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Название [FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - IoT (Internet of Things) Automation using Raspberry Pi
Тип Приложение для PC
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1. Application Settings and Setup.mp4 74.67Мб
1. Application Settings and Setup.vtt 8.00Кб
1. Applying Changes to the Codes.mp4 41.57Мб
1. Applying Changes to the Codes.vtt 4.25Кб
1. Bitwise Operators.mp4 79.88Мб
1. Bitwise Operators.vtt 11.09Кб
1. Conclusion to IoT.mp4 20.50Мб
1. Conclusion to IoT.vtt 2.49Кб
1. Connecting Server with the Client.mp4 80.51Мб
1. Connecting Server with the Client.vtt 11.48Кб
1. Creating or Writing a New Module.mp4 53.32Мб
1. Creating or Writing a New Module.vtt 11.21Кб
1. Creating Own Data Structure.mp4 53.30Мб
1. Creating Own Data Structure.vtt 11.21Кб
1. Data Structures in Python.mp4 24.28Мб
1. Data Structures in Python.vtt 5.50Кб
1. Examples on List and Strings.mp4 35.28Мб
1. Examples on List and Strings.vtt 8.87Кб
1. File System in Raspberry PI.mp4 66.52Мб
1. File System in Raspberry PI.vtt 8.08Кб
1. Functions with Default Arguments.mp4 55.94Мб
1. Functions with Default Arguments.vtt 7.16Кб
1. Getting the Coding.mp4 86.06Мб
1. Getting the Coding.vtt 8.45Кб
1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi 2 and 3.mp4 104.57Мб
1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi 2 and 3.vtt 10.78Кб
1. Looping Statements and Applications.mp4 64.78Мб
1. Looping Statements and Applications.vtt 12.11Кб
1. Modifying the Twthon Streamer.mp4 82.69Мб
1. Modifying the Twthon Streamer.vtt 11.00Кб
1. Networking in Python.mp4 24.78Мб
1. Networking in Python.vtt 7.40Кб
1. Performing Automation on Bredboard.mp4 43.63Мб
1. Performing Automation on Bredboard.vtt 4.75Кб
1. Programming Raspberry Pi Pins.mp4 35.13Мб
1. Programming Raspberry Pi Pins.vtt 3.77Кб
1. Programming Server and Client.mp4 28.41Мб
1. Programming Server and Client.vtt 7.32Кб
1. Raspberry PI Configuration.mp4 94.09Мб
1. Raspberry PI Configuration.vtt 7.52Кб
1. Reading an Input from the Button.mp4 45.12Мб
1. Reading an Input from the Button.vtt 7.78Кб
1. Selections Statement.mp4 41.20Мб
1. Selections Statement.vtt 5.50Кб
1. Sending Email using Raspi.mp4 72.99Мб
1. Sending Email using Raspi.vtt 8.10Кб
1. Tuples.mp4 26.00Мб
1. Tuples.vtt 4.27Кб
1. Varying the Intensity of Light.mp4 82.82Мб
1. Varying the Intensity of Light.vtt 12.94Кб
1. Writing a Program.mp4 62.77Мб
1. Writing a Program.vtt 7.22Кб
1. Writing Python Code as Client.mp4 59.23Мб
1. Writing Python Code as Client.vtt 8.13Кб
2. Alternate Elements in String.mp4 27.33Мб
2. Alternate Elements in String.vtt 6.10Кб
2. Analyzing Change in Parameters.mp4 79.81Мб
2. Analyzing Change in Parameters.vtt 10.80Кб
2. Analyzing the Object of My Streamer.mp4 102.90Мб
2. Analyzing the Object of My Streamer.vtt 10.11Кб
2. Button and LED Working Together.mp4 45.19Мб
2. Button and LED Working Together.vtt 8.24Кб
2. Client or the Server Address.mp4 43.40Мб
2. Client or the Server Address.vtt 11.60Кб
2. Commands from Raspberry Pi.mp4 30.03Мб
2. Commands from Raspberry Pi.vtt 2.18Кб
2. Connecting to the Server.mp4 50.71Мб
2. Connecting to the Server.vtt 7.12Кб
2. Creating a Function Method.mp4 26.97Мб
2. Creating a Function Method.vtt 7.19Кб
2. Creating a PWM Object.mp4 95.00Мб
2. Creating a PWM Object.vtt 11.91Кб
2. Emailing Sensor Values.mp4 58.04Мб
2. Emailing Sensor Values.vtt 6.75Кб
2. Forming an Assignment Operators.mp4 34.23Мб
2. Forming an Assignment Operators.vtt 6.81Кб
2. Giving Title Name.mp4 95.94Мб
2. Giving Title Name.vtt 8.01Кб
2. IP Address of Raspberry.mp4 100.60Мб
2. IP Address of Raspberry.vtt 10.33Кб
2. List Comprehension.mp4 84.26Мб
2. List Comprehension.vtt 9.83Кб
2. New File in Application.mp4 31.03Мб
2. New File in Application.vtt 8.28Кб
2. Pin Configuration for Twython and gpiozero App.mp4 172.61Мб
2. Pin Configuration for Twython and gpiozero App.vtt 9.60Кб
2. Python3 Codes on Raspberry PI.mp4 60.09Мб
2. Python3 Codes on Raspberry PI.vtt 10.61Кб
2. Required Positional Arguments.mp4 53.91Мб
2. Required Positional Arguments.vtt 7.20Кб
2. Setup for Raspberry OS.mp4 109.48Мб
2. Setup for Raspberry OS.vtt 10.81Кб
2. Taking Input Decision.mp4 60.64Мб
2. Taking Input Decision.vtt 6.16Кб
2. Understanding Set Data Structure.mp4 28.57Мб
2. Understanding Set Data Structure.vtt 4.42Кб
2. Understanding the Server to be created.mp4 57.18Мб
2. Updating Status with Image.mp4 73.97Мб
2. Updating Status with Image.vtt 8.83Кб
2. Writing a Program Continues.mp4 44.21Мб
2. Writing a Program Continues.vtt 8.55Кб
2. Writing Text File.mp4 110.39Мб
2. Writing Text File.vtt 10.68Кб
3. Blinking LED and Programming Pin.mp4 228.57Мб
3. Blinking LED and Programming Pin.vtt 14.34Кб
3. Closing the Socket.mp4 100.62Мб
3. Closing the Socket.vtt 9.42Кб
3. Defining New Functions.mp4 95.02Мб
3. Defining New Functions.vtt 12.61Кб
3. Dictionary Data Structure.mp4 41.20Мб
3. Dictionary Data Structure.vtt 6.77Кб
3. Dot Format Method.mp4 20.40Мб
3. Dot Format Method.vtt 4.60Кб
3. Input from User.mp4 63.41Мб
3. Input from User.vtt 10.20Кб
3. Installation of Python.mp4 57.47Мб
3. Installation of Python.vtt 7.28Кб
3. IP Address and Port Number.mp4 31.21Мб
3. IP Address and Port Number.vtt 5.47Кб
3. Learning more on Class and Object.mp4 84.10Мб
3. Learning more on Class and Object.vtt 11.90Кб
3. Led Controlling by a Tweet.mp4 25.12Мб
3. Led Controlling by a Tweet.vtt 1.53Кб
3. Logical Operator Not.mp4 77.64Мб
3. Logical Operator Not.vtt 9.51Кб
3. Method for Search Generator.mp4 47.09Мб
3. Method for Search Generator.vtt 4.69Кб
3. Modifying the Led Buttons.mp4 48.98Мб
3. Modifying the Led Buttons.vtt 4.80Кб
3. Reading the Value of Pins.mp4 22.90Мб
3. Reading the Value of Pins.vtt 2.83Кб
3. Redefining the Values.mp4 54.14Мб
3. Redefining the Values.vtt 9.13Кб
3. Running Function from the Module.mp4 29.69Мб
3. Running Function from the Module.vtt 7.71Кб
3. Running Server on Raspberry Pi.mp4 55.70Мб
3. Running Server on Raspberry Pi.vtt 9.63Кб
3. SMTP Authentication Error.mp4 95.02Мб
3. SMTP Authentication Error.vtt 9.88Кб
3. Starting up with Software.mp4 51.87Мб
3. Starting up with Software.vtt 9.07Кб
4. Coding for running the Server.mp4 41.05Мб
4. Coding for running the Server.vtt 5.81Кб
4. Concepts in Loop.mp4 36.73Мб
4. Concepts in Loop.vtt 8.84Кб
4. Connecting the DHT Sensor.mp4 78.79Мб
4. Connecting the DHT Sensor.vtt 3.86Кб
4. Correcting the Import Code.mp4 29.77Мб
4. Correcting the Import Code.vtt 5.20Кб
4. Creating the Connections.mp4 148.13Мб
4. Creating the Connections.vtt 7.41Кб
4. Defining the Get Count Method.mp4 55.50Мб
4. Defining the Get Count Method.vtt 7.43Кб
4. Programming and gpiozero Configuration.mp4 59.52Мб
4. Slicing Operator in Strings.mp4 17.48Мб
4. Slicing Operator in Strings.vtt 3.93Кб
4. Starting up SSH Client.mp4 46.40Мб
4. Starting up SSH Client.vtt 7.23Кб
5. Checking the Buttons.mp4 72.45Мб
5. Checking the Buttons.vtt 5.79Кб
5. Creating an Object of Class.mp4 69.16Мб
5. Creating an Object of Class.vtt 10.23Кб
5. Lists in Python.mp4 57.66Мб
5. Lists in Python.vtt 10.78Кб
5. Printing Results for Files.mp4 70.01Мб
5. Printing Results for Files.vtt 7.11Кб
5. Running the Programming Code.mp4 28.69Мб
5. Running the Programming Code.vtt 2.64Кб
5. Using the Break Keyword.mp4 21.83Мб
5. Using the Break Keyword.vtt 3.67Кб
6. Analyzing the connection on the Port.mp4 38.08Мб
6. Analyzing the connection on the Port.vtt 4.65Кб
6. Importing the Button.mp4 107.83Мб
6. Importing the Button.vtt 10.92Кб
6. Working with Pins of Raspberry PI.mp4 105.66Мб
6. Working with Pins of Raspberry PI.vtt 9.91Кб
7. Emailing Temperature and Humidity.mp4 94.16Мб
7. Emailing Temperature and Humidity.vtt 10.04Кб
7. Using the Raspberry PI.mp4 237.43Мб
7. Using the Raspberry PI.vtt 13.38Кб
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