Torrent Info
Title Linkedin - Python Programming Efficiently
Size 437.61MB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
1. Choose the best libraries for your task.mp4 4.86MB
1. Computer architecture and optimization techniques.mp4 2.97MB
1. Install the Anaconda Python distribution on macOS X.mp4 12.03MB
1. Keep taking advantage of Python.mp4 2.65MB
1. Object-oriented and functional Python.mp4 3.44MB
1. Programming efficiently with Python.mp4 12.56MB
1. Writing Python efficiently.mp4 1.60MB
2. Base knowledge.mp4 2.76MB
2. Divide and conquer with Python classes.mp4 18.26MB
2. Download webpages with requests.mp4 17.27MB
2. Install the Anaconda Python distribution on Windows.mp4 8.87MB
2. Python vs. C.mp4 10.39MB
2. Time profiling.mp4 25.31MB
3. Design efficient loops.mp4 25.56MB
3. Exploit class inheritance.mp4 16.37MB
3. Manipulate images with Pillow.mp4 14.08MB
3. Memory profiling.mp4 19.76MB
3. Work with Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 9.57MB
4. Algorithm complexity.mp4 8.37MB
4. Comprehensions and generators.mp4 20.83MB
4. Functional techniques in Python.mp4 17.77MB
4. Parse HTML with Beautiful Soup.mp4 15.66MB
5. Exploit Python collections.mp4 21.82MB
5. Function decorators.mp4 14.91MB
5. Introduction to parallel programming.mp4 10.52MB
5. Make movies with Matplotlib.mp4 9.93MB
6. Challenge- Bale of turtles.mp4 4.82MB
6. Challenge- Inverted index.mp4 6.03MB
6. Serve webpages with Flask.mp4 19.71MB
6. Write Pythonic code.mp4 24.20MB
7. Challenge- Analyze Olympic medalist data.mp4 2.55MB
7. Challenge- Image-editing application.mp4 5.87MB
7. Solution- Bale of turtles.mp4 10.05MB
7. Solution- Inverted index.mp4 7.94MB
8. Solution- Analyze Olympic medalist data.mp4 4.90MB
8. Solution- Image-editing application.mp4 6.95MB 488.56KB 13.35MB 2.51MB 151.32KB
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