Title | Planet Earth III (Planet.Earth.III.S01.2160p.UHD.Blu-ray.Remux.HDR.HEVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-CiNEPHiLES) |
Category | Movies |
Size | 163.56GB |
Title | Planet Earth III |
Year | 2023– |
Country | N/A |
Category | Documentary |
Director | N/A |
Actors | N/A |
Description | Discover amazing landscapes, the most amazing fights of animals on our planet, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, from the darkest caves to the hottest deserts with new technology. |
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here. | |
Planet Earth III S01E01 Coasts 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 20.93GB |
Planet Earth III S01E02 Ocean 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 21.42GB |
Planet Earth III S01E03 Deserts and Grasslands 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 20.27GB |
Planet Earth III S01E04 Freshwater 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 21.94GB |
Planet Earth III S01E05 Forest 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 20.45GB |
Planet Earth III S01E06 Extremes 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 19.40GB |
Planet Earth III S01E07 Human 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 18.79GB |
Planet Earth III S01E08 Heroes 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-CiNEPHiLES mkv | 20.36GB |
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Total | 169 |
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