Torrent Info
Title [] Udemy - Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET 5
Size 12.49GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
[CourseClub.ME].url 122B
[FCS Forum].url 133B
[].url 127B
1.1 aspnetrunrun-aspnetcore-microservices main github repo link.html 118B
1.1 aspnetrunrun-devops deploy microservices github link.html 100B
1.1 Connect with me on Linkedin.html 116B
1.1 Securing Microservices with IdentityServer4, OAuth2 and OpenID Connect fronted by Ocelot API Gateway- Medium.html 199B
1.2 Certificate Udemy Course.html 140B
1.2 Microservices Security with IS4 Github Link.html 116B
1.3 See All Udemy Courses.html 95B
1. Bonus Lecture.mp4 44.08MB
1. Bonus 7.77KB
1. Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes, Automating with Azure DevOps into AKS.mp4 18.61MB
1. Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes, Automating with Azure DevOps into 2.71KB
1. Developing Blazor Single Page Application with Custom Api Gateway for CRUD.mp4 16.50MB
1. Developing Blazor Single Page Application with Custom Api Gateway for 2.27KB
1. Introduction.mp4 53.70MB
1. Introduction.mp4 13.84MB
1. Introduction.mp4 13.22MB
1. Introduction.mp4 13.60MB
1. Introduction.mp4 10.54MB
1. Introduction.mp4 11.01MB
1. Introduction.mp4 12.91MB
1. Introduction.mp4 13.48MB
1. Introduction.mp4 12.98MB
1. Introduction.mp4 14.44MB
1. Introduction.mp4 30.10MB
1. Introduction.mp4 11.92MB
1. 8.38KB
1. 2.23KB
1. 2.42KB
1. 2.39KB
1. 1.78KB
1. 2.06KB
1. 1.87KB
1. 2.16KB
1. 1.96KB
1. 2.20KB
1. 4.68KB
1. 2.13KB
1. Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging, Health Monitoring, Resilie.mp4 17.90MB
1. Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging, Health Monitoring, 2.87KB
10.1 AspnetRunBasicsPagesProduct.cshtml.cs.html 174B
10.1 BasketController.cs Checkout method.html 185B
10.1 Check BasketController.cs.html 185B
10.1 Discount Controller.html 191B
10.1 Example CleanArchitecture Repository.html 112B
10.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
10.1 ocelot.Local.json file.html 168B
10.1 Product Entity.html 175B
10.2 Jason Clean Architecture on youtube.html 119B
10.3 Gill Cleeren Resources.html 119B
10.4 Gill Cleeren Clean Architecture on youtube.html 109B
10. Adding ocelot.json Configuration File For Routing Microservices in Ocelot Api Gw.mp4 295.22MB
10. Adding ocelot.json Configuration File For Routing Microservices in Ocelot Api 39.10KB
10. Code Structure on CQRS and DDD Implementation in Ordering Microservices.mp4 35.92MB
10. Code Structure on CQRS and DDD Implementation in Ordering 7.63KB
10. Create BasketController Class for Basket.API Microservice.mp4 115.07MB
10. Create BasketController Class for Basket.API 13.80KB
10. Create DiscountController Class for Discount.API Microservice.mp4 78.39MB
10. Create DiscountController Class for Discount.API 9.85KB
10. Developing Catalog.API Microservices Creating Entities and MongoDB.Driver Nuget.mp4 55.71MB
10. Developing Catalog.API Microservices Creating Entities and MongoDB.Driver 9.08KB
10. Developing CRUD in DiscountService class to Implement CRUD Grpc Proto Service.mp4 50.26MB
10. Developing CRUD in DiscountService class to Implement CRUD Grpc Proto 6.56KB
10. Developing Product Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices.mp4 79.72MB
10. Developing Product Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 8.26KB
10. Publish BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Basket.API Controller Class Part 2.mp4 83.26MB
10. Publish BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Basket.API Controller Class Part 8.95KB
10. Test on Docker environment - Shopping.Aggregator into Docker-Compose File.mp4 52.50MB
10. Test on Docker environment - Shopping.Aggregator into Docker-Compose 7.53KB
11.1 Copy Codes from CatalogContextSeed class.html 160B
11.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
11.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
11. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Ordering.API Microservice.mp4 25.88MB
11. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Ordering.API 4.76KB
11. Developing Data Layer - Connect Mongo Docker Container from Catalog.API.mp4 127.45MB
11. Developing Data Layer - Connect Mongo Docker Container from 17.94KB
11. Developing Product Detail Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application.mp4 29.32MB
11. Developing Product Detail Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web 2.99KB
11. Test and Run Basket Microservice.mp4 56.53MB
11. Test and Run Basket 7.70KB
11. Test and Run Discount Microservice.mp4 63.91MB
11. Test and Run Discount 10.72KB
11. Test BasketCheckout Event in Basket.API Microservices.mp4 105.58MB
11. Test BasketCheckout Event in Basket.API 13.59KB
11. Test Ocelot Api Gateway With Routing Internal Microservices.mp4 138.82MB
11. Test Ocelot Api Gateway With Routing Internal 18.53KB
12.1 Check docker-compose configurations.html 154B
12.1 Copy Codes from Repository Classes.html 168B
12.1 Docker-compose override file.html 154B
12. Consume RabbitMQ Event From Ordering Microservice Subscriber of BasketCheckout.mp4 238.09MB
12. Consume RabbitMQ Event From Ordering Microservice Subscriber of 26.44KB
12. Containerize Basket Microservices with Redis using Docker Compose.mp4 81.41MB
12. Containerize Basket Microservices with Redis using Docker 12.73KB
12. Containerize Discount Microservices with PostgreSQL using Docker Compose.mp4 49.82MB
12. Containerize Discount Microservices with PostgreSQL using Docker 7.47KB
12. Create Clean Architecture Layers that Ordering Domain - Application and Infra.mp4 28.68MB
12. Create Clean Architecture Layers that Ordering Domain - Application and 4.91KB
12. Developing Business Layer - Repository Pattern on Catalog.API Microservice.mp4 107.53MB
12. Developing Business Layer - Repository Pattern on Catalog.API 14.92KB
12. Developing Cart and Order Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application.mp4 94.43MB
12. Developing Cart and Order Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web 9.36KB
12. Rate Limiting in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json File.mp4 88.27MB
12. Rate Limiting in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json 11.15KB
13.1 CatalogController Class.html 188B
13. Adding PostgreSQL image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env.mp4 22.84MB
13. Adding PostgreSQL image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker 3.15KB
13. Adding Project References Between Clean Architecture Layers.mp4 27.89MB
13. Adding Project References Between Clean Architecture 5.18KB
13. Adding Redis image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env.mp4 48.74MB
13. Adding Redis image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker 6.51KB
13. Developing CheckOut Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices.mp4 78.89MB
13. Developing CheckOut Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 8.03KB
13. Developing Presentation Layer - Create CatalogController Class for Catalog.API.mp4 214.84MB
13. Developing Presentation Layer - Create CatalogController Class for 26.31KB
13. Response Caching in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json File.mp4 61.68MB
13. Response Caching in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json 7.66KB
13. Subscribe BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Ordering BasketCheckoutConsumer.mp4 202.61MB
13. Subscribe BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Ordering 21.59KB
14.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
14.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
14.1 Migrate Codes.html 186B
14.1 ocelot.Development.json file.html 174B
14.1 Order Entity.html 178B
14. Configure Ocelot Json For Docker Development Environment in Ocelot Api Gateway.mp4 105.76MB
14. Configure Ocelot Json For Docker Development Environment in Ocelot Api 13.06KB
14. Developing Ordering.Domain Layer in Clean Architecture.mp4 54.27MB
14. Developing Ordering.Domain Layer in Clean 6.96KB
14. Migrate PostreSQL Database When Discount Microservices Startup.mp4 214.81MB
14. Migrate PostreSQL Database When Discount Microservices 26.91KB
14. Refactoring Developments in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices.mp4 41.77MB
14. Refactoring Developments in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 5.50KB
14. Test and Run Catalog Microservice.mp4 60.45MB
14. Test and Run Catalog 8.28KB
14. Test BasketCheckout Event in Basket.API and Ordering.API Microservices.mp4 168.32MB
14. Test BasketCheckout Event in Basket.API and Ordering.API 21.33KB
14. Test on Docker environment - Basket.API and Redis into Docker-Compose File.mp4 52.67MB
14. Test on Docker environment - Basket.API and Redis into Docker-Compose 8.39KB
15.1 Check Docker-Compose Files.html 154B
15.1 docker compose commands.txt 301B
15.1 Portainer.html 119B
15.2 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
15.3 Docker Commands.txt 1.22KB
15. Containerize Catalog Microservices with MongoDB using Docker Compose.mp4 80.31MB
15. Containerize Catalog Microservices with MongoDB using Docker 12.63KB
15. Containerize Ocelot Api Gateway Microservices using Docker Compose.mp4 52.73MB
15. Containerize Ocelot Api Gateway Microservices using Docker 7.55KB
15. Container management with Portainer.mp4 90.71MB
15. Container management with 14.54KB
15. Developing Ordering.Application Layer with CQRS Pattern Implementation in Clean.mp4 22.13MB
15. Developing Ordering.Application Layer with CQRS Pattern Implementation in 4.36KB
15. Test AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices Over Ocelot Api Gateway.mp4 179.43MB
15. Test AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices Over Ocelot Api 20.26KB
15. Test MassTransit Retry Mecanism of RabbitMQ Connection Problems.mp4 89.43MB
15. Test MassTransit Retry Mecanism of RabbitMQ Connection 9.52KB
15. Test on Docker environment - Discount.API and PostgreSQL into Docker-Compose.mp4 73.03MB
15. Test on Docker environment - Discount.API and PostgreSQL into 11.61KB
16.1 docker-compose.override.yml.html 154B
16.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
16.1 Persistence Contracts.html 187B
16.2 Ordering Application Nuget Packages.html 193B
16. Adding MongoDb image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Environ.mp4 79.15MB
16. Adding MongoDb image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker 13.04KB
16. Containerize AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices using DC.mp4 52.24MB
16. Containerize AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices using 8.37KB
16. Containerize Basket and Ordering Microservices w RabbitMQ using Docker Compose.mp4 178.26MB
16. Containerize Basket and Ordering Microservices w RabbitMQ using Docker 20.87KB
16. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Contracts.mp4 128.61MB
16. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application 18.07KB
16. Test on Docker environment - Ocelot API Gateway into Docker-Compose File.mp4 104.20MB
16. Test on Docker environment - Ocelot API Gateway into Docker-Compose 15.83KB
17.1 Docker Commands.txt 1.22KB
17.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
17.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
17.2 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
17.3 docker compose commands.txt 301B
17. CQRS Implementation with Mediator Design Pattern.mp4 12.96MB
17. CQRS Implementation with Mediator Design 3.64KB
17. Test on Docker environment - AspnetBasics Shopping Web Microservices into Docker.mp4 76.78MB
17. Test on Docker environment - AspnetBasics Shopping Web Microservices into 10.56KB
17. Test on Docker environment - Basket and Ordering with RabbitMQ in Docker-Compose.mp4 110.37MB
17. Test on Docker environment - Basket and Ordering with RabbitMQ in 16.88KB
17. Test on Docker environment - Catalog.API and MongoDb into Docker-Compose File.mp4 55.67MB
17. Test on Docker environment - Catalog.API and MongoDb into Docker-Compose 8.39KB
18.1 GetOrdersList Feature Classes.html 203B
18. Debugging Docker-Compose on Visual Studio for Catalog.API with MongoDb.mp4 145.65MB
18. Debugging Docker-Compose on Visual Studio for Catalog.API with 18.92KB
18. Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Features - GetOrdersListQuery.mp4 167.95MB
18. Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Features - 20.49KB
19.1 CheckoutOrder Command Classes.html 204B
19. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Command Features - Checkout.mp4 251.51MB
19. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Command Features - 27.39KB
19. Mongo GUI Options for MongoDb Docker Image.mp4 42.16MB
19. Mongo GUI Options for MongoDb Docker 4.67KB
2.1 Course Github Repository Link.html 112B
2.1 Github Source Code Link.html 118B
2.1 Microservices Learning Path.html 95B
2.2 Medium articles.html 93B
2.3 Twitter.html 88B
2.4 Microservices Remastered.pdf 5.07MB
2.5 Linkedin.html 116B
2.6 Github Main Repository.html 118B
2. Analysis and Architecting of Ordering Microservices.mp4 37.28MB
2. Analysis and Architecting of Ordering 8.00KB
2. Background of Project.mp4 16.09MB
2. Background of 2.73KB
2. Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Basket Microservice When Adding Cart Item 1.mp4 85.49MB
2. Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Basket Microservice When Adding Cart Item 9.61KB
2. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Catalog.API Microservice.mp4 29.13MB
2. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Catalog.API 6.77KB
2. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Discount.API Microservice.mp4 31.67MB
2. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Discount.API 6.09KB
2. Create New Github Repository For Our Microservice Project.mp4 11.86MB
2. Create New Github Repository For Our Microservice 2.06KB
2. Gateway Aggregation pattern.mp4 18.89MB
2. Gateway Aggregation 3.77KB
2. Gateway Routing pattern.mp4 7.16MB
2. Gateway Routing 1.78KB
2. gRPC usage of Microservices Communication.mp4 17.46MB
2. gRPC usage of Microservices 3.34KB
2. Microservices Communication Types Request-Driven or Event-Driven Architecture.mp4 19.93MB
2. Microservices Communication Types Request-Driven or Event-Driven 4.58KB
2. Prerequisites and Source Code.mp4 12.07MB
2. Prerequisites and Source 4.14KB
2. Thanks.mp4 4.52MB
2. 806B
20.1 UpdateOrder Command Classes.html 202B
20. Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Command Features- UpdateOrder.mp4 161.43MB
20. Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Command Features- 17.18KB
21.1 DeleteOrder Command Classes.html 202B
21. Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Command Features- DeleteOrder.mp4 145.35MB
21. Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Command Features- 15.75KB
22.1 Ordering.Application Behaviours.html 176B
22. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Behaviours.mp4 160.93MB
22. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application 21.26KB
23.1 ApplicationServiceRegistration.cs.html 199B
23. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Service Registrations.mp4 150.83MB
23. Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Service 17.26KB
24.1 OrderController.cs.html 188B
24. Developing Ordering.API Presentation Layer in Clean Architecture.mp4 167.41MB
24. Developing Ordering.API Presentation Layer in Clean 21.18KB
25.1 OrderContext and Seed Class.html 180B
25. Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer in Clean Architecture - Persistence.mp4 109.51MB
25. Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer in Clean Architecture - 15.14KB
26.1 Ordering.Infrastructure Repositories.html 181B
26. Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer in Clean Architecture - Repositories.mp4 232.87MB
26. Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer in Clean Architecture - 26.27KB
27.1 InfrastructureServiceRegistration.cs.html 205B
27. Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer - Infrastructure Service Registrations.mp4 113.50MB
27. Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer - Infrastructure Service 13.10KB
28. Register Application and Infrastructure Layer Dependencies into Ordering.API.mp4 71.16MB
28. Register Application and Infrastructure Layer Dependencies into 8.89KB
29. Adding EF Core Migrations for Code-First Approach in Ordering Microservices.mp4 61.27MB
29. Adding EF Core Migrations for Code-First Approach in Ordering 7.08KB
3.1 Grpc Github Link.html 105B
3.1 Microservices Github Link.html 118B
3.2 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
3. Analysis & Design of Shopping.Aggregator Microservices - Gateway Aggregation.mp4 21.67MB
3. Analysis & Design of Shopping.Aggregator Microservices - Gateway 4.00KB
3. Analysis & Design Shopping Web Application Microservice.mp4 18.57MB
3. Analysis & Design Shopping Web Application 3.67KB
3. API Gateway Pattern.mp4 16.20MB
3. API Gateway 3.06KB
3. Clone Github Repository and Create New Solution with Visual Studio.mp4 29.41MB
3. Clone Github Repository and Create New Solution with Visual 5.29KB
3. Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Basket Microservice When Adding Cart Item 2.mp4 116.05MB
3. Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Basket Microservice When Adding Cart Item 13.33KB
3. Design Principles - SOLID.mp4 17.10MB
3. Design Principles - 3.81KB
3. PostgreSQL in Discount Microservices.mp4 8.55MB
3. PostgreSQL in Discount 2.31KB
3. Redis in Basket Microservices.mp4 10.18MB
3. Redis in Basket 2.41KB
3. Run Final Application.mp4 99.80MB
3. Run Final 18.43KB
3. Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net - Example Repository.mp4 14.33MB
3. Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net - Example 2.22KB
3. What is RabbitMQ, Main Components of RabbitMQ.mp4 16.50MB
3. What is RabbitMQ, Main Components of 4.50KB
30.1 HostExtensions - MigrateDatabase method.html 186B
30. Applying EF.Core Migrations to Sql Server Automatically When Ordering.API.mp4 201.04MB
30. Applying EF.Core Migrations to Sql Server Automatically When 21.08KB
31.1 docker-compose.override.yml.html 154B
31.2 Sql Server Docker Hub Link.html 108B
31. Adding SqlServer image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env.mp4 75.24MB
31. Adding SqlServer image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker 10.03KB
32.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
32. Test and Run Ordering Microservice.mp4 67.01MB
32. Test and Run Ordering 8.44KB
33.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
33. Test Ordering Microservices CQRS and Clean Architecture Flows.mp4 184.61MB
33. Test Ordering Microservices CQRS and Clean Architecture 22.64KB
34. Containerize Ordering Microservices with SqlServer using Docker Compose.mp4 103.19MB
34. Containerize Ordering Microservices with SqlServer using Docker 13.84KB
35.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
35. Test on Docker environment - Ordering.API and SqlServer into Docker-Compose File.mp4 89.59MB
35. Test on Docker environment - Ordering.API and SqlServer into Docker-Compose 15.90KB
4.1 Github aspnetrunrun-aspnetcore-basics link.html 111B
4. BFF Backend for Frontend Pattern.mp4 15.74MB
4. BFF Backend for Frontend 2.93KB
4. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Catalog.API Microservice.mp4 30.87MB
4. Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Catalog.API 6.49KB
4. Create Discount Grpc Microservices Project in Microservices Solution.mp4 109.64MB
4. Create Discount Grpc Microservices Project in Microservices 16.64KB
4. Design Principles - Dependency Inversion Principles (DIP).mp4 9.70MB
4. Design Principles - Dependency Inversion Principles (DIP).srt 3.05KB
4. Developing AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices.mp4 65.09MB
4. Developing AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 9.00KB
4. Developing Shopping.Aggregator Microservices.mp4 30.95MB
4. Developing Shopping.Aggregator 6.17KB
4. RabbitMQ Exchange Types.mp4 20.59MB
4. RabbitMQ Exchange 5.16KB
4. Register Discount Grpc Client and Discount Grpc Service into the Basket.API.mp4 78.96MB
4. Register Discount Grpc Client and Discount Grpc Service into the 9.59KB
4. Setup PostgreSQL Docker Database for Discount.API Microservices.mp4 48.18MB
4. Setup PostgreSQL Docker Database for Discount.API 6.03KB
4. Setup Redis Cache Docker Database for Basket.API Microservices.mp4 40.57MB
4. Setup Redis Cache Docker Database for Basket.API 5.83KB
4. What are Microservices .mp4 8.40MB
4. What are Microservices .srt 2.12KB
5.1 Cannot open database Error fix.html 172B
5.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
5.1 pgadmin4 docker image.html 101B
5.1 Redis commands.txt 255B
5.1 Shopping.AggregatorModels Dto Classes.html 165B
5. Adding RabbitMQ image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env.mp4 72.67MB
5. Adding RabbitMQ image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker 11.39KB
5. Design Principles - Separation of Concerns (SoC).mp4 5.97MB
5. Design Principles - Separation of Concerns (SoC).srt 2.14KB
5. Developing Dto Model Class for Api Aggreation Operations.mp4 95.71MB
5. Developing Dto Model Class for Api Aggreation 13.83KB
5. Main features in the API Gateway pattern.mp4 10.05MB
5. Main features in the API Gateway 2.36KB
5. Managing PostreSQL Database Operations in Discount Grpc.mp4 85.44MB
5. Managing PostreSQL Database Operations in Discount 10.33KB
5. MongoDb in Catalog Microservices.mp4 8.21MB
5. MongoDb in Catalog 2.37KB
5. Monolithic Architecture Pros-Cons.mp4 21.44MB
5. Monolithic Architecture 4.05KB
5. Overview of AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices.mp4 131.68MB
5. Overview of AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 16.66KB
5. Redis CLI Commands using Interactive Terminal For Redis Connection.mp4 34.90MB
5. Redis CLI Commands using Interactive Terminal For Redis 3.99KB
5. Setup pgAdmin Management Portal for PostgreSQL Database for Discount.API Microse.mp4 110.11MB
5. Setup pgAdmin Management Portal for PostgreSQL Database for Discount.API 15.02KB
5. Test and Run Discount Grpc and Basket Microservice.mp4 84.73MB
5. Test and Run Discount Grpc and Basket 10.43KB
6.1 Architecture of Aspnetrun.html 181B
6.1 Coupon PostgreSql Commands.txt 1.05KB
6.1 discount.proto file.html 180B
6.1 docker-compose.override.yml.html 154B
6.1 use-httpclientfactory-to-implement-resilient-http-requests.html 219B
6.1 WebAppsAspnetRunBasicsModels Classes.html 157B
6.2 Aspnet http-requests.html 152B
6.3 postasjsonasync-method-in-asp-net-core.html 157B
6.4 Shopping.AggregatorStartup.cs.html 169B
6. Analysis & Design BuildingBlocks EventBus.Messages Class Library Project.mp4 29.65MB
6. Analysis & Design BuildingBlocks EventBus.Messages Class Library 5.22KB
6. Analysis and Architecting of Basket Microservices.mp4 35.62MB
6. Analysis and Architecting of Basket 9.21KB
6. Containerize Discount Grpc Microservices with PostgreSQL using Docker Compose.mp4 57.96MB
6. Containerize Discount Grpc Microservices with PostgreSQL using Docker 7.49KB
6. Create Coupon Table in the DiscountDb of PostgreSQL Database with pgAdmin Manage.mp4 39.34MB
6. Create Coupon Table in the DiscountDb of PostgreSQL Database with pgAdmin 7.21KB
6. Developing discount.proto ProtoBuf file for Exposing Crud Services Discount Grpc.mp4 73.56MB
6. Developing discount.proto ProtoBuf file for Exposing Crud Services Discount 10.81KB
6. Developing Service Classes for Consuming Internal Microservices in Shopping.Aggr.mp4 227.29MB
6. Developing Service Classes for Consuming Internal Microservices in 25.72KB
6. Domain Driven Design - DDD.mp4 29.17MB
6. Domain Driven Design - 6.02KB
6. Microservices Architecture Pros-Cons.mp4 33.95MB
6. Microservices Architecture 6.24KB
6. Ocelot API Gateway.mp4 11.62MB
6. Ocelot API 3.16KB
6. Refactoring of AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices.mp4 102.59MB
6. Refactoring of AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 13.28KB
6. Setup Mongo Docker Database for Catalog.API Microservices.mp4 67.77MB
6. Setup Mongo Docker Database for Catalog.API 8.68KB
7.1 Clean Architecture.html 164B
7.1 Copy Entities From Basket Entities Folder.html 162B
7.1 EventBus.MessagesEvents Classes.html 166B
7.1 HttpClientExtensions.cs.html 185B
7.1 mongo commands.txt 1.31KB
7.1 Shopping.AggregatorServices Classes.html 167B
7. Adding Grpc DiscountUrl Configuration in Basket.API image configuration on DC.mp4 43.24MB
7. Adding Grpc DiscountUrl Configuration in Basket.API image configuration on 5.35KB
7. Analysis and Architecting of Discount Microservices.mp4 30.00MB
7. Analysis and Architecting of Discount 6.93KB
7. Authentication and authorization in Ocelot API Gateway.mp4 14.14MB
7. Authentication and authorization in Ocelot API 2.29KB
7. Clean Architecture with Domain Driven Design(DDD).mp4 58.64MB
7. Clean Architecture with Domain Driven Design(DDD).srt 12.27KB
7. Developing Basket.API Microservices Creating Entities.mp4 44.23MB
7. Developing Basket.API Microservices Creating 7.16KB
7. Developing BuildingBlocks EventBus.Messages Class Library.mp4 80.79MB
7. Developing BuildingBlocks EventBus.Messages Class 13.05KB
7. Developing Service Classes Consuming Internal Microservices in Shopping.Aggr-2.mp4 321.67MB
7. Developing Service Classes Consuming Internal Microservices in 35.45KB
7. Generate Proto Service Class from Discount proto File in Discount Grpc.mp4 46.12MB
7. Generate Proto Service Class from Discount proto File in Discount 5.54KB
7. MongoDb CLI Commands using Interactive Terminal For MongoDb Connection.mp4 44.72MB
7. MongoDb CLI Commands using Interactive Terminal For MongoDb 7.32KB
7. Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture Comparison.mp4 21.84MB
7. Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture 3.49KB
7. Register Http Client Factory for Consuming Api Gateway in AspnetBasics Shopping.mp4 76.60MB
7. Register Http Client Factory for Consuming Api Gateway in AspnetBasics 7.92KB
8.1 Basket.APIStartup.cs MassTransit-RabbitMQ Configuration.html 164B
8.1 Coupon Entity.html 176B
8.1 Microservices.Net.postman_collection.json 12.34KB
8.1 WebAppsAspnetRunBasicsServices Folder.html 159B
8. Analysis & Design of API Gateway Microservices.mp4 14.07MB
8. Analysis & Design of API Gateway 2.70KB
8. Analysis and Architecting of Catalog Microservices.mp4 34.51MB
8. Analysis and Architecting of Catalog 7.78KB
8. Connect Redis Docker Container from Basket.API Microservice w AddStackExchange.mp4 65.92MB
8. Connect Redis Docker Container from Basket.API Microservice w 8.46KB
8. CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) Design Pattern.mp4 14.14MB
8. CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) Design 3.01KB
8. Developing Discount.API Microservices Creating Entities.mp4 11.56MB
8. Developing Discount.API Microservices Creating 1.96KB
8. Developing DiscountService class to Implement Grpc Proto Service Methods.mp4 90.05MB
8. Developing DiscountService class to Implement Grpc Proto Service 11.31KB
8. Developing Service Implementations for Consuming Api Gateway in AspnetBasics.mp4 107.21MB
8. Developing Service Implementations for Consuming Api Gateway in 13.33KB
8. Produce RabbitMQ Event From Basket Microservice Publisher of BasketCheckoutEvent.mp4 192.07MB
8. Produce RabbitMQ Event From Basket Microservice Publisher of 21.24KB
8. Test on Docker environment - Basket.API integrate Discount.Grpc into DC.mp4 180.85MB
8. Test on Docker environment - Basket.API integrate Discount.Grpc into 24.46KB
8. Test Shopping.Aggreation Microservices with Docker Internal Microservices.mp4 143.68MB
8. Test Shopping.Aggreation Microservices with Docker Internal 18.88KB
8. What is Containers and Docker .mp4 6.82MB
8. What is Containers and Docker .srt 1.56KB
9.1 AspnetRunBasicsPagesIndex.cshtml.cs.html 172B
9.1 Check Repository Pattern Imp Codes.html 166B
9.1 Discount Nuget Packages.html 177B
9.1 DiscountService.cs.html 186B
9.1 Docker Commands.txt 1.22KB
9.1 docker-compose.override.yml.html 154B
9.2 Discount Repositories.html 170B
9. Containerize Shopping.Aggregator Microservices using Docker Compose.mp4 61.92MB
9. Containerize Shopping.Aggregator Microservices using Docker 8.78KB
9. Developing Index Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices.mp4 69.39MB
9. Developing Index Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 7.49KB
9. Developing Ocelot Api Gateway Microservices with Adapting Ocelot Nuget Package.mp4 84.04MB
9. Developing Ocelot Api Gateway Microservices with Adapting Ocelot Nuget 14.22KB
9. Developing Repository Pattern Connect PostgreSQL use Dapper on Discount.API.mp4 166.82MB
9. Developing Repository Pattern Connect PostgreSQL use Dapper on 21.93KB
9. Developing Repository Pattern on Basket.API Microservice.mp4 111.40MB
9. Developing Repository Pattern on Basket.API 15.13KB
9. Docker Containers, Images, and Registries.mp4 10.85MB
9. Docker Containers, Images, and 2.39KB
9. Eventual Consisteny and Event Sourcing with CQRS Design Pattern.mp4 26.48MB
9. Eventual Consisteny and Event Sourcing with CQRS Design 7.08KB
9. Implementing AutoMapper into DiscountService Class of Discount Grpc Microservice.mp4 50.72MB
9. Implementing AutoMapper into DiscountService Class of Discount Grpc 6.41KB
9. Publish BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Basket.API Controller Class.mp4 214.62MB
9. Publish BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Basket.API Controller 24.51KB
9. Repository Design Pattern.mp4 21.09MB
9. Repository Design 3.44KB
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