Torrent Info
Title Tokyo Revengers (Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Hen - 38 「The longest day」 (TVA 1920x1080 x264 AAC).mkv)
Category Movies
Size 685.78MB

Movie Info
Tokyo Revengers
Title Tokyo Revengers
Year 2021–
Country Japan
Category Animation, Action, Drama
Director N/A
Actors Shota Hayama, Yu Hayashi, Satoshi Hino, Yuya Hirose
Description A middle-aged loser travels in time to his school years and in order to save the love of his life from future doom, he must become the leader of a dreaded school gang.
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Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Hen - 38 「The longest day」 (TVA 1920x1080 x264 AAC).mkv 685.78MB
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