Torrent Info
Title [CourseClub.NET] UDACITY - Data Visualization and D3.js
Size 4.33GB

Files List
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[CourseClub.NET].url 123B
[DesireCourse.Com].url 51B
100 - Negative Space and Cholera.mp4 11.24MB
101 - Negative Space and Cholera Solution.mp4 5.12MB
102 - Encoding Nothing.mp4 28.31MB
103 - Careful with Color.mp4 7.99MB
104 - Redundant Encodings.mp4 16.09MB
105 - Communicating with Color.mp4 27.48MB
106 - Practical Rules for Using Color.mp4 7.68MB
107 - Practical Rules for Using Color Solution.mp4 13.99MB
108 - Alternatives to Rainbow Palettes.mp4 17.72MB
109 - Alternatives to Rainbow Palettes Solution.mp4 4.77MB
10 - Design Code Tell Solution.mp4 37.29MB
110 - How Visualizations can Save Lives.mp4 13.34MB
111 - Correcting Color.mp4 18.81MB
112 - Color Blind.mp4 10.24MB
113 - Red Green Color Blindness.mp4 22.64MB
114 - Do No Harm.mp4 3.74MB
115 - Determining a Graphic's Effectiveness.mp4 6.48MB
116 - Chartjunk.mp4 20.78MB
117 - Less is More.mp4 24.38MB
118 - Chartjunk Qualities.mp4 1.65MB
119 - Data Ink Ratio.mp4 51.62MB
11 - Data Visualization and You.mp4 10.90MB
120 - Junk Yard.mp4 4.95MB
121 - Lie Factor.mp4 19.52MB
122 - Size of the Effect in the Data.mp4 8.13MB
123 - Size of the Effect in the Data Solution.mp4 2.08MB
124 - Size of the Effect in the Graphic.mp4 1.83MB
125 - Size of the Effect in the Graphic Solution.mp4 671.36KB
126 - Calculating the Lie Factor.mp4 1003.16KB
127 - Calculating the Lie Factor Solution.mp4 3.19MB
128 - Leland Wilkinson.mp4 5.53MB
129 - The Grammar of Graphics.mp4 18.23MB
12 - The Data Science Process.mp4 10.13MB
130 - Tabular Data versus Line Chart.mp4 7.19MB
131 - Tabular Data versus Line Chart Solution.mp4 28.39MB
132 - Discovery versus Presentation.mp4 29.76MB
133 - Advantages of the Grammar of Graphics.mp4 5.75MB
134 - Advantages of the Grammar of Graphics Solution.mp4 11.22MB
135 - Grammar of Graphics and D3 Functions.mp4 16.24MB
136 - D3 Functions.mp4 41.62MB
137 - The Purpose of the Grammar of Graphics.mp4 15.35MB
138 - Grammar of Graphics Pipeline and D3.mp4 8.36MB
139 - Grammar of Graphics Pipeline and D3 Solution.mp4 7.58MB
13 - Details of the Data Science Process.mp4 22.50MB
140 - The Spectrum of Tech in Data Vis.mp4 11.36MB
141 - Dimple Interlude.mp4 38.79MB
142 - World Cup Data.mp4 21.61MB
143 - World Cup Data Solution.mp4 12.36MB
144 - A Simple HTTP Server.mp4 2.23MB
145 - Dimple Bar Chart Code Overview.mp4 13.28MB
146 - Javascript Debugger.mp4 5.99MB
147 - Inspecting Variables and Data.mp4 29.97MB
148 - Dimple Axes, Series and Fields.mp4 12.43MB
149 - Chart Layout and Group Tags.mp4 22.92MB
14 - Data Vis in Data Science.mp4 19.16MB
150 - Creating and Drawing the Chart.mp4 34.66MB
151 - Adding an Axis with Dimple.mp4 3.61MB
152 - Adding a Series with Dimple.mp4 2.42MB
153 - The Benefits of Dimple.mp4 2.14MB
154 - Debugging and Inspecting Chart Objects.mp4 19.17MB
155 - Inspecting the X-axis.mp4 4.20MB
156 - Adding the Y-axis Solution.mp4 1.38MB
157 - Adding the Series and Drawing the Chart.mp4 1.70MB
158 - Object Oriented Design and Charts.mp4 4.26MB
159 - Two Identical Charts.mp4 1.98MB
15 - Iterating on Visualizations.mp4 25.46MB
160 - Two Identical Charts Solution.mp4 2.53MB
161 - Interactivity is Simple with Dimple.mp4 1.65MB
162 - Interactivity is Simple with Dimple Solution.mp4 869.57KB
163 - Changing the Date Format.mp4 4.82MB
164 - Changing the X-axis Interval.mp4 1.44MB
165 - Bar Chart Issues.mp4 4.48MB
166 - Bar Chart. The Good.mp4 1.08MB
167 - Bar Chart. The Good Solution.mp4 613.20KB
168 - Bar Chart. The Bad.mp4 2.81MB
169 - Changing the Chart Type.mp4 1.53MB
16 - Explanatory vs Exploratory.mp4 12.80MB
170 - From Bars to Circles to Lines.mp4 7.70MB
171 - EDA vs Sketching Data Visualizations.mp4 47.36MB
172 - Customizing a Dimple Chart.mp4 11.00MB
173 - Adding a Title Using D3.mp4 1.49MB
174 - Adding a Title Using D3 Solution.mp4 894.87KB
175 - Advantages with CSS.mp4 2.52MB
176 - Summary of Dimple and Chart Types.mp4 5.01MB
177 - What's Next.mp4 9.56MB
178 - Scott's Advice to Break into Data Vis.mp4 42.27MB
179 - Finding Stories.mp4 11.44MB
17 - Anscombe’s Quartet.mp4 8.85MB
180 - Approaches to Journalism.mp4 48.87MB
181 - Correlation vs Causation.mp4 39.09MB
182 - The New Journalism.mp4 47.76MB
183 - The Difficulty of Data Visualization.mp4 18.34MB
184 - How to Lie with Bar Charts.mp4 41.72MB
185 - How to Lie with Pie Charts.mp4 16.14MB
186 - How to Lie with Pie Charts Solution.mp4 14.74MB
187 - Personal Data Visualization.mp4 26.23MB
188 - Errors in Data Collection.mp4 35.21MB
189 - One Human Heartbeat.mp4 14.72MB
18 - Why Even Create Graphics.mp4 13.52MB
190 - Different Types of Narrative Structures.mp4 14.71MB
191 - Author-driven Examples.mp4 21.06MB
192 - Viewer-driven Examples.mp4 32.15MB
193 - The Martini Glass.mp4 13.52MB
194 - Drone Strikes and Gun Deaths.mp4 30.78MB
195 - Narratives Summary.mp4 5.54MB
196 - Analyzing Narrative Structures.mp4 4.32MB
197 - Annotations & World Cup Attendance Chart.mp4 18.25MB
198 - Demystifying D3.mp4 57.14MB
199 - Thinking with Joins.mp4 17.28MB
19 - Data Types.mp4 42.86MB
1 - What is Data Visualization.mp4 22.27MB
200 - Defining a Join.mp4 30.49MB
201 - Joins in D3.mp4 47.70MB
202 - Thinking with Venn Diagrams.mp4 26.28MB
203 - enter() and exit().mp4 6.05MB
204 - enter() and exit() Solution.mp4 16.71MB
205 - From Dimple to D3.mp4 4.50MB
206 - Steps in the Data Binding Process.mp4 10.43MB
207 - Steps in the Data Binding Process Solution.mp4 1.04MB
208 - Updated World Cup Data Set.mp4 2.99MB
209 - Returns in the Data Binding Process.mp4 17.79MB
20 - Identifying Data Types.mp4 6.65MB
210 - Circles with Bound __data__.mp4 11.18MB
211 - Visualize Every Game of the World Cup.mp4 3.36MB
212 - Communicating Your Message.mp4 12.34MB
213 - Using extent() for scales.mp4 10.55MB
214 - Creating Time and Attendance Scales.mp4 5.86MB
215 - Parsing Data Before the Draw Function.mp4 10.68MB
216 - I Love Data Visualization.mp4 8.95MB
217 - D3 Parsing Dates and Times.mp4 11.03MB
218 - Parsing Overview and Parsing Attendance.mp4 6.73MB
219 - Parsing Attendance.mp4 3.02MB
21 - Identifying Data Types Solution.mp4 13.36MB
220 - Parsing Attendance Solution.mp4 4.08MB
221 - Inspecting Data with Functions.mp4 11.61MB
222 - Creating Axes.mp4 6.92MB
223 - Adding the Axes to the Page.mp4 6.30MB
224 - Orienting and Drawing the Axes.mp4 5.84MB
225 - The Anonymous Accessor Function.mp4 7.61MB
226 - Where are the Circles.mp4 11.13MB
227 - Where are the Circles. Solution.mp4 4.98MB
228 - D3 Hides Complexity.mp4 2.42MB
229 - Inspecting Accessor Functions.mp4 9.57MB
22 - Visual Encodings.mp4 57.72MB
230 - Use Variables Wisely.mp4 1.92MB
231 - Attendance at Every World Cup Game.mp4 8.07MB
232 - Recap and Data Dependency.mp4 10.48MB
233 - Styling Home Games with D3 Code.mp4 3.28MB
234 - Styling Home Games with D3 Code Solution.mp4 7.02MB
235 - Juxtaposition and Comparison.mp4 4.44MB
236 - New Data Stories in the Graphic.mp4 3.93MB
237 - Context for the Reader.mp4 4.60MB
238 - I am Legend.mp4 10.92MB
239 - Adding Circles to the Legend.mp4 11.15MB
23 - World Cup Top Scorers.mp4 12.40MB
240 - Adding Text to the Legend.mp4 10.67MB
241 - All World Cup Games Recap.mp4 6.59MB
242 - Lesson 3 Recap.mp4 9.41MB
243 - Animation and Interaction.mp4 8.83MB
244 - Case Study. US Unemployment.mp4 38.13MB
245 - The Benefits of Interactivity.mp4 30.39MB
246 - Iterative Process.mp4 19.42MB
247 - Lets Make a Map.mp4 54.86MB
248 - GeoJSON vs Shapefile.mp4 3.83MB
249 - GeoJSON vs Shapefile Solution.mp4 6.32MB
24 - World Cup Top Scorers Solution.mp4 11.64MB
250 - What is a Projection.mp4 54.39MB
251 - Map Distortions.mp4 24.69MB
252 - Maps in D3.mp4 2.66MB
253 - Inspect GeoJSON.mp4 6.86MB
254 - Drawing a Map from SVG Paths.mp4 9.02MB
255 - Drawing a Map from SVG Paths Solution.mp4 5.82MB
256 - Drawing and Altering the Map.mp4 9.92MB
257 - Thematic Maps.mp4 29.16MB
258 - Loading Data with Nested Functions.mp4 11.32MB
259 - Nest Function.mp4 7.55MB
25 - Win, Lose or Draw.mp4 12.66MB
260 - Aggregating Data.mp4 10.88MB
261 - Aggregating Data Solution.mp4 3.03MB
262 - Collecting Stadium Locations.mp4 7.81MB
263 - Averaging Locations.mp4 5.78MB
264 - Averaging Locations Solution.mp4 979.75KB
265 - Checking the Nest Return.mp4 9.04MB
266 - Adding Circles to the Map.mp4 6.91MB
267 - Adding Circles to the Map Solution.mp4 2.36MB
268 - Sizing Circles for Attendance.mp4 6.01MB
269 - Sizing Circles for Attendance Solution.mp4 1.77MB
26 - Win, Lose or Draw Solution.mp4 22.91MB
270 - The Radius Scale.mp4 6.57MB
271 - Adjusting the Map Aesthetics.mp4 5.84MB
272 - Sorting the Data for Drawing Order.mp4 6.91MB
273 - Where are we.mp4 27.19MB
274 - The Update Function.mp4 2.37MB
275 - Outlining the Update Function.mp4 6.50MB
276 - Collecting Participating Countries.mp4 10.52MB
277 - Filtering.mp4 4.70MB
278 - Data Join with a Key Function.mp4 11.04MB
279 - Enter Update Exit.mp4 20.05MB
27 - Rankings of Visual Encodings.mp4 20.14MB
280 - Enter Update Exit Solution.mp4 4.20MB
281 - Highlight Countries.mp4 13.52MB
282 - Highlight Countries Solution.mp4 2.72MB
283 - Completing the Update Function.mp4 18.33MB
284 - Summary of the Update Function.mp4 6.18MB
285 - Animating Each Year.mp4 3.70MB
286 - Animating Each Year Solution.mp4 2.95MB
287 - setInterval and clearInterval.mp4 9.40MB
288 - World Cup Participation Animation.mp4 2.94MB
289 - Update the Title.mp4 8.05MB
28 - Decomposing Visualizations.mp4 18.15MB
290 - Smoothing the Animation with Transitions.mp4 12.10MB
291 - The World Cup Narrative.mp4 6.31MB
292 - Adding Interactivity.mp4 3.77MB
293 - Adding Interactivity Solution.mp4 3.75MB
294 - Delaying the Display of Buttons.mp4 2.56MB
295 - Delaying the Display of Buttons Solution.mp4 2.59MB
296 - Adding Events to Buttons.mp4 17.48MB
297 - Adding Events to Buttons Solution.mp4 3.47MB
298 - Fixing the Buttons.mp4 9.19MB
299 - World Cup Code and Narrative Recap.mp4 17.29MB
29 - The Facebook Offering.mp4 60.00MB
2 - Defining Data Visualization.mp4 30.61MB
300 - Start Creating.mp4 3.12MB
301 - Matt's Tips for Making Maps.mp4 34.28MB
302 - The Future of Data Visualizations.mp4 80.87MB
303 - Goodbye and Keep Learning.mp4 12.99MB
30 - The Facebook Offering Animation.mp4 19.55MB
31 - Transition to Tech Portion.mp4 6.78MB
32 - Up and Down the Visualization Spectrum.mp4 130.67MB
33 - D3 Web Technologies.mp4 3.96MB
34 - D3 Web Technologies Solution.mp4 4.47MB
35 - D3 Unpacking The Name.mp4 36.49MB
36 - D3. Unpacking The Name Solution.mp4 18.50MB
37 - Why D3.mp4 16.27MB
38 - Technical Interlude.mp4 12.00MB
39 - Developer Tools and Console.mp4 2.68MB
3 - Good Data Visualization.mp4 32.39MB
40 - Load D3 in the JavaScript Console.mp4 5.76MB
41 - Introduction to D3.mp4 16.94MB
42 - Inspecting Elements.mp4 8.72MB
43 - Inspecting Elements Solution.mp4 9.26MB
44 - Working In The JavaScript Console.mp4 1.49MB
45 - Document Selectors And Queries.mp4 3.39MB
46 - .mp4 291.04KB
47 - Solution.mp4 5.05MB
48 - .mp4 16.75MB
49 - D3 Chain Syntax and Changing the Navbar.mp4 3.82MB
4 - The Functional Art Obesity and Education.mp4 17.79MB
50 - Caution with Class Selections.mp4 1.04MB
51 - Manipulating DOM Nodes.mp4 772.90KB
52 - .mp4 1.64MB
53 - Solution.mp4 4.83MB
54 - Nested Selections.mp4 3.02MB
55 - .mp4 2.01MB
56 - Solution.mp4 4.43MB
57 - .mp4 8.45MB
58 - Solution.mp4 8.39MB
59 - Recreating China's Red Dot.mp4 1.42MB
5 - The Functional Art Obesity and Education Solution.mp4 13.72MB
60 - D3 Scales.mp4 1.43MB
61 - How Scales Work.mp4 5.70MB
62 - Adding SVG Elements.mp4 996.47KB
63 - NEW D3 Scale Syntax.mp4 6.72MB
64 - NEW D3 Scale Syntax Solution.mp4 4.41MB
65 - Keeping Trust and Drawing Circles.mp4 2.57MB
66 - Drawing Circles.mp4 2.10MB
67 - NEW Create a Radius Scale.mp4 847.96KB
68 - NEW Create a Radius Scale Solution.mp4 1.85MB
69 - Adding and Formatting China's Red Dot.mp4 4.37MB
6 - Slope Graphs.mp4 33.76MB
70 - Server Requests and D3.mp4 97.27MB
71 - Let's Make a Bar Chart.mp4 18.58MB
72 - Code Structure and JavaScript.mp4 21.28MB
73 - Layout and Scales.mp4 60.77MB
74 - Binding Data.mp4 40.61MB
75 - Adding Bars and Text.mp4 12.84MB
76 - From Source Code to Graphic.mp4 29.02MB
77 - Visualization and D3 Basics.mp4 12.57MB
78 - Data Visualization Resources.mp4 76.42MB
79 - What is 25.86MB
7 - Slope Graphs Solution.mp4 9.12MB
80 - Lesson Overview.mp4 8.98MB
81 - Visual Encodings Recap.mp4 9.93MB
82 - Parts of Speech Analogy for Data Vis.mp4 24.92MB
83 - Chart Types.mp4 14.30MB
84 - Visualizations in Data Science.mp4 12.24MB
85 - Common Chart Types.mp4 53.88MB
86 - Small Multiples.mp4 28.67MB
87 - Unemployment Line Plot.mp4 17.25MB
88 - Chart Suggestions.mp4 13.36MB
89 - Chart Types.mp4 6.09MB
8 - Words of Wisdom from Zipfian Academy.mp4 24.04MB
90 - Chart Types Solution.mp4 3.14MB
91 - Additional Chart Types.mp4 60.68MB
92 - Common and Less Common Charts on 22.13MB
93 - Charts Types and Design Elements.mp4 5.05MB
94 - Pre-attentive Processing.mp4 8.57MB
95 - Pre-attentive Processing Solution.mp4 2.71MB
96 - Thinking Fast.mp4 9.21MB
97 - Thinking Fast Solution.mp4 2.59MB
98 - Pre-attentive Attributes.mp4 33.50MB
99 - Negative Space.mp4 14.00MB
9 - Design Code Tell.mp4 3.29MB
Data Visualization and D3.js 698.75KB
Lesson1.m3u 3.06KB
Lesson 1 Files.rar 1.50MB
Lesson 2.m3u 3.01KB
Lesson 2 Files.rar 131.57KB
Lesson 4 Files.rar 21.83MB
Lesson 5 Files.rar 317.18KB
Lesson 6 Files.rar 116.03KB
Lesson 7 Files.rar 1.89MB
Lesson 8 Files.rar 2.70MB
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France (FR) 1
Brazil (BR) 1
Hungary (HU) 1
Total 3
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