Title | [2021.01.13] Yui Ishikawa (Violet Evergarden) - UTA-KATA 旋律集 Vol.1~夜明けの吟遊詩人~ [WEB][MQ][24bit:48kHz] |
Category | Music |
Size | 411.52MB |
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here. | |
01. 吟遊詩人.flac | 26.77MB |
02. たからもの.flac | 65.38MB |
03. 雨よ雫よ.flac | 39.90MB |
04. アウローラ.flac | 24.45MB |
05. 暗闇のためのレクイエム.flac | 54.32MB |
06. Harvest Song.flac | 9.03MB |
07. 花染めに想いを.flac | 60.31MB |
08. 獣退治.flac | 33.08MB |
09. 心情.flac | 25.97MB |
10. 泡沫の祈り.flac | 69.63MB |
Cover.jpg | 2.70MB |
Total | 0 |
IP List | List of IP addresses which were distributed this torrent |