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Название Node-RED IoT projects with ESP32, MQTT and Docker
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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 682.19Кб
1 484.75Кб
1.1 6.1 Intro.mp4 19.21Мб
1. Intro.mp4 30.51Мб
1. Intro.mp4 30.24Мб
1. Intro.mp4 27.03Мб
1. Intro.mp4 26.98Мб
1. Intro.mp4 24.58Мб
1. Intro.mp4 22.88Мб
1. Intro.mp4 22.46Мб
1. Intro.mp4 19.21Мб
1. Intro.mp4 18.44Мб
1. Intro.mp4 18.23Мб
1. Intro.mp4 17.26Мб
1. Intro.mp4 15.44Мб
1. Intro.mp4 12.52Мб
1. Intro.mp4 9.83Мб
1. Promo.mp4 38.44Мб
1. Summary of all learnings.mp4 81.93Мб
10 545.97Кб
10. Control fan with hysteresis.mp4 80.83Мб
10. JSON editing.mp4 43.20Мб
10. Mosquitto Broker with PW authentication.mp4 52.37Мб
10. Relay temperature monitoring with telegram notification.mp4 172.33Мб
10. Send Record to WEB API.mp4 119.54Мб
10. Store water level information in MariaDB.mp4 46.91Мб
100 754.05Кб
101 19.11Кб
102 948.75Кб
103 119.32Кб
104 524.22Кб
105 627.49Кб
106 918.74Кб
107 503.55Кб
108 669.38Кб
109 777.92Кб
11 775.38Кб
11. Formatting date and other variables.mp4 79.05Мб
11. Node-RED.mp4 53.20Мб
11. Temperature values and hysteresis.mp4 35.43Мб
11. Time interval for watering.mp4 106.55Мб
110 279.63Кб
111 982.00Кб
112 993.46Кб
113 20.17Кб
114 359.20Кб
115 432.08Кб
116 372.04Кб
117 692.16Кб
118 117.88Кб
119 184.93Кб
12 870.46Кб
12. ESP32 requests new data.mp4 120.47Мб
12. Monitor water tank level.mp4 31.88Мб
12. Node-RED with authentication.mp4 56.75Мб
120 549.54Кб
121 595.91Кб
122 646.76Кб
123 1001.88Кб
124 609.58Кб
125 940.80Кб
126 691.69Кб
127 811.60Кб
128 812.65Кб
129 939.78Кб
13 84б
13. Deepsleep.mp4 66.56Мб
13. DeepSleep to save power.mp4 91.37Мб
13. InfluxDB.mp4 46.61Мб
130 4.19Кб
131 366.94Кб
132 454.50Кб
133 572.68Кб
134 628.89Кб
135 791.09Кб
136 17.05Кб
137 762.51Кб
138 795.00Кб
139 568.47Кб
14 155.24Кб
14. Calculate power consumption.mp4 61.76Мб
14. Grafana.mp4 31.39Мб
14. Visualization of data on Dashboard.mp4 101.15Мб
140 826.40Кб
141 494.33Кб
142 170.37Кб
143 489.35Кб
15 648.26Кб
15. 3D printed housing.mp4 18.39Мб
15. MariaDB and create a DB via CLI.mp4 44.37Мб
16 653.75Кб
16. Adminer.mp4 39.86Мб
17 615.47Кб
17. Update Docker Container.mp4 28.04Мб
18 688.82Кб
18. Traefik as reverse proxy for SSL access.mp4 119.70Мб
19 72.06Кб
19. SSL for Node-RED with Traefik Labels.mp4 61.57Мб
2 547.14Кб
2. About me.mp4 22.42Мб
2. Broker settings and MQTT in & MQTT out.mp4 33.76Мб
2. DynDNS and Certbot.mp4 53.32Мб
2. ESP8266 vs ESP32 XIAO.mp4 35.85Мб
2. Flashing Tasmota.mp4 62.31Мб
2. MQTT terminology.mp4 21.40Мб
2. Recommendation VS Code with PlatformIO.mp4 47.61Мб
2. Separation of tasks of software and hardware.mp4 18.64Мб
2. Thank you and see you soon.mp4 8.52Мб
2. Why Docker.mp4 39.85Мб
2. Wiring.mp4 43.68Мб
2. Wiring.mp4 39.23Мб
2. Wiring.mp4 39.02Мб
2. Wiring.mp4 32.07Мб
2. Wiring.mp4 22.82Мб
2. Wiring.mp4 22.02Мб
20 177.10Кб
20. Cronjobs for backup routines.mp4 31.49Мб
21 969.24Кб
21. Backup of Node-RED Flows via Cronjob.mp4 50.34Мб
22 886.83Кб
23 487.04Кб
24 140.71Кб
25 579.36Кб
26 192.97Кб
27 367.42Кб
28 899.33Кб
29 822.45Кб
3 311.79Кб
3. Basic Sketch.mp4 22.37Мб
3. CameraWebServer Example.mp4 71.81Мб
3. Configure Tasmota.mp4 65.44Мб
3. First overview of flow and nodes.mp4 59.39Мб
3. Flow Chart.mp4 51.73Мб
3. Get a vServer.mp4 40.50Мб
3. Include Libraries.mp4 14.19Мб
3. IoTButton Sketch and Toggle Node.mp4 93.85Мб
3. LED Blink without delay.mp4 52.78Мб
3. Mount Cert files in Docker.mp4 33.47Мб
3. MQTT network using the example of Subscriber and Publisher.mp4 63.77Мб
3. PlatformIO and XIAO ESP32.mp4 35.44Мб
3. Prerequisites.mp4 30.35Мб
3. Read RFID ID.mp4 105.71Мб
3. Save data from Node-RED in InfluxDB.mp4 63.70Мб
30 490.39Кб
31 385.78Кб
32 453.45Кб
33 575.31Кб
34 867.74Кб
35 236.45Кб
36 308.01Кб
37 727.97Кб
38 707.42Кб
39 133.28Кб
4 467.79Кб
4.1 z_AllFiles_V1.1.zip 3.83Мб
4. 3D print and Calculation Battery Consumption.mp4 39.55Мб
4. Basic structure with enums.mp4 45.21Мб
4. BMP180 Temperature and barometric pressure.mp4 57.96Мб
4. Connection to Node-RED.mp4 55.39Мб
4. Docker Installation.mp4 49.84Мб
4. E-Ink Hello World.mp4 82.33Мб
4. First visualization of InfluxDB data in Grafana.mp4 39.62Мб
4. Internet radio stations.mp4 42.01Мб
4. mosquitto.conf and NodeRED Broker Settings.mp4 56.42Мб
4. MQTT Topic Levels and Wildcard with CLI examples.mp4 44.05Мб
4. Overwrite Payload with Function Node.mp4 87.36Мб
4. Send Picture via MQTT.mp4 105.47Мб
4. Sketch, Code examples and flows.mp4 19.32Мб
4. Switching Tasmota sockets with Node-Red.mp4 66.62Мб
4. WiFi and MQTT Connection.mp4 74.52Мб
40 250.87Кб
41 332.73Кб
42 445.41Кб
43 579.89Кб
44 442.45Кб
45 620.69Кб
46 339.86Кб
47 37.13Кб
48 261.05Кб
49 464.43Кб
5 920.60Кб
5. Align text and adjust font.mp4 61.87Мб
5. BH1750 Light sensor.mp4 40.16Мб
5. Control Radio via MQTT.mp4 69.52Мб
5. Display photos in Node-RED.mp4 23.32Мб
5. Docker CLI using the example of Focalboard.mp4 60.43Мб
5. ESP32 and MQTT with TLS.mp4 47.89Мб
5. INSERT and SELECT with MariaDB.mp4 104.47Мб
5. LED checkin checkout.mp4 56.43Мб
5. MQTT communication with Node-RED and ESP32.mp4 63.29Мб
5. Process JSON.mp4 43.84Мб
5. Quality of Service QoS.mp4 37.46Мб
5. Read sensor data from Smart Plug.mp4 23.64Мб
5. Switch LED with MQTT.mp4 129.53Мб
5. The basic sketch - start of every project.mp4 20.08Мб
50 579.90Кб
51 593.34Кб
52 623.52Кб
53 373.71Кб
54 493.84Кб
55 697.90Кб
56 814.85Кб
57 227.34Кб
58 522.28Кб
59 640.35Кб
6 136.97Кб
6. Analyze MQTT Traffic with Wireshark.mp4 25.65Мб
6. Context, flow and global variables.mp4 77.13Мб
6. Convert and embed graphics.mp4 59.57Мб
6. Deepsleep and motion sensor as surveillance camera.mp4 46.83Мб
6. Globals.h for global variables.mp4 39.91Мб
6. Making instead of lecturing.mp4 34.54Мб
6. Portainer.mp4 72.43Мб
6. Retained Messages.mp4 19.08Мб
6. Save energy data in InfluxDB and visualize in Grafana.mp4 65.15Мб
6. Send and receive JSON.mp4 107.87Мб
6. Setting the alarm time and Dashboard.mp4 18.56Мб
6. TimeTagger as Container with docker-compose.mp4 52.49Мб
6. Transmit sensor data to Node-RED.mp4 41.13Мб
60 274.15Кб
61 547.48Кб
62 673.48Кб
63 159.64Кб
64 110.22Кб
65 394.82Кб
66 95.40Кб
67 172.94Кб
68 396.20Кб
69 465.77Кб
7 459.17Кб
7. Birth Death und Last Will.mp4 34.19Мб
7. Disclaimer.mp4 40.18Мб
7. Display text and graphic together.mp4 53.52Мб
7. Mosquitto Broker.mp4 61.68Мб
7. Save data in InfluxDB.mp4 51.47Мб
7. Shelly 1PM Setup.mp4 73.86Мб
7. So many nodes.mp4 34.84Мб
7. Switch on relay via MQTT for 3 seconds.mp4 95.00Мб
7. Telegram Token and Node-RED implementation.mp4 58.67Мб
7. TimeTagger Web API with HTTP Requests.mp4 56.55Мб
7. Transfer source code from VS Code for Arduino IDE.mp4 33.26Мб
70 807.28Кб
71 641.39Кб
72 977.88Кб
73 162.68Кб
74 325.97Кб
75 823.98Кб
76 1013.24Кб
77 893.69Кб
78 511.87Кб
79 838.67Кб
8 295.55Кб
8. Evaluate and transmit fill level with ultrasound.mp4 104.24Мб
8. MQTT Best Practices.mp4 31.10Мб
8. PUT Record via WEB API.mp4 84.40Мб
8. Run Mosquitto in the Container.mp4 29.73Мб
8. Save photo on server.mp4 19.00Мб
8. Shelly and Node-RED via RPC.mp4 114.10Мб
8. Visualize data in Grafana.mp4 70.20Мб
8. Weather data REST API.mp4 33.99Мб
80 857.59Кб
81 97.13Кб
82 138.94Кб
83 152.34Кб
84 393.00Кб
85 463.36Кб
86 785.48Кб
87 1007.40Кб
88 574.46Кб
89 551.68Кб
9 543.98Кб
9. Controlling a fan with MQTT.mp4 71.64Мб
9. Create MariaDB table and use database node.mp4 17.98Мб
9. MQTT Explorer.mp4 32.98Мб
9. ohmyz for more convenient terminal handling.mp4 17.22Мб
9. Send photo via Telegram when motion detector is triggered.mp4 71.12Мб
9. Toggle Shelly with Node-RED.mp4 53.64Мб
9. Use REST APIs in Node-RED.mp4 35.54Мб
9. Using a Flatfile for saving checkin on server.mp4 45.55Мб
90 155.82Кб
91 475.70Кб
92 573.64Кб
93 584.77Кб
94 162.58Кб
95 474.67Кб
96 828.73Кб
97 5.74Кб
98 242.88Кб
99 539.01Кб
TutsNode.net.txt 63б