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Название [ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Object-Oriented Programming and Design Crash Course
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1.1 Programming Books Recommendations.html 126б
1. Composition Introduction.mp4 46.05Мб
1. Course Summary.mp4 96.67Мб
1. Inheritance Introduction.mp4 156.28Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 55.62Мб
1. Object Oriented Programming vs Object Oriented Design.mp4 44.79Мб
1. Real World Object vs OOP Object.mp4 187.26Мб
1. The Main Goal of Object Oriented Programming.mp4 68.90Мб
2.1 Thread Safe Observer Design Pattern in Java.html 136б
2. Composition Goals and Benefits.mp4 128.75Мб
2. Inheritance in Statically vs Dynamically Typed Languages.mp4 165.53Мб
2. Large System Problem.mp4 97.03Мб
2. Object vs Class.mp4 120.93Мб
2. Observer Design Pattern.mp4 195.26Мб
2. Udemy Review System.mp4 26.65Мб
3. Abstractions.mp4 104.15Мб
3. Composition Challenges.mp4 112.50Мб
3. Facade Design Pattern.mp4 198.49Мб
3. The Importance of Object's State.mp4 48.35Мб
3. The Main Benefit of Inheritance in OOP.mp4 154.58Мб
4. Dependency Injection.mp4 194.91Мб
4. Inheritance and Code Reuse.mp4 198.98Мб
4. Naming.mp4 123.05Мб
4. Responsibility.mp4 104.59Мб
4. Strategy Design Pattern.mp4 151.66Мб
5.1 Safe Publication and Safe Initialization in Java.html 117б
5. Composition Summary.mp4 120.15Мб
5. Favor Composition over Inheritance.mp4 219.17Мб
5. Object Oriented Design Summary.mp4 88.03Мб
5. Single Responsibility Principle.mp4 86.42Мб
5. Singleton Design Pattern.mp4 225.18Мб
6. Design Patterns Summary.mp4 141.84Мб
6. Inheritance Summary.mp4 96.66Мб
6. OOP Object Summary.mp4 67.80Мб
Bonus Resources.txt 386б
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 182б
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