Torrent Info
Title OREILLY - DevOps Complete Course
Size 10.70GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
0002. Grafana Setup.mp4 143.63MB
001. Artifactory Setup and Integration with Jenkins.mp4 226.44MB
001. DevOps Introduction.mp4 12.74MB
001. Git Introduction.mp4 7.02MB
001. Introduction and Lab Setup.mp4 172.79MB
001. Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes.mp4 78.88MB
001. Introduction to Jenkins.mp4 132.60MB
001. Introduction to Kubernetes.mp4 93.47MB
001. Introduction to Maven.mp4 2.92MB
001. Introduction to SonarQube.mp4 12.04MB
001. Prometheus Setup.mp4 315.80MB
002. Adhoc Commands, Inventory, and ansible.cfg.mp4 188.34MB
002. Content Overview.mp4 10.38MB
002. Create the First Jenkins Job, Jenkins Job with Parameters.mp4 129.98MB
002. Docker Introduction.mp4 170.89MB
002. Installation of Kubernetes Using (Minikube and Kubeadm).mp4 171.74MB
002. SonarQube Installation.mp4 46.72MB
002. Topics Covered.mp4 7.73MB
002. What Is DevOps and Tools Covered.mp4 89.12MB
003. Before Starting with the Course.mp4 2.56MB
003. Console Overview.mp4 75.85MB
003. Create Google Cloud Account and Initializing Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 215.71MB
003. Docker Basic Commands and DockerHub Introduction.mp4 344.16MB
003. Resources.mp4 2.68MB
003. Run Maven Job, Deploy on Maven.mp4 187.60MB
003. What Is Maven.mp4 16.32MB
003. Write Ansible Playbook.mp4 119.04MB
004. About Your Trainer.mp4 1.84MB
004. Conditions.mp4 203.82MB
004. Create an AWS Account.mp4 27.12MB
004. Docker Images and Docker Networks Introduction.mp4 132.99MB
004. How Maven Helps a DevOps Engineer.mp4 4.89MB
004. Install Google Cloud Command Line Tool and Create the Cluster.mp4 126.46MB
004. Jenkins – Master and Slave Configuration.mp4 74.27MB
004. SonarQube Installation with PostgreSQL Database.mp4 119.01MB
005. Docker Networks and Docker Volumes Introduction.mp4 149.56MB
005. GitHub Webhook, DSL Job.mp4 153.33MB
005. Kubernetes Objects.mp4 156.39MB
005. Resource to Start.mp4 3.05MB
005. SonarQube Integration with Jenkins.mp4 47.81MB
005. Variables, Tomcat Setup.mp4 199.03MB
005. What Is Version Control System and Why Git.mp4 19.24MB
006. About this Section.mp4 3.62MB
006. Ansible Vault and Roles.mp4 183.71MB
006. Docker Volumes.mp4 95.59MB
006. Install Git on Window.mp4 9.95MB
006. Jenkins Pipeline.mp4 118.56MB
006. Replication Controller and Cluster IP Service.mp4 117.60MB
007. Dockerfile.mp4 209.92MB
007. How to Configure NodePort IP and Load Balancer.mp4 110.51MB
007. Integrating Artifactory with Jenkins.mp4 241.10MB
007. Java Installation on Windows.mp4 22.88MB
007. Set Up an EC2 Instance and Install Git.mp4 46.99MB
007. Set Up Jenkins Using Ansible, Ansible Galaxy, CICD Job to Set Up Tomcat and Deploy War File.mp4 467.92MB
008. Ansible Inventory.mp4 214.95MB
008. Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.mp4 144.10MB
008. Eclipse Installation.mp4 13.20MB
008. Namespace and Services.mp4 158.47MB
008. Working with Git Bash.mp4 23.85MB
009. ConfigMaps.mp4 131.43MB
009. Create First Maven Project.mp4 16.59MB
009. Creating a Repository on Git.mp4 28.67MB
010. Git Workflow.mp4 49.25MB
010. Helm Charts.mp4 135.45MB
010. Maven Coordinates.mp4 44.43MB
011. Default Directory Structure.mp4 11.23MB
011. Kubernetes - Volumes.mp4 181.53MB
011. Working with Git Stages.mp4 33.69MB
012. Compare Code Changes with Different Git Stages.mp4 55.77MB
012. Physical Volume (PV) and Physical Volume Claim (PVC).mp4 142.77MB
012. Steps Involved in Building a Java Project.mp4 11.19MB
013. Compare Code Changes with Different Local Commits.mp4 26.20MB
013. Dynamic Provisioning.mp4 178.16MB
013. Maven Goals.mp4 44.68MB
014. Create PVC and Access from POD, Created Jenkins Server.mp4 92.09MB
014. Maven Goals in Action.mp4 53.58MB
014. Why Do We Need GitHub.mp4 10.62MB
015. Creating GitHub Account.mp4 18.50MB
015. Install Git, Maven, Docker and Configure It with Helm.mp4 152.48MB
015. What Is Pom.xml and How It Works.mp4 37.99MB
016. CI (Continuous Integration) Job and Deploying Java Application to the Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 172.46MB
016. Creating a Repo on GitHub Account.mp4 23.52MB
016. Transitive Dependency.mp4 16.28MB
017. CD (Continuous Deployment) to the Helm.mp4 117.56MB
017. Cloning a Repo from GitHub.mp4 16.97MB
017. Maven Repositories.mp4 40.88MB
018. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.mp4 113.41MB
018. Maven Goals - Deploy Goal for Local Repository.mp4 20.47MB
018. Push Code onto Remote Repository.mp4 35.39MB
019. Memory and EFK.mp4 296.99MB
019. Push Maven Project onto GitHub.mp4 38.45MB
019. Working with Other Developer Code.mp4 45.87MB
020. Git Clone Versus Git Pull.mp4 27.61MB
020. Prepare Maven Server.mp4 19.21MB
021. Prerequisites to Set Up Maven.mp4 33.35MB
021. Unable to Push Changes onto Remote Repository.mp4 62.53MB
022. Connecting to GitHub Using SSH.mp4 63.08MB
022. Set Up Maven.mp4 23.59MB
023. Build Maven Project on Linux.mp4 98.03MB
023. Map Local Repo with Remote Repository - Git Remote Add.mp4 55.30MB
024. How a Java Developer Pushes Code onto a Remote Repository.mp4 46.75MB
024. Maven - Command Maven Goals.mp4 23.93MB
025. Create a Project with Maven Archetype.mp4 47.94MB
025. Working with Commits on Git.mp4 67.58MB
026. Know Information about Specific Commit on Git.mp4 38.99MB
026. Plugins and Dependencies in pom.xml.mp4 82.50MB
027. Settings.xml File.mp4 17.02MB
027. Working with Commits on GitHub.mp4 37.50MB
028. Commit Changes Directly on GitHub.mp4 31.45MB
028. Tomcat Server Configurations.mp4 28.63MB
029. Deploy War on Tomcat Server.mp4 62.05MB
029. Why Do We Need Branches on Git.mp4 16.04MB
030. Branches in DevOps Workflow.mp4 14.77MB
030. Maven in DevOps Workflow.mp4 2.08MB
031. Set Up Jenkins Server.mp4 40.27MB
031. Working with Branches on GitHub.mp4 15.04MB
032. Add Maven Build Server as an Agent to Jenkins.mp4 35.58MB
032. Working with Branches on Git.mp4 26.50MB
033. Build a Java Project on Agent Server.mp4 33.61MB
033. Committing Changes on Branches.mp4 42.58MB
034. Build a War File on Agent Node (Maven Server).mp4 24.18MB
034. Merge Changes onto Master Branch.mp4 15.17MB
035. Resolving Merge Conflicts.mp4 78.73MB
036. Forking a Repository.mp4 34.32MB
037. Creating Pull Request (PR).mp4 59.48MB
038. Working with Private Repositories.mp4 34.51MB
039. Adding Collaborator to a Repository.mp4 40.75MB
040. Creating Protected Branches.mp4 64.36MB
041. Tagging a Commit.mp4 45.99MB
042. Revert Changes from Working Directory.mp4 33.12MB
043. Reverting Changes from Staging Area and Local Repo.mp4 31.46MB
044. Using .Gitignore File.mp4 29.20MB
045. Git Rebase Command.mp4 38.27MB
046. Git Fetch Versus Git Pull.mp4 29.04MB
047. Introduction to Git Project.mp4 23.05MB
048. Set Up Git Repository and Branches for New Project.mp4 32.82MB
049. Allowing Developers to Check-In Code.mp4 44.51MB
050. Enabling DevOps Workflow on Dev Environment.mp4 91.24MB
051. Pull Request (PR) to Merge Code from Dev Branch to UAT Branch.mp4 26.80MB
052. Release Code onto Production.mp4 113.12MB
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