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Название Criticism of the Bible - Collection 48
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Amos - Hypocrites or Heroes. The Paradoxical Portrayal of the Pharisees in the New Testament (2015).epub 466.42Кб
Bach - Women in the Hebrew Bible (1999).pdf 18.12Мб
Beal - Religion and Its Monsters (2002).pdf 5.52Мб
Boda - A Severe Mercy. Sin and Its Remedy in the Old Testament (2009).pdf 6.80Мб
Borchardt - The Torah in 1Maccabees. A Literary Critical Approach to the Text (2014).pdf 3.76Мб
Chapman & Sweeney (Eds.) - The Cambridge Companion to The Hebrew Bible-Old Testament (2016).pdf 3.40Мб
Coleman - “Biblical Inerrancy; Are We Going Anywhere”, Theology Today (Jan, 1975), pp 295-303.pdf 531.67Кб
Davidson - Flame of Yahweh; Sexuality in the Old Testament (2007).pdf 9.60Мб
Donaldson, A.M. - “Explicit References to New Testament Variant Readings Among Greek and Latin Church Fathers”, PhD Thesis, U. Notre Dame, 2009..pdf 2.77Мб
Edenburg & Pakkala (Eds.) - Is Samuel Among the Deuteronomists. Current Views on the Place of Samuel in a Deuteronomistic History (2013).pdf 2.06Мб
Fox - The Unauthorized Version. Truth and Fiction in the Bible (1991).epub 1.99Мб
Gladden, W. - Seven Puzzling Bible Books. A Supplement to ‘Who Wrote the Bible’ (1897).pdf 11.86Мб
Gladden, W. - Who Wrote the Bible. A Book for the People (1891).pdf 17.25Мб
Grabbe - The Hebrew Bible and History; Critical Readings (2018).pdf 2.83Мб
Heiser - The Bible Unfiltered. Approaching Scripture on Its Own Terms (2017).epub 6.36Мб
Hixson & Gurry (Eds.) - Myth and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism (2019).pdf 42.55Мб
Ingermason - Who Wrote the Bible Code. A Physicist Probes the Current Controversy (1999).epub 4.22Мб
Instone-Brewer - Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. The Social and Literary Context (2002).epub 17.83Мб
Keener - Christobiography. Memory, History, and the Reliability of the Gospels (2019).epub 2.46Мб
King - The Gospel of Mary of Magdala. Jesus and the First Woman Apostle (2003).pdf 7.02Мб
Louden - Greek Myth and the Bible (2019).pdf 37.55Мб
Luyster, R. - ‘Myth and History in the Book of Exodus,’ Religion, 8(2), Autumn 1978, pp 155-170..pdf 807.64Кб
Martinich - The Two Gods of Leviathan. Thomas Hobbes on Religion and Politics (1992).pdf 18.22Мб
Moore - Untold Tales from the Book of Revelation; Sex and Gender, Empire and Ecology (2014).pdf 11.84Мб
Myles (Ed.) - Class Struggle in the New Testament (2019).pdf 4.52Мб
Peppiatt - Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women. Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts (2019).epub 2.17Мб
Preus - Spinoza and the Irrelevance of Biblical Authority (2001).pdf 1.29Мб
Read-Heimerdinger & Rius-Camps - A Gospel Synopsis of the Greek Text of Matthew, Mark and Luke. A Comparison of Codex Bezae and Codex Vaticanus (2014).pdf 7.00Мб
Rowlett - Joshua and the Rhetoric of Violence; A New Historicist Analysis (1996).pdf 9.49Мб
Schniedewind - The Finger of the Scribe. How Scribes Learned to Write the Bible (2019).pdf 10.28Мб
Shanks - “The Dead Sea Scrolls. Discovery and Meaning”, An Illustrated Lecture (2007).pdf 493.23Кб
Spong - Re-claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World (2011).epub 1.81Мб
Strawn - The Old Testament. A Concise Introduction (2020).pdf 3.68Мб
Tuck (Ed.) - A Handbook of Biblical Difficulties; or, Reasonable Solutions of Perplexing Things in Sacred Scripture (.pdf 38.51Мб
Weissenberg et al (Eds.) - Changes in Scripture. Rewriting and Interpreting Authoritative Traditions in the Second Temple Period (2011).pdf 2.91Мб
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