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Title 500+ Python Exercises Practical Python Challenges 2023
Size 3.87GB

Files List
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1. ACCOUNTING Calculate Depreciation Expense.html 177B
1. Array (Part 2).mp4 51.62MB
1. ARRAYS Count the Occurrence of a Specific Element in an Array.html 177B
1. BIOLOGY DNA Sequence Complement.html 177B
1. class2.mp4 9.43MB
1. Comments.html 177B
1. Introduction.mp4 23.07MB
1. LOOPS Count the Occurrences of Each Element in a List.html 177B
1. MATH Calculate the area of a circle.html 177B
1. PHYSICS Calculate the power of an object given the work done and time taken.html 177B
1. Python Practical Quiz.html 177B
1. REGEX Extract domain name from a URL.html 177B
1. Reverse Array Challenge.mp4 58.04MB
1. setup.mp4 18.66MB
10. ACCOUNTING Calculating the Balance of an Account.html 177B
10. Hello World.html 177B
10. lambda.mp4 15.67MB
10. List T (Part2).mp4 87.14MB
10. MATH Calculate the Trigonometric Sine of an Angle.html 177B
10. PHYSICS Projectile Motion 1.html 177B
10. Reverse Sentence Challenge.mp4 80.07MB
10. while.mp4 6.45MB
11. dct.mp4 10.89MB
11. Dictionary TKey,TValue (Part2).mp4 89.74MB
11. JSON Writing JSON to a File.html 177B
11. MATH Calculating the perimeter of a triangle.html 177B
11. PHYSICS Simple Harmonic Motion.html 177B
11. Prime Number Challenge.mp4 70.16MB
11. while break continue.mp4 21.48MB
12. Decimal to Binary Challenge.mp4 73.04MB
12. func.mp4 12.54MB
12. JSON Convert Python Object to JSON.html 177B
12. MATH Calculating the area of a rectangle.html 177B
12. PHYSICS Projectile Motion 2.html 177B
12. ref, in, params Modifier.mp4 63.66MB
13. Diamond Pattern Challenge.mp4 72.57MB
13. func param.mp4 10.68MB
13. JSON Converting JSON to a Python Object.html 177B
13. MATH Calculating the factorial of a number.html 177B
13. Sum All Numbers in String Challenge.mp4 62.75MB
14. Decimal to Binary Challenge.mp4 73.00MB
14. LISTS even numbers.html 177B
14. MATH Convert Degrees to Radians.html 177B
14. Reference Table Challenge.mp4 71.49MB
14. tuple.mp4 11.67MB
15. Intro to .NET.mp4 35.38MB
15. LISTS Remove duplicates..html 177B
15. LOGIN Challenge.mp4 66.84MB
15. MATH Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.html 177B
15. math min max pow.mp4 14.50MB
16. Calculator Challenge.mp4 58.17MB
16. MATH Convert decimal to binary.html 177B
16. Polymorphism.mp4 64.51MB
17. Guess Number Challenge.mp4 65.48MB
17. MATH Cube root of a number.html 177B
17. Triangle Generation Challenge.mp4 71.64MB
18. Bubble Sort Challenge.mp4 93.67MB
18. Diamond Pattern Challenge.mp4 72.59MB
18. MATH Find the Maximum and Minimum Values in a List.html 177B
19. Decimal to Binary Challenge.mp4 73.01MB
19. MATH Finding the square root of a number.html 177B
19. Uppercase Challenge.mp4 110.59MB
2. ACCOUNTING Calculate depreciation expense.html 177B
2. ARRAYS Check if an Element is Present in an Array.html 177B
2. BIOLOGY Counting the number of nucleotides in a DNA sequence.html 177B
2. class init.mp4 25.11MB
2. comments.mp4 20.83MB
2. Do While Loop.mp4 62.87MB
2. Factorial Challenge.mp4 86.96MB
2. LOOPS Check if a string is a palindrome.html 177B
2. MATH Absolute difference between two numbers.html 177B
2. Multiline docstring to comment.html 177B
2. PHYSICS Calculate the force on an object given its mass and acceleration.html 177B
2. REGEX Find all phone numbers in a text.html 177B
20. Convert Numbers to Text Challenge.mp4 84.17MB
20. Intro to .NET.mp4 35.36MB
20. MATH Generate a Random Number within a Range.html 177B
21. LOGIN Challenge.mp4 66.81MB
21. MATH Round a Number to a Specific Decimal Place.html 177B
21. String Compression Challenge.mp4 64.76MB
22. Month Conversion Challenge.mp4 51.08MB
22. OOP Create a class called Person and initialize it with a name and age..html 177B
22. Roman Numerals Challenge.mp4 116.11MB
23. Bubble Sort Challenge.mp4 93.68MB
23. MATHS Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or Zero.html 177B
23. Reverse Array Challenge.mp4 58.02MB
24. OOP Create a class called Person and initialize it with a name and age..html 177B
24. Swapper Challenge.mp4 48.54MB
25. OOP To understand how to create a class and its constructor method in Python..html 177B
25. Reference Table Challenge.mp4 71.46MB
25. Reference Table 11.86KB
26. Month Conversion Challenge.mp4 51.12MB
26. Month Conversion 8.24KB
27. LOGIN Challenge.mp4 66.81MB
27. LOGIN 11.60KB
28. Introduction to IDE (slides) and Visual Studio.mp4 31.44MB
28. Introduction to IDE (slides) and Visual 6.24KB
29. IDE (Demo).mp4 13.80MB
3. ACCOUNTING Calculate Profit Margin.html 177B
3. Arithmetic Operators.mp4 54.43MB
3. ARRAYS Finding the maximum element in an array.html 177B
3. BIOLOGY Transcribing DNA into RNA.html 177B
3. class function2.mp4 14.23MB
3. Data type int.html 177B
3. LOOPS Count vowels in a string.html 177B
3. MATH Calculate the Absolute Value of a Number.html 177B
3. PHYSICS Calculate the momentum of an object given its mass and velocity.html 177B
3. REGEX Replace a string in a sentence using RegEx.html 177B
3. Reverse Word Challenge.mp4 66.80MB
3. str.mp4 14.72MB
30. Guess Number Challenge.mp4 65.47MB
30. Guess Number 10.66KB
4. ACCOUNTING Calculate the annual interest rate of a savings account.html 177B
4. ARRAYS Find the average value of an array.html 177B
4. CHEMISTRY Calculate the energy of a photon.html 177B
4. class pass.mp4 14.29MB
4. DICTIONARY Counting Word Occurrences in a String.html 177B
4. LOOPS Find the largest and smallest numbers in a list.html 177B
4. MATH Calculate the Exponential Value of a Number.html 177B
4. num.mp4 22.39MB
4. PHYSICS Calculate the Speed of Light in a Material.html 177B
4. REGEX Validate an email address using RegEx.html 177B
4. Swapper Challenge.mp4 48.61MB
4. User Input.mp4 39.35MB
5. ACCOUNTING Calculate the book value of an asset.html 177B
5. ARRAYS Find the Sum of an Array.html 177B
5. bool 2.mp4 14.44MB
5. CHEMISTRY Calculate the Gibbs free energy of a reaction.html 177B
5. class deletion2.mp4 29.08MB
5. Data Types.mp4 72.43MB
5. DICTIONARY Accessing and modifying values in a Python dictionary.html 177B
5. Double Addition Challenge.mp4 61.19MB
5. LOOPS Reverse a string.html 177B
5. MATH Calculate the circumference of a circle.html 177B
5. PHYSICS Calculate the Speed of Light in a Material.html 177B
6. ACCOUNTING Calculate the net present value (NPV) of a project.html 177B
6. ARRAYS Removing duplicates from an array.html 177B
6. CHEMISTRY Calculate the molarity of a solution.html 177B
6. class object.mp4 7.32MB
6. DICTIONARY Check if a key exists in a dictionary.html 177B
6. Else - If Statement.mp4 58.25MB
6. if.mp4 5.45MB
6. LOOPS Reverse words in a sentence.html 177B
6. MATH Calculate the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.html 177B
6. Month Conversion Challenge.mp4 51.13MB
6. PHYSICS Calculate the velocity of an object after a certain distance and time.html 177B
7. ACCOUNTING Calculate the net profit of a business.html 177B
7. ARRAYS Reverse an array.html 177B
7. CHEMISTRY Calculate the pH of a solution.html 177B
7. DICTIONARY Merge two dictionaries into one.html 177B
7. Fibonacci Series Challenge.mp4 95.76MB
7. if else.mp4 21.40MB
7. MATH Calculate the sum of even numbers in a list.html 177B
7. PHYSICS Find the time a rock takes to reach the ground..html 177B
7. random.mp4 10.56MB
7. String Compression Challenge.mp4 64.84MB
8. ACCOUNTING Calculate the total balance of a bank account.html 177B
8. casting2.mp4 16.04MB
8. Casting int.html 177B
8. HelloHelloHelloHelloHello.html 177B
8. MATH Calculate the Power of a Number.html 177B
8. module.mp4 10.41MB
8. Palindrome Challenge.mp4 110.52MB
8. PHYSICS Fahrenheit to Celsius.html 177B
8. Reverse Sentence Challenge.mp4 80.02MB
9. ACCOUNTING Calculate total revenue.html 177B
9. Casting string.html 177B
9. DICTIONARY Update a Dictionary.html 177B
9. for loop.mp4 8.47MB
9. json parse.mp4 14.59MB
9. MATH Calculate the sum of all elements in a 2D list.html 177B
9. Parallelogram Challenge.mp4 59.05MB
9. PHYSICS Calculate the work done on an object by a force over a certain distance.html 177B
9. Reverse Array Challenge.mp4 58.00MB
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