Torrent Info
Title Build real application by ASP.NET Core Simple To Complex
Size 2.94GB
Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
1. 1- Account data Initializing.mp4 111.05MB
1. 1- Course Controller ( Retrieve data using method syntax or query syntax).mp4 97.51MB
1.1 29.14MB
1. Introduction of course.mp4 60.29MB
1. Setup and download requirement files.mp4 24.44MB
1. Source Code File.html 37B
10. 10- Instructor with Models and apply relationship configuration.mp4 120.86MB
11. 11- Department CURD.mp4 314.23MB
12. 12- Instructor List (Course to the Instructor) then (Students to the Course).mp4 156.44MB
13. 13- Instructor - Details.mp4 66.87MB
14. 14- Instructor - Create.mp4 203.38MB
15. 15- Instructor - Edit.mp4 146.94MB
16. 16- Instructor - Delete.mp4 67.20MB
2. 2. Account.mp4 192.55MB
2. 2- Pages with Custom Edit.mp4 27.86MB
2. Generic Design Patterns.mp4 103.22MB
3. 3- Course Controller - CURD.mp4 146.61MB
3. 3- Create Database Using Code First In Entity Framework Core.mp4 53.34MB
3. 3- Roles.mp4 136.43MB
4. 4- Apply Data annotation and Fluent API.mp4 45.11MB
4. 4- Partial View.mp4 36.19MB
4. 4- Users.mp4 195.27MB
5. 5- Application relationship between models.mp4 62.16MB
5. 5- Authorization.mp4 54.10MB
5. 6- Student Controller Part 2.mp4 167.37MB
6. 5- Student Controller Part 1.mp4 61.17MB
6. 6- Data Seeding.mp4 84.82MB
7. 7- Student Controller Part 3 - Include (Sort and Search).mp4 97.02MB
8. 8- Student Controller Part 4 - Include( Pagination).mp4 41.61MB
9. 9- Student Controller Part 5 - Include( Courses to the Student).mp4 110.84MB
ReadMe.txt 220B
ReadMe.txt 220B
Visit 124B
Visit 124B
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United States (US) 1
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