Title | Singularity (Singularity.2017.BDRip.1.42Gb.D.MegaPeer.avi) |
Category | Movies |
Size | 1.42GB |
Title | Singularity |
Year | 2017 |
Country | Switzerland, USA |
Category | Sci-Fi |
Director | Robert Kouba |
Actors | Julian Schaffner, John Cusack, Carmen Argenziano, Eileen Grubba |
Description | In 2020, Elias van Dorne (John Cusack), CEO of VA Industries, the world's largest robotics company, introduces his most powerful invention--Kronos, a super computer designed to end all wars... |
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Singularity.2017.BDRip.1.42Gb.D.MegaPeer.avi | 1.42GB |
Russia (RU) | 5 |
Ukraine (UA) | 3 |
Italy (IT) | 1 |
Total | 9 |
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