Torrent Info
Title CCIE Security v6.0
Category PC
Size 46.85GB
Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
01. CCIE Security lab Bootcamp.mp4 83.57MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 5.86MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 5.10MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 50.22MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 14.51MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 66.69MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 8.94MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 30.93MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 8.80MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 10.19MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 11.25MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 5.17MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 4.75MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 6.04MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 5.90MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 12.21MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 8.86MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 5.51MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 10.05MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 7.13MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 6.15MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 6.11MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 3.43MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 6.43MB
01. Course Introduction.mp4 39.34MB
01. Cryptography Basics.mp4 72.61MB
01. Instructor Introduction.mp4 2.67MB
01. Instructor Introduction.mp4 2.65MB
01. Introduction to Firepower Systems.mp4 47.92MB
01. Introduction to Stealthwatch.mp4 72.28MB
01. IPv6 First Hop Security - Part 1.mp4 208.14MB
01. Network Layers and OSI.mp4 134.17MB
01. The HTTP Protocol.mp4 28.98MB
01. Using INE & VIRL - For CCNA, CCNP and CCIE Preparation.mp4 518.77MB
01. Wireshark Fundamentals - Part 1.mp4 77.16MB
02. AD Integration.mp4 85.45MB
02. Basic ASA Concepts - Part 1.mp4 65.37MB
02. Basic Stealthwatch System Installation - Part 1.mp4 92.07MB
02. CCIE Security v6 Exam.mp4 73.86MB
02. Configuring IP Addressing on ASA.mp4 5.02MB
02. DMVPN - Overview.mp4 29.54MB
02. DNS.mp4 31.08MB
02. Ethernet.mp4 47.26MB
02. External Authentication with RADIUS - Overview.mp4 10.10MB
02. Firewall Technologies.mp4 43.59MB
02. GETVPN Overview.mp4 41.52MB
02. Introduction to Advanced Malware Protection.mp4 24.47MB
02. Introduction to Cisco ISE.mp4 79.01MB
02. Introduction to Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA).mp4 42.92MB
02. Introduction to Cryptography.mp4 33.41MB
02. Introduction to Network Programmability Foundation.mp4 50.04MB
02. Introduction to the Web Security Appliance.mp4 32.19MB
02. Introduction to TrustSec.mp4 77.45MB
02. IOS Router Planes.mp4 33.62MB
02. IP Routing.mp4 126.31MB
02. IPv6 First Hop Security - Part 2.mp4 272.54MB
02. Managing FTD.mp4 63.87MB
02. Network Device Architecture.mp4 16.84MB
02. Packet Flow - Overview.mp4 53.08MB
02. Protocols.mp4 42.64MB
02. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).mp4 95.37MB
02. Routing Protocol Authentication.mp4 42.01MB
02. Securing Administrative Access - Part 1.mp4 73.19MB
02. Securing Switching.mp4 91.31MB
02. SMTP.mp4 37.63MB
02. Task 1.1 - VLANS & IP Addressing.mp4 54.06MB
02. VPNs, Tunneling & GRE.mp4 53.61MB
02. Why Study SD-Access.mp4 27.42MB
02. Wireshark Fundamentals - Part 2.mp4 119.92MB
03. Access Lists.mp4 105.09MB
03. Access Lists Overview.mp4 38.75MB
03. AMP Components & Operations.mp4 56.57MB
03. Automation Tools.mp4 58.85MB
03. Basic ASA Concepts - Part 2.mp4 70.31MB
03. Basic Stealthwatch System Installation - Part 2.mp4 76.51MB
03. Classification & SGT.mp4 58.91MB
03. Configuring Nameif & Security Levels on ASA.mp4 7.13MB
03. DMVPN - Routing.mp4 49.04MB
03. EAP Chaining.mp4 129.34MB
03. ESA Overview.mp4 29.22MB
03. External Authentication with RADIUS - Configuration.mp4 92.76MB
03. Hashing.mp4 35.14MB
03. Implementing GETVPN.mp4 125.10MB
03. Initializing WSA.mp4 94.63MB
03. Installing a Cisco Firepower Managent Center (FMC) - Part 1.mp4 17.67MB
03. Introduction to Umbrella.mp4 46.12MB
03. IPsec Overview.mp4 59.18MB
03. IPv6 First Hop Security - Part 3.mp4 98.97MB
03. LAN Switching Concepts.mp4 29.42MB
03. PKI Configuration.mp4 97.93MB
03. Protecting STP.mp4 43.40MB
03. Protocols Refresher.mp4 85.70MB
03. Recommended Study Approach.mp4 22.10MB
03. Routers & Switches.mp4 40.33MB
03. Routing Protocol Authentication.mp4 30.26MB
03. Securing Administrative Access - Part 2.mp4 45.58MB
03. Securing EIGRP.mp4 92.68MB
03. System Setup Wizard.mp4 3.47MB
03. Task 1.2 - Configuring OSPF on ASA.mp4 83.65MB
03. The 2020 Global Networking Trends Report.mp4 21.73MB
03. The Policies.mp4 127.92MB
03. The Registration.mp4 46.70MB
03. The RIPv2 Protocol.mp4 99.94MB
04. Advanced Profiling.mp4 241.56MB
04. AMP on FTD.mp4 88.24MB
04. ASA Modes.mp4 155.37MB
04. Configuring Static Routes on ASA.mp4 10.33MB
04. Deploying Umbrella.mp4 65.49MB
04. DMVPN - Phase I.mp4 42.51MB
04. ESA Initialization - Part 1.mp4 60.66MB
04. FlexConfig - Overview.mp4 49.78MB
04. GETVPN for IPv6.mp4 87.13MB
04. Implementing Routing Protocol Authentication.mp4 45.16MB
04. Installing & Running Wireshark.mp4 54.05MB
04. Installing a Cisco Firepower Managent Center (FMC) - Part 2.mp4 22.45MB
04. Integrating with Active Directory.mp4 9.08MB
04. IPsec Tunneling.mp4 24.06MB
04. Other Network Hardware.mp4 101.85MB
04. Propagation & SXP.mp4 183.55MB
04. Recommended Reading.mp4 101.19MB
04. Role-Based CLI Access.mp4 74.99MB
04. Securing DHCP.mp4 86.15MB
04. Securing OSPF.mp4 100.95MB
04. SMC Configuration.mp4 77.22MB
04. Standard Access Lists.mp4 55.12MB
04. Symmetric Encryption.mp4 45.38MB
04. Task 1.3 - Configuring Access-list.mp4 211.45MB
04. The Cisco DNA Architecture.mp4 26.49MB
04. The EIGRP Protocol.mp4 185.81MB
04. The Future of Networking.mp4 28.82MB
04. Troubleshooting FTD.mp4 32.16MB
04. Version Control with Git.mp4 97.94MB
04. Virtual Private Network (VPN) & IPsec.mp4 111.45MB
04. VLANs & Trunking.mp4 137.17MB
04. Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP).mp4 9.54MB
04. WSA Modes.mp4 103.52MB
04. Zone-Based Firewall (ZFW).mp4 62.75MB
05. AAA Overview.mp4 33.31MB
05. AMP on WSA.mp4 106.82MB
05. Asymmetric Encryption.mp4 25.95MB
05. Blocking Global URL Categories.mp4 21.53MB
05. Certificate Services.mp4 73.01MB
05. Configuring EIGRP on ASA.mp4 16.20MB
05. COOP KS.mp4 152.50MB
05. Distributed Git and GitHub.mp4 31.00MB
05. Enforcement & SGACL.mp4 54.95MB
05. ESA Initialization - Part 2.mp4 61.54MB
05. Extended Access Lists - Implementation & Considerations.mp4 103.67MB
05. FlexConfig - Configuration.mp4 122.98MB
05. FTD Objects.mp4 18.10MB
05. Host Groups and User Management.mp4 80.13MB
05. Identification Profiles.mp4 67.07MB
05. Implementing DMVPN - Phase I.mp4 146.88MB
05. Implementing ZFW.mp4 67.59MB
05. Introduction to Intent-Based Networking (IBN).mp4 17.55MB
05. Introduction to Policies.mp4 60.18MB
05. IPsec on the ASA.mp4 41.35MB
05. IPsec on the ASA.mp4 34.70MB
05. Logging.mp4 52.12MB
05. Other Resources.mp4 55.33MB
05. Policies, Inspections & NAT - Part 1.mp4 112.91MB
05. Preventing Spoofing.mp4 88.48MB
05. Protocol Analysis.mp4 118.26MB
05. Route Filtering.mp4 21.31MB
05. Running & Saving Captures.mp4 143.53MB
05. Securing BGP.mp4 77.86MB
05. System Configuration.mp4 48.78MB
05. Task 1.4 - Configuring Access-list using ObjectsObject-Groups.mp4 160.36MB
05. The EIGRPv6 Protocol.mp4 76.68MB
05. The Management Layer.mp4 20.24MB
05. VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP).mp4 118.79MB
06. AAA Components & Configuration.mp4 82.01MB
06. Access Policies.mp4 134.81MB
06. AMP on ESA.mp4 73.97MB
06. Blocking Custom URL's.mp4 29.24MB
06. Classification of Customer Environment.mp4 59.15MB
06. Control Plane Authentication in EIGRP.mp4 15.04MB
06. Control Plane Policing.mp4 58.48MB
06. Deployment Modes.mp4 55.40MB
06. Design.mp4 36.65MB
06. Digital Signatures.mp4 21.93MB
06. DMVPN - Phase II.mp4 33.35MB
06. Email Pipeline.mp4 33.83MB
06. Extended Access Lists - IPv6 Neighbor Discovery.mp4 116.05MB
06. Fabric Underlay Design Architecture Guidelines.mp4 37.41MB
06. G-IKEv2.mp4 112.27MB
06. Health Policies & Health Alerts.mp4 25.76MB
06. High Availability.mp4 59.73MB
06. IBN in a Nutshell.mp4 29.99MB
06. Implementing L2L IPsec VPN - IOS-ASA.mp4 66.66MB
06. Introduction to Python.mp4 114.73MB
06. IOS Network Address Translation (NAT).mp4 84.92MB
06. IPsec VPN - L2L IOS-ASA.mp4 198.47MB
06. ISE & WSA - pxGrid.mp4 154.16MB
06. Policies, Inspections & NAT - Part 2.mp4 55.61MB
06. Private VLANs.mp4 88.62MB
06. Securing SNMP.mp4 75.56MB
06. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).mp4 132.13MB
06. Task 1.5 - Administrative Access.mp4 93.91MB
06. TCPIP.mp4 61.55MB
06. The OSPF Protocol.mp4 204.66MB
06. TrustSec on IOS.mp4 172.90MB
06. Wireshark File System.mp4 50.97MB
06. Working with Policies.mp4 80.15MB
07. Access Tables - Part 1.mp4 63.53MB
07. Basic Python Constructs.mp4 93.92MB
07. Blocking Custom Browsers.mp4 28.41MB
07. Configuring OSPF on ASA.mp4 16.89MB
07. Configuring Time Zones.mp4 58.68MB
07. Controlling Administrative Access.mp4 146.13MB
07. Control Plane Protection.mp4 33.91MB
07. Decryption Policies.mp4 107.12MB
07. Demystifying Software Defined-Access.mp4 25.33MB
07. Deploy, Operate and Optimize.mp4 42.64MB
07. Detecting Indicators of Compromise (IoC) - Part 1.mp4 47.48MB
07. Ethernet.mp4 34.10MB
07. FTD Initialization & Routing.mp4 49.33MB
07. High Availability.mp4 69.20MB
07. Implementing DMVPN - Phase II.mp4 94.98MB
07. Installing FTD on a Cisco 5500-x - Part 1.mp4 61.97MB
07. Intelligent Proxy.mp4 44.69MB
07. IOS Advanced IPsec Solutions.mp4 80.13MB
07. IPsec VPN - L2L Digital Certificates.mp4 158.01MB
07. ISE & FTD - pxGrid.mp4 165.90MB
07. NAT for IPv6.mp4 117.79MB
07. Network Underlay Best Practices.mp4 32.13MB
07. Next Generation Encryption.mp4 42.28MB
07. Optional STP Features.mp4 66.65MB
07. Port-based Traffic Control.mp4 40.42MB
07. Securing NTP.mp4 89.91MB
07. SSL Policy - Overview.mp4 39.30MB
07. Task 1.6 - ICMP Traffic Protection.mp4 28.46MB
07. The OSPFv3 Protocol.mp4 89.84MB
07. Time Based Access Lists.mp4 48.77MB
07. TrustSec on ASA.mp4 97.36MB
08. Access Tables - Part 2.mp4 76.76MB
08. ASA Certificate Maps.mp4 79.50MB
08. Blocking Applications.mp4 14.98MB
08. Cisco ASA Firewall Fundamentals.mp4 31.75MB
08. Configuring a SPAN Port (Cisco).mp4 14.82MB
08. Control Plane Authentication in OSPF.mp4 19.81MB
08. Course Conclusion.mp4 3.62MB
08. Data Types - Numbers.mp4 16.83MB
08. Defining SD-Access.mp4 30.96MB
08. Design Considerations for SD-Access Fabric Architecture.mp4 23.57MB
08. Detecting Indicators of Compromise (IoC) - Part 2.mp4 53.62MB
08. DMVPN - Phase III.mp4 46.09MB
08. Dynamic Access Lists - Overview.mp4 81.07MB
08. FTD Policies Overview.mp4 36.43MB
08. Implementing Control Plane Protection.mp4 53.95MB
08. Installing FTD on a Cisco 5500-x - Part 2.mp4 62.91MB
08. Installing Wireshark.mp4 78.51MB
08. Introduction to Profiling.mp4 96.94MB
08. IOS Zone-Based Firewall.mp4 112.60MB
08. IPsec & IPv6.mp4 23.22MB
08. Public Key Infrastructure.mp4 40.81MB
08. Rapid STP (RSTP).mp4 87.20MB
08. SSL Policy - Configuration.mp4 55.86MB
08. Task 1.7 - Manual Dynamic NAT & PAT.mp4 155.38MB
08. The BGP Protocol.mp4 89.21MB
08. The SMTP Protocol.mp4 36.52MB
08. TrustSec for Wireless Networks.mp4 41.11MB
08. Umbrella Investigate.mp4 42.23MB
09. Access Control Policy (ACP).mp4 87.75MB
09. Basic CPU Protection Mechanisms.mp4 28.05MB
09. Blocking Custom Objects.mp4 11.93MB
09. Change of Authorization.mp4 23.99MB
09. Configuring a Remote Session.mp4 11.14MB
09. Configuring your PC.mp4 33.40MB
09. Course Conclusion.mp4 3.05MB
09. Data Types - Boolean.mp4 13.99MB
09. Dynamic Access Lists - Per-User.mp4 49.67MB
09. Enrollment & Revocation.mp4 29.40MB
09. EtherChannel.mp4 93.84MB
09. FTD Basics & Modes.mp4 121.43MB
09. FXOS & Chassis Manager.mp4 50.68MB
09. Implementing DMVPN - Phase III.mp4 46.59MB
09. Introduction to Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA).mp4 28.43MB
09. Introduction to Policies.mp4 79.00MB
09. IOS Advanced IPsec Solutions.mp4 191.27MB
09. Management Access to ASA.mp4 14.44MB
09. Quality of Service (QoS).mp4 20.13MB
09. Redundant Interfaces.mp4 45.17MB
09. SD-Access & IBN.mp4 14.87MB
09. SD-Access Node Types.mp4 36.62MB
09. SNMP, Storage, Backup & Upgrade.mp4 98.28MB
09. Task 1.8 - Dynamic Policy NAT & Policy PAT.mp4 153.56MB
10. Basic Memory Protection Mechanisms 2017.mp4 17.08MB
10. Campus Fabric Components.mp4 23.23MB
10. Capture Filters.mp4 18.13MB
10. Configuring Objects, Object-Group & ACL.mp4 31.73MB
10. Configuring Wireshark.mp4 31.63MB
10. Correlation Policy.mp4 76.11MB
10. Data Types - String.mp4 111.02MB
10. DMVPN & IPv6.mp4 16.29MB
10. ESA Command Line.mp4 14.82MB
10. ESA Policies - Part 1.mp4 132.21MB
10. EtherChannels.mp4 15.01MB
10. FirepowerFTD Objects - Part 1.mp4 70.46MB
10. FTD Policies - Part 1.mp4 119.58MB
10. IPsec for IPv6.mp4 180.75MB
10. PKI Architectures.mp4 24.74MB
10. Profiling Probes.mp4 33.86MB
10. Reflexive Access Lists.mp4 117.22MB
10. Special Policies.mp4 103.85MB
10. Switch Stacking, Chassis Aggregation.mp4 21.92MB
10. Task 1.9 - Auto Dynamic NAT & PAT.mp4 144.12MB
10. The What, How, and Why of SD-Access.mp4 52.45MB
10. WSA CLI.mp4 3.90MB
11. Access Lists Object-Groups.mp4 49.36MB
11. Advanced Capture Filters.mp4 20.98MB
11. ASA Routing Overview.mp4 45.52MB
11. Configuring Dynamic NAT.mp4 44.68MB
11. Data Types - List & Tuple.mp4 32.60MB
11. Enabling Profiling.mp4 49.81MB
11. ESA Policies - Part 2.mp4 124.43MB
11. Failover.mp4 24.31MB
11. FirepowerFTD Objects - Part 2.mp4 93.56MB
11. FTD Policies - Part 2.mp4 117.63MB
11. FTD VPN.mp4 20.67MB
11. Implementing IPv6 DMVPN.mp4 75.24MB
11. Implementing PKI.mp4 102.09MB
11. Navigating the GUI.mp4 29.47MB
11. SD-Access Deployment Considerations.mp4 40.25MB
11. Secure Network Management.mp4 104.65MB
11. Security Intelligence (SI).mp4 73.70MB
11. Task 1.10 - Static NAT, Static Policy NAT & Static PAT.mp4 230.23MB
11. The Listener.mp4 16.20MB
11. VRF-Aware IPsec.mp4 105.02MB
11. Why Move to SD-Access.mp4 44.39MB
12. 802.1x.mp4 55.68MB
12. Access Lists Logging.mp4 117.38MB
12. ASA & PKI.mp4 38.52MB
12. ASA Routing - EIGRP.mp4 20.40MB
12. Configuring Dynamic PAT.mp4 12.63MB
12. Data Types - Dictionary.mp4 62.65MB
12. Display Filters.mp4 35.10MB
12. DMVPN Dual Hub.mp4 35.31MB
12. ESA Operations.mp4 133.22MB
12. Fabric Deployment Models.mp4 9.25MB
12. FTD Interface Configuration - Part 1.mp4 46.83MB
12. IKE Version 2 Overview.mp4 36.22MB
12. Intrusion Prevention & NGIPS.mp4 84.02MB
12. Management Plane Protection.mp4 8.53MB
12. Message Filters.mp4 57.13MB
12. Overview of SD-Access Main Components.mp4 13.49MB
12. Site-to-Site IPsec IKEv1.mp4 66.46MB
12. Task 1.11 - Advanced Routing.mp4 71.39MB
12. URL Filtering.mp4 63.62MB
12. Web Reputation.mp4 27.44MB
12. Window Panes.mp4 31.17MB
13. 802.1x Deployment Modes.mp4 30.54MB
13. Access Lists Troubleshooting.mp4 71.60MB
13. Advanced Display Filters.mp4 42.44MB
13. Advanced Web Security.mp4 23.36MB
13. ASA Routing - OSPF.mp4 47.82MB
13. Cisco FlexVPN.mp4 164.34MB
13. Cisco ISE.mp4 19.93MB
13. Conditionals.mp4 55.15MB
13. Configuring Static NAT & Static PAT.mp4 22.39MB
13. DNAC Workflows, Device Discovery & LAN Automation.mp4 54.29MB
13. ESA Policies Overview.mp4 27.07MB
13. FTD Interface Configuration - Part 2.mp4 18.22MB
13. Implementing DMVPN Dual Hub.mp4 73.19MB
13. Introduction to VPNs - Part 1.mp4 74.04MB
13. Network Discovery.mp4 45.81MB
13. Profiles.mp4 30.09MB
13. Remote Access SSLTLS.mp4 93.66MB
13. SNMP, NTP & Logging.mp4 159.04MB
13. Task 1.12 - Twice NAT.mp4 115.08MB
14. ASA Routing - BGP.mp4 31.08MB
14. Configuring Twice NAT.mp4 15.18MB
14. DoS & DDoS Attacks - Overview.mp4 59.47MB
14. File Policy.mp4 68.20MB
14. FTD Routing Configuration.mp4 42.27MB
14. IKEv2 IPsec VPN - L2L IOS-ASA.mp4 80.31MB
14. Implementing ESA Policies.mp4 67.52MB
14. Implementing Wired 802.1x.mp4 172.82MB
14. Introduction to VPNs - Part 2.mp4 77.11MB
14. ISE Roles & DNAC Communication.mp4 22.69MB
14. Loops.mp4 44.81MB
14. Preferences.mp4 38.42MB
14. PxGrid.mp4 10.88MB
14. Setting Timestamps.mp4 26.94MB
14. Task 1.13 - Transparent Firewall.mp4 250.72MB
14. The DHCP Protocol.mp4 41.75MB
14. The Overlay Fabric.mp4 16.05MB
15. ASA Management.mp4 17.48MB
15. BGP Through ASA.mp4 29.60MB
15. Cisco FlexVPN - Client-Server.mp4 205.67MB
15. Course Conclusion.mp4 3.63MB
15. DHCPv6.mp4 18.47MB
15. Document Repository for SD-Access.mp4 47.99MB
15. DoS & DDoS Attacks - Cisco's Guide to DDoS Defense.mp4 101.90MB
15. FTD Platform Settings.mp4 94.56MB
15. Functions.mp4 43.27MB
15. Implementing Wireless 802.1x.mp4 57.13MB
15. ISE Standalone & Distributed Deployment.mp4 15.11MB
15. PKI & FlexVPN - Part 1.mp4 140.16MB
15. Selecting an Interface.mp4 20.22MB
15. SSL Policy.mp4 66.24MB
15. Task 1.14 - ARP Inspection.mp4 54.03MB
15. Troubleshooting with Timestamps.mp4 96.58MB
16. Access Control Policy - Part 1.mp4 73.31MB
16. Bridging Vlans using Transparent ASA.mp4 16.14MB
16. DNAC & ISE Integration.mp4 21.27MB
16. DoS & DDoS Attacks - Evolution.mp4 77.48MB
16. Exam Syllabus Review.mp4 68.21MB
16. File Access.mp4 47.64MB
16. Guest Services.mp4 27.44MB
16. Hardware, Software, Licensing & Release Documentation.mp4 9.77MB
16. Implementing Management Access.mp4 27.85MB
16. Introduction to Next Generation IPS (NGIPS).mp4 20.90MB
16. PKI & FlexVPN - Part 2.mp4 98.27MB
16. Pre-capture rules.mp4 44.68MB
16. Task 1.15 - NTP.mp4 63.29MB
16. The DNS Protocol.mp4 48.43MB
16. The SSL & TLS Protocols.mp4 49.76MB
17. Access Control Policy - Part 2.mp4 76.30MB
17. Classes.mp4 46.81MB
17. Colorizing.mp4 26.62MB
17. Creating Virtual Firewalls.mp4 34.72MB
17. Data Validation.mp4 16.52MB
17. Distributed ISE.mp4 44.25MB
17. Exam-Related Documentation.mp4 9.25MB
17. IP Address Spoofing.mp4 119.59MB
17. IP Spoofing Attacks.mp4 18.64MB
17. Remote Access.mp4 101.88MB
17. Remote Access VPN - SSL-TLS.mp4 37.96MB
17. Snort Variables & Rules.mp4 66.85MB
17. Task 1.16 - HTTP Traffic Inspection.mp4 108.44MB
17. Traffic Filtering & Control.mp4 22.31MB
18. Access Control Policy - Part 3.mp4 155.23MB
18. Active-Standby & Active-Active.mp4 28.06MB
18. Advanced Flow Graphing.mp4 44.02MB
18. Capturing Packets.mp4 70.81MB
18. Cisco AnyConnect.mp4 8.09MB
18. Deploying ISE Multinode.mp4 47.80MB
18. DMVPN - Part 1.mp4 84.89MB
18. How to Study for the CCIE.mp4 14.86MB
18. Implementing NGIPS.mp4 72.06MB
18. Implementing Traffic Filtering.mp4 57.04MB
18. Mitigation Tools ACLs.mp4 105.26MB
18. Modules and Packages.mp4 56.11MB
18. Task 1.17 - FTP Traffic Inspection.mp4 110.32MB
18. Unicast RPF.mp4 81.41MB
19. ASA Clientless SSL VPN.mp4 49.65MB
19. ASA Network Address Translation (NAT).mp4 55.57MB
19. Course Conclusion.mp4 3.23MB
19. Data Formats - JSON.mp4 18.80MB
19. DMVPN - Part 2.mp4 100.44MB
19. FTD PreFilter.mp4 58.20MB
19. Introduction to the ISE Role in the SD-Access Architecture.mp4 28.30MB
19. Mitigation Tools URPF.mp4 85.77MB
19. Spanned Mode Vs Individual mode.mp4 55.74MB
19. Strict uRPF.mp4 91.43MB
19. Task 1.18 - Virtual Firewalls.mp4 217.11MB
19. TCP Stream Graphing.mp4 33.23MB
19. Timestamps and time values.mp4 129.33MB
20. Advanced uRPF.mp4 54.87MB
20. ASA AnyConnect SSL VPN.mp4 50.52MB
20. Data Formats - XML.mp4 55.85MB
20. DoS Attacks.mp4 17.51MB
20. Implementing ASA NAT.mp4 65.31MB
20. ISE Deployment Models.mp4 28.50MB
20. ISE Fundamentals & Policies.mp4 120.30MB
20. Navigation.mp4 110.33MB
20. Network Address Translation (NAT).mp4 84.78MB
20. Service Response Time.mp4 14.56MB
20. Task 1.19 - Virtual Firewall Routing - Part 1.mp4 19.50MB
21. AAA & Device Administration.mp4 134.84MB
21. Analyzing Packet Lengths.mp4 63.19MB
21. ASA Modes of Operations.mp4 31.04MB
21. Data Formats - YAML.mp4 26.96MB
21. IOS SSL VPN.mp4 57.56MB
21. ISE Integration with SD-Access.mp4 22.03MB
21. Malware & File Policy.mp4 88.28MB
21. Mitigation Tools - TCP Intercept.mp4 56.50MB
21. Sample Captures.mp4 96.93MB
21. Task 1.19 - Virtual Firewall Routing - Part 2.mp4 57.80MB
21. uRPF Troubleshooting.mp4 50.87MB
22. 802.1x for Wired & Wireless Networks - Part 1.mp4 132.03MB
22. Course Conclusion.mp4 19.36MB
22. Implementing Transparent ASA.mp4 78.09MB
22. Introduction to APIs.mp4 27.32MB
22. Introduction to DMVPN.mp4 89.73MB
22. IPS Policy - Part 1.mp4 57.24MB
22. Mitigation Tools - Policing.mp4 20.43MB
22. Remotely Triggered Black Hole Filtering (RTBH).mp4 123.03MB
22. Setting Filters.mp4 70.39MB
22. Task 1.20 - Contexts Classification.mp4 124.24MB
22. Troubleshooting with tshark.mp4 43.73MB
23. 802.1x for Wired & Wireless Networks - Part 2.mp4 98.98MB
23. API Toolset.mp4 76.70MB
23. Capture Filters.mp4 57.88MB
23. Implementing DMVPN.mp4 237.14MB
23. Implementing Security Contexts.mp4 64.13MB
23. IPS Policy - Part 2.mp4 122.74MB
23. Mitigation Tools - RTBH.mp4 75.45MB
23. Setting Capture & Display Filters.mp4 12.58MB
23. Source Based RTBH.mp4 61.24MB
23. Task 1.21 - Active Standby Failover.mp4 121.29MB
24. Cisco WSA - Part 1.mp4 97.88MB
24. Display Filters.mp4 80.15MB
24. DMVPN for IPv6.mp4 220.05MB
24. Firepower Network Discovery.mp4 70.38MB
24. ICMP Attacks - Overview.mp4 71.49MB
24. IP Options & Security.mp4 16.58MB
24. Merging Data.mp4 15.10MB
24. Modular Policy Framework (MPF) Overview.mp4 31.27MB
24. Python Automation with REST API.mp4 95.35MB
24. Task 1.22 - Active-Active Failover.mp4 46.83MB
25. Advanced Filters.mp4 137.73MB
25. Analyzing an Issue with tshark.mp4 12.40MB
25. Cisco WSA - Part 2.mp4 116.43MB
25. Course Conclusion.mp4 3.42MB
25. DMVPN Dual Hub.mp4 25.60MB
25. ICMP Attacks - Mitigation.mp4 77.85MB
25. Implementing MPF.mp4 82.78MB
25. IP Options - Attack Mitigation.mp4 32.00MB
25. Reporting & Task Management.mp4 73.11MB
25. Task 1.23 - Clustering in Multi-Context.mp4 217.00MB
26. ASA High Availability - Failover.mp4 15.09MB
26. Cisco ESA.mp4 169.75MB
26. Exam Prep Review.mp4 66.80MB
26. Introduction to GETVPN.mp4 64.90MB
26. IP Fragmentation.mp4 23.22MB
26. Network Analysis - Part 1.mp4 76.87MB
26. Task 2.1 - IP Addressing on FTD in Routed Mode.mp4 126.10MB
26. Troubleshooting with Statistics.mp4 142.22MB
26. UDP Attacks.mp4 94.62MB
27. Cisco Umbrella.mp4 64.43MB
27. Failover - Active Standby.mp4 74.73MB
27. Flow Graphs.mp4 124.08MB
27. Implementing GETVPN.mp4 145.40MB
27. IP Fragmentation - Attack Mitigation.mp4 23.38MB
27. Network Analysis - Part 2.mp4 98.47MB
27. Task 2.2 - Configuring OSPF on FTD.mp4 42.02MB
27. TCP Attacks.mp4 95.34MB
27. Troubleshooting Buffer Issues.mp4 54.38MB
28. Failover - Active Active.mp4 76.79MB
28. GETVPN for IPv6.mp4 67.39MB
28. IO Graphs.mp4 76.65MB
28. NBAR & NBAR2.mp4 62.07MB
28. Network Analysis - Part 3.mp4 105.82MB
28. Securing Management & Control Planes - Part 1.mp4 75.59MB
28. Task 2.3 - Configuring Access Rules on FTD.mp4 151.13MB
28. TCP Intercept - Overview.mp4 81.66MB
28. Troubleshooting Retransmits.mp4 36.19MB
29. Advanced IP Analysis.mp4 36.17MB
29. Clustering Overview.mp4 31.16MB
29. Command-Line Tools.mp4 93.60MB
29. GETVPN - G-IKEv2.mp4 80.08MB
29. IPv6 Extension Headers.mp4 16.21MB
29. Securing Management & Control Planes - Part 2.mp4 93.56MB
29. Task 2.4 - Configuring NAT on FTD Part 2.mp4 93.74MB
29. TCP Intercept - Implementation.mp4 120.66MB
29. User Account Managment.mp4 54.33MB
30. Advanced TCP Analysis.mp4 39.63MB
30. Clustering - Basic Operations.mp4 31.97MB
30. Extension Headers Processing & Security.mp4 19.72MB
30. Fragmentation Attacks - Overview.mp4 78.79MB
30. Identity Policy.mp4 52.91MB
30. Securing Layer 2 - Part 1.mp4 74.58MB
30. Task 2.5 - Security Intelligence Part 1.mp4 72.72MB
30. Tshark.mp4 98.50MB
31. Analyzing UDP.mp4 24.39MB
31. Clustering - Deployment Modes.mp4 33.24MB
31. Extension Headers - Attacks Mitigation.mp4 80.17MB
31. Fragmentation Attacks - Path MTU Discovery.mp4 137.28MB
31. Securing Layer 2 - Part 2.mp4 78.12MB
31. Task 2.5 - Security Intelligence Part 2.mp4 171.91MB
31. UDP & TCP Streams.mp4 24.81MB
32. Fragmentation Attack Protection with ACL.mp4 111.37MB
32. Implementing L3 Clustering.mp4 102.66MB
32. IPv6 Fragmentation.mp4 33.56MB
32. Python & Security Automation - Part 1.mp4 65.96MB
32. Task 2.6 - Block download of Malware.mp4 34.73MB
32. Troubleshooting DNS.mp4 39.28MB
32. Using the Expert.mp4 64.99MB
33. Configuring a Relay Agent.mp4 29.67MB
33. Expert Advanced Features.mp4 52.65MB
33. Frangment Filtering via ACL.mp4 132.85MB
33. Implementing L2 Clustering.mp4 96.34MB
33. IPv6 Fragmentation Attacks Mitigation.mp4 69.86MB
33. Python & Security Automation - Part 2.mp4 100.59MB
33. Task 2.7 - FTD in Transparent Mode.mp4 87.24MB
34. Analyzing DHCP.mp4 17.89MB
34. Capturing ClientServer Response.mp4 83.75MB
34. Neighbor Discovery.mp4 19.81MB
34. Task 2.8 - NGIPS as Inline.mp4 91.59MB
34. Virtual Fragmentation Reassembly (VFR) - Overview.mp4 57.91MB
35. Capturing VOIP.mp4 32.24MB
35. Neighbor Discovery Messages.mp4 46.48MB
35. Task 3.1 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN between IOS Routers using IKEv1 - Part 1.mp4 87.67MB
35. TCP Sequencing and Handshake.mp4 49.06MB
35. Virtual Fragmentation Reassembly (VFR) - Implementation.mp4 90.05MB
36. Analyzing VOIP.mp4 33.83MB
36. Capturing IP Resolution.mp4 55.70MB
36. Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) Introduction.mp4 25.37MB
36. Task 3.1 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN between IOS Routers using IKEv1 - Part 2.mp4 186.26MB
36. ZBFW - Overview.mp4 99.30MB
37. Broadcast Storm.mp4 111.04MB
37. Capturing HTTP.mp4 57.49MB
37. SEND Operations.mp4 38.46MB
37. Task 3.2 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN between ASA firewalls using IKEv1 - Part 1.mp4 91.18MB
37. ZBFW Building Blocks - Command Syntax.mp4 73.62MB
38. Analyzing HTTP.mp4 50.62MB
38. Reviewing DORA.mp4 38.69MB
38. SEND Configuration.mp4 111.72MB
38. Task 3.2 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN between ASA firewalls using IKEv1 - Part 2.mp4 101.47MB
38. ZBFW Building Blocks - Layer 3-4 Policy-Maps.mp4 91.11MB
39. Capturing Wireless.mp4 29.45MB
39. Discovery Protocols.mp4 85.62MB
39. Rogue DHCP Server.mp4 38.09MB
39. Task 3.3 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN between IOS Routers using IKEv2.mp4 156.40MB
39. ZBFW Basic Policy Implementation - Overview.mp4 104.51MB
40. Analyzing Wireless.mp4 28.78MB
40. Capturing DNS.mp4 43.03MB
40. Task 3.4 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN between ASA firewalls using IKEv2.mp4 75.84MB
40. VLANs & Trunking.mp4 47.48MB
40. ZBFW Basic Policy Implementation - Configuration.mp4 130.30MB
41. DNS Resolution Analysis.mp4 37.36MB
41. Exam Prep Review - Part 2.mp4 146.95MB
41. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).mp4 70.36MB
41. Task 3.5 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN with IKEv1 between IOS and IOS using SVTI.mp4 160.22MB
41. ZBFW Traffic Policing.mp4 44.85MB
42. Capturing HTTP.mp4 150.54MB
42. Firewall Refresher (Cisco).mp4 46.65MB
42. STP Security Features - Part I.mp4 66.66MB
42. Task 3.6 - Legacy LAN-to-LAN VPN with IKEv2 between IOS and IOS using SVTI.mp4 76.18MB
42. ZBFW TCP Inspection.mp4 74.35MB
43. Buffer Overflow.mp4 28.45MB
43. DMVPN Overview.mp4 174.45MB
43. Poorly Performing Website.mp4 61.24MB
43. STP Security Features - Part II.mp4 66.98MB
43. ZBFW TCP OoO Packet.mp4 62.50MB
44. Analysis of the Attack - Part 1.mp4 27.47MB
44. Capturing VOIP.mp4 33.63MB
44. Layer 2 Security - Part I.mp4 127.07MB
44. Task 3.7 - DMVPN Phase 1 with IKEv2.mp4 165.27MB
44. ZBFW UDP Inspection.mp4 80.52MB
45. Analyzing Poor Voice Quality.mp4 32.21MB
45. Denial of Service (DoS).mp4 32.13MB
45. Layer 2 Security - Part II.mp4 119.98MB
45. Task 3.8 - DMVPN Phase 2 with IKEv2.mp4 65.86MB
45. ZBFW ICMP Inspection.mp4 112.42MB
46. Analysis of the Attack - Part 2.mp4 29.22MB
46. Capturing FTP.mp4 31.31MB
46. Private VLANs & Protected Ports.mp4 53.32MB
46. Task 3.9 - DMVPN Phase 3 with IKEv2.mp4 48.52MB
46. Tuning TCP Connection Settings.mp4 81.70MB
47. Analyzing Data Transfer.mp4 47.44MB
47. Digital Forensics.mp4 37.35MB
47. Storm Control.mp4 11.82MB
47. Task 3.10 - Dual Hub Single Cloud DMVPN Phase 3 with IKEv2.mp4 69.43MB
47. ZBFW TCP Reset Segment Control.mp4 17.96MB
48. Capturing Wireless.mp4 45.22MB
48. Exam Prep Review - Part 3.mp4 34.10MB
48. Task 3.11 - GET VPN.mp4 380.78MB
48. Wireless Basics.mp4 37.59MB
48. ZBFW TCP Window Scaling.mp4 29.88MB
49. Analyzing Incorrect SSID.mp4 28.35MB
49. Task 3.12 - FlexVPN.mp4 148.39MB
49. Wireless Security.mp4 47.78MB
49. ZBFW Tuning UDP & ICMP Connection Settings.mp4 43.05MB
50. Annotating Files.mp4 42.03MB
50. Device Hardening - ASA.mp4 18.43MB
50. Task 3.13 - FlexVPN Hardware Client.mp4 127.36MB
50. ZBFW with ACL.mp4 62.22MB
51. Device Hardening - IOS.mp4 29.18MB
51. Saving Captures.mp4 110.44MB
51. Task 3.14 - Clientless SSL VPN.mp4 91.82MB
52. Cisco SAFE.mp4 44.60MB
52. Multiple Files.mp4 29.66MB
52. Task 3.15 - Anyconnect IKEv2 Part 1.mp4 51.39MB
53. Different Formats.mp4 21.52MB
53. Task 3.15 - Anyconnect IKEv2 Part 2.mp4 38.42MB
54. Importing Data.mp4 22.25MB
54. Task 3.16 - Configure Site-to-Site Certificate-Based VPN.mp4 122.44MB
55. Exporting Data.mp4 29.06MB
55. Task 5.1 - System Setup.mp4 63.82MB
56. Merging Data.mp4 56.08MB
56. Task 5.2 - WCCP with WSA.mp4 162.00MB
57. Task 5.3 - Global Policy on WSA.mp4 135.05MB
58. Task 5.4 - Custom Blocking on WSA.mp4 62.94MB
59. Task 5.5 - Custom Blocking on WSA.mp4 92.23MB
60. Task 4.1 - Admin user creation.mp4 29.48MB
61. Task 4.2 - Device login using Radius Protocol.mp4 260.41MB
62. Task 4.3 - Device authorization using Radius Protocol.mp4 53.43MB
63. Task 4.4 - Device login using Tacacs+.mp4 99.18MB
64. Task 4.5 - DOT1x for pcA.mp4 20.83MB
65. Task 4.6 - MAB for IP Phone.mp4 321.12MB
66. Task 4.7 - Profiling for IP Phone and pcA.mp4 98.97MB
67. Task 4.8 - Wired Central WebAuth, Employee BYOD, Self and Sponsored Guest.mp4 358.07MB
68. Task 4.9 - PxGrid with WSA - Part 1.mp4 84.22MB
69. Task 4.9 - PxGrid with WSA - Part 2.mp4 59.17MB
70. Task 4.9 - PxGrid with WSA - Part 3.mp4 105.82MB
71. Task 4.10 - MAB for AP - Part 1.mp4 151.27MB
72. Task 4.10 - MAB for AP - Part 2.mp4 9.64MB
73. Troubleshooting - Ticket 1.mp4 95.23MB
74. Troubleshooting - Ticket 2.mp4 158.92MB
75. Troubleshooting - Ticket 3.mp4 59.10MB
76. Troubleshooting - Ticket 4.mp4 41.62MB
77. Troubleshooting - Ticket 5.mp4 72.56MB 4.03MB 3.34MB 7.14MB 3.11MB 2.64MB 1.52MB 1.28MB 6.49MB 1.22MB 1.86MB 5.26MB 37.19MB 887.74KB 2.05MB 6.76MB 1.88MB 4.83MB 17.56MB 5.19MB 1.86MB 39.65MB 32.66MB 70.88MB 687.48KB 3.62MB 2.62MB 2.82MB 24.55MB 24.53MB 12.25MB 17.95MB
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Egypt (EG) 1
Russia (RU) 1
United Arab Emirates (AE) 1
Germany (DE) 1
Total 4
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