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Bashkin V. N. - Environmental Chemistry. Asian Lessons(2003)(488).pdf 21.14MB
Basin D.(Ed), Rusinowitch M. (Ed) - Automated Reasoning(2004)(493).pdf 11.63MB
Basmaji J. - On Artin's Conjecture for Odd 2-Dimensional Representations(1994)(148).djvu 628.17KB
Bass H. - Algebraic K-Theory III(1973)(585).djvu 3.64MB
Bass H. - Cyclic Renormalization and Automorphism Groups of Rooted Trees(1996)(1st edition)(163).pdf 5.23MB
Bastero J. (ed.) - Probability And Banach Spaces(1986)(222).djvu 1.67MB
Basu A., Rathouz P.J. - Estimating marginal and incremental effects on health outcomes using flexible link and variance function models(2005)(17).pdf 1.50MB
Bates D. G. (Ed), Turner M. C. (Ed) - Mathematical Methods for Robust and Nonlinear Control. Epsrc Summer School, Vol. 367(2007)(464).pdf 12.24MB
Bates J., Taylor T., Walker S. - Converged Multimedia Networks(2006)(364).pdf 8.28MB
Bathe K.J., Zimmermann P. - Finite-Elemente-Methoden(2001)(Second Edition)(1253).pdf 132.97MB
Batic D., Schmid H., Winklmeier M. - On the eigenvalues of the Chandrasekhar-Page angular equation(2005)(35).pdf 485.92KB
Battezzati L., Pozzovivo S., Rizzi P. - Nanocrystalline Aluminum Alloys(2004)(24).pdf 2.40MB
Bauchspies W. K., Restivo S., Croissant J. L. - Science, Technology and Society. A Sociological Approach(2005)(1st edition)(168).pdf 1.22MB
Baudisch A. - Inevitable Aging Contributions to Evolutionary-Demographic Theory(2008)(170).pdf 3.22MB
Bauer F.L. - Decrypted Secrets. Methods and Maxims of Cryptology(2006)(Fourth Edition)(525).djvu 7.11MB
Bauer G., Borstel G. - Solid-State Physics(1974)(153).pdf 6.79MB
Bauer H. (Ed) - Seminar On Potential Theory II(1971)(184).djvu 1.04MB
Bauer H. (Ed) - Seminar Uber Potentialtheorie(1968)(188).djvu 1.24MB
Bauer K., Garbe D., Surburg H. - Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials. Preparation, Properties and Uses(2002)(304).rar 1.78MB
Bauer K.W., Ruscheweyh S. - Differential Operators for Partial Differential Equations and Function-Theoretic Applications(1980)(258).djvu 579.90KB
Baues H.J. - Obstruction Theory on the Homotopy Classification of Maps(1977)(387).pdf 12.54MB
Baumert L.D. - Cyclic Difference Sets(1971)(166).pdf 6.29MB
Baus M., Tejero C. F. - Equilibrium Statistical Physics. Phases of Matter and Phase Transitions(2007)(364).pdf 2.39MB
Bayer-Fluckiger E. - Quadratic Forms and Their Applications(2000)(311).pdf 2.66MB
Beach J.D., MacCandless B.E. - Materials Challenges for CdTe and CuInSe2 Photovoltaics(2007)(5).pdf 254.05KB
Bear H. S. - Lectures on Gleason Parts (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)(1970)(1st edition)(52).djvu 340.89KB
Beatty M. F. (Ed), Hayes M. A. (Ed) - Mechanics and Mathematics of Crystals. Selected Papers of J L Ericksen(2005)(656).pdf 35.27MB
Beauzamy B. - Espaces D'Interpolation Reels, Topologie Et Geometrie(2008)(116).djvu 630.16KB
Bechtolsheim S.V. - TEX in Practice, Vol. 1(1993)(386).djvu 14.58MB
Bechtolsheim S.V. - TEX in Practice, Vol. 2(1993)(368).djvu 13.42MB
Bechtolsheim S.V. - TEX in Practice, Vol. 3(1993)(656).djvu 21.52MB
Bechtolsheim S.V. - TEX in Practice, Vol. 4(1993)(422).djvu 14.81MB
Beck A. (Ed), Hahn M. (Ed) - Probability in Banach Spaces V. Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Medford(1985)(464).djvu 2.80MB
Beck A. (Ed) - Probability In Banach Spaces(2008)(304).djvu 1.94MB
Beck A. (Ed) - Probability in Banach Spaces II(2008)(216).djvu 1.16MB
Beck A. (Ed) - Probability in Banach Spaces III(2008)(340).djvu 2.24MB
Beck A. (Ed) - Probability in Banach Spaces IV(1983)(240).djvu 1.49MB
Beck A. (Ed) - Recent Advances in Topological Dynamics(2008)(300).djvu 1.99MB
Becker G. F. - On the Earth Considered as a Heat Engine(1914)(8).pdf 905.76KB
Becker G. - The effect of transient exposures on the risk of an acute illness with low hazard rate(2004)(10).pdf 70.71KB
Becker N.G., Salim A., Kelman C.W. - Analysis of a potential trigger of an acute illness(2006)(13).pdf 105.13KB
Becker W. - Advanced Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Techniques(2005)(401).pdf 5.51MB
Beck M., Robins S. - Computing the Continuous Discretely. Integer-Point Enumeration in Polyhedra(2006)(226).pdf 3.07MB
Bedau M., McCaskill J. S. (ed), Packard N. H. (ed) - Artificial Life VII. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Life(2000)(500).rar 38.21MB
Bederson B. (Ed), Walther H. (Ed) - Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Volume 48(2002)(48 edition)(300).pdf 20.78MB
Bedrick E.J., Exuzides A. - Predictive influence in the accelerated failure time model(2002)(16).pdf 186.96KB
Beeson S., Mayer J. W. - Patterns of Light. Chasing the Spectrum from Aristotle to LEDs(2008)(195).pdf 47.45MB
Beezer R. A. - A First Course in Linear Algebra(2008)(938).pdf 6.37MB
Behara M. (Ed), Krickeberg K. (Ed) - Probability And Information Theory(1969)(264).djvu 1.57MB
Behara M. (Ed), Krickeberg K. (Ed) - Probability And Information Theory II(1973)(232).djvu 1.40MB
Behrends E. - LP-Structure in Real Banach Spaces(1977)(124).djvu 690.08KB
Behrends E. - M-Structure and the Banach-Stone Theorem(1979)(228).djvu 1.28MB
Behrisch R. (Ed), Andersen H. - Sputtering by Particle Bombardment I. Physics and Applications(1981)(289).pdf 14.45MB
Beichelt F. - Stochastic Processes in Science, Engineering and Finance(2006)(417).rar 4.01MB
Beissinger J., Pless V. - The Cryptoclub. Using Mathematics to Make and Break Secret Codes(2006)(199).djvu 5.20MB
Beissinger J., Pless V. - The Cryptoclub. Using Mathematics to Make and Break Secret Codes (Workbook)(2006)(140).djvu 1.35MB
Bejan A., Kraus A. D. - Heat Transfer Handbook(2003)(1496).rar 19.11MB
Bekaert X., Boulanger N., Cnockaert S. - No self-interaction for two-column massless fields(2005)(33).pdf 333.73KB
Bekkali M. - Topics in Set Theory. Lebesgue Measurability, Large Cardinals, Forcing Axioms, Rho-Functions(1991)(120).djvu 455.25KB
Bekken O. B. - Spaces Of Analytic Functions(2008)(216).djvu 1.28MB
Belfiore M.E., Defoe T.A., Folinsbee S. - Reading Work. Literacies in the New Workplace(2004)(306).pdf 3.64MB
Belkacem M., Bouchene M.A., Reinhard P.-G. - Photodynamics of Nanoclusters(2004)(18).pdf 907.33KB
Bella G. - Formal Correctness of Security Protocols(2007)(274).pdf 4.33MB
Bell D., Parr M. - Visual Basic.Net for Students(2002)(1st edition)(418).chm 2.99MB
Bell E.T. - Men of Mathematics, Vol. 2(1953)(645).djvu 17.40MB
Bell E. T. - The Magic of Numbers(1991)(425).djvu 3.97MB
Bellen A. (Ed) - Numerical Methods For Ordinary Differential Equations(1989)(144).djvu 750.29KB
Belley J. (Ed) - Measure Theory and Its Applications(1983)(340).djvu 2.31MB
Bell M.L. - Mixed models for the analysis of replicated spatial point patterns(2004)(16).pdf 278.46KB
Bellomo N., Lods B., Revelli R. - Generalized Collocation Methods. Solutions to Nonlinear Problems(2007)(194).pdf 6.59MB
Bellow A. (Ed) - Measure Theory(1976)(448).djvu 2.82MB
Bell S., Wood-Harper T. - How to Set Up Information Systems. A Non-specialist's Guide to the Multiview Approach(2003)(217).pdf 3.99MB
Bellune J. - The Focal Easy Guide to Adobe Encore DVD 2.0(2006)(256).pdf 7.31MB
Bell W. R. - Practical Criminal Investigations in Correctional Facilities(2002)(303).pdf 11.17MB
Belohlavek R., Vychodil V. - Fuzzy Equational Logic(2005)(283).pdf 3.03MB
Beltita D.C. - Smooth Homogeneous Structures in Operator Theory(2005)(302).pdf 1.20MB
Beltrametti M.C. - Algebraic Geometry. A Volume in Memory of Paolo Francia(2002)(355).pdf 1.91MB
Belytschko T., Lin W.K., Moran B. - Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures(2001)(668).pdf 101.51MB
Belytschko T., Liu W. K., Moran B. - Finite Elements for Nonlinear Continua & Structures(1998)(300).rar 2.47MB
Belz A., Evans R. - Natural Language Generation(2004)(219).pdf 12.20MB
Bembey P. - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Professional Projects(2002)(1040).chm 5.23MB
Benabou J., Davis R., Dold A. - Reports Of The Midwest Category Seminar(1967)(181).djvu 1.23MB
Ben-Artzi M., Falcovitz J. - Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics(2003)(349).pdf 3.15MB
Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Grossi M. - Asymptotic behavior of least energy solutions of a biharmonic equation in dimension four(22).pdf 281.04KB
Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. - Blow-up and nonexistence of sign changing solutions to the Brezis-Nirenberg problem in dimension three(27).pdf 273.17KB
Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. - Blow-up and symmetry of sign changing solutions to some critical elliptic equations(23).pdf 266.68KB
Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. - Classification of low energy sign-changing solutions of an almost critical problem(2007)(27).pdf 255.64KB
Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. - Energy and Morse index of solutions of Yamabe type problems on thin annuli(2004)(22).pdf 161.26KB
Bender E.A., Williamson S.G. - A Short Course In Discrete Mathematics(2005)(256).rar 1.60MB
Bender E.A., Williamson S.G. - Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications(2005)(468).rar 3.91MB
Bendsoe M.P., Soares C.A.M. - Topology Design of Structures(1992)(592).pdf 41.18MB
Bendsoe M.P. - Optimization of Structural Topology, Shape, and Material(1995)(271).pdf 27.43MB
Bendsoe M.P. - Variable-Topology Optimization. Status and Challenges(1999)(160).pdf 27.15MB
Benedetto J. - Harmonic Analysis on Totally Disconnected Sets(1971)(1st edition)(276).rar 5.86MB
Benedetto J.J. - Euclidean Harmonic Analysis(1980)(177).pdf 4.93MB
Benilan P. (Ed) - Journees D'Analyse Non Lineaire(1978)(268).djvu 1.25MB
Benito S.M., Sauer M., Meier W. - Nanocontainers(2004)(20).pdf 4.33MB
Benkart G. (Ed) - Lie Algebras(1987)(164).djvu 1.07MB
Bennett B., Fellbaum C. - Formal Ontology in Information Systems. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference FOIS 2006(2006)(373).pdf 4.54MB
Benoit E. (Ed) - Dynamic Bifurcations. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Luminy, France, March 5-10, 1990(1991)(219).pdf 10.96MB
Benson D. - Modular Representation Theory(1984)(248).pdf 10.33MB
Benson D. - Music. A Mathematical Offering(2007)(537).pdf 9.74MB
Benson H.J. - Microbiological Applications. A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology(2002)(496).pdf 37.97MB
Benth F.E., Lindstrom T., Di Nunno G. - Stochastic Analysis and Applications. The Abel Symposium 2005(2007)(678).pdf 5.65MB
Benz A. O. - Plasma Astrophysics ( Astrophysics And Space Science Library Series. Volume 279). Kinetic Processes in Solar and Stellar Coronae(2002)(2nd edition)(279).pdf 7.53MB
Benzoni-Gavage S., Serre D. - Multi-Dimensional Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations. First-Order Systems and Applications(2006)(536).pdf 10.37MB
Benzoni-Gavage S. - Hyperbolic Problems. Theory, Numerics, Applications, Proceedings of the XIth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems Held in Ecole Normale(2008)(1124).pdf 19.00MB
Ben-Zvi D. - The Challenge of Developing Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking(2004)(440).pdf 4.37MB
Benz W. - Classical Geometries in Modern Contexts. Geometry of Real Inner Product Spaces(2007)(Second Edition)(277).pdf 2.36MB
Berard P. H. - Spectral Geometry(1986)(288).djvu 1.48MB
Berendsen H. - Simulating the Physical World. Hierarchical Modeling from Quantum Mechanics to Fluid Dynamics(2007)(400).pdf 4.10MB
Berens H. - Interpolationsmethoden Zur Behandlung Von Approximationsprozessen Auf Banachrumen(1968)(100).djvu 575.31KB
Berenstein C.A. (ed) - Complex Analysis II(1980)(320).djvu 1.11MB
Berenstein C.A. (ed) - Complex Analysis III(1987)(349).djvu 1.01MB
Berenstein C. A. - Analytically Uniform Spaces and Their Applications to Convolution Equations(1972)(144).djvu 748.44KB
Berg C. (Ed) - Potential Theory. Copenhagen 1979(1980)(328).djvu 2.37MB
Berge C. (Ed) - Hypergraph Seminar(2008)(304).djvu 1.91MB
Bergenti F. (Ed), Zambonelli F. (Ed), Gleizes M. P. (Ed) - Methodologies and Software Engineering for Agent Systems(2004)(506).pdf 10.00MB
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Berger T.W., Glanzman D.L. (eds.) - Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain. Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses(2005)(405).pdf 5.78MB
Berghammer R. (Ed), Struth G. (Ed), Miller B. - Relational and Kleene-Algebraic Methods in Computer Science(2004)(279).pdf 7.53MB
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Bergmann M. - Introduction to Many-Valued and Fuzzy Logic. Semantics, Algebras, and Derivation Systems(2007)(329).pdf 1.96MB
Bergna H.E., Roberts W.O. - Colloidal Silica. Fundamentals and Applications(2005)(895).pdf 21.20MB
Bergstra J. A. (Ed), Ponse A. (Ed) - Handbook of Process Algebra(2001)(1342).pdf 61.83MB
Bergstrom J., van der Geer G. - The Euler characteristic of local systems on the moduli of curves and abelian varieties of genus three(2008)(12).pdf 225.60KB
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Berlekamp E. R., Conway J. H., Guy R. K. - Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, Vol. 1(2001)(2nd edition)(296).pdf 18.26MB
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