Torrent Info
Title [Udemy] Node.js API Мастер-класс с Express и MongoDB (2019) [En]
Size 5.11GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
1.1 695.11KB
1. Bootcamp & User Relationship.mp4 84.16MB
1. Bootcamp & User Relationship.vtt 11.06KB
1. Course Introduction.mp4 52.60MB
1. Course Introduction.vtt 4.87KB
1. Database Seeder For Bootcamps.mp4 70.27MB
1. Database Seeder For Bootcamps.vtt 10.41KB
1. Documentation With Postman & Docgen.mp4 86.37MB
1. Documentation With Postman & Docgen.vtt 12.48KB
1. Error Handler Middleware.mp4 41.82MB
1. Error Handler Middleware.vtt 6.48KB
1. HTTP & the Node Http Module.mp4 71.75MB
1. HTTP & the Node Http Module.vtt 11.67KB
1. Logout To Clear Token Cookie.mp4 49.23MB
1. Logout To Clear Token Cookie.vtt 7.55KB
1. MongoDB Atlas & Compass Setup.mp4 58.72MB
1. MongoDB Atlas & Compass Setup.vtt 11.00KB
1. Project Specs & Resources.mp4 54.28MB
1. Project Specs & Resources.vtt 8.57KB
1. Review Model & Get Reviews.mp4 78.09MB
1. Review Model & Get Reviews.vtt 10.26KB
1. User Model.mp4 71.05MB
1. User Model.vtt 11.40KB
10. Update & Delete Course.mp4 60.06MB
10. Update & Delete Course.vtt 7.79KB
11. Aggregate - Calculating The Average Course Cost.mp4 121.29MB
11. Aggregate - Calculating The Average Course Cost.vtt 17.80KB
12. Photo Upload For Bootcamp.mp4 191.14MB
12. Photo Upload For Bootcamp.vtt 23.97KB
13. Advanced Results Middleware.mp4 100.55MB
13. Advanced Results Middleware.vtt 12.71KB
2.1 207.43KB
2.2 695.11KB
2. A Look At The Project.mp4 46.15MB
2. A Look At The Project.vtt 8.37KB
2. Basic Express Server, dotenv & Git.mp4 58.43MB
2. Basic Express Server, dotenv & Git.vtt 10.95KB
2. Bootcamp Ownership.mp4 71.26MB
2. Bootcamp Ownership.vtt 8.92KB
2. Connecting To The Database With Mongoose.mp4 80.38MB
2. Connecting To The Database With Mongoose.vtt 12.62KB
2. Custom ErrorResponse Class.mp4 40.22MB
2. Custom ErrorResponse Class.vtt 5.70KB
2. Digital Ocean Droplet & Server Log In.mp4 37.81MB
2. Digital Ocean Droplet & Server Log In.vtt 6.80KB
2. Geospatial Query - Get Bootcamps Within Radius.mp4 101.41MB
2. Geospatial Query - Get Bootcamps Within Radius.vtt 13.87KB
2. Get Single Review & Update Seeder.mp4 65.32MB
2. Get Single Review & Update Seeder.vtt 7.97KB
2. Installing Nodemon.mp4 19.91MB
2. Installing Nodemon.vtt 4.92KB
2. Prevent NoSQL Injection & Sanitize Data.mp4 34.22MB
2. Prevent NoSQL Injection & Sanitize Data.vtt 5.79KB
2. User Register & Encrypting Passwords.mp4 55.63MB
2. User Register & Encrypting Passwords.vtt 10.18KB
3. Add Review For Bootcamp.mp4 67.35MB
3. Add Review For Bootcamp.vtt 8.91KB
3. Advanced Filtering.mp4 96.05MB
3. Advanced Filtering.vtt 13.39KB
3. Colors In The Console.mp4 21.27MB
3. Colors In The Console.vtt 3.42KB
3. Course Ownership.mp4 55.75MB
3. Course Ownership.vtt 7.50KB
3. Creating Routes & Responses In Express.mp4 76.58MB
3. Creating Routes & Responses In Express.vtt 10.60KB
3. Mongoose Error Handling [1].mp4 55.60MB
3. Mongoose Error Handling [1].vtt 7.22KB
3. Optional Node.js Beginner Crash Course.html 630B
3. Prepare & Push To Github.mp4 37.13MB
3. Prepare & Push To Github.vtt 5.56KB
3. Responding With Data.mp4 51.30MB
3. Responding With Data.vtt 9.35KB
3. Sign & Get JSON Web Token.mp4 63.84MB
3. Sign & Get JSON Web Token.vtt 9.78KB
3. XSS Protection & Security Headers.mp4 48.03MB
3. XSS Protection & Security Headers.vtt 6.91KB
4. Aggregate - Calculate Average Rating.mp4 48.99MB
4. Aggregate - Calculate Average Rating.vtt 7.02KB
4. Clone Repo On Server.mp4 62.08MB
4. Clone Repo On Server.vtt 8.02KB
4. Creating Our First Model.mp4 112.42MB
4. Creating Our First Model.vtt 16.56KB
4. Environment Setup.mp4 41.99MB
4. Environment Setup.vtt 7.24KB
4. Forgot Password - Generate Token.mp4 94.21MB
4. Forgot Password - Generate Token.vtt 11.55KB
4. HTTP Status Codes.mp4 80.97MB
4. HTTP Status Codes.vtt 8.91KB
4. Mongoose Error Handling [2].mp4 70.21MB
4. Mongoose Error Handling [2].vtt 9.75KB
4. Rate Limiting, HPP & CORS.mp4 55.92MB
4. Rate Limiting, HPP & CORS.vtt 7.65KB
4. Select & Sorting.mp4 105.61MB
4. Select & Sorting.vtt 12.70KB
4. User Login.mp4 91.13MB
4. User Login.vtt 13.43KB
4. Using The Express Router.mp4 37.38MB
4. Using The Express Router.vtt 5.29KB
5. Adding Pagination.mp4 78.75MB
5. Adding Pagination.vtt 12.84KB
5. AsyncAwait Middleware.mp4 51.42MB
5. AsyncAwait Middleware.vtt 7.43KB
5. Create Bootcamp - POST.mp4 78.28MB
5. Create Bootcamp - POST.vtt 11.30KB
5. Creating Controller Methods.mp4 63.29MB
5. Creating Controller Methods.vtt 10.16KB
5. Forgot Password - Send Email.mp4 131.78MB
5. Forgot Password - Send Email.vtt 15.91KB
5. PM2 Process Manager Setup.mp4 48.35MB
5. PM2 Process Manager Setup.vtt 5.56KB
5. Sending Data To The Server.mp4 33.52MB
5. Sending Data To The Server.vtt 6.16KB
5. Sending JWT In a Cookie.mp4 70.64MB
5. Sending JWT In a Cookie.vtt 10.06KB
5. Update & Delete Reviews.mp4 88.63MB
5. Update & Delete Reviews.vtt 11.40KB
6. Auth Protect Middleware.mp4 115.96MB
6. Auth Protect Middleware.vtt 15.98KB
6. Course Model & Seeding.mp4 67.00MB
6. Course Model & Seeding.vtt 8.70KB
6. Fetching Bootcamps - GET.mp4 44.52MB
6. Fetching Bootcamps - GET.vtt 5.65KB
6. HTTP Methods & RESTful APIs.mp4 102.74MB
6. HTTP Methods & RESTful APIs.vtt 13.50KB
6. Intro To Middleware.mp4 73.37MB
6. Intro To Middleware.vtt 11.01KB
6. Mongoose Middleware & Slugify.mp4 58.13MB
6. Mongoose Middleware & Slugify.vtt 9.11KB
6. NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup.mp4 35.20MB
6. NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup.vtt 5.74KB
6. Reset Password.mp4 72.98MB
6. Reset Password.vtt 8.33KB
7. Course Routes & Controller.mp4 87.15MB
7. Course Routes & Controller.vtt 12.14KB
7. Domain, SSL & Wrap Up.mp4 73.48MB
7. Domain, SSL & Wrap Up.vtt 11.50KB
7. GeoJSON Location & Geocoder Hook - MapQuest API.mp4 105.32MB
7. GeoJSON Location & Geocoder Hook - MapQuest API.vtt 15.98KB
7. Postman Environment & Collections.mp4 30.56MB
7. Postman Environment & Collections.vtt 8.67KB
7. Storing The Token In Postman.mp4 27.33MB
7. Storing The Token In Postman.vtt 5.78KB
7. Update User Details.mp4 75.42MB
7. Update User Details.vtt 9.14KB
7. Updating & Deleting Bootcamps - PUT & DELETE.mp4 65.01MB
7. Updating & Deleting Bootcamps - PUT & DELETE.vtt 8.66KB
8. Admin Users CRUD.mp4 125.82MB
8. Admin Users CRUD.vtt 15.93KB
8. Populate, Virtuals & Cascade Delete.mp4 99.56MB
8. Populate, Virtuals & Cascade Delete.vtt 12.88KB
8. Role Authorization.mp4 49.07MB
8. Role Authorization.vtt 7.07KB
9. Single Course & Add Course.mp4 96.57MB
9. Single Course & Add Course.vtt 11.93KB
Distribution statistics by country
Russia (RU) 3
Republic of Korea (KR) 1
Ukraine (UA) 1
Total 5
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