Torrent Info
Title Udemy - Practical Ethical Hacking - The Complete Course
Size 11.95GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
[CourseClub.ME].url 122B
[FCS Forum].url 133B
[].url 127B
1.1 Course Discord.html 87B
1.1 Oracle VirtualBox.html 102B
1.2 The Cyber Mentor.html 87B
1.2 VMWare Workstation Player.html 146B
1. Active Directory Overview.mp4 22.55MB
1. BONUS LECTURE Course Discord Channel and Other Author Resources.mp4 42.54MB
1. Career Advice.mp4 36.50MB
1. Common Legal Documents.mp4 25.43MB
1. Exploring Kali Linux.mp4 70.26MB
1. Installing Kioptrix Level 1.mp4 44.84MB
1. Installing VMWare Virtualbox.mp4 54.83MB
1. Introduction.mp4 4.50MB
1. Introduction.mp4 7.72MB
1. Introduction.mp4 75.90MB
1. Introduction.mp4 25.65MB
1. Introduction.mp4 3.51MB
1. Introduction.mp4 1.95MB
1. Introduction.mp4 2.76MB
1. Introduction.mp4 3.56MB
1. Introduction.mp4 3.93MB
1. Introduction and Course Overview.mp4 10.25MB
1. Lab Overview and Requirements.mp4 7.64MB
1. Part 1 Effective Note Keeping.mp4 44.41MB
1. Passive Reconnaissance Overview.mp4 21.32MB
1. Required Installations.mp4 58.44MB
1. Reverse Shells vs Bind Shells.mp4 37.03MB
1. Scanning with Masscan.mp4 26.46MB
1. The Five Stages of Ethical Hacking.mp4 13.61MB
1. Wireless Penetration Testing Overview.mp4 48.36MB
10.1 Top 10-2017 A2-Broken Authentication.html 129B
10. Broken Authentication Overview and Defenses.mp4 78.63MB
10. Information Gathering with Burp Suite.mp4 105.71MB
10. SMB Relay Attack Demonstration Part 2.mp4 29.56MB
10. Token Impersonation with Incognito.mp4 48.12MB
10. Tuples.mp4 31.80MB
10. Walkthrough - Grandpa.mp4 163.27MB
11. Google Fu.mp4 58.39MB
11. Looping.mp4 58.74MB
11. SMB Relay Attack Defenses.mp4 12.68MB
11. Testing for Broken Authentication.mp4 63.52MB
11. Token Impersonation Mitigation.mp4 15.20MB
11. Walkthrough - Netmon.mp4 233.95MB
12.1 Top 10-2017 A3-Sensitive Data Exposure.html 131B
12. Gaining Shell Access.mp4 61.25MB
12. Importing Modules.mp4 50.85MB
12. Kerberoasting Overview.mp4 25.77MB
12. Sensitive Data Exposure Overview and Defenses.mp4 66.65MB
12. Utilizing Social Media.mp4 40.18MB
13. Advanced Strings.mp4 145.42MB
13. IPv6 Attacks Overview.mp4 9.18MB
13. Kerberoasting Walkthrough.mp4 43.33MB
13. Testing for Sensitive Data Exposure.mp4 79.91MB
14.1 Top 10-2017 A4-XML External Entities (XXE).html 135B
14. Dictionaries.mp4 114.61MB
14. Installing mitm6.mp4 13.49MB
14. Kerberoasting Mitigation.mp4 7.42MB
14. XML External Entities (XXE) Overview.mp4 28.18MB
15.1 Pentesting in the Real World Group Policy Pwnage.html 145B
15. GPP cPassword Attacks Overview.mp4 21.85MB
15. Setting Up LDAPS.mp4 12.91MB
15. Sockets.mp4 47.38MB
15. XXE Attack and Defense.mp4 77.43MB
16.1 mitm6 – compromising IPv4 networks via IPv6.html 138B
16.1 Top 10-2017 A5-Broken Access Control.html 129B
16.2 The worst of both worlds Combining NTLM Relaying and Kerberos delegation.html 140B
16. Abusing GPP Part 1.mp4 63.18MB
16. Broken Access Control Overview.mp4 48.52MB
16. Building a Port Scanner.mp4 247.59MB
16. IPv6 DNS Takeover via mitm6.mp4 86.77MB
17. Abusing GPP Part 2.mp4 41.61MB
17. Broken Access Control Walkthrough.mp4 35.49MB
17. IPv6 Attack Defenses.mp4 19.90MB
18.1 Mimikatz Github.html 99B
18.1 Top 10-2017 A6-Security Misconfiguration.html 133B
18. Mimikatz Overview.mp4 33.11MB
18. Other Attack Vectors and Strategies.mp4 26.96MB
18. Security Misconfiguration Attacks and Defenses.mp4 68.17MB
19.1 XSS Game.html 90B
19.2 Top 10-2017 A7-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).html 134B
19. Credential Dumping with Mimikatz.mp4 72.34MB
19. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Overview.mp4 81.87MB
2.1 Kali Linux Download.html 143B
2.1 OWASP Top 10.html 129B
2.1 Sample Pentest Report Github.html 129B
2.2 Demo Company - Security Assessment Findings Report.pdf.pdf 319.08KB
2.2 OWASP Testing Checklist.html 114B
2.3 OWASP Testing Guide.html 104B
2. A Day in the Life of an Ethical Hacker.mp4 40.94MB
2. Buffer Overflows Explained.mp4 30.15MB
2. Downloading Necessary ISOs.mp4 17.83MB
2. File Transfers Review.mp4 8.04MB
2. Identifying Our Target.mp4 42.91MB
2. Installing Go.mp4 48.93MB
2. Installing Kali Linux.mp4 45.18MB
2. IP Addresses.mp4 78.33MB
2. LLMNR Poisoning Overview.mp4 45.67MB
2. Navigating the File System.mp4 113.39MB
2. Part 2 Important Tools.mp4 38.73MB
2. Pass the Hash Password Overview.mp4 17.88MB
2. Pentest Report Writing.mp4 62.59MB
2. Physical Active Directory Components.mp4 20.03MB
2. PowerView Overview.mp4 20.05MB
2. Scanning with Metasploit.mp4 22.67MB
2. Scanning with Nmap.mp4 102.37MB
2. Staged vs Non-Staged Payloads.mp4 12.64MB
2. Strings.mp4 55.01MB
2. The OWASP Top 10 and OWASP Testing Checklist.mp4 130.36MB
2. Walkthrough - Legacy.mp4 331.86MB
2. WPA PSK Exploit Walkthrough.mp4 126.92MB
20. Golden Ticket Attacks.mp4 52.34MB
20. Reflected XSS Walkthrough.mp4 73.60MB
21.1 Pentester Academy Red Team Labs.html 104B
21.2 Pentester Academy Active Directory Labs.html 112B
21.3 eLearnSecurity PTX.html 127B
21.4 Harmj0y Blog.html 85B
21.5 Active Directory Security Blog.html 84B
21. Conclusion and Additional Resources.mp4 69.97MB
21. Stored XSS Walkthrough.mp4 49.05MB
22. Preventing XSS.mp4 11.86MB
23.1 Top 10-2017 A8-Insecure Deserialization.html 132B
23. Insecure Deserialization.mp4 57.28MB
24.1 Top 10-2017 A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities.html 151B
24. Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities.mp4 52.93MB
25.1 Top 10-2017 A10-Insufficient Logging&Monitoring.html 142B
25. Insufficient Logging and Monitoring.mp4 40.51MB
3.1 Cracking Linux Hashes with Hashcat.html 89B
3.1 OWASP Juice Shop.html 101B
3.1 PowerView Cheat Sheet.html 125B
3.2 Installing Docker on Kali.html 142B
3. Capturing NTLMv2 Hashes with Responder.mp4 52.79MB
3. Domain Enumeration with PowerView.mp4 139.47MB
3. E-Mail Address Gathering with 20.35MB
3. Enumerating HTTPHTTPS - Part 1.mp4 111.19MB
3. Finding Subdomains with Assetfinder.mp4 36.38MB
3. Gaining Root with Metasploit.mp4 54.14MB
3. Installing crackmapexec.mp4 8.21MB
3. Installing OWASP Juice Shop.mp4 88.63MB
3. Logical Active Directory Components.mp4 22.86MB
3. MAC Addresses.mp4 28.67MB
3. Maintaining Access Overview.mp4 7.80MB
3. Math.mp4 43.27MB
3. Reviewing a Real Pentest Report.mp4 79.25MB
3. Scanning with Nessus - Part 1.mp4 98.95MB
3. Setting Up the Domain Controller.mp4 76.24MB
3. Spiking.mp4 60.29MB
3. Users and Privileges.mp4 94.17MB
3. Walkthrough - Lame.mp4 279.97MB
4. Bloodhound Overview and Setup.mp4 35.91MB
4. Common Network Commands.mp4 63.73MB
4. Enumerating HTTPHTTPS - Part 2.mp4 150.58MB
4. Finding Subdomains with Amass.mp4 56.97MB
4. Fuzzing.mp4 29.52MB
4. Gathering Breached Credentials with Breach-Parse.mp4 69.78MB
4. Installing Foxy Proxy.mp4 27.13MB
4. Manual Exploitation.mp4 136.32MB
4. Pass the Password Attacks.mp4 67.27MB
4. Password Cracking with Hashcat.mp4 154.34MB
4. Pivoting Lab Setup.mp4 59.08MB
4. Scanning with Nessus - Part 2.mp4 50.58MB
4. Setting Up the User Machines.mp4 35.70MB
4. TCP, UDP, and the Three-Way Handshake.mp4 21.71MB
4. Variables & Methods.mp4 110.60MB
4. Walkthrough - Blue.mp4 284.20MB
5. Brute Force Attacks.mp4 93.15MB
5. Common Ports and Protocols.mp4 16.72MB
5. Dumping Hashes with 24.03MB
5. Enumerating SMB.mp4 90.27MB
5. Exploring Burp Suite.mp4 106.02MB
5. Finding Alive Domains with Httprobe.mp4 75.66MB
5. Finding the Offset.mp4 42.16MB
5. Functions.mp4 97.18MB
5. Gathering Breached Credentials with WeLeakInfo.mp4 60.26MB
5. Grabbing Data with Invoke-Bloodhound.mp4 31.57MB
5. LLMNR Poisoning Defenses.mp4 18.29MB
5. Pivoting Walkthrough.mp4 52.11MB
5. Setting Up Users, Groups, and Policies.mp4 99.71MB
5. Viewing, Creating, and Editing Files.mp4 39.87MB
5. Walkthrough - Devel.mp4 246.72MB
6. Boolean Expressions.mp4 37.39MB
6. Cleaning Up.mp4 5.59MB
6. Cracking NTLM Hashes with Hashcat.mp4 27.38MB
6. Enumerating Domain Data with Bloodhound.mp4 34.56MB
6. Enumerating SSH.mp4 31.11MB
6. Introducing the Score Board.mp4 30.66MB
6. Joining Our Machines to the Domain.mp4 79.33MB
6. Overwriting the EIP.mp4 16.71MB
6. Password Spraying and Credential Stuffing.mp4 156.73MB
6. Screenshotting Websites with GoWitness.mp4 33.69MB
6. SMB Relay Attacks Overview.mp4 26.85MB
6. Starting and Stopping Kali Services.mp4 82.15MB
6. The OSI Model.mp4 12.55MB
6. Utilizing theharvester.mp4 50.96MB
6. Walkthrough - Jerry.mp4 305.36MB
7.1 Top 10-2017 A1-Injection.html 117B
7. Automating the Enumeration Process.mp4 53.74MB
7. Finding Bad Characters.mp4 44.79MB
7. Hunting Subdomains - Part 1.mp4 79.50MB
7. Installing and Updating Tools.mp4 75.52MB
7. Our Notes, Revisited.mp4 17.31MB
7. Pass the Hash Attacks.mp4 53.60MB
7. Quick Lab Update.mp4 9.25MB
7. Releational and Boolean Operators.mp4 74.87MB
7. Researching Potential Vulnerabilities.mp4 138.55MB
7. SQL Injection Attacks Overview.mp4 19.23MB
7. Subnetting Part 1 - Methodology.mp4 126.49MB
7. Walkthrough - Nibbles.mp4 285.37MB
8. Conditional Statements.mp4 122.46MB
8. Discovering Hosts with SMB Signing Disabled.mp4 42.18MB
8. Finding the Right Module.mp4 65.88MB
8. Hunting Subdomains - Part 2.mp4 65.93MB
8. Our Notes, so Far.mp4 16.13MB
8. Pass Attack Mitigations.mp4 14.42MB
8. Scripting with Bash.mp4 133.32MB
8. SQL Injection Walkthrough.mp4 85.20MB
8. Subnetting Part 2 - Hands-On Challenge.mp4 33.29MB
8. Walkthrough - Optimum.mp4 235.56MB
9. Building a Network with Packet Tracer.mp4 87.14MB
9. Generating Shellcode and Getting Root.mp4 35.11MB
9. Identifying Website Technologies.mp4 96.39MB
9. Lists.mp4 143.15MB
9. SMB Relay Attack Demonstration Part 1.mp4 52.09MB
9. SQL Injection Defenses.mp4 9.28MB
9. Token Impersonation Overview.mp4 16.21MB
9. Walkthrough - Bashed.mp4 242.27MB
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