Torrent Info
Title Extensive Pro Tools LE 7
Category PC
Size 3.24GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
.DS_Store 6.00KB
.DS_Store 12.00KB
01 Aah Choir.tfx 2.23KB
01 Arpmosphere 1.tfx 2.23KB
01 Attack Brass.tfx 2.23KB
01 Attackertronic.tfx 2.23KB
01 Basic Suitcase.tfx 2.23KB
01 Big Legato Strings.tfx 2.23KB
01 Classic B.tfx 2.23KB
01 Drums + Percussion Section.tfx 2.23KB
01 Full Pick Bass.tfx 2.23KB
01 Galloping Woodblocks.tfx 2.23KB
01 Glockenspiel.tfx 2.23KB
01 Idea-Pad.tfx 2.23KB
01 Majestic.tfx 2.23KB
01 Natural Brass Section.tfx 2.23KB
01 Natural Grand Piano.tfx 2.23KB
01 Natural Percussion.tfx 2.23KB
01 Natural Sitar.tfx 2.23KB
01 Nice Wave.tfx 2.23KB
01 Pop Kit.tfx 2.23KB
01 Pulse Thumper.tfx 2.23KB
01 Sandoz.tfx 2.23KB
01 Saw Octave Stack.tfx 2.23KB
01 Shocking.tfx 2.23KB
01 Steel String Acoustic.tfx 2.23KB
01 Swan Sea.tfx 2.23KB
01 Sweepscape.tfx 2.23KB
01 Vibraphone.tfx 2.23KB
01 Woodpecker.tfx 2.23KB
02 Aah Choir Pad.tfx 2.23KB
02 Arpmosphere 2.tfx 2.23KB
02 Ballad-String-Pad.tfx 2.23KB
02 Bigger Section.tfx 2.23KB
02 Breathing Tek.tfx 2.23KB
02 Chorus Suitcase.tfx 2.23KB
02 Chorus Vibes.tfx 2.23KB
02 Classic Synth Horns.tfx 2.23KB
02 Clean + Warm.tfx 2.23KB
02 Dangerous.tfx 2.23KB
02 Electronic Percussion.tfx 2.23KB
02 Hollow Arp.tfx 2.23KB
02 Hollow Arp.tfx 2.23KB
02 Lost In Space.tfx 2.23KB
02 Majestic Glimmer.tfx 2.23KB
02 Mother Of All Pads.tfx 2.23KB
02 Mysterious Bells.tfx 2.23KB
02 Nu Groove.tfx 2.23KB
02 Pickless Pick Bass.tfx 2.23KB
02 Rich Glockenspiel.tfx 2.23KB
02 Shuffle EP.tfx 2.23KB
02 Soft Grand Piano.tfx 2.23KB
02 Spinning.tfx 2.23KB
02 Steel String + Harmonics.tfx 2.23KB
02 Taj Mahal.tfx 2.23KB
02 Underwater Cave.tfx 2.23KB
02 White Shark.tfx 2.23KB
02 Wide Unison Saw Bass.tfx 2.23KB
03 Alienbrain.tfx 2.23KB
03 Arpmosphere 3.tfx 2.23KB
03 Battle Beats.tfx 2.23KB
03 Biggest Section.tfx 2.23KB
03 Blockenspiel.tfx 2.23KB
03 Bright Bend Up Pad.tfx 2.23KB
03 Brite N Tite.tfx 2.23KB
03 D Something 1.tfx 2.23KB
03 Full Bars.tfx 2.23KB
03 Grammophone Percussion.tfx 2.23KB
03 Hard Grand Piano.tfx 2.23KB
03 Herbal Vibes.tfx 2.23KB
03 High Pass Aahs.tfx 2.23KB
03 Le Gato.tfx 2.23KB
03 Metal Noize Arp.tfx 2.23KB
03 Metal With Mandolins.tfx 2.23KB
03 Mystery Pad.tfx 2.23KB
03 Nice Sitar Pad.tfx 2.23KB
03 Orchestral Combination.tfx 2.23KB
03 Percussive Sine.tfx 2.23KB
03 Pickin Stanley Bass.tfx 2.23KB
03 Space Is The Place.tfx 2.23KB
03 Spitty Synth Brass.tfx 2.23KB
03 Square Pad.tfx 2.23KB
03 Steel String Harmonics.tfx 2.23KB
03 Syncer.tfx 2.23KB
03 Tremolo Suitcase.tfx 2.23KB
03 Two Osc 303 Imposter.tfx 2.23KB
04 Ambient Piano.tfx 2.23KB
04 Arpmosphere 4.tfx 2.23KB
04 Big Brass.tfx 2.23KB
04 Club Tracker.tfx 2.23KB
04 Concert Hall Strings.tfx 2.23KB
04 Credibility.tfx 2.23KB
04 Dirty 70s.tfx 2.23KB
04 Electro Poppa.tfx 2.23KB
04 Guitar At Home.tfx 2.23KB
04 Harmonics Reso Atmos.tfx 2.23KB
04 Hi-and-Bass Lead.tfx 2.23KB
04 In Full Effect.tfx 2.23KB
04 Intro.tfx 2.23KB
04 Majestic.tfx 2.23KB
04 Metal Noize Arp.tfx 2.23KB
04 Ooh Choir.tfx 2.23KB
04 Percy FM Bass.tfx 2.23KB
04 Riders.tfx 2.23KB
04 Scary Glockenspiel.tfx 2.23KB
04 Seaspray.tfx 2.23KB
04 Small Vibes.tfx 2.23KB
04 Snoring Vogon.tfx 2.23KB
04 Soft Pick Bass.tfx 2.23KB
04 Stereo Analog Percussion.tfx 2.23KB
04 Strings Combination.tfx 2.23KB
04 Syncophant.tfx 2.23KB
04 Tiny Sitar.tfx 2.23KB
04 Warm Horns.tfx 2.23KB
05 Airy Melody.tfx 2.23KB
05 A Little Phased.tfx 2.23KB
05 Bend Combination.tfx 2.23KB
05 Bright n Bendy.tfx 2.23KB
05 Bright Sync Sweep.tfx 2.23KB
05 Cinematic Vibra.tfx 2.23KB
05 Click Beats.tfx 2.23KB
05 Congas + Bongos Menu.tfx 2.23KB
05 Evangelic.tfx 2.23KB
05 Far Drums.tfx 2.23KB
05 Ghost-Ship.tfx 2.23KB
05 Hard Pick Bass.tfx 2.23KB
05 Impact Kit.tfx 2.23KB
05 Jazz.tfx 2.23KB
05 Keyboarder.tfx 2.23KB
05 Massive Pad.tfx 2.23KB
05 Ooh Choir Pad.tfx 2.23KB
05 Phaser Suitcase.tfx 2.23KB
05 Phasing Stack.tfx 2.23KB
05 Piano + Ooh Choir.tfx 2.23KB
05 Resonant Sitar.tfx 2.23KB
05 Single Note Percussive.tfx 2.23KB
05 Six Finger Cue 1.tfx 2.23KB
05 Soft Steel String.tfx 2.23KB
05 Strung Up.tfx 2.23KB
05 Tubular Bells.tfx 2.23KB
05 Ultra Fuzz Attack.tfx 2.23KB
05 Wide Lands.tfx 2.23KB
06 Back From The Wall.tfx 2.23KB
06 Basic Mark1.tfx 2.23KB
06 Bass + Horns Split.tfx 2.23KB
06 Brighter Horns.tfx 2.23KB
06 Echo Bass Sequence.tfx 2.23KB
06 Electro-Reverse-Kit.tfx 2.23KB
06 Excited.tfx 2.23KB
06 Full Finger Bass.tfx 2.23KB
06 Full n Rich.tfx 2.23KB
06 Gentle Sitar.tfx 2.23KB
06 High Pass Oohs.tfx 2.23KB
06 Medium Steel String.tfx 2.23KB
06 Metal With Mandolins.tfx 2.23KB
06 Natural Piano + Strings.tfx 2.23KB
06 Oceanica.tfx 2.23KB
06 Orch + Vibra.tfx 2.23KB
06 Orchestra Hit 1.tfx 2.23KB
06 Orion.tfx 2.23KB
06 Reverse Melody.tfx 2.23KB
06 Silky Pad.tfx 2.23KB
06 Six Finger Cue 2.tfx 2.23KB
06 Someone's At The Door.tfx 2.23KB
06 Spherical Pluck.tfx 2.23KB
06 Strings Stack.tfx 2.23KB
06 Strung Up.tfx 2.23KB
06 Tamb+Maracas+Chimes Menu.tfx 2.23KB
06 Tek Bass.tfx 2.23KB
06 Unison Square Lead.tfx 2.23KB
07 Better Go Home.tfx 2.23KB
07 Bright Synth Brass.tfx 2.23KB
07 Chorus Mark1.tfx 2.23KB
07 Conga Menu 1.tfx 2.23KB
07 Deep fried.tfx 2.23KB
07 Dirty Old Vibes.tfx 2.23KB
07 Fingerless Bass.tfx 2.23KB
07 Full Horn.tfx 2.23KB
07 Gentle Piano + Strings.tfx 2.23KB
07 Hard Steel String.tfx 2.23KB
07 Heavens Choir.tfx 2.23KB
07 Human Beatbox 080.tfx 2.23KB
07 Kick Me.tfx 2.23KB
07 Natural Kalimba.tfx 2.23KB
07 Octave Strings Stack.tfx 2.23KB
07 Orchestra Hit 2.tfx 2.23KB
07 Phaser Face Bass.tfx 2.23KB
07 Pizziwash.tfx 2.23KB
07 Protestnik Vogon Jeltz.tfx 2.23KB
07 Random Chime.tfx 2.23KB
07 Random Chime.tfx 2.23KB
07 Rock Kit.tfx 2.23KB
07 Six Finger Cue 3.tfx 2.23KB
07 Smooth Metal.tfx 2.23KB
07 Smooth Wavetable.tfx 2.23KB
07 Soft Sync.tfx 2.23KB
07 Space Trouble.tfx 2.23KB
07 Turbo Bells.tfx 2.23KB
08 Acoustic Drums 100.tfx 2.23KB
08 Big Brass.tfx 2.23KB
08 Brassy Hit.tfx 2.23KB
08 Chime Lead.tfx 2.23KB
08 Conga Menu 2.tfx 2.23KB
08 Dynamic Dirt.tfx 2.23KB
08 Echo-Clank.tfx 2.23KB
08 Fat Octave Pad.tfx 2.23KB
08 Hollow Choir.tfx 2.23KB
08 Martian Thanksgiving.tfx 2.23KB
08 Paler Shade Of White.tfx 2.23KB
08 Perky Room Kit.tfx 2.23KB
08 Piano + Aah Choir.tfx 2.23KB
08 Picked Nylon String.tfx 2.23KB
08 Popper.tfx 2.23KB
08 Pretty Chimes.tfx 2.23KB
08 Round Wound.tfx 2.23KB
08 Scary Choir.tfx 2.23KB
08 Sharp Section.tfx 2.23KB
08 Simple Analog Thumper.tfx 2.23KB
08 Small Kalimba.tfx 2.23KB
08 Stars-Pad.tfx 2.23KB
08 Stereo Vibraphon.tfx 2.23KB
08 Strings Swells.tfx 2.23KB
08 Techno Stadium.tfx 2.23KB
08 Tremolo Mark1.tfx 2.23KB
08 Upbeat 1.tfx 2.23KB
08 Warmth Pad.tfx 2.23KB
09 Acidic.tfx 2.23KB
09 Acoustic Drums 120.tfx 2.23KB
09 Bell + Pad.tfx 2.23KB
09 Blue Jeans.tfx 2.23KB
09 Bongo Menu 1.tfx 2.23KB
09 Brass Soft Layer.tfx 2.23KB
09 Clicky Phaser Lead.tfx 2.23KB
09 Confusion.tfx 2.23KB
09 DX And J.tfx 2.23KB
09 Faster Attack Strings.tfx 2.23KB
09 Flight Attendant.tfx 2.23KB
09 Gothic Bass.tfx 2.23KB
09 Hollow Kalimba.tfx 2.23KB
09 Live Drums.tfx 2.23KB
09 Marimba.tfx 2.23KB
09 Ooh-Aah Choir.tfx 2.23KB
09 Piano + Soft Pad.tfx 2.23KB
09 Picked Nylon + Harmonics.tfx 2.23KB
09 Popper.tfx 2.23KB
09 Rave Saw + Sync Bass.tfx 2.23KB
09 Reggae Organ.tfx 2.23KB
09 S&H Reso Atmos.tfx 2.23KB
09 Shimmer.tfx 2.23KB
09 Square Stack.tfx 2.23KB
09 Sweeper.tfx 2.23KB
09 Tension Hit.tfx 2.23KB
09 Tune Up Brass.tfx 2.23KB
09 Upbeat 2.tfx 2.23KB
10 Aah-Ooh Choir.tfx 2.23KB
10 Acoustic Rock 120.tfx 2.23KB
10 All Is Good.tfx 2.23KB
10 Arpogee.tfx 2.23KB
10 Big Strings.tfx 2.23KB
10 Bongo Menu 2.tfx 2.23KB
10 Brass Hard Layer.tfx 2.23KB
10 Bright Breathy Pad.tfx 2.23KB
10 Brite n Trite.tfx 2.23KB
10 Clean Filters.tfx 2.23KB
10 Fifth Saw.tfx 2.23KB
10 FM Tines.tfx 2.23KB
10 Gentle Chimes.tfx 2.23KB
10 Hard Room.tfx 2.23KB
10 Low-Pad-Piano.tfx 2.23KB
10 Marimba Riddum.tfx 2.23KB
10 Marimba Sprinkles.tfx 2.23KB
10 Marvin.tfx 2.23KB
10 Melodic Kalimba.tfx 2.23KB
10 Nylon String Harmonics.tfx 2.23KB
10 Ocean-Pad.tfx 2.23KB
10 Phaser Mark1.tfx 2.23KB
10 Roomy Kit.tfx 2.23KB
10 Strings Hit 1.tfx 2.23KB
10 Subsonic 2.tfx 2.23KB
10 The Kid.tfx 2.23KB
10 Upbeat 3.tfx 2.23KB
10 Vogon Alarm Clock.tfx 2.23KB
11 Aah+Ooh.tfx 2.23KB
11 Acoustic Dreamguitar.tfx 2.23KB
11 Acoustic Vintage 100.tfx 2.23KB
11 Basic Wurli.tfx 2.23KB
11 Bell Pad.tfx 2.23KB
11 Bent Chime.tfx 2.23KB
11 Bent Marimba.tfx 2.23KB
11 Bent Metal.tfx 2.23KB
11 Big Strings Swells.tfx 2.23KB
11 Biohazard.tfx 2.23KB
11 Casio Brass.tfx 2.23KB
11 Cruisey.tfx 2.23KB
11 Dream-Piano.tfx 2.23KB
11 Galloping Woodblocks.tfx 2.23KB
11 Hybrid Brass.tfx 2.23KB
11 Insyncerator.tfx 2.23KB
11 Jet Stream.tfx 2.23KB
11 Kalimba Rhythm.tfx 2.23KB
11 Loose Kit.tfx 2.23KB
11 Melody Bells.tfx 2.23KB
11 Porta Bend.tfx 2.23KB
11 Santa.tfx 2.23KB
11 Shower Gel.tfx 2.23KB
11 Soft Finger Bass.tfx 2.23KB
11 Strings Hit 2.tfx 2.23KB
11 Super Fuzz.tfx 2.23KB
11 Tambourine Menu.tfx 2.23KB
11 Upbeat 4.tfx 2.23KB
12 5th Strings.tfx 2.23KB
12 Aciiiied.tfx 2.23KB
12 Attack Reso Brass.tfx 2.23KB
12 Bend Saw.tfx 2.23KB
12 Cartoon O'Clock.tfx 2.23KB
12 Cavemen.tfx 2.23KB
12 Chorus Wurli.tfx 2.23KB
12 Cloudy Choir.tfx 2.23KB
12 Dirty Marimba Echo.tfx 2.23KB
12 Echo Hits.tfx 2.23KB
12 Guitar + Sitar.tfx 2.23KB
12 Hard Finger Bass.tfx 2.23KB
12 Hybrid Octaves.tfx 2.23KB
12 Kalimba Bass.tfx 2.23KB
12 Maracas Menu.tfx 2.23KB
12 Octa Saw Bass.tfx 2.23KB
12 Piano + Suitcase.tfx 2.23KB
12 PizziChoir.tfx 2.23KB
12 Propulsion.tfx 2.23KB
12 Reggae 120.tfx 2.23KB
12 Scoop Hit.tfx 2.23KB
12 Singing Pad.tfx 2.23KB
12 Sparkling.tfx 2.23KB
12 Steamy Square.tfx 2.23KB
12 Trance Type.tfx 2.23KB
12 Tribal Kit.tfx 2.23KB
12 World Traveller 1.tfx 2.23KB
12 X-Mas Support.tfx 2.23KB
13 4th Strings.tfx 2.23KB
13 Arpogee.tfx 2.23KB
13 Benin.tfx 2.23KB
13 Big Beat 100 01.tfx 2.23KB
13 Bongos+Congas+Timbales.tfx 2.23KB
13 Breakbeat Anthem.tfx 2.23KB
13 Bright Zapper.tfx 2.23KB
13 Digital Lead.tfx 2.23KB
13 Epic Pad.tfx 2.23KB
13 Fatty.tfx 2.23KB
13 FM Percussive.tfx 2.23KB
13 French Horns.tfx 2.23KB
13 It's Damp In Here.tfx 2.23KB
13 Jammin' Spoon.tfx 2.23KB
13 Light Bells.tfx 2.23KB
13 Natural Panpipes.tfx 2.23KB
13 Nice N Smooth.tfx 2.23KB
13 Nice Saw.tfx 2.23KB
13 Piano + FM Electric Piano.tfx 2.23KB
13 Siddartha.tfx 2.23KB
13 Soft Noiseband.tfx 2.23KB
13 Sync Bass.tfx 2.23KB
13 The Living Thing.tfx 2.23KB
13 The Prince.tfx 2.23KB
13 Very Hard Finger Bass.tfx 2.23KB
13 Vibrato Wurli.tfx 2.23KB
13 Wide Choir.tfx 2.23KB
13 World Traveller 2.tfx 2.23KB
14 Analog.tfx 2.23KB
14 Analog Chimes.tfx 2.23KB
14 Ballad.tfx 2.23KB
14 Big Beat 100 02.tfx 2.23KB
14 Breathy Hybrid.tfx 2.23KB
14 Car Chase Bass.tfx 2.23KB
14 Club Fog.tfx 2.23KB
14 Crispy Acoustic.tfx 2.23KB
14 Dirty Square.tfx 2.23KB
14 Discovery.tfx 2.23KB
14 Endless Sonar.tfx 2.23KB
14 Full Rock.tfx 2.23KB
14 Git Piano Resonant.tfx 2.23KB
14 Greatful Time.tfx 2.23KB
14 Heavy Pad.tfx 2.23KB
14 Hybrid Horns.tfx 2.23KB
14 Marimbaphone.tfx 2.23KB
14 Matrix Brass.tfx 2.23KB
14 Metallic + Wooden Perc.tfx 2.23KB
14 Newman.tfx 2.23KB
14 Pantasy.tfx 2.23KB
14 Q Tone.tfx 2.23KB
14 Sieling.tfx 2.23KB
14 Slow Jam @ Montreal.tfx 2.23KB
14 Suspended Strings.tfx 2.23KB
14 Synco Funk.tfx 2.23KB
14 Wave Romance.tfx 2.23KB
14 X-Mas Pad.tfx 2.23KB
15 Ambient Pipes.tfx 2.23KB
15 Analog Underlayed.tfx 2.23KB
15 Arpo Marx.tfx 2.23KB
15 Big Beat 100 03.tfx 2.23KB
15 Breathy Hybrid Pad.tfx 2.23KB
15 Caribbean-Organ.tfx 2.23KB
15 Classic 5th Sweeper.tfx 2.23KB
15 Classic Concert.tfx 2.23KB
15 Double Bass.tfx 2.23KB
15 Finito.tfx 2.23KB
15 FX Drums.tfx 2.23KB
15 Glass.tfx 2.23KB
15 House Piano.tfx 2.23KB
15 Jungle Mallet.tfx 2.23KB
15 Lonely Space Traveller.tfx 2.23KB
15 Minor 7th Strings.tfx 2.23KB
15 NDW1.tfx 2.23KB
15 Phaser Wurli.tfx 2.23KB
15 Pulsating Vocal Fuzz.tfx 2.23KB
15 Pure PPG.tfx 2.23KB
15 Saw Arp.tfx 2.23KB
15 Shaken Percussion.tfx 2.23KB
15 Slow Swimmer.tfx 2.23KB
15 Solo Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
15 Steiner Parker.tfx 2.23KB
15 TheGoodTheBad&TheAlien.tfx 2.23KB
15 Tri Self Oscillating.tfx 2.23KB
15 Wet Pad.tfx 2.23KB
16 Aliased Wavetable Bass.tfx 2.23KB
16 Arpy 1.tfx 2.23KB
16 Bender.tfx 2.23KB
16 Big Beat 100 04.tfx 2.23KB
16 Big FM Bells.tfx 2.23KB
16 Breathy High Pass.tfx 2.23KB
16 Bright HPF Sweep.tfx 2.23KB
16 Cheeeese.tfx 2.23KB
16 Dark Side.tfx 2.23KB
16 Fence Post Marimba.tfx 2.23KB
16 Forest-Pipes.tfx 2.23KB
16 Freezing.tfx 2.23KB
16 Genetic Double Bass.tfx 2.23KB
16 Jazz-Funtazz.tfx 2.23KB
16 Latin Piano.tfx 2.23KB
16 Light N Small.tfx 2.23KB
16 Major 7th Strings.tfx 2.23KB
16 News Flash.tfx 2.23KB
16 Pretty FM.tfx 2.23KB
16 Rave Signal.tfx 2.23KB
16 Resonating Lead.tfx 2.23KB
16 Saw Arp.tfx 2.23KB
16 Simple Strings.tfx 2.23KB
16 Soft Nylon Picked.tfx 2.23KB
16 Soft Stringy Pad.tfx 2.23KB
16 Studio Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
16 Techno Tune.tfx 2.23KB
16 Windchimes.tfx 2.23KB
17 Big Beat 100 05.tfx 2.23KB
17 Big Legato Pad.tfx 2.23KB
17 Big Wave.tfx 2.23KB
17 Bright Studio Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
17 Brit Wave 2.tfx 2.23KB
17 Bug Terminator.tfx 2.23KB
17 Celeste.tfx 2.23KB
17 Cowbells.tfx 2.23KB
17 Duesseldorf.tfx 2.23KB
17 Galloping Pipes.tfx 2.23KB
17 Gated Kit.tfx 2.23KB
17 HipHop Tool.tfx 2.23KB
17 Mellow Synth Horns.tfx 2.23KB
17 Musical Cosmology.tfx 2.23KB
17 Orange-Organ.tfx 2.23KB
17 Panpipes Pad.tfx 2.23KB
17 Phasey Piano.tfx 2.23KB
17 Polyrhythmic FM.tfx 2.23KB
17 Pretty FM + Chorus.tfx 2.23KB
17 Reso Tek Bass.tfx 2.23KB
17 Rich FM Bells.tfx 2.23KB
17 Smooth Hybrid.tfx 2.23KB
17 Soft Med Nylon Picked.tfx 2.23KB
17 Sparkle.tfx 2.23KB
17 Tecknoid-Mallets.tfx 2.23KB
17 Vocoder Loop Pad.tfx 2.23KB
17 Wet Windchimes.tfx 2.23KB
18 Airways.tfx 2.23KB
18 Asia.tfx 2.23KB
18 Bright FM Piano.tfx 2.23KB
18 Classic Double bass.tfx 2.23KB
18 Cliff's Organ.tfx 2.23KB
18 Complex Bells.tfx 2.23KB
18 Dirty Fooger Bass.tfx 2.23KB
18 Electronic 110 01.tfx 2.23KB
18 Hard Med Nylon Picked.tfx 2.23KB
18 Hip Hop.tfx 2.23KB
18 Kapow Pad.tfx 2.23KB
18 Nice Tones.tfx 2.23KB
18 One Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
18 Pauls State.tfx 2.23KB
18 Pipes n Bottles.tfx 2.23KB
18 Presence Choir.tfx 2.23KB
18 Sample & Hold Pad 2.tfx 2.23KB
18 Sequencer Piano.tfx 2.23KB
18 Shuttle Trip.tfx 2.23KB
18 Slave Ship.tfx 2.23KB
18 Smooth Square.tfx 2.23KB
18 Soft FM.tfx 2.23KB
18 Strings+Trumpets.tfx 2.23KB
18 Taxman.tfx 2.23KB
18 Timpani.tfx 2.23KB
18 Xylophone.tfx 2.23KB
19 Anden Mix.tfx 2.23KB
19 Bellypad.tfx 2.23KB
19 Chaotic Stream.tfx 2.23KB
19 Chapel-Bells.tfx 2.23KB
19 Electronic 110 02.tfx 2.23KB
19 Flying Zapper.tfx 2.23KB
19 FM Velo Start Bass.tfx 2.23KB
19 Fuzzy Pulse.tfx 2.23KB
19 Hammond Jazz.tfx 2.23KB
19 Hard Nylon Picked.tfx 2.23KB
19 House Set.tfx 2.23KB
19 Pretty FM + Tremolo.tfx 2.23KB
19 Rhythmaphone.tfx 2.23KB
19 Shorter Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
19 Smooth Pad.tfx 2.23KB
19 Smooth Pad.tfx 2.23KB
19 Soft Double Bass.tfx 2.23KB
19 Soft FM Arpeggio.tfx 2.23KB
19 Soft Formant Strings 1.tfx 2.23KB
19 Soft-Phase.tfx 2.23KB
19 Square Uni Sync.tfx 2.23KB
19 Standard Bend Poly.tfx 2.23KB
19 Talking Piano.tfx 2.23KB
19 The News.tfx 2.23KB
19 TimbaMallet.tfx 2.23KB
19 Timpani Low Velo.tfx 2.23KB
20 Bright Formant Strings.tfx 2.23KB
20 Bruce The Saw.tfx 2.23KB
20 Choral.tfx 2.23KB
20 Complexer Bells.tfx 2.23KB
20 Electronic 110 03.tfx 2.23KB
20 Gentle Call.tfx 2.23KB
20 Gritty Saw Bass.tfx 2.23KB
20 Hard Times.tfx 2.23KB
20 Les Andes.tfx 2.23KB
20 Medium Double Bass.tfx 2.23KB
20 New Upright Piano.tfx 2.23KB
20 Noisy Pattern.tfx 2.23KB
20 Old Full Bars.tfx 2.23KB
20 PONG.tfx 2.23KB
20 Pumper.tfx 2.23KB
20 Sequenced Pad.tfx 2.23KB
20 Skating Xylo.tfx 2.23KB
20 Smooth High Pass.tfx 2.23KB
20 Street Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
20 Super Smooth.tfx 2.23KB
20 Sweeping Overtones.tfx 2.23KB
20 TensionLead.tfx 2.23KB
20 Timpani Med Velo.tfx 2.23KB
20 Very Hard Nylon Picked.tfx 2.23KB
20 Warm FM.tfx 2.23KB
20 XTC '97.tfx 2.23KB
21 Air Instruments.tfx 2.23KB
21 Air Liquide.tfx 2.23KB
21 Big Symphonic Swell.tfx 2.23KB
21 Bit Funk.tfx 2.23KB
21 Clean Electric Guitar.tfx 2.23KB
21 Digi Choir.tfx 2.23KB
21 Digital Church.tfx 2.23KB
21 Electro-Block.tfx 2.23KB
21 Electronic 110 04.tfx 2.23KB
21 Epos.tfx 2.23KB
21 Hard Double Bass.tfx 2.23KB
21 Hybrid Thump Bass.tfx 2.23KB
21 Old Upright Piano.tfx 2.23KB
21 Purple.tfx 2.23KB
21 Romans.tfx 2.23KB
21 Sequencer Rhythm Slow.tfx 2.23KB
21 Skinny Xylo.tfx 2.23KB
21 Soft Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
21 Space Medusa.tfx 2.23KB
21 Star Rain Pad.tfx 2.23KB
21 Syncophant.tfx 2.23KB
21 Tight Electro Kit.tfx 2.23KB
21 Timpani Hard Velo.tfx 2.23KB
21 Vocalish.tfx 2.23KB
21 Warm FM + Chorus.tfx 2.23KB
21 Wide + Bright Strings.tfx 2.23KB
22 Artificially Enhanced.tfx 2.23KB
22 Brit Wave 1.tfx 2.23KB
22 Chorus Electric Guitar.tfx 2.23KB
22 Comin' In.tfx 2.23KB
22 Digi Pad.tfx 2.23KB
22 Digital Buzz Bells.tfx 2.23KB
22 Electronic 110 05.tfx 2.23KB
22 Flintstones Boneaphone.tfx 2.23KB
22 Fly Over.tfx 2.23KB
22 Hard Trumpet.tfx 2.23KB
22 Italostyle.tfx 2.23KB
22 New Honky Tonk Piano.tfx 2.23KB
22 Not Too Phased.tfx 2.23KB
22 Pac Man.tfx 2.23KB
22 Pulsing Sub.tfx 2.23KB
22 Reggae Ballad.tfx 2.23KB
22 Rock Split.tfx 2.23KB
22 Sequencer Perc 1.tfx 2.23KB
22 Sequencer Rhythm Fast.tfx 2.23KB
22 Small Panpipes.tfx 2.23KB
22 Soft Legato Strings.tfx 2.23KB
22 Soft Saw.tfx 2.23KB
22 Taiko.tfx 2.23KB
22 Techno Set.tfx 2.23KB
22 Toneless FM.tfx 2.23KB
23 Belly-Rhodes.tfx 2.23KB
23 Big Beat Backing Band.tfx 2.23KB
23 Buy Now!.tfx 2.23KB
23 Digi High Pass.tfx 2.23KB
23 Digital Fantasy.tfx 2.23KB
23 Digital Studio.tfx 2.23KB
23 Electronic 120 01.tfx 2.23KB
23 Flutey Pipes.tfx 2.23KB
23 Full Hand.tfx 2.23KB
23 Gimme An E!.tfx 2.23KB
23 Jupiter Unison Bass.tfx 2.23KB
23 Music Box.tfx 2.23KB
23 Old Honky Tonk Piano.tfx 2.23KB
23 Sanatorium PAD.tfx 2.23KB
23 Sequencer Perc 2.tfx 2.23KB
23 Sequencer Rhythm Faster.tfx 2.23KB
23 Silent Movie.tfx 2.23KB
23 Soft Legato Pad.tfx 2.23KB
23 Sound Check.tfx 2.23KB
23 Space Saga.tfx 2.23KB
23 Studio Strat.tfx 2.23KB
23 Theremin.tfx 2.23KB
23 Timpani + Taiko.tfx 2.23KB
23 Trance Set.tfx 2.23KB
23 Trumpets Section.tfx 2.23KB
24 After The Gunfight.tfx 2.23KB
24 Blades.tfx 2.23KB
24 Bright Legato Strings.tfx 2.23KB
24 Calliope.tfx 2.23KB
24 Caroussel.tfx 2.23KB
24 Clean + Funky.tfx 2.23KB
24 Clean Electric Double.tfx 2.23KB
24 Deep Purpose.tfx 2.23KB
24 Digital Spectral.tfx 2.23KB
24 Droplets.tfx 2.23KB
24 Electronic 120 02.tfx 2.23KB
24 Flutronic.tfx 2.23KB
24 Gentle Bells Sweep.tfx 2.23KB
24 Hammered Metal Slap.tfx 2.23KB
24 Laser Organ.tfx 2.23KB
24 Mechwarrior-Bass.tfx 2.23KB
24 Nasty Fifth.tfx 2.23KB
24 Old Faithful.tfx 2.23KB
24 Practice Room.tfx 2.23KB
24 Soft Panpipes.tfx 2.23KB
24 Taiko + Bass.tfx 2.23KB
24 Tiney Arp.tfx 2.23KB
24 Trumpets + More.tfx 2.23KB
24 Warm FM + Tremolo.tfx 2.23KB
25 Ambience Box.tfx 2.23KB
25 Analog Simple.tfx 2.23KB
25 Big Belly Pad.tfx 2.23KB
25 Bigger Section.tfx 2.23KB
25 Bright Legato Pad.tfx 2.23KB
25 Cloudy.tfx 2.23KB
25 Disco Set.tfx 2.23KB
25 Electronic Perc 120.tfx 2.23KB
25 Faithful Pad.tfx 2.23KB
25 FM Down.tfx 2.23KB
25 Gentle Man.tfx 2.23KB
25 Git Riddum.tfx 2.23KB
25 Hard Panpipes.tfx 2.23KB
25 Hollow Phaser Gate.tfx 2.23KB
25 Huge Cathedral Organ.tfx 2.23KB
25 Jingle-Bells.tfx 2.23KB
25 Liquid Sky.tfx 2.23KB
25 Mans Best Friend.tfx 2.23KB
25 Rubber Boing.tfx 2.23KB
25 Synth EP.tfx 2.23KB
25 Taiko Hall.tfx 2.23KB
25 Unplugged House.tfx 2.23KB
25 Velosync.tfx 2.23KB
25 Western-Saloon.tfx 2.23KB
26 Artificial Jazz EP.tfx 2.23KB
26 Blowing Up.tfx 2.23KB
26 Cave.tfx 2.23KB
26 Czech Animations.tfx 2.23KB
26 Drum n Bass 160 01.tfx 2.23KB
26 Dry Studio Set.tfx 2.23KB
26 Electric Pad.tfx 2.23KB
26 Faithful High Pass.tfx 2.23KB
26 FM Bells Stack 1.tfx 2.23KB
26 Grunge.tfx 2.23KB
26 Lonesome Oscillator.tfx 2.23KB
26 Major + Minor Bar Chords.tfx 2.23KB
26 Metallic Fuzz Bass.tfx 2.23KB
26 Percussive Bottle Blow.tfx 2.23KB
26 Piano Tuners Nightmare.tfx 2.23KB
26 Pizzicato Strings Section.tfx 2.23KB
26 Porta Bend Harmonized.tfx 2.23KB
26 Rich Music Box.tfx 2.23KB
26 Steam Pipes.tfx 2.23KB
26 Tenor Sax.tfx 2.23KB
26 Tines Too.tfx 2.23KB
26 Welcome.tfx 2.23KB
26 Werk.tfx 2.23KB
27 Alexander.tfx 2.23KB
27 Bright Pizzicato.tfx 2.23KB
27 Cathedral Organ.tfx 2.23KB
27 Clean 1st + 5th Strum.tfx 2.23KB
27 Deep Sea Diver.tfx 2.23KB
27 Drum n Bass 160 02.tfx 2.23KB
27 Drunken Organist.tfx 2.23KB
27 E-James.tfx 2.23KB
27 Electronic Dub.tfx 2.23KB
27 FineTine.tfx 2.23KB
27 FM Bells Stack 2.tfx 2.23KB
27 Gentle Bottle Blow.tfx 2.23KB
27 Heart Of Gold.tfx 2.23KB
27 Light Square Lead.tfx 2.23KB
27 MKS Uni Bass 2.tfx 2.23KB
27 Reverse Choir.tfx 2.23KB
27 Saw 5th.tfx 2.23KB
27 Sawtooth Bend.tfx 2.23KB
27 Spoon.tfx 2.23KB
27 Street Sax.tfx 2.23KB
27 Timbale.tfx 2.23KB
27 Wet Music Box.tfx 2.23KB
27 Workstation Piano.tfx 2.23KB
28 Blown Bottle 2.tfx 2.23KB
28 Bright PWM.tfx 2.23KB
28 Classic Fair.tfx 2.23KB
28 Computerstimme.tfx 2.23KB
28 DNA.tfx 2.23KB
28 Drum n Bass 160 03.tfx 2.23KB
28 First Clean Guitar.tfx 2.23KB
28 Fisher's Price.tfx 2.23KB
28 Funk Drums.tfx 2.23KB
28 Gentle Tenor Saxophone.tfx 2.23KB
28 Golden EP.tfx 2.23KB
28 Legato Pizzicato Mod Wheel.tfx 2.23KB
28 Natural Piano Eco.tfx 2.23KB
28 Noise Crash.tfx 2.23KB
28 Oriental.tfx 2.23KB
28 Panpipe Cathedral.tfx 2.23KB
28 Poison.tfx 2.23KB
28 Rechenzentrum.tfx 2.23KB
28 Reso Wow Bass.tfx 2.23KB
28 Rich Pad + Sparkles.tfx 2.23KB
28 Robo Saw.tfx 2.23KB
28 Techno Tunes.tfx 2.23KB
29 Beside The Organist.tfx 2.23KB
29 Clean Wah Guitar.tfx 2.23KB
29 Drum'n'Bass.tfx 2.23KB
29 Drum n Bass 160 04.tfx 2.23KB
29 Fair Pad.tfx 2.23KB
29 Floater.tfx 2.23KB
29 FM Mallet.tfx 2.23KB
29 Gated Hip Hop.tfx 2.23KB
29 Gentle Pulser.tfx 2.23KB
29 Glassy Glockenspiel.tfx 2.23KB
29 Hybrid Strings Stack.tfx 2.23KB
29 MKS Uni Saw.tfx 2.23KB
29 Perky Music Box.tfx 2.23KB
29 Phaser Pad.tfx 2.23KB
29 Puncher.tfx 2.23KB
29 Rhythm Cloud.tfx 2.23KB
29 Saw Stack.tfx 2.23KB
29 Self Osci Soft.tfx 2.23KB
29 Soft Piano Eco.tfx 2.23KB
29 Soft Tenor Sax.tfx 2.23KB
29 Synth EP + Tremolo.tfx 2.23KB
30 And More.tfx 2.23KB
30 Band Pass Square.tfx 2.23KB
30 Bellissimo.tfx 2.23KB
30 Choired EP.tfx 2.23KB
30 Clear E.tfx 2.23KB
30 Darvin.tfx 2.23KB
30 DeepDelay.tfx 2.23KB
30 Fair High Pass.tfx 2.23KB
30 FM Metallic Breath.tfx 2.23KB
30 Funky Mod Electric.tfx 2.23KB
30 Hard Piano Eco.tfx 2.23KB
30 Hard Tenor Sax.tfx 2.23KB
30 Hybrid Pad.tfx 2.23KB
30 Oktoberfest.tfx 2.23KB
30 Perc Loops 90.tfx 2.23KB
30 Puffer.tfx 2.23KB
30 Simple Cathedral Organ.tfx 2.23KB
30 Soft Saw.tfx 2.23KB
30 TechnoRock.tfx 2.23KB
30 Vibratone.tfx 2.23KB
30 Wallace.tfx 2.23KB
31 Better Go Home.tfx 2.23KB
31 Bright Octaves.tfx 2.23KB
31 Classic Saw Poly.tfx 2.23KB
31 Control Center.tfx 2.23KB
31 Dynamic Wah Guitar.tfx 2.23KB
31 Fehler Tron Choir.tfx 2.23KB
31 FM Metallic.tfx 2.23KB
31 Forwarder Pad.tfx 2.23KB
31 Gammon.tfx 2.23KB
31 Homemade EP.tfx 2.23KB
31 Huge Bending Bells Pad.tfx 2.23KB
31 Miami Bass Set.tfx 2.23KB
31 Put Your Hands.tfx 2.23KB
31 Rubberly Bass.tfx 2.23KB
31 Saw Octave.tfx 2.23KB
31 Singing Synth.tfx 2.23KB
31 Soft Formant Hybrid 1.tfx 2.23KB
31 Tek Chords 120.tfx 2.23KB
31 Tenor Saxes Section.tfx 2.23KB
31 Very Soft Piano.tfx 2.23KB
31 Vibrasprinkles.tfx 2.23KB
32 303 Sequencer.tfx 2.23KB
32 A Bit Dirty.tfx 2.23KB
32 Analog Orchestra.tfx 2.23KB
32 Basic Jazz Organ.tfx 2.23KB
32 Bright Formant Hybrid.tfx 2.23KB
32 Clarinet.tfx 2.23KB
32 Didjeridont.tfx 2.23KB
32 Echoed Vibratone.tfx 2.23KB
32 Electrobells.tfx 2.23KB
32 Freddy.tfx 2.23KB
32 Homemade Belly EP.tfx 2.23KB
32 Kicks+Snares+Sides Menu.tfx 2.23KB
32 Melodic Loops 100.tfx 2.23KB
32 Rhodes Pad.tfx 2.23KB
32 Rich Chaos.tfx 2.23KB
32 Saw Stack 2.tfx 2.23KB
32 Slap Bells.tfx 2.23KB
32 Tapped Bottle.tfx 2.23KB
32 Very Hard Piano.tfx 2.23KB
32 Whiner.tfx 2.23KB
33 Ambient Droplets.tfx 2.23KB
33 Analog Pulse.tfx 2.23KB
33 Basic Rock Organ.tfx 2.23KB
33 Fast Cheap Sampler Strings.tfx 2.23KB
33 Heavy Octaves.tfx 2.23KB
33 Homemade EP 2.tfx 2.23KB
33 Kicks+Snares+Claps Menu.tfx 2.23KB
33 Määh!.tfx 2.23KB
33 Mosk Clarinet.tfx 2.23KB
33 Pretty Much Dirty.tfx 2.23KB
33 Quaaak Express.tfx 2.23KB
33 Scratching-Drum Loop 100bpm.tfx 2.23KB
33 Simple Saw.tfx 2.23KB
33 Simple Saw Bass.tfx 2.23KB
33 Simple Sine.tfx 2.23KB
33 Slapback.tfx 2.23KB
33 Spooky.tfx 2.23KB
33 Turbular.tfx 2.23KB
34 Amped Analog.tfx 2.23KB
34 Analog Saw.tfx 2.23KB
34 Basic Gospel Organ.tfx 2.23KB
34 Big One.tfx 2.23KB
34 Cymbals Menu.tfx 2.23KB
34 Dirty Lead 1.tfx 2.23KB
34 Fly Pad.tfx 2.23KB
34 Glamour Tron.tfx 2.23KB
34 House Strings.tfx 2.23KB
34 Moon Dawn.tfx 2.23KB
34 Nasal Bells.tfx 2.23KB
34 Old Style Digi EP.tfx 2.23KB
34 Robot Carnival.tfx 2.23KB
34 Simple Wow Bass.tfx 2.23KB
34 Smooth Sweeper.tfx 2.23KB
34 Space Bagpipe.tfx 2.23KB
34 Square Sample & Hold.tfx 2.23KB
34 Theater Clarinet.tfx 2.23KB
35 808 Hat.tfx 2.23KB
35 80s Romantic.tfx 2.23KB
35 Basic Lower Manual.tfx 2.23KB
35 Chorus Bass.tfx 2.23KB
35 Crashes + Rides Menu.tfx 2.23KB
35 Dirty Lead 2.tfx 2.23KB
35 Electro Clash.tfx 2.23KB
35 Fehler Tron Strings.tfx 2.23KB
35 Laurie.tfx 2.23KB
35 Reflecting Sonar.tfx 2.23KB
35 Reso Noise Bells.tfx 2.23KB
35 Soft Clarinet.tfx 2.23KB
35 Soft Fizzle.tfx 2.23KB
35 Subtle EP.tfx 2.23KB
35 Sync Attack.tfx 2.23KB
35 Synthetic Woods.tfx 2.23KB
35 The Razor.tfx 2.23KB
36 80s Cowbell.tfx 2.23KB
36 80s Synth Stack.tfx 2.23KB
36 Belly EP 2.tfx 2.23KB
36 Cable Hit.tfx 2.23KB
36 Cowbells + Tambs Menu.tfx 2.23KB
36 Diffused Saws.tfx 2.23KB
36 Dirty Auto Wah.tfx 2.23KB
36 Ghost Train.tfx 2.23KB
36 Hard Clarinet.tfx 2.23KB
36 Miami Percussive.tfx 2.23KB
36 Noisy Shutdown.tfx 2.23KB
36 Rich Noise Bells.tfx 2.23KB
36 Subsonic 1.tfx 2.23KB
36 Sweep-Modular.tfx 2.23KB
36 The Void.tfx 2.23KB
37 Agogo 1.tfx 2.23KB
37 Bright Unison.tfx 2.23KB
37 Bright Wave Bells.tfx 2.23KB
37 Clavinet.tfx 2.23KB
37 Dirty Dynamic Wah.tfx 2.23KB
37 Dump Bell.tfx 2.23KB
37 Elektronik Measurement.tfx 2.23KB
37 Kicks Menu.tfx 2.23KB
37 Mountain Dew.tfx 2.23KB
37 Noise Layer.tfx 2.23KB
37 Soft Machine Gun.tfx 2.23KB
37 Stratosphere.tfx 2.23KB
37 TeknoStarter.tfx 2.23KB
37 The Lonely Guy.tfx 2.23KB
38 Agogo 2.tfx 2.23KB
38 Attack Sweep.tfx 2.23KB
38 Backspin.tfx 2.23KB
38 Basic Soft Pad.tfx 2.23KB
38 Bright'n'Smooth.tfx 2.23KB
38 Clavinet + Tone Control.tfx 2.23KB
38 Deep Pulse Thumper.tfx 2.23KB
38 Didgeritronic.tfx 2.23KB
38 Meta Thrill.tfx 2.23KB
38 My Melody.tfx 2.23KB
38 Powerchords.tfx 2.23KB
38 Snares Menu.tfx 2.23KB
38 Subsonic.tfx 2.23KB
38 Woodpecker Bells.tfx 2.23KB
39 1 Osc Pulse Lead.tfx 2.23KB
39 72mm.tfx 2.23KB
39 Choked Pecker.tfx 2.23KB
39 Dubby Drums.tfx 2.23KB
39 New Romantic.tfx 2.23KB
39 Percy Saw.tfx 2.23KB
39 REM.tfx 2.23KB
39 Resolution.tfx 2.23KB
39 Sabbath.tfx 2.23KB
39 Sidesticks Menu.tfx 2.23KB
39 Skinny Clav.tfx 2.23KB
39 Swamp Thing.tfx 2.23KB
39 Tight Ow Bass.tfx 2.23KB
39 Woody.tfx 2.23KB
40 303 Imposter.tfx 2.23KB
40 Big Strings.tfx 2.23KB
40 Claps Menu.tfx 2.23KB
40 Flanged EErie.tfx 2.23KB
40 Gated Acoustic Drums.tfx 2.23KB
40 Guitary Clav.tfx 2.23KB
40 Metal Girl.tfx 2.23KB
40 Pictures.tfx 2.23KB
40 Pitched Triangle.tfx 2.23KB
40 Pulsing-Heart-Pad.tfx 2.23KB
40 Show Off.tfx 2.23KB
40 Thriller.tfx 2.23KB
40 Triangle Bend.tfx 2.23KB
40 Zombies.tfx 2.23KB
41 Bright Unison Square Bass.tfx 2.23KB
41 Confused Bells.tfx 2.23KB
41 Gated Human Beatbox.tfx 2.23KB
41 Goa Tune.tfx 2.23KB
41 Hard Saw.tfx 2.23KB
41 Heavy Wind.tfx 2.23KB
41 Hi-Hats Menu.tfx 2.23KB
41 Marflow The Elephant.tfx 2.23KB
41 Metal Guy.tfx 2.23KB
41 Religious.tfx 2.23KB
41 Sample & Hold Pad 1.tfx 2.23KB
41 Singing Saw.tfx 2.23KB
41 Voice Mod Clav.tfx 2.23KB
42 Bi-Phaser Clav.tfx 2.23KB
42 Bright n Smooth.tfx 2.23KB
42 Bright Sync Waves.tfx 2.23KB
42 Church Bells Loop.tfx 2.23KB
42 Comet.tfx 2.23KB
42 Dynamixxx.tfx 2.23KB
42 Green Guys.tfx 2.23KB
42 Hard'n'Synced.tfx 2.23KB
42 Jungle Groove.tfx 2.23KB
42 Reso Zap.tfx 2.23KB
42 Slow Starter.tfx 2.23KB
42 Synth Aah.tfx 2.23KB
42 Toms Menu.tfx 2.23KB
43 Cemetary Bells.tfx 2.23KB
43 Crashes Menu.tfx 2.23KB
43 June.tfx 2.23KB
43 Mad Electro Pattern.tfx 2.23KB
43 Manta.tfx 2.23KB
43 Paranoid Drumming.tfx 2.23KB
43 Phaser Clav.tfx 2.23KB
43 Pressure Leak.tfx 2.23KB
43 Simple Pulse Width.tfx 2.23KB
43 Steamy Pipes.tfx 2.23KB
43 The Alps.tfx 2.23KB
43 Trautonium.tfx 2.23KB
43 Unison Square Bass.tfx 2.23KB
44 Big Octave Strings.tfx 2.23KB
44 Dyna Wah Clav.tfx 2.23KB
44 Fuzzy Saws 2.tfx 2.23KB
44 Lead Vocal.tfx 2.23KB
44 Metalhammer.tfx 2.23KB
44 Neo Disko Grooves.tfx 2.23KB
44 Old Square.tfx 2.23KB
44 Reversed Glock Melody.tfx 2.23KB
44 Rides Menu.tfx 2.23KB
44 SpaceRace.tfx 2.23KB
44 Triangle.tfx 2.23KB
44 Wide Strings.tfx 2.23KB
44 Wide Unison Bass.tfx 2.23KB
45 Ambient Resonance.tfx 2.23KB
45 Amped Clav.tfx 2.23KB
45 Basic Saw Lead.tfx 2.23KB
45 Distance.tfx 2.23KB
45 Electro Bass.tfx 2.23KB
45 Fuzzy Saws 3.tfx 2.23KB
45 Glittering.tfx 2.23KB
45 Glock Gliss Down.tfx 2.23KB
45 Love Themes.tfx 2.23KB
45 NDW2.tfx 2.23KB
45 Phased BigBeats.tfx 2.23KB
45 Splashes Menu.tfx 2.23KB
45 Woodblock.tfx 2.23KB
46 Airy Pad.tfx 2.23KB
46 Basic Square Lead.tfx 2.23KB
46 China Types Menu.tfx 2.23KB
46 Electro Funk.tfx 2.23KB
46 Glock Gliss Up.tfx 2.23KB
46 High Pass Sweeper.tfx 2.23KB
46 Into Focus.tfx 2.23KB
46 Morriconic.tfx 2.23KB
46 Plastic.tfx 2.23KB
46 Psychedelic Beats.tfx 2.23KB
46 Resolead.tfx 2.23KB
46 Send by Email.tfx 2.23KB
46 Tremolo Clav.tfx 2.23KB
47 70s Dirty.tfx 2.23KB
47 Ausserirdische.tfx 2.23KB
47 Basic Pulse Lead.tfx 2.23KB
47 Chorus Strings.tfx 2.23KB
47 Cushion.tfx 2.23KB
47 Everybody In The Place.tfx 2.23KB
47 Idea-Bells.tfx 2.23KB
47 Nephology.tfx 2.23KB
47 Nice Sweeper.tfx 2.23KB
47 The Rock Band.tfx 2.23KB
47 Tube Scream.tfx 2.23KB
48 Basic PWM Lead.tfx 2.23KB
48 Breakdance I.O.U..tfx 2.23KB
48 Classic Digi Metal.tfx 2.23KB
48 Fehler Tron Strings.tfx 2.23KB
48 Flat Analog Thump.tfx 2.23KB
48 Pulsing Schwoong.tfx 2.23KB
48 Saw + Strings.tfx 2.23KB
48 Undefined-Space.tfx 2.23KB
49 Basic Triangle Lead.tfx 2.23KB
49 Chatter.tfx 2.23KB
49 Grand Octave.tfx 2.23KB
49 Grave Bass.tfx 2.23KB
49 Mech-Razor.tfx 2.23KB
49 Perky Chords.tfx 2.23KB
49 Soft Square Pad.tfx 2.23KB
49 Turkish Radio.tfx 2.23KB
50 Acid Arp.tfx 2.23KB
50 Basic Sine Lead.tfx 2.23KB
50 Cosmic Hail Storm.tfx 2.23KB
50 Hi Enveloped TB.tfx 2.23KB
50 Mellow Band Pass Pad.tfx 2.23KB
50 Tubeway Armies.tfx 2.23KB
50 Vibrapad.tfx 2.23KB
50 Zoom.tfx 2.23KB
51 Basic Digital Lead.tfx 2.23KB
51 Basic Saw Lead.tfx 2.23KB
51 Cuddly Pad.tfx 2.23KB
51 Gentle Grains.tfx 2.23KB
51 Huge Bass.tfx 2.23KB
51 Rhythmic Shift.tfx 2.23KB
51 Square Bend.tfx 2.23KB
51 Sync Funk.tfx 2.23KB
52 Basic Square Lead.tfx 2.23KB
52 Big Sweeper Pad.tfx 2.23KB
52 D Something 2.tfx 2.23KB
52 Harp On.tfx 2.23KB
52 Noise Analog.tfx 2.23KB
52 Seconds.tfx 2.23KB
52 Synthistrinx.tfx 2.23KB
53 Basic Pulse Lead.tfx 2.23KB
53 Digital Cascade.tfx 2.23KB
53 Rhythmatron.tfx 2.23KB
53 Rocker's Analog.tfx 2.23KB
53 Simple Saw Pad.tfx 2.23KB
53 Soft Signals.tfx 2.23KB
53 Techno Chords.tfx 2.23KB
54 Africa.tfx 2.23KB
54 Basic PWM Lead.tfx 2.23KB
54 Rhythmetic.tfx 2.23KB
54 Round Bass.tfx 2.23KB
54 Soft + Squarish.tfx 2.23KB
54 String Attacks.tfx 2.23KB
54 Warm & Direct.tfx 2.23KB
55 Basic Triangle Lead.tfx 2.23KB
55 Bright Lights.tfx 2.23KB
55 Calculator.tfx 2.23KB
55 Digital Metal.tfx 2.23KB
55 Fuzzy Saws.tfx 2.23KB
55 Reedy Pad.tfx 2.23KB
55 Tek Fun.tfx 2.23KB
56 Basic Digital Lead.tfx 2.23KB
56 Glittering Pad.tfx 2.23KB
56 Grand-Modular.tfx 2.23KB
56 Last Guest.tfx 2.23KB
56 Lightfair.tfx 2.23KB
56 Thumped FM Bass.tfx 2.23KB
56 Warm + Fluffy.tfx 2.23KB
57 Anvils.tfx 2.23KB
57 Hook Maker.tfx 2.23KB
57 Phaser Jet.tfx 2.23KB
57 Swoosh Pad.tfx 2.23KB
57 Translator-Pad.tfx 2.23KB
57 Unison Mono Analog.tfx 2.23KB
58 Asteroid.tfx 2.23KB
58 Reasonable Pad.tfx 2.23KB
58 Round Thing.tfx 2.23KB
58 Sine Bend.tfx 2.23KB
58 Werk Bass.tfx 2.23KB
59 Forty-Two.tfx 2.23KB
59 Funky Fillin Bass.tfx 2.23KB
59 Lush Digi Stack.tfx 2.23KB
59 Noise Band.tfx 2.23KB
59 Strings+Brass.tfx 2.23KB
60 Eos.tfx 2.23KB
60 Forward And Bright.tfx 2.23KB
60 Knarzzz.tfx 2.23KB
60 Organic.tfx 2.23KB
60 Smooth Horns.tfx 2.23KB
61 Basic Detuned Saw Pad.tfx 2.23KB
61 Heavy Chimes.tfx 2.23KB
61 Low Freq Bass.tfx 2.23KB
61 Phased Jump.tfx 2.23KB
61 Tune Up.tfx 2.23KB
62 Basic Detuned Saw Pad.tfx 2.23KB
62 Basic Saw Pad.tfx 2.23KB
62 Industrials.tfx 2.23KB
62 Mamboo Bass.tfx 2.23KB
62 Percussive Choral.tfx 2.23KB
63 Basic Digital Menu.tfx 2.23KB
63 Basic Saw Pad.tfx 2.23KB
63 Inflight Voice.tfx 2.23KB
63 Move it!.tfx 2.23KB
63 Pop Art.tfx 2.23KB
64 Basic Digital Pad.tfx 2.23KB
64 Basic Square Pad.tfx 2.23KB
64 Living Backwards.tfx 2.23KB
64 Propogate.tfx 2.23KB
64 Raggae-Resobass.tfx 2.23KB
65 1 Osc Saw Bass.tfx 2.23KB
65 Basic Sine Pad.tfx 2.23KB
65 Basic Square Pad.tfx 2.23KB
65 Martian Winds.tfx 2.23KB
65 Tines Pad.tfx 2.23KB
66 1 Osc Saw Sync Bass.tfx 2.23KB
66 Basic PWM Pad.tfx 2.23KB
66 Basic Triangle Pad.tfx 2.23KB
66 Terminal.tfx 2.23KB
66 Vocalised.tfx 2.23KB
67 1 Osc Square-Pulse Bass.tfx 2.23KB
67 Basic Pulse Pad.tfx 2.23KB
67 Basic PWM Pad.tfx 2.23KB
67 Clairvoyant.tfx 2.23KB
67 Wavey.tfx 2.23KB
68 1 Osc Square-Pulse Sync Bass.tfx 2.23KB
68 Basic Pulse Pad.tfx 2.23KB
68 Basic Triangle Pad.tfx 2.23KB
68 Belly Strings.tfx 2.23KB
68 Pouring Data.tfx 2.23KB
69 2 Osc Pulse Sync Attack Bass.tfx 2.23KB
69 Click Choir.tfx 2.23KB
69 Swinging Electrocable.tfx 2.23KB
70 2 Osc Saw Sync Attack Bass.tfx 2.23KB
70 Fonkee.tfx 2.23KB
71 Killer Bees.tfx 2.23KB
72 The Spring.tfx 2.23KB
73 Wet And Fat.tfx 2.23KB
a-ap401.r00 4.77MB
a-ap401.r01 4.77MB
a-ap401.r02 4.77MB
a-ap401.r03 4.77MB
a-ap401.r04 4.77MB
a-ap401.r05 4.77MB
a-ap401.r06 4.77MB
a-ap401.r07 4.77MB
a-ap401.r08 4.77MB
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