Title | The Roundup: Punishment ([Anime Land] The Roundup - Punishment (2024) (BDRip 1080p HEVC HDR10 EAC3) KOREAN [CF868F99].mkv) |
Category | Movies |
Size | 4.46GB |
Title | The Roundup: Punishment |
Year | 2024 |
Country | South Korea |
Category | Action, Crime, Thriller |
Director | Heo Myeong-haeng |
Actors | Lee Beom-su, Derek Chouinard, Lee Dong-hwi |
Description | Detective Ma Seok-do joins the Cyber Investigation Team to nab Baek Chang-ki, a former mercenary and the head of an online gambling organization. |
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[Anime Land] The Roundup - Punishment (2024) (BDRip 1080p HEVC HDR10 EAC3) KOREAN [CF868F99].mkv | 4.46GB |
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