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Title books_and_docs
Category PC
Size 606.75MB

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Andrei Alexandrescu - Modern C++ Design.pdf 2.12MB
Andrew Hunt & David Thomas - Pragmatic Programmer.pdf 3.10MB
Antony Polukhin - Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook.pdf 3.58MB
Assembly Language Step-by-Step - Programming with Linux, 3rd Edition Oct 2009 pdf 4.01MB
Beej - Guide to Network Programming.pdf 734.36KB
Ben Lynn - Git Magic.pdf 382.61KB
Bjarne Stroustrup - Programming Principles and Practice Using C++.pdf 150.41MB
Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition - 2013.pdf 18.76MB
Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language Special Edition.PDF 3.25MB
Bruce Eckel - Thinking in Java 4th Edition.pdf 6.13MB
Chad Fowler - The Passionate Programmer, 2nd edition.pdf 1.16MB
Charles Petzold - Programming Windows (5th Edition, WinAPI).pdf 6.79MB
Charles Petzold - Programming Windows (6th Edition, Win8).pdf 5.17MB
Eldad Eilam - Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering.pdf 8.37MB
Gang of Four - Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.pdf 4.06MB
gdb-tutorial.pdf 124.02KB
GetKaliReadyCourserev-5-8-16.pdf 2.53MB
hacking-the-art-of-exploitation.pdf 4.04MB
Intel_64_and_IA-32_architectures_software_developer’s_manual_FULL.pdf 23.91MB
Jack Crenshaw - Let's Build a Compiler.pdf 567.97KB
Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield - GUI Programming with QT 4 (2nd Edition).pdf 10.62MB
Jesse Schell - The Art of Game Design A Book of Lenses .pdf 9.76MB
Katie Salen & Eric Zimmerman - Rules of Play Game Design Fundamentals.pdf 8.18MB
Kernighan, Ritchie - The C Programming Language, 2nd edition.pdf 956.21KB
Kevin D. Mitnick & William L. Simon - The Art Of Deception.pdf 1.49MB
Kip R. Irvine - Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 6th edition.pdf 1.83MB
Mac OS X and iOS Internals To the Apple's Core.pdf 17.18MB
Mark Lutz - Learning Python, 5th Edition - 2013.pdf 14.46MB
Mark Lutz - Programming Python, Fourth Edition - 2010.pdf 29.18MB
Mark Russinovich - Windows Internals, P1.pdf 25.00MB
Mark Russinovich - Windows Internals, P2.pdf 21.69MB
Mark Summerfield - Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt.pdf 6.72MB
Martin Fowler - Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (2002).pdf 4.52MB
Martin Fowler - Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing.pdf 1.95MB
Modern.Operating.Systems.3rd.Edition.pdf 32.69MB
NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO.pdf 535.42KB
network-programming-with-go.pdf 1.46MB
Randall Hyde - The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition.pdf 22.22MB
Raph Koster - A Theory of Fun for Game Design.pdf 86.65MB
Robert Martin - Clean Code.pdf 3.58MB
Robert Sedgewick, Philippe Flajolet - An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Edition.pdf 5.56MB
Scott Chacon - Pro Git.pdf 5.37MB
Scott Meyers - Effective C++ 3rd Edition.pdf 7.54MB
Scott Meyers - Effective Modern C++.pdf 4.49MB
Scott Meyers - Effective STL.pdf 1.46MB
Scott Meyers - More Effective C++.pdf 8.68MB
Scott Rogers - Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design.pdf 10.07MB
Steve McConnell - Code Complete (2nd edition).pdf 8.47MB
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein - Introduction to algorithms, 3rd edition.pdf 4.84MB
Tim Ottinger - Vim Like A Pro.pdf 482.01KB
Torrent_downloaded_from_Demonoid_-_www.demonoid.pw_.txt 59B
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