Torrent Info
Title RealPython - Real Python Tutorials Collection
Size 14.71GB
Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here. 71B 79B 85B 358B 358B 358B 210B
_techcrunch.csv 302B
~Get All Courses Here !.url 173B 526B
00 DJango Admin - Intro.mp4.mp4 2.23MB
00 Intro.mp4 2.86MB
0101 Introandoverview.mp4 29.51MB
01-01 Pyenv-Overview.mp4.mp4 10.65MB
01-01-Scope-Overview-V2.mp4 2.84MB
01-01-Scope-overview-v2.mp4.jpg 119.33KB
01 01 Section 1 Intro .mp4 1.67MB
0102 Backgroundandsetup.mp4 9.58MB
01 02 Functions .mp4 6.65MB
01-02 Pyenv-Why-Not-Use-System-Python.mp4.mp4 8.98MB
0103 Basicpygameprogram .mp4 19.16MB
01 03 First Class Objects .mp4 9.79MB
01-03 Pyenv-Why-Not-Use-A-Package-Manager.mp4.mp4 7.58MB
01 04 Inner Functions .mp4 9.07MB
0104 Pygameconcepts.mp4 9.48MB
01 05 Returning Functions .mp4 9.09MB
01 06 Section 1 Review .mp4 4.57MB
01 Cc Overview.mp4.mp4 9.05MB
01 D A Overview.mp4 7.71MB
01 DJango Admin - Pre-Requisites.mp4 4.94MB
01 Drf Overview.mp4 12.66MB
01 Eval Overview.mp4 11.14MB
01 Intro.mp4 14.51MB
01 Intro .mp4 15.42MB
01 - Intro.mp4 973.76KB
01 Introandoverview .mp4 12.18MB
01 Introduction.mp4 3.55MB
01 Introduction.mp4 6.92MB
01 Introduction And Course Overview.mp4 30.87MB
01 List Comprehensions Part1.mp4 1.12MB
01 List Comprehensions Part2.mp4 3.92MB
01 List Comprehensions Part3.mp4 7.47MB
01 List Comprehensions Part4.mp4 3.61MB
01 List Comprehensions Part5.mp4 2.25MB
01 List Comprehensions Part6.mp4 2.86MB
01 List Comprehensions Part7.mp4 5.71MB
01 List Comprehensions Part8.mp4 5.69MB
01 Mod Intro.mp4 5.28MB
01 Variable Assignment.mp4 10.54MB 224B 84B
02-01 Pyenv-Installing-Pyenv.mp4.mp4 7.95MB
02-01-Scope-Builtins-Module-V4.mp4 5.34MB
02 01 Section 2 Intro .mp4 1.27MB
0201 Thetutorialgame.mp4 5.35MB
0202 Importingandinitializing.mp4 7.81MB
02-02-Scope-Global-Namespace-V4.mp4 5.09MB
02 02 Simple Decorators .mp4 18.09MB
02-03-Scope-Local-And-Enclosing-Namespaces-V3.mp4 12.13MB
0203 Settingupthedisplay.mp4 6.86MB
02 03 Syntatic Sugar .mp4 10.24MB
02 04 Reusing Decorators .mp4 5.62MB
0204 Settingupthegameloop.mp4 17.89MB
02 05 Decorating With Arguments .mp4 19.69MB
0205 Drawingonthescreen.mp4 11.67MB
02 06 Returning Values .mp4 10.56MB
0206 Usingblitandflip.mp4 16.20MB
02 07 Who Are You Really .mp4 15.50MB
02 08 Section 2 Review .mp4 8.32MB
02 Cc Latency.mp4 23.28MB
02 Computer Vision Technologies.mp4 21.91MB
02 D A Dict.mp4 30.32MB
02 DJango Admin - Setting Up The DJango Admin.mp4 36.56MB
02 Drf Rest.mp4 33.57MB
02 Dynamicvsstatic .mp4 18.35MB
02 Eval Usage.mp4 33.09MB
02 Looping Basics _Definite Iteration_.mp4 6.65MB
02 Mod Modarth.mp4 10.27MB
02 Object References.mp4 12.17MB
02 - Old School String Formatting.mp4 13.74MB
02 The Arduino Platform.mp4 39.98MB
02 What Is A Pointer C Code .mp4 31.13MB
02 Writingaamodule .mp4 11.23MB 328B 276B
0301 Creatingspites.mp4 36.69MB
03-01 Pyenv-Using-Pyenv-To-Install-Python.mp4.mp4 5.35MB
03-01-Scope-Variable-Scope-V4.mp4 4.19MB
03 01 Section 3 Real World Examples .mp4 5.60MB
03-02 Pyenv-Installation-Location.mp4.mp4 8.19MB
03-02-Scope-Legb-Rule-V3.mp4 10.00MB
03 02 Timing Functions .mp4 17.72MB
0302 Userinput.mp4 29.91MB
03 03 Debugging Code .mp4 30.76MB
03-03 Pyenv-Using-Your-New-Python.mp4.mp4 2.99MB
0303 Stayingonthescreen.mp4 13.84MB
0304 Creatingenemies.mp4 37.22MB
03 04 Slowing Down Code .mp4 12.10MB
03 04 Speed.mp4 6.15MB
03 05 Registering Plugins .mp4 12.48MB
0305 Spritegroups.mp4 14.12MB
03 06 Conclusion And Review .mp4 7.40MB
0306 Customevents.mp4 24.24MB
0307 Collisiondetection.mp4 11.61MB
0308 Spriteimages.mp4 22.36MB
0309 Addingbackgroundimages.mp4 46.79MB
03 1 Simple Syntax.mp4 3.15MB
03 2 Arbitrary Expressions.mp4 11.73MB
03 3 Multiline.mp4 6.95MB
03a Object Value vs Object Identity.mp4 7.86MB
03b Small Integer Caching.mp4 9.94MB
03 Cc Concurrency.mp4 43.74MB
03 D A Odict.mp4 19.65MB
03 DJango Admin - Customising The DJango Admin.mp4 5.67MB
03 Drf Drf.mp4 46.53MB
03 Ducktyping .mp4 9.83MB
03 Emulating Switch-Case Statements - Part1.mp4 2.51MB
03 Emulating Switch-Case Statements - Part2.mp4 3.16MB
03 Emulating Switch-Case Statements - Part3.mp4 6.62MB
03 Emulating Switch-Case Statements - Part4.mp4 17.28MB
03 Eval Globals.mp4 28.47MB
03 Hello World With Arduino.mp4 34.29MB
03 How Do Computers See Images.mp4 12.31MB
03 Mod Per.mp4 19.41MB
03 Range__ Basics.mp4 19.91MB
03 Themodulesearchpath .mp4 34.81MB
03 What Is A Pointer Real-World Example .mp4 15.93MB 862B 651B
0401 Gamespeed.mp4 19.71MB
04-01 Pyenv-Exploring-Pyenv-Commands.mp4.mp4 3.87MB
04-01-Scope-Modify-Variables-Out-Of-Scope-V3.mp4 7.76MB
0402 Addingmusic.mp4 35.35MB
04-02 Pyenv2-Common-Commands.mp4.mp4 11.71MB
04-02-Scope-The-Global-Declaration-V2.mp4 8.80MB
0403 Addingsoundeffects.mp4 55.87MB
04-03 Pyenv2 Specifying Your Python Version.mp4.mp4 12.33MB
04-03-Scope-The-Nonlocal-Declaration-V2.mp4 6.00MB
0404 Anoteonsources.mp4 15.57MB
04-04-Scope-Best-Practices-V2.mp4 8.11MB
0405 Conclusionandcoursereview.mp4 27.73MB
04 Cc Threads.mp4 44.13MB
04 Connecting External Components.mp4 53.12MB
04 D A Chain.mp4 15.66MB
04 Decrementing With Range__.mp4 5.29MB
04 DJango Admin - Modifying A Change List.mp4 16.95MB
04 Drf Viewsets.mp4 41.61MB
04 Eval Expr.mp4 12.70MB
04 features.mp4 3.17MB
04 Identity Recap.mp4 3.91MB
04 Mod Usage.mp4 28.14MB
04 - Pesky Details.mp4 9.47MB
04 Theimportstatement .mp4 24.13MB
04 Typehinting .mp4 25.99MB
04 Why Doesnt Python Have Pointers.mp4 12.91MB 364B 347B
05-01 Pyenv2-Virtual-Environments-And-Pyenv.mp4.mp4 14.17MB
05-01-Scope-Summary-V2.mp4 1.88MB
05-02 Pyenv-Working-With-Multiple-Environments.mp4.mp4 7.87MB
05-03 Pyenv-Activating-Multiple-Environment-Simultaneously.mp4.mp4 9.48MB
05 Advanced Range__ Concepts.mp4 9.80MB
05 Cc Race.mp4 23.78MB
05 D A Dict Choice.mp4 11.71MB
05 DJango Admin - Providing Links To Other Objects.mp4 11.64MB
05 Drf Web.mp4 27.87MB
05 Eval Compile.mp4 10.24MB
05 Hello World With Python.mp4 46.30MB
05 Immutable vs Mutable Objects.mp4 12.11MB
05 Mod Class.mp4 28.93MB
05 Naming Conventions 2.mp4 17.41MB
05 - Review And Conclusion.mp4 8.22MB
05 Thedirfunction .mp4 18.16MB
05 Typecheckingwithmypy .mp4 20.96MB
05 Viola Jones.mp4 4.46MB 123B
06-01 Pyenv2-Summary.mp4.mp4 3.01MB
06a Drf Perm.mp4 21.36MB
06b Drf Perm.mp4 53.75MB
06 Cc Asyncio.mp4 35.53MB
06 D A Array.mp4 32.92MB
06 DJango Admin - Adding Filters To The List Screen.mp4.mp4 5.02MB
06 Eval Sec.mp4 48.89MB
06 Executingamodule .mp4 25.75MB
06 Haar-Like features.mp4 12.98MB
06 Hello Pep8 2.mp4 27.27MB
06 Mod Sum.mp4 11.83MB
06 Prosandconsoftypehints .mp4 18.50MB
06 Reading Digital Inputs.mp4 78.52MB
06 Understanding Variables.mp4 23.17MB
06 Working With Floats.mp4 9.94MB 362B
07 Analoginputs And Outputs.mp4 130.13MB
07 Annotations .mp4 23.81MB
07 Cc Mp.mp4 25.84MB
07 Conclusion.mp4 4.41MB
07 D A Typed.mp4 20.61MB
07 DJango Admin - Adding Search To The List Screen.mp4.mp4 6.16MB
07 Drf Serial.mp4 24.64MB
07 Eval Mee.mp4 23.75MB
07 Integral Images.mp4 12.54MB
07 Intern Objects.mp4 11.61MB
07 Names Recap.mp4 6.70MB 161B
07 Reloadingamodule .mp4 13.19MB 53B 62B 63B 391B 154B
08 Adaboost.mp4 10.83MB
08 Cc Cpu.mp4 28.25MB
08 D A Bytes.mp4 16.91MB
08 DJango Admin - Changing How Models Are Edited.mp4 15.49MB
08 Drf Nested.mp4 35.09MB
08 Eval Summary.mp4 10.63MB
08 Is Python Pass-By-Value Or Pass-By-Reference-.mp4 20.88MB
08 Pythonpackages .mp4 19.41MB
08 Reserved Keywords.mp4 13.88MB
08 Typecomments .mp4 33.08MB
08 Using A Sensor To Trigger A Notificiation.mp4 46.17MB 171B 472B
09 Cc Sum.mp4 17.70MB
09 Classifier Cascades.mp4 8.68MB
09 Conclusion.mp4 4.84MB
09 Conclusion And Course Review.mp4 32.36MB
09 D A Array Choice.mp4 7.28MB
09 DJango Admin - Overriding Templates.mp4.mp4 12.11MB
09 Drf Api.mp4 41.94MB
09 Packageinitialization .mp4 21.99MB
09 Playingwithpythontypes .mp4 45.67MB
09 Simulating Pointers With Mutable Types.mp4.mp4 3.80MB
0 Intro.mp4 3.19MB
0 - Intro.mp4 1.42MB
0 - Intro.mp4 1.42MB
0 - Intro.mp4 1.89MB
- 0 - Intro.mp4 1.14MB
0 Listcomp-Overview.mp4 2.48MB
0 Sort Algo Intro.mp4 3.66MB
0 Str Fmt Intro.mp4.mp4 2.02MB
1. Creating A Discord Bot In Python Overview .mp4 5.48MB
1. DJango Redirects Overview .mp4 3.39MB
1. Introduction & For Loop Paradigms.mp4 6.11MB
1.mp4 3.22MB
1. Practical Recipes For Working With Files In Python Overview .mp4 4.06MB
1. Python Imports Overview.mp4 4.42MB
1. Unicode In Python Working With Character Encodings Overview .mp4 26.02MB
1. Why Use Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 10.85MB 263B
10. Copying Moving And Renaming Files.mp4 38.99MB
10. Handling Exceptions.mp4 16.78MB
10a Drf Sched.mp4 28.73MB
10b Drf Sched.mp4 77.64MB
10 - Build Something.mp4 5.22MB
10 Conclusionandreview .mp4 14.64MB
10 Course Introduction And Welcome.mp4 13.54MB
10 Directory Tree Generator.mp4 8.68MB
10 Directory Tree Generator.mp4 8.68MB
10 DJango Admin - Summary.mp4 3.40MB
10 Importingstarfromapackage .mp4 26.62MB
10 - Simpy - Experimenting With The Simulation.mp4 15.46MB
10 Simulating Pointers With Classes.mp4 8.32MB
10 Using The Viola Jones Framework.mp4 38.31MB
10 Virtual Environments - Part1.mp4 3.30MB
10 Virtual Environments - Part2.mp4 14.57MB
10 Virtual Environments - Part3.mp4 3.69MB
10 Virtual Environments - Part4.mp4 6.37MB
10 Virtual Environments - Part5.mp4 1.45MB
10 Virtual Environments - Part6.mp4 1.81MB 354B
11. Archiving Files.mp4 39.17MB
11. Connecting A Bot.mp4 17.55MB
11 Conclusion.mp4 3.21MB
11 Content Aggregator.mp4 12.72MB
11 Content Aggregator.mp4 12.72MB
11 - Contribute To Open Source.mp4 26.20MB
11 Drf Sum.mp4 10.41MB
11 Real Pointers With Ctypes.mp4 19.99MB
11 - Simpy - Wrap Up.mp4.mp4 3.49MB
11 Subpackages .mp4 24.61MB
12. Converting Parameters.mp4 10.48MB
12. Reading Multiple File Inputs.mp4 21.55MB
12 Conclusion.mp4 3.87MB
12 Context Managers And The With Statement - Part1.mp4 1.81MB
12 Context Managers And The With Statement - Part2.mp4 5.60MB
12 Context Managers And The With Statement - Part3.mp4 2.80MB
12 Context Managers And The With Statement - Part4.mp4 11.24MB
12 Context Managers And The With Statement - Part5.mp4 4.02MB
12 Context Managers And The With Statement - Part6.mp4 3.46MB
12 Coursereview .mp4 14.64MB
12 Regex Query.mp4 8.91MB
12 Regex Query.mp4 8.91MB
12 - Summary.mp4 3.83MB
13. Checking Commands.mp4 23.55MB
13. Practical Recipes For Working With Files In Python Summary .mp4 2.76MB
13 Url Shortener.mp4 9.15MB
13 Url Shortener.mp4 9.15MB
14. Creating A Discord Bot In Python Summary .mp4 3.73MB
14 Post It Note.mp4 14.22MB
14 Post It Note.mp4 14.22MB
15 Quiz.mp4 8.31MB
15 Quiz.mp4 8.31MB
16 Audio Player.mp4 12.83MB
16 Audio Player.mp4 12.83MB
17 Alarm Tool.mp4 11.07MB
17 Alarm Tool.mp4 11.07MB
18 File Manager.mp4 11.74MB
18 File Manager.mp4 11.74MB
19 Expense Tracker.mp4 8.33MB
19 Expense Tracker.mp4 8.33MB
1 - Code Every Day.mp4 8.77MB
1 - Csvs Intro.mp4 3.21MB
1 - Importance.mp4 4.17MB
1 - Importance.mp4 4.17MB
1 Intro.mp4 9.18MB
1 Intro 4k.mp4 20.13MB
1 Intro And Importance.mp4 13.45MB
1 - Intro And Syntax.mp4 11.15MB
1 Intro MC.mp4 4.99MB
1 Intro MC .mp4 21.31MB
1 - Intro To Continuous Integration.mp4 3.69MB
1 Listcomp-How-To-Create-Lists-In-Python.mp4 15.43MB
1-Passing-Multiple-Arguments-To-A-Function.mp4 5.96MB
1 Pickle - Intro.mp4.mp4 2.46MB
1 - Representing Integers.mp4 9.12MB
1 - Simpy - Intro.mp4.mp4 2.27MB
1-slides-course-intro-and-welcome.pdf 3.83MB
1 Sort Algo Sorting Matters.mp4 23.83MB
1 Str Fmt Stringformat.mp4 22.05MB
1 Time.mp4 24.69MB
1 What Is A Dictionary.mp4 10.03MB 1010B
2. Course Prologue .mp4 26.69MB
2. Importing Modules.mp4 29.68MB
2. Installing And Launching Jupyter.mp4 8.68MB
2. Iterables And Iterators.mp4 8.15MB
2.mp4 2.10MB
2. Pythons With Open As Pattern.mp4 21.04MB
2. What Is A Bot.mp4 12.38MB
2. Working With Ascii And The Python String Module.mp4 19.38MB
20 Managing Third-Party Dependencies With Pip.mp4 2.92MB
20 Tips.mp4 10.11MB
20 Tips.mp4 10.11MB
21 Conclusion.mp4 1.72MB
21 Conclusion.mp4 1.72MB
21 Introduction To Dependency Management.mp4 9.28MB
22 Pip The Python Package Manager.mp4 5.22MB
23 Installing And Updating Pip.mp4 12.55MB
241 Python Package Repositories.mp4 47.79MB
242 Python Warehouse Sneak Peek.mp4 23.46MB
25 Installing Packages With Pip.mp4 25.60MB
26 Identifying And Updating Outdated Packages.mp4 7.43MB
27 Uninstalling Packages.mp4 9.71MB
28 Recap And Summary.mp4 5.68MB
2 - Absolute Imports.mp4 20.64MB
2- Choosing A Platform.mp4 42.51MB
2- Choosing A Platform.mp4 42.51MB
2 - Converting String To Int.mp4 11.19MB
2 Handling Missing Keys.mp4.mp4 11.27MB
2 How To Comment.mp4 12.31MB
2 Incremental Dictionary.mp4 13.59MB
2 Listcomp-How-To-Supercharge-Your-Comprehensions.mp4 16.12MB
2 None Testing MC.mp4 18.94MB
2 Pickle - Serializing Objects In Python.mp4 5.89MB
2 - Reading Csvs With Csv.mp4 13.66MB
2 - Setting Up Project.mp4 10.22MB
2 - Simpy - Getting Started.mp4 3.32MB
2-slides-managing-3rd-party-dependencies-with-pip.pdf 1013.63KB
2 Sort Algo Time Complexity.mp4 19.51MB
2 Split 4k.mp4 13.85MB
2 Str Fmt Nameconversion.mp4 22.66MB
2 Timezones.mp4 23.68MB
2 Understanding Generators MC .mp4 39.64MB
2-Using-The-Python-Args-Variable-In-Function-Definitions.mp4 7.16MB
2 - Write It Out.mp4 4.90MB
3. Creating An Application A Bot And A Guild.mp4 19.35MB
3. Dynamic Imports With Import .mp4 4.29MB
3. Edit Mode vs Command Mode.mp4 1.33MB
3. For Loops In Python.mp4 9.92MB
3. Getting A Directory Listing.mp4 21.72MB
3. Introduction To Http Redirects .mp4 25.02MB
3.mp4 2.99MB
3. Working In Binary Bits Bytes Oct And Hex.mp4 20.52MB
30 Isolating Dependencies With Virtual Environments.mp4 8.18MB
31 Creating And Activating A Virtual Environment.mp4 18.66MB
32 Installing Packages Into A Virtual Environment.mp4 4.22MB
33 Leaving And Switching Between Virtual Environments.mp4 3.98MB
34 Destroying Virtual Environments.mp4 4.65MB
35 My Virtual Environments Workflow.mp4 9.29MB
36 Recap And Summary.mp4 3.86MB
3 - Adding Unit Tests.mp4 18.88MB
3 Advanced Methods MC .mp4 25.82MB
3 Best Practices.mp4 15.08MB
3 Comparison Cli.mp4 4.97MB
3 Comparison Cli.mp4 4.97MB
3 Concatjoin 4k.mp4 12.27MB
3 - Converting Int To String.mp4 5.41MB
3 Data Structures.mp4 24.43MB
3 Default Param MC.mp4 22.26MB
3 - Go Interactive.mp4 23.87MB
3 Listcomp-When-Not-To-Use-A-List-Comprehension-In-Python.mp4 20.65MB
3 - Optional Csv Reader Parameters.mp4 13.21MB
3 Pickle - Using The Pickle Module.mp4.mp4 22.98MB
3 - Relative Imports.mp4 14.96MB
3 Restrictions On Keys Values.mp4 8.95MB
3 - Simpy - Deciding On A Simulation.mp4 4.99MB
3-slides-isolating-dependencies-with-virtual-environments.pdf 507.30KB
3 Sort Algo Bubble Sort.mp4 28.67MB
3 Str Fmt Formatspec.mp4 33.95MB
3 Understanding Defaultdict.mp4 23.01MB
3-Using-The-Python-Kwargs-Variable-In-Function-Definitions.mp4 3.97MB
4. Basic Functionality Of Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 8.62MB
4. DJangos Redirect Shortcut .mp4 28.04MB
4. Getting File Attributes.mp4 23.52MB
4.mp4 6.21MB
4. Range Break And Continue.mp4 9.72MB
4. Registering Your Bot.mp4 16.98MB
4. Relative vs Absolute Imports.mp4 9.30MB
4. Using Unicode.mp4 12.23MB
40 Finding Quality Python Packages.mp4 4.09MB
419 - L01 Overview.mp4.mp4 5.20MB
419 - L02 Functions In General.mp4.mp4 6.90MB
419 - L03 Why Functions.mp4.mp4 14.89MB
419 - L04 Functions Calls And Defns.mp4.mp4 28.96MB
419 - L05 Argument Passing.mp4.mp4 24.19MB
419 - L06 Keyword Arguments.mp4.mp4 16.17MB
419 - L07 Default Parameters.mp4.mp4 16.35MB
419 - L08 Mutable Default Parameters.mp4.mp4 22.15MB
419 - L09 Pass By Ref Cplusplus.mp4.mp4 54.88MB
419 - L10 Pass By Value In Python.mp4.mp4 24.78MB
419 - L11 Passing Mutable Object.mp4.mp4 12.93MB
419 - L12 Exiting A Function.mp4.mp4 11.80MB
419 - L13 Returning Data.mp4.mp4 18.19MB
419 - L14 Avoiding Side Effects.mp4.mp4 28.03MB
419 - L15 Variable-Length Argument Lists.mp4.mp4 17.96MB
419 - L16 Argument Tuple Unpacking.mp4.mp4 13.84MB
419 - L17 Arg Dict Packing.mp4.mp4 13.73MB
419 - L18 Putting It All Together.mp4.mp4 8.73MB
419 - L19 Multiple Unpackings In A Function Call.mp4.mp4 14.70MB
419 - L20 Keyword Only.mp4.mp4 28.79MB
419 - L21 Keyword-Only Continued.mp4.mp4 20.16MB
419 - L22 Positional-Only Arguments.mp4.mp4 14.57MB
419 - L23 Docstrings.mp4.mp4 15.44MB
419 - L24 Python Function Annotations.mp4.mp4 26.11MB
419 - L25 Creating And Modifying Annotations.mp4.mp4 14.29MB
419 - L26 Enforcing Type Checking.mp4.mp4 18.95MB
419 - L27 Summary.mp4.mp4 5.27MB
41 How Third-Party Packages Can Help You.mp4 7.14MB
42 Finding Popular Packages On Curated Lists.mp4 40.68MB
431 Selecting Quality Packages Part 1.mp4 76.83MB
432 Selecting Quality Packages Part 2.mp4 84.08MB
44 Recap And Summary.mp4 9.08MB
452 - 01 Overview.mp4 3.38MB
452 - 02 Sqrt.mp4 17.68MB
452 - 03 Calc.mp4 18.89MB
452 - 04 Use.mp4 10.88MB
452 - 05 Sum.mp4 2.77MB
453 - Sr - 0 - Intro.mp4 3.48MB
453 - Sr - 10 - Summary.mp4 3.68MB
453 - Sr - 1 - How Sr Works.mp4 10.94MB
453 - Sr - 2 - Picking A Package.mp4 4.94MB
453 - Sr - 3 - Installing Sr.mp4 5.58MB
453 - Sr - 4 - The Recognizer Class.mp4 11.90MB
453 - Sr - 5 - Working With Audio Files.mp4 32.32MB
453 - Sr - 6 - The Effect Of Noise.mp4 22.29MB
453 - Sr - 7 - Working With Microphones.mp4 31.68MB
453 - Sr - 8 - Speech In Other Languages.mp4 5.30MB
453 - Sr - 9 - Putting It All Together.mp4 46.44MB
454 - Pandas-0-Overview.mp4 19.04MB
454 - Pandas-1.mp4 9.44MB
454 - Pandas-10.mp4.mp4 19.79MB
454 - Pandas-11.a.mp4.mp4 20.89MB
454 - Pandas-11.b.mp4.mp4 25.05MB
454 - Pandas-12.mp4.mp4 7.15MB
454 - Pandas-13.mp4.mp4 23.36MB
454 - Pandas-14.mp4.mp4 31.83MB
454 - Pandas-15.mp4.mp4 13.48MB
454 - Pandas-15b.mp4.mp4 14.81MB
454 - Pandas-15c.mp4.mp4 16.10MB
454 - Pandas-16.mp4 16.83MB
454 - Pandas-17-Summary.mp4.mp4 4.66MB
454 - Pandas-1b.mp4 19.96MB
454 - Pandas-2.mp4 21.15MB
454 - Pandas-2b.mp4 15.57MB
454 - Pandas-3.mp4 29.95MB
454 - Pandas-4.mp4.mp4 13.58MB
454 - Pandas-5.mp4.mp4 28.98MB
454 - Pandas-6.mp4.mp4 19.13MB
454 - Pandas-6b.mp4.mp4 12.03MB
454 - Pandas-7.mp4 19.13MB
454 - Pandas-8.mp4.mp4 17.31MB
454 - Pandas-8b.mp4.mp4 20.70MB
454 - Pandas-9.mp4.mp4 23.73MB
455 - 01-Introduction.mp4.mp4 8.06MB
455 - 02-Basic-Sleep.mp4.mp4 5.25MB
455 - 03-Timeit-Time.mp4.mp4 9.38MB
455 - 04-Uptime-Bot-Initial.mp4.mp4 17.05MB
455 - 05-Uptime-Bot-Refactor.mp4.mp4 13.68MB
455 - 06-Tame-The-Bot.mp4.mp4 9.57MB
455 - 07-Next-Steps.mp4.mp4 3.83MB
455 - 08-Summary.mp4.mp4 3.56MB
457 - Prw - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 3.46MB
457 - Prw - 1-1 - Installing Pandas And Preparing Data.mp4.mp4 9.80MB
457 - Prw - 1-2 - Reading And Writing Csv Files.mp4.mp4 12.87MB
457 - Prw - 1-3 - Reading And Writing Excel Files.mp4.mp4 15.09MB
457 - Prw - 2-1 - Understanding The Pandas Io Api.mp4.mp4 6.73MB
457 - Prw - 2-2 - Different Files - Csv_1_.mp4.mp4 44.69MB
457 - Prw - 2-3 - Different Files - Json.mp4.mp4 36.75MB
457 - Prw - 2-4 - Different Files - Html.mp4.mp4 6.77MB
457 - Prw - 2-5 - Different Files - Excel.mp4.mp4 17.08MB
457 - Prw - 2-6 - Different Files - Sql.mp4.mp4 31.19MB
457 - Prw - 2-7 - Different Files - Pickle.mp4.mp4 9.05MB
457 - Prw - 2 - Working With Different File Types Intro.mp4.mp4 1002.49KB
457 - Prw - 3-1 - Big Data - Compress.mp4.mp4 6.72MB
457 - Prw - 3-2 - Big Data - Choose Columns.mp4.mp4 9.56MB
457 - Prw - 3-3 - Big Data - Omit Row.mp4.mp4 8.79MB
457 - Prw - 3-4 - Big Data - Force Less Precise.mp4.mp4 17.78MB
457 - Prw - 3-5 - Use Chunks.mp4.mp4 11.33MB
457 - Prw - 3 - Big Data - Intro.mp4.mp4 1.50MB
457 - Prw - 4 - Summary.mp4.mp4 4.44MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-0.mp4 8.08MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-1.mp4 20.08MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-10.mp4 2.89MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-2a.mp4 21.84MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-2b.mp4 12.01MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-2c.mp4 17.85MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-3.mp4 17.62MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-4a.mp4 14.17MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-4b.mp4 17.52MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-5a.mp4 16.35MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-5b.mp4 20.68MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-6a.mp4 16.57MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-6b.mp4 10.82MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-7.mp4 23.69MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-8.mp4 16.43MB
458 - Math-Module-Lesson-9.mp4 7.76MB
459 - Tts - 0 - Intro.mp4 3.33MB
459 - Tts - 1 - Importance Of Splitting.mp4 10.00MB
459 - Tts - 2 - Installing Sklearn.mp4 6.92MB
459 - Tts - 3-1 - Using Tts.mp4 14.55MB
459 - Tts - 3-2 - Reproducible Results.mp4 15.26MB
459 - Tts - 3 - Application Of Tts.mp4 1.16MB
459 - Tts - 4-1 - A Small Examples.mp4 13.20MB
459 - Tts - 4-2 - A Larger Example.mp4 35.28MB
459 - Tts - 4 - Supervised Learning.mp4 1.43MB
459 - Tts - 5 - Other Validation Methods.mp4 5.82MB
459 - Tts - 6 - Summary.mp4 4.69MB
461 - Lesson 10 Python Assignment.mp4 17.39MB
461 - Lesson 11 Function Arguments.mp4 11.08MB
461 - Lesson 12 Not Global Variables.mp4 11.18MB
461 - Lesson 13 Return And Replace.mp4 13.79MB
461 - Lesson 14 Object Attributes.mp4 17.93MB
461 - Lesson 15 Mutable Collections.mp4 15.14MB
461 - Lesson 16 Summary.mp4 3.39MB
461 - Lesson 1 Welcome.mp4 9.51MB
461 - Lesson 2 Parameter Passing.mp4 12.02MB
461 - Lesson 3 Pass By Value.mp4 18.17MB
461 - Lesson 4 Pass By Reference.mp4 14.56MB
461 - Lesson 5 Compare Pbv Pbr.mp4 16.95MB
461 - Lesson 6 Pass By Assignment.mp4 18.05MB
461 - Lesson 7 Multiple Return Values.mp4 31.38MB
461 - Lesson 8 Conditional Return.mp4 34.46MB
461 - Lesson 9 Assignment Expression.mp4 18.84MB
462 - Pdc - 0 - Intro.mp4 2.73MB
462 - Pdc - 1 - Comparison.mp4 13.15MB
462 - Pdc - 2 - Alternatives.mp4 24.55MB
462 - Pdc - 3 - Basic Dc.mp4 23.56MB
462 - Pdc - 4-1 - Advanced Default Values.mp4 36.49MB
462 - Pdc - 4-2 - Representation.mp4 9.65MB
462 - Pdc - 4-3 - Comparison.mp4 25.84MB
462 - Pdc - 5 - Immutable.mp4 12.71MB
462 - Pdc - 6 - Inheritance.mp4 12.36MB
462 - Pdc - 7 - Optimizing.mp4 12.01MB
462 - Pdc - 8 - Summary.mp4 2.29MB
463 - 01 Overview.mp4 6.70MB
463 - 02 Input.mp4 17.65MB
463 - 03 Winner.mp4 30.62MB
463 - 04 Spock.mp4 37.22MB
463 - 05 Sum.mp4 3.84MB
464 - 01 Overview.mp4 7.77MB
464 - 02 Started.mp4 21.74MB
464 - 03 Structure.mp4 13.52MB
464 - 04 Sprites.mp4 18.97MB
464 - 05 Models.mp4 34.45MB
464 - 07 Move.mp4 47.47MB
464 - 09 Shooting.mp4 27.28MB
464 - 10 Collisions.mp4 15.04MB
464 - 11 Split.mp4 33.53MB
464 - 12 Noise.mp4 8.76MB
465 Walrus - 0 - Intro.mp4 4.09MB
465 Walrus - 1-1 - Hello.mp4 5.85MB
465 Walrus - 1-2 - Motivation.mp4 7.07MB
465 Walrus - 1 - Fundamentals.mp4 2.88MB
465 Walrus - 2-1 - Debugging.mp4 10.75MB
465 Walrus - 2-2 - Lists And Dicts.mp4 21.03MB
465 Walrus - 2-3 - List Comprehensions.mp4 36.51MB
465 Walrus - 2-4 - While Loops.mp4 14.14MB
465 Walrus - 2-5 - Witness Counterexamples.mp4 20.33MB
465 Walrus - 2 - Use Cases.mp4 1.72MB
465 Walrus - 3 - Syntax.mp4 23.98MB
465 Walrus - 4 - Pitfalls.mp4 4.15MB
465 Walrus - 5 - Summary.mp4 2.80MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-01-00.mp4.mp4 6.92MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-01-01.mp4.mp4 7.88MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-01-02.mp4.mp4 24.57MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-01-03.mp4.mp4 31.91MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-02-01.mp4.mp4 26.55MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-02-02.mp4.mp4 15.52MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-02-03.mp4 12.05MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-02-04.mp4 30.21MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-02-05.mp4 35.11MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-02-06.mp4 14.51MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-02-07.mp4 19.26MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-03-01.mp4 31.00MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-03-02.mp4 15.87MB
499-Heroku-Lesson-03-03.mp4 4.48MB
4 Comparison Gui.mp4 11.52MB
4 Comparison Gui.mp4 11.52MB
4 - Connecting To Circleci.mp4 24.27MB
4 Data Pipeline 2 MC .mp4 18.60MB
4 Listcomp-Conclusion.mp4 3.87MB
4 Operators And Methods Summary.mp4 34.39MB
4-Ordering-Arguments-In-A-Function.mp4 2.85MB
4 Pickle - Protocol Formats Of Pickle.mp4 3.91MB
4 Practice And Conclusion.mp4 2.87MB
4 - Recap.mp4 6.48MB
4 - Simpy - Setting Up The Environment.mp4 19.80MB
4-slides-finding-quality-packages.pdf 772.31KB
4 Sort Algo Insertion Sort.mp4 27.31MB
4 Str Fmt Nested.mp4 12.76MB
4 String Reps.mp4 38.83MB
4 - Summary.mp4 1.71MB
4 - Take Breaks.mp4 6.41MB
4 Traceback MC.mp4 4.23MB
4 Using Defaultdict.mp4.mp4 26.52MB
4 Wrapup 4k.mp4 4.00MB
4 - Writing Csvs With Csv.mp4 15.50MB
5. Circular Imports & How To Fix Them.mp4 5.71MB
5. Coding Introduction.mp4 22.78MB
5. Encoding Utf-8.mp4 20.07MB
5. Jupyter Notebook Menu Items.mp4 25.97MB
5. Making Directories.mp4 18.27MB
5.mp4 3.80MB
5. Redirectview Class Helper .mp4 21.08MB
500 00 Introduction V2.mp4.mp4 2.51MB
500 01 Zen V4.mp4.mp4 6.04MB
500 02 Scripts Statements V4.mp4.mp4 10.69MB
500 03 Truth Values V3.mp4.mp4 11.73MB
500 04 Methods V2.mp4.mp4 9.26MB
500 05 Swapping V2.mp4.mp4 6.92MB
500 06 Dict Default V2.mp4.mp4 11.25MB
500 07 Dry V2.mp4.mp4 8.43MB
500 08 Looping V3.mp4.mp4 7.65MB
500 09 Conclusion V2.mp4.mp4 6.15MB
501 00 Intro V2.mp4.mp4 1.87MB
501 01 Input V2.mp4.mp4 8.57MB
501 02 Convert V2.mp4.mp4 10.10MB
501 03 Print V2.mp4.mp4 3.08MB
501 04 Print Kwargs V2.mp4.mp4 14.21MB
501 05 Conclusion V2.mp4.mp4 6.06MB
502-plt_scatter - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4.jpg 153.21KB
502-Plt Scatter - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 4.68MB
502-Plt Scatter - 1 - Creating Plots.mp4.mp4 20.61MB
502-Plt Scatter - 2-1 - Changing Size.mp4.mp4 8.80MB
502-Plt Scatter - 2-2 - Changing Color.mp4.mp4 7.42MB
502-Plt Scatter - 2-3 - Changing Shape.mp4.mp4 16.66MB
502-Plt Scatter - 2-4 - Changing Transparency.mp4.mp4 6.44MB
502-Plt Scatter - 2 - Customising Markers.mp4.mp4 1.35MB
502-Plt Scatter - 3 - Colormap And Style.mp4.mp4 14.80MB
502-Plt Scatter - 4 - Exploring Further.mp4.mp4 32.80MB
502-Plt Scatter - 5 - Key Input Parameters.mp4.mp4 6.75MB
502-Plt Scatter - 6 - Summary.mp4.mp4 3.13MB
503 - Lesson 10 Deque.mp4 7.30MB
503 - Lesson 11 Summary.mp4 2.93MB
503 - Lesson 1 Welcome.mp4 7.60MB
503 - Lesson 2 Append Basics.mp4 8.77MB
503 - Lesson 3 Misconceptions.mp4 11.32MB
503 - Lesson 4 Append Inside For Loops.mp4 9.99MB
503 - Lesson 5 List Comprehension.mp4 10.18MB
503 - Lesson 6 Append With Additional Processing.mp4 12.16MB
503 - Lesson 7 Stack.mp4 21.26MB
503 - Lesson 8 Queue.mp4 11.98MB
503 - Lesson 9 Array.mp4 18.77MB
504-Python Ai 01.mp4.mp4 11.35MB
504-Python Ai 02.mp4.mp4 6.55MB
504-Python Ai 03.mp4 11.96MB
504-Python Ai 04.mp4 14.10MB
504-Python Ai 05.mp4 9.40MB
504-Python Ai 06.mp4 11.96MB
504-Python Ai 07.mp4 9.56MB
504-Python Ai 08.mp4 5.08MB
505-Dash - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 4.22MB
505-Dash - 1 - What Is Dash.mp4.mp4 10.65MB
505-Dash - 2 - Getting Started.mp4.mp4 7.69MB
505-Dash - 3 - Building First App.mp4 29.99MB
505-Dash - 4a - Styling The Header.mp4 26.45MB
505-Dash - 4b - Styling The Charts.mp4 17.79MB
505-Dash - 4 - Styling Dash App.mp4 6.93MB
505-Dash - 5a - Creating Page Elements.mp4.mp4 28.86MB
505-Dash - 5 - Adding Interactivity.mp4 1.79MB
505-Dash - 5b - Creating Callback Function.mp4.mp4 26.51MB
505-Dash - 5c - Adding More Interactivity.mp4 19.46MB
505-Dash - 6 - Heroku.mp4 26.50MB
505-Dash - 7 - Summary.mp4 3.78MB
506 Bitwise 01 Intro.mp4.mp4 13.63MB
506 Bitwise 02 Binary.mp4.mp4 27.05MB
506 Bitwise 03 Bitwise.mp4.mp4 20.95MB
506 Bitwise 04 Numrep.mp4.mp4 48.51MB
506 Bitwise 05 Pyint.mp4.mp4 8.37MB
506 Bitwise 06 Pyand.mp4.mp4 30.81MB
506 Bitwise 07 Pyshift.mp4.mp4 11.82MB
506 Bitwise 08a Uses.mp4 38.95MB
506 Bitwise 09 Order.mp4 32.20MB
506 Bitwise 10 Over.mp4 15.19MB
506 Bitwise 11 Sum.mp4 6.79MB
507-00-Overview.mp4.mp4 6.65MB
507-01-Differentiating.mp4.mp4 12.90MB
507-02-Raise-Exception.mp4.mp4 23.14MB
507-03-Assert.mp4.mp4 16.40MB
507-04-Try-Except.mp4.mp4 24.79MB
507-05-Else.mp4.mp4 15.34MB
507-06-Built-In.mp4.mp4 18.22MB
507-07-Finally.mp4.mp4 14.01MB
507-08-Summary.mp4.mp4 7.69MB
508-Pwa - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 3.49MB
508-Pwa - 10 - Summary.mp4 3.09MB
508-Pwa - 1 - Basics.mp4 20.30MB
508-Pwa - 2 - Hosting.mp4 11.39MB
508-Pwa - 3 - Build Web App.mp4 13.51MB
508-Pwa - 4 - Testing Locally.mp4 16.63MB
508-Pwa - 5 - Deploy To Gae.mp4 41.69MB
508-Pwa - 6 - Convert Script To Web.mp4 23.90MB
508-Pwa - 7 - Improve The Interface.mp4 20.14MB
508-Pwa - 8 - Receiving User Input.mp4 17.62MB
508-Pwa - 9 - Final Web App.mp4 21.64MB
509-01 Intro.mp4 5.09MB
509-02 Pip.mp4 70.26MB
509-03 Pipenv.mp4 45.69MB
509-04 More.mp4 29.33MB
509-05 Sum.mp4 1.90MB
50 Reproducible Environments And Application Deploys.mp4 10.13MB
510-Idle - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 2.79MB
510-Idle - 1 - What Is Idle.mp4.mp4 8.45MB
510-Idle - 2 - Using Idle Shell.mp4.mp4 7.04MB
510-Idle - 3 - Working With Python Files.mp4.mp4 13.53MB
510-Idle - 4 - Improve Workflow.mp4.mp4 16.94MB
510-Idle - 5 - Debugging.mp4.mp4 17.68MB
510-Idle - 6 - Customizing Idle.mp4.mp4 21.86MB
510-Idle - 7 - Summary.mp4.mp4 2.83MB
511 00 Introduction.mp4.mp4 3.41MB
511 01 Iterating Without Enumerate.mp4.mp4 27.77MB
511 02 Using Enumerate.mp4.mp4 13.19MB
511 03 Understanding Enumerate.mp4.mp4 4.31MB
511 04 Building My Enum.mp4.mp4 8.29MB
511 05 Working With My Enum.mp4.mp4 34.48MB
511 06 Summary.mp4.mp4 3.11MB
512 01 Intro.mp4 5.28MB
512 02 Len.mp4 24.76MB
512 03 Usage.mp4 16.36MB
512 04 Third.mp4 16.24MB
512 05 Dunder.mp4 13.88MB
512 06 Sum.mp4 2.39MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 3.95MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 1a - No Parameters.mp4.mp4 6.63MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 1b - Required Parameters.mp4.mp4 8.37MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 1 - Creating Functions.mp4.mp4 4.33MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 2a - Default Values.mp4.mp4 14.02MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 2b - Common Values.mp4.mp4 11.63MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 2c - Unsuitable Default Data Types.mp4.mp4 30.86MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 2d - Error Messages.mp4.mp4 10.16MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 2 - Using Optional Args.mp4.mp4 1.64MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 3a - Any Number Of Args.mp4.mp4 18.29MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 3 - Args And Kwargs.mp4.mp4 3.41MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 3b - Any Number Of Kwargs.mp4.mp4 15.74MB
513 - Rp - Optional Args - 4 - Summary.mp4.mp4 5.04MB
514-001 Intro To Course.mp4.mp4 6.05MB
514-002 Any Basics.mp4.mp4 7.63MB
514-003 Many Or Conditions.mp4.mp4 18.35MB
514-004 List Comps.mp4.mp4 18.14MB
514-005 None.mp4.mp4 3.88MB
514-006 Bool Eval.mp4.mp4 7.06MB
514-007 Diff Any Or.mp4.mp4 3.81MB
514-008 Short Circuit.mp4.mp4 18.21MB
514-009 Summary.mp4.mp4 4.71MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-0.mp4.mp4 14.41MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-1.mp4.mp4 18.23MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-2.mp4.mp4 20.53MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-3.mp4.mp4 15.70MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-4.mp4.mp4 15.96MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-5.mp4.mp4 26.12MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-6.mp4.mp4 21.68MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-7.mp4.mp4 19.03MB
515-Rp-Linear-Regression-Lesson-8.mp4.mp4 3.08MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 2.82MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 1 - Getting Started.mp4.mp4 10.22MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 2 - Minimal Implementation.mp4.mp4 7.90MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 3a - Memoization.mp4.mp4 8.75MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 3b - Iteration.mp4.mp4 2.87MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 3 - Optimising Intro.mp4.mp4 1.61MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 4a - Recursion And Oop.mp4.mp4 11.79MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 4b - Visualizing Memoized.mp4.mp4 14.16MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 4c - Iteration And Function.mp4.mp4 10.30MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 4 - Generating Intro.mp4.mp4 1.37MB
516 - Rp - Fib - 5 - Summary.mp4.mp4 3.45MB
517 01 Intro.mp4.mp4 3.14MB
517 02 Counting.mp4.mp4 11.44MB
517 03 Counter.mp4.mp4 28.66MB
517 04 Prac1.mp4.mp4 20.43MB
517 05 Pract2.mp4.mp4 22.61MB
517 06 Msets.mp4.mp4 30.94MB
517 07 Sum.mp4.mp4 4.32MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 0 - Intro.mp4.mp4 5.03MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 1 - Getting Started.mp4.mp4 17.66MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 2 - Sorting Single Column.mp4.mp4 11.99MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 3 - Sorting Multiple Columns.mp4.mp4 15.58MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 4 - Sorting Index.mp4.mp4 16.62MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 5 - Sorting Columns.mp4.mp4 6.19MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 6 - Missing Data.mp4.mp4 11.24MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 7 - Sorting In Place.mp4.mp4 9.36MB
518 - Rp - Ps - 8 - Summary.mp4.mp4 3.81MB
51 Introduction To Requirements Files.mp4 5.14MB
52 Capturing Dependencies.mp4 20.46MB
53 Restoring Captured Dependencies.mp4 14.21MB
541 - 06 Fps.mp4 28.24MB
54 Separating Development And Production Dependencies.mp4 21.51MB
551 01 Your First Python Program Overview.mp4.mp4 5.29MB
551 02 Writing A Python Script.mp4.mp4 26.17MB
551 03 Mistakes.mp4.mp4 21.19MB
551 04 Variables.mp4.mp4 43.07MB
551 05 Comments.mp4.mp4 12.33MB
551 06 Summary.mp4.mp4 5.89MB
552 01 Intro _1_.mp4.mp4 8.31MB
552 02 Messy.mp4.mp4 22.15MB
552 03 Datetime.mp4.mp4 19.97MB
552 04 Zones.mp4.mp4 41.11MB
552 05 Math.mp4.mp4 21.59MB
552 06 Sum.mp4.mp4 9.37MB
554 01 Python-Keywords Intro.mp4.mp4 2.94MB
554 02 Python-Keywords Listing.mp4 6.78MB
554 03 Python-Keywords Understanding.mp4 20.21MB
554 04 Python-Keywords Categorizing.mp4 43.96MB
554 05 Python-Keywords Identifying.mp4 10.35MB
554 06 Python-Keywords Deprecated.mp4 6.34MB
554 07 Python-Keywords Summary.mp4 9.74MB
55 Requirements Files Best Practices.mp4 16.43MB
56 Recap And Summary.mp4 4.06MB
5 - Become A Bug Bounty Hunter.mp4 41.91MB
5 Comparison Web.mp4 14.74MB
5 Comparison Web.mp4 14.74MB
5 Conclusion MC.mp4 8.25MB
5 Conclusion MC .mp4 11.37MB
5 Diving Deeper Fix.mp4 40.02MB
5 - Making Changes.mp4 17.94MB
5 Performance.mp4 19.01MB
5 Pickle - Unpickleable Data Types And Dill.mp4.mp4 10.77MB
5 - Reading Csvs With Pandas.mp4 13.26MB
5 - Simpy - Defining Processes In The Simulation.mp4.mp4 27.57MB
5-slides-reproducible-environments-and-application-deploys.pdf 788.86KB
5 Sort Algo Merge Sort.mp4 41.22MB
5 Str Fmt Fstrings.mp4.mp4 18.68MB
5-Unpacking-With-The-Asterisk-Operators.mp4 14.78MB
6. Combining Characters.mp4 17.13MB
6. Deleting Files And Directories.mp4 33.09MB
6. Jupyter Terminals And More.mp4 4.47MB
6.mp4 6.21MB
6. Parameters And Redirects .mp4 15.86MB
6. Using Apis.mp4 16.06MB
6. Using Apis-.mp4 16.74MB
60 Course Conclusion.mp4 4.67MB
646 - 08 Rocks.mp4 21.86MB
646 - 13 Text.mp4 17.75MB
646 - 14 Sum.mp4 11.36MB
6 Conclusion.mp4 4.97MB
6-Conclusion.mp4 1.52MB
6 - Next Steps.mp4 3.77MB
6 Passing Arguments.mp4 32.06MB
6 Pickle - Getstate And Setstate .mp4 23.73MB
6 Recap.mp4 7.47MB
6 Recap.mp4 7.47MB
6 - Simpy - Running The Simulation.mp4 9.71MB
6-slides-course-conclusion.pdf 340.30KB
6 Sort Algo Quicksort.mp4 30.65MB
6 Str Fmt Conclusion.mp4 1.76MB
6 - Surround Yourself.mp4 6.27MB
6 - Writing Csvs With Pandas.mp4 6.74MB
7. DJango Redirects Summary .mp4 19.71MB
7. Markdown Formatting In Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 14.59MB
7. Matching Filename Patterns.mp4 32.88MB
7.mp4 3.79MB
7. Using Built-In Functions.mp4 21.62MB
7. Utility Functions.mp4 21.92MB
7 Contact Book.mp4 10.91MB
7 Contact Book.mp4 10.91MB
7 Pickle - Compression Of Pickled Objects.mp4.mp4 14.93MB
7 - Simpy - Calculating Metrics.mp4.mp4 6.28MB
7 Sort Algo Timsort.mp4 47.90MB
7 Summary.mp4.mp4 10.96MB
7 - Teach.mp4 4.31MB
8. Exporting Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 12.90MB
8.mp4 4.15MB
8. Responding To Events.mp4 14.01MB
8. Traversing Directory Trees.mp4 19.56MB
8. Using Other Encodings.mp4 14.22MB
8 - Pair Program.mp4 2.27MB
8 Pickle - Security Concerns With Pickle.mp4.mp4 21.43MB
8 - Simpy - Selecting Parameters For The Simulation.mp4 11.73MB
8 Site Connectivity.mp4 11.41MB
8 Site Connectivity.mp4 11.41MB
8 Sort Algo Summary.mp4 3.92MB
9. Creating Temporary Files And Directories.mp4 14.52MB
9. Jupyter Notebooks Extensions.mp4 27.79MB
9. Responding To Messages.mp4 18.95MB
9. Unicode In Python Working With Character Encodings Summary .mp4 18.26MB
9 Bulk File Rename.mp4 9.08MB
9 Bulk File Rename.mp4 9.08MB
9 - Good Questions.mp4 11.91MB
9 Pickle - Wrap Up.mp4 2.89MB
9 - Simpy - Final Touches On The Simulation.mp4.mp4 22.62MB
add.c 37B
add.o 628B 221B 1.98KB
any_course.pdf 451.24KB 4.93KB
append_course_slides.pdf 1.75MB 89B 397B
assignment_expressions_slides.pdf 5.47MB 6.29MB
asteroids.pdf 900.15KB
binary.pdf 3.63MB 13.44KB
Bonus Courses + Project Files.url 173B
booleans_slides.pdf 1.63MB 4.94KB 40.61KB 640B 5.25KB 10.10KB 3.82KB 8.24KB
concurrency_slides.pdf 1.64MB
Convert_String_to_Int.pdf 265.99KB
Convertingpython2to3-Part1.mp4 4.26MB
Convertingpython2to3-Part2.mp4 10.39MB
Convertingpython2to3-Part3.mp4 35.93MB
Convertingpython2to3-Part4.mp4 23.72MB
Convertingpython2to3-Part5.mp4 7.94MB 5.55KB
counter_slides.pdf 1001.81KB
dash.pdf 10.24MB
data_classes_course_slides.pdf 2.08MB 1.01KB
data_struct_m1.pdf 725.07KB
datetime.pdf 921.65KB
db.sqlite3 132.00KB 2.43KB
Defaultdict_Slides.pdf 180.81KB 4.95KB 162B
drf.pdf 826.98KB 7.08KB
eval_slides.pdf 1.09MB 1.75KB
exceptions.pdf 1.54MB 163B 2.38KB
fib.pdf 9.45MB 1.96KB 778B 910B 273B 1.13KB 416B
Generators_101[].pdf 7.30MB 279B 289B 499B 171B
Host_Your_Django_Project_on_Heroku_Command_Line_Cheat_Sheet.pdf 161.11KB 2.72KB 1.20KB
idle.pdf 3.87MB
io.pdf 2.36MB
keywords.pdf 2.22MB 5.78KB
len.pdf 974.97KB
Lesson 10 Conditionals.mp4.mp4 16.56MB
Lesson 11 True False Part 1.mp4.mp4 14.44MB
Lesson 12 True False Part 2.mp4.mp4 15.85MB
Lesson 13 Short Circuiting.mp4.mp4 12.30MB
Lesson 14 Dead Code.mp4.mp4 6.44MB
Lesson 15 Named Tuples.mp4.mp4 14.83MB
Lesson 16 Closures.mp4.mp4 16.44MB
Lesson 17 V3.mp4.mp4 22.00MB
Lesson 18 Factory Pattern.mp4.mp4 17.50MB
Lesson 19 Try Finally.mp4.mp4 12.03MB
Lesson 1 Welcome.mp4.mp4 4.80MB
Lesson 20 Generator Functions.mp4.mp4 12.44MB
Lesson 21 Summary.mp4.mp4 3.22MB
Lesson 2 Getting Started.mp4.mp4 9.35MB
Lesson 3 Implicit Return.mp4.mp4 10.25MB
Lesson 4 Explicit Return.mp4.mp4 19.17MB
Lesson 5 Returning vs Printing.mp4.mp4 16.92MB
Lesson 6 Multiple Values.mp4.mp4 10.09MB
Lesson 7 Return None.mp4.mp4 9.16MB
Lesson 8a Return Value_ Complex Expression.mp4.mp4 12.16MB
Lesson 9 _Not_ Modifying Globals.mp4.mp4 15.07MB 4.09KB 1.53MB
linear-regression.pdf 1.56MB 3.54KB 69B
main.c 88B 23.04KB
making-predictions-python-ai-slides.pdf 642.75KB 630B
Managing_Python_Dependencies__Learning_Progress_Workbook.pdf 73.22KB 1.55KB 148B 148B 148B 148B 148B 262B 167B 174B 91B 91B 91B 116B 91B 91B 91B 94B 94B 94B 94B 94B 94B 94B 92B 92B 185B 92B 89B 89B 89B 89B 347B
Modern_String_Formatting_Techniques.pdf 293.45KB 2.36KB
modulo_slides.pdf 696.43KB
None.pdf 2.55MB 1015B
opt.pdf 8.13MB 39.87KB
pandas_dataframe_slides.pdf 1.87MB
Pandasvincentintro Part1.mp4 10.36MB
Pandasvincentintro Part2.mp4 12.44MB
Pandasvincentintro Part3.mp4 5.84MB
Pandasvincentintro Part4.mp4 10.40MB 14.34KB
pass_by_reference_slides.pdf 1.85MB
passing.c 169B 5.42KB 33.01KB
pipenv_slides.pdf 967.44KB
plt.pdf 6.40MB
Pointers_in_Python.pdf 2.49MB
products.json 544B
pwa.pdf 6.43MB
Python_Keywords_Cheat_Sheet.pdf 232.99KB
Python_Modules_and_Packages[].pdf 362.01KB
Python_pickle_Module_slides.pdf 213.23KB 9.54KB 1.51KB
python_sleep_course_slides.pdf 3.35MB
Python_Variables.pdf 1.02MB
Python-args-and-kwargs.pdf 261.90KB
python-namespaces-scope-v1.pdf 414.41KB 1.24KB
Real_Python_-_Pandas_Sort_Slides.pdf 10.76MB
redirects_slides [ ] .pdf 3.29MB 164B
Resources.url 179B
Return_Statement_FF.pdf 2.24MB 111B 6.73KB
rock.pdf 2.73MB 2.49MB 2.31KB
RP_-_Django_Admin_Customisation.pdf 1.27MB
RP_-_Lambda_Functions [] .pdf 218.03KB
RP_-_MicroPython_-_PDF.pdf 3.53MB 2.69KB 541.26KB
RP_-_Pandas_Reading_and_Writing_Files.pdf 11.55MB
RP_-_Plot_with_Pandas.pdf 4.64MB 10.27KB 33.78KB
RP_-_Turtle_-_PDF.pdf 846.22KB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-0-Overview.mp4 10.19MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-1.mp4 12.10MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-2.mp4 17.66MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-3.mp4 23.02MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-4.mp4 20.47MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-5.mp4 41.79MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-6.mp4.mp4 16.60MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-7.mp4 33.29MB
Rp-Booleans-Lesson-8-Summary.mp4 3.20MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 0 - Introduction .mp4 2.19MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 1 - Invalid Syntax In Python .mp4 3.44MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 2 - Syntaxerror Exception And Traceback .mp4 8.17MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3a - Misusing Assignment Operator .mp4 7.32MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3b - Misspelling Python Keywords .mp4 12.84MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3c - Missing Parentheses .mp4 15.42MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3 - Common Syntax Problems Intro .mp4 1.58MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3d - Mistaking Dictionary Syntax .mp4 2.75MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3e - Wrong Indentation .mp4 9.60MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3f - Defining And Calling Functions .mp4 5.11MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 3g - Changing Python Versions .mp4 6.07MB
Rp - Invalid Syntax - 4 - Conclusion .mp4 2.39MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 0 - Intro .mp4 1.33MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 1 - What Is A Lambda Function .mp4 6.14MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 2 - Where Are Lambdas Useful .mp4 4.77MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 3 - First Lambda Functions .mp4 13.09MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 4a - Sort .mp4 25.69MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 4b - Filter .mp4 20.62MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 4c - Map .mp4 16.03MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 4d - Reduce .mp4 14.64MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 5 - Testing .mp4 9.26MB
Rp - Lambda Functions - 6 - Summary .mp4 1.55MB
Rp - Micropython - 0 - Overview.mp4 2.22MB
Rp - Micropython - 1 - Everythings Coming Up Python.mp4 10.11MB
Rp - Micropython - 2 - Physical Computing.mp4 25.99MB
Rp - Micropython - 3 - Micropython Hardware.mp4.mp4 21.10MB
Rp - Micropython - 4a - Repl.mp4 32.99MB
Rp - Micropython - 4b - Command Line.mp4 34.63MB
Rp - Micropython - 4c - File Transfer.mp4 9.19MB
Rp - Micropython - 4d - Ides.mp4 70.60MB
Rp - Micropython - 5 - Writing Code.mp4 57.74MB
Rp - Micropython - 6 - Summary.mp4 2.95MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 0 - Intro.mp4 1.57MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 1 - Set Up Environment.mp4 33.36MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 2 - First Pandas Plot.mp4 19.86MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 3 - Under The Hood- Matplotlib.mp4 3.71MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 4 - Survey Your Data.mp4 22.28MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 5 - Check For Correlation.mp4 5.47MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 6 - Analyze Categorical Data.mp4 6.92MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 7 - Determining Ratios.mp4 10.38MB
Rp - Pandas Visualisation - 8 - Summary.mp4 1.76MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 0 - Intro.mp4 1.15MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 1 - Opening And Closing Files.mp4 3.32MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 2 - Reading From A File.mp4 7.77MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 3 - Writing To A File.mp4 16.76MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 4 - Appending To A File.mp4 3.51MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 5 - File Locations And Paths.mp4 13.07MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 6 - What Is A File.mp4 4.87MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 7 - Examining File Contents.mp4 30.71MB
Rp - Reading And Writing Files - 8 - Summary.mp4 1.79MB
Rp - Turtle - 0 - Overview.mp4 1.33MB
Rp - Turtle - 1 - Getting To Know Turtle.mp4.mp4 5.69MB
Rp - Turtle - 2 - Getting Started.mp4.mp4 13.57MB
Rp - Turtle - 3a - Programming With Turtle - Moving The Turtle.mp4 13.39MB
Rp - Turtle - 3b -Drawing Shapes.mp4.mp4 7.14MB
Rp - Turtle - 3c -Altering The Turtle.mp4 20.31MB
Rp - Turtle - 3d - Other Turtle Functions.mp4.mp4 15.54MB
Rp - Turtle - 4 - Loops And Conditionals.mp4 23.95MB
Rp - Turtle - 5 - Project.mp4 26.79MB
Rp - Turtle - 6 - Summary.mp4 2.34MB
Running Scripts - 1.mp4 4.59MB
Running Scripts - 2.mp4 1.24MB
Running Scripts - 3.mp4 6.84MB
Running Scripts - 4.mp4 13.54MB
Running Scripts - 5.mp4 16.65MB
Running Scripts - 6.mp4 6.60MB
Running Scripts - 7.mp4 2.44MB 40B 715B 3.06KB 1.56KB
simpy_Slides.pdf 187.19KB
slides-pyenv.pdf 2.92MB 1.55KB
Sorting_Algorithms_in_Python.pdf 545.80KB 3.45KB
splitting-datasets-course-slides.pdf 6.16MB 7.34KB
square_root_function_slides.pdf 1.09MB
Static vs Class - Part1 .mp4 7.62MB
Static vs Class - Part2 .mp4 9.56MB
Static vs Class - Part3 .mp4 7.26MB
Static vs Class - Part4 .mp4 19.11MB
Static vs Class - Part5 .mp4 3.22MB 2.07KB
String Format Intro.mp4 4.02MB
String Format Method1.mp4 11.14MB
String Format Method2.mp4 6.18MB
String Format Method3.mp4 5.36MB
String Format Method4.mp4 7.14MB
String Format Summary.mp4 2.68MB
techcrunch.csv 91.34KB 160.27KB 1.40KB
understanding-python-list-comprehensions.pdf 694.58KB 185B 265B 460B 344B 407B 184B 258B 510B 680B 489B 296B 9.01KB 397B
your_first_program.pdf 1.30MB
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