Scandalizing Jesus; Kazantzakis's The Last Temptation of Christ Fifty Years On (2005).pdf 16.47Мб
Murphy - The Historical Jesus For Dummies (2008).pdf 38.46Мб
Otto - Life and Ministry of Jesus according to Historical and Critical Method (1908).pdf 4.58Мб
Remsburg - The Christ; A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidences of His Existence (1909).pdf 26.32Мб
Spong - Jesus for the Non-Religious (2007).pdf 1.26Мб
Stanton - Jesus and Gospel (2004).pdf 2.81Мб
Steinberg - Christotainment; Selling Jesus through Popular Culture (2009).pdf 3.52Мб
Tatum - Jesus; A Brief History (2009).pdf 1.25Мб
The Cambridge Companion to Jesus (2001).pdf 1.29Мб
Wills - Quest for Historical Gospel (1997).pdf 2.24Мб
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