Torrent Info
Title Dexter (Dexter S02)
Category Movies
Size 35.79GB
Movie Info
Title Dexter
Year 2006–2013
Country USA
Category Crime, Drama, Mystery
Director N/A
Actors Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, David Zayas, James Remar
Description By day, mild-mannered Dexter is a blood-spatter analyst for the Miami police. But at night, he is a serial killer who only targets other murderers.
Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
DEXTER_S02E01_Ono to žije_.mkv 2.99GB
DEXTER_S02E02_Až si vydýchnem.mkv 3.13GB
DEXTER_S02E03_Nepríjemná lož.mkv 2.94GB
DEXTER_S02E04_Priehľadný.mkv 2.98GB
DEXTER_S02E05_Temný ochranca.mkv 3.14GB
DEXTER_S02E06_Sex, lži a video.mkv 3.01GB
DEXTER_S02E07_Noc, keď sa mi rozsvietilo.mkv 3.10GB
DEXTER_S02E08_Svitanie.mkv 2.79GB
DEXTER_S02E09_Odpor je márny.mkv 2.81GB
DEXTER_S02E10_Tajomstvo domu Morganovcov.mkv 3.11GB
DEXTER_S02E11_Na najbližšej odbočke zahnite vľavo.mkv 2.89GB
DEXTER_S02E12_Britská invázia.mkv 2.90GB
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