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Title The Complete 2022 Python Bootcamp - Automate Anything!
Size 6.82GB

Files List
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[TGx]Downloaded from .txt 585B
0 337.03KB
1 682.12KB
1.1 Floating Point Arithmetic Issues and Limitations.html 115B
1. Accepting User Input.mp4 41.01MB
1. Comments.mp4 10.26MB
1. Congratulations.mp4 5.23MB
1. Control Flow Overview.mp4 8.07MB
1. Counter.mp4 18.28MB
1. Fitness App Project Overview.mp4 57.43MB
1. Hangman Project Overview.mp4 27.15MB
1. Helpful functionality for the upcoming projects.mp4 17.43MB
1. Installing Python.mp4 44.50MB
1. Introduction to Decorators.mp4 27.07MB
1. Introduction to Generators.mp4 2.92MB
1. Introduction to Modules.mp4 11.87MB
1. Introduction to OOP.mp4 18.57MB
1. Introduction to Tkinter.mp4 11.28MB
1. Numbers Part 1.mp4 19.80MB
1. Problem.mp4 37.19MB
1. Problem.mp4 32.93MB
1. Project Overview.mp4 46.29MB
1. Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions.mp4 25.39MB
1. Regex Introduction.mp4 12.57MB
1. Rock, Paper, Scissors Project Overview.mp4 21.80MB
1. Section Introduction.html 990B
1. Shopping List Project Overview.mp4 15.94MB
1. Timing your Python code.mp4 49.41MB
1. Understand Loops with FizzBuzz!.mp4 4.77MB
1. Welcome to The Python Bootcamp!.mp4 12.21MB
1. What are Dictionaries.mp4 6.58MB
1. What are Functions.mp4 12.23MB
1. What are Lists.mp4 21.08MB
1. What is a Set.mp4 4.03MB
1. What is a String.mp4 20.11MB
1. What is a Tuple.mp4 3.99MB
1. What is Web Scraping.mp4 17.83MB
1. Working with CSV files (Reading from .csv files).mp4 42.98MB
10 606.12KB
10. Basic Interactivity Example.mp4 40.19MB
10. Building a Calculator App Part 1.mp4 57.49MB
10. enumerate.mp4 12.88MB
10. Other useful List methods.mp4 43.98MB
10. Polymorphism.mp4 30.16MB
10. Scope.mp4 26.62MB
10. Scraping the Forecast data - All elements at once.mp4 24.02MB
10. Section 21 Quiz.html 170B
10. The Frozen Set.mp4 19.10MB
100 963.03KB
101 109.65KB
102 312.97KB
103 508.72KB
104 772.76KB
105 208.28KB
106 595.45KB
107 931.88KB
108 943.79KB
109 192.01KB
11 791.90KB
11. Basic Interactivity with real dataset.mp4 29.72MB
11. Building a Calculator App Part 2.mp4 86.41MB
11. List Comprehensions.mp4 19.46MB
11. List Membership.mp4 11.50MB
11. Loading our data into a Pandas DataFrame.mp4 34.04MB
11. Section 9 Quiz.html 170B
11. Special Methods.mp4 70.69MB
11. The Global keyword.mp4 15.93MB
110 250.58KB
111 342.53KB
112 618.88KB
113 716.37KB
114 908.67KB
115 1001.91KB
116 48.26KB
117 205.56KB
118 551.54KB
119 924.71KB
12 534.42KB
12. Creating an executable file to run on your computer.mp4 57.81MB
12. Dictionary Comprehensions.mp4 22.69MB
12. EXTRA - Converting to and from lists with .split() and .join().mp4 20.30MB
12. Plotly Basics.mp4 24.89MB
12. Section 12 Quiz.html 170B
12. Section 20 Quiz.html 170B
120 305.74KB
121 439.35KB
122 468.08KB
123 736.91KB
124 796.99KB
125 978.85KB
126 170.32KB
127 451.61KB
128 587.04KB
129 32.27KB
13 280.96KB
13. Creating Charts on a real dataset.mp4 41.31MB
13. List Summary.mp4 2.61MB
13. Schedule your application to run automatically (Task Scheduler).mp4 38.33MB
13. Section 11 Quiz.html 170B
130 157.46KB
131 266.40KB
132 282.62KB
133 373.86KB
134 499.82KB
135 525.76KB
136 770.95KB
137 916.90KB
138 933.40KB
139 43.93KB
14 723.49KB
14. Plotly Chart Themes.mp4 12.96MB
14. Section 6 Quiz.html 170B
140 61.38KB
141 67.09KB
142 269.93KB
143 365.93KB
144 931.77KB
145 369.15KB
146 533.90KB
147 764.94KB
148 818.37KB
149 884.87KB
15 320.56KB
15.1 Hadley Wickham - Tidy Data.html 108B
15. Plotly Express Overview.mp4 56.64MB
150 888.29KB
151 982.39KB
152 18.83KB
153 295.98KB
154 944.67KB
155 41.76KB
156 72.67KB
157 103.51KB
158 119.40KB
159 132.42KB
16 784.87KB
16. Introducing the sakila dataset.mp4 9.09MB
160 189.90KB
161 440.31KB
162 586.73KB
163 751.00KB
164 784.16KB
165 808.35KB
166 890.24KB
167 28.80KB
168 135.01KB
169 244.97KB
17 930.31KB
17. Connecting to a database.mp4 23.37MB
170 273.54KB
171 458.56KB
172 512.95KB
173 720.16KB
174 720.69KB
175 733.84KB
176 867.67KB
177 923.91KB
178 223.57KB
179 445.79KB
18 980.59KB
18. Bar Charts.mp4 47.90MB
180 640.03KB
181 759.63KB
182 762.42KB
183 205.43KB
184 286.84KB
185 444.26KB
186 935.42KB
187 30.66KB
188 272.48KB
189 948.71KB
19 284.46KB
19. Explore Plotly and Dash further.html 566B
190 949.92KB
191 21.95KB
192 23.19KB
193 145.32KB
194 221.60KB
195 433.23KB
196 71.90KB
197 162.28KB
198 638.85KB
199 786.32KB
2 666.86KB
2.1 requirements.txt 1.60KB
2. Accessing elements of a String - Indexing.mp4 20.81MB
2. Command Line Basics.mp4 31.73MB
2. Creating a Dictionary.mp4 20.67MB
2. Creating a Set.mp4 19.95MB
2. Creating a Tuple (inc. Tuple Packing).mp4 12.27MB
2. Creating our first GUI.mp4 14.20MB
2. Fitness App Project Solution.mp4 263.33MB
2. FOR Loops.mp4 44.71MB
2. Handling Errors and Exceptions.mp4 35.68MB
2. Hangman Project Solution.mp4 185.42MB
2. How Does Web Scraping Work.mp4 55.07MB
2. How to access list elements.mp4 18.22MB
2. How to DEFine a Function.mp4 14.25MB
2. Importing modules in Python Part 1.mp4 9.72MB
2. Meta Characters Part 1.mp4 31.06MB
2. Number Guessing Game Project Overview.mp4 15.74MB
2. Numbers Part 2.mp4 22.50MB
2. OrderedDict.mp4 9.80MB
2. Project Solution.mp4 232.35MB
2. Python Iterators.mp4 45.04MB
2. Rock, Paper, Scissors Project Solution.mp4 122.29MB
2. Setting up your environment.mp4 20.02MB
2. Shopping List Project Solution.mp4 133.89MB
2. Solution.mp4 354.65MB
2. Solution (Part 1).mp4 99.28MB
2. The Print Statement.mp4 4.46MB
2. Understanding Booleans.mp4 10.26MB
2. Understanding Closures Part 1.mp4 20.40MB
2. Validating User Input.mp4 28.83MB
2. What is a Class.mp4 15.96MB
2. What is Python - Our first Program!.mp4 13.08MB
2. Working with CSV files (Writing to .csv files).mp4 49.95MB
20 198.56KB
200 15.58KB
201 238.79KB
202 383.81KB
203 551.27KB
204 994.49KB
205 9.70KB
206 395.06KB
207 79.70KB
21 442.18KB
22 521.26KB
23 535.00KB
24 586.40KB
25 371.58KB
26 952.98KB
27 417.51KB
28 416.97KB
29 52.23KB
3 595.57KB
3. Accessing elements from a Dictionary.mp4 11.30MB
3. Accessing multiple elements of a String - Slicing.mp4 24.86MB
3. Accessing Tuple elements (Indexing & Slicing).mp4 18.54MB
3. Adding Widgets to the GUI.mp4 30.91MB
3. An interesting thought... Python Decimal.mp4 16.85MB
3. Comparison Operators.mp4 12.93MB
3. DefaultDict.mp4 16.49MB
3. Docstrings.mp4 11.76MB
3. FizzBuzz with FOR loops (Overview).mp4 12.13MB
3. How to create an attribute.mp4 23.70MB
3. Importing modules in Python Part 2.mp4 16.72MB
3. Jupyter Notebook Introduction.mp4 23.06MB
3. List Slicing.mp4 24.93MB
3. Main Components of Dash.mp4 8.73MB
3. Meta Characters Part 2.mp4 37.68MB
3. Modifying a Set.mp4 11.15MB
3. Number Guessing Game Project Solution.mp4 169.34MB
3. Python Generators.mp4 33.11MB
3. Section 13 Quiz.html 170B
3. Solution (Part 2).mp4 57.57MB
3. Understanding Closures Part 2.mp4 18.04MB
3. User-defined Exceptions.mp4 59.72MB
3. Variables.mp4 16.97MB
3. Web Scraping Legalities.mp4 11.10MB
3. What you can expect in this course....mp4 20.76MB
3. Working with PDF files (Reading from .pdf files).mp4 39.69MB
30 280.80KB
31 483.88KB
32 603.04KB
33 106.56KB
34 725.57KB
35 980.91KB
36 279.26KB
37 299.45KB
38 507.08KB
39 24.05KB
4 680.57KB
4. A Simple Decorator Example.mp4 22.25MB
4. ChainMap.mp4 14.48MB
4. Changing & Adding Dictionary elements.mp4 11.30MB
4. Changing a Tuple.mp4 25.88MB
4. Constants.mp4 4.63MB
4. FizzBuzz with FOR loops (Solution).mp4 15.09MB
4. Generator Expressions.mp4 16.51MB
4. Geometry Management - The Pack Method.mp4 36.69MB
4. How to change or delete a String.mp4 12.43MB
4. IF statements.mp4 26.44MB
4. Instantiating a class.mp4 12.87MB
4. Jupyter Notebook Basics.mp4 36.31MB
4. List Methods Introduction.mp4 5.38MB
4. Numbers from libraries.mp4 7.98MB
4. Pylint.mp4 64.04MB
4. Python Module Search Path.mp4 24.74MB
4. Removing elements from a Set.mp4 13.71MB
4. Solution (Part 3).mp4 41.80MB
4. Special Sequences.mp4 44.73MB
4. The Dash App Skeleton.mp4 9.57MB
4. The return statement.mp4 28.57MB
4. The Structure of a Webpage.mp4 76.23MB
4. Working with PDF files (Writing to .pdf files).mp4 16.10MB
40 36.86KB
41 16.40KB
42 443.04KB
43 204.33KB
44 707.48KB
45 817.73KB
46 1018.46KB
47 482.86KB
48 833.58KB
49 834.02KB
5 108.10KB
5.1 Further reading on decorators.html 138B
5.1 Python keywords.PNG 17.25KB
5. Benefits of Generators.mp4 14.64MB
5. Class object attributes.mp4 11.55MB
5. Decorating Functions with Parameters.mp4 32.32MB
5. Deleting a Tuple.mp4 4.98MB
5. Geometry Management - The Place Method.mp4 40.53MB
5. How to read data from a database.mp4 37.05MB
5. NamedTuple.mp4 13.98MB
5. Our First Dash App!.mp4 16.25MB
5. Parameters and Positional Arguments.mp4 25.36MB
5. Python Keywords.mp4 5.84MB
5. Reloading a Module.mp4 14.04MB
5. Removing elements from Dictionaries.mp4 23.61MB
5. Running tests with the Unittest library.mp4 108.83MB
5. Section 2 Quiz.html 170B
5. Section 4 Quiz.html 170B
5. Solution (Part 4).mp4 75.48MB
5. Sorting Lists.mp4 31.20MB
5. String concatenation.mp4 14.14MB
5. The importance of indentation.mp4 18.70MB
5. The Regex Module.mp4 68.23MB
5. The requests library.mp4 25.69MB
5. Union.mp4 10.56MB
5. WHILE Loops.mp4 26.23MB
50 320.84KB
51 430.09KB
52 687.20KB
53 326.92KB
54 827.05KB
55 975.28KB
56 320.10KB
57 369.48KB
58 705.19KB
59 331.41KB
6 722.33KB
6. Adding more components.mp4 22.89MB
6. Changing attributes.mp4 10.37MB
6. Changing List elements.mp4 10.78MB
6. Deque.mp4 16.09MB
6. Dictionary Methods.mp4 15.64MB
6. ELIF and ELSE.mp4 30.23MB
6. FizzBuzz with WHILE loops.mp4 14.13MB
6. Geometry Management - The Grid Method.mp4 57.48MB
6. Intersection.mp4 5.93MB
6. Introduction to Packages.mp4 30.50MB
6. Intro to Data Types.mp4 3.61MB
6. Keyword Arguments & Default Values.mp4 32.14MB
6. Section 22 Quiz.html 170B
6. Section 24 Quiz.html 170B
6. Section 25 Quiz.html 170B
6. Solution (Part 5).mp4 94.98MB
6. String Membership.mp4 12.81MB
6. The BeautifulSoup library.mp4 71.29MB
6. Tuple Methods & Operations.mp4 11.97MB
60 138.97KB
61 983.98KB
62 916.20KB
63 75.47KB
64 697.30KB
65 881.97KB
66 7.39KB
67 271.91KB
68 822.13KB
69 967.06KB
7 173.04KB
7.1 Dash Themes.html 129B
7. Adding elements to Lists.mp4 34.86MB
7. args & kwargs.mp4 40.19MB
7. Dictionary Membership & Built-in functions.mp4 16.74MB
7. Difference.mp4 7.98MB
7. Exploring different types of widgets (Part 1).mp4 73.73MB
7. Importing from Packages.mp4 31.99MB
7. Instance Methods.mp4 38.58MB
7. Nested Loops.mp4 30.83MB
7. Searching for tags by class and id.mp4 23.91MB
7. Section 10 Quiz.html 170B
7. Section 3 Quiz.html 170B
7. String Methods.mp4 64.09MB
7. Themes & Layouts.mp4 42.57MB
7. Tuple Unpacking.mp4 8.07MB
70 1005.58KB
71 87.58KB
72 173.21KB
73 514.89KB
74 786.06KB
75 862.43KB
76 287.41KB
77 170.37KB
78 442.92KB
79 866.76KB
8 736.31KB
8.1 Custom String Formatting.html 131B
8.1 Immutable Sequence types.html 133B
8. Exploring different types of widgets (Part 2).mp4 49.53MB
8. Inheritance Part 1.mp4 51.59MB
8. Lambda Expressions.mp4 16.63MB
8. National Weather Service - Extended Forecast.mp4 25.11MB
8. Pre-built bootstrap components.mp4 26.78MB
8. Removing elements from Lists.mp4 23.72MB
8. Section 7 Quiz.html 170B
8. Symmetric Difference.mp4 6.78MB
8. The break, continue and pass keywords.mp4 31.02MB
8. The dir() built-in function.mp4 43.96MB
8. The format() method.mp4 21.42MB
8. Tuples v Lists.mp4 8.97MB
80 954.06KB
81 222.25KB
82 386.28KB
83 577.11KB
84 789.12KB
85 126.62KB
86 319.84KB
87 622.40KB
88 652.29KB
89 909.27KB
9 17.71KB
9. Creating loops with the ELSE keyword.mp4 12.90MB
9. Deleting List elements.mp4 17.56MB
9. Executing functions in a GUI.mp4 50.59MB
9. if __name__ and __main__.mp4 41.20MB
9. Inheritance Part 2.mp4 49.73MB
9. Map & Filter Functions.mp4 21.09MB
9. Scraping the Forecast data - One element at a time.mp4 36.64MB
9. Section 5 Quiz.html 170B
9. Section 8 Quiz.html 170B
9. Setting up Dash in Jupyter.mp4 11.73MB
9. Useful built-in functions with Sets.mp4 7.86MB
90 73.61KB
91 109.94KB
92 143.72KB
93 265.28KB
94 1001.85KB
95 88.29KB
96 282.60KB
97 305.52KB
98 400.11KB
99 643.25KB 63B
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Total 15
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