Title | Dragon Ball Super: Broly (Dragon.Ball.Super.Broly.2018.V2.BluRay.1080p.Dual-Audio.FLAC.5.1.Hi10P.x264-JySzE.mkv) |
Category | Movies |
Size | 18.42GB |
Title | Dragon Ball Super: Broly |
Year | 2018 |
Country | Japan |
Category | Animation, Action, Fantasy |
Director | Tatsuya Nagamine |
Actors | Sean Schemmel, Christopher Sabat, Vic Mignogna, Chris Ayres |
Description | Goku and Vegeta encounter Broly, a Saiyan warrior unlike any fighter they've faced before. |
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Dragon Ball Super Broly 2018 V2 BluRay 1080p Dual-Audio FLAC 5 1 Hi10P x264-JySzE mkv | 18.42GB |
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Total | 66 |
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