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Название [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Linux Academy - Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHEL 8 RHCE)
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0. (1Hack.Us) Premium Tutorials-Guides-Articles & Community based Forum.url 377б
1. (FreeCoursesOnline.Me) Download Udacity, Masterclass, Lynda, PHLearn, Pluralsight Free.url 286б
2. (NulledPremium.com) Download E-Learning, E-Books, Audio-Books, & more.etc.url 163б
3. (FTUApps.com) Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url 239б
388-4867-1 - Understand and Use Essential Tools (Part 1).mp4 174.00Мб
388-4867-2 - Understand and Use Essential Tools (Part 2).mp4 59.51Мб
388-4867-3 - Operate Running Systems.mp4 98.96Мб
388-4867-4 - Configure Local Storage.mp4 50.87Мб
388-4867-5 - Create and Configure File Systems.mp4 83.27Мб
388-4867-6 - Deploy, Configure, and Maintain systems.mp4 85.60Мб
388-4867-7 - Manage Users and Groups.mp4 82.48Мб
388-4867-8 - Manage Security (Part 1).mp4 56.41Мб
388-4867-9 - Manage Security (Part 2).mp4 59.16Мб
388-4868-1 - Inventories.mp4 50.92Мб
388-4868-2 - Modules.mp4 13.24Мб
388-4868-3 - Variables.mp4 14.51Мб
388-4868-4 - Facts.mp4 20.93Мб
388-4868-5 - Plays and Playbooks.mp4 13.10Мб
388-4868-6 - Configuration Files.mp4 57.65Мб
388-4869-1 - Install Required Packages.mp4 60.67Мб
388-4869-2 - Create a Static Host Inventory File.mp4 62.35Мб
388-4869-3 - Create a Configuration File.mp4 58.69Мб
388-4870-1 - Create and Distribute SSH Keys to Manage Nodes and Configure Privilege Escalation.mp4 57.19Мб
388-4870-2 - Validate a Working Configuration Using Ad Hoc Ansible Commands.mp4 78.17Мб
388-4871-1 - Create Simple Shell Scripts.mp4 55.60Мб
388-4871-2 - Create Shell Scripts That Run Ad Hoc Ansible Commands.mp4 63.52Мб
388-4872-1 - Know How to Work with Commonly Used Ansible Modules.mp4 91.01Мб
388-4872-2 - Use Variables to Retrieve the Results of Running a Command.mp4 55.84Мб
388-4872-3 - Use Conditionals to Control Play Execution.mp4 92.87Мб
388-4872-4 - Configure Error Handling.mp4 66.14Мб
388-4872-5 - Create Playbooks to Configure Systems to a Specified State.mp4 73.91Мб
388-4873-10 - Users and Groups.mp4 60.92Мб
388-4873-1 - Software Packages and Repositories.mp4 56.95Мб
388-4873-2 - Services.mp4 42.35Мб
388-4873-3 - Firewall Rules.mp4 61.20Мб
388-4873-4 - Storage Devices.mp4 66.66Мб
388-4873-5 - File Content.mp4 84.42Мб
388-4873-6 - File Systems.mp4 53.23Мб
388-4873-7 - Archiving.mp4 57.80Мб
388-4873-8 - Scheduled Tasks.mp4 50.11Мб
388-4873-9 - Security.mp4 68.11Мб
388-4874-1 - Ansible Variables.mp4 86.36Мб
388-4874-2 - Ansible Templates.mp4 90.96Мб
388-4875-1 - Understanding Roles.mp4 71.19Мб
388-4875-2 - Creating and Using Roles.mp4 88.48Мб
388-4875-3 - Ansible Galaxy.mp4 58.85Мб
388-4876-1 - Parallelism with Ansible.mp4 39.55Мб
388-4877-1 - Ansible Vault.mp4 49.52Мб
388-4877-2 - Using Ansible Vault in a Playbook.mp4 49.26Мб
388-4878-1 - Local Documentation.mp4 46.05Мб
388-4878-2 - Documentation on the Web.mp4 142.54Мб
388-4880-1 - Conclusion.mp4 68.20Мб
388-4881-1 - About the Course.mp4 46.79Мб
388-4881-2 - About the Author.mp4 6.33Мб
388-4881-3 - About the Exam.mp4 20.17Мб
How you can help our Group!.txt 208б
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