Torrent Info
Title Yuuki Yuuna wa yuusha de aru ([Ohys-Raws] Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Dai Mankai no Shou - 04 (BS6 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4)
Category Movies
Size 325.17MB

Movie Info
Yuuki Yuuna wa yuusha de aru
Title Yuuki Yuuna wa yuusha de aru
Year 2014–
Country Japan
Category Animation, Comedy, Drama
Director N/A
Actors Erika Harlacher, Xanthe Huynh, Brianna Knickerbocker
Description Yuuna Yuuki lives an ordinary life as a second year middle school student, but she's also a member of the "Hero Club," where club activities involve dealing with a mysterious being called "Vertex."
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[Ohys-Raws] Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Dai Mankai no Shou - 04 (BS6 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 325.17MB
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