Torrent Info
Title The Creative React and Redux Course
Size 10.45GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
0.Github.mp4 57.67MB
0.Ignite Introduction - 01.mp4 24.58MB
0.Let - 01.mp4 9.16MB
1.0.Capture Project.mp4 14.11MB
1.Class Based Components - 01.mp4 81.92MB
1.Const and Let - 01.mp4 69.19MB
1.Initial Setup.mp4 69.59MB
1.Initial Setup - 01.mp4 56.07MB
1.Intro.mp4 24.68MB
1.Music Player Introduction - 01.mp4 22.01MB
1. Structuring React Code - 01.mp4 52.52MB
1. Why Learn React - 01.mp4 54.68MB
10.Fetch Game Detail - 01.mp4 179.38MB
10.Input Slider Update - 01.mp4 48.74MB
10.Our Work.mp4 63.05MB
10.UseEffect - 01.mp4 57.68MB
11.Adding Game Detail Data - 01.mp4 168.18MB
11.Error Fixes - 01.mp4 28.78MB
11.Movie Details.mp4 291.15MB
12.Framer Motion.mp4 131.23MB
12.Game Detail Styling - 01.mp4 69.52MB
12.Pause and Play - 01.mp4 19.02MB
13.Library UI - 01.mp4 197.35MB
13.Page Transitions.mp4 148.05MB
13.React Router - 01.mp4 99.84MB
14.About Animation.mp4 76.72MB
14.Awesome Redux Trick - 01.mp4 48.18MB
14.Selecting Songs - 01.mp4 70.26MB
15.Refactoring - 01.mp4 88.92MB
15.Toggling Components - 01.mp4 63.25MB
15.Wave Animation.mp4 58.32MB
16.Active Song - 01.mp4 60.20MB
16.Media Resize - 01.mp4 118.10MB
16.Our Work Animation.mp4 150.64MB
17.Component Transition - 01.mp4 121.17MB
17.Library Toggle - 01.mp4 107.89MB
17.Reusable Components.mp4 83.66MB
18.Adding Icons - 01.mp4 90.29MB
18.Finishing Faq Animation.mp4 70.29MB
18.Skip back and Forward - 01.mp4 158.40MB
19.Active Song Skipping - 01.mp4 41.70MB
19.Rendering Stars - 01.mp4 62.83MB
19.Scroll Animations.mp4 134.93MB
2.AboutUs Section.mp4 80.01MB
2.Initial Setup - 01.mp4 59.52MB
2.One Important Thing - 01.mp4 61.75MB
2.Props - 01.mp4 178.33MB
2.Setting Up Our Api - 01.mp4 145.23MB
2. What Does React Code Look Like - 01.mp4 144.92MB
2.Where To Go From Here - 01.mp4 19.73MB
20.Adding Our Nav - 01.mp4 80.76MB
20.Another Day another Bug Fix - 01.mp4 67.98MB
20.Our Work Scroll.mp4 93.22MB
21.Contact Animation.mp4 88.01MB
21.Customizing Our Input - 01.mp4 197.85MB
21.Nav Searching - 01.mp4 154.59MB
22.Auto Skip - 01.mp4 78.01MB
22.Fixing Weird Quirks.mp4 85.88MB
22.More Animations - 01.mp4 69.36MB
23.Mobile Friendly.mp4 165.42MB
23.Mobile Styling - 01.mp4 59.38MB
24.Be Careful With UseEffect - 01.mp4 79.26MB
24.Nav Line Animation.mp4 64.09MB
25.Input With Diferrent Browsers - 01.mp4 19.57MB
2 Axios.mp4 215.69MB
3.Arrow Functions - 01.mp4 50.01MB
3.Creating Our Components - 01.mp4 124.76MB
3.ENV Files.mp4 45.00MB
3.Events - 01.mp4 68.76MB
3. Intro To JSX - 01.mp4 76.78MB
3.Services Section.mp4 75.18MB
3.Setting Up Redux - 01.mp4 143.58MB
3.Thank you - 01.mp4 23.23MB
4.Action Creators,Redux and Thunk - 01.mp4 113.01MB
4.Deconstruct - 01.mp4 24.63MB
4.Faq Section.mp4 39.42MB
4.Initial Styling - 01.mp4 94.76MB
4.State - 01.mp4 191.50MB
4. What Are Components - 01.mp4 83.89MB
4.Why Redux Is Good.mp4 72.05MB
5.Fetching Our First Data - 01.mp4 116.24MB
5.Intro To Styled Components.mp4 190.88MB
5.Magic Break - 01.mp4 20.91MB
5.Map and Filter - 01.mp4 44.48MB
5. Moving To VS Code - 01.mp4 25.75MB
5.Our App Data - 01.mp4 100.49MB
5.Quick Example Of Redux.mp4 92.51MB
6.Adding Our State - 01.mp4 78.69MB
6.Fetching Other Games - 01.mp4 61.95MB
6.Full on Redux.mp4 203.29MB
6.Let - 01.mp4 5.95MB
6. Setting Up React - 01.mp4 150.61MB
6.State Lifting - 01.mp4 114.25MB
6.Styling Services Section.mp4 113.57MB
7. Class or Classname - 01.mp4 59.00MB
7.Refactoring To Home - 01.mp4 37.71MB
7.Rendering Multiple Components - 01.mp4 102.40MB
7.Styling Faq Section.mp4 49.50MB
7.Use Ref - 01.mp4 34.42MB
8.Creating Our Nav.mp4 73.73MB
8. Extensions and Dev Stuff - 01.mp4 113.30MB
8.Play Pause - 01.mp4 37.85MB
8.Styling Up The Cards - 01.mp4 240.39MB
8.UUID - 01.mp4 88.07MB
9. Getting Closer - 01.mp4 4.41MB
9.Global Styles - 01.mp4 94.41MB
9.React Router.mp4 128.59MB
9.Styling React Components - 01.mp4 183.25MB
9.Update Time - 01.mp4 83.08MB
Magic Lesson 1 - 01.mp4 23.23MB
Magic Lesson 2 - 01.mp4 38.03MB
Magic Lesson 3 - 01 - 01.mp4 47.67MB
Magic Lesson 4.mp4 804.77MB
Magic Lesson 5 - 01.mp4 34.43MB
Magic Lesson 6 - 01.mp4 21.95MB
Distribution statistics by country
Russia (RU) 4
Israel (IL) 2
Latvia (LV) 1
Greece (GR) 1
Netherlands (NL) 1
Total 9
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