Torrent Info
Title Detective Conan ([DCAN] Detective Conan - 1145 v2 [DCANSubs] (Hi10 1080p) [A4FEEF80].mkv)
Category Movies
Size 553.59MB

Movie Info
Detective Conan
Title Detective Conan
Year 1996–
Country Japan
Category Animation, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director N/A
Actors Minami Takayama, Wakana Yamazaki, Akira Kamiya, Wataru Takagi
Description The cases of a detective whose physical age was chemically reversed to that of a prepubescent boy but must hide his true mental development.
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[DCAN] Detective Conan - 1145 v2 [DCANSubs] (Hi10 1080p) [A4FEEF80].mkv 553.59MB
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