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Title [] Udemy - Machine Learning & Deep Learning in Python & R
Size 13.15GB

Files List
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[].url 126B
001 ACF and PACF.mp4 41.22MB
001 Basics of Decision Trees.mp4 42.64MB
001 Basic Terminologies.mp4 40.42MB
001 Boosting.mp4 30.58MB
001 Classification tree.mp4 28.20MB
001 CNN Introduction.mp4 51.15MB
001 CNN model in Python - Preprocessing.mp4 40.63MB
001 CNN on MNIST Fashion Dataset - Model Architecture.mp4 7.35MB
001 Content flow.mp4 8.64MB
001 Data Loading in Python.mp4 108.86MB
001 Ensemble technique 1 - Bagging.mp4 28.14MB
001 Ensemble technique 2 - Random Forests.mp4 18.19MB
001 Gathering Business Knowledge.mp4 22.28MB
001 ILSVRC.mp4 20.92MB
001 Importing Data into R.mp4 53.67MB
001 Installing Keras and Tensorflow.mp4 22.78MB
001 Installing Python and Anaconda.mp4 16.27MB
001 Installing R and R studio.mp4 35.71MB
001 Introduction.mp4 29.39MB
001 Introduction.mp4 12.26MB
001 Introduction to Machine Learning.mp4 109.17MB
001 Introduction to Neural Networks and Course flow.mp4 29.07MB
001 Keras and Tensorflow.mp4 14.91MB
001 Kernel Based Support Vector Machines.mp4 40.12MB
001 Linear Discriminant Analysis.mp4 40.95MB
001 Logistic Regression.mp4 32.92MB
001 Project - Data Augmentation Preprocessing.mp4 41.41MB
001 Project in R - Data Preprocessing.mp4 87.76MB
001 Project - Introduction.mp4 49.39MB
001 Project - Transfer Learning - VGG16 (Implementation).mp4 101.57MB
001 Regression and Classification Models.mp4 4.03MB
001 SARIMA model.mp4 39.02MB
001 Support Vector classifiers.mp4 56.16MB
001 Test-Train Split.mp4 39.29MB
001 Test Train Split in Python.mp4 57.41MB
001 The Data and the Data Dictionary.mp4 79.00MB
001 The final milestone!.mp4 11.84MB
001 The Problem Statement.mp4 9.37MB
001 Three Classifiers and the problem statement.mp4 20.33MB
001 Types of Data.mp4 21.76MB
001 Understanding the results of classification models.mp4 41.64MB
001 White Noise.mp4 11.37MB
002 ARIMA model - Basics.mp4 21.36MB
002 Basic Equations and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method.mp4 43.37MB
002 Basics of R and R studio.mp4 38.84MB
002 Building a Machine Learning Model.mp4 39.48MB
002 CNN model in Python - structure and Compile.mp4 43.25MB
002 CNN Project in R - Structure and Compile.mp4 46.11MB
002 Congratulations & About your certificate.html 2.49KB
002 Course Resources.html 1.23KB
002 Data Exploration.mp4 20.50MB
002 Data for the project.html 1.10KB
002 Data Import in Python.mp4 22.06MB
002 Data Normalization and Test-Train Split.mp4 111.78MB
002 Data Preprocessing.mp4 67.02MB
002 Ensemble technique 1 - Bagging in Python.mp4 77.30MB
002 Ensemble technique 2 - Random Forests in Python.mp4 46.70MB
002 Ensemble technique 3a - Boosting in Python.mp4 39.87MB
002 Gradient Descent.mp4 60.34MB
002 Installing Tensorflow and Keras.mp4 20.06MB
002 LDA in Python.mp4 11.40MB
002 LeNET.mp4 7.00MB
002 Limitations of Support Vector Classifiers.mp4 10.80MB
002 Naive (Persistence) model in Python.mp4 43.37MB
002 Perceptron.mp4 44.75MB
002 Project - Data Augmentation Training and Results.mp4 53.04MB
002 Project - Transfer Learning - VGG16 (Performance).mp4 64.11MB
002 Random Walk.mp4 21.16MB
002 SARIMA model in Python.mp4 66.23MB
002 Stride.mp4 16.58MB
002 Summary of the three models.mp4 22.21MB
002 Test-Train Split.mp4 50.48MB
002 Test-Train Split in Python.mp4 33.10MB
002 The Concept of a Hyperplane.mp4 29.42MB
002 The Data set for Classification problem.mp4 18.57MB
002 The Data set for the Regression problem.mp4 37.20MB
002 This is a milestone!.mp4 20.66MB
002 Time Series Forecasting - Use cases.mp4 25.91MB
002 Time Series - Visualization Basics.mp4 63.72MB
002 Training a Simple Logistic Model in Python.mp4 47.87MB
002 Types of Statistics.mp4 10.93MB
002 Understanding a Regression Tree.mp4 43.72MB
002 Why can't we use Linear Regression_.mp4 16.93MB
003 Activation Functions.mp4 34.61MB
003 ARIMA model in Python.mp4 74.43MB
003 Assessing accuracy of predicted coefficients.mp4 92.11MB
003 Auto Regression Model - Basics.mp4 16.88MB
003 Back Propagation.mp4 122.20MB
003 Bagging in R.mp4 58.95MB
003 Building,Compiling and Training.mp4 130.73MB
003 Classification tree in Python _ Preprocessing.mp4 45.38MB
003 CNN model in Python - Training and results.mp4 55.15MB
003 Creating Model Architecture.mp4 71.60MB
003 Dataset for classification.mp4 56.19MB
003 Decomposing Time Series in Python.mp4 59.84MB
003 Describing data Graphically.mp4 65.39MB
003 Forecasting model creation - Steps.mp4 10.11MB
003 Gradient Boosting in R.mp4 69.09MB
003 Importing data for regression model.mp4 25.84MB
003 Importing the dataset into R.mp4 13.46MB
003 Linear Discriminant Analysis in R.mp4 74.35MB
003 Maximum Margin Classifier.mp4 22.48MB
003 More about test-train split.html 1.43KB
003 Opening Jupyter Notebook.mp4 65.19MB
003 Packages in R.mp4 82.94MB
003 Padding.mp4 31.63MB
003 Project - Data Preprocessing in Python.mp4 71.83MB
003 Project in R - Training.mp4 24.58MB
003 Stationary time Series.mp4 5.58MB
003 Test-Train Split in R.mp4 74.23MB
003 The Dataset and the Data Dictionary.mp4 69.28MB
003 The stopping criteria for controlling tree growth.mp4 13.97MB
003 Time Series - Visualization in Python.mp4 165.19MB
003 Training a Simple Logistic model in R.mp4 25.56MB
003 Using Grid Search in Python.mp4 80.66MB
003 VGG16NET.mp4 10.35MB
004 ARIMA model with Walk Forward Validation in Python.mp4 32.15MB
004 Assessing Model Accuracy_ RSE and R squared.mp4 43.59MB
004 Auto Regression Model creation in Python.mp4 53.49MB
004 Classification SVM model using Linear Kernel.mp4 139.16MB
004 Classification tree in Python _ Training.mp4 82.71MB
004 Comparison - Pooling vs Without Pooling in Python.mp4 57.97MB
004 Compiling and training.mp4 32.20MB
004 Differencing.mp4 32.35MB
004 EDD in Python.mp4 77.62MB
004 Ensemble technique 3b - AdaBoost in Python.mp4 30.53MB
004 Evaluating and Predicting.mp4 99.28MB
004 Filters and Feature maps.mp4 52.71MB
004 Forecasting model creation - Steps 1 (Goal).mp4 34.50MB
004 GoogLeNet.mp4 21.37MB
004 Importing Data in Python.mp4 27.83MB
004 Inputting data part 1_ Inbuilt datasets of R.mp4 40.74MB
004 Introduction to Jupyter.mp4 40.91MB
004 K-Nearest Neighbors classifier.mp4 75.42MB
004 Limitations of Maximum Margin Classifier.mp4 10.60MB
004 Measures of Centers.mp4 38.57MB
004 Normalization and Test-Train split.mp4 44.20MB
004 Project in R - Model Performance.mp4 23.18MB
004 Project - Training CNN model in Python.mp4 65.98MB
004 Python - Creating Perceptron model.mp4 86.55MB
004 Random Forest in R.mp4 30.72MB
004 Result of Simple Logistic Regression.mp4 26.93MB
004 Some Important Concepts.mp4 62.18MB
004 The Data set for this part.mp4 37.26MB
004 Time Series - Feature Engineering Basics.mp4 59.47MB
004 X-y Split.mp4 15.18MB
005 AdaBoosting in R.mp4 88.67MB
005 ANN with NeuralNets Package.mp4 84.42MB
005 Arithmetic operators in Python_ Python Basics.mp4 12.74MB
005 Auto Regression with Walk Forward validation in Python.mp4 49.59MB
005 Building a classification Tree in R.mp4 85.10MB
005 Channels.mp4 67.77MB
005 Differencing in Python.mp4 113.00MB
005 Different ways to create ANN using Keras.mp4 10.81MB
005 EDD in R.mp4 66.52MB
005 Hyperparameter.mp4 45.35MB
005 Hyperparameter Tuning for Linear Kernel.mp4 60.50MB
005 Importing the Data set into Python.mp4 25.84MB
005 Importing the dataset into R.mp4 13.11MB
005 Inputting data part 2_ Manual data entry.mp4 25.52MB
005 K-Nearest Neighbors in Python_ Part 1.mp4 37.23MB
005 Logistic with multiple predictors.mp4 8.53MB
005 Measures of Dispersion.mp4 22.85MB
005 Model Performance.mp4 68.08MB
005 Project in Python - model results.mp4 21.02MB
005 Project in R - Data Augmentation.mp4 56.38MB
005 Simple Linear Regression in Python.mp4 63.43MB
005 Test-Train Split.mp4 24.86MB
005 Time Series - Basic Notations.mp4 62.48MB
005 Time Series - Feature Engineering in Python.mp4 112.69MB
005 Transfer Learning.mp4 29.99MB
006 Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Trees.mp4 6.86MB
006 Building Regression Model with Functional API.mp4 131.12MB
006 Building the Neural Network using Keras.mp4 79.11MB
006 Comparison - Pooling vs Without Pooling in R.mp4 44.60MB
006 Ensemble technique 3c - XGBoost in Python.mp4 75.00MB
006 Importing the Data set into R.mp4 43.70MB
006 Inputting data part 3_ Importing from CSV or Text files.mp4 60.10MB
006 K-Nearest Neighbors in Python_ Part 2.mp4 42.35MB
006 Moving Average model -Basics.mp4 24.09MB
006 Outlier treatment in Python.mp4 47.32MB
006 Polynomial Kernel with Hyperparameter Tuning.mp4 83.14MB
006 PoolingLayer.mp4 46.87MB
006 Project in R - Validation Performance.mp4 23.69MB
006 Project - Transfer Learning - VGG16.mp4 129.09MB
006 Simple Linear Regression in R.mp4 40.82MB
006 Standardizing the data.mp4 38.41MB
006 Strings in Python_ Python Basics.mp4 64.43MB
006 Time Series - Upsampling and Downsampling.mp4 16.95MB
006 Training multiple predictor Logistic model in Python.mp4 26.25MB
006 Univariate analysis and EDD.mp4 24.18MB
007 Compiling and Training the Neural Network model.mp4 81.63MB
007 Complex Architectures using Functional API.mp4 79.57MB
007 Creating Barplots in R.mp4 96.73MB
007 EDD in Python.mp4 61.80MB
007 K-Nearest Neighbors in R.mp4 64.85MB
007 Lists, Tuples and Directories_ Python Basics.mp4 60.32MB
007 Missing value treatment in Python.mp4 17.92MB
007 Moving Average model in Python.mp4 56.65MB
007 Multiple Linear Regression.mp4 34.31MB
007 Outlier Treatment in R.mp4 25.37MB
007 Radial Kernel with Hyperparameter Tuning.mp4 56.68MB
007 SVM based Regression Model in Python.mp4 67.63MB
007 Time Series - Upsampling and Downsampling in Python.mp4 100.67MB
007 Training multiple predictor Logistic model in R.mp4 15.78MB
007 XGBoosting in R.mp4 161.30MB
008 Confusion Matrix.mp4 21.10MB
008 Creating Histograms in R.mp4 42.02MB
008 Dummy Variable creation in Python.mp4 24.94MB
008 EDD in R.mp4 96.98MB
008 Evaluating performance and Predicting using Keras.mp4 69.91MB
008 Missing Value Imputation in Python.mp4 22.56MB
008 Saving - Restoring Models and Using Callbacks.mp4 216.03MB
008 SVM based Regression Model in R.mp4 106.12MB
008 The Data set for the Classification problem.mp4 18.55MB
008 The F - statistic.mp4 55.98MB
008 Time Series - Power Transformation.mp4 14.85MB
008 Working with Numpy Library of Python.mp4 43.87MB
009 Building Neural Network for Regression Problem.mp4 155.90MB
009 Classification model - Preprocessing.mp4 45.37MB
009 Creating Confusion Matrix in Python.mp4 51.25MB
009 Dependent- Independent Data split in Python.mp4 15.18MB
009 Interpreting results of Categorical variables.mp4 22.50MB
009 Missing Value imputation in R.mp4 19.05MB
009 Moving Average.mp4 38.70MB
009 Outlier Treatment.mp4 24.49MB
009 Working with Pandas Library of Python.mp4 46.88MB
010 Classification model - Standardizing the data.mp4 9.72MB
010 Evaluating performance of model.mp4 35.16MB
010 Exponential Smoothing.mp4 8.38MB
010 Multiple Linear Regression in Python.mp4 69.73MB
010 Outlier Treatment in Python.mp4 70.25MB
010 Test-Train split in Python.mp4 24.87MB
010 Using Functional API for complex architectures.mp4 92.10MB
010 Variable transformation and Deletion in Python.mp4 29.25MB
010 Working with Seaborn Library of Python.mp4 40.36MB
011 Evaluating model performance in Python.mp4 9.01MB
011 Multiple Linear Regression in R.mp4 62.37MB
011 Outlier Treatment in R.mp4 30.74MB
011 Saving - Restoring Models and Using Callbacks.mp4 151.58MB
011 Splitting Data into Test and Train Set in R.mp4 43.97MB
011 SVM Based classification model.mp4 64.12MB
011 Variable transformation in R.mp4 38.02MB
012 Creating Decision tree in Python.mp4 17.87MB
012 Dummy variable creation in Python.mp4 26.37MB
012 Hyperparameter Tuning.mp4 60.63MB
012 Hyper Parameter Tuning.mp4 57.74MB
012 Missing Value Imputation.mp4 24.99MB
012 Predicting probabilities, assigning classes and making Confusion Matrix in R.mp4 55.69MB
012 Test-train split.mp4 41.88MB
013 Bias Variance trade-off.mp4 25.09MB
013 Building a Regression Tree in R.mp4 103.33MB
013 Dummy variable creation in R.mp4 44.35MB
013 Missing Value Imputation in Python.mp4 23.42MB
013 Polynomial Kernel with Hyperparameter Tuning.mp4 22.92MB
014 Evaluating model performance in Python.mp4 16.44MB
014 Missing Value imputation in R.mp4 26.00MB
014 Radial Kernel with Hyperparameter Tuning.mp4 37.21MB
014 Test train split in Python.mp4 44.88MB
015 Plotting decision tree in Python.mp4 21.47MB
015 Seasonality in Data.mp4 17.01MB
015 Test-Train Split in R.mp4 75.60MB
016 Bi-variate analysis and Variable transformation.mp4 100.39MB
016 Pruning a tree.mp4 18.46MB
016 Regression models other than OLS.mp4 16.54MB
017 Pruning a tree in Python.mp4 73.50MB
017 Subset selection techniques.mp4 79.06MB
017 Variable transformation and deletion in Python.mp4 44.11MB
018 Pruning a Tree in R.mp4 82.09MB
018 Subset selection in R.mp4 63.53MB
018 Variable transformation in R.mp4 55.42MB
019 Non-usable variables.mp4 20.24MB
019 Shrinkage methods_ Ridge and Lasso.mp4 33.34MB
020 Dummy variable creation_ Handling qualitative data.mp4 36.80MB
020 Ridge regression and Lasso in Python.mp4 128.84MB
021 Dummy variable creation in Python.mp4 26.53MB
021 Ridge regression and Lasso in R.mp4 103.43MB
022 Dummy variable creation in R.mp4 43.98MB
022 Heteroscedasticity.mp4 14.49MB
023 Correlation Analysis.mp4 71.59MB
024 Correlation Analysis in Python.mp4 55.30MB
025 Correlation Matrix in R.mp4 83.13MB
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