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Название The Medieval Islamic Civilization - Col 22 (Hist , Legacy 6) (The Medieval Islamic Civilization - Collection 22 (History, Legacy 6))
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Atcil - Scholars and Sultans in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire (2017).pdf 1.43Мб
Barnard - The Genius of Islam; How Muslims Made the Modern World (2011).epub 13.64Мб
Brotton - The Sultan and the Queen; the Untold Story of Elizabeth and Islam (2016).epub 25.18Мб
Cohn - The Medieval Islamic World; Conflict and Conquest (2013).pdf 7.84Мб
Freely - The Grand Turk; Sultan Mehmet II - Conqueror of Constantinople and Master of an Empire (2009).epub 1.49Мб
Gordon - When Asia was the World; Traveling Merchants, Scholars, Warriors, and Monks Who Created the Riches of the East (2008).epub 4.01Мб
Harmann (Ed.) - Islamic History and Civilization; Studies and Texts (2009).pdf 11.57Мб
Hillenbrand - Islam; a New Historical Introduction (2015).epub 42.52Мб
Hitchcock - Muslim Spain Reconsidered; From 711 to 1502 (2014).pdf 2.32Мб
Lipman - Familiar Strangers; a History of Muslims in Northwest China (1997).pdf 21.31Мб
Martell - The World of Islam before 1700 (1999).pdf 11.50Мб
Matar (Ed.) - Henry Stubbe and the Beginning of Islam; The Originall & Progress of Mahometanism (2014).epub 16.54Мб
McPhillips & Wordsworth (Eds.) - Landscapes of the Islamic World; Archeology, History, and Ethnography (2016).pdf 17.12Мб
Mole & Dallam - The Sultan's Organ; the Diary of Thomas Dallam, 1599 (2011).epub 384.96Кб
Nasr - Islamic Life and Thought (1981).pdf 1.03Мб
Scott - The Impact of Islam (2014).epub 1.55Мб
Semaan - Islam and the Medieval West; Aspects of Intercultural Relations.. (1980).epub 346.16Кб
Stubbe - An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism with the Life of Mahomet, and a Vindication of him and his Religion.. (1705, 1911).pdf 23.23Мб
Vuckovic - Heavenly Journeys, Earthly Concerns; the Legacy of the Mi‘raj in the Formation of Islam (2005).pdf 11.55Мб
Weatherford - Genghis Khan and the Quest for God; How the World's Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious Freedom (2016).epub 1.93Мб
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