Torrent Info
Title TTC - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment, Medbay
Size 3.46GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
70040-01 - Down the Rabbit Hole of Immersive Storytelling - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 339.79MB
70040-02 - The Billion-Dollar Esports Industry - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 316.32MB
70040-03 - When the Audience Becomes the Director - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 399.14MB
70040-04 - Cinematic Virtual Reality: Through the Looking Glass - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 378.44MB
70040-05 - Video Games, VR, and the Space-Time Continuum - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 348.95MB
70040-06 - Metatools to Build Our Metaverse - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 341.88MB
70040-07 - Bridging the Physical-Digital Divide with Augmented Reality - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 328.44MB
70040-08 - Our Digital Doors of Perception - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 317.01MB
70040-09 - Rebooting Athletics and Leveling Up - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 337.24MB
70040-10 - Blending Realities in Curiouser New Ways - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 418.20MB
70040 - By This Professor - Imagining Tomorrow’s Entertainment.mp4 13.72MB
A Message in a Bottle.txt 102.53KB
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United States (US) 1
Total 2
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