Title | Bleach: Burîchu ([Naruto-Kun.Hu - UraharaShop] Bleach 2 Sennen Kessen-hen - 27 [1080p].mkv) |
Category | Movies |
Size | 719.14MB |
Title | Bleach: Burîchu |
Year | 2004–2012 |
Country | Japan |
Category | Animation, Action, Adventure |
Director | N/A |
Actors | Johnny Yong Bosch, Michelle Ruff, Stephanie Sheh, Jamieson Price |
Description | High school student Kurosaki Ichigo is unlike any ordinary kid because he can see ghosts. After an accident with a hollow, he got a power.So begins Kurosaki Ichigo's training and duty as a Shinigami, Soul Reaper. |
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[Naruto-Kun.Hu - UraharaShop] Bleach 2 Sennen Kessen-hen - 27 [1080p].mkv | 719.14MB |
Hungary (HU) | 22 |
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Turkey (TR) | 1 |
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Total | 32 |
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