Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You
cannot download any of those files from here.
BETGame.exe |
338.50KB |
BETGame-Win64-Shipping.exe |
158.72MB |
BET-Windows.pak |
37.27MB |
BET-Windows.sig |
2.85KB |
BET-Windows.ucas |
9.06GB |
BET-Windows.utoc |
15.84MB |
boost_atomic-mt-x64.dll |
17.00KB |
boost_chrono-mt-x64.dll |
34.50KB |
boost_filesystem-mt-x64.dll |
137.00KB |
boost_iostreams-mt-x64.dll |
47.50KB |
boost_program_options-mt-x64.dll |
343.00KB |
boost_python311-mt-x64.dll |
188.00KB |
boost_regex-mt-x64.dll |
229.00KB |
boost_system-mt-x64.dll |
9.50KB |
boost_thread-mt-x64.dll |
72.50KB |
crashpad_handler.exe |
972.50KB |
CrashReportClient.exe |
25.58MB |
CrashReportClient.pak |
6.40MB |
D3D12Core.dll |
3.18MB |
d3d12SDKLayers.dll |
5.51MB |
dbghelp.dll |
2.12MB |
DirectML.dll |
13.37MB |
GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.x64.dll |
5.18MB |
global.ucas |
2.67MB |
global.utoc |
2.54KB |
GPUUtilities.dll |
70.50KB |
invisible.cur |
326B |
libogg_64.dll |
48.00KB |
libvorbis_64.dll |
1.63MB |
libvorbisfile_64.dll |
37.00KB |
Manifest_NonUFSFiles_Win64.txt |
3.58KB |
Manifest_UFSFiles_Win64.txt |
1.51MB |
msquic.dll |
2.42MB |
nvngx_deepdvc.dll |
3.13MB |
nvngx_dlss.dll |
46.70MB |
nvngx_dlssd.dll |
62.59MB |
nvngx_dlssg.dll |
7.24MB |
onnxruntime.dll |
12.92MB |
phonon.dll |
28.00MB |
sl.common.dll |
634.96KB |
sl.deepdvc.dll |
179.96KB |
sl.dlss_g.dll |
447.46KB |
sl.interposer.dll |
527.96KB |
sl.pcl.dll |
170.97KB |
sl.reflex.dll |
193.46KB |
StagedBuild_BET.ini |
0B |
steam_api64.dll |
288.41KB |
steam_appid.txt |
3B |
tbb.dll |
208.50KB |
tbb.dll |
208.50KB |
tbbmalloc.dll |
54.00KB |
tbbmalloc.dll |
54.00KB |
TessellationTable.bin |
253.48KB |
TrueAudioNext.dll |
1.69MB |
UEPrereqSetup_x64.exe |
48.18MB |
xaudio2_9redist.dll |
827.58KB |