Torrent Info
Title The Expanse (The Expanse - Temporada 5 [HDTV 720p][Cap.501_503][AC3 5.1 Castellano][])
Category Movies
Size 6.65GB

Movie Info
The Expanse
Title The Expanse
Year 2015–
Country USA, Canada
Category Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Director N/A
Actors Cas Anvar, Wes Chatham, Dominique Tipper, Steven Strait
Description A police detective in the asteroid belt, the first officer of an interplanetary ice freighter and an earth-bound United Nations executive slowly discover a vast conspiracy that threatens the Earth's rebellious colony on the asteroid belt.
Files List
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PctfenixCOM.url 124B 119B
pctreloadCOM.url 122B
The Expanse - Temporada 5 [HDTV 720p][Cap.501][AC3 5.1 Castellano][].mkv 2.19GB
The Expanse - Temporada 5 [HDTV 720p][Cap.502][AC3 5.1 Castellano][].mkv 2.24GB
The Expanse - Temporada 5 [HDTV 720p][Cap.503][AC3 5.1 Castellano][].mkv 2.22GB
Distribution statistics by country
Spain (ES) 11
Romania (RO) 2
France (FR) 1
Poland (PL) 1
United States (US) 1
Turkey (TR) 1
Iran (IR) 1
Total 18
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