Torrent Info
Title TTC Understanding_the_US_Government
Size 10.47GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
50030-01 - Why Have Government - Understanding the US Government.mp4 440.96MB
50030-02 - The Framework of US Federalism - Understanding the US Government.mp4 387.48MB
50030-03 - Civil Liberties Freedoms from Government - Understanding the US Government.mp4 476.92MB
50030-04 - Civil Rights Fairness under Government - Understanding the US Government.mp4 468.35MB
50030-05 - How a Bill Becomes a Law - Understanding the US Government.mp4 414.17MB
50030-06 - Why Congress Is Such a Puzzle - Understanding the US Government.mp4 393.27MB
50030-07 - How Congressional Elections Work - Understanding the US Government.mp4 445.20MB
50030-08 - The Powers of the Presidency - Understanding the US Government.mp4 475.31MB
50030-09 - How Presidential Elections Work - Understanding the US Government.mp4 513.62MB
50030-10 - A Road Map of the Federal Bureaucracy - Understanding the US Government.mp4 460.81MB
50030-11 - How the Judicial Branch Works - Understanding the US Government.mp4 370.76MB
50030-12 - Where the Supreme Court Meets Politics - Understanding the US Government.mp4 436.15MB
50030-13 - The Challenges of Polling Public Opinion - Understanding the US Government.mp4 479.14MB
50030-14 - How Political Parties Organize Democracy - Understanding the US Government.mp4 460.00MB
50030-15 - How Americans Became So Polarized - Understanding the US Government.mp4 452.68MB
50030-16 - The Fundamentals of Elections and Voting - Understanding the US Government.mp4 399.51MB
50030-17 - How Does American Democracy Work - Understanding the US Government.mp4 374.00MB
50030-18 - The Ins and Outs of Campaign Finance - Understanding the US Government.mp4 436.71MB
50030-19 - The Pros and Cons of Organized Interests - Understanding the US Government.mp4 445.16MB
50030-20 - Politics and the Media - Understanding the US Government.mp4 417.40MB
50030-21 - How Government Affects the Economy - Understanding the US Government.mp4 471.29MB
50030-22 - How the US Social Safety Net Works - Understanding the US Government.mp4 474.19MB
50030-23 - The Major Shifts in American Foreign Policy - Understanding the US Government.mp4 496.83MB
50030-24 - The Changing State of American Democracy - Understanding the US Government.mp4 503.29MB
50030 - Understanding the US Government.mp4 27.14MB
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