Torrent Info
Title CBTNuggets - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Network Automation - EX457
Size 5.42GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
01. Work from a RHEL Environment.mp4 34.33MB
02. RHEL Installation.mp4 87.13MB
03. Development Environment.mp4 55.74MB
04. Executing Shell Commands.mp4 40.43MB
05. Introduction to Version Control.mp4 37.56MB
06. Basic Setup.mp4 39.00MB
07. Creating a Repository.mp4 33.00MB
08. Reading the Logs.mp4 33.83MB
09. Creating a Test Branch.mp4 30.12MB
10. Merging Branches.mp4 19.65MB
11. Pushing to Remote Repositories.mp4 26.25MB
12. Introduction to Network Automation.mp4 70.63MB
13. What is Ansible.mp4 85.13MB
14. Ansible Architecture.mp4 79.92MB
15. Ansible Installation.mp4 32.63MB
16. File Configuration.mp4 52.73MB
17. Testing the Setup.mp4 38.46MB
18. Building the Test Lab.mp4 69.17MB
19. Adding Devices to the Lab.mp4 102.88MB
20. Understanding YAML.mp4 47.91MB
21. Exploring the Modules.mp4 43.75MB
22. Running Ad Hoc Commands.mp4 56.19MB
23. Playbooks.mp4 46.65MB
24. What is a Variable.mp4 21.82MB
25. Host and Group Vars.mp4 86.67MB
26. Accessing Data.mp4 65.37MB
27. Defining Playbook Variables.mp4 22.71MB
28. Understanding Loops.mp4 59.46MB
29. Looping Over IP Addresses.mp4 45.62MB
30. What is Conditional Logic.mp4 22.44MB
31. The When Keyword.mp4 60.13MB
32. Writing a Conditional Playbook.mp4 111.13MB
33. Ansible Filters.mp4 37.49MB
34. IP Address Filter.mp4 41.16MB
35. Introduction.mp4 20.81MB
36. Defining Variables.mp4 17.98MB
37. Substituting Values.mp4 77.35MB
38. Dynamic Lookups.mp4 58.46MB
39. Jinja2 Loops.mp4 37.68MB
40. Jinja2 Conditionals.mp4 37.57MB
41. Registering Variables.mp4 42.31MB
42. Handlers -.mp4 36.35MB
43. What to Encrypt.mp4 52.07MB
44. Encryption Options and Strategies.mp4 65.22MB
45. Using Ansible Vault.mp4 76.80MB
46. Introduction to Roles.mp4 49.45MB
47. Role Directory Structure.mp4 44.54MB
48. Creating a Role.mp4 70.90MB
49. Exploring Ansible Galaxy.mp4 35.40MB
50. The Genie Collection.mp4 71.76MB
51. Introduction to VyOS.mp4 35.51MB
52. VyOS Installation.mp4 97.64MB
53. Exploring the VyOS Modules.mp4 57.68MB
54. Automating VyOS.mp4 37.99MB
55. Gathering Facts in a Multivendor Environment.mp4 103.62MB
56. Interface Configuration.mp4 66.79MB
57. OSPF Overview.mp4 153.42MB
58. Creating an OSPF Topology.mp4 95.81MB
59. OSPF Modules.mp4 92.63MB
60. OSPF Configuration Templates.mp4 61.73MB
61. BGP Overview.mp4 135.51MB
62. Creating a BGP Topology.mp4 112.18MB
63. BGP Configuration Templates.mp4 76.81MB
64. VLAN Overview.mp4 107.39MB
65. Creating a VLAN Topology.mp4 62.60MB
66. VLAN Configuration Templates.mp4 59.61MB
67. VLAN Modules.mp4 112.69MB
68. Understanding NAPALM.mp4 87.71MB
69. Installing Arista Images.mp4 57.15MB
70. Installing NAPALM-Ansible.mp4 45.83MB
71. Retrieving State with Getters.mp4 50.16MB
72. Validating Configurations and State.mp4 55.44MB
73. Validation Troubleshooting.mp4 60.84MB
74. Introduction.mp4 41.85MB
75. Using the Setup Module.mp4 37.24MB
76. Creating Directories with the File Module.mp4 38.97MB
77. Startup and Running Configurations.mp4 54.54MB
78. The Copy Module -.mp4 66.45MB
79. Restoring Configurations.mp4 96.99MB
80. Syslog Overview.mp4 107.14MB
81. Cisco Syslog Configuration.mp4 101.63MB
82. VyOS Syslog Configuration.mp4 30.71MB
83. SNMP Overview.mp4 73.68MB
84. SNMP Modules.mp4 73.45MB
85. Introduction.mp4 131.07MB
86. CSR Device Setup.mp4 64.79MB
87. Getting Data with RESTCONF.mp4 67.32MB
88. Introduction to Ansible Tower.mp4 63.83MB
89. Tower Installation.mp4 50.89MB
90. Credentials.mp4 50.57MB
91. Organizations, Groups and Users.mp4 39.24MB
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