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_NVCUPSTREAM 13 Michael Lannan Prefiled Testimony.pdf 134.75KB
_NVCUPSTREAM R2 -Micahel Lannan Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony.pdf 79.56KB
_NVCUPSTREAM W1 -MichaelLannan Pre-Filed Written Testimony.pdf 112.57KB 52.07MB
(2020.04.20)_Ph8_WasteSeqMemo_ForAnnlRpt.pdf 1.79MB
(2020.04.22)_Crossrds-Stab'tyMonit-2019SumryRpt.pdf 1.46MB
#1 A1146AN draft for posting 7-17-2020.pdf 984.74KB
#1 Draft Board Order MEPDES permit 8-13-2020.pdf 4.40MB
#1 Nordic_Aquafarms_Inc_L28319ANBNCNDNEN_draft.pdf 1.20MB
#2 Nordic's -SLODA-NRPA Response Letter.pdf 343.82KB
#2 Nordic Response - Draft MEPDES Response Letter.pdf 315.47KB
#2 Nordic -S Whipple's response - Air Emissions License Comments Dated 08-14-2020.pdf 891.92KB
#3 10-5-2020 final NVC SLODA comments.pdf 897.18KB
#3 NVC's 9-14-2020 final wastewater discharge permit comments.pdf 1.65MB
#3 NVC let to BEP 08-16-20.pdf 724.39KB
#4 NVC's 10-5-2020 water permit follow-up letter.pdf 871.19KB
#4 Upstream - ME BEP - SITE LOCATION 10-05-2020 (c).pdf 1.03MB
#4 Upstream Watch's response - Air Emissions draft.pdf 838.65KB
#5 20201001 BWD Letter to BEP.pdf 770.63KB
#5A BEP Comment EXHIBIT INDEX 8-16-2020.pdf 635.36KB
#5 BEP MGL Challenge to Air Emissions Permit Staff Recommendation.pdf 801.95KB
#5 Upstream - ME BEP - Cover letter and Response to Board Order 9-11-2020 FINAL (c).pdf 1.03MB
#6 Air draft comment - Steven Rea.pdf 618.44KB
#6 MGL's Response to MEPDES recommendation (combined).pdf 1.59MB
#7 Nordic - Kristina Deye's comment letter 8-25-2020.pdf 614.73KB
00_ltr_transmittal.docx 187.79KB
00_ltr_transmittal.pdf 244.74KB
000 Table of Contents.pdf 263.29KB
001-C-001-18076.pdf 2.45MB
001-C-001-18076.pdf 2.45MB
001-Section Pages.pdf 287.22KB
001-Water-Sample-Colllection-From-Water-Supply-Wells-FINAL-02102015.docx 92.34KB
002-C-101-18076.pdf 809.82KB
002-C-101-18076.pdf 809.82KB
002-Groundwater Sample Collection for Site Investigation and Assessment Monitoringdocx.docx 48.06KB
002-Section Pages 09_26.pdf 30.81MB
003-C-102-18076.pdf 1.36MB
003-C-102-18076.pdf 1.36MB
003-Low-Flow-Groundwater-Sampling-DRAFT-04012015.docx 55.13KB
003 Roxbury Natural Resources Report.Final 2-13-18.pdf 22.39MB
003-Section Pages_09_25.pdf 612.87KB
004-CD101-18076.pdf 1.59MB
004-CD101-18076.pdf 1.59MB
004-Section Pages09_25.pdf 95.87MB
004-surface-water-sediment-FINAL-04142015-MEO-MRY-EDITS (1) (002).docx 58.21KB
005-046 SVE-AS Operations Manual 7-20-14.pdf 2.34MB
00539_01_PlumCreek.pdf 1.14MB
00539_02_PlumCreek.pdf 1.21MB
00539_Bessey.pdf 1.17MB
00539_Linkletter.pdf 1.49MB
005-CE001-18076.pdf 2.89MB
005-CE001-18076.pdf 2.89MB
005-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 28.79MB
005-Soil-Gas-Collection-with-Hand-Tools-FINAL-04142015.docx 46.91KB
006-CE110-18076.pdf 1.98MB
006-CE110-18076.pdf 1.98MB
006-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 87.45KB
006-soil-sampling-DRAFT-02182021.docx 52.38KB
007-CE111-18076.pdf 1.95MB
007-CE111-18076.pdf 1.95MB
007-Dust-Wipe-Sampling-FINAL-12082020.docx 41.87KB
007-Section Pages 09_26 - complete section.pdf 13.13MB
008-CE112-18076.pdf 2.27MB
008-CE112-18076.pdf 2.27MB
008-Indoor-Air-Sampling-FINAL-04152015.doc 107.00KB
008-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 7.69MB
009-CE113-18076.pdf 2.24MB
009-CE113-18076.pdf 2.24MB
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00 Combined.pdf 930.38KB
01_cover.pdf 83.76KB
01_cover.pdf 83.70KB
01-02-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-03-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-04-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-07-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-08-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-09-2019.xls 35.00KB
010-CE114-18076.pdf 2.29MB
010-CE114-18076.pdf 2.29MB
010-Container-Sampling-FINAL-04172015.docx 54.17KB
010-Section Pages.pdf 85.73KB
01-10-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-11-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-14-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-15-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-16-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-17-2019.xls 35.00KB
011-CE115-18076.pdf 2.44MB
011-CE115-18076.pdf 2.44MB
011-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 1.22MB
011-soil-field-screening-FINAL-04172015.docx 34.77KB
01-2015-06-24-MRC-Fiberight-Solid Waste Processing Facility Application-Hampden.pdf 22.90MB
01-21-2019.xls 35.00KB
01220_01_LocationMap.pdf 730.77KB
01220_Impact_Maps.pdf 2.60MB
01-22-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-23-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-24-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-25-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-28-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-29-2019.xls 35.00KB
012-CE116-18076.pdf 2.29MB
012-CE116-18076.pdf 2.29MB
012-chain-of-custody-FINAL-04282015.docx 36.17KB
012-Section Pages-REV-DJO-9.26.2019.pdf 261.22KB
01-30-2019.xls 35.00KB
01-31-2019.xls 35.00KB
013-CE117-18076.pdf 2.54MB
013-CE117-18076.pdf 2.54MB
013-Field-documentation-and-trip-report-FINAL-04282015.docx 39.38KB
013-Section Pages.pdf 80.66KB
014-CE118-18076.pdf 2.29MB
014-CE118-18076.pdf 2.29MB
014-FORM-Sampling-and-Analysis-FINAL.doc 85.00KB
014-FORM-Site-Safety-Plan-FINAL.docx 40.85KB
014-Sampling-analysis-plan-Addendum-A-PFAS-Requirements-0309-2021.docx 48.51KB
014-Sampling-analysis-plan-FINAL-04212015.docx 41.23KB
014-Sampling-Analysis-Plan-PFAS-Addendum A-Attachement A-030921.docx 38.82KB
014-Section Pages.pdf 220.17KB
015-CE501-18076.pdf 1.84MB
015-CE501-18076.pdf 1.84MB
015-Incremental-sample-methodology-FINAL-04282015.docx 42.05KB
015-Section Pages.pdf 947.91KB
016-CE502-18076.pdf 1.26MB
016-CE502-18076.pdf 1.26MB
016-HRS-QAP-Development-FINAL-04282015.doc 75.50KB
016-Section Pages.pdf 85.18KB
017-CE503-18076.pdf 1.13MB
017-CE503-18076.pdf 1.13MB
017-Equipment Decontamination Protocol-02172021.docx 38.04KB
017-Section Pages.pdf 82.01KB
018-CE504-18076.pdf 1.34MB
018-CE504-18076.pdf 1.34MB
018-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 191.83KB
019-CP101-18076.pdf 756.66KB
019-CP101-18076.pdf 756.66KB
019-Portable Air Monitors-FINAL-04282015.docx 42.40KB
019-Section Pages.pdf 702.32KB
01 Combined.pdf 4.15MB
01 MHPC Comment Response Letter 2022-02-03.pdf 137.16KB
01-REVISED FINAL Attachment 9-Disclosure Statement.pdf 105.89KB
01 Soils Comments Response 2022-02-07.pdf 177.51KB
01-WQC Application Cover Letter 082520.pdf 273.44KB
02_3corners_DEP site_law_form - signed.pdf 338.00KB
02_3 Corners DEP NRPA Form signed.pdf 776.05KB
02-01-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-04-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-05-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-06-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-07-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-08-2019.xls 35.00KB
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020-CP102-18076.pdf 509.67KB
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020-Section Pages.pdf 77.07KB
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02-12-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-13-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-14-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-15-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-18-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-19-2019.xls 35.00KB
021-CP103-18076.pdf 512.59KB
021-CP103-18076.pdf 512.59KB
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02-20-2019.xls 35.00KB
02 20220118_IT_ASSESSMENT_LETTER.pdf 36.91KB
02-21-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-22-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-25-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-26-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-26-2021 Presumpscot WQC MDMR comments.pdf 151.03KB
02-27-2019.xls 35.00KB
02-28-2019.xls 35.00KB
022-CP104-18076.pdf 497.54KB
022-CP104-18076.pdf 497.54KB
023-CP105-18076.pdf 543.14KB
023-CP105-18076.pdf 543.14KB
023-Pore-Water-Sampling-FINAL-04282015.docx 42.11KB
023-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 80.37KB
024-CP106-18076.pdf 540.33KB
024-CP106-18076.pdf 540.33KB
024-Section Pages.pdf 79.53KB
025-CP107-18076.pdf 489.14KB
025-CP107-18076.pdf 489.14KB
025 - Innov-X XRF Attachment A - EPA Method 6200.pdf 144.13KB
025-INNOV-X-XRF-Procedure-FINAL-04292015.doc 147.00KB
025-Section Pages 09_26.pdf 7.32MB
026-CP501-18076.pdf 1.17MB
026-CP501-18076.pdf 1.17MB
026-Protocol-For-Collecting-Soil-Gas-Samples-FINAL-04292015.docx 56.34KB
026-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 84.54KB
027-CP502-18076.pdf 545.05KB
027-CP502-18076.pdf 545.05KB
027-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 1.91MB
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028-CG101-18076.pdf 882.16KB
028-CG101-18076.pdf 882.16KB
028-Section Pages_09_25.pdf 3.57MB
028-Well-Maintanence-Development-FINAL-04012015.doc 241.00KB
029-CG102-18076.pdf 681.37KB
029-CG102-18076.pdf 681.37KB
029-RSL Calulator SOP-3242021.pdf 646.96KB
029-Section Pages 09_25.pdf 127.19KB
02 Board Memo Nordic.pdf 219.48KB
02 Combined.pdf 18.32MB
02-DEP WQC Application Form 082520.pdf 152.92KB
02 Sugarloaf - Soil Survey Narrative revised.pdf 324.73KB
03_3corners_DEP decom form - signed.pdf 406.58KB
03_toc.pdf 91.84KB
03-01-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-04-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-05-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-06-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-07-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-08-2019.xls 35.00KB
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030-CG103-18076.pdf 608.85KB
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03-12-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-13-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-14-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-15-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-18-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-19-2019.xls 35.00KB
031-CG104-18076.pdf 627.74KB
031-CG104-18076.pdf 627.74KB
03-2015-06-24 - SLODA Minor Revision.pdf 194.62KB
03-20-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-21-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-22-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-25-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-26-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-27-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-28-2019.xls 35.00KB
03-29-2019.xls 35.00KB
032-CG105-18076.pdf 896.24KB
032-CG105-18076.pdf 896.24KB
033-CG106-18076.pdf 876.79KB
033-CG106-18076.pdf 876.79KB
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034-CG107-18076.pdf 720.44KB
035-CG201-18076.pdf 701.39KB
035-CG201-18076.pdf 701.39KB
036-CG501-18076.pdf 532.37KB
036-CG501-18076.pdf 532.37KB
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037-CU100-18076.pdf 908.58KB
038-CU101-18076.pdf 1.04MB
038-CU101-18076.pdf 1.04MB
039-CU102-18076.pdf 834.19KB
039-CU102-18076.pdf 834.19KB
03a- Appendix B 11657.006-C-SK-C100-Soil update .pdf 486.17KB
03a Financial Capacity REV.pdf 80.56KB
03 Combined.pdf 265.94KB
03-Maine Certification of Good Standing_08242020.pdf 216.67KB
03 NAF Consolidated Acceptance Letter 06-13-2019.pdf 1.87MB
03 Revised Soil Logs 2022-01-04.pdf 756.15KB
03 Viusal Quality.pdf 83.80KB
04_nrpa_narrative.pdf 203.51MB
04_toc.pdf 498.34KB
04.24.2020 WMDSM 1st PO.pdf 118.07KB
04.24.2020 WMDSM Service List.pdf 30.82KB
04-01-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-02-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-03-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-04-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-05-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-08-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-09-2019.xls 35.00KB
040-CU103-18076.pdf 753.77KB
040-CU103-18076.pdf 753.77KB
04-10-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-11-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-12-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-15-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-15-2021_ApplAccpt.pdf 104.44KB
04-16-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-17-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-18-2019.xls 35.00KB
04192017_letter.pdf 409.86KB
04-19-2019.xls 35.00KB
041-CU104-18076.pdf 718.53KB
041-CU104-18076.pdf 718.53KB
04-2015-06-24-MRC-Fiberight_Air Emissions License Application.pdf 3.78MB
04-20-2021 Geology comments.pdf 288.34KB
04-20-2021 Geology comments.pdf 288.34KB
04-22-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-22-2021 MDIFW comments.pdf 83.67KB
04-22-2021 MDIFW comments.pdf 83.67KB
04-22-2021 Solid waste comments.pdf 39.25KB
04-22-2021 Solid waste comments.pdf 39.25KB
04-23-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-23-2021MHPC review.pdf 699.46KB
04-24-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-25-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-26-2019.xls 35.00KB
04-29-2019.xls 35.00KB
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042-CU105-18076.pdf 968.27KB
04-30-2019.xls 35.00KB
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043-CU106-18076.pdf 682.61KB
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044-CU107-18076.pdf 814.86KB
045-CU108-18076.pdf 487.37KB
045-CU108-18076.pdf 487.37KB
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046-CU109-18076.pdf 462.96KB
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047-CU301-18076.pdf 474.71KB
048-CU302-18076.pdf 450.60KB
048-CU302-18076.pdf 450.60KB
049-CU303-18076.pdf 461.71KB
049-CU303-18076.pdf 461.71KB
04-Abutter Cover Letter Notice 08282020.pdf 189.06KB
04- Apend C SCST test pit logs 2020 10 21 update (2).pdf 3.89MB
04 Blasting Procedure REV 2022-01-25.pdf 135.77KB
04 Combined.pdf 1.63MB
04 Declaration of Restrictive Cov.pdf 1.18MB
04 Nordic Second Proc Order 08-23-2019.pdf 1.27MB
05-01-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-02-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-03-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-06-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-07-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-08-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-09-2019.xls 35.00KB
050-CU304-18076.pdf 625.04KB
050-CU304-18076.pdf 625.04KB
051019 NECEC Post Hearing Deadlines.pdf 62.82KB
05-10-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-13-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-13-2021_Sebago TU Motion to Intervene Final.pdf 5.45MB
05-13-2021_SebagoTU WQC Application Comments.pdf 3.28MB
05-14-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-15-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-16-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-17-2019.xls 35.00KB
051-CU501-18076.pdf 1.86MB
051-CU501-18076.pdf 1.86MB
05-2015-06-24-MRC-Fiberight_NRPA Application.pdf 8.90MB
05-20-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-22-2019.xls 35.00KB
052319 NECEC Ruling on Motion to Strike.pdf 62.84KB
05-23-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-24-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-28-2019.xls 35.00KB
052919 NECEC Ruling on Motion to Strike.pdf 61.85KB
05-29-2019.xls 35.00KB
052-CU502-18076.pdf 1.20MB
052-CU502-18076.pdf 1.20MB
05-30-2019.xls 35.00KB
05-31-2019.xls 35.00KB
053-CU503-18076.pdf 999.28KB
053-CU503-18076.pdf 999.28KB
054-CU504-18076.pdf 633.23KB
054-CU504-18076.pdf 633.23KB
055-CU505-18076.pdf 615.19KB
055-CU505-18076.pdf 615.19KB
056-CU601-18076.pdf 1.06MB
056-CU601-18076.pdf 1.06MB
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057-LP101-18076.pdf 913.19KB
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058-LP101a-18076.pdf 572.17KB
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059-LP102-18076.pdf 815.35KB
05 Combined.pdf 83.99KB
05-MS_Newspaper Publication_08252020.pdf 2.08MB
05 Photo from Bigelow.jpg 1.45MB
05 Renewed Motion to Dismiss Feb 14 2020.pdf 814.67KB
05 Revised Areas and Volumes.pdf 30.52KB
05 Section 12 Stormwater Management.pdf 1.99MB
06.09.2020 WMDSM 2nd PO.pdf 133.88KB
06-04-2019.xls 28.50KB
06-05-2019.xls 28.50KB
06-06-2019.xls 28.50KB
06-07-2019.xls 28.50KB
060-LP103-18076.pdf 661.85KB
060-LP103-18076.pdf 661.85KB
06-10-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-11-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-12-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-13-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-14-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-17-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-18-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-19-2019.xls 35.00KB
061-LP104-18076.pdf 717.46KB
061-LP104-18076.pdf 717.46KB
06-2015-06-24-MRC Vernal Pool.pdf 3.64MB
06-20-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-24-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-25-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-26-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-27-2019.xls 35.00KB
06-28-2019.xls 35.00KB
062-LP105-18076.pdf 907.61KB
062-LP105-18076.pdf 907.61KB
063-LP106-18076.pdf 627.07KB
063-LP106-18076.pdf 627.07KB
064-LP107-18076.pdf 804.79KB
064-LP107-18076.pdf 804.79KB
065-LP501-18076.pdf 1.64MB
065-LP501-18076.pdf 1.64MB
06 Combined.pdf 1.26MB
06 Richards Surveyor's Report Oct 4 2019.pdf 2.10MB
06-WQC distribution list.docx 21.32KB
07.14.2017 MTA Closing Brief.pdf 4.66MB
07.18.2022 - Maine State Chamber of Commerce Letter on PFAS draft rule.pdf 137.92KB
07-01-2019.xls 35.00KB
07-02-2019.xls 35.00KB
07-03-2019.xls 35.00KB
07-05-2019.xls 35.00KB
070919EL-condensed.pdf 188.42KB
07-2015-06-24-MRC-PBR Stream Crossing.pdf 1.71MB
07 Combined.pdf 33.74MB
07 Map of Property of Mabee-Grace Oct 4 2019.pdf 1.16MB
07-Municipalities Distribution List.docx 17.73KB
08.24.2020 WMDSM 3rd PO Final.pdf 114.10KB
08-12-2020 appl accept.pdf 108.74KB
08 Combined.pdf 681.29KB
08 Gusta Ronson Ltr 8-26-2019.pdf 881.93KB
08-Shawmut FLA Volume I (2).pdf 20.45MB
096c409-10.pdf 150.75KB
096c850_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 812.92KB
096c851_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 446.36KB
096c852_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 577.68KB
096c853_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 355.27KB
096c854_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 809.86KB
096c855_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 392.47KB
096c856_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 679.06KB
096c857_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 593.50KB
096c858_Rev_2021_041421_For_Public.pdf 507.51KB
09 Eckrote Survey Signed & Sealed by Good Deeds Gusta Ronson 08-31-2018.pdf 743.93KB
09-Shawmut AIR.pdf 4.21MB
09 Unusual Natural Areas.pdf 4.30MB
1_Details.pdf 32.53MB
1_FIELD SURVEY CHECKLIST_form_roxwind.pdf 179.06KB
1_Letter from Kirk Mahoney 4.4.18.pdf 72.47KB
1_mnap_response.pdf 234.91KB
1_permit_text_20180508.pdf 1.80MB
1_Project_Description.pdf 3.27MB
1.15.2020comments.pdf 139.97KB
1.23.2020.pdf 195.24KB
1.27.2020.pdf 71.68KB
1.29.2020comments.pdf 1.17MB
1.31.2020.pdf 1.26MB
1. Chapter 115 Minor New Source License Application text.pdf 398.87KB
1. NRPA Application Form- Filled_5-16-2019.pdf 4.86MB
1. WMDSM - Project Overview - 09.14.2020.pdf 5.76MB
10_Buffers.pdf 4.40MB
10_THPO_penobscot_let.pdf 777.14KB
10.26.10 PISGAH LLC Sound Model.pdf 1.58MB
10.26.2020 WMDSM 4th PO.pdf 116.24KB
10-001-0002 1997-21 Killens Ozone Summary.xlsx 7.31MB
10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report_Appendix_A.pdf 17.59MB
10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report_Appendix_B.pdf 134.70KB
10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report_Appendix_C.pdf 1.09MB
10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report_Appendix_D.pdf 7.96MB
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10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report_Appendix_F.pdf 1.83MB
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10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report_Appendix_H.pdf 10.16MB
10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report_Appendix_I.pdf 2.90MB
10-0014.3_SWCOLE_Geotechnical_Report.pdf 70.03MB
10-003-1007 1997-21 LUMS2 Ozone Summary.xlsx 7.73MB
10-003-1010 1997-21 BCSP Ozone Summary.xlsx 7.11MB
10-003-1013 2001-21 BELLFNT2 Ozone Summary.xlsx 7.34MB
10-003-2004 2011-21 Wilmington-MLK Blvd NCORE Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.31MB
10-005-1002 1997-21 Seaford Ozone Summary.xlsx 7.32MB
10-005-1003 1998-21 Lewes Ozone Summary.xlsx 7.15MB
1000990 977.53KB
100110 DPC BART Determination Comment Letter.doc.pdf 1.46MB
1003489 979.97KB
10040 Brighton North Line 20130717 0001.pdf 8.60MB
10040 Brighton North Line Summary 20130717.pdf 281.37KB
1006516 982.93KB
1006987 983.39KB
1007095 983.49KB
1008397 984.76KB
10102017ltr_NoticeIntervene.pdf 81.90KB
101108 DPC Air BART November_1_2010 draft Order Comments.pdf 3.05MB
1013500 989.75KB
1013500 989.75KB
1014257 990.49KB
101472 99.09KB
1018593 994.72KB
1019241 995.35KB
1021059 997.13KB
1022053 998.10KB
102288 99.89KB
1023698 999.71KB
1027675 1003.59KB
1030423 1006.27KB
1030849 1006.69KB
1031734 1007.55KB
10-3-19 SW Tech memo responses - A,D,E.pdf 14.45MB
10-3-19 SW Tech memo responses - B.pdf 27.93MB
10-3-19 SW Tech memo responses - C.pdf 24.63MB
10-3-19 SW Tech memo responses - F, G.pdf 25.86MB
103687 101.26KB
1037305 1012.99KB
104115 101.67KB
1045511 1021.01KB
1046379 1021.85KB
1046379 1021.85KB
1047749 1023.19KB
1048871 1.00MB
10-5-2020 final NVC SLODA comments.pdf 897.18KB
1052356 1.00MB
1052512 1.00MB
105407 102.94KB
1054950 1.01MB
1058620 1.01MB
1058928 1.01MB
106348 103.86KB
1063538 1.01MB
1067489 1.02MB
106867 104.36KB
1069752 1.02MB
1069838 1.02MB
1074078 1.02MB
1076-003-001SH002.pdf 1.86MB
1076-003-002SH001.pdf 1.67MB
1076-003-002SH002.pdf 997.73KB
1076-003-002SH004.pdf 787.42KB
1076-003-003SH002.pdf 1.29MB
1076-003-005SH005.pdf 683.44KB
1076-003-005SH006.pdf 342.06KB
1077-003-003SH001.pdf 517.73KB
1077-003-003SH003.pdf 762.81KB
1077-003-005SH004.pdf 683.59KB
1077-003-005SH005.pdf 345.05KB
1077052 1.03MB
1079186 1.03MB
1086238 1.04MB
1086901 1.04MB
1086959 1.04MB
1086959 1.04MB
1086959 1.04MB
1089200 1.04MB
1089968 1.04MB
1089989 1.04MB
1091017 1.04MB
1091125 1.04MB
10-9-19 Letter responses Adobe fixed on 11-6-19.pdf 12.39MB
10-9-19 Letter responses final.pdf 11.92MB
1093042 1.04MB
1095197 1.04MB
1096785 1.05MB
1098061 1.05MB
10 Combined.pdf 120.97KB
11_Soils.pdf 4.95MB
1100659 1.05MB
1102298 1.05MB
1103377 1.05MB
1106522 1.06MB
1107119 1.06MB
1107119 1.06MB
110850 108.25KB
110850 108.25KB
1109970 1.06MB
1110698 1.06MB
1111688 1.06MB
1112541 1.06MB
111297 108.69KB
1113026 1.06MB
1113174 1.06MB
11-13-19 Memorandum responses.pdf 295.01KB
1113669 1.06MB
1114171 1.06MB
11-19810105-License.pdf 245.84KB
1121137 1.07MB
1124174 1.07MB
112452 109.82KB
1124885 1.07MB
1124941 1.07MB
1128713 1.08MB
1129610 1.08MB
1130789 1.08MB
1131507 1.08MB
1133019 1.08MB
1133785 1.08MB
1137664 1.08MB
1137965 1.09MB
1140923 1.09MB
1142986 1.09MB
1144745 1.09MB
1144745 1.09MB
114645 111.96KB
1150013 1.10MB
1150553 1.10MB
115130 112.43KB
1151301 1.10MB
1153340 1.10MB
1154020 1.10MB
1155714 1.10MB
1160804 1.11MB
1160804 1.11MB
1161562 1.11MB
1163264 1.11MB
1164683 1.11MB
11657.002-Silver Maple Wind-public information meeting information.pdf 1.02MB
11657.006-boundary.pdf 404.36KB
11657.006-hydro.pdf 2.48MB
11657.006-SET.pdf 7.39MB
1166482 1.11MB
1166888 1.11MB
1170674 1.12MB
1173848 1.12MB
1173848 1.12MB
1173848 1.12MB
1174555 1.12MB
1174555 1.12MB
1175817 1.12MB
1175987 1.12MB
1176234 1.12MB
1176896 1.12MB
1177064 1.12MB
1177201 1.12MB
1178408 1.12MB
117887 115.12KB
11-8-19 Air Response Letter.pdf 2.96MB
11-8-19 Nordic Aquafarms Letter.pdf 521.08KB
1190719 1.14MB
1191246 1.14MB
1192368 1.14MB
1192418 1.14MB
1197840 1.14MB
1198083 1.14MB
1198083 1.14MB
1198770 1.14MB
11A_Class L and B Soils.pdf 409.67KB
11 Combined.pdf 6.54MB
11 - soils section.pdf 6.42MB
11 TRI Renewed Motion to Dismiss 02-18-2020.pdf 942.53KB
12_Stormwater.pdf 4.98MB
12. Northport Ave Permit_02.13.19.pdf 1.81MB
1200982 1.15MB
1203426 1.15MB
1205552 1.15MB
1206772 1.15MB
1212504 1.16MB
1213347 1.16MB
1215458 1.16MB
1217971 1.16MB
1219884 1.16MB
1220537 1.16MB
1221425 1.16MB
1221873 1.17MB
1224398 1.17MB
1226649 1.17MB
1226649 1.17MB
1226649 1.17MB
1228947 1.17MB
1231854 1.17MB
123517 120.62KB
1235285 1.18MB
123540 120.64KB
1236034 1.18MB
1236055 1.18MB
1237282 1.18MB
1240910 1.18MB
1-24-19 Group 4 Request for GHG as NECEC Hearing Topic.pdf 56.06KB
1243403 1.19MB
1243886 1.19MB
12447 12.16KB
1246488 1.19MB
124775 121.85KB
1248747 1.19MB
1254423 1.20MB
1258003 1.20MB
1260145 1.20MB
1261145 1.20MB
1261803 1.20MB
1262475 1.20MB
126358 123.40KB
1268583 1.21MB
1-27-2020 Geo Review Memo Response - Nordic 2-18-2020.pdf 209.21KB
127398 124.41KB
1274277 1.22MB
1274565 1.22MB
1274659 1.22MB
1274659 1.22MB
1279348 1.22MB
1281633 1.22MB
1286362 1.23MB
1287267 1.23MB
1287267 1.23MB
128775 125.76KB
1290079 1.23MB
1290675 1.23MB
1290800 1.23MB
1293730 1.23MB
1294580 1.23MB
1296332 1.24MB
1296414 1.24MB
1297554 1.24MB
12 Combined.pdf 32.26MB
12 Jeffrey Mabee Affidavit 02-18-2020.pdf 2.96MB
13_Urban_Impaired_Streams.pdf 9.31KB
13. StreetOpening_PerkinsRd_Approvedpdf.pdf 1.82MB
1300104 1.24MB
1302330 1.24MB
1304936 1.24MB
1305770 1.25MB
1310060 1.25MB
1312664 1.25MB
1312687 1.25MB
131308 128.23KB
1313352 1.25MB
1314921 1.25MB
1316583 1.26MB
1317080 1.26MB
131842 128.75KB
1318422 1.26MB
131984 128.89KB
1320268 1.26MB
132348 129.25KB
1324-19-Somerset-USA to CMP- Indenture .pdf 1.64MB
1324749 1.26MB
133158 130.04KB
1334035 1.27MB
1335570 1.27MB
1337226 1.28MB
133996 130.86KB
1341434 1.28MB
1343340 1.28MB
1346868 1.28MB
1348145 1.29MB
1349010 1.29MB
1352065 1.29MB
1353432 1.29MB
1353432 1.29MB
135440 132.27KB
1355301 1.29MB
1357400 1.29MB
1358118 1.30MB
1359115 1.30MB
1359736 1.30MB
1365262 1.30MB
1366451 1.30MB
1366821 1.30MB
1368923 1.31MB
1371263 1.31MB
1371761 1.31MB
1372838 1.31MB
1376573 1.31MB
1380119 1.32MB
1384605 1.32MB
1385164 1.32MB
1386833 1.32MB
1387029 1.32MB
1389594 1.33MB
1390298 1.33MB
1390903 1.33MB
1393488 1.33MB
1395433 1.33MB
1397237 1.33MB
1398995 1.33MB
13a Urban Impaired Streams.pdf 7.27KB
13 Exhibit 1 Mabee-Grace Warranty Deed from Heathero O. Smith Bl 1221 Pg 347.pdf 755.99KB
14_Basic_Standards.pdf 240.58KB
1401346 1.34MB
1403280 1.34MB
1405679 1.34MB
1406235 1.34MB
1409692 1.34MB
1410112 1.34MB
1410229 1.34MB
1411390 1.35MB
1411390 1.35MB
1414468 1.35MB
1416222 1.35MB
14181 NRPA Applicantion and Attachments final.pdf 193.28MB
1419153 1.35MB
1419753 1.35MB
1421775 1.36MB
1424164 1.36MB
1424826 1.36MB
1426157 1.36MB
1429943 1.36MB
1430058 1.36MB
1430058 1.36MB
1430602 1.36MB
143211 139.85KB
1434834 1.37MB
1437220 1.37MB
1437256 1.37MB
1438517 1.37MB
1444585 1.38MB
1446198 1.38MB
144699 141.31KB
1450393 1.38MB
1450863 1.38MB
1453491 1.39MB
1454850 1.39MB
1456864 1.39MB
1457390 1.39MB
1459682 1.39MB
1460241 1.39MB
1465042 1.40MB
1467504 1.40MB
1467606 1.40MB
1467947 1.40MB
1470403 1.40MB
1472064 1.40MB
1473824 1.41MB
14748.00 REC+DEED+DLJ.pdf 186.95KB
14755.00 REC+DEED+LC+JEAN.pdf 81.84KB
14758.00_14726.00+EASEMENT+DEED+-+ROY.pdf 921.56KB
1476863 1.41MB
1478595 1.41MB
1478606 1.41MB
147868 144.40KB
1478785 1.41MB
1479155 1.41MB
14815.00 DEED+9.13.10.pdf 95.79KB
1481748 1.41MB
1485710 1.42MB
1491426 1.42MB
1492195 1.42MB
14931.00+HARRISON+DEED+8060-309.pdf 211.46KB
1493141 1.42MB
149454 145.95KB
1495420 1.43MB
1497802 1.43MB
1498975 1.43MB
1498979 1.43MB
1499332 1.43MB
14 Combined.pdf 37.06MB
14 Exhibit 2 Chron Lot Devlpmt 02-08-2020.pdf 4.89MB
15_Groundwater.pdf 2.44MB
1500610 1.43MB
1500610 1.43MB
1502086 1.43MB
1505061 1.44MB
1505512 1.44MB
1506111 1.44MB
1506820 1.44MB
1506870 1.44MB
1506881 1.44MB
1508042 MDEP Lockwood Fishway-MWDCA Application 2021 Jan 26.pdf 42.56MB
1511301 1.44MB
1512676 1.44MB
1512784 1.44MB
1513310 1.44MB
151891 148.33KB
152036 148.47KB
1521212 1.45MB
1523361 1.45MB
1523589 1.45MB
1528160 1.46MB
1529045 1.46MB
153149 149.56KB
1531820 1.46MB
1532407 1.46MB
1532614 1.46MB
1534729 1.46MB
1535468 1.46MB
1535468 1.46MB
1539411 1.47MB
1544647 1.47MB
1544722 1.47MB
15449 15.09KB
1545870 1.47MB
1547262 1.48MB
1548014 1.48MB
154821 151.19KB
1548808 1.48MB
1551447 1.48MB
1552015 1.48MB
15541-forest-service-legacy-program-508.pdf 3.47MB
155470 151.83KB
1554960 1.48MB
1556284 1.48MB
1556284 1.48MB
1558002 1.49MB
1558552 1.49MB
1559990 1.49MB
1561652 1.49MB
15619 15.25KB
1563352 1.49MB
1566284 1.49MB
1568219 1.50MB
1569375 1.50MB
1569650 1.50MB
1570092 1.50MB
1571123 1.50MB
1573075 1.50MB
1574654 1.50MB
1575377 1.50MB
1576554 1.50MB
1576889 1.50MB
1577043 1.50MB
1577959 1.50MB
1578954 1.51MB
157899 154.20KB
1582221 1.51MB
1587863 1.51MB
1589105 1.52MB
1589105 1.52MB
1589105 1.52MB
1590535 1.52MB
1592426 1.52MB
1592853 1.52MB
1592995 1.52MB
1593796 1.52MB
1594824 1.52MB
1597223 1.52MB
1597689 1.52MB
1597864 1.52MB
1597975 1.52MB
1598166 1.52MB
15 Combined.pdf 5.00MB
15 Exhibit 3 Map of property of Mabee-Grace Images(24).pdf 1.16MB
16_Water_Supply.pdf 161.80KB
1600009 1.53MB
1600296 1.53MB
160125 - MEWEA Spring Conf BWQ.pdf 5.51MB
1601317 1.53MB
1606342 1.53MB
1606342 1.53MB
1606543 1.53MB
1610509 1.54MB
1611199 1.54MB
1611509 1.54MB
1615085 1.54MB
1615085 1.54MB
1615854 1.54MB
1618988 1.54MB
1620502 1.55MB
1621297 1.55MB
1622619 1.55MB
1624556 1.55MB
1625476 1.55MB
1627127 1.55MB
1627127 1.55MB
1628172 1.55MB
1631244 1.56MB
1635033 1.56MB
1635033 1.56MB
1635836 1.56MB
1636213 1.56MB
1646045 1.57MB
1647684 1.57MB
1647952 1.57MB
1648091 1.57MB
164830 160.97KB
1648493 1.57MB
1650674 1.57MB
1650688 1.57MB
1650898 1.57MB
1652521 1.58MB
1653811 1.58MB
1654261 1.58MB
1654785 1.58MB
1654794 1.58MB
1654848 1.58MB
1654856 1.58MB
165548 161.67KB
1658880 1.58MB
1658928 1.58MB
1659336 1.58MB
1659564 1.58MB
1662443 1.59MB
1664432 1.59MB
1665268 1.59MB
1665603 1.59MB
1672264 1.59MB
1673928 1.60MB
1675220 1.60MB
1675504 1.60MB
1677329 1.60MB
1681906 1.60MB
1682815 1.60MB
1683156 1.61MB
1684504 1.61MB
1686003 1.61MB
1686996 1.61MB
1686996 1.61MB
1689519 1.61MB
1690537 1.61MB
1691900 1.61MB
1696309 1.62MB
1699837 1.62MB
16 Combined.pdf 189.14KB
16 Exhibit 4 Richards Surveyor's Report 10-8-2019 Bk 4425 Pg 165.pdf 2.09MB
17_Wastewater.pdf 4.68MB
1700345 1.62MB
17-04-28 MTA Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits.pdf 1.21MB
17-05-08 Tourangeau - Richardson.pdf 881.80KB
170783 166.78KB
17-1017 Geotech Report.pdf 6.10MB
1710896 1.63MB
1711456 1.63MB
1711527 1.63MB
1714638 1.64MB
1714638 1.64MB
1720938 1.64MB
1721578 1.64MB
1723294 1.64MB
1723359 1.64MB
1726864 1.65MB
1727104 1.65MB
1727484 1.65MB
172831 168.78KB
1734720 1.65MB
1735508 1.66MB
1736056 1.66MB
1738098 1.66MB
1738859 1.66MB
1738913 1.66MB
1740441 1.66MB
1743696 1.66MB
1745111 1.66MB
1745681 1.66MB
1746739 1.67MB
1748637 1.67MB
1749337 1.67MB
1753298 1.67MB
1753459 1.67MB
1756021 1.67MB
1759459 1.68MB
1762407 1.68MB
1763505 1.68MB
1766882 1.69MB
1770921 1.69MB
1772182 1.69MB
1772198 1.69MB
1773239 1.69MB
1774491 1.69MB
1775554 1.69MB
1776704 1.69MB
1776957 1.69MB
1778766 1.70MB
1779335 1.70MB
1782425 1.70MB
178272 174.09KB
1783240 1.70MB
1783348 1.70MB
1783417 1.70MB
1787516 1.70MB
1788956 1.71MB
1789419 1.71MB
1789459 1.71MB
1793080 1.71MB
1793230 1.71MB
1794304 1.71MB
1794304 1.71MB
1794832 1.71MB
1794832 1.71MB
1795252 1.71MB
1795474 1.71MB
1795623 1.71MB
1796050 1.71MB
1797034 1.71MB
1797034 1.71MB
1797424 1.71MB
1798557 1.72MB
17 Combined.pdf 125.49KB
17 Exhibit 5 D R Richards CV.pdf 782.61KB
18_Solid_Waste.pdf 553.35KB
1800267 1.72MB
1803651 1.72MB
1806644 1.72MB
1808691 1.72MB
1810704 1.73MB
181153 176.91KB
1811676 1.73MB
1812370 1.73MB
1812570 1.73MB
1814529 1.73MB
1815258 1.73MB
181667 177.41KB
1816979 1.73MB
1816979 1.73MB
1817479 1.73MB
1820180 1.74MB
1821906 1.74MB
1822533 1.74MB
182258 177.99KB
1823244 1.74MB
182365 178.09KB
1825036 1.74MB
1825317 1.74MB
1825378 1.74MB
1825504 1.74MB
1825671 1.74MB
1826449 1.74MB
1826709 1.74MB
1830231 1.75MB
1831771 1.75MB
1833253 1.75MB
1834959 1.75MB
1834959 1.75MB
1836570 1.75MB
1838320 1.75MB
1840135 1.75MB
1841141 1.76MB
1843062 1.76MB
1843062 1.76MB
1847106 1.76MB
1847841 1.76MB
1851436 1.77MB
1851545 1.77MB
1851993 1.77MB
1854620 1.77MB
1856263 1.77MB
1857259 1.77MB
1858034 1.77MB
1860738 1.77MB
1861239 1.78MB
1862882 1.78MB
1863906 1.78MB
1867534 1.78MB
1867534 1.78MB
1875237 1.79MB
187731 183.33KB
1878430 1.79MB
1879739 1.79MB
1880755 1.79MB
1881667 1.79MB
1884217 1.80MB
1885958 1.80MB
1887588 1.80MB
1889067 1.80MB
1890936 1.80MB
1891162 1.80MB
1891997 1.80MB
1895896 1.81MB
1895896 1.81MB
1898864 1.81MB
18 Combined.pdf 1.02MB
18 Exhibit 6 HLHCA Survey By Donald R. Richard WCRD Bk 24 Pg 54.pdf 1.37MB
19_Flooding.pdf 5.91MB
1900610 1.81MB
1903119 1.81MB
1903380 1.82MB
19-06-10 Tourangeau - Loyzim.pdf 14.56MB
190829 186.36KB
190897 186.42KB
190919 Silver Maple Wind Farm Shadow Flicker Assessment.pdf 544.62KB
190919 Silver Maple Wind Farm Visual Impact Assessment.pdf 3.61MB
1909349 1.82MB
1909680 1.82MB
191113 Silver Maple Wind Farm - Visual Impact Assmnt. - Expectations of the Typical Viewer.pdf 700.84KB
1911779 1.82MB
1912114 1.82MB
1913559 1.82MB
1915411 1.83MB
1915855 1.83MB
191594 NB Power Milltown Decommissioning EIA Registration (Dec 2020) final Optimized pdf 73.98MB
1915995 1.83MB
1916428 1.83MB
1921673 1.83MB
1923438 1.83MB
1925705 1.84MB
1926077 1.84MB
1930016 1.84MB
1931060 1.84MB
193122 188.60KB
1931477 1.84MB
1931525 1.84MB
1931614 1.84MB
1934271 1.84MB
1934284 1.84MB
1934728 1.85MB
1936827 1.85MB
193793 189.25KB
1939043 1.85MB
1939065 1.85MB
1940425 1.85MB
1940937 1.85MB
19412 C0 Overall Site Plan.pdf 2.84MB
19412 C10 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan.pdf 1.93MB
19412 C11 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan.pdf 1.64MB
19412 C12 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan.pdf 1.56MB
19412 C13 Utilities Plan.pdf 1.86MB
19412 C14 Utilities Plan.pdf 1.87MB
19412 C15 Utilities Plan.pdf 1.62MB
19412 C16 Utilities Plan.pdf 1.53MB
19412 C17 Civil Details (3-25-21).pdf 979.10KB
19412 C18 Civil Details (3-25-21).pdf 3.36MB
19412 C19 Civil Details (3-25-21).pdf 957.13KB
19412 C1 Site Plan.pdf 1.74MB
19412 C20 Civil Details (3-25-21).pdf 1.08MB
19412 C21 Civil Details (3-25-21).pdf 713.41KB
19412 C22 Civil Details (3-25-21).pdf 416.71KB
19412 C23 Catch Basin Schedule (3-25-21).pdf 385.13KB
19412 C2 Site Plan.pdf 1.50MB
19412 C3 Site Plan.pdf 1.31MB
19412 C4 Site Plan.pdf 1.34MB
19412 C5 Grading Plan.pdf 2.02MB
19412 C6 Grading Plan.pdf 2.19MB
19412 C7 Grading Plan.pdf 1.91MB
19412 C8 Grading Plan.pdf 1.88MB
19412 C9 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan.pdf 1.88MB
19412 EX4 Section 12 Exhibit (3-25-21).pdf 1.27MB
19412 NRPA Application.pdf 122.76MB
19412V2REV3.pdf 4.43MB
1942038 1.85MB
194226 189.67KB
194226 189.67KB
1946743 1.86MB
1948276 1.86MB
1950380 1.86MB
195121 190.55KB
1952039 1.86MB
1954314 1.86MB
1955748 1.87MB
1955796 1.87MB
1956985 1.87MB
195755 191.17KB
1962373 1.87MB
1962617 1.87MB
1964382 1.87MB
19-6780 - Drawing 2b ZVI_117m hub height.pdf 8.08MB
19-6780 - Drawing 3 Photomontage camera locations.pdf 19.69MB
19-6780 - Drawing K10 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed forest hub height Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.90MB
19-6780 - Drawing K1 Surrounding Area Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.66MB
19-6780 - Drawing K2 Horizontal View Angle Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.81MB
19-6780 - Drawing K3 Viewshed bare 185 m hub plus rotor Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.86MB
19-6780 - Drawing K4 Viewshed bare 117 m hub height Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.88MB
19-6780 - Drawing K5 Viewshed forest 185 m hub plus rotor Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.89MB
19-6780 - Drawing K6 Viewshed forest 117 m hub height Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.88MB
19-6780 - Drawing K8 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed bare hub height Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.90MB
19-6780 - Drawing K9 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed forest total height Hatcase Pond.pdf 3.92MB
19-6780 - Drawing L1 Surrounding Area Floods Pond.pdf 3.19MB
19-6780 - Drawing L2 Horizontal View Angle Floods Pond.pdf 3.69MB
19-6780 - Drawing L3 Viewshed bare 185 m hub plus rotor Floods Pond.pdf 3.62MB
19-6780 - Drawing L4 Viewshed bare 117 m hub height Floods Pond.pdf 3.67MB
19-6780 - Drawing L5 Viewshed forest 185 m hub plus rotor Floods Pond.pdf 3.54MB
19-6780 - Drawing L6 Viewshed forest 117 m hub height Floods Pond.pdf 3.53MB
19-6780 - Drawing L8 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed bare hub height Floods Pond.pdf 3.52MB
19-6780 - Drawing L9 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed forest total height Floods Pond.pdf 3.52MB
19-6780 - Drawing M10 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed forest hub height Burnt Pond.pdf 3.59MB
19-6780 - Drawing M1 Surrounding Area Burnt Pond.pdf 3.29MB
19-6780 - Drawing M1 Surrounding Area Burnt Pond (1).pdf 3.29MB
19-6780 - Drawing M2 Horizontal view Angle Burnt Pond.pdf 3.73MB
19-6780 - Drawing M3 Viewshed bare 185 m hub plus rotor Burnt Pond.pdf 3.55MB
19-6780 - Drawing M4 Viewshed bare 117 m hub height Burnt Pond.pdf 3.61MB
19-6780 - Drawing M5 Viewshed forest 185 m hub plus rotor Burnt Pond.pdf 3.61MB
19-6780 - Drawing M6 Viewshed forest 117 m hub height Burnt Pond.pdf 3.60MB
19-6780 - Drawing M8 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed bare hub height Burnt Pond.pdf 3.51MB
19-6780 - Drawing M9 Cumulative Impacts Viewshed forest total height Burnt Pond.pdf 3.57MB
19-6780 Visual Impact Assessment - Silver Maple Wind Farm.pdf 629.48KB
1970050 1.88MB
1970806 1.88MB
1971076 1.88MB
1972472 1.88MB
1974784 1.88MB
1976616 1.89MB
197799 193.16KB
1979309 1.89MB
1979889 1.89MB
1980616 1.89MB
198177 193.53KB
1982909 1.89MB
1984716 1.89MB
1985200 1.89MB
1986603 1.89MB
1987-12-28 FERC license.pdf 1.51MB
1988518 1.90MB
1989053 1.90MB
1989262 1.90MB
1989376 1.90MB
1989810 1.90MB
1990_CAP_Summary_20110406.xls 64.00KB
1992069 1.90MB
1992096 1.90MB
1993576 1.90MB
1994125 1.90MB
1995_CAP_Summary_20110406.xls 35.00KB
1999427 1.91MB
19 Combined.pdf 1.63MB
19 Exhibit 7 Site Visit email with attachments 02-07-2020.pdf 11.56MB
1A_Alternatives_Analysis.pdf 11.99MB
1Bishop, Ann.pdf 26.41KB
1Bolstridge, Alice.pdf 28.40KB
1Crockett, Peter.pdf 34.15KB
1Friends of Casco Bay.pdf 503.61KB
1Gallagher, Neil.pdf 29.08KB
1Gideonse, Hendrik.pdf 132.17KB
1Joss, Donna.pdf 48.57KB
1KFM Site Law Cover Page.pdf 87.16KB
1Kingsbury, Lew and Kelly.pdf 28.45KB
1Lauchlan, Susan.pdf 48.54KB
1Leary, Jeremiah.pdf 29.74KB
1Leavenworth, William.pdf 26.31KB
1Lozanova, Sarah.pdf 26.21KB
1Maine Audubon.pdf 219.24KB
1McIntyre, John and Regine.pdf 25.75KB
1Natural Resource Council of Maine.pdf 75.03KB
1Provost, Phil.pdf 24.92KB
1-RAGS-Main-Document-PRD-2021-02-12v8.docx 484.66KB
1Rodrigue, Michael.pdf 47.14KB
1Smith, David.pdf 25.92KB
1Taylor, Bruce.pdf 99.49KB
1Terrell, Betsy.pdf 27.24KB
1Terrell, Craig.pdf 33.90KB
1The Nature Conservancy.pdf 136.24KB
1Verrill, Shri.pdf 37.76KB
1Worcester, Joyce.pdf 35.10KB
2_good_standing_cert.pdf 28.72KB
2_let_MHPC_cultural_resource_rqt.pdf 780.10KB
2_Resource Chart.pdf 225.00KB
2_South_Series.pdf 61.41MB
2_TRI.pdf 13.87MB
2.5.2020comments.pdf 202.88KB
2.7.20Kelly.pdf 35.30KB
2. BWD&City_04.17.19.pdf 746.53KB
2. WMDSM - Development and Visibility Assessment - 9.14.2020.pdf 12.45MB
20_Blasting.pdf 128.99KB
2000_CAP_Summary_20110406.xls 72.50KB
2001_CAP_Summary_20090206.xls 248.50KB
200106 Silver Maple Wind Farm Visual Impact Assessment Addendum (1).pdf 327.80KB
2002_CAP_Summary_20050913.xls 299.00KB
2002126 1.91MB
2002-2018_SO2_Point_Inventory.xls 686.50KB
2002831 1.91MB
2003_CAP_Summary_20050913.xls 265.00KB
2003883 1.91MB
2004_CAP_Summary_20070108.xls 352.50KB
2005_CAP_Summary_20070918.xls 327.00KB
2006_CAP_Summary_20090206.xls 254.50KB
2006820 1.91MB
2007_CAP_Summary_20091208.xls 280.50KB
200704 196.00KB
2007442 1.91MB
2008_CAP_Summary_20100614.xls 312.00KB
2009_CAP_Summary_20111128.xls 263.50KB
2009 - Hillside Cleaners - Bangor-DCI soil gas sampling.pdf 564.42KB
2010_CAP_Summary_20120224.xls 179.00KB
2010_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 37.02KB
2010-03-03 Rpt Cover System Plans - Wright Pierce.pdf 31.99MB
2010-03-26 DEP Review Memo of Wright Pierce Cover System Plans.pdf 135.93KB
2010877 1.92MB
2011_CAP_Summary_20130603.xlsx 42.23KB
2011_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 39.20KB
2012_CAP_Summary_20140528.xlsx 42.42KB
2012_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 36.77KB
2012_MooseheadRegion_CE_Somerset.pdf 5.61MB
2012_MooseheadRegion_CE_Somerset.pdf 5.61MB
201204 MOVES Status_jlin.docx 658.97KB
2012950 1.92MB
2013_CAP_Summary_20150720.xlsx 35.03KB
2013_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 37.41KB
2014_CAP_Summary_20151222.xlsx 34.08KB
2014_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 37.59KB
2014 02 07 Letter DFowler.pdf 99.96KB
2014864 1.92MB
2015_CAP_Summary_20170621.xlsx 32.27KB
2015_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 35.25KB
2015-09-22_revised_emission_msg.pdf 160.23KB
2015-12-30_FLA Public Final 5275(31113700).pdf 37.17MB
2015683 1.92MB
2016_10_12 WWT MFGR final MEPDES ME0002020 & renewal waste discharge license W002226.pdf 4.39MB
2016_10_17_Karin Spitfire_Testimony_JRL expansion appl.pdf 84.13KB
2016_10_18_Andrea Verrill_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 121.37KB
2016_10_18_Camilla Beale_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 196.24KB
2016_10_18_Greg Brown_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 37.30KB
2016_10_18_Henry Lang_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 140.31KB
2016_10_18_Myke Johnson_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 14.00KB
2016_10_18_Paul Schroeder_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 5.26MB
2016_10_18_Peter Crockett_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 72.91KB
2016_10_18_Richard Geisser_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 137.76KB
2016_10_18_William Lippincott_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 179.14KB
2016_10_19_Andy Jones_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 1.03MB
2016_10_19_Arifa Boehler_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 13.28KB
2016_10_19_Barbara Kates_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 36.26KB
2016_10_19_Barbara Moore_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 100.94KB
2016_10_19_Carol Godfrey_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 12.42KB
2016_10_19_Charles Leithiser_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 148.35KB
2016_10_19_Dan Marks_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 58.18KB
2016_10_19_Esther Attean_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 12.91KB
2016_10_19_Hillary Lister_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 168.98KB
2016_10_19_Jean Crawford_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 37.94KB
2016_10_19_John Doherty_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 268.81KB
2016_10_19_Katherine Rhoda_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 61.81KB
2016_10_19_Kathleen Paul_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 71.56KB
2016_10_19_Kevin Paradis_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 209.97KB
2016_10_19_Mary Dolan_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 62.62KB
2016_10_19_Norma Mallory_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 11.09KB
2016_10_19_Oscar Wilkins_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 336.17KB
2016_10_19_Robert Morrison_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 36.96KB
2016_10_19_Ryan Parker_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 480.94KB
2016_10_19_Susan Lauchlan_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 98.29KB
2016_10_19_Ted Ocana_Testimony_JRL expansion application.pdf 63.23KB
2016_CAP_Summary_20171116.xlsx 30.21KB
2016_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 34.89KB
2016-01-11 FERC Notice of Application Tendered for Filing and Procedural Schedule for Licensing.pdf 38.77KB
2016-03-30 Response Letter Solid Waste Revised.pdf 5.31MB
2016-04-08 Air application Revised PTE - Fiberight .pdf 640.80KB
2016-04-11Fiberight Hampden BoilerPerformanceSummary.pdf 53.51KB
2016-04-11 Item #4 PTE revision.pdf 313.88KB
2016-05-12_AIR and Deficiencies Response 5252(31459257).pdf 8.14MB
2016-05-12_AIR Operations 5252(31459258).xlsx 11.72MB
2016-06-02 BACT Analysis_Rev2.pdf 4.06MB
2016-06-02 Revised FIberight PTE kss.pdf 346.45KB
2016-09-22 PTE Fiberight Rev1.pdf 39.17KB
2016-12-22_2016 Study Reports 5247(31856272).pdf 14.06MB
2016assessorsRevised2.pptx 27.13MB
2017_03_14 DEP Advisory-Opinion-on-Expansion.pdf 287.36KB
2017_CAP_Summary_20181217.xlsx 28.20KB
2017_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 32.92KB
2017-12-29_2017 Downstream Passage Reports 5079(32600483).pdf 15.60MB
2018_08_09 WMDSM PBD Comments Final.pdf 333.57KB
2018_08_15 WMDSM_PBD_Public_Meeting_Notice.pdf 14.38KB
2018_08_30_WMDSM_Public_Meeting_Handout.pdf 24.37KB
2018_09_05 NEWSME comments on Crossroads expansion PBD.pdf 174.80KB
2018_09_07_Ed_Ferreira_Letter.pdf 7.55KB
2018_09_12_Oceanside_Waste_PBD_comments.pdf 77.30KB
2018_09_12_Troiano_Waste_comments.pdf 91.95KB
2018_09_13_Hillary_Lister_PBD_comments.pdf 271.94KB
2018_09_13_ReEnergy_LOS.pdf 224.02KB
2018_09_13_ReEnergy_Stratton_PBD comments.pdf 31.33KB
2018_09_14_Public_Meeting_Transcript (2018_08_30).pdf 487.64KB
2018_09_14 Aggregate Recycling Corp PBD comments.pdf 316.87KB
2018_09_14 CPRC Recycling PBD comments.pdf 657.39KB
2018_09_14 PERC Holdings PBD comments.pdf 227.41KB
2018_09_14 Shipyard Waste Solutions PBD comments.pdf 366.36KB
2018_09_17 MWAC PBD comments.pdf 35.71KB
2018_09_17 Town of Farmington PBD comments.pdf 36.87KB
2018_09_17 Town of Madison PBD comments.pdf 30.26KB
2018_09_17 Town of Winslow PBD comments.pdf 290.79KB
2018_09_18 Central Maine Disposal PBD comments.pdf 411.49KB
2018_09_18 Town of Greenville PBD comments.pdf 396.11KB
2018_09_18 Town of Kingfield PBD comments.pdf 43.94KB
2018_09_18 Town of St. George PBD comments.pdf 60.54KB
2018_09_19 BDS Waste Disposal PBD comments.pdf 672.36KB
2018_09_19 City of Waterville PBD comments.pdf 345.06KB
2018_09_19 Maine IF&W PBD comments.pdf 89.80KB
2018_09_19 Town of Detroit PBD comments.pdf 391.80KB
2018_09_19 Town of Fairfield PBD comments.pdf 354.27KB
2018_09_19 Town of Rangeley PBD comments.pdf 35.41KB
2018_09_19 Town of Smithfield PBD comments.pdf 33.29KB
2018_09_19 Town of Solon PBD comments.pdf 350.95KB
2018_09_20 Maine Chamber of Commerce PBD comments.pdf 44.10KB
2018_09_20 Town of Andover PBD comments.pdf 379.39KB
2018_09_20 Town of Jay PBD comments.pdf 30.35KB
2018_09_20 Town of Rome PBD comments.pdf 411.31KB
2018_09_20 Town of Sidney PBD comments.pdf 414.13KB
2018_09_20 Town of Wilton PBD comments.pdf 24.12KB
2018_09_24 Cross excavation PBD comments.pdf 158.83KB
2018_09_24 MRC PBD comments.pdf 245.86KB
2018_09_24 Sportsman's Alliance PBD comments.pdf 189.43KB
2018_09_25 Northern Oxford Region PBD comments.pdf 413.21KB
2018_09_25 Town of Carrabassett Valley PBD comments.pdf 428.85KB
2018_09_25 Town of Clinton PBD comments.pdf 428.29KB
2018_09_25 Town of Vienna PBD comments.pdf 406.35KB
2018_09_25 Town of Windsor PBD comments.pdf 51.59KB
2018_09_26 Backyard Farms PBD comments.pdf 629.03KB
2018_09_26 Town of Skowhegan PBD comments.pdf 77.07KB
2018_09_27 Somerset Econ Devel Corp PBD comments.pdf 42.47KB
2018_09_27 Town of Newport PBD comments.pdf 433.55KB
2018_09_28 Town of Temple PBD comments.pdf 462.46KB
2018_10_01 SAPPI PBD comments.pdf 359.19KB
2018_10_01 Town of New Vineyard PBD comments.pdf 369.58KB
2018_10_01 Town of Nobleboro PBD comments.pdf 399.14KB
2018_10_03_WMDSM_Response_to_DEP_Comments.pdf 96.34KB
2018_10_04 CRM PBD comments.pdf 61.34KB
2018_10_05 Town of Eustis PBD comments.pdf 397.05KB
2018_10_09 General Dynamics (BIW) PBD comments.pdf 654.58KB
2018_10_09 Town of Belgrade PBD comments.pdf 421.13KB
2018_10_31 WMDSM Response to DEP Supplemental Comments.pdf 2.59MB
2018_10_31 WMDSM Response to PERC Comments.pdf 1.82MB
2018_11_21 WMDSM PBD App Supplement.pdf 907.35KB
2018_11_28 Denise Crowell Ltr.pdf 100.12KB
2018_CAP_Summary_20191217.xlsx 34.41KB
2018_GHG_Summary_20200124.xlsx 31.90KB
2018_Maine Tran_Conf Results.xlsx 26.06KB
2018.06.15 RoxWind Swift_Ellis River photos.pdf 3.00MB
20180209NoticeREA.docx 35.16KB
2018-03-14 DecisionDoc.pdf 573.79KB
2018 03 30 Testimony of Steven Robert Madden and Rodney Grady.pdf 2.34MB
2018 04 09 Objection to Pet Testimony and Cross Examination Plan of Owne....pdf 107.32KB
20180410NMFSPrelimFishwayPrescription.pdf 1.66MB
2018-04-18 Friends of Penobscot Bay_interested party.pdf 874.43KB
2018-06-18 email from Alicia Koenig opposing project.pdf 10.81KB
2018-06-18 Lynne Barnard_attachment_REV NOTICE OF FORUM.pdf 160.96KB
2018-06-18 Lynne Barnard_attachment_REV NOTICE OF FORUM.pdf 160.96KB
2018-06-18 Lynne Barnard_interested party.pdf 651.96KB
2018-07-12-Ed Buzzel Request to Intervene.pdf 35.69KB
2018-07-12 Old Canada Road DEP Petition.pdf 280.94KB
2018-07-16 City of Lewiston Petition..pdf 2.19MB
2018-07-17 Friends of the Boundary Mountains Petition.pdf 107.95KB
2018-07-18 Appalachian Mountain Club petition.pdf 190.33KB
2018-07-18 email from Ed Buzzell -re-request to be intervenor.pdf 75.44KB
2018-07-18IECG DEP NECEC Intervention Petition.pdf 47.65KB
2018-07-18 letter from Joe Christopher Three Rivers.docx 16.99KB
2018-07-18 Ltr Ben Smith.pdf 610.91KB
2018-07-18 Petition for Intervention from Hawks Nest Lodge.pdf 192.98KB
2018-07-19 Brookfield -Petition to Intervene.pdf 31.65KB
2018-07-19 CLF Petition to Intervene.pdf 61.45KB
2018-07-19 IBEW Local 104 NECEC Petition to intervene.pdf 983.19KB
2018-07-19 Kennebec River Angler Petition.pdf 9.09KB
2018-07-19 Maine State Chamber of Commerce Petition.pdf 75.52KB
2018-07-19 Maine Wilderness Guides NECEC intervenor request.pdf 100.01KB
2018-07-19 NECEC, TU Intervention.pdf 183.97KB
2018-07-19 NECEC intervention MGS.pdf 768.50KB
2018-07-19 NRCM Petition to Intervene.pdf 23.97KB
2018-07-19 Petition for Intervention from mike pilsbury.pdf 59.24KB
2018-07-19 Petition from West Forks Plantation.pdf 29.20KB
2018-07-19 Sierra Club Maine Petition to Intervene.pdf 134.20KB
2018-07-19 The Nature Conservancy petition for leave to intervene.pdf 101.70KB
2018-07-19 Town of Caratunk NECEC DEP.pdf 720.48KB
2018-07-24 DEP Letter Re. Overhead Crossing FINAL_cover letter only.pdf 244.29KB
2018-07-26-hearing-transcript.pdf 438.39KB
2018-08-03 J. Miller Re - Opposition to NECEC Corridor.pdf 19.10KB
2018-08-06 letter from Sandra Howard.pdf 80.76KB
2018-08-06 S. Howard Re - NECEC Project Public Comment - 1 Attachment - DEP Letter - Opposed.pdf 25.92KB
2018-08-06 S. Howard Re - NECEC Project Public Comment - Attachment - DEP Letter - Opposed.pdf 81.26KB
2018-08-09 NECEC_RBM_NBL_Habitat Survey Results.pdf 23.80MB
2018-08-09 NECEC Rare Plants Preliminary Data Package 08.18.18.pdf 19.93MB
2018-08-12 Letter to Palmer_VIA Forms_NECEC.pdf 168.70KB
2018-08-13 CH 315 OP PROCEEDURES 0603.pdf 87.92KB
2018-08-13 CMP Opposition Nicholas, John and Nancy.pdf 698.94KB
2018-08-13 NECEC Supplemental Application Materials Submittal - Final.pdf 2.56MB
2018-08-13 TJDA VIA Basic VIA Rating Form Summary.pdf 78.27KB
2018-08-14 Attachment A - NECEC Updated Natural Resource Tables.pdf 1.32MB
2018-08-14 Attachment B - NECEC Exhibits 10-1 and 10-2 (Revised August 2018).pdf 317.97KB
2018-08-14 Attachment C - NECEC Natural Resource Maps (Revised August 2018).pdf 44.65KB
2018-08-14 Attachment D - NECEC Site Law Section 5.2.2. MDEP Noise Standards (Revised).pdf 63.27KB
2018-08-14 Attachment E - NECEC Revised Site Law Exhibit 3-1 NECEC Schedule.pdf 105.34KB
2018-08-14 Attachment F - NECEC SEARCH, Inc. Architectural History Report.pdf 30.92MB
2018-08-14 Attachment G - NECEC SEARCH, Inc. Archeological Management Summary.pdf 1.24MB
2018-08-14 Attachment H - NECEC Revised Merrill Road Converter Station Stormwater Management Plan.pdf 56.11MB
2018-08-14 Attachment I - NECEC Revised Fickett Road Substation Stormwater Management Drawings.pdf 14.28MB
2018-08-14 Attachment J - NECEC Landscape Planting Plans.pdf 12.02MB
2018-08-14 Attachment K - NECEC Compensation Plan.pdf 28.21MB
2018-08-14 seg1 NRMs.pdf 108.50MB
2018-08-14 seg2 NRMs.pdf 43.29MB
2018-08-14seg3 NRMs.pdf 142.66MB
2018-08-14 seg4 NRMs.pdf 22.51MB
2018-08-14 seg5 NRMs.pdf 43.08MB
2018-08-17Ltr to Nicholas re CMP transmission line.pdf 138.95KB
2018-08-18 J. Kaleb - T. Todd Re - Opposition.pdf 48.45KB
2018-08-23 Lewiston Response to First Procedural Order.docx 80.18KB
2018-08-24 NECEC VIA Review.pdf 1004.05KB
2018-08-27 Appalachian Mountain Club Response to NECEC DEP FIrst Procedural Order.pdf 46.22KB
2018-08-27 Bob Haynes Response to first procedural order.docx 35.69KB
2018-08-27 CLF Pre Conference Memo.pdf 129.53KB
2018-08-27 CLF Pre Conference Memo.pdf 129.53KB
2018-08-27 Ed Buzzell Response to First Procedural Order.pdf 31.36KB
2018-08-27 Friends of the Boundary Mountains' response to 1st procedural order.doc 78.00KB
2018-08-27 Greg Caruso's Response to First Procedural Order.docx 14.11KB
2018-08-27 Hawk's Lodge Response to First Procedural Order.docx 15.72KB
2018-08-27 IECG Response to First Procedural Order.pdf 56.21KB
2018-08-27 KRA DEP Filing in response to 1st procedural order 8-27-18.docx 24.67KB
2018-08-27 mikpils DEP Filing in response to 1st procedural order 8-23-18.pdf 41.32KB
2018-08-27 MSCC NECEC procedural order.pdf 74.10KB
2018-08-27 MWGO DEP Filing in response to 1st procedural order.pdf 183.91KB
2018-08-27 NECEC, TU Filing, First Procedural Order.pdf 81.14KB
2018-08-27 Response from IBEW Local 104.pdf 764.86KB
2018-08-27 Town of Caratunk's Response to First procedural Order.doc 46.50KB
2018-08-27 WM&RCResponsetoPO#1.pdf 3.10MB
2018-08-29 T. Terreri Re - Opposed To The 145 Mile Transmission Line Through Maine.pdf 20.90KB
2018-08-30 D. Wood Re - Opposed to CMP Corridor.pdf 34.39KB
2018-08-30 email from Kim Lyman-opposing project.pdf 84.60KB
2018-08-30 J. Miller Re - Opposition To The NECEC Corridor.pdf 23.98KB
2018-08-30 K. Sawyer Re - No CMP Power Corridor.pdf 30.40KB
2018-08-30 T. Towle Re - Apposed.pdf 35.01KB
2018-08-31 E. Caruso - Town of Caratunk - NECEC Support Rescinded.pdf 904.14KB
2018-08-31 E. Caruso - Town of Caratunk - NECEC Support Rescinded -1 Attachment.pdf 58.68KB
2018 08 31 Post Hearing Brief.pdf 686.69KB
2018-09-04 B. Hinkel - S. Howard Re - Public Comment on NECEC - Oppose.pdf 73.39KB
2018-09-04 L. Shorey Re - NO CMP Corridor.pdf 34.62KB
2018-09-04-Mirabile-follow-up-questions-7-27-to-8-14-submissions .pdf 146.60KB
2018-09-04 WEST FORKS DEP FILING (003).docx 24.36KB
2018-09-05 Maine DEP ltr from Steve Kasprzak.docx 26.71KB
2018-09-06 Brookfield Renewable Response to 1st PO.pdf 483.45KB
2018-09-26 Kwan & Hanson Re - CMP NECEC Opposition.pdf 45.21KB
2018-09-28 Draft_SAP_Yachting_Solutions_NAE-2018-01522.pdf 3.57MB
2018-10-11 S. Ely Re - Questions About the 2nd Procedural Order .pdf 44.21KB
20181012_slc9_ServiceList.pdf 212.36KB
2018-10-12 AMC NRCM TU response to 2nd procedural orders.pdf 29.48KB
2018-10-12Brookfield - Wagner Response.pdf 139.15KB
2018-10-12 N. Bosse Re - Brookfield & Wagner Response to NECEC Second Procedural Orders - 1 Attachment.pdf 44.00KB
2018-10-12 R. Wood Re - Request to be Added to Svc lit - 1 Attachment.pdf 74.52KB
2018-10-12 The Nature Conservancy response to Second Procedural Order in CMP NECEC.pdf 202.05KB
20181015_slc9_ConsolidatedIntervenorContacts.pdf 164.89KB
2018-10-15 Moose River Re - Opposed - CMP2.pdf 19.76KB
2018-10-15 NFC-Comments-CMP.pdf 119.38KB
2018-10-15 Town of Moose River comments.pdf 19.74KB
2018-10-17 P. Dostie - Hawks Nest Lodge Re - PUC Doc Hallowell - Opposed - 1 Attachment.pdf 28.38KB
2018-10-17 P. Dostie - Hawks Next Lodge Re - PUC Doc Hallowell - Opposed.pdf 45.20KB
2018-10-18 Response to DEP 2018-09-04 AIR Final.pdf 573.83KB
2018-10-18 S. Kwan & D Hanson Re - CMP NECEC - Oppose.pdf 58.60KB
2018-10-19 Natural Resources Peer Review Response Letter Final.pdf 385.29KB
2018-10-19 NECEC_Rare Plant_Natural Communities_Avoidance-Minimization Memo.pdf 395.61KB
2018-10-19 NECEC Compensation Plan Update_Final.pdf 28.26MB
2018-10-19 Response to DEP Solid Waste Questions_Final.pdf 1.09MB
2018-10-29 Letter from Dennistown Plantation.rtf 15.29KB
2018-10-29 Permit Set.pdf 48.96MB
2018-10-29 R. Guay Re - Dennistown Plt Ltr of Opposition to NECEC.pdf 23.28KB
2018-10-29 R. Guay Re - Dennistown Plt Ltr of Opposition to NECEC - 1 Attachment.pdf 23.35KB
2018-10-30 B. Hinkel Re - Dennistown Plantation Letter of Opposition to the CMP Corridor -1 Attachment.pdf 63.97KB
2018-10-30 B. Hinkel Re - Dennistown Plantation Letter of Opposition to the CMP Corridor - Dennistown CMP.pdf 23.28KB
2018-10-31 R. Nadeau - Re Corridor Opposition Therapeutic Benefits letter 10-31-18.pdf 550.92KB
2018-10-31 R. Nadeau - Re Opinion on project Case # 2017-00232 - Opposed - 1 Attachment.pdf 52.56KB
2018-10-9 Burroughs, Franklin comments.pdf 20.19KB
2018-11-05 Letter to Gerry Mirabile re October 19 submission.pdf 450.83KB
2018-11-06 AMC NRCM TU Response to NextEra Filing 11-6-2018.pdf 86.13KB
2018-11-06 Letter from M. Manahan to S. Miller, DEP, Re Response to NextEra Filing (W6966182x7AC2E).pdf 51.53KB
2018-11-06 PO Response to Nextera.pdf 93.57KB
2018-11-13 Moose River Selectmen - CMP2 - Oppose.pdf 19.76KB
2018-11-13 Moose River Selectmen - CMP2 - Oppose - 1 Attachment.pdf 23.94KB
2018-11-16 PO Second Response to Nextera.pdf 101.92KB
2018-11-18 PO Second Response to Nextera on TRI .docx 919.91KB
2018-11-19 M. McAlliser Re - Opposed.pdf 27.42KB
2018-11-25 J. ireland Re - Opposition.pdf 12.71KB
2018-11-25 J. Ireland Re - Opposition - 1 Attachment.pdf 26.33KB
2018-12-03 A. Hegarty - K. Hegarty Re Opposition - 1 Attachment.pdf 41.87KB
2018-12-03 K. Hegarty Re - Opposition.pdf 24.33KB
2018-12-03 S. Coates - Moose River Outpost Re - Opposed.pdf 46.95KB
2018-12-04 letter from Amy Heggerty.docx 14.19KB
2018-12-05 M. Ayotte Re - Opposed.pdf 90.41KB
2018-12-07 CMP Property within IF&W Area of Interest.pptx 5.67MB
2018-12-07 Figure_04_Kennebec_DWA_DTC_.pdf 794.65KB
2018-12-07 Kennebec DWA Vegetation Clearing & Management.docx 20.53KB
2018-12-07 NECEC Response to DEP Nov. AIR_Final .pdf 303.47KB
2018-12-13 K. Hegarty Re - Opposition.pdf 36.63KB
2018-12-29 Memo from Kasprzak with report.pdf 9.59MB
2018-13-03 A. Hegarty - K. Hegarty Re Opposition.pdf 36.63KB
2018839 1.93MB
2018 Annual Summary Report (FINAL 8.19.19).pdf 80.71MB
2018TRANCONF_Results.accdb 1.52MB
2019_08_21 Norridgewock Intervenor declaration 8-21-2019 ltr.pdf 141.94KB
2019_10_28 Norridgewock Intervenor Agreement.pdf 1.34MB
2019_CAP_Summary_20201217.xlsx 34.64KB
2019_GHG_Summary_20210105.xlsx 44.34KB
2019.03.04-Fourth-Procedural-Order.pdf 112.04KB
2019.03.13-Fifth-Procedural-Order.pdf 414.32KB
2019.03.21-slc9-Sixth-Procedural-Order.pdf 169.53KB
2019.03.28-Seventh-Procedural-Order-Joint.pdf 387.35KB
2019.05.01 - Route 1 Bypass Details.pdf 1.36MB
2019.05.01 - Route 1 Bypass Details.pdf 1.36MB
2019.05.02 - 0231714.00 Cianbro - Maine Aquaculture.pdf 8.35MB
2019.05.02 - 0231714.00 Cianbro - Maine Aquaculture.pdf 8.35MB
2019.05.09 photos, map, alternatives.pdf 1.70MB
2019.09.06_Site Visit Photos.pdf 1.68MB
2019.09.16 MDIFW comments.pdf 920.11KB
2019.09.23 Town comments1.pdf 615.67KB
2019.09.26 Philbrick, Jeff comments.pdf 591.22KB
2019.09.27 Ervin comments.pdf 1.70MB
2019.10.01 Stires comments & DEP response.pdf 457.83KB
2019.10.02 Renda comments, & DEP response.pdf 1.65MB
2019.10.04 MNAP comments.pdf 2.68MB
2019.10.05 Midcoast Conservancy comments_NRPA permit for Alna boat ramp and pier.pdf 3.67MB
2019.10.06 Aldrich comments, & DEP response.pdf 913.88KB
2019.10.07a Picard comments, & DEP response.pdf 806.46KB
2019.10.07b Picard - Comments on Spinney Project.pdf 607.64KB
2019.10.07 comment letter.docx 31.37KB
2019.10.07 Flanagan comments, & DEP response.pdf 812.78KB
2019.10.07 Merritt comments, & DEP response.pdf 816.30KB
2019.10.07 Sage comments, & DEP response.pdf 895.26KB
2019.10.1_Hall comments, & DEP response.pdf 453.97KB
2019.10.10 DMR comments_Spinney.pdf 81.47KB
2019.10.12 Shorey, John (in support).pdf 454.73KB
2019.10.13 Jones, Matthew (in support).pdf 440.90KB
2019.10.13 Shorey, Peter (in support).pdf 456.49KB
2019.10.13 Verney, Jay (in support).pdf 439.48KB
2019.10.13 Verney, Linda (in support).pdf 910.60KB
2019.10.14 Clark, Todd (in support).pdf 449.25KB
2019.10.14 Verney, Sonja (in support).pdf 461.56KB
2019.10.15 pics on river.pdf 385.36KB
2019.10.15 Trask comments (in support), & DEP response.pdf 903.02KB
2019.10.16 map with embedded photos (screen shot).pdf 221.98KB
2019.10.16 Photo simulations.pdf 830.55KB
2019.10.16 selected photos from map.pdf 2.05MB
2019.10.16 Verney, Joel (in support).pdf 731.70KB
2019.10.17 BFTrailBrochure2010.pdf 215.06KB
2019.10.17 Head Tide Dam pics.pdf 590.51KB
2019.10.17 Sign1.jpg 1.76MB
2019.10.17 Sign2.jpg 1.96MB
2019.10.23a Town Board of Selectmen comments & DEP response.pdf 806.92KB
2019.10.23b Town Board of Selectmen comments - Spinney 10-23-19.pdf 530.46KB
2019.10.24 Submerged Lands comments.pdf 787.92KB
2019.10.4 Conboy comments, & DEP response.pdf 918.79KB
2019.11.07 Ltr to MacNeil re. Application (03279209xAE394).pdf 130.18KB
2019.11.20 Solid Waste comments.pdf 514.17KB
2019.11.27 comment letter.docx 24.21KB
2019.12.02 Ltr to MacNeil re. application of Spinney (03300678xAE394).pdf 68.33KB
2019.12.02 Philbrick, Jeff comments.pdf 89.88KB
2019.12.03 Cheff comments & DEP response.pdf 1018.11KB
2019.12.03 Ervin Ltr to Alna PB(13364357.1).pdf 157.90KB
2019.12.04 Ex. riprap stones.pdf 474.42KB
2019.12.20 Gardner comments, & DEP response.pdf 855.86KB
2019.12.20 Stires additional comments, DEP response.pdf 810.96KB
2019.9.6_Site Visit Notes.pdf 45.47KB
2019-01-04 Pre-app request_Yachting Solutions.pdf 365.59KB
2019-01-09 NECEC_COBURN_Tapered Veg Management_ Study.pdf 3.00MB
2019-01-11NECEC Legacy Compensation Parcels - Individual parcel Depictions.pdf 2.50MB
2019-01-11 Summary of Encumbrances for Compensation I Property.xlsx 14.49KB
2019-01-15 email from Sally Kwan & Duane Hanson-opposed to CMP corridor.pdf 35.20KB
2019-01-22 Email from Bob Stratton on BKT.pdf 51.72KB
2019-01-22 Email from chain Bob Stratton Jim Beyer Region B BKT.pdf 54.45KB
2019-01-24 Email from Bob Stratton with waterbody crossing table 1.pdf 53.56KB
2019-01-24 Email from Bob Stratton with waterbody crossing table 2.pdf 56.50KB
2019-01-24 Letter from TU on Organizational Structure.pdf 84.61KB
2019-01-24 Letter from TU on Organizational Structure.pdf 18.75MB
2019-01-24 lt to LUPC- Advise on Group 10.pdf 291.61KB
2019-01-24 MDIFW comments on waterbody crossing table 1.pdf 9.46MB
2019-01-24 MDIFW comments on waterbody crossing table 2.pdf 12.63MB
2019-01-25 Letter from M. Manahan to S. Miller Re Response (with attachments) (W7083303x7AC2E).pdf 49.48MB
2019-01-25 Letter from M. Manahan to S. Miller re Response to NextEra (without attachments)_.pdf 68.52KB
2019-01-25 Manahan-letter-response-TRI.pdf 49.48MB
2019-01-25 NECEC Design Modification - Beattie Pond.pdf 16.44MB
2019-01-28_NECEC Response to MDEP 12_2018 Stormwater Review Memo.pdf 16.03MB
2019-01-29 Manahan-letter-Re NRCM, AMC, and TU Request to Include GHG Impacts in Public Hearings.pdf 78.74KB
2019-01-30 NECEC Compensation Plan_final.pdf 28.08MB
2019-01-30 NECEC Response to MDEP Compensation Review Comments.pdf 60.70MB
2019-01-30 NRMs Seg1.pdf 81.26MB
2019-01-30 NRMs Seg2.pdf 32.78MB
2019-01-30 NRMs Seg3.pdf 94.15MB
2019-01-30 NRMs Seg4.pdf 19.77MB
2019-01-30 NRMs Seg5.pdf 36.77MB
2019-01-31 Ltr in support of NRCM GGE Issue.pdf 315.91KB
2019-02-01 Email from Bob Stratton on Cold Water Fisheries.pdf 54.07KB
20190204_Updated ServiceList.pdf 73.80KB
2019-02-04 Do I need to re-register as an Interested Party for 2019.pdf 458.46KB
2019-02-04 SHIP.pdf 900.37KB
2019-02-05-3rd-Procedural-Order .pdf 308.78KB
2019-02-05 B. Hinkel Re - Draft 3rd procedural Order on NECEC with PB Comments, Round 2pdf.pdf 64.04KB
2019-02-07 Knowlton Corner Farm Re - Comment on Opposition to NECEC.pdf 62.70KB
2019-02-08 DEP Letter; Citizen's Petition Jackman_.docx 51.20KB
2019-02-11a Update from the presentation by YSRHPLLC to the City Council on 04 February 2019.pdf 726.21KB
2019-02-11b RE Update from the presentation by YSRHPLLC to the City Council on 04 February 2019.pdf 945.71KB
2019-02-11c Update from the presentation by YSRHPLLC to the City Council on 04 February 2019.pdf 938.71KB
2019-02-13 NECEC Vernal Pool_MDIFWReviewed.xlsx 20.45KB
2019-02-14 from Steve Kasprzak Attachment 1 Fact Sheet Hydro-Dams - Fish Stock Decline.pdf 747.28KB
2019-02-14 from Steve Kasprzak Attachment 4 Reservoir Hydroelectric Dams Silica Depletion - A Gulf of Maine Catastrophe.pdf 7.58MB
2019-02-14 from Steve Kasprzak Attachment 5 The Problem is a Lack of Silica.pdf 1.62MB
2019-02-14 from Steve Kasprzak Attachment 6 Maine Voices Posted October 9, 2018.pdf 173.94KB
2019-02-14 from Steve Kasprzak Attachment 7 Man-Made Storage of Water Resources.pdf 597.93KB
2019-02-14 from Steve Kasprzak Attachment 8 Hydro-Quebec Dec. 14, 2018 Ltr to Iberdrola USA.pdf 1.58MB
2019-02-14 from Steve Kasprzak Comm Reid Ltr GL2.pdf 1.18MB
2019-02-14 From Steve Kasprzak KaAttachment 2 Hydro-Quebec's Dams Chokehold On The Gulf of Maine.pdf 3.34MB
2019-02-14 NECEC_MSFFF_Map.pdf 3.89MB
2019-02-14 NECEC_MSFFF_Map2019.pdf 3.89MB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -9 Attachments.pdf 54.13KB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Attachment 1 Fact Sheet Hydro-Dams - Fish Stock Decline.pdf 742.61KB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Attachment 2 Hydro-Quebec's Dams Chokehold On The Gulf of Maine.pdf 3.34MB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Attachment 3 Maine Voices Hydroelectric Dams Produce Green Energy - Think Again.pdf 414.94KB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Attachment 5 The Problem is a Lack of Silica.pdf 1.62MB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Attachment 6 Maine Voices Posted October 9 2018.pdf 175.45KB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Attachment 7 Man-Made Storage of Water Resources.pdf 597.10KB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Attachment 8 Hydro-Quebec Dec. 14 2018 Ltr to Iberdrola USA.pdf 1.59MB
2019-02-14 S. Lachance Re - NECEC Project - Opposed -Comm Reid Ltr GL2.pdf 1.18MB
2019-02-15 Amended Group 2 and 10 Witness Lists.pdf 152.04KB
2019-02-15 Group 1 Witness List.docx 14.86KB
2019-02-15 Group 4 Witness List.pdf 37.44KB
2019-02-15 Group 5 Witness List.pdf 43.56KB
2019-02-15 Group 6 Witness List.pdf 76.07KB
2019-02-15 Intervenor Group 3 DEP Witness List.pdf 271.75KB
2019-02-15 Letter from M. Manahan to DEP and LUPC Re CMP Witness List (W7120539x7AC2E).pdf 94.56KB
2019-02-15 NECEC Application Submittals Since 9-2017 Summary.pdf 339.51KB
2019-02-15 WM&RC Response 3rd Procedural Order.pdf 480.22KB
2019-02-19 Letter from M. Manahan to DEP and LUPC Re CMP's Motion to Strike (W7125015x7AC2E).pdf 104.28KB
2019-02-20 Draft email to the Service List.docx 13.90KB
2019-02-20 Motion to Strike Witnesses.pdf 128.07KB
2019-02-20 Motion to Strike Witnesses.pdf 128.07KB
2019-02-21 CMP's Reply in Support of its Motion to Strike (W7128739x7AC2E).pdf 51.57KB
2019-02-21Intervenor Group 3 Opposition to Intervenor Group 2 and 10's Motion to Strike.pdf 124.21KB
2019-02-21 Intervenor Groups list for email.docx 18.11KB
2019-02-21 Weyerhaeuser letter to DEP.docx 208.80KB
2019-02-22 Tech Rev CMP NECEC Rev3 KG.docx 50.97KB
2019-02-28 1 - Group 4 J Reardon Direct Testimony with Exhibits 1-7.pdf 4.01MB
2019-02-28 2 - Group 4 T Towle Direct Testimony with Exhibits 8-13.pdf 1.96MB
2019-02-28 3 - Group 4 D Publicover Direct Testimony with Exhibits 14-18.pdf 1.61MB
2019-02-28 4 - Group 4 A Calhoun Direct Testimony.pdf 225.95KB
2019-02-28 4 - Group 4 A Calhoun Direct Testimony REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 302.18KB
2019-02-28 5 - Group 4 R Joseph Direct Testimony.pdf 100.00KB
2019-02-28 C. Pierce Re - NECEC Project - Pre-Filed Testimony -2 Attachments.pdf 100.22KB
2019-02-28 Email for Eliza Donoghue.pdf 65.56KB
2019-02-28 Email from Sandra Howard re winter recreation survey.pdf 53.71KB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-1-A Natural Gas Infrastructure Constraints.pdf 2.61MB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-1-B Fuel Security for the Region’s Generators.pdf 2.00MB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-1 Pre-Filed Testimony of Glenn Poole.pdf 808.70KB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-1 Pre-Filed Testimony of Glenn Poole REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 540.55KB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-2 Pre-Filed Testimony of Edward Barrett.pdf 75.09KB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-2 Pre-Filed Testimony of Edward Barrett REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 21.19KB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-3 Pre-Filed Testimony of Robert Meyers.pdf 351.89KB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-4 Pre-Filed Testimony of Dana Connors.pdf 76.62KB
2019-02-28 Exhibit IG3-4 Pre-Filed Testimony of Dana Connors REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 37.11KB
2019-02-28 FINAL Prefiled Testimony of Chris Russo.pdf 74.25KB
2019-02-28 Group 1_ Janet S. McMahon (JSM) TESTIMONY_NECEC_2.28.19.pdf 408.17KB
2019-02-28 Group 1_ Janet S. McMahon (JSM) TESTIMONY_NECEC_2.28.19 REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 407.81KB
2019-02-28 Group 1 Exhibit 2-JSM.pdf 77.13KB
2019-02-28 Group 1 Exhibit 3-JSM.pdf 72.60KB
2019-02-28 Group 1 Exhibit 4-JSM.pdf 1.04MB
2019-02-28 Group 1 Exhibit 5-JSM.pdf 2.92MB
2019-02-28 Group 6 - CLF NECEC Letter.pdf 181.04KB
2019-02-28 Group 6 - Mac Hunter NECEC Testimony.pdf 652.23KB
2019-02-28 Group 6 - TNC NECEC Testimony.pdf 1.21MB
2019-02-28 HOWARD - Winter Recreation Impact Survey.pdf 9.40MB
2019-02-28 IG3 Cover Letter.pdf 129.66KB
2019-02-28 IG3 Cover Sheet.pdf 2.92KB
2019-02-28 IG3 Cover Sheet (Poole, Barrett, Connors REDACTED)_Redacted.pdf 8.80KB
2019-02-28 NECEC - CMP's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony (W7142800x7AC2E).pdf 90.15MB
2019-02-28 NECEC - CMP's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony (W7142800x7AC2E) REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 92.04MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Expert Testimony- Garnett Robinson.pdf 9.38MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Expert Testimony- Garnett Robinson REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 2.94MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Expert Testimony- Justin Preisendorfer.pdf 1.75MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Expert Testimony- Justin Preisendorfer REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 1.76MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Expert Testimony- Roger Merchant.pdf 7.40MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Expert Testimony- Roger Merchant REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 7.40MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Carrie Carpenter.pdf 820.91KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Carrie Carpenter REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 896.12KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Chris Russell.pdf 1003.64KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Chris Russell REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 1.18MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Edwin Buzzell.pdf 2.74MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Eric Sherman.pdf 8.81MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Eric Sherman REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 2.66MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Greg Caruso.pdf 176.54KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Greg Caruso REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 182.24KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Kathy Barkley.pdf 1.10MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Kimberly Lyman.pdf 834.54KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Kimberly Lyman REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 835.89KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Mandy Farrar.pdf 762.72KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Mandy Farrar REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 943.50KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Matt Wagner.pdf 747.57KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Matt Wagner REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 749.54KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Noah Hale.pdf 426.47KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Tony DiBlasi.pdf 447.33KB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Tony DiBlasi REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 4.10MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Town of Caratunk- E Caruso.pdf 21.47MB
2019-02-28 Pre-Filed Testimony- Town of Caratunk- E Caruso REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 51.00MB
2019-02-28 Review of Howard Survey.docx 19.42KB
2019-02-28 Wagner Prefiled Testimony.pdf 262.91KB
2019-02-28 WM&RCLetterPre-FiledTestimonyLUPC&DEP.pdf 175.39KB
2019-02-28 WM&RCTestimony(JoeChristopher).pdf 2.31MB
2019-02-28 WM&RCTestimony(JoeChristopher) REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 2.86MB
2019-02-28 WM&RCTestimony(LarryWarren).pdf 508.26KB
2019-02-29 Group 4 response to CMP Motion to Strike Witnesses.pdf 38.70KB
2019-03-01 Winter Recreation Impact Survey 2019.pdf 9.40MB
2019-03-04 Letter to Reid from Stephen Kasprzak.pdf 248.36KB
2019-03-04 M. Caminiti Re - NECEC Public Comment - Opposed.pdf 35.71KB
2019-03-05 A. Webb Re - Public Comment Concerning NECEC - Opposed.pdf 74.36KB
2019-03-05 DEP Necec Testimony Old Canada Road Group 1 Haynes.pdf 559.13KB
2019-03-05 DEP Necec Testimony Old Canada Road Group 1 Haynes REDACTED_Redacted.pdf 455.26KB
2019-03-05 Group 1 exhibit 1 project area map haynes.jpg 2.03MB
2019-03-05 Group 1 exhibit 1 project area map haynes REDACTED.jpg 2.03MB
2019-03-06 J. & N. Nicholas Re - Comments About the NECEC Project Application - Opposed -2 Attachments.pdf 62.39KB
2019-03-06 J. & N. Nicholas Re - Comments About the NECEC Project Application - Opposed - CMP Line Maine DEP LUPC.pdf 69.58KB
2019-03-06 J. & N. Nicholas Re - Comments About the NECEC Project Application - Opposed - CMP Line Maine DEP LUPC 2.pdf 69.56KB
2019-03-06 S. Howard Re - NECEC Public Comment - Town of Wilton Residents Vote to Oppose NECEC.pdf 36.01KB
2019-03-07 Group 4 letter to DEP and LUPC Obj to Testimony and Mtn to Strike.pdf 37.63KB
2019-03-07 Group 4 Objections to Testimony and Motion to Strikefinal.pdf 77.92KB
2019-03-07 Letter and Motion to Strike of Central Maine Power Company (W7153459x7AC2E).pdf 203.44KB
2019-03-07 Motion to Strike Witnesses.pdf 202.56KB
2019-03-09 C. Cummings Re - Public Comment - Opposed.pdf 29.11KB
2019-03-10 Compensation Parcels Encumbrance Agreements Summary.docx 22.15KB
2019-03-11 Responses to MDIFW Questions.docx 52.39KB
2019-03-15 Group 1 appeal of Presiding Officer's ruling.pdf 128.52KB
2019-03-15 Group 2 and 10 Appeal and Objection to Fifth Procedural Order....pdf 1.86MB
2019-03-18 Comment from Clinton Delano.pdf 1.85MB
2019-03-18 Email from Jay Clement ACOE re alternatives.pdf 28.65KB
2019-03-18 Email from Jim Connolly re Comments.pdf 121.18KB
2019-03-18Order on Appeal of Fifth Procedural Order.pdf 187.20KB
2019-03-19 1 - Group 4 R Joseph Rebuttal Testimony sm.pdf 488.31KB
2019-03-19 2 - Group 4 D Publicover Rebuttal Testimony sm.pdf 1.06MB
2019-03-19 3 - Group 4 J Reardon Rebuttal Testimony with Exhibits 19-20 sm2.pdf 2.50MB
2019-03-19 B. Kiernan NECEC Opposition.pdf 34.45KB
2019-03-19BKiernan NECEC Opposition.pdf 34.45KB
2019-03-19 CMP transmission line ltr revised.pdf 213.97KB
2019-03-19 D. May Opposition to Corridor.pdf 3.03MB
2019-03-19 depdm.pdf 3.03MB
2019-03-19 deplm.pdf 3.64MB
2019-03-19 DEP LUPC Cover Letter.pdf 370.55KB
2019-03-19 H. Lloyd May Jr Opposition to Corridor.pdf 3.64MB
2019-03-19 M. Ashburn Scenic America Comments - 1 Attachment.pdf 48.37KB
2019-03-19 M. Ashburn Scenic America Comments Letter Re- CMP proposal.pdf 182.75KB
2019-03-19 R. Eastbrook CMP transmission Line Ltr Revised - Opposition.pdf 213.97KB
2019-03-19 S. Howard NECEC Public Comments.pdf 48.89KB
2019-03-19 S. Howard Re - Winter Recreation Impact Survey 2019.pdf 9.40MB
2019-03-19 Scenic America letter re- CMP proposal.pdf 182.75KB
2019-03-19 Testimony J Christopher.pdf 7.70MB
2019-03-19Testimony L Warren.pdf 937.91KB
2019-03-20 J. Hutchinson Opposed to Corridor.pdf 52.98KB
2019-03-20 R. Aishton Re - Comments on NECEC -1 Attachment.pdf 49.50KB
2019-03-20 R. Aishton Re - Comments on NECEC -Compilation of NECEC.pdf 79.08KB
2019-03-20 S. Howard NECEC Public Comment Part 2.pdf 52.30KB
2019-03-20 S. Howard NECEC Public Comment - Rescinds Support.pdf 53.37KB
2019-03-21 C. Keller Re - CMP NECEC PROJECT - CMP Corridor Testimony March 2019.pdf 458.89KB
2019-03-21 C. Keller Re - CMP NECEC PROJECT - Testimony Submission - 1 Attachment.pdf 46.15KB
2019-03-21 CMP Corridor Testimony Christine Keller.pdf 458.89KB
2019-03-21 Group 3 Cover Letter and Comments.pdf 5.59MB
2019-03-22 M. Hawko Re - Public Comment on CMP Proposed Transmission Line.pdf 51.56KB
2019-03-22 P. Sheridan Opposed to Corridor.pdf 38.35KB
2019-03-22 S. Maamouri Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.51KB
2019-03-23 M. Hawko Re - Public Comment on CMP Proposed Transmission Line.pdf 51.35KB
2019-03-25 Cover letter for Rebuttal Testimony - Final.pdf 361.10KB
2019-03-25 D. Frost in Support of Corridor.pdf 39.69KB
2019-03-25 FINAL Comments of CMP Re Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions (W7184181x7AC2E).pdf 25.28MB
2019-03-25 FINAL Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony of Central Maine Power Co. (W7183083x7AC2E).pdf 46.58MB
2019-03-25 Group 1_ Janet S. McMahon (JSM)_Rebuttal Testimony_ NECEC.pdf 6.57MB
2019-03-25 Group 1 Rebuttal Exhibit 1.jpg 127.36KB
2019-03-25 S. Brown Opposed to Corridor.pdf 49.26KB
2019-03-26 CMP's Motion to Strike (W7188433x7AC2E).pdf 124.81KB
2019-03-26 G. Braley Opposed to Corridor.pdf 43.64KB
2019-03-26 G. Vistein Re - CMP Transmission Line.docx.pdf 19.06KB
2019-03-26 G. Vistein Re - CMP Transmission Line - 1 Attachment.pdf 47.87KB
2019-03-27 Group 4 Motion to Strike Rebuttal Testimony.pdf 112.60KB
2019-03-28 B. Alves Opposed to Corridor.pdf 42.91KB
2019-03-28 H. Dring Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.58KB
2019-03-28 K. Davidson Opposed to Corridor.pdf 71.13KB
2019-03-28 Response of CMP to Objections and Motions to Strike of Groups 2, 4, 8, and 10 (W7195166x7AC2E).pdf 60.03KB
2019-03-28 Supplement to Motion to Strike of CMP (W7197024x7AC2E).pdf 48.81KB
2019-03-29 E. Sherman Public Comment - 1 Attachment.pdf 46.06KB
2019-03-29 E. Sherman Public Comment - ShermanRebutTNC.pdf 61.34KB
2019-03-29-eighth-procedural-order.pdf 355.37KB
2019-03-29 S. Grondon Opposed to Corridor.pdf 79.09KB
2019-03-29 S. Wood Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.13KB
2019-03-30 T. Kandris Opposed to Corridor.pdf 43.32KB
2019-03-31 G. Lange NECEC Project Comments - 1 Attachment.pdf 42.53KB
2019-03-31 G. Lange NECEC Project Comments - Attachment - NECECMar312019.pdf 59.96KB
2019-03-31 I. Johnson Opposed to Corridor.pdf 63.67KB
2019-03-31 L. Hart Opposed to Corridor.pdf 43.44KB
2019-04-01 B. Vaughn Opposed to Corridor.pdf 52.13KB
2019-04-01 D. Gauvin Opposed to Corridor.pdf 55.64KB
2019-04-01 [email protected] Opposed to Corridor .pdf 47.21KB
2019-04-01 full transcript day 1CMP.pdf 986.80KB
2019-04-01 M. Harrington Opposed to Corridor.pdf 45.05KB
2019-04-01 R. Aishton Corridor and Examiners Report - 1 Attachment.pdf 52.63KB
2019-04-01 R. Aishton Corridor and Examiners Report - DEP and HInkel Letter.docx.pdf 56.31KB
2019-04-01 R. Blease Opposed to Corridor.pdf 36.82KB
2019-04-01 S. Damboise Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.09KB
2019-04-01 T. Gordon Opposed to Corridor .pdf 37.89KB
2019-04-02 CMP full transcript day 2.pdf 807.95KB
2019-04-02 evening session DEP-FULL.pdf 1.24MB
2019-04-02 G. Burke Opposed to Corridor.pdf 45.58KB
2019-04-02 J. Brooker Opposed to Corridor - 1 Attachment.pdf 48.97KB
2019-04-02 J. Brooker Opposed to Corridor - Attachment -20190402_133027 (002).jpg 540.47KB
2019-04-02 L. Graceffa Opposed to Corridor.pdf 49.18KB
2019-04-02 M. Donald Opposed to Corridor.pdf 36.62KB
2019-04-02 S. Howard Testimony Submission - 3 Attachments.pdf 49.37KB
2019-04-02 S. Howard Testimony Submission - Howard Public Comment.pdf 40.54KB
2019-04-02 S. Howard Testimony Submission - Stop the Corridor Petition Signers as of 4-2-19.pdf 1.78MB
2019-04-02 S. Shaw Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.43KB
2019-04-03 A. B. Koch Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.73KB
2019-04-03 A. Raymond Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.12KB
2019-04-03 A. Russell Opposed to Corridor .pdf 33.10KB
2019-04-03 B. Logue Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.86KB
2019-04-03 [email protected] Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.83KB
2019-04-03 C. Hammond Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.96KB
2019-04-03 C. Hatch Opposed to Corridor.pdf 45.27KB
2019-04-03 C. Pratt Opposed to Corridor.pdf 35.11KB
2019-04-03 C. Ray Opposed to Corridor.pdf 43.66KB
2019-04-03 D. Beetz Opposed to Corridor.pdf 52.34KB
2019-04-03 D. Green Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.25KB
2019-04-03 D. Herrle Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.52KB
2019-04-03 D. Inglehart Opposed to Corridor.pdf 58.66KB
2019-04-03 D. Luther Opposed to Corridor.pdf 51.48KB
2019-04-03 D. McCole Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.65KB
2019-04-03 D. Thibeault Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.06KB
2019-04-03 David [email protected] Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.49KB
2019-04-03 day 3 DEP-FULL.pdf 1.89MB
2019-04-03 [email protected] Opposed to Corridor.pdf 30.89KB
2019-04-03 [email protected] Opposed to Corridor .pdf 40.20KB
2019-04-03 F. & B. Kelly Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.03KB
2019-04-03 F. Frenz Opposed to Corridor.pdf 49.93KB
2019-04-03 G. Couture Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.36KB
2019-04-03 G. Henry Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.16KB
2019-04-03 G. Parker Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.36KB
2019-04-03 H. Calderwood Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.57KB
2019-04-03 J. Baillargeon Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.16KB
2019-04-03 J. Balne Opposed to Corridor.pdf 35.25KB
2019-04-03 J. Granger Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.94KB
2019-04-03 J. Hill Opposed to Corridor.pdf 45.46KB
2019-04-03 J. Mathieu & W. Allen Opposed to Corridor .pdf 46.57KB
2019-04-03 J. Nicholas Testimony - 2 Attachments.pdf 45.56KB
2019-04-03 J. Nicholas Testimony - CMP Ponds.pdf 73.51KB
2019-04-03 J. Nicholas Testimony - CMP Under G Cost.pdf 33.23KB
2019-04-03 J. Thomas Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.88KB
2019-04-03 K. Hatch Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.72KB
2019-04-03 K. Hosch Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.65KB
2019-04-03 [email protected] Opposed to Corridor.pdf 42.02KB
2019-04-03 L. Calabrese Opposed to Corridor.pdf 65.60KB
2019-04-03 L. Carroll Opposed to Corridor.pdf 47.81KB
2019-04-03 L. Gammon Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.24KB
2019-04-03 L. Rudnicki Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.44KB
2019-04-03 L. Stover Opposed to Corridor.pdf 42.88KB
2019-04-03 Linda [email protected] Opposed to Corridor.pdf 39.67KB
2019-04-03 M. Angelone Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.96KB
2019-04-03 M. Boynton Opposed to Corridor.pdf 42.83KB
2019-04-03 M. Conley Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.20KB
2019-04-03 M. McKinney Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.70KB
2019-04-03 M. Messer Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.42KB
2019-04-03 M. Monteleon Re - Public Comment on CMP Proposed Transmission Line.pdf 51.17KB
2019-04-03 M. Obrey Opposed to Corridor.pdf 50.12KB
2019-04-03 M. Rawnsley Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.22KB
2019-04-03 M. Richards Opposed to Corridor.pdf 49.75KB
2019-04-03 M. Sullian Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.44KB
2019-04-03 M. Wezowicz Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.37KB
2019-04-03 N. Page Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.64KB
2019-04-03 P. Hornby Opposed to Corridor.pdf 40.63KB
2019-04-03 P. Houdlette Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.36KB
2019-04-03 P. Hourihan Opposed to Corridor.pdf 49.83KB
2019-04-03 P. Wood Opposed to Corridor.pdf 30.68KB
2019-04-03 R. Aishton Written Comments - 1 Attachment.pdf 44.32KB
2019-04-03 R. Aishton Written Comments - Attachment - Letter to DEP-LUPC.pdf 51.07KB
2019-04-03 R. Corey Opposed to Corridor.pdf 45.37KB
2019-04-03 R. Hodge Opposed to Corridor.pdf 48.14KB
2019-04-03 R. Wilder Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.45KB
2019-04-03 S. Clifford Opposed to Corridor.pdf 48.26KB
2019-04-03 S. Johnson Opposed to Corridor.pdf 39.91KB
2019-04-03 S. Kasprzak - Ltr to Commissioner Reid.pdf 1.73MB
2019-04-03 S. Kasprzak - Ltr to Commissioner Reid - 2 Attachments.pdf 36.96KB
2019-04-03 S. Kasprzak - Ltr to Commissioner Reid - SK ACE 4-2-19 Complete Reduced.pdf 5.73MB
2019-04-03 S. Kepner Opposed to Corridor.pdf 51.45KB
2019-04-03 S. Shiro Opposed to Corridor.pdf 30.73KB
2019-04-03 T. Houdlette Opposed to Corridor.pdf 33.30KB
2019-04-03 T. Vealey Opposed to Corridor.pdf 44.10KB
2019-04-04 A. DeLamater NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.71KB
2019-04-04 A. Fortier Opposed to Corridor.pdf 36.61KB
2019-04-04 A. McKeage NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.40KB
2019-04-04 B. Klie NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 36.51KB
2019-04-04 B. Pendleton Opposed to Corridor.pdf 63.64KB
2019-04-04 B. Peters Opposed to Corridor.pdf 52.65KB
2019-04-04 B. Smith NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.46KB
2019-04-04 C. Anthony NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 35.28KB
2019-04-04 C. Blease Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.92KB
2019-04-04 C. Dow NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.29KB
2019-04-04 C. Griffin NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 39.55KB
2019-04-04 C. McManus NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.61KB
2019-04-04 C. Tinkelenberg Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.61KB
2019-04-04 D. Kelly Testimony Re Undergrounding Alternative - 1 Attachment.pdf 52.70KB
2019-04-04 D. Kelly Testimony Re Undergrounding Alternative - Given Orally 4-2-2019.pdf 26.00KB
2019-04-04 D. Sawyer Opposed to Corridor.pdf 53.26KB
2019-04-04 D. Wood Opposed to Corridor.pdf 44.98KB
2019-04-04 day 4 evening session DEP-FULL2.pdf 1.52MB
2019-04-04 day 4 full transcript CMP.pdf 536.52KB
2019-04-04 E. Duplissis NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.38KB
2019-04-04 E. Hurd Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.49KB
2019-04-04 E. Sinclair NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.80KB
2019-04-04 E. Wellman Opposed to Corridor.pdf 52.45KB
2019-04-04 E. Zimmerman NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.09KB
2019-04-04 G. Kessler NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.87KB
2019-04-04 G. Morazzini NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.62KB
2019-04-04 G. Raymond NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.88KB
2019-04-04 G. Stevens Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.05KB
2019-04-04 J. Baillargeon Opposed to Corridor.pdf 44.89KB
2019-04-04 J. Bashaw Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.36KB
2019-04-04 J. Gilmartin Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.58KB
2019-04-04 J. Hanauer-Milne NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.33KB
2019-04-04 J. Lentz Opposed to Corridor.pdf 44.94KB
2019-04-04 J. Lichter NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 36.67KB
2019-04-04 J. Ludden Opposed to Corridor.pdf 47.03KB
2019-04-04 J. Martin Opposed to Corridor.pdf 57.12KB
2019-04-04 J. Nicholas Testimony From President Upper Enchanted Owners Rd Assoc - 1 Attachment.pdf 47.33KB
2019-04-04 J. Nicholas Testimony From President Upper Enchanted Owners Rd Assoc - CMP UEORA No to NECEC.pdf 37.16KB
2019-04-04 J. Ordway NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.53KB
2019-04-04 J. Pelletier Opposed to Corridor.pdf 32.53KB
2019-04-04 J. Smorczewski NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.69KB
2019-04-04 J. Weyant NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.41KB
2019-04-04 J. White NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.20KB
2019-04-04 K. Nam NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.93KB
2019-04-04 K. Spitfire NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.69KB
2019-04-04 L. Adams NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.46KB
2019-04-04 L. Breckinridge NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.42KB
2019-04-04 L. Clarke NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.78KB
2019-04-04 L. Hutchins NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 39.12KB
2019-04-04 L. White Delay Decision on Application.pdf 72.11KB
2019-04-04 M. Grassie NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 36.06KB
2019-04-04 N. Larson NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 39.50KB
2019-04-04 N. Lee Snow NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 39.53KB
2019-04-04 P. Flynn Opposed to Corridor.pdf 44.21KB
2019-04-04 P. Norton - 1 Attachment.pdf 23.10KB
2019-04-04 P. Richardson Opposed to Corridor.pdf 53.82KB
2019-04-04 P. Sheridan NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.28KB
2019-04-04 R. Mitchell Opposed to Corridor.pdf 36.55KB
2019-04-04 R. O'Rourke Opposed to Corridor.pdf 38.53KB
2019-04-04 S. Beckman NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.77KB
2019-04-04 S. Hamilton NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.55KB
2019-04-04 S. Hilman Bourne Opposed to Corridor.pdf 42.74KB
2019-04-04 S. Woodman NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.29KB
2019-04-04 T. Cloutier Opposed to Corridor.pdf 39.84KB
2019-04-04 T. Gordon Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.64KB
2019-04-04 T. Gordon Opposed to Corridor.pdf 39.70KB
2019-04-04 T. Roy Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.06KB
2019-04-04 V. T. NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.80KB
2019-04-05 A. Hagstrom NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.52KB
2019-04-05 A. Liguori NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.93KB
2019-04-05 D. Strachan NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.45KB
2019-04-05 day 5 full transcript CMP.pdf 399.50KB
2019-04-05 E. Goff NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 39.37KB
2019-04-05 E. Wolper NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.16KB
2019-04-05 G. Kent NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.47KB
2019-04-05 G. Presley NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 45.05KB
2019-04-05 J. Crawford NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.77KB
2019-04-05 J. Skalecki NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 39.38KB
2019-04-05 K. Murphy NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.19KB
2019-04-05 M. Allen NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.32KB
2019-04-05 P. Norton Opposed to Corridor.pdf 258.96KB
2019-04-05 P. Swan NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.38KB
2019-04-05 R. Janelle NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.65KB
2019-04-05 R. Matthews In Support of Corridor.pdf 46.14KB
2019-04-05 R. Pappano NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.68KB
2019-04-05 R. Provost NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.56KB
2019-04-05 S. Drucker NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.45KB
2019-04-05 S. Sladek NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 40.03KB
2019-04-05 S. Spinney NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 37.96KB
2019-04-05 S. Underwood NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.07KB
2019-04-05 T. Greco NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.25KB
2019-04-05 [email protected] Opposed to Corridor.pdf 31.97KB
2019-04-05 W. Durkin NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.30KB
2019-04-06 C. McGoldrick NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.48KB
2019-04-06 J. Spear Opposed to Corridor.pdf 47.28KB
2019-04-06 J. Steeper NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.44KB
2019-04-06 M. McAleenan NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.58KB
2019-04-06 P. Stevens NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 36.93KB
2019-04-07 C. Chunn NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 40.48KB
2019-04-07 J. Briggs NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 41.54KB
2019-04-07 L. Lorenzetti Opposed to Corridor.pdf 36.20KB
2019-04-07 M. Hryc NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.20KB
2019-04-07 P. Shankle Opposed to Corridor.pdf 42.98KB
2019-04-08 D. Burke NECEC Wildlife Impacts Not Properly Avoided Mitigated or Compensated.pdf 38.29KB
2019-04-08 K. Jacob NECEC Public Comment - 1 Attachment.pdf 47.78KB
2019-04-08 K. Jacob NECEC Public Comment - UEORA No to NECEC.pdf 36.91KB
2019-04-08 M. Moore In Support of Corridor.pdf 51.43KB
2019-04-08 P. Van Horne Opposed to Corridor.pdf 46.59KB
2019-04-08 R. Merchant NECEC Public Comment -1 Attachment.pdf 118.74KB
2019-04-08 R. Merchant NECEC Public Comment - MH_THC REVIEW RESPONSE.docx.pdf 80.10KB
2019-04-08 R. Yocum Opposed to Corridor.pdf 48.26KB
2019-04-09 J. Matsakul Opposed to Corridor.pdf 39.90KB
2019-04-09 L. Dalton Opposed to Corridor.pdf 40.13KB
2019-04-10 E. Dingman NECEC Public Comment in Opposition.pdf 60.26KB
2019-04-10 J. Spear Opposed to Corridor.pdf 47.50KB
2019-04-10-ninth-procedural-order.pdf 112.74KB
2019-04-10 Public Support Letters.pdf 3.33MB
2019-04-11 J. Hutchinson Opposed to Corridor.pdf 44.51KB
2019-04-11 Public Support Letter.pdf 134.72KB
2019-04-11 S. Brewer Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.70KB
2019-04-12 A. Chamberlin Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.93KB
2019-04-12 K. Labrecque Opposed to Corridor.pdf 38.62KB
2019-04-12 Public Support Letters.pdf 6.13MB
2019-04-13 D. Bowen Opposed to Corridor.pdf 78.79KB
2019-04-13 E. Paine Need Thorough Environmental Impact Study - Opposed.pdf 45.74KB
2019-04-16 A. Stearns - RRCT Comments.pdf 71.62KB
2019-04-16 G. Schneider Opposed to Corridor.pdf 40.25KB
2019-04-16 K. Keller CMP Corridor Questions and Comments.pdf 34.31KB
2019-04-17 E. Ecker Re - NECEC.pdf 45.19KB
2019-04-17 E. Ecker Re - NECEC.pdf 43.92KB
2019-04-17 Public Support Letters.pdf 4.71MB
2019-04-18 C. Leigh Opposed to Corridor.pdf 52.30KB
2019-04-18 Public Support Letters.pdf 3.37MB
2019-04-18 S. Start Opposed to Corridor.pdf 48.68KB
2019-04-19 Garnett Robinson NECEC Sur Rebuttal.pdf 450.94KB
2019-04-19 Group 2 and 10 Motion to Strike.pdf 157.64KB
2019-04-19 NECEC Group 3, Gil Paquette DEP and LUPC Sur-rebuttal testimony (filed version).pdf 313.69KB
2019-04-19 S. Maamouri Opposed to Corridor.pdf 34.37KB
2019-04-19-tenth-procedural-order.pdf 108.69KB
2019-04-20 B. Light Opposed to Corridor.pdf 37.89KB
2019-04-20 R. Thomas Opposed to Corridor .pdf 55.54KB
2019-04-23 CMP Response to Groups 2 and 10 Motion to Strike (W7237268x7A....pdf 103.58KB
2019-04-23 comment on TNC proposal.pdf 68.99KB
2019-04-23 L. Boyd Opposed to Corridor.pdf 67.23KB
2019-04-23 M. Therese Duffy Opposed to Corridor.pdf 62.45KB
2019-04-23 N. Gilbert Comment.pdf 48.22KB
2019-04-23 R. Merchant Re - DEP-NECEC Public Comment - 1 Attachment.pdf 52.36KB
2019-04-23 R. Merchant Re - DEP-NECEC Public Comment - Attachment -RM_DEP FOLLOW-UP.pdf 3.86MB
2019-04-23 S. Kasprzak - 2 Attachments.pdf 56.36KB
2019-04-23 S. Kasprzak - Attachment I - Scientists No Evidence CMP Project Dams Would Disrupt.pdf 276.29KB
2019-04-23 S. Kasprzak - Attachment - MPR Fred Bever.pdf 880.11KB
2019-04-23 S. Kasprzak Public Comment - 1 Attachment.pdf 57.79KB
2019-04-23 S. Kasprzak Public Comment - Attachment - Letter to Reid 4.3.2019.pdf 654.48KB
2019-04-24 Letter from M. Manahan to DEP re Phillips GHG Materials (W723....pdf 1.13MB
2019-04-25 CMP's Motion to Strike Group 4 Sur-Rebuttal (W7240197x7AC2E).pdf 390.59KB
2019-04-25 EPA Comment letter.pdf 2.34MB
2019-04-29 Groups 2, 4 and 10 Motion for Reconsideration.pdf 142.48KB
2019-04-29 Response of CMP to Groups 2, 4, and 10 Motion for Reconsidera....pdf 51.80KB
2019-04-29 usace_cmp_necec.pdf 98.69KB
2019-05-01 CMP full transcript.pdf 1.24MB
2019-05-01-eleventh-procedural-order.pdf 365.26KB
2019-05-01 FINAL Pre-Filed Supplemental Testimony and Exhibits (W7248337x7AC2E).pdf 18.75MB
2019-05-01 Group 4 Supplemental Testimony D Publicover J Reardon with Exhibits 22-23 sm.pdf 14.71MB
2019-05-01 Group 6 - CLF Letter to DEP re TNC Testimony.pdf 180.76KB
2019-05-01 Group 6 - Simons-Legaard supplemental testimony.pdf 274.11KB
2019-05-01 Group 6 - Wood supplemental testimony.pdf 2.49MB
2019-05-01 NECEC Group 3 Supplemental Testimony by Gil Paquette (FILED).pdf 272.06KB
2019-05-06 FINAL Hearing schedule for Day 6.pdf 203.62KB
2019-05-07 Decision on Appeal of 11th PO.pdf 143.72KB
2019-05-17 CMP's Response to MDEP May 9, 2019 Additional Information Request (W7275443x7AC2E).pdf 11.94MB
2019-05-17 19.81MB
2019-05-21-twelfth-procedural-order.pdf 232.47KB
2019-05-24 Response of CMP to Group 4 May 9, 2019 Comments Re GHG Emissions Reductions (W7285352x7AC2E).pdf 3.56MB
2019-06014 Group 6 Post-Hearing Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact (FINAL).pdf 233.83KB
2019-06-06_slc9_ThirteenthProceduralOrder.pdf 157.20KB
20190612_113432.jpg 884.22KB
2019-06-14 9.4 AIR Attachment H_Summary of Scenic Resources.pdf 152.78KB
2019-06-14 FINAL Sanborn Pond Outlet Dam Phase I ESA.pdf 7.20MB
2019-06-14 Group 1 DEP Closing Brief.pdf 125.44KB
2019-06-14 Group 2 and 10 Post-Hearing Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact.pdf 557.55KB
2019-06-14 Group 4 Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact.pdf 1.46MB
2019-06-14 NECEC, Group 3 Post-Hearing Brief (FINAL).pdf 371.45KB
2019-06-14NECEC-DEP&LUPC-WM&RCInitialBrief(final).pdf 14.23MB
2019-06-14NECEC-DEP-WM&RCcvrlettersHinkel&Beyer.pdf 40.26KB
2019-06-14 Post-Hearing Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact of Central Maine Power Company (W7317040x7AC2E).pdf 515.28KB
2019-06-28 Final NECEC Group 4 Reply Brief.pdf 1.02MB
2019-06-28 Group 2 and 10 Post-Hearing Reply Brief.pdf 138.59KB
2019-06-28 NECEC Group 3 Post-Hearing Reply Brief FINAL.pdf 303.67KB
2019-06-28 Post-Hearing Reply Brief of Central Maine Power Company (W7341101x7AC2E).pdf 354.75KB
2019-06-29 NECEC Site Visit Memo Final.pdf 39.88KB
2019-07-03_LtrtoNAF_requestforinfo_combined.pdf 4.39MB
2019-07-31-ltr-ransom-request.pdf 166.77KB
2019-08-02_LtrtoNAF_requestforinfo.pdf 182.13KB
2019-08-12_FERC Final Env Assessment Union R dams.pdf 7.40MB
2019-08-15 Nordic First Procedural Order.pdf 194.47KB
20190822_180602.jpg 1.06MB
2019-08-23 Nordic Second Proc Order with list of criteria.pdf 217.32KB
2019-09-12_Weary_Question-on-SubmittingComments.pdf 201.01KB
2019-09-16_BolenErvinDeliveryConfirm.pdf 49.60KB
2019-09-16_BolenReceipt.pdf 84.75KB
2019-09-16_EckelReceipt.pdf 666.47KB
2019-09-16_NewspaperNotice.pdf 155.62KB
2019-09-16_NewspaperNoticeReceipt.pdf 67.75KB
2019-09-16_PhilbrickConfirmNotice1.pdf 302.08KB
2019-09-16_PhilbrickConfirmNotice2.pdf 97.13KB
2019-09-16_PhilbrickTrustReceipt.pdf 123.44KB
2019-09-16_Receipt-for-Mailings.pdf 94.77KB
2019-09-16_WearyReceipt.pdf 128.81KB
2019-09-17_PhilbrickComments.pdf 251.30KB
2019-09-24_PhilbrickComments.pdf 111.75KB
2019-09-26 Barnard_Update on Rockland Harbor Marina Expansion.pdf 759.66KB
2019-09-26 CLF Letter to DEP re Reopening Record.pdf 359.20KB
2019-09-26 Friends of the Boundary Mountains response to CMP petition.pdf 210.98KB
2019-09-26 Group 5 - Reopen Record.pdf 22.83KB
2019-09-26 Intervenor Group 3 Comments on CMP Petition to Reopen Record(filed).pdf 99.81KB
2019-09-26 Objection to Petition to Reopen Final.pdf 120.90KB
2019-09-27_JeffPhilbrickComments.pdf 116.36KB
2019-10-02_JohnsonComments.pdf 111.96KB
2019-10-03_slc9_FifteenthProceduralOrder.pdf 153.31KB
2019-10-03 Letter to Gerry Mirabile.pdf 177.50KB
2019-10-06_MidcoastConservComments.pdf 147.88KB
2019-10-07 _CommentLtr.pdf 113.28KB
2019-10-07_TenanComments1.pdf 112.17KB
2019-10-07_TenanComments2.pdf 110.81KB
2019-10-07_WearyComments.pdf 123.96KB
2019-10-07 SixteenthProceduralOrder(1).pdf 221.43KB
2019-10-08_AlnaPlanningBoardMinutes_Draft_Comparison.pdf 255.50KB
2019-10-08_DEP-Response.pdf 144.38KB
2019-10-08_DEP-Response.pdf 169.92KB
2019-10-08_DEP-Response.pdf 170.16KB
2019-10-08_DEP-Response.pdf 171.68KB
2019-10-08_DEP-Response.pdf 169.74KB
2019-10-08_DEP-Response.pdf 191.74KB
2019-10-08_DEP-Response-2.pdf 164.74KB
2019-10-08a_Request-to-be-NotifiedofChanges.pdf 218.53KB
2019-10-09_LtrtoNAF_requestforinfo(signed).pdf 1.16MB
2019-10-10_Questions-for-DEP.pdf 211.41KB 11.82MB
2019-10-10a_AddlComments-Questions-for-DEP.pdf 148.49KB
2019-10-10b_ACOE-DEP-Response.pdf 103.55KB
2019-10-10 Merrill Strip Alt Submittal Revision_AIR Response.pdf 20.84MB
2019-10-12 MDEP-Jessica Damon-11657.006-trb.pdf 48.49KB
2019-10-15_Response-to-Questions.pdf 213.98KB
2019-10-16_ResponseAcknowledged.pdf 205.76KB
2019-10-16a_Request-for-Info-Hearing.pdf 201.98KB
2019-10-16b_DEP-Response-to-Request-for-Info-Hearing.pdf 202.20KB
2019-10-23 MDIFW NECEC Merrill Strip site map.pdf 1.07MB
2019-10-23 MDIFW TopoMap_ERid2362_ERVerID4080.pdf 2.41MB
2019-10-23 NECEC MDIFW Letter.pdf 216.25KB
2019-10-24a_Question-on-PIM.pdf 217.67KB
2019-10-24b-DEP-Response-Ch2.pdf 220.30KB
2019-10-28 Memo to file BEP Oct 24 site visit and handout.pdf 1.35MB
2019-10-28 Nordic Memo and handout Oct 17 pre-hearing conference.pdf 492.17KB
2019-11-01 Nordic Aquafarms - Third Procedural Order .pdf 135.23KB
2019-11-07_PhilbrookTrust-AttyComments.pdf 174.28KB
2019-11-08 Nordic Fourth Procedural Order.pdf 186.10KB
2019-11-13_PlanningBoardMinutes.pdf 168.83KB
2019-11-13 MDEP-Jessica Damon-11657.006-trb-response submission.pdf 5.72MB
2019-11-13 Nordic memo to participants re Fourth Proc Order.pdf 124.30KB
2019-11-14_Verrill-Dana_RequestForDraft.pdf 214.34KB
2019-11-14 FAA Finding.pdf 6.11MB
2019-11-18 letter of acceptance.pdf 144.94KB
2019-11-19 Nordic - Ltr to Lannan re Air Modeling.pdf 148.77KB
2019-11-20 Nordic - Ltr to Lannan re Noise.pdf 134.23KB
2019-11-20 Nordic - ltr to Spritz-NVC re Nordic schedule.pdf 124.66KB
2019-11-22_MapSent-to-MrPhilbrick-MrWeary-MrSmith.pdf 166.06KB
2019-11-22_MapSent-to-MrPhilbrick-MrWeary-MrSmith.pdf 166.05KB
2019-11-22_Map-sent-to-MrPhilbrick-MrWeary-MrSmith.pdf 166.06KB
2019-11-25_FollowUp-to-FileReviewing.pdf 190.55KB
2019-11-26 Nordic Fifth Procedural Order .pdf 131.39KB
2019-11-27_CommentLtr.pdf 102.21KB
2019-11-27_WearyAddlComments.pdf 125.01KB
2019-12-00_VerneyApp-PB-Minutes.pdf 202.58KB
2019-12-02_Ltr.pdf 175.61KB
2019-12-02_PhilbrickAddlComments.pdf 113.87KB
2019-12-03_Ltr-to-PlanningBoard.pdf 160.11KB
2019-12-04_DEP-Response.pdf 185.84KB
2019-12-05-DEP-Response.pdf 171.00KB
2019-12-13_DEP-Response.pdf 170.20KB
2019-12-13_PentaleriComments.pdf 111.72KB
2019-12-16_FollowUp-to-PhoneCall.pdf 182.59KB
2019-12-17_FileViewing.pdf 203.32KB
20191219_093010.jpg 6.14MB
20191219_093024.jpg 5.80MB
20191219_093038.jpg 7.80MB
20191219_093053.jpg 7.35MB
20191219_093255.jpg 3.57MB
20191219_093309.jpg 3.94MB
20191219_093342.jpg 3.62MB
20191219_094117.jpg 5.38MB
20191219_094119.jpg 5.45MB
20191219_094212.jpg 6.60MB
20191219_094240.jpg 4.68MB
2019-12-24_JeffPhilbrickAddlComments.pdf 94.86KB
2019-12-27_PentaleriAddlComments.pdf 110.47KB
2019-12-30_DEP-Response.pdf 162.40KB
2019-12-30-DEP-Response.pdf 95.16KB
2019-1-30 Final Attachment E_River Waterbody Visibility Analysis.pdf 10.62MB
2019-1-30 Final Attachment F_Scenic Resource Chart.pdf 264.36KB
2019-1-30 NECEC Exh 10-1_10-2 and VIA Materials_Letter.pdf 13.18MB
2019-1-30 NECEC Site Law Exhibit 10-1 (Revised).pdf 1.17MB
2019-1-30 NECEC Site Law Exhibit 10-2 (Revised).pdf 1.16MB
2019-1-30 Snow_Leaf Off Basic VIA Rating Form Summary.pdf 73.47KB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Edwin Buzzell.pdf 360.21KB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Elizabeth Caruso.pdf 1.22MB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Eric Sherman.pdf 240.68KB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Garnett Robinson.pdf 932.54KB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Greg Caruso.pdf 421.06KB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Justin Preisendorfer.pdf 1.43MB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Matthew Wagner.pdf 357.41KB
2019-3-25 Rebuttal Testimony - Roger Merchant.pdf 4.84MB
2019-3-29 Gates Historical Air Photos.pdf 9.16MB
2019 Sappi Annual Integrated Report12476302v1.pdf 6.96MB
2019 Summary of Groundwater and Other Environmental Data Signed_Secure.pdf 144.39MB
2020_02_14_DEP_Comments_ Phase_14_Volume_1.pdf 153.61KB
2020_04_13_DEPassess_comments_Phase_14_Volume_1 2020-2.pdf 160.15KB
2020_04_15_DEP_comments_phase14-vol-III.pdf 247.98KB
2020_04_24 DEPcomments_WM_Phase_14_Vol_IV.pdf 46.21KB
2020_04_30 Figures 1 and 2_WM_DEP mtg.pdf 896.25KB
2020_04_30 WM DEP Meeting Minutes Final.pdf 133.16KB
2020_04-30 Agenda_WM_DEP mtg.pdf 125.66KB
2020_05_27_Phase14 Vol_IV_RespToComments.pdf 4.06MB
2020_06_22 _DEP_assess_comments_Phase14 Vol-III.pdf 338.93KB
2020_08_10 DEP_comments_Ph14_Vols_V_and_VI.pdf 70.78KB
2020_08_20_Ph14 Vols_V and VI_RTCs.pdf 1.34MB
2020_08_27-notice-of-public-hearing.pdf 109.17KB
2020_10_29_MDIFW Comments on Phase 14.pdf 41.57KB
2020_11_5 Ltr_to_LButler_re_Resp_CLF_Comments.pdf 243.50KB
2020_11_5 Resp_to_CLF_Exhibits A - E.pdf 5.05MB
2020_11_5 WM_Response_to_CLF_Comments.pdf 314.79KB
2020_12_07_MHPC_comment.pdf 70.48KB
2020_23001_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072413_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23001_INVLEV_VOC_noevapperm_MARA_072413_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23001_INVzev_VOC_evapperm_MARA_072413_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23003_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072413_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23003_INVLEV_VOC_noevaperm_MARA_072413_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23003_INVzev_VOC_evapperm_MARA_072413_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23005_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072413_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23005_INVLEV_VOC_noevapperm_MARA_072413_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23005_INVzev_VOC_evapperm_MARA_072413_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23007_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072513_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23007_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23007_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23009_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23009_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23009_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23011_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072513_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23011_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23011_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23013_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072613_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23013_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23013_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23015_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23015_INVLEV_VOC_noevapperm_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23015_INVzev_VOC_evapperm_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23017_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072513_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23017_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23017_INVzEV_voc_evapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23019_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072613_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23019_INVlev_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23019_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23021_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072413_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23021_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072413_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23021_INVzEV_voc_evapperm_MARA_072413_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23023_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072613_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23023_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23023_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072613_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23025_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072513_output.xls 122.00KB
2020_23025_INVLEV_voc_noevapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23025_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23027_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23027_INVLEV_VOC_noevapperm_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23027_INVzev_voc_evapperm_MARA_072513_output.xls 35.00KB
2020_23029_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072613_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23029_INVLEV_VOC_noevapperm_MARA_072613_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23029_INVzev_VOC_evapperm_MARA_072613_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23031_INVLEV_noevaps_MARA_072413_OUTPUT.xls 122.00KB
2020_23031_INVLEV_VOC_noevapperm_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_23031_INVzev_VOC_evapperm_MARA_072513_OUTPUT.xls 35.00KB
2020_CAP_summary_20220315.xlsx 32.68KB
2020_GHG_Summary_20220316.xlsx 35.14KB
2020_LEV_EMISSIONS_Crosstab.xlsx 18.17KB
2020_LEVVOC_EMISSIONS_Crosstab.xlsx 14.60KB
2020_ZEV_EMISSIONS_Crosstab.xlsx 15.91KB
2020_ZEV_EMISSIONS.xlsx 35.23KB
2020.01.05 Sprague comments & DEP response.pdf 877.98KB
2020.01.08 Midcoast Conservancy comments_Spinney boat ramp.pdf 359.76KB
2020.01.09 Weary additonal comments.docx 32.50KB
2020.01.10 Ervin Ltr to DEP re Spinney NRPA Application(13455253.1).pdf 65.49KB
2020.01.13 MNAP additional comments.pdf 868.16KB
2020.01.16 Ltr to MacNeil re. application of Spinney on hold (03342576xAE394).pdf 39.73KB
2020.01.16 response to DEP questions.pdf 1.15MB
2020.01.19 letter to DEP.doc 55.50KB
2020.01.22 Cheff additional comments, DEP response.pdf 878.90KB
2020.01.22 Cheff additional comments.pdf 686.08KB
2020.01.22 Davis comments & DEP response.pdf 843.03KB
2020.01.29 Weary additional comments (DEPComment4).docx 20.59KB
2020.02.14 Ltr to MacNeil re. Spinney Permit Application, Alna, Maine (03377530xAE394).pdf 139.64KB
2020.02.16 Alna and Newcastle residents, comments on draft (& DEP response).pdf 808.29KB
2020.02.16 DEPltr AlnaNewcresidents.pdf 108.71KB
2020.02.17 Cheff comments on draft.pdf 1.58MB
2020.02.17 Cheff comments on draft (attachment), DEP response.pdf 802.00KB
2020.02.18 Ervin Comments on DEP Draft Order(13565924.1).pdf 65.13KB
2020.02.18 Weary comments on draft.docx 17.26KB
2020.02.19 ROW deed.pdf 474.55KB
2020.02.21 Town comments2.pdf 173.38KB
2020.02.22 Sprague request for draft, DEP response.pdf 871.15KB
2020.02.24 Barth Comments, DEP NRPA permit # L-2897-4E-A.N.pdf 27.61KB
2020.02.26 lower_sheepscot_river_focus_area (2).pdf 2.05MB
2020.02.26 Midcoast Conservancy comments_Spinney boat ramp.pdf 363.23KB
2020.02.26 rebuttal to Barth comments.pdf 188.12KB
2020.02.26 Trask additional comments (in support), & DEP response.pdf 800.07KB
2020.02.27 rebuttal to comments (pics).pdf 1.19MB
2020.02.28a Luoma comments (on draft), & DEP response.pdf 790.90KB
2020.02.28b Jon Luoma DEP letter.pdf 107.81KB
2020.02.29 Archer comments, & DEP response.pdf 811.22KB
2020.03.02 Burke comments (on draft), & DEP response.pdf 903.84KB
2020.03.02 Sprague additional comments (on draft), DEP response.pdf 1.02MB
2020.03.06 Barth request for final order, & DEP response.pdf 446.42KB
2020.03.11 Luoma additional comments.pdf 747.20KB
2020.03.23 DesMeules comments (to Town PB).pdf 64.39KB
2020.03.23 envelope.pdf 37.24KB
2020.03.31_Ph14 Vol_1_RespToComments_Memo.pdf 8.00MB
2020.04.07 Appeal sent to BEP.pdf 684.51KB
2020.04.13 Board acknowledgement of appeal.pdf 700.47KB
2020.04.17 Board ruling on stay request.pdf 691.25KB
2020.04.19 Stires letter of support for appeal.pdf 425.98KB
2020.04.23 Stires clarification on letter.pdf 822.64KB
2020.04.24 Stires additional comments.pdf 829.00KB
2020.05.05 Conboy letter of support for appeal.pdf 447.92KB
2020.05.10 Barth comments emailed to BEP.pdf 944.33KB
2020.05.12 Johnson letter of support for appeal.pdf 740.07KB
2020.05.13 Licensee response to appeal.pdf 842.07KB
2020.05.13 Luoma response to appeal.pdf 391.19KB
2020.05.21 Appellant objection to supplemental evidence.pdf 682.83KB
2020.06.05 Board ruling on supplemental evidence & request for survey; updated Service List.pdf 644.41KB
2020.06.05 response letters forwarded to licensee.pdf 1.06MB
2020.06.08a DesMeules comment letter.pdf 1.07MB
2020.06.08b Licensee response to letters of support.pdf 451.96KB
2020.06.09 DesMeules comment letter located.pdf 631.76KB
2020.06.10a Licensee response to Des Meules letter.pdf 451.31KB
2020.06.10b Board response to additional filings.pdf 461.42KB
2020.06.17 Staff request for supplemental evidence.pdf 624.46KB
2020.06.19 Board ruling on supplemental evidence.pdf 639.04KB
2020.06.24 Barth additional comments.pdf 663.87KB
2020.06.24 Barth comment letter, updated service list.pdf 944.33KB
2020.06.25 timeline update.pdf 703.25KB
2020.07.02a Weary questions.docx 20.53KB
2020.07.22 Appeal meeting date.pdf 708.81KB
2020.07.24 link to Department record.pdf 606.90KB
2020.07.24 Luoma comments and updated service list.pdf 712.82KB
2020.08.13a Board accepts motion to continue.pdf 695.53KB
2020.08.13b Board ruling on motion to continue.pdf 696.30KB
2020.10.04 Board update.pdf 703.54KB
2020.10.12 Motion to further continue.pdf 836.06KB
2020.10.13a Personnel changes at Board.pdf 646.05KB
2020.10.13b deadline for response to motion.pdf 449.88KB
2020.10.14a Philbrick response to motion to continue.pdf 907.47KB
2020.10.14b Appellants response to motion to continue.pdf 680.34KB
2020.10.22 Board ruling on second continuance (granted).pdf 442.38KB
2020.12.16 Board update.pdf 451.94KB
2020.12.30 response to Johnson re supplemental evidence.pdf 451.54KB
2020-01-02 Nordic Sixth Procedural Order.pdf 205.17KB
2020-01-06_DEP-Response.pdf 101.84KB
2020-01-06_JeffPhilbrickAddlComments.pdf 101.40KB
2020-01-07_DEP-Response.pdf 170.85KB
2020-01-07_PentaleriAddlComments.pdf 111.61KB
2020-01-08_FileViewing.pdf 107.77KB
2020-01-08_PBR65160.pdf 107.55KB
2020-01-08_Update.pdf 227.13KB
2020-01-09_MidcoastConservAddlComments.pdf 143.46KB
2020-01-09_WearyAddlComments.pdf 101.01KB
2020-01-09a_WearyAddlComments.pdf 123.61KB
2020-01-09b_ACOE-Response.pdf 89.50KB
2020-01-09 Nordic Aquafarms, Seventh Procedural Order.pdf 279.62KB
2020-01-10_DEP-Response.pdf 205.64KB
2020-01-10_JeffPhilbrickAddlComments.pdf 122.60KB
2020-01-10_Verill-Dana_AddlComments.pdf 160.15KB
2020-01-14_DEP-Response.pdf 189.71KB
2020-01-14 Nordic Aquafarms Eighth Procedural Order.pdf 140.04KB
2020-01-15_DEP-Response.pdf 217.43KB
2020-01-15_DEP-Response.pdf 121.39KB
2020-01-15_JohnsonAddlComments.pdf 111.17KB
2020-01-15a_Update.pdf 127.58KB
2020-01-15b_Update.pdf 179.26KB
2020-01-15 - RPC 60% Drawing Submittal R2.pdf 8.69MB
2020-01-16_DEP-Response.pdf 164.09KB
2020-01-16_Ltr.pdf 182.08KB
2020-01-19_Ltr-to-DEP.pdf 39.04KB
2020-01-20_Ltr-to-DEP.pdf 113.75KB
2020-01-21_DEP-Response.pdf 178.74KB
2020-01-21 Silver Maple Review.pdf 1.60MB
2020-01-22_Update.pdf 97.92KB
2020-01-27 Hopeck Comments.pdf 92.88KB
2020-01-28_AddlComments.pdf 167.44KB
2020-01-29_DEP-Response.pdf 222.48KB
2020-01-29_WearyAddlComments_DEPComment4.pdf 66.16KB
2020-01-29a_WearyAddlComments.pdf 124.54KB
2020-01-29b_DEP-Response.pdf 185.90KB
2020-01-30 DMR Comments.pdf 560.37KB
2020-01-31 Nordic Ninth Procedural Order.pdf 119.29KB
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2020-02-08 Nordic Aquafarms Tenth Procedural Order .pdf 113.61KB
2020-02-11.pdf 782.16KB
2020-02-11 Public Testimony.pdf 339.11KB
2020-02-12.pdf 1.12MB
2020-02-13-CORRECTED-VERSION.pdf 887.04KB
2020-02-14_Comments-on-Draft.pdf 182.34KB
2020-02-14.pdf 532.02KB
2020-02-18_WearyComments-on-Draft.pdf 123.08KB
2020-02-18a_ErvinCommentsOnDraft.pdf 160.15KB
2020-02-18a_WearyComments-on-Draft.pdf 66.65KB
2020-02-19_DEP-Response.pdf 216.39KB
2020-02-19_DEP-Response.pdf 225.99KB
2020-02-19_DEP-Response.pdf 184.39KB
2020-02-19 Nordic Aquafarms Eleventh Procedural Order.pdf 113.50KB
2020-02-21_Request-for-FileUpdate.pdf 110.71KB
2020 02 21 Written Comment re DMR memo w exhs.pdf 855.22KB
2020-02-24_DEP-Response-RecentEmails.pdf 169.46KB
2020 02 25 Written Comment re Dr Hopeck Memorandum_NVC_Upstream.pdf 1.00MB
2020 02 26 Acceptance Letter.pdf 81.94KB
2020-02-27a_MidcoastConservAddlComments.pdf 147.43KB
2020-02-27b_USACE-Response.pdf 95.56KB
2020-02-27c_DEP-Response.pdf 202.65KB
2020-02-28 Stockford comments.pdf 438.10KB
2020 02 Application A0432PM.pdf 423.94KB
2020-03-02 DEP response.pdf 452.61KB
2020-03-02 Nordic Twelfth Procedural Order.pdf 101.59KB
2020-03-02 Request for Updated Sample Analysis Plan.pdf 2.35MB
2020-03-04_Request-for-FileUpdate.pdf 191.76KB
2020-03-04 FINAL SWEB Development.pdf 2.98MB
2020-03-06_DEP-Response-RecentEmails.pdf 193.56KB
2020-03-12a_WearyComments-on-CEO-Determination.pdf 126.90KB
2020-03-12b_USACE-DEP-Response.pdf 94.31KB
2020-03-13a_Request-for-FileUpdate-NewspaperArticles.pdf 196.46KB
2020-03-13b_DEP-Response.pdf 195.07KB
2020-03-13-draft-department-order.pdf 3.08MB
2020-03-13 Nordic_Aquafarms_Dispersion_Model_Summary_2020.pdf 2.02MB
2020-03-16c - RPC 90% Drawing Package Revised.pdf 5.62MB
2020-03-16 Nordic Thirteenth Procedural Order.pdf 118.70KB
2020-03-18_Request-for-Documents.pdf 113.11KB
2020-03-23a_DEP-Response.pdf 167.55KB
2020-03-23b_PossibleFOAA-Request.pdf 191.75KB
2020-03-23c_FileRoom.pdf 194.91KB
2020-04-03 Nordic Fourteenth Procedural Order.pdf 140.61KB
2020-04-07_BoyleApp.pdf 115.61KB
2020-04-07 DEP Appeal L28397AN.pdf 650.85KB
2020-04-09_BoyleApp.pdf 116.06KB
2020-04-13 CMP-NECEC-WMRCCommentsonDEPDraftOrder.pdf 119.88KB
2020-04-13 Comments from Matt Wagner.pdf 61.98KB
2020-04-13 DEP Draft Permit Order Comments.pdf 169.43KB
2020-04-13 Final Group 4 Comments on DEP Draft Order.pdf 261.06KB
2020-04-13 Friends of the Boundary Mountain's response to DEP draft decision.pdf 194.69KB
2020-04-13 Group 4 Attachments A-D.pdf 2.22MB
2020-04-13 Group 6 Comments on Draft Order (FINAL).pdf 2.20MB
2020-04-13 Group 8 Attachments FAC-003-4.pdf 366.05KB
2020-04-13 Groups 2 and 10 Comments to Draft DEP Order.pdf 202.69KB
2020-04-13 NECEC Group 3 Comments on Draft DEP Order (filed).pdf 172.20KB
2020-04-13 Spinney L28397-4E-A-N receipt of appeal.pdf 136.41KB
2020-04-13 WMRC LetterEncCommentsonDraftOrder.pdf 128.27KB
2020-04-17 Spinney L28397-4E-A-N ruling on request for stay.pdf 122.04KB
2020-04-19 Stires letter.pdf 84.93KB
2020-04-22-Lockwood bypass modeling DMR comments.pdf 178.04KB
2020-04-24 DesMeules response to appeal.pdf 99.65KB
2020-05-04 Conboy response to appeal.pdf 193.90KB
2020-05-04 Nordic Fifteenth Procedural Order.pdf 215.90KB
2020 05 04 Northport Village Post-Hearing Brief.pdf 1.90MB
2020-05-07 Nordic Sixteenth Procedural Order with Martin Memo.pdf 332.91KB
2020-05-11-final-department-order.pdf 2.34MB
2020-05-12 A1146 Nordic Memo for Board 051220 LH.pdf 862.10KB
2020-05-12 Johnson e-mail attachment.pdf 369.50KB
2020-05-12 Johnson response to appeal.pdf 336.29KB
2020-05-13 BLR Briefing Memos for 05-20-2020.pdf 3.95MB
2020-05-13 Luoma response to appeal, attachment 1 (comments from 02-28-2020).pdf 106.91KB
2020-05-13 Luoma response to appeal, attachment2 (comments from 03-11-2020).pdf 556.12KB
2020-05-13 Luoma response to appeal.pdf 139.92KB
2020-05-20 MEPDES BEP Memo - Nordic Deliberative Session.pdf 820.20KB
2020-05-20 Palmer VIA review.pdf 245.68KB
2020-05-21 Objection to Request for Admission of supplemental evidence.pdf 125.43KB
2020-05-22 Draft_SAP_Yachting_Solutions_NAE-2018-01522.pdf 3.58MB
2020-05-26_Ltr re_4-30-2020_discuss_questions.pdf 129.50KB
2020-05-27a_Staging-of-Materials.pdf 397.33KB
2020-05-27b_USACE-Response.pdf 95.18KB
2020-05-27c_DEP-Response.pdf 96.51KB
2020-05-27d_WearyAcknowledgement-of-Response.pdf 146.64KB
2020-05-28 Nordic Seventeenth Procedural Order.pdf 109.96KB
2020-06-02 Nordic Eighteenth Procedural Order.pdf 143.84KB
2020-06-05 Application for Stay of DEP Decision.pdf 121.46KB
2020-06-05a Spinney L28397-4E-A-N ruling on proposed evidence.pdf 132.31KB
2020-06-05b licensee, additional response letter.pdf 13.43MB
2020-06-08_GRSC-LandUseLicenseAgmt.pdf 202.21KB
2020-06-08 JBT to Court w_Pet. for Judicial Review.pdf 2.64MB
2020-06-08 M.R. Civ. P 80(C) Petition for Review.pdf 3.74MB
2020-06-08 NextEra JBT to Court w_Pet. for Judicial Review.pdf 2.64MB
2020-06-08 West Forks et al M.R. Civ. P 80(C) Petition for Review.pdf 3.74MB
2020-06-09 - Gardiner MWDCA and CC Permit Application.pdf 10.59MB
2020-06-09 licensee, additional response letter.pdf 442.82KB
2020-06-12 Board letter on NRCM request for stay.pdf 133.18KB
2020-06-12 Board letter on NRCM request for stay.pdf 133.18KB
2020-06-12 letter on West Forks' application.pdf 155.93KB
2020-06-12 letter on West Forks' application.pdf 155.93KB
2020-06-19 AMC-TU Letter of Support for NRCM Request for Stay.pdf 127.19KB
2020-06-19 ECM to DEP re Application for Stay.pdf 2.18MB
2020-06-19 FBM letter in support of petition for Stay.pdf 178.82KB
2020-06-19 Group 5 - no position on stay.pdf 80.28KB
2020-06-19 NECEC Group 3 Objection to Stays (DEP) (6.19.20).pdf 135.28KB
2020-06-19 Old Canada Rd Support for Application for Stay of Agency Decision.pdf 104.40KB
2020-06-19 Spinney L28397-4E-A-N ruling on additonal proposed evidence.pdf 131.32KB
2020-06-19 WMRC Response to NRCM Request for Stay by BEP Combined.pdf 12.82MB
2020-06-20c_LandUseLicenseAgmt_DEP-Comment-on-Draft.pdf 124.12KB
20200630-Coverletter.pdf 406.67KB
20200630-WQCapplication.pdf 35.69MB
2020-07-02_WearyQuestions.pdf 124.31KB
2020-07-02a_WearyQuestions.pdf 68.89KB
2020-07-02 AG motion for remand - NextEra.pdf 425.90KB
2020-07-02 AG motion for remand - West Forks.pdf 476.78KB
2020-07-02b_USACE-Response.pdf 99.52KB
2020-07-02 CMP objection RE_ Natural Resources Council of Maine’s Reply in Support of Application for Stay of Agency Decision.pdf 285.34KB
2020-07-02 NRCM Reply in Support of Application for Stay of Agency Decision.pdf 3.11MB
2020-07-06_DEP-Response.pdf 109.60KB
2020-07-07ApplAccpt.pdf 102.47KB
2020-07-09 Nordic Nineteenth Procedural Order.pdf 133.56KB
2020-07-16 Chair ltr to J Kilbreth re NRCM's stay request.pdf 122.24KB
2020-07-21-Phase I - Busy Bee Windham.pdf 37.34MB
2020-07-27 MEPDES BEP Final Corrected Deliberative Session Memo 7-27-2020 13-52.pdf 425.71KB
2020-07-28 KC letter on Lockwood road MWDCA application final.pdf 386.08KB
2020-07-28-Phase I_ESA_Report_Augusta Quality Cleaners.pdf 20.03MB
2020-07-30 Ms. Tucker's email re 20th Proc Order.pdf 39.50KB
2020-07-30 Nordic Twentieth Procedural Order.pdf 95.40KB
2020-07-31_Ph14_AppSupplemental_Geo_Rpt.pdf 11.17MB
2020-07-31 Response to Ms Tucker filing of 7-30-2020.pdf 120.30KB
2020-08-03 email attaching NVC ltr of July 30 2020.pdf 261.72KB
2020-08-04 ltr to J Kilbreth re NRCM's stay request.pdf 125.92KB
2020-08-04 ltr to J Kilbreth re NRCM's stay request.pdf 125.92KB
2020-08-07 Response to Mr Spritz- NVC ltr of July 30.pdf 122.05KB
2020-08-13 Board ruling on motion to continue.pdf 124.05KB
2020-08-13-EagleCreek-NonCapacityLicenseAmendAPP-buryTlines.pdf 6.16MB
2020-08-20 DEP Response to West Forks Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification.pdf 166.15KB
2020-08-26 Comm Reid to Boepple and Kilbreth request for stay 8-26-2020.pdf 446.92KB
2020-08-26 Comm Reid to Boepple and Kilbreth request for stay 8-26-2020.pdf 446.92KB
2020-08-26 ltr to Tourangeau and Boepple re filing with Board.pdf 122.83KB
2020-08-26-Riley_Jay_Liver_noncapacity_amend.docx 37.97KB
2020-08-31 NVC Request for aligning permits and the required anti-degradation hearing.pdf 812.36KB
2020-09-03 Response to Mr Spritz-NVC letter of 8-31-20.pdf 126.21KB
2020-09-04 BPL Nordic Final Findings and Decision Sep 4 2020.pdf 396.89KB
2020-09-09ph14-supplemental-geologic-report-MDEPMEMO.pdf 430.01KB
2020-09-11 Palmer VIA review.pdf 129.30KB
2020-09-17 11657 006 Class B and L_Soil Survey _jes1.pdf 6.64MB
2020-09-23_Ph14 Vol III_RTC 9 Sept 2020 MDEP Comments.pdf 2.28MB
2020-09-23-5045_ECRE_LVRM NC Lic Amend.pdf 559.62KB
2020-09-24 Nordic Twenty-First Procedural Order.pdf 96.84KB
2020-09-25 NextEra Appeal of 5-11-20 Department Order.pdf 1.74MB
2020-09-25 West Forks, et al. Appeal of Denial of Application for Stay of DEP Decision.pdf 1.22MB
2020-09-25 West Forks, et al. BEP Statement of Appeal.pdf 251.40KB
2020-09-25 West Forks Appendix A Index of Evidence.pdf 106.01KB
2020-09-29_RTCComment 17 of Sept 9.pdf 43.09KB
20201001 BWD Letter to BEP.pdf 770.63KB
2020-10-05 MGL's Amended BPL 80C Petition After Remand.pdf 600.46KB
2020-10-06 Transfer Application Acceptance letter.pdf 111.02KB
2020-10-07 Chair letter on requests for stay of NECEC Order.pdf 112.30KB
2020-10-07 DrummondWoodsum cover email_1.pdf 92.23KB
2020-10-07 DrummondWoodsum cover email_2.pdf 91.48KB
2020-10-08b_DEP-Response.pdf 200.04KB
2020-10-09 Email from Susanne Miller Re Follow up after WM_Crossroads Landfill Hearing.pdf 58.31KB
2020-10-12 Licensee's motion to further continue.pdf 90.08KB
2020-10-14 Appellants response to motion to continue.pdf 215.47KB
2020-10-14 Nordic Twenty-Second Procedural Order.pdf 94.97KB
2020-10-16 CMP's Response to NRCMs and West Forks Petitioners Renewed Motions for Stay and Objection to Supplemental Evidence.pdf 267.74KB
2020-10-16 IECG Legal Argument to BEP Opposing Stay of NECEC Order.pdf 293.52KB
2020-10-16 MSCC et al Opposition to Stay.pdf 2.89MB
2020-10-16 Objection of CMP to West Forks Plantation, et al.-Supplement to Motion and Appeal.pdf 260.42KB
2020-10-19_NECEC-Appeal-to-BEP-Service-List.pdf 153.62KB
2020-10-21 Chair ruling on West Forks Group supplemental filing.pdf 184.84KB
2020-10-21 Nordic Twenty-Third Procedural Order.pdf 124.77KB
2020-10-22 Board ruling on second continuance (granted).pdf 183.04KB
2020-10-23 Chair ruling on request to stay.pdf 187.90KB
2020-10-23 Chair ruling on request to stay.pdf 187.90KB
2020-10-27 Chair ruling on consolidating transfer application.pdf 185.71KB
2020-10-27 CMP's Response to NRCM's Request for Board Jurisdiction Over Transfer Application.pdf 220.10KB
2020-11-02 NRCM_s Motion to Stay [Final for Filing].pdf 2.34MB
2020-11-03 appl accpt ltr.pdf 102.25KB
2020-11-06 West Forks Request to Reconsider and Hearing on Stay.pdf 174.68KB
2020-11-09 NECEC Condition Compliance Application.pdf 32.61MB
2020-11-12 Chair ruling on West Forks request for reconsideration.pdf 204.95KB
2020-11-12 Chair ruling on West Forks request for reconsideration.pdf 204.95KB
2020-11-16 DEP Opposition to NRCM Motion to Stay.pdf 11.88MB
2020-11-25 NRCM Comments to DEP re NECEC Partial Transfer Application.pdf 74.30KB
2020-11-30 - JTK to Beyer Enclosing NRCM_s Condition Compliance Comments.pdf 47.94KB
2020-11-30 NRCM Comments on Condition Compliance Application [Final for Service].pdf 27.29KB
2020-11-30 West Forks Comments to DEP re Transfer Application.pdf 131.83KB
2020-12-04 NECEC Transmission LLC L27625KT.pdf 367.81KB
2020-12-11 Hopeck.pdf 39.43KB
2020-12-15_NECEC Condition Compliance Application.pdf 521.96KB
2020-12-22 Frenchman Bay Community Forest Migratory bird assessment_20201222.pdf 39.54MB
2020-12-22 NRCM Comments on Condition Compliance Application [Final].pdf 30.08KB
2020-12-29 FOSL-Presumpscot River Hydero LLC comment to DEP.pdf 64.37KB
2020-12-30 Attachment 1 Segment 1 NRMs.pdf 52.09MB
2020-12-30 Attachment 1 Segment 2 NRMs.pdf 19.85MB
2020-12-30 Attachment 1 Segment 3 NRMs.pdf 63.32MB
2020-12-30Attachment 1 Segment 4 NRMs.pdf 18.02MB
2020-12-30 Attachment 1 Segment 5 NRMs.pdf 29.37MB
2020-12-30 NECEC Minor Revision Application -REV1.pdf 113.34MB
2020327 1.93MB
2020331 1.93MB
2020 all 23 qaNOX.xlsx 23.75KB
2020 FINAL EAST 8-hr Ozone DATA 6-29-2021.xlsx 5.25MB
2020R103 Biddeford-Granite Point Road.pdf 4.70MB
2020R106 Cathance Twp-East Ridge Road.pdf 8.91MB
2020R141 Thomaston - Beechwood Street.pdf 8.59MB
2020R146 Wiscasset OldFerryRd.pdf 6.15MB
2021_03_10_Lock_Fishway_DMR comments.pdf 9.26MB
2021_04_06_KEI_notification of plan modifications.pdf 942.84KB
2021_04_23_WMDSM_Phase14_License_Draft_Decision.pdf 756.29KB
2021_04_28_Comments_from_Conservation_Law_Foundation.pdf 173.39KB
2021_04_28_Comments_from_Ms._Jacquelyn_Elliott.pdf 131.45KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Mr_Dan_Perry.pdf 157.20KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Mr_Eric_Marshall.pdf 197.81KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Mr_Nik_Charov.pdf 155.47KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Mr._Antonio_Blasi.pdf 234.40KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Mr._Edward_Spencer.pdf 74.31KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Mr._Jon_Swan.pdf 200.63KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Bethe_Hagens.pdf 175.77KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Cheryl_Robertson.pdf 241.41KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Deborah_Chaflin.pdf 170.38KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Diane_Dicranian.pdf 150.72KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Jacquelyn_Cressy.pdf 216.99KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Jess_Cooper.pdf 168.95KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Linda_Woods.pdf 228.09KB
2021_04_29_Comments_from_Ms._Marilyn_Bennett.pdf 144.42KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Bomazeen_Land_Trust.pdf 265.67KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Mr._Byron_Greatorex.pdf 155.26KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Mr._Charles_Leithiser.pdf 80.25KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Mr._Corliss_Davis.pdf 204.95KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Mr._David_Zachow.pdf 111.76KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Mr._Maxim_Heller.pdf 205.89KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Mr._Michael_McMillen.pdf 109.91KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Mr._Nathan_Brimmer.pdf 172.94KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Ms._Kathy_Wilder.pdf 169.55KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Ms._Mali_Obomsawin.pdf 275.03KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Ms._Morrigan_McLeod.pdf 159.98KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Ms._Nina_de_Vitry.pdf 208.47KB
2021_04_30_Comments_from_Ms._Shelley_Norton.pdf 154.83KB
2021_05_01_Comments_from_Ms._Daria_Cullen.pdf 113.20KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Mr._Adam_Auerbach.pdf 146.60KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Mr._Ethan_Miller.pdf 215.98KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Mr._Laurence_Coe.pdf 159.38KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Alice_Bowden.pdf 200.62KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Bonnie_Rukin.pdf 158.44KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Briana_Waltman.pdf 182.93KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Daisy_Goodman.pdf 179.39KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Deb_Soule.pdf 152.98KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Diane_Oltarzewski.pdf 175.46KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Grace_Cain.pdf 168.17KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Jo-Anne_Bouthot.pdf 161.06KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Kristina_Kalolo.pdf 195.52KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Marissa_Caminiti.pdf 155.97KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Morgain_Bailey.pdf 210.66KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Pamela_Bosco.pdf 213.51KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Regina_Grabrovac.pdf 185.28KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Ruth_Rossi.pdf 192.99KB
2021_05_02_Comments_from_Ms._Sheila_Unvala.pdf 153.50KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Mr._Doug_Poulin.pdf 160.41KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Mr._Ed_Ferreira.pdf 190.30KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Mr._Zack_Neptune.pdf 206.13KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Mr._Zebulon_Green.pdf 166.82KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Amalia_Siegel.pdf 170.00KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Amanda_Yap.pdf 114.52KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Amy_Jenner.pdf 163.65KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Ashley_Bahlkow.pdf 156.43KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Estephanie_Martinez.pdf 234.90KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Jacquelyn_Cressy.pdf 187.44KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Lucy_Hull.pdf 190.87KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Mary_Finn.pdf 154.90KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Melody_Brimmer.pdf 148.75KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Morgan_Hynd.pdf 165.51KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._O_Brien.pdf 155.88KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Sam_Bullard.pdf 167.32KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Stephanie_Cesario.pdf 267.13KB
2021_05_03_Comments_from_Ms._Susan_Bosco.pdf 149.14KB
2021 05 04 Comments from Conservation Law Foundation and Community Action Works pdf 320.78KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Maine_Youth_for_Climate_Justice.pdf 171.71KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Mr._Chris_McKinnon.pdf 198.59KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Mr._Dan_Marks.pdf 155.22KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Mr._Dana_Snowman.pdf 157.69KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Mr._David_Hendren.pdf 241.92KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Mr._Winslow_Robinson.pdf 230.42KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Annette_Sherrod.pdf 211.46KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Becca_Ferguson.pdf 159.28KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Eileen_Murphy.pdf 163.83KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Hallie_Arno.pdf 149.71KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Heather_Denkmire.pdf 178.26KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Hillary_Lister.pdf 124.68KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Jacquelyn_Elliott.pdf 146.80KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Jesse_Saffeir.pdf 157.59KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Lily_Fernald.pdf 228.02KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Mary_McEvoy.pdf 149.99KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Maryanne_McKinnon.pdf 150.15KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Morgan_Spencer.pdf 186.92KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_Ms._Sherie_Blumenthal.pdf 220.48KB
2021_05_04_Comments_from_WMDSM.pdf 429.52KB
2021_05_28_MDEP response to TU Hiram Notes.docx 12.48KB
2021_07_28_US_Steelworkers_comment Shawmut Dam.pdf 43.16KB
2021_10_Third_Procedural_Order_NECEC_Suspension Proceeding_DRAFT.pdf 182.15KB
2021_11_08_Fourth_Procedural_Order_NECEC_Suspension Proceeding_FINAL.pdf 177.17KB
2021_11_Sixth_Procedural_Order_NECEC_Suspension Proceeding_FINAL.pdf 240.60KB
2021_3-31 SoPo Signed NOI for 2022 MS4GP.pdf 179.21KB
2021.01.15 Staff request for supplemental evidence.pdf 606.45KB
2021.01.19a Appellants' motion to continue.pdf 682.77KB
2021.01.19b Appellants' request for supplemental evidence.pdf 684.36KB
2021.01.20 Licensee, question on response.pdf 687.14KB
2021.01.21 Licensee's response to motion to continue and request for supplemental evidence.pdf 727.99KB
2021.01.25a Board Ruling on continuance and additional evidence; scheduling of appeal.pdf 648.83KB
2021.01.25b A. Philbrick response to scheduling of appeal.pdf 926.23KB
2021.01.25c Weary response to scheduling of appeal.pdf 689.45KB
2021.01.26a response to questions from Barth; updated Service List.pdf 751.60KB
2021.01.26b Barth response.pdf 748.61KB
2021.01.28a A.Philbrick to Service List - scheduling of Spinney appeal (1).pdf 927.03KB
2021.01.28b Hinkle to Service List - scheduling of Spinney appeal (2).pdf 928.21KB
2021.01.28c A.Philbrick to Service List - scheduling of Spinney appeal (3).pdf 934.79KB
2021.02.01a Hinkle to Weary - appeal procedure.pdf 682.10KB
2021.02.01b Weary to Hinkle - appeal procedure.pdf 686.46KB
2021.02.02 Hinkle to Weary - appeal procedure.pdf 775.93KB
2021.02.08 Consideration of appeal scheduled for Feb 18 2021.pdf 457.32KB
2021.02.12 Appellants request to admit supplemental evidence.pdf 818.93KB
2021.02.13 Licensee letter of opposition to supplemental evidence.pdf 731.98KB
2021.02.15 Appellants request to admit supplemental evidence - fwd to Service List.pdf 846.25KB
2021.02.15 Barth comments.pdf 814.71KB
2021.02.17 Chair response to request to consider supp. evid.; response to Barth comments.pdf 447.27KB
2021.02.19 Bensinger to Service List - re. board decision and record.pdf 450.94KB
2021.02.19 Board Decision on Appeal - to Interested Persons List.pdf 585.08KB
2021.02.19 Board Decision on Appeal - to Service List.pdf 584.32KB
2021.02.19 MacNeil to Service List - re. record.pdf 807.54KB
2021.03.31 Portland IDDE Program Manual Revised March 2021.pdf 11.54MB
2021.03.31 Portland NOI.pdf 570.41KB
2021.03.31 Portland SWMP.pdf 9.44MB
2021.10.19 NECEC Suspension Proceedings.pdf 248.68KB
2021.10.21_Area Committee meeting_.pdf 591.88KB
2021-01-04 NRCM Request to Vacate Transfer Order with exhibits.pdf 11.42MB
2021-01-08 Chair letter Re appellants proposed supp evid.pdf 248.52KB
2021-01-13 Palmer memo.pdf 45.94KB
2021-01-15 Email for Jim Beyer Requesting Additional information.pdf 48.96KB
2021-01-15 NRCM Request for Board jurisdiction.pdf 285.82KB
2021-01-15 Staff request for supplemental evidence.pdf 2.08MB
2021-01-18 Jim Rigassio comment letter.pdf 124.44KB
2021-01-18 Jim Rigassio comment letter.pdf 124.44KB
2021-01-18 Sierra Club Request for Board jurisdiction.pdf 195.40KB
2021-01-19 Appellants' motion to continue.pdf 159.26KB
2021-01-19 Appellants' request for supplemental evidence.pdf 127.47KB
2021-01-19-Chair-letter-receipt-of-appeal-and-stay-ruling.pdf 427.47KB
2021-01-19 Chair letter receipt of Transfer Order appeal and stay ruling.pdf 427.47KB
2021-01-20 Condition Compliance_FAR_AIR Response_Final.pdf 276.72KB
2021-01-20 Sierra Club comments DEP 11821.pdf 195.40KB
2021-01-21 _NECEC Minor Revision Application Filing.pdf 450.80KB
2021-01-21 Email to Parties with Minor Revision Application.pdf 77.97KB
2021-01-21 Email to the Parties Extending Comment Period.pdf 52.33KB
2021-01-21 Licensee's Opposition to New Evidence.pdf 88.99KB
2021-01-21 Licensee's Opposition to Weary Motion to Continue.pdf 91.28KB
2021-01-22 BRI - Silver Maple Wind Habitat Mitigation Addendum.pdf 136.66KB
2021-01-22 SWEB - Silver Maple Wind Project - Migratory Bird Conservation.pdf 151.43KB
2021-01-25 Chair ruling on continuance and additional evidence.pdf 185.10KB
2021-01-26 SilverMaple_CollectorSystem.pdf 7.09MB
2021-01-29 Silver Maple Wind-Revised PBR.pdf 1.55MB
2021-02-01-5243_ISPP Extension BA 02012021.pdf 1.46MB
2021-02-01a DEP to Rigassio.pdf 609.13KB
2021-02-01b Rigassio - update.pdf 813.35KB
2021-02-01c DEP to Rigassio.pdf 815.27KB
2021-02-10 Acting Commissioner Preliminary Determination Re Board Jurisdiction.pdf 149.79KB
2021-02-12 Appellants request for reconsideration of supp. evidence.pdf 353.61KB
2021-02-12-filing-deadline-responses-merits-appeal.pdf 284.45KB
2021-02-13 Licensee letter of opposition to request for supp. evidence.pdf 145.10KB
2021-02-15 Barth prepared testimony for BEP Hearing February 18, 2021.pdf 76.78KB
2021-02-17 Chair response to request to reconsider prop supp evid and Barth comments.pdf 185.80KB
2021-02-18 CMP and NECEC LLC's Response to NRCM's Transfer Order Appeal.pdf 280.87KB
2021-02-18 Jeffry Spinney Board Order.pdf 198.84KB
2021-02-18 West Forks et al. Response to NRCM Appeal of Transfer Order.pdf 222.48KB
2021-02-24 Maine TU Council Comments on Sappi Proposal.pdf 437.51KB
20210225-5162_FOPRFERCMTIProtest2_25_2021.pdf 21.92MB
2021-02-25 EA letter on Board jurisdiction.pdf 188.48KB
2021-02-26_HTcomment.pdf 24.81KB
2021-03-04_SHeinz_BKTcomments.pdf 77.03KB
2021 03 10 Sprague Searsport MR Application.pdf 140.86KB
2021 03 10 Sprague SoPo MR Application.pdf 152.00KB
2021-03-11_Hiram relicensing comments_SSRA.pdf 81.96KB
2021-03-11 Letter to Gerry Mirabile RE Minor Revision.pdf 175.24KB
2021-03-12 Chambers and Lewiston response to NECEC Order appeal.pdf 4.98MB
2021-03-12 Friends of Boundary Mountains response to NECEC Order appeal_Second Filing.pdf 1.04MB
2021-03-12 IECG Response to Board Appeals of NECEC.pdf 1.53MB
2021-03-12 NRCM response to CMP and NECEC Transmission LLC objection to West Forks and NRCM responses to appeal.pdf 305.21KB
2021-03-12 West Forks response to CMP and NECEC Transmission LLC objection to West Forks and NRCM responses to appeal.pdf 367.75KB
2021-03-12 West Forks Response to NRCM NextEra Appeals.pdf 150.16KB
2021-03-16 REV1_Response to MDEP Minor Revision Application Letter.pdf 155.02KB
2021-03-23 Appl Accept.docx.pdf 102.44KB
2021-03-25 10336.009 Lewiston SWMP.pdf 7.60MB
2021-03-29 10025.002 Orono SWMP Revision.pdf 7.86MB
2021-03-29 Letter to FERC re Sappi Comments on Shawmut Dam Removal.pdf 1.76MB
2021-03-31 Milford SWMP Revision.pdf 7.40MB
2021-04-01-5385_Comment on Lockwood from Kennebec Coalition 4-1-2021.pdf 104.48KB
2021-04-08 - Revised RPC SD-1 Drawing.pdf 475.92KB
2021-04-16-BWPH_BonneyEagleBattStore_accptltr.pdf 108.50KB
2021-04-16 - KEI Minor Permit Revision Appendix.pdf 265.88KB
2021-04-29 CMP and NECEC LLC_s Second Objection to Supplemental Evidence.pdf 305.72KB
2021-04-30 NRCMs Response to CMP and NECEC Second Objection to Supplemental Evidence.pdf 347.30KB
2021-05-04 WQC Appl Accept.pdf 108.86KB
2021-05-05 West Forks Response to CMP Objection on Supplementary Evidence.pdf 123.81KB
2021-05-07 Friends of the Boundary Mountains response to CMP.pdf 114.73KB
2021-05-07 NECEC Minor Revision Order.pdf 353.88KB
2021-05-11_MDIFW WQC comments 5-11-2021.pdf 132.09KB
2021-05-13_SebagoTU Reply Comments to BF Prescription Response (reduced).pdf 4.05MB
2021-05-13_video of virtual public info mtg2021-01-26.pdf 33.90KB
2021-05-21_DEAcommentJD.pdf 79.84KB
2021-05-21-RevReq_LGF_WQC.pdf 90.22KB
2021-06-03_Hiram MDMR L-07780-33-L-N.pdf 72.70KB
2021-06-07 NRCM Appeal of Minor Revision Order.pdf 310.08KB
2021-06-09_Pejepscot_WQCApp.pdf 7.80MB
2021-06-10 Appeal of CLF of WMDSM Crossroads Landfill Phase 14 Expansion #S-010735-WD-YB-N.pdf 5.32MB
2021-06-10 Chair letter receipt of appeal and deadline for responses to appeal.pdf 417.58KB
2021-06-14_ApplAccpt.pdf 102.81KB
2021-06-21SebagoTU WQC Follow-on Comments.pdf 4.57MB
2021 06 23 Sprague Comments on Draft.pdf 283.72KB
2021-06-28 Chair letter Receipt of appeal and deadline for comments on PSE.pdf 390.40KB
2021 06 28 Response to Comments.pdf 201.73KB
2021-07-08 CLF request for reconsideration of Chair ruling.pdf 254.46KB
2021-07-13 WMDSM Ltr to BEP Chair encls WMDSM Response to Supplemental Evidence.pdf 521.02KB
2021-07-13 WMDSM Motion to Dismiss.pdf 347.90KB
2021-07-13 WMDSM Response to Request for Supplemental Evidence.pdf 8.00MB
2021-07-21 CLF Request to Respond to Motion to Dismiss.pdf 164.05KB
2021-07-22 Sierra Club appeal of Kingfish Maine permit.pdf 4.12MB
2021-07-23 DEP to Interested Persons - notice of application submission.pdf 620.82KB
2021-07-23 Undeliverable - Lynne Barnard.pdf 902.35KB
2021-07-24 Jim Rigassio to DEP.pdf 820.47KB
2021-07-26 DEP to Rigassio.pdf 824.26KB
2021-07-27 A.Smith comments.pdf 653.67KB
2021-07-28 DEP to A.Smith.pdf 930.89KB
2021-07-29 Chair ruling on PSE.pdf 404.57KB
2021-08-03 Farrin to Loyzim.pdf 104.90KB
2021-08-03 Fwd - Applicant response to A.Smith comments.pdf 1.03MB
2021-08-04 A.Smith comments2.pdf 1.04MB
2021-08-04 Ltr to Boepple re Stay Decision.pdf 291.66KB
2021-08-09_Service List.docx.pdf 24.25KB
2021-08-09 CLF Response to MWDSM Motion to Dismiss.pdf 1.36MB
2021-08-10 Black v Cutko Decision and Order.pdf 362.78KB
2021-08-10 Respondent deadline for response to merits of appeal.pdf 334.07KB
2021-08-11_DRAFT_WQC_publiccommentopportunityFTP.pdf 63.35KB
2021-08-11 NRCM Stay Request.pdf 427.33KB
2021-08-12 Board Chair response to request for stay.pdf 180.63KB
2021-08-12 Board Chair response to request for stay.pdf 180.63KB
2021-08-12 Dismissal of appeal of Kingfish Maine Order.pdf 222.91KB
2021-08-13_CK Proposed Dam Removal Testimony Aug 2021.pdf 167.63KB
2021-08-13_WhiteMadigan Shawmut Dam letter - DEP.pdf 108.09KB
2021-08-13 DEP to A.Smith_attachment1_Proposed Dinghy.jpg 2.88MB
2021-08-13 DEP to A.Smith_attachment1_Proposed Dinghy.pdf 320.17KB
2021-08-13 DEP to A.Smith_attachment2_Existing Dinghy.jpg 2.47MB
2021-08-13 DEP to A.Smith_attachment2_Existing Dinghy.pdf 238.05KB
2021-08-13 DEP to A.Smith.pdf 1.04MB
2021-08-13emailcover.pdf 67.53KB
2021-08-13email WhiteMadigan comment.pdf 50.25KB
2021-08-13 NECEC Suspension initiation.pdf 255.96KB
2021-08-17 A.Smith to DEP.pdf 1.05MB
2021-08-17 West Forks et al Response to NRCM Request for Stay.pdf 230.68KB
2021-08-18_coverEmail.pdf 61.71KB
2021-08-18_emailcover.pdf 42.94KB
2021-08-18_NGOs-CLF_ASF_MRs_NRCM.pdf 83.95KB
2021-08-18 DEP Water Quality Cert-Shawmut-Fairfield Letter.pdf 28.19KB
2021-08-18 Letter to DEP re Comments on Draft WQC for Shawmut Hydroelectric Project13658615v1.pdf 497.22KB
2021-08-18 Shawmut WQC Withdrawal.pdf 600.74KB
2021-08-18 WMDSM Response to Appeal and Request for Public Hearing.pdf 341.09KB
2021-08-19 Hull comment.pdf 134.51KB
2021-08-20 Commissioner decision on Renewed Stay Request.pdf 181.25KB
2021-08-20 Ltr to Kilbreth Boepple re Renewed Stay Request.pdf 181.25KB
2021-08-22 Blasi comment.pdf 121.65KB
2021-08-23 Chair ruling on motion to dismiss.pdf 216.94KB
2021-08-23 Elliot comment.pdf 984.01KB
2021-08-23 Woods comment.pdf 143.83KB
2021-08-24 Gagne comment.pdf 145.94KB
2021-08-26 LaBelle Town of Norridgewock Comments.pdf 544.21KB
2021-08-26 Mattson comment.pdf 160.17KB
2021-08-27 A.Smith comments3.pdf 1.05MB
2021-08-28 Wilder comment.pdf 176.92KB
2021-08-30 Community Action Works Colihan comment.pdf 203.91KB
2021-08-30 DEP response to A.Smith comments 3 & Applicant response to Smith comments2.pdf 1.06MB
2021-08-30 Lister comment.pdf 153.29KB
2021-08-30 Snowman comment.pdf 135.08KB
2021-08-30 Spencer comment.pdf 57.89KB
2021-09-02 Public Notice Suspension Proceeding.pdf 74.96KB
2021-09-11 A.Smith to DEP_check in.pdf 1.05MB
2021-09-13 A.Smith to DEP.pdf 1.05MB
2021-09-13 DEP to A.Smith_re-sending response from 8-30-2021.pdf 1.05MB
2021-09-13 FBM's Petition to Intervene.pdf 97.80KB
2021-09-13 IECG's Petition to Intervene.pdf 151.73KB
2021-09-13 NRCM’s Petition to Intervene.pdf 363.37KB
2021-09-13 West Forks Petition to Intervene.pdf 7.03MB
2021-09-20 Howard-Sandra-Comments.pdf 755.69KB
2021-09-20 Howard-Sandra-Comments.pdf 755.69KB
2021-09-28 Luther, Doris Comment.pdf 71.45KB
2021-09-28 Luther, Doris Comment.pdf 71.45KB
2021-09-28 Luther-Doris-Comment.pdf 71.45KB
2021-09-30 Chair reponse to Licensees second objection to supplemental evidence_CORRECTED.pdf 272.17KB
2021-09-30 Graceffa, Lou Comments.pdf 60.39KB
2021-09-30 Graceffa, Lou Comments.pdf 60.39KB
2021-09-30 Graceffa, Louis Comments.pdf 60.39KB
2021-09 First Procedural Order NECEC Suspension Proceeding FINAL.pdf 258.81KB
2021-10-01 Reardon Pre-Filed Testimony Final Executed with Exhibits_Redacted.pdf 11.84MB
2021-10-04 Bennett Pre-Filed Testimony Final Executed with Exhibits_Redacted.pdf 2.42MB
2021-10-04 Final CMP-NECEC Pre-filed Direct Testimony - License Suspension Proceeding_Redacted.pdf 8.14MB
2021-10-04 Kilbreth - Richardson filing Pre-Filed Testimony.pdf 49.81KB
2021-10-04 Nicholas Comments CMP DEP License Suspension.pdf 80.54KB
2021-10-04 Nicholas-John-Comments.pdf 82.88KB
2021-10-04 Nicholas-John-Comments.pdf 82.88KB
2021-10-05 Woods, Linda Comment.pdf 109.25KB
2021-10-05 Woods, Linda Comment (2).pdf 53.53KB
2021-10-07 Woods, Linda Comment.pdf 109.25KB
2021-10-07 Woods-Linda-Comment.pdf 109.25KB
2021-10-08 Merchant Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony w Exhibit_Redacted.pdf 4.47MB
2021-10-08 Merchant Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony w Exhibit.pdf 4.46MB
2021-10-08 Second Procedural Order NECEC Suspension Proceeding FINAL.pdf 168.01KB
2021-10-10 Avallon-King, Debbie comments.pdf 65.58KB
2021-10-10 Avallon-King, Debbie comments.pdf 65.58KB
2021-10-10 Dubois, Erica Comments.pdf 73.87KB
2021-10-10 Dubois, Erica Comments.pdf 73.87KB
2021-10-10 Dubois-Erica-Comments.pdf 73.87KB
2021-10-10 King-dja-Comments.pdf 653.55KB
2021-10-10 King-dja-Comments.pdf 653.55KB
2021-10-10 Muralidhar, Yugeshwar Maine DEP comments.pdf 62.23KB
2021-10-10 Muralidhar, Yugeshwar Maine DEP comments.pdf 62.23KB
2021-10-10 Muralidhar-Yugeshwar-Comments.pdf 62.23KB
2021-10-10 White, Alice Comment.pdf 49.16KB
2021-10-10 White, Alice Comment.pdf 49.16KB
2021-10-11 Frederic-Paul Comment.pdf 53.53KB
2021-10-11 Frederic-Paul Comment.pdf 53.53KB
2021-10-11 Monteleon, Marjorie comments .pdf 74.90KB
2021-10-11 Monteleon, Marjorie comments .pdf 74.90KB
2021-10-12 Boepple Cvr Ltr Rebuttal Testimony.pdf 448.08KB
2021-10-12 Kilbreth - Richardson filing Rebuttal Testimony of Merchnt and Reardon.pdf 49.79KB
2021-10-12 Morrison, Abi Comment.pdf 61.00KB
2021-10-12 Morrison, Abi Comment.pdf 61.00KB
2021-10-12 Rebuttal Testimony- Buzzell.pdf 141.56KB
2021-10-12 Rebuttal Testimony- Caruso-Caratunk_Redacted.pdf 420.60KB
2021-10-12 Rebuttal Testimony- Preisendorfer_Redacted.pdf 15.55MB
2021-10-12 Samiljan, George Comment.pdf 69.29KB
2021-10-12 Samiljan, George Comment.pdf 69.29KB
2021-10-13 Huber to DEP_request for application.pdf 941.76KB
2021-10-14 DEP to Huber_copy of application.pdf 946.83KB
2021-10-14 Dubois Linda testamony.pdf 30.33KB
2021-10-14 Dubois Linda testamony.pdf 30.33KB
2021-10-15 Delogu, Orlando comments.pdf 173.73KB
2021-10-15 Delogu, Orlando comments.pdf 173.73KB
2021-10-15 Dubois, Erica Comments.pdf 78.98KB
2021-10-15 Dubois, Erica Comments.pdf 78.98KB
2021-10-15 Dubois-Erica-Comments.pdf 78.98KB
2021-10-18 CMP-Corridor-Editorial.pdf 40.57KB
2021-10-18 CMP-Corridor-Editorial.pdf 40.57KB
2021-10-19_Morgan-Mary_Comments.pdf 45.96KB
2021-10-19 AMC-Townsend-Eliza_Comments.pdf 1.38MB
2021-10-19 AMC-Townsend-Eliza_Comments.pdf 1.38MB
2021-10-19 Anderson-Richard-Comments.pdf 740.03KB
2021-10-19 Ayers-Christopher-Comments.pdf 422.34KB
2021-10-19 Ayers-Christopher-Comments-Att.pdf 11.04KB
2021-10-19 Bartovics-Becky-Comment.pdf 662.07KB
2021-10-19 Bartovics-Becky-Comment.pdf 662.07KB
2021-10-19 Bartovics-Becky-Comment-Att.pdf 25.00KB
2021-10-19 Bartovics-Susan-Comments.pdf 637.77KB
2021-10-19 B Cummings Hearing testimony No 1.pdf 74.82KB
2021-10-19 Binney-Allison Comments.pdf 1.13MB
2021-10-19 Binney-Allison Comments.pdf 1.13MB
2021-10-19 Blasi-Ant-Comment.pdf 648.14KB
2021-10-19 Blasi-Ant-Comment.pdf 648.14KB
2021-10-19 Cummings, Brenda Hearing testimony pt 2.pdf 89.90KB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Brenda-Testimony.pdf 2.94MB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Brenda-Testimony.pdf 2.94MB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Brenda-Testimony2.pdf 15.38MB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Brenda-Testimony2.pdf 15.38MB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Brenda-Testimony2-wAtt.pdf 15.38MB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Brenda-Testimony3.pdf 1.09MB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Brenda-Testimony3.pdf 1.09MB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Charlene-Comments.pdf 991.81KB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Charlene-Comments.pdf 991.81KB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Charlene-Testimony.pdf 721.44KB
2021-10-19 Cummings-Charlene-Testimony.pdf 721.44KB
2021-10-19 Delogu-Comments.pdf 478.49KB
2021-10-19 Delogu-Comments.pdf 478.49KB
2021-10-19 Hilton-Ernie-Comment.pdf 659.38KB
2021-10-19 Hilton-Ernie-Comment.pdf 659.38KB
2021-10-19 Howard, Sandra public comment.pdf 98.20KB
2021-10-19 Howard, Sandra public comment.pdf 98.20KB
2021-10-19 Howard-Sandra-Comment.pdf 98.20KB
2021-10-19 Irland-Lloyd-Comments.pdf 1.54MB
2021-10-19 Irland-Lloyd-Comments.pdf 1.54MB
2021-10-19 Johnson-Cathy Comment.pdf 708.13KB
2021-10-19 Johnson-Cathy Comment.pdf 708.13KB
2021-10-19 Lachance-Gary-Comment.pdf 685.78KB
2021-10-19 Lachance-Gary-Comment.pdf 685.78KB
2021-10-19 Lincoln-Jeffers-Testimony.pdf 13.39KB
2021-10-19 Lynch-Janet-Comments.pdf 84.90KB
2021-10-19 McCarthy-Monica-Testimony.pdf 781.25KB
2021-10-19 McCarthy-Monica-Testimony.pdf 781.25KB
2021-10-19 Parent-Don-Testimony.pdf 656.99KB
2021-10-19 Parent-Don-Testimony.pdf 656.99KB
2021-10-19 Rawstron-Karl-Testimony.pdf 645.52KB
2021-10-19 Rumpf-Tom-Testimony.pdf 817.84KB
2021-10-19 Rumpf-Tom-Testimony.pdf 817.84KB
2021-10-19 Saviello-Tom-Testimony.pdf 9.10MB
2021-10-19 Saviello-Tom-Testimony.pdf 9.10MB
2021-10-19 StClair-Julia-Comments.pdf 879.57KB
2021-10-19 Tilberg-Karin-Comment.pdf 6.35MB
2021-10-19 Vierthaler-Heidi-Comments.pdf 737.46KB
2021-10-19 Washburn-Hank Comment.pdf 644.89KB
2021-10-19 Wilcox-Carl-Comments.pdf 882.72KB
2021-10-19 Wilcox-Carl-Comments-Att.pdf 254.39KB
2021-10-19 Woods-Linda-Comments.pdf 1.20MB
2021-10-21 Appl Accept.pdf 102.80KB
2021-10-22 DEP to Glaser.pdf 822.22KB
2021-10-22 Glaser to DEP.pdf 636.94KB
2021-10-23 Noble to DEP.pdf 633.12KB
2021-10-23 Pasqualge comment letter.pdf 170.62KB
2021-10-23 Pasqualge comment letter.pdf 170.62KB
2021-10-24 Schulz comments.pdf 461.46KB
2021-10-25 Cartwright comments.pdf 324.96KB
2021-10-25 DEP to Noble.pdf 821.89KB
2021-10-25 DEP to Schulz.pdf 470.38KB
2021-10-25 Huber to DEP_question on hyperlinks.pdf 723.88KB
2021-10-26 Bangerter comments.pdf 666.28KB
2021-10-26 DEP to Bangerters.pdf 847.59KB
2021-10-26 DEP to Cartwright.pdf 895.61KB
2021-10-26 DEP to Huber.pdf 833.72KB
2021-10-27_agency review request.pdf 108.29KB
2021-10-27_DEAreview_LB.pdf 82.15KB
2021-10-27 Chaplin comments.pdf 632.55KB
2021-10-27 DEP to Levine.pdf 826.96KB
2021-10-27 Glaser comments_attachment1_Deed_Environmental Covenants.pdf 412.07KB
2021-10-27 Glaser comments_attachment1_Deed_Environmental Covenants.pdf 412.07KB
2021-10-27 Glaser comments_attachment2_DEP Order.pdf 622.75KB
2021-10-27 Glaser comments_attachment2_DEP Order.pdf 622.75KB
2021-10-27 Glaser comments_attachment3_Boardwalk Easment-not permanent.pdf 657.79KB
2021-10-27 Glaser comments_attachment3_Boardwalk Easment-not permanent.pdf 657.79KB
2021-10-27 Glaser comments.pdf 773.91KB
2021-10-27 Levine comments.pdf 646.39KB
2021-10-27 Morrison comments.pdf 654.69KB
2021-10-27 Noble comments_attachment.pdf 76.02KB
2021-10-27 Noble comments_attachment.pdf 76.02KB
2021-10-27 Noble comments.pdf 632.76KB
2021-10-27 Swan comments_corrected_attachment.pdf 77.25KB
2021-10-27 Swan comments_corrected_attachment.pdf 77.25KB
2021-10-27 Swan comments_corrected.pdf 694.65KB
2021-10-27 Willson comments.pdf 731.47KB
2021-10-28 Cleaver comments.pdf 635.49KB
2021-10-28 Coe comments.pdf 718.50KB
2021-10-28 McCarty comments.pdf 632.62KB
2021-10-29 DEP deadline for public comments extended_attachment 'Plan Set revised 10-2021'.pdf 3.77MB
2021-10-29 DEP deadline for public comments extended_attachment 'Plan Set revised 10-2021'.pdf 3.77MB
2021-10-29 DEP deadline for public comments extended.pdf 732.16KB
2021-10-29 DEP to Cleaver.pdf 823.51KB
2021-10-29 DEP to Coe.pdf 929.59KB
2021-10-29 DEP to McCarty.pdf 823.39KB
2021-10-29 DEP to Noble.pdf 822.73KB
2021-10-29 DEP to Sigaud.pdf 862.64KB
2021-10-29 DEP to Swan.pdf 906.79KB
2021-10-29 DEP to Willson.pdf 939.50KB
2021-10-29 Huber - request to extend deadline for comments.pdf 864.85KB
2021-10-29 Sigaud comments.pdf 673.19KB
2021-10-29 Theriault comments.pdf 438.58KB
2021-10-30 Coleman comments.pdf 448.18KB
2021-10-30 Devery comments.pdf 442.72KB
2021-10-30 Fitzgerald comments.pdf 636.60KB
2021-10-30 Hayes comments.pdf 658.48KB
2021-10-30 Jim Rigassio additional comments.pdf 715.26KB
2021-10-30 Mahoney comments.pdf 442.83KB
2021-10-30 Meunier comments.pdf 644.54KB
2021-10-30 Nutt comments.pdf 447.05KB
2021-10-30 Sloane comments.pdf 650.71KB
2021-10-30 Young comments.pdf 442.90KB
2021-10-31 Mahoney -comments withdrawn.pdf 437.33KB
2021-10-31 Meunier comments_corrected_attachment.pdf 512.34KB
2021-10-31 Meunier comments_corrected_attachment.pdf 512.34KB
2021-10-31 Meunier comments_corrected.pdf 658.51KB
2021-10-31 Mimi Rigassio comments_attachment.pdf 2.57MB
2021-10-31 Mimi Rigassio comments_attachment.pdf 2.57MB
2021-10-31 Mimi Rigassio comments.pdf 633.17KB
2021-11-01 DEP to Chaplin.pdf 820.10KB
2021-11-01 DEP to Glaser.pdf 987.29KB
2021-11-01 DEP to Morrison.pdf 824.50KB
2021-11-01 Dillard comments.pdf 631.93KB
2021-11-01 Dolby concrete and void repair permit application.pdf 281.90KB
2021-11-01 Evans comments.pdf 633.99KB
2021-11-01 Files comments.pdf 678.45KB
2021-11-01 Hadley comments.pdf 983.74KB
2021-11-01 Huber_question on collective letter.pdf 716.86KB
2021-11-01 Rosen comments.pdf 720.93KB
2021-11-01 Strauss comments.pdf 705.77KB
2021-11-01 To DEP Dolby concrete and void repair permit application.pdf 14.23MB
2021-11-02 DEP IECG Post Hearing Brief.pdf 201.77KB
2021-11-02 DEP to Huber_collective letter.pdf 827.55KB
2021-11-02 Huber to DEP.pdf 833.74KB
2021-11-02 Intervenor NRCM's Post-Hearing Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact.pdf 482.56KB
2021-11-02 Kilbreth - Richardson filing NRCM's Post-Hearing Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact.pdf 149.18KB
2021-11-02 West Forks Post Hearing Brief.pdf 179.47KB
2021-11-03 SH Rockland BIG Layout Transient Dockage.pdf 280.82KB
2021-11-04 DEP to Glaser.pdf 1.04MB
2021-11-04 DEP to Glaser re site visit.pdf 1.05MB
2021-11-04 DEP to Huber.pdf 909.96KB
2021-11-04 DEP to Huber (2).pdf 821.20KB
2021-11-04 Glaser additional comments.pdf 4.92MB
2021-11-04 Glaser to DEP re site visit.pdf 1.05MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment1_MCP Strategic Outlook.pdf 1.47MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment1_MCP Strategic Outlook.pdf 1.47MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment2_pbpilot_102721.pdf 65.06KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment2_pbpilot_102721.pdf 65.06KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment2 as Word doc.pdf 713.97KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment3_pbw_ltr_110421.pdf 199.87KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment3_pbw_ltr_110421.pdf 199.87KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment4_samorock_2001_draft_denial.pdf 103.93KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment4_samorock_2001_draft_denial.pdf 103.93KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment5_samorock_2007_denial_by_dep.pdf 115.39KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment5_samorock_2007_denial_by_dep.pdf 115.39KB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment6_scenic_inventory1_1990.pdf 2.22MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment6_scenic_inventory1_1990.pdf 2.22MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment7_ScenicAssessmentRpt.pdf 14.65MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment7_ScenicAssessmentRpt.pdf 14.65MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment8_scenic_inventory2_1990.pdf 22.91MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments_attachment8_scenic_inventory2_1990.pdf 22.91MB
2021-11-04 Huber comments.pdf 821.20KB
2021-11-04 Huber to DEP.pdf 1021.76KB
2021-11-04 NRCM Motion to Stay DEP Order.pdf 278.61KB
2021-11-04 Ryan Smith comments.pdf 650.46KB
2021-11-05 DEP to Glaser_report.pdf 1.07MB
2021-11-05 DEP to Huber.pdf 824.41KB
2021-11-05 Glaser additional comments_attachment1.pdf 152.38KB
2021-11-05 Glaser additional comments_attachment1.png 484.69KB
2021-11-05 Glaser additional comments_attachment2.pdf 93.91KB
2021-11-05 Glaser additional comments_attachment2.png 509.92KB
2021-11-05 Glaser additional comments.pdf 1.07MB
2021-11-05 Glaser to DEP & Sub.Lands - additional comments_attachment1.pdf 152.38KB
2021-11-05 Glaser to DEP & Sub.Lands - additional comments_attachment1.png 484.69KB
2021-11-05 Glaser to DEP & Sub.Lands - additional comments_attachment2.pdf 93.91KB
2021-11-05 Glaser to DEP & Sub.Lands - additional comments_attachment2.png 509.92KB
2021-11-05 Glaser to DEP & Sub.Lands - additional comments.pdf 756.72KB
2021-11-05 Huber to DEP.pdf 828.17KB
2021-11-05 NECEC Suspension proceeding referendum.pdf 87.38KB
2021-11-06 Wexler comments.pdf 647.17KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Coleman.pdf 465.86KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Devery.pdf 459.58KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Dillard.pdf 816.46KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Evans.pdf 820.01KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Files.pdf 852.19KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Fitzgerald.pdf 821.19KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Hadley.pdf 1.10MB
2021-11-08 DEP to Hayes.pdf 827.47KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Jim Rigassio_attachment.pdf 1.04MB
2021-11-08 DEP to Jim Rigassio_attachment.pdf 1.04MB
2021-11-08 DEP to Jim Rigassio_subattachment1_Proposed Dinghy.jpg 2.88MB
2021-11-08 DEP to Jim Rigassio_subattachment1_Proposed Dinghy.pdf 320.17KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Jim Rigassio_subattachment2_Existing Dinghy.jpg 2.47MB
2021-11-08 DEP to Jim Rigassio_subattachment2_Existing Dinghy.pdf 238.05KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Jim Rigassio.pdf 926.93KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Mahoney.pdf 458.87KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Meunier.pdf 825.87KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Mimi Rigassio_attachment_Proposed Dinghy.jpg 2.88MB
2021-11-08 DEP to Mimi Rigassio_attachment_Proposed Dinghy.pdf 320.17KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Mimi Rigassio.pdf 818.96KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Nutt.pdf 463.72KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Pasqualge.pdf 622.87KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Rosen.pdf 903.20KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Ryan Smith.pdf 829.87KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Sloane.pdf 825.38KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Strauss.pdf 918.95KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Theriault.pdf 459.63KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Wexler.pdf 833.50KB
2021-11-08 DEP to Young.pdf 457.89KB
2021-11-08 Submerged Lands to Glaser.pdf 761.11KB
2021-11-08 Submerged Lands to Wexler.pdf 842.45KB
2021-11-09 Intervenor NRCM's Post-Hearing Reply Brief.pdf 318.81KB
2021-11-09 Kilbreth - Richardson filing Intervenor NRCM's Post-Hearing Reply Brief.pdf 149.38KB
2021-11-09 Maine House District 11 email.pdf 565.50KB
2021-11-09 West Foks et al Request for Stay and Reply Brief.pdf 507.63KB
2021-11-09 West Forks et al Request for Stay and Reply Brief.pdf 508.50KB
2021-11-12_MHPC review_KM.pdf 75.80KB
2021-11-12a DEP to Swan - alternatives.pdf 921.82KB
2021-11-12b DEP to Swan - alternatives.pdf 928.01KB
2021-11-12c1 attachment - 1 Commercial st.pdf 4.46MB
2021-11-12c1 attachment - 1 Commercial st.pdf 4.46MB
2021-11-12c CEO to DEP_tax map (1).pdf 641.21KB
2021-11-12d1 attachment steelpro.pdf 5.41MB
2021-11-12d1 attachment steelpro.pdf 5.41MB
2021-11-12d CEO to DEP_tax map (2).pdf 603.20KB
2021-11-12e Swan to DEP - alternatives.pdf 1.13MB
2021-11-12f DEP to Swan - alternatives.pdf 1.31MB
2021-11-13a Swan to DEP - alternatives.pdf 1.23MB
2021-11-13b Smalley comments.pdf 645.94KB
2021-11-15a DEP to Swan - alternatives.pdf 1.40MB
2021-11-15b DEP to Smalley.pdf 826.68KB
2021-11-16 Kilbreth - Richardson filing Intervenor NRCM's Witness List and Exhibit List.pdf 150.57KB
2021-11-16 NRCM's DEP Exhibit List (Second Suspension Hearing).pdf 192.74KB
2021-11-16 NRCM's DEP Witness List (Second Suspension Hearing).pdf 192.85KB
2021-11-16 West Forks Exhibit List.pdf 5.14MB
2021-11-17_Winslow WQC letter_town of Winslow comment.pdf 71.53KB
2021-11-17 Appl Accept.pdf 104.26KB
2021-11-17 Baker-Bruce.pdf 834.66KB
2021-11-17 Caron comment.pdf 643.06KB
2021-11-17 Darling-Glen.pdf 623.50KB
2021-11-17 Darling-Glen2.pdf 618.41KB
2021-11-17 Email comment from Winslow.pdf 477.01KB
2021-11-17 TheInnAtFerryLanding.pdf 466.97KB
2021-11-17 Tibbetts-Shawn.pdf 457.29KB
2021-11-18 Aderman comment.pdf 621.09KB
2021-11-18 Bryant-Geri.pdf 642.47KB
2021-11-18 Chair response to renewed requests for stay of NECEC Order.pdf 183.95KB
2021-11-18 Deery-Holly.pdf 449.04KB
2021-11-18 Edge-Kate.pdf 457.19KB
2021-11-18 Graceffa-Louis.pdf 647.37KB
2021-11-18 Hutton comment.pdf 432.41KB
2021-11-18 Jost-Coq-Noel.pdf 451.71KB
2021-11-18 Lee-Linda.pdf 458.36KB
2021-11-18 McIntire comment.pdf 644.41KB
2021-11-18 Peppiatt-Roy.pdf 470.91KB
2021-11-18 Schauffler-Marina.pdf 1.57MB
2021-11-18 tonyveau comment.pdf 432.78KB
2021-11-18 Trifaro-Grace.pdf 739.10KB
2021-11-18 Wohl-Peter.pdf 643.32KB
2021-11-19 Funaro-Andrew.pdf 452.14KB
2021-11-19 Roy comment.pdf 666.55KB
2021-11-19 Savage-Lisa.pdf 687.16KB
2021-11-19 Turner-William.pdf 1.03MB
2021-11-20 Glaser to Sub.Lands_additional comments.pdf 776.04KB
2021-11-21 Brayson-Carol.pdf 641.54KB
2021-11-21 DeCoster-Kenny.pdf 635.08KB
2021-11-21 Reynolds-Maria.pdf 635.74KB
2021-11-22 AMC-Townsend-Eliza.pdf 725.58KB
2021-11-22a Sub.Lands to Glaser.pdf 779.12KB
2021-11-22 Bartovics-Becky.pdf 14.28KB
2021-11-22 Bennett-Richard.pdf 661.21KB
2021-11-22b Glaser to Sub.Lands.pdf 785.52KB
2021-11-22 Binney-Allison.pdf 960.42KB
2021-11-22 Cleaves-Kassandra.pdf 638.97KB
2021-11-22 Cote-John.pdf 640.08KB
2021-11-22 Cummings-Charlene-Brenda.pdf 3.40MB
2021-11-22 Cummings-Charlene-Brenda-Part2.pdf 218.37KB
2021-11-22 Diaz-Judy.pdf 640.57KB
2021-11-22 Drew-Janet.pdf 652.70KB
2021-11-22 Dubois-Linda.pdf 70.29KB
2021-11-22 Frederic-Paul.pdf 459.25KB
2021-11-22 Grohoski-Nicole.pdf 47.09KB
2021-11-22 Hall-David.pdf 825.91KB
2021-11-22 Hockmeyer-Suzie.pdf 457.74KB
2021-11-22 Howard-Sandra.pdf 146.89KB
2021-11-22 Ireland-Lloyd.pdf 672.41KB
2021-11-22 Jeffers-Lincoln.pdf 38.92KB
2021-11-22 Johnson-Cathy.pdf 691.30KB
2021-11-22 Kimbrell-Jim.pdf 730.70KB
2021-11-22 LaBrecque-James.pdf 169.17KB
2021-11-22 Merchant-Roger.pdf 1.62MB
2021-11-22 Monteleon-Marjorie.pdf 760.28KB
2021-11-22 NECEC Suspension Hearing Part 1.mp4 3.32GB
2021-11-22 NECEC Suspension Hearing Part 2.mp4 195.11MB
2021-11-22 Parr-Randal.pdf 869.92KB
2021-11-22 Reinzo-James.pdf 699.91KB
2021-11-22 Ross-Kenneth.pdf 48.87KB
2021-11-22 Russell-Todd.pdf 744.03KB
2021-11-22 Saviello-Tom.pdf 1.18MB
2021-11-22 Simpson-Everett.pdf 46.85KB
2021-11-22 Turek-Mark.pdf 123.18KB
2021-11-22 Turner-Steve.pdf 783.60KB
2021-11-22 Vierthaler-Heidi.pdf 1.27MB
2021-11-22 Whittier-Heather.pdf 645.88KB
2021-11-23Final Order Revised.pdf 525.00KB
2021-11-23 USACE to Glaser.pdf 720.85KB
2021-11-24 Ltr toKilbreth and Boepple re Stay Decision.pdf 1.16MB
2021-11-26 USACE response to Coe, Schramm, and Huber_attachment_pbw_letr_acoe_111921.pdf 182.69KB
2021-11-26 USACE response to Coe, Schramm, and Huber_attachment_pbw_letr_acoe_111921.pdf 182.69KB
2021-11-26 USACE response to Coe, Schramm, and Huber.pdf 681.23KB
2021-1-13 RE Hatcase Pond.pdf 31.24KB
2021-12-01_NOAA-NMFSreview_MB.pdf 100.37KB
2021-12-13_DIFWreview_RS.pdf 95.35KB
2021-12-13 Appeal of Eastern Maine Conservation Initiative_REDACTED.pdf 152.22KB
2021-12-13 Appeal of Roque Island Gardner Homestead Corporation_REDACTED.pdf 1.72MB
2021-12-13 Appeal of Sierra Club Maine_REDACTED_corrected.pdf 7.50MB
2021-12-21_DEAreview_JD.pdf 86.72KB
2021AwardsList.pdf 211.84KB
2021 Milford NOI.pdf 475.46KB
2021 Preliminary EAST 8-hr Ozone DATA 5-10-22.xlsx 5.47MB
2021-RAG-Revision-Workshop_COMBINED (2).pptx 2.06MB
2021-RAG-Revision-Workshop-Slides(final).pdf 1.31MB
2021StreamCrossGrantTop3.pdf 27.60MB
2022-01-03_MDMRreview_SL.pdf 50.09KB
2022-02-04 C2.10 Site Plan.pdf 825.26KB
2022-02-04 C2.3 Site Plan.pdf 1.02MB
2022-02-04 C2.4 Site Plan.pdf 608.51KB
2022-02-04 C2.5 Site Plan.pdf 676.12KB
2022-02-04 C2.6 Site Plan.pdf 689.42KB
2022-02-04 C2.8 Site Plan.pdf 1.18MB
2022-02-04 C2.9 Site Plan.pdf 1.18MB
2022-02-04 C5.10 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.32MB
2022-02-04 C5.1 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.13MB
2022-02-04 C5.2 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.15MB
2022-02-04 C5.3 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 981.90KB
2022-02-04 C5.5 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.90MB
2022-02-04 C5.6 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.08MB
2022-02-04 C5.7 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.26MB
2022-02-04 C5.8 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1016.67KB
2022-02-04 C7.11 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.22MB
2022-02-04 C7.12 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.21MB
2022-02-04 C7.13 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.02MB
2022-02-04 C7.14 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 779.05KB
2022-02-04 C7.2 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.06MB
2022-02-04 C7.3 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.17MB
2022-02-04 C7.4 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.05MB
2022-02-04 C7.5 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.29MB
2022-02-04 C7.7 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.28MB
2022-02-04 E1.1 Soil Map.pdf 2.86MB
2022-02-04 E1.2 Soil Map.pdf 3.34MB
2022-02-04 Sugarloaf West Mountain.pdf 98.06MB
2022-03_HiramHydro_WQC_L007780-33-L-N.pdf 294.21KB
2022-03-02_MDIFW Comments on Draft Order 3-2-2022.pdf 117.50KB
2022-03-03_SebagoTU Draft WQC Comments Final.pdf 7.03MB
2022-03-03ApplicationAccepted.pdf 102.83KB
2022-03-09 Chair ruling on proposed supplemental evidence.pdf 271.21KB
2022-03-28_AgencyReviewRequest.pdf 101.11KB
20220429-5531001-VHBPermitSet.pdf 160.76MB
20220429-5531001-VHBSubdivisionPlats.pdf 7.84MB
2022-04-29 MLDC Plans.pdf 30.52MB
2022 05 09 Air License Extension Request.pdf 242.52KB
2022 05 18 Nordic Air Extension Response FINAL.pdf 248.50KB
2022-05-18 Nordic Extension Response.pdf 248.70KB
2022-05-18 Nordic Extension Response FINAL.pdf 248.50KB
2022-06-01 Appeal of NVC of Nordic Extension decision.pdf 923.53KB
2022-06-01 Appeal of NVC of Nordic Extension decision.pdf 932.30KB
2022-06-01 Brookfield Comments.pdf 853.28KB
2022-06-01 Ex A - Kleinschmidt Memo.pdf 313.75KB
2022-06-01 Ex B - Kleinschmidt Cost Memo.pdf 90.95KB
2022-06-01 Ex C - Alden Shawmut DMR Review Memo.pdf 352.99KB
2022-06-01 Ex D - Dissertation.pdf 4.98MB
2022-06-01 Ex E - Sappi Letter.pdf 1.85MB
2022-06-01 Ex F - KHDG Agreement.pdf 1.29MB
2022-06-01 WQC Comments - Reply to MDMR.pdf 140.34KB
2022-06-03 comments by IECG re DEP Application #L-19751-33-I-N.pdf 124.45KB
2022-06-03 Email comments by IECG re DEP Application #L-19751-33-I-N.pdf 855.04KB
2022-0718_PFP_MEConcept.pdf 200.61KB
2022-07-18 IDEXX Comments on DEPs Concept Draft for the Maine PFAS in Products Program(15187941.1).pdf 1.12MB
2022-08-04 Kingfish Signed Board Order.pdf 343.89KB
2022-2027 Saco SWPP and IDDE Plans - Final.pdf 4.15MB
2022 Brewer MS4 SMP.pdf 3.72MB
2022 MS4 Lisbon SMP.pdf 3.12MB
2022 NOI - SCARBOROUGH.pdf 1.02MB
2022 Preliminary EAST 8-hr Ozone DATA 5-30-22.xlsx 5.11MB
2022 Scarborough Stormwater Management Plan - FINAL.pdf 11.82MB
2022 SCG Info Sheet.pdf 513.57KB
2022 Scoring Breakdown.pdf 240.69KB
2026293 1.93MB
2027348 1.93MB
2027719 1.93MB
2028719 1.93MB
2028851 1.93MB
2029283 1.94MB
2030243 1.94MB
2030657 1.94MB
2031056 1.94MB
2031097 1.94MB
2031738 1.94MB
2032475 1.94MB
2032870 1.94MB
2033267 1.94MB
2035184 1.94MB
2035200 1.94MB
2035278 1.94MB
20359 19.88KB
2039358 1.94MB
2040329 1.95MB
2041096 1.95MB
2041172 1.95MB
2045340 1.95MB
2045689 1.95MB
2048805 1.95MB
2051705 1.96MB
2053077 1.96MB
2055737 1.96MB
2056992 1.96MB
205753 200.93KB
2058415 1.96MB
2059401 1.96MB
2060358 1.96MB
2061107 1.97MB
2061604 1.97MB
2062378 1.97MB
2062378 1.97MB
206343 201.51KB
2064384 1.97MB
2064 Natural Conditions 2-15-22.xlsx 29.25KB
2067232 1.97MB
2068818 1.97MB
2069442 1.97MB
2072489 1.98MB
2073022 1.98MB
2074311 1.98MB
2076594 1.98MB
2077441 1.98MB
2077600 1.98MB
2077767 1.98MB
2078108 1.98MB
2078752 1.98MB
2078776 1.98MB
2081079 1.98MB
2082739 1.99MB
2083364 1.99MB
2083784 1.99MB
2086518 1.99MB
2088453 1.99MB
2089362 1.99MB
2089864 1.99MB
2090313 1.99MB
2090522 1.99MB
2092252 2.00MB
2094343 2.00MB
2096281 2.00MB
2096687 2.00MB
2097405 2.00MB
2097626 2.00MB
2098176 2.00MB
2098333 2.00MB
209884 204.96KB
20 Combined.pdf 119.98KB
20 Exhibit 8 Mabee-Grace Chain of Title with subdivision conveyances 02-18-2020.pdf 750.51KB
21_Air_Emissions.pdf 10.39KB
2106701 2.01MB
2106751 2.01MB
2107738 2.01MB
2108860 2.01MB
2109641 2.01MB
2111040 2.01MB
21-11-12 NECEC Consservation Plan- Condition Compliance Application for Condition 39sdpdf.pdf 12.79MB
2112169 2.01MB
2112816 2.01MB
2114449 2.02MB
2114560 2.02MB
2114661 2.02MB
2115525 2.02MB
2115635 2.02MB
211677 206.72KB
2118077 2.02MB
2120351 2.02MB
2120550 2.02MB
2121-11-16 West Forks Witness List.pdf 74.62KB
2121461 2.02MB
2121461 2.02MB
2121638 2.02MB
2121721 2.02MB
2123261 2.02MB
2125603 2.03MB
212670 207.69KB
2127377 2.03MB
2130252 2.03MB
2130252 2.03MB
2131831 2.03MB
2132878 2.03MB
2137159 2.04MB
2137631 2.04MB
2139391 2.04MB
214009 208.99KB
2140541 2.04MB
2141067 2.04MB
2141684 2.04MB
2141706 2.04MB
2141912 2.04MB
2142743 2.04MB
214361 209.34KB
2144023 2.04MB
2145683 2.05MB
2147773 2.05MB
2148386 2.05MB
2149408 2.05MB
214961 209.92KB
2151044 2.05MB
2153133 2.05MB
2153133 2.05MB
2153294 2.05MB
2158592 2.06MB
2160167 2.06MB
2160653 2.06MB
2163475 2.06MB
2165102 2.06MB
2165479 2.07MB
2169810 2.07MB
2170660 2.07MB
2171203 2.07MB
2175074 2.07MB
2176062 2.08MB
2177040 2.08MB
2177425 2.08MB
2180060 2.08MB
2183090 2.08MB
2183330 2.08MB
2184166 2.08MB
2184886 2.08MB
2186906 2.09MB
2187174 2.09MB
2189113 2.09MB
2189388 2.09MB
2189460 2.09MB
2189469 2.09MB
2189877 2.09MB
2191080 2.09MB
2191242 2.09MB
2191664 2.09MB
2193124 2.09MB
2193863 2.09MB
2193863 2.09MB
2197149 2.10MB
21 Combined.pdf 1.16MB
21 Exhibit 9 Eckrote Survey Signed & Sealed 08-31-2012.pdf 759.73KB
22_Odors.pdf 66.29KB
2201029 2.10MB
2202100 2.10MB
2202142 2.10MB
2202552 2.10MB
2202992 2.10MB
2203919 2.10MB
2205097 2.10MB
2205215 2.10MB
2205504 2.10MB
2205577 2.10MB
2206006 2.10MB
2206460 2.10MB
2206486 2.10MB
2206948 2.10MB
2208295 2.11MB
2209059 2.11MB
2210019 2.11MB
2210259 2.11MB
2210277 2.11MB
2214217 2.11MB
2218890 2.12MB
2220679 2.12MB
2220860 2.12MB
2221133 2.12MB
2221674 2.12MB
2223186 2.12MB
2223357 2.12MB
2224640 2.12MB
2225339 2.12MB
2226935 2.12MB
2229383 2.13MB
2231227 2.13MB
2232921 2.13MB
2233821 2.13MB
2235214 2.13MB
2236469 2.13MB
2237185 2.13MB
2237228 2.13MB
2240527 2.14MB
2240617 2.14MB
2240725 2.14MB
2241599 2.14MB
2241703 2.14MB
2244009 2.14MB
2245152 2.14MB
2245657 2.14MB
2245924 2.14MB
2245924 2.14MB
2246760 2.14MB
2248254 2.14MB
225109 219.83KB
2251399 2.15MB
2251871 2.15MB
2253629 2.15MB
2253966 2.15MB
2254090 2.15MB
2254108 2.15MB
2254995 2.15MB
2255360 2.15MB
2255379 2.15MB
2259197 2.15MB
2260159 2.16MB
2264720 2.16MB
2264720 2.16MB
2265276 2.16MB
2265516 2.16MB
2265951 2.16MB
2266550 2.16MB
2266736 2.16MB
2272421 2.17MB
2273156 2.17MB
2273192 2.17MB
2273219 2.17MB
2276974 2.17MB
2277321 2.17MB
2277503 2.17MB
2277588 2.17MB
2278904 2.17MB
2280329 2.17MB
2280851 2.18MB
228352 223.00KB
2283522 2.18MB
2283522 2.18MB
2283522 2.18MB
2285631 2.18MB
2285631 2.18MB
2286299 2.18MB
2286442 2.18MB
2287343 2.18MB
2291316 2.19MB
2291923 2.19MB
2292224 2.19MB
2293704 2.19MB
2293937 2.19MB
2294305 2.19MB
2295096 2.19MB
2295765 2.19MB
2295767 2.19MB
2297152 2.19MB
2297542 2.19MB
2297542 2.19MB
2298624 2.19MB
2298947 2.19MB
22a Odors.pdf 26.44KB
22 Exhibit 10 ECKROTE CHAIN OF TITLE 02-18-2020.pdf 736.70KB
23_Water_Vapor.pdf 9.17KB
23001Results.xlsx 512.19KB
2300420 2.19MB
23005Results.xlsx 559.79KB
23009Results.xlsx 419.87KB
23013Results.xlsx 462.68KB
23015Results.xlsx 420.37KB
23023Results.xlsx 563.03KB
2302641 2.20MB
23027Results.xlsx 512.37KB
23031Results.xlsx 540.96KB
2303731 2.20MB
2304008 2.20MB
2307333 2.20MB
2307393 2.20MB
2307791 2.20MB
2307886 2.20MB
230882 225.47KB
2310361 2.20MB
2310503 2.20MB
2312096 2.20MB
2314649 2.21MB
2316679 2.21MB
2316711 2.21MB
2318687 2.21MB
2319665 2.21MB
232442 226.99KB
2328661 2.22MB
232926 227.47KB
2332387 2.22MB
2334273 2.23MB
2335218 2.23MB
2335250 2.23MB
2338929 2.23MB
2338976 2.23MB
2339639 2.23MB
234065 228.58KB
2342481 2.23MB
2342895 2.23MB
2344029 2.24MB
2344134 2.24MB
2344732 2.24MB
2345198 2.24MB
2345467 2.24MB
2345904 2.24MB
2345904 2.24MB
2346686 2.24MB
2347299 2.24MB
2347959 2.24MB
2352007 2.24MB
2352428 2.24MB
2354089 2.25MB
2355801 2.25MB
2357646 2.25MB
2358180 2.25MB
2361344 2.25MB
2361859 2.25MB
2362020 2.25MB
2362371 2.25MB
2366069 2.26MB
2366286 2.26MB
2367335 2.26MB
2373135 2.26MB
2373559 2.26MB
2375221 2.27MB
2376597 2.27MB
2382394 2.27MB
2383691 2.27MB
2383854 2.27MB
2384997 2.27MB
2385466 2.27MB
2385499 2.27MB
2385830 2.28MB
2386522 2.28MB
2386522 2.28MB
2388283 2.28MB
2389127 2.28MB
2389794 2.28MB
2389928 2.28MB
2390598 2.28MB
2391148 2.28MB
2392480 2.28MB
2393338 2.28MB
2393758 2.28MB
2394533 2.28MB
2395907 2.28MB
239616 234.00KB
2396953 2.29MB
23a Water Vapor.pdf 26.45KB
23 Exhibit 11 Jan 8 2020 Email re TRI Issues with attachments.pdf 2.42MB
24_Sunlight.pdf 9.31KB
2400842 2.29MB
2401090 2.29MB
2401384 2.29MB
2402457 2.29MB
2403347 2.29MB
2403347 2.29MB
2403902 2.29MB
2405023 2.29MB
2406535 2.30MB
2406604 2.30MB
2407144 2.30MB
2407372 2.30MB
2407696 2.30MB
2408269 2.30MB
2409409 2.30MB
241069 235.42KB
2414116 2.30MB
2415127 2.30MB
2415296 2.30MB
2418105 2.31MB
2418741 2.31MB
2422422 2.31MB
2422491 2.31MB
2423262 2.31MB
242338 236.66KB
242338 236.66KB
242338 236.66KB
2424843 2.31MB
2428112 2.32MB
2428952 2.32MB
2429200 2.32MB
2429525 2.32MB
2430351 2.32MB
2430914 2.32MB
2433741 2.32MB
2434519 2.32MB
2434526 2.32MB
2441988 2.33MB
2444673 2.33MB
2445041 2.33MB
2445368 2.33MB
2446702 2.33MB
2447781 2.33MB
2449982 2.34MB
2450039 2.34MB
2454790 2.34MB
2455106 2.34MB
2458342 2.34MB
245890 240.13KB
2459291 2.35MB
2459291 2.35MB
2459381 2.35MB
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2498550 2.38MB
2498553 2.38MB
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2499809 2.38MB
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2503047 2.39MB
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2510043 2.39MB
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2597566 2.48MB
2598764 2.48MB
2599460 2.48MB
2599944 2.48MB
25 Combined.pdf 2.37MB
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2600960 2.48MB
2603247 2.48MB
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2693135 2.57MB
2695431 2.57MB
2695660 2.57MB
2696283 2.57MB
2696376 2.57MB
2699801 2.57MB
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2703187 2.58MB
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2706855 2.58MB
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2794406 2.66MB
2795346 2.67MB
2795430 2.67MB
2797568 2.67MB
2798078 2.67MB
2799104 2.67MB
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2804534 2.67MB
2808361 2.68MB
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2894122 2.76MB
2894888 2.76MB
2895413 2.76MB
2895762 2.76MB
2897920 2.76MB
2899073 2.76MB
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2901739 2.77MB
2902265 2.77MB
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2998095 2.86MB
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2999188 2.86MB
2999705 2.86MB
2999818 2.86MB
29A_Bingham Decommissioning 04 10 13 FINAL.pdf 270.72KB
29 HLHCA Assignment from UW to Friends HLHCA 11-05-2019.pdf 740.59KB
2a. Block 1 - Certificate of Good Standing Maine May 7 2019.pdf 32.09KB
2b. Block 1 - Delaware Certificate of Good Standing - Apr 2, 2019.pdf 49.51KB
2 KFM Table of Contents.pdf 83.49KB
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3. Block 5 - Agent Authorization Letter.pdf 23.69KB
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3. WMDSM - Groundwater Protection - 9.14.2020.pdf 4.33MB
3000142 2.86MB
3002736 2.86MB
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3048654 2.91MB
3048790 2.91MB
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3049534 2.91MB
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3050651 2.91MB
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30 Aug 6 2018 Eckrote -NAF easement purchase & sale agreement Ex 5.pdf 5.82MB
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31466 Yachting Solutions Dredge Sediment Report.pdf 12.34MB
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31 Dec 24 2019 NAF-Eckrote Amendment of 08-06-2018 Easement P&S Agreement.pdf 1.28MB
31-LUPC_Certification.pdf 6.33MB
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329934 322.20KB
32 March-3-2019 NAF-Eckrote Letter Agreement with transmitting emails.pdf 2.30MB
33-001-2004 2001-21 Laconia-B Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.38MB
3300169 3.15MB
33-005-0007 1997-21 Keene Ozone Summary.xlsx 7.23MB
3300618 3.15MB
33-007-4001 1997-21 Mt Washington Summit Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.82MB
33-007-4002 1997-21 Mt Washington Base Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.50MB
33-009-0010 2005-21 Lebanon Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.75MB
3300945 3.15MB
33-009-9991 2011-21 Woodstock Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.26MB
33-011-1011 2003-21 Nashua-Gilson Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.29MB
33-011-5001 2002-21 Peterborough-Miller SP NCORE Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.77MB
33-013-1007 2004-21 Concord-B Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.42MB
33-015-0014 2003-21 Portsmouth-Pierce Island Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.84MB
33-015-0016 2003-21 Rye-Odiorne SP Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.29MB
33-015-0018 2011-21 Londonderry-Moose Hill NCORE Ozone Summary.xlsx 6.34MB
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474744 463.62KB
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481291 470.01KB
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48346 47.21KB
483672 472.34KB
485407 474.03KB
487796 476.36KB
489818 478.34KB
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497965 486.29KB
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5_Stantec 5-8-18_passamaquoddy.pdf 146.13KB
5_Stormwater.pdf 74.84MB
5.6.20SilverMapleemail.pdf 86.03KB
5. Goldenrod_08.22.18.pdf 924.60KB
5. WMDSM - Sound Level Assessment - 9.14.2020.pdf 1.24MB
500412 488.68KB
504737 492.91KB
505511 493.66KB
510767 498.80KB
518158 506.01KB
518923 506.76KB
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598282 584.26KB
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6_Visual_Quality.pdf 11.00KB
6.9.20CareyemailMDIFW.pdf 127.80KB
6. Goldenrod _4.18.19.pdf 68.91KB
6. WMDSM - Hierarchy and Recycling - 09.14.2020.pdf 1.36MB
603995 589.84KB
604523 590.35KB
610891 596.57KB
6-20-2018email-comment.pdf 111.60KB
624461 609.83KB
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695469 679.17KB
699681 683.28KB
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7.14.2017 Mills - Richarchardson Ltr.pdf 727.51KB
7. Goldenrod Easement Deed_4.18.2019.pdf 1.82MB
709643 693.01KB
709880 693.24KB
712704 696.00KB
712763 696.06KB
713990 697.26KB
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717795 700.97KB
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725901 708.89KB
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731379 714.24KB
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733969 716.77KB
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797696 779.00KB
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8. Eckrote_08.06.18.pdf 6.48MB
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A1157 Kingfish Maine Acceptance Letter 040721.pdf 89.68KB
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a969bt.pdf 79.27KB
aaapplication form.pdf 1.12MB
AAFA Comments on Maine PFAS Concept Draft.pdf 85.69KB
AAI_Ext. Comm. - Comments - 2022 - Comments on Concept Draft for the Maine PFAS in Products Program.pdf 331.03KB
AAI_TSCA 8a7 PFAS Reporting Recordkeeping Comments 2021.09.27.pdf 834.30KB
Abaldo, Anna.pdf 62.17KB
Abbot Utility Location Permit 7-30-2013.pdf 2.63MB
Abutter Listing 3.19.2018.pdf 921.48KB
ACA Comment ME LD 1503 Concept final July 2022.pdf 237.78KB
Acadia_with_improve_4SIP.jpg 482.29KB
ACC Comments - Maine COHC Food Contact March 10 submission.pdf 279.55KB
Accent Cleaners PA.pdf 6.80MB
accept.pdf 99.68KB
Accept.pdf 148.70KB
acceptance letter.pdf 172.67KB
Acceptance letter.pdf 132.24KB
accept letter.pdf 61.95KB
ACM Survey Pahl Property - May 3 2017.pdf 1.49MB
activehaztrans.pdf 34.70KB
active-landfills_02-2018.pdf 16.33KB
activeoutofservicetanks.pdf 1.48MB
Adams, Lorette.pdf 38.54KB
Addendum_5-8-13.pdf 65.84KB
Addendum 13-A-Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 533.10KB
Addendum R2-A-Mike Lannan Rebuttal.pdf 49.59KB
Addendum W1-A Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 493.60KB
Additional Com parcels, Summary of Encumbrances.xlsx 14.44KB
Adelard Rondeau-Lewiston-Adr-408-422.pdf 585.21KB
Adolphe Bernier-Lewiston-Adr-407-586.pdf 973.65KB
Adr-2997-230.pdf 148.82KB
Adr-407-360.pdf 510.36KB
Adr-407-362.pdf 517.77KB
Adr-407-364.pdf 495.00KB
Adr-407-366.pdf 548.26KB
Adr-407-368.pdf 532.57KB
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Adr-407-372.pdf 532.05KB
Adr-407-374.pdf 516.48KB
Adr-407-376.pdf 762.43KB
Adr-407-403.pdf 481.27KB
Adr-407-405.pdf 538.23KB
Adr-407-407.pdf 1.24MB
Adr-407-439.pdf 600.40KB
Adr-407-524.pdf 967.49KB
Adr-407-526.pdf 585.93KB
Adr-407-560.pdf 1.33MB
Adr-407-676.pdf 706.95KB
Adr-407-680.pdf 1.54MB
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Adr-408-237.pdf 737.46KB
Adr-408-238.pdf 691.18KB
Adr-408-239.pdf 500.36KB
Adr-408-240.pdf 440.96KB
Adr-408-241.pdf 1002.96KB
Adr-408-242.pdf 515.49KB
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Adr-408-244.pdf 666.07KB
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Adr-408-271.pdf 525.22KB
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Adr-408-274.pdf 532.15KB
Adr-408-275.pdf 445.57KB
Adr-408-276.pdf 515.83KB
Adr-408-277.pdf 506.04KB
Adr-408-278.pdf 504.61KB
Adr-408-279.pdf 512.51KB
Adr-408-280.pdf 434.59KB
Adr-408-281.pdf 467.48KB
Adr-408-282.pdf 487.16KB
Adr-408-283.pdf 488.73KB
Adr-408-375.pdf 501.38KB
Adr-408-379.pdf 396.50KB
Adr-408-380.pdf 569.28KB
Adr-408-417.pdf 1.86MB
Adr-408-420.pdf 2.05MB
Adr-408-457.pdf 2.46MB
Adr-408-478.pdf 1.20MB
Adr-413-224.pdf 544.61KB
Adr-413-225.pdf 531.90KB
Adr-511-402.pdf 511.48KB
Adr-511-403.pdf 469.44KB
AdvaMed Comment Letter_PFAS in Products Concept Draft Rule.pdf 199.77KB
Affleck, Amanda.pdf 15.39KB
Agell, Charlotte.pdf 32.51KB
AgencyReviewRequest_09252017.docx 32.07KB
Agenda_Day_Two_Final.pdf 214.51KB
Agenda - 2022 Air Quality Monitoring Comittee Meeting.docx 15.20KB
Agent Authorization Letter.pdf 18.06KB
AHAM Comments Concept Draft for the Maine PFAS in Products Program (00112870).pdf 132.69KB
AHRI Comments to Maine PFAS Information Request.pdf 255.69KB
Air draft comment - Steven Rea.pdf 45.20KB
Air Guard PA-1988-FTA info.pdf 133.50KB
Air signed order 11-19-20.pdf 783.35KB
Akers, Tim.pdf 38.70KB
Alban Hyde-Lewiston-Adr-361-33.pdf 1.59MB
Albert, Ann.pdf 32.33KB
Albert Walker-Durham-Adr-395-542.pdf 284.25KB
Alexander, Rick.pdf 82.62KB
Alex Richard-Lewiston-Adr-395-245.pdf 671.83KB
ALL_1997-prelim2021-22_8-hr_Ozone_SUMMARY_w-TRENDS_PLOTS_5-30-22.xlsx 20.62MB
Allen, Arthur.pdf 38.60KB
Allen, Julie.pdf 32.49KB
Allen, Neva.pdf 73.43KB
Allen, Raechel.pdf 51.90KB
Allen, Tracey.pdf 32.29KB
Allen, Tracey L.pdf 51.37KB
Alley, Anastasia.pdf 32.22KB
Allison, Susan.pdf 32.27KB
All photos and notes from interactive map.pdf 16.69MB
Almeda Mower-Lewiston-Adr-408-428.pdf 649.14KB
Alna 2005 Comprehensive Plan.pdf 4.99MB
Alna Planning Board minutes - comparison.pdf 102.97KB
Alna Planning Board minutes - comp snip.jpg 147.62KB
Alna R4 Tax Map.pdf 291.06KB
Alnashorelandordinance.pdf 345.05KB
Alna Spinney dock NRPA application.docx 25.26KB
Alna Spinney dock NRPA application.pdf 25.51KB
Alna Spinney dock NRPA application 1 5 20.docx 25.85KB
Alna Spinney dock NRPA application 1 5 20.pdf 22.59KB
Alonzo and Lillian Dill-Lewiston-Adr-395-486.pdf 306.12KB
American Aquafarms Public Meeting 10-28-21.mp4 534.02MB
American Chemistry Council Comments on Maine Conceptual Draft 7.18.22.pdf 75.34KB
Ammerman, HD.pdf 14.17KB
anaerobic-digestion.pdf 114.79KB
Analysis Comments-February2016.pdf 355.61KB
Anastase, Carmen.pdf 38.60KB
Ancona, Katia.pdf 90.72KB
Anctil, Jonathan.pdf 38.61KB
Anderson, Cynthia 1.pdf 59.62KB
Anderson, Cynthia 2.pdf 61.07KB
Anderson, Dorothy.pdf 32.52KB
Anderson, Eric.pdf 72.48KB
Anderson, Helen.pdf 39.64KB
Anderson, Helen.pdf 82.75KB
Anderson, Nancy.pdf 38.58KB
Anderson 11.16.2019.pdf 69.11KB
Anderson letter.docx 14.79KB
Anderson letter.docx 14.79KB
Andre Dion-Auburn-Adr-395-492.pdf 464.52KB
Andrews, Penny.pdf 859.27KB
Androscoggin PB SCR.xls 59.50KB
Androscoggin PB SNCR.xls 49.00KB
Androscoggin WFI SCR.xls 58.50KB
Androscoggin WFI SNCR.xls 48.50KB
Angelone, Jennifer.pdf 32.13KB
Angevine, Donald.pdf 32.56KB
Anne, Esther.pdf 14.70KB
Annie May Hylan-Lewiston-Adr-515-649.pdf 1.08MB
Antonez, Jessica.pdf 32.40KB
app_a_visual.pdf 610.80KB
app_b_mhpc-tribal_correspondence.pdf 707.77KB
App5-A_ImpactMap.pdf 686.30KB
Appalachian Mountain Club.pdf 378.94KB
Appeal of the Sixth Procedural Order Upstream Watch.pdf 1.53MB
Appendix 10 2021 Shawmut ISPP.pdf 870.31KB
Appendix 10-A. PIM transcript for 3-26-19 meeting.pdf 432.27KB
Appendix 10-B. Abuttors List_draft.pdf 99.04KB
Appendix 11-A. Class B Soil Map Report.pdf 4.83MB
Appendix 11-A Nordic Aqua Farms_MHPC #037-18_Ph I Report.pdf 1.91MB
Appendix 11-B. Geotechnical Engineering Report.pdf 9.15MB
Appendix 11-B MHPC - No Impact Response 10-1-18 and 10-25-18.pdf 71.79KB
Appendix 11-C Penobscot Nation - No Objection 10-22-18.pdf 186.67KB
Appendix 11-D Certified Receipts - Commercial Land-Based Aquaculture.pdf 276.51KB
Appendix 11 Preliminary Terms and Conditions, Section 18.pdf 1.09MB
Appendix 12 Fish Passage Effectiveness Memo.pdf 240.92KB
Appendix 13 DMR 2020 Plan Amendment.pdf 1021.33KB
Appendix 14-A. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan.pdf 5.64MB
Appendix 14 Comments on MDMR Plan Amendment.pdf 5.95MB
Appendix 15-A. Hydrogeologic Investigation Report.pdf 27.60MB
Appendix 15-B. Water Resource Monitoring Plan.pdf 11.99MB
Appendix 15 Shawmut DEA.pdf 2.52MB
Appendix 16-A. Water Supply and Purchase Agreement.pdf 580.07KB
Appendix 16-B. Capacity to Serve Letter.pdf 405.66KB
Appendix 16-C. Maine Public Utilities Commission Final Order.pdf 11.64MB
Appendix 16 Comments on DEA.pdf 10.75MB
Appendix 16-D. Seawater Pipeline Engineering Drawings.pdf 8.36MB
Appendix 16-E. Utilities Engineering Drawings.pdf 18.25MB
Appendix 17-A. Belfast WWTF Capacity Confirmation.pdf 692.67KB
Appendix 17-B. Utilities Engineering Drawings.pdf 18.25MB
Appendix 17-C. Seawater Pipeline Engineering Drawings.pdf 8.36MB
Appendix 17 MDEP Draft WQC.pdf 714.74KB
Appendix 18-A. MDMR Letter and Response.pdf 124.82KB
Appendix 18-B. Commitment Letters.pdf 5.02MB
Appendix 18-C. Marine Sediment Analytical Results.pdf 850.26KB
Appendix 18 Comments Filed on Draft WQC.pdf 2.17MB
Appendix 19-A. Flood Insurance Rate Map.pdf 14.78MB
Appendix 19-B. Unnamed Stream Profile.pdf 257.27KB
Appendix 19 Brookfield Responses to Comments on FERC DEA.pdf 7.44MB
Appendix 1-A. Development Construction Schedule.pdf 79.59KB
Appendix 1-A. Development Construction Schedule.pdf 77.51KB
Appendix 1 A Shawmut FLA Volume I.pdf 32.45MB
Appendix 1-B. Seawater Access System Construction Schedule.pdf 34.97KB
Appendix 1-C. Seawater Access System Pipeline Photo Log.pdf 1.05MB
Appendix 20-A. Blast Assessment.pdf 108.10KB
Appendix 20-B. Blasting Plan.pdf 18.26MB
Appendix 20 BWPH Legal Complaint.pdf 3.27MB
Appendix 21-B. Fugitive Dust SOP.pdf 103.52KB
Appendix 22-A. Capacity to Serve - Channel Fish.pdf 131.99KB
Appendix 22-B. Capacity to Serve - Agricycle, Casella and Waste Management.pdf 1.93MB
Appendix 24-A. Shadow Study Diagram.pdf 260.47KB
Appendix 25-A. PIM Transcript and Sign In Sheet.pdf 532.03KB
Appendix 25-B. Abuttors List.pdf 99.04KB
Appendix 25-C. Evidence of PIM Notification.pdf 20.31MB
Appendix 2 Shawmut Fish Passage Measures.pdf 312.08KB
Appendix 3-A. Financial Capacity Letter.pdf 2.77MB
Appendix 3-B. Carnegie and Pareto Memo.pdf 225.89KB
Appendix 3-C. EKF Credit Guarantee.pdf 44.45KB
Appendix 3-D. BDO Audit Report.pdf 550.02KB
Appendix 3-E. Delaware Cert of Good Standing.pdf 45.57KB
Appendix 3-F. Maine Cert of Good Standing.pdf 32.09KB
Appendix 3 Kennebec River Fishery Mgmt Plans.pdf 22.70MB
Appendix 4-A. Resumes.pdf 4.48MB
Appendix 4 KHDG Agreement.pdf 5.18MB
Appendix 5-A. Construction, Operation, and Maintenance Noise Impact Assessment.pdf 704.57KB
Appendix 5 KHDG Chronology.pdf 172.01KB
Appendix 6 2013 ISPP and BO.pdf 13.72MB
Appendix 6-A. Visual Assessment Report.pdf 44.14MB
Appendix 6A- Eckrote Culvert.pdf 705.32KB
Appendix 7-A. Natural Resources Report.pdf 15.83MB
Appendix7-B_PipelineSchedule.pdf 387.29KB
Appendix 7-B. MDIFW and MNAP Information.pdf 8.16MB
Appendix7-C_PipelinePhotos.pdf 1.02MB
Appendix 7-C. Wildife Species Lists.pdf 276.72KB
Appendix 7 Fish Lift Final Designs.pdf 43.04MB
Appendix 8-A. Archeological Phase I Survey.pdf 1.91MB
Appendix 8-B. Maine Historic Preservation Commission Responses.pdf 71.79KB
Appendix 8-C. Penobscot Nation Response.pdf 186.67KB
Appendix 8-D. Certified Mail Receipts.pdf 276.51KB
Appendix 8 JPA for Fish Lift Construction.pdf 52.92MB
Appendix 9 2019 BA.pdf 1.30MB
Appendix 9-A. MDIFW Response.pdf 591.72KB
Appendix 9-A. MDIFW response and MNAP with maps - Belfast.pdf 8.16MB
Appendix 9-B. MNAP Maps.pdf 7.67MB
Appendix 9-B. Wildife Species Lists.pdf 415.30KB
Appendix 9-C. FIRM_wProposedDevelopmentArea.pdf 14.78MB
Appendix 9-D. UnnamedStreamProfile.pdf 257.27KB
Appendix 9-E. LittleRiverDamAssessment-FinalReport-11July2018_redacted.pdf 14.48MB
Appendix A 2020.01.30 Ltr from ACF Committee to Director Cutko Attachment B to Group 4 Comments.pdf 555.75KB
Appendix A 2020.01.30 Ltr from ACF Committee to Director Cutko Attachment B to Group 4 Comments.pdf 555.75KB
Appendix A - ALL SRSNS.pdf 128.69MB
Appendix A Chapter 115 Application Form.pdf 360.68KB
Appendix A - Figures 1 - 6.pdf 29.04MB
APPENDIX A - MANE-VU_Speciation_and_Trajectory_Analyses_-_Final.pdf 12.97MB
Appendix A Stormwater Treatment Calculations.pdf 5.84MB
Appendix A visual checklist.pdf 55.05KB
Appendix B.pdf 179.36MB
Appendix B - CHEMO POND.pdf 42.54MB
Appendix B Index of Evidence.pdf 200.92KB
Appendix B Index of Evidence.pdf 200.92KB
APPENDIX B - MANEVU Trends 2004-18 Report 1st SIP Metrics - 5-1-2020 Update.docx 5.34MB
Appendix B Post Construction Stormwater Management.pdf 5.36MB
Appendix B - Tables 1 - 11.pdf 72.54KB
Appendix C_11-07-2019.pdf 844.84KB
Appendix C_revised 12-11-2019.pdf 935.83KB
Appendix C 2004 Height Development of Upper Canopy Trees.pdf 157.10KB
Appendix C 2004 Height Development of Upper Canopy Trees.pdf 157.10KB
AppendixC-Correspondence.pdf 277.92KB
Appendix C - HOPKINS POND.pdf 58.50MB
APPENDIX C - MANEVU Trends 2004-19 Report 2nd SIP Metrics -January 21 2021 Update.docx 9.11MB
Appendix C - Property Deeds.pdf 1.88MB
Appendix C Site Plan.pdf 1.35MB
Appendix C Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance.pdf 395.52KB
Appendix D11. Submerged Lands Lease Application_10.10.18.pdf 8.12MB
APPENDIX D-1 - MANE-VU CALPUFF Modeling Appendices Draft 04-4-2017.pdf 4.65MB
Appendix D2. BWD&City_04.17.19.pdf 746.53KB
Appendix D 2019.02.21 CMP Stipulation MPUC 2017-00232.pdf 1.40MB
Appendix D 2019.02.21 CMP Stipulation MPUC 2017-00232.pdf 1.40MB
Appendix D3. Cassida_01.29.18.pdf 6.83MB
Appendix D4. Cassida_03.11.19.pdf 238.22KB
Appendix D5. Goldenrod_08.22.18.pdf 924.60KB
Appendix D6. Goldenrod _4.18.19.pdf 68.91KB
Appendix D7. Goldenrod Easement Deed_4.18.2019.pdf 1.82MB
Appendix D8. Eckrote_08.06.18.pdf 6.48MB
Appendix D - Application for PBD Final.pdf 4.36MB
APPENDIX D - MANE-VU CALPUFF Modeling Report Draft 04-4-2017.pdf 5.08MB
Appendix D - MOUNTAINY POND.pdf 34.98MB
Appendix D Pre-Development Calculations.pdf 5.44MB
Appendix E 2019.02.28 Calhoun Direct Testimony.pdf 775.11KB
Appendix E 2019.02.28 Calhoun Direct Testimony.pdf 775.11KB
APPENDIX E - MANE-VU TSC - Updated QC over d Contribution Assessment - Final.pdf 2.82MB
Appendix E - PARKS POND.pdf 72.68MB
Appendix E Post Development Calculations.pdf 9.50MB
Appendix E - References.pdf 20.32MB
Appendix F 2019.02.28 Elizabeth Caruso Testimony.pdf 57.02MB
Appendix F 2019.02.28 Elizabeth Caruso Testimony.pdf 57.13MB
APPENDIX F - Contributions to Regional Haze in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic United States. Preliminary Update Through 2007.pdf 1.67MB
Appendix G 2019.02.28 Greg Caruso Testimony.pdf 58.68KB
Appendix G 2019.02.28 Greg Caruso Testimony.pdf 58.68KB
Appendix G - BALD BLUFF FOCUS AREA.pdf 42.39MB
APPENDIX G - Consultation Framework.pdf 53.08KB
Appendix H 2019.02.28 Janet McMahon Testimony.pdf 195.80KB
Appendix H 2019.02.28 Janet McMahon Testimony.pdf 195.80KB
APPENDIX H - MANE-VU Contributing State Analysis Final.pdf 1.47MB
Appendix I 2019.02.28 Roger Merchant Testimony.pdf 2.77MB
Appendix I 2019.02.28 Roger Merchant Testimony.pdf 2.77MB
Appendix I - Equipment and Support Services Directory.pdf 391.35KB
Appendix III - Marine Site Safety Plan (generic).pdf 639.52KB
Appendix II - MDIF&W Wildlife Response Plan.pdf 1.57MB
APPENDIX I - The Nature of Fine Particle and Regional Haze Air Quality Problems.pdf 1.96MB
Appendix IV - Scenarios.pdf 478.15KB
Appendix J 2019.03.15 LD 640 Testimony by Tom Saviello.pdf 511.04KB
Appendix J 2019.03.15 LD 640 Testimony by Tom Saviello.pdf 511.04KB
APPENDIX J - Contribution Assessment Preliminary Inventory Analysis.pdf 813.87KB
Appendix J - HOLDEN TOWN HALL.pdf 38.40MB
Appendix K 2019.03.15 LD 640 Support Testimony.pdf 87.54KB
Appendix K 2019.03.15 LD 640 Support Testimony.pdf 87.54KB
APPENDIX K - MV Natural Background memo FINAL (Jun07) (1).pdf 118.34KB
Appendix L 2019.04.09 NRCM Response to March 28 Thorn Dickinson memo to ENR Committee.pdf 406.77KB
Appendix L 2019.04.09 NRCM Response to March 28 Thorn Dickinson memo to ENR Committee.pdf 406.77KB
APPENDIX L - Four-Factor Data Collection Memo - 170314.pdf 1.02MB
Appendix M 2019.04.15 David Publicover Surrebuttal.pdf 1.04MB
Appendix M 2019.04.15 David Publicover Surrebuttal.pdf 1.04MB
APPENDIX M - Assessment of Reasonable Progress for Regional Haze in MANE-VU Class I Areas - MACTEC - July 9 2007.pdf 8.08MB
Appendix N 2019.04.19 Dr. Calhoun Surrebuttal Testimony.pdf 1.63MB
Appendix N 2019.04.19 Dr. Calhoun Surrebuttal Testimony.pdf 1.63MB
APPENDIX O - EGU Data for Four-Factor Analyses - Only CALPUFF Units 170928.xlsx 451.88KB
APPENDIX P - High Electric Demand Days and Visibility Impairment in MANE-VU - December 20 2017.pdf 2.60MB
APPENDIX Q - Status of the Top 167 Stacks from the 2008 MANE-VU Ask.pdf 482.40KB
APPENDIX R-1 - MANE-VU Intra-Regional Ask Final 8-25-2017.pdf 1.58MB
APPENDIX R-2 - MANE-VU Inter-Regional Ask Final 8-25-2017.pdf 1.99MB
APPENDIX R-3 - MANE-VU FLM Final Ask 8-25-2017.pdf 1.01MB
APPENDIX S - Winter NOX Control Report 171120.pdf 3.26MB
APPENDIX T - MANE-VU Regional Haze Consultation Report and Consultation Documentation2.pdf 21.86MB
Appendix to Davis comments3.30.20.pdf 2.48MB
APPENDIX U - Maine's Four Factor Analyses.docx 211.87KB
Appendix V - Gasoline and Ethanol Spill Response.pdf 621.05KB
Appendix VII Att 1 -NE Region Dispersant Auth Guide DRAFT.pdf 481.20KB
Appendix VII - Dispersant Pre-Authorization.pdf 395.86KB
Appendix VI - In Situ Burning - Checklist, Decision Tree and Memorandum of Understanding.pdf 535.55KB
APPENDIX V - OTC MANE-VU 2011 Based Modeling Platform Support Document October 2018 - Final.pdf 18.96MB
APPENDIX X - Natural Haze Levels II Updated April 2020 - IMPROVE.xlsx 170.55KB
APPENDIX Y - 2064 Endpoint file updated April 2020 - IMPROVE.xlsx 136.96KB
ApplAcceptDRAFT042018.docx 119.14KB
Appleton Quitclaim Deed (5099-195).pdf 462.01KB
Application.pdf 1.11MB
Application.pdf 41.64MB
Application Acceptance Final ltr.pdf 118.52KB
Application fee_SHM Rockland LLC.pdf 123.66KB
application fee receipt.jpg 76.67KB
ApplicationFeeReceipt.pdf 87.56KB
Application form_SHM Rockland LLC.pdf 285.00KB
Application for NRPA permit form_FINAL 9.27.17.pdf 1.20MB
a-RAGs-TSD-PRD-2021-02-12v5-mark-up.docx 528.79KB
Arbour, Sandra D.pdf 38.71KB
Area Ownership Map.jpg 841.02KB
Armstrong, Polly.pdf 39.11KB
Armstrong, Polly.pdf 32.35KB
Army Corps of Eng General Permit.pdf 705.08KB
ARR-MHPC.pdf 133.48KB
Arthur and Emma Poiriere-Lewiston-Adr-407-591.pdf 720.35KB
Arthur Bartlett-Lewiston-Adr-397-405.pdf 1.17MB
ASargent2.28.20.pdf 68.41KB
Ashby, Dale.pdf 38.17KB
ATCS Comment on ME Concept Draft 071822.pdf 172.32KB
ATCS Redline of Maine PFAS in Products Concept Draft_07182022.pdf 315.46KB
Athens Quitclaim Deed (5099-313).pdf 333.00KB
Athorp, Brian.pdf 59.68KB
Atkinson, Joan.pdf 32.89KB
Atkinson, Roberta.pdf 32.53KB
Atlee, Dick.pdf 13.75KB
att_1_proj_desc.pdf 59.91KB
att_10_public_notice.pdf 27.82KB
att_11_mhpc_notice.pdf 27.66KB
att_12_func_assess.pdf 10.89MB
att_13_comp_plan.pdf 56.99KB
att_2_alternatives.pdf 5.11MB
att_3_topo_map.pdf 959.52KB
att_4_photographs.pdf 8.39MB
att_5-1_part1of2_solar_array_site_plans_cover to sheet C-31_R1.pdf 43.07MB
att_5-1_part2of2_solar_array_site_plans_SHEET C-32 to SHEET D-2_R1.pdf 55.18MB
att_5-2_genlead_site_plans.pdf 12.92MB
att_6_add_plans.pdf 22.50KB
att_7_const_plan.pdf 48.15KB
att_8_erosion_ctl_plan.pdf 80.60KB
att_9_nat_res_rpt.pdf 78.31MB
Att 1_WQC Application Addendum.pdf 425.98KB
Att 2_Certificate of Good Standing.pdf 166.22KB
Att 3_NOI_List of Abutters_Proof of Mailing.pdf 7.61MB
Att 4_FERC License and Amendments.pdf 1.92MB
Att 4_P-2727_Ellsworth FERC License Amendments.pdf 1.88MB
Att 5_P-2727_Ellsworth_FLA PUBLIC_FINAL_12.30.2015.pdf 32.94MB
Att 6_P-2727_Ellsworth BA SPP to FERC_9.28.2018.pdf 3.29MB
Att 7_P-2727_Ellsworth Additional Information_10.10.2018.pdf 546.61KB
Attach 1 2019-06-24 Draft SPP DMR comments.pdf 174.38KB
Attach 2 MDMR Letter to DEP 401 Cert Shawmut.pdf 844.88KB
attachment_1_project_description.pdf 689.72KB
attachment_10_public_notice.pdf 631.14KB
Attachment_11_historic.pdf 60.87KB
attachment_12_functions_and_values_assessment.pdf 83.61KB
attachment_13_compensation_plan.pdf 72.94KB
attachment_1A_title_right_interest.pdf 40.40MB
attachment_2_alternatives_analysis.pdf 1.20MB
Attachment_3_Aquifers_FINAL.pdf 57.85MB
attachment_3_location_map.pdf 313.98KB
Attachment_3_Natural_Resource_Maps_Seg1.pdf 315.45MB
Attachment_3_Natural_Resource_Maps_Seg2.pdf 124.74MB
Attachment_3_Natural_Resource_Maps_Seg3.pdf 391.71MB
Attachment_3_Natural_Resource_Maps_Seg4.pdf 77.44MB
Attachment_3_Natural_Resource_Maps_Seg5.pdf 152.02MB
Attachment_4_Floodplain_and_Soils_FINAL.pdf 307.24MB
attachment_4_site_photographs.pdf 12.63MB
attachment_5_civil_design .pdf 48.55MB
Attachment_5_USGS_Map_Series_FINAL.pdf 41.68MB
Attachment_6_electrical_collector_system.pdf 14.26MB
Attachment_6_SVP_and_PSVP_FINAL.pdf 48.29MB
attachment_7_construction_plan.pdf 73.94KB
attachment_8_erosion_control_plan.pdf 143.98KB
attachment_9_site_conditions_report.pdf 31.55MB
Attachment 10 - MDEP LGF 401 App Addendum (§ 121.5) jcg 2021 04 06.pdf 323.04KB
Attachment 10- Plots of Impoundment Water Level, Estimated Project Inflow, and Generation, June 5, 2020 (1).pdf 1.23MB
Attachment 13 Compensation Work Financial Support.pdf 123.84KB
Attachment 1-Letter of Agent Authorization.pdf 143.96KB
Attachment 1 - MDEP (NOI&Abutters&mailreceipts).pdf 4.36MB
Attachment 1- Transmission Line Configuration Cross Sections.pdf 4.81MB
ATTACHMENT 2 (Joint Use Agreement 2-6-1984).pdf 1.08MB
Attachment 2 - MDEP (FERC license & Amendments).pdf 543.53KB
Attachment 2-Notice of Intent_List of Abutters_Mailing Receipts.pdf 3.25MB
ATTACHMENT 3 (MeANG letter to City Manager 10-6-1977).pdf 1.18MB
Attachment 3-FERC License.pdf 486.37KB
ATTACHMENT 4 (1969 FAA Deed Part 1)(reduced).pdf 9.71MB
Attachment 4-Final License Application (Volume 1-Public), August 29, 2019.pdf 59.64MB
Attachment 4 - MDEP (FLA Vol 2 - CEII).pdf 2.42MB
ATTACHMENT 5 (Right of Entry).pdf 946.93KB
Attachment 5-Final License Application (Volume 2-CEII), August 29, 2019 (1).pdf 3.12MB
Attachment 6-Final License Application (Volume 3-Privileged), August 29, 2019.pdf 11.21MB
Attachment 6 - MDEP (FERC AIR).pdf 4.89MB
Attachment 7 - MDEP (Response to WQ study comments).pdf 35.31MB
Attachment 7-Response to FERC Additional Information Request, January 29, 2020 (1).pdf 2.84MB
Attachment 8 - MDEP (Water Quality Mitigation Plan).pdf 83.78KB
Attachment 8-Response to FERC Additional Information Request, March 27, 2020 (1).pdf 2.51MB
Attachment 9a-LGF historic data_wqc_2015-2017.xlsx 28.84MB
Attachment 9b-LGF historic data_wqc_2018-2019.xlsx 24.30MB
Attachment 9-part 1 of 4 Response to NHDES and MDEP Comments on the Water Quality M....pdf 13.90MB
Attachment 9-part 2 of 4 Response to NHDES and MDEP Comments on the Water Quality M....pdf 13.81MB
Attachment 9-part 3 of 4 Response to NHDES and MDEP Comments on the Water Quality M....pdf 13.86MB
Attachment 9-part 4 of 4 Response to NHDES and MDEP Comments on the Water Quality M....pdf 1.79MB
Attachment A_2018-12-07 NECEC AH Addendum and Mitigation Plan.pdf 6.20MB
Attachment A-1 Application of Trajectory Analysis Methods to Sulfate Source Attribution Studies.pdf 1.01MB
Attachment A-2 Source Attribution by Receptor-Based Methods.pdf 2.31MB
Attachment A-3 Chemical Transport Model Results for Sulfate Source Attribution Studies in the Northeast U.S..pdf 2.25MB
Attachment A-4.pdf 9.12MB
Attachment A Contributions to Regional Haze in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States.pdf 3.31MB
Attachment A Kleinschmidt Press Release 2017-2018.pdf 206.21KB
Attachment B_NECEC Arch Summary Report_MHPC Review Comments 11-2018.pdf 1.36MB
Attachment BB 06-096 Chapter 150.doc 134.50KB
Attachment B Consultation Framework.pdf 53.08KB
Attachment C_NECEC LJPT Invasive Species Rpt 12-2018.pdf 4.39MB
Attachment C Summary of Class I States Consultations.pdf 219.81KB
Attachment D_NECEC Leaf Off Snow Cover Photosimulations.pdf 26.48MB
Attachment D - Coburn Mountain, ITS Trail Visibility.pdf 4.40MB
Attachment E_Recreational River Use Narrative 120818.pdf 157.44KB
Attachment E_River_Waterbody Visibility (Revised 2018-12-09).pdf 12.86MB
Attachment E_River Visibility maps.pdf 10.99MB
Attachment E Impacts of Passage Delays on Salmon.pdf 1.34MB
Attachment E VISTAS Comments.pdf 95.89KB
Attachment F_2018-12-07 J Palmer Response.pdf 358.35KB
Attachment F_EligibleHistoricStructures.pdf 3.61MB
Attachment F_Evalution_of_Roads.pdf 2.93MB
Attachment F_ J Palmer Response (Revised 2018-12-09).pdf 386.69KB
Attachment F_Scenic Resource Chart.pdf 533.58KB
Attachment F_Scenic Resource Chart (Revised 2018-12-09.pdf 622.54KB
Attachment G_JOHNSON TWP RT 201 PLANTING 12-2018.pdf 983.26KB
Attachment G_MOSCOW RT 201 PLANTING 12-2018.pdf 715.94KB
Attachment G Baseline and Natural Visibiliy Conditions.pdf 109.51KB
Attachment H NECEC Compensation Plan Revised 12.7.18.pdf 27.74MB
Attachment I_Rock Pond Photosimulation.pdf 8.02MB
Attachment I (June 2017 emails).pdf 129.32KB
Attachment I Development of Emission Projections.pdf 821.11KB
Attachment II (September 1, 2011 Agreement for Conveyance of Real Property - The Kennebec River Gorge Tract).pdf 15.55MB
Attachment III (March 29, 2018 Response to November 30, 2017 and December 12, 2017 MDEP Information Requests).pdf 5.90MB
Attachment IV - Part 1 (March 23, 2018 Response to February 23, 2018 USACE Information Request).pdf 631.87KB
Attachment IV - Part 2 (March 23, 2018 Response to February 23, 2018 USACE Information Request).pdf 3.06MB
Attachment IV - Part 3 (March 23, 2018 Response to February 23, 2018 USACE Information Request).pdf 4.79MB
Attachment IV - Part 4 (March 23, 2018 Response to February 23, 2018 USACE Information Request).pdf 8.97MB
Attachment IV - Part 5 (March 23, 2018 Response to February 23, 2018 USACE Information Request).pdf 350.03KB
Attachment IX (November 22, 2017 Power Engineers HVDC Underground Transmission Line Crossing Report).pdf 4.71MB
Attachment J_2018-12-07 NECEC Construction VCP.pdf 1.17MB
Attachment J_2018-12-07 NECEC Post Construction VMP.pdf 1.15MB
Attachment J MANEVU_future_onroad_prepare_20060620.doc 1.02MB
Attachment K-1 tsd-1a-MM51.doc 402.50KB
Attachment K-2 tsd-1c-emmis-2002.doc 141.00KB
Attachment K-3 tsd-1d-smoke-cmaq.doc 48.50KB
Attachment K-4 TSD-1e-aq-mod-eval_v3.doc 387.50KB
Attachment L_NECEC Natural Resources Maps Update_12.7.2018.pdf 7.44MB
Attachment L-1Calpuff Modeling Results.xls 2.12MB
Attachment L Calpuff Modeling.pdf 9.00MB
Attachment M-1 BART_Summary_Memo.doc 141.00KB
Attachment O BART Resource Guide.pdf 140.39KB
Attachment P MANE-VU Modeling for Reasonable Progress Goals.pdf 2.53MB
Attachment Q 2018 Visibility Projections FINAL.pdf 162.16KB
Attachment S Documentation of 2018 Emissions from Electric Generation Units.pdf 209.47KB
Attachment U Comparison of CAIR and CAIR Plus Proposal using the Integrated Planning.pdf 298.70KB
Attachment V (May 30, 2018 MOU between CMP and WMRC.pdf 626.81KB
Attachment VI (May 31, 2018 Summary of MOU Provided to DEP).pdf 364.89KB
Attachment VII (FERC Project Boundary Map).pdf 429.15KB
Attachment VIII (June 11, 2018 email).pdf 102.52KB
Attachment X Construction_TSD_102006.pdf 247.55KB
Attachment Y SmokeMgmt_TSD_090106.pdf 198.08KB
Attachment Z.pdf 11.89KB
Attacment K_NECEC Natural Resources Table Updates_12.7.2018.pdf 639.33KB
Auburn_Giasson Junkyard_Final Report__112515.pdf 11.74MB
Auburn_Giassons Junkyard_Trip Report_082715.pdf 1.39MB
Auburn_Wasco Supreme_Phase I_ESA_Report_07312020.pdf 20.98MB
Auburn,_Giassons Junkyard_Task Order_082615.pdf 1.28MB
Auburn, Giasson Phase II ESA.pdf 10.35MB
Auburn, Giasson Phase II SSQAPP.pdf 4.05MB
Auburn, Giassons Junkyard Phase I ESA.pdf 12.05MB
Auburn-Giasson-Junkyard-DecDoc.-Final-050118.pdf 1.73MB
Auburn-Giasson-Junkyard-Lien-Certificate-11072017.pdf 48.22KB
auburn-giasson-nfa-01052018.pdf 2.07MB
Auburn-Giassons-Junkyard-Designation-Final-120115.pdf 1.52MB
Auburn-Giassons-Junkyard-Designation-RoutingSheet-120115.pdf 313.13KB
Auburn MS4 NOI & SWMP_2014.09.05 AVSWG Lewiston_Auburn Adoption Plan Sept 5 2014.pdf 493.28KB
Auburn MS4 NOI & SWMP_2015.05.06 Construction ESC Manual.pdf 18.30MB
Auburn MS4 NOI & SWMP_2015.05.06 IDDE Plan.pdf 9.70MB
Auburn MS4 NOI & SWMP_2021.02.24 Auburn SWMP.pdf 7.82MB
Auburn MS4 NOI & SWMP_2021.03.22 Auburn SW Monitoring Program QAPP.pdf 975.33KB
Auburn MS4 NOI & SWMP_NOI-signed.pdf 102.72KB
AUGUST24PetitionersFinalBrief.pdf 25.51KB
Augusta_Baileys Capital City Cleaners_Phase I_ESA_07312020.pdf 22.95MB
Augusta_Sportsman's Alliance of Maine_HBMI_03302020.pdf 3.53MB
Augusta_Sportsman's Alliance of Maine_Phase I ESA_03312020.pdf 38.25MB
Augusta_Sportsman's Alliance of Maine _Proposed Scope of Work_04162020.pdf 103.91KB
Augusta_Sportsman's Alliance of Maine_Site Parcel_03162020.pdf 1.11MB
Augusta_Sportsman's Alliance of Maine_Trip Report_12192019.pdf 2.04MB
Augusta_Sportsman's Alliance of Maine_Wetlands Delineation_03162020.pdf 2.78MB
Augusta-VI_4-13-2011.pdf 19.29MB
Austin letter.docx 12.20KB
Austin letter.docx 12.20KB
auten2.3.20.pdf 77.12KB
Avery, Bruce_Louisiana Pacific's Houlton Mill.pdf 617.12KB
Ayotte letter.docx 115.17KB
B&McD Response to Noise Peer Review 7-3-2018.pdf 168.76KB
Babbitt, Jane.pdf 32.96KB
Babcock, Nancy.pdf 38.65KB
Backer, Louise.pdf 32.61KB
Background Soil_Report_MEDEP_11 16 2012 (2).pdf 3.83MB
BACT Analysis revision 2.pdf 4.01MB
Badgett, Hazel.pdf 21.41KB
Badgett, Zoe.pdf 21.71KB
Bailey, Knox.pdf 14.28KB
Baker, Barb and Terry.pdf 13.06KB
Baker, Jan.pdf 37.13KB
Baker, Madge.pdf 33.12KB
Baldwin, Peter.pdf 54.21KB
Balzer, Sharon.pdf 38.66KB
Balzer, Sharon.pdf 32.73KB
Bangor_490 Broadway_Former Dry Cleaner_Phase I ESA_08272010.pdf 13.30MB
Bangor_Dow AFB_2016_RFI response from USAF 09082016.pdf 83.30KB
Bangor_Dow AFB_2016_USAF-Response-RFI-061616.pdf 27.89KB
Bangor_Dow AFB_SI-FTA-SY-LFt_090194.pdf 16.66MB
Bangor, 490 Broadway, Phase I ESA.pdf 62.42MB
Bangor-107-Center-Street-Phase-I-102318.pdf 39.78MB
Bangor-107-Center-Street-Phase-II-052019.pdf 19.48MB
Bangor-107-Center-Street-Phase-II-supplemental-091819.pdf 15.77MB
Bangor-107-Center-Street-Phase-II-supplemental-101119.pdf 9.35MB
Bangor-113-and-115-Center-Street-Phase-I-101918.pdf 43.22MB
Bangor-113-and-115-Center-Street-Phase-II-052119.pdf 29.71MB
Bangor-113-and-115-Center-Street-Phase-II-supplemental-101119.pdf 10.00MB
Bangor-ANGB-FINAL PFC SI Report-03-09-2018.pdf 39.69MB
Bangor Daily News.pdf 1.24MB
Bangor-DowAFB-AF-Response-RFI-061616.pdf 27.90KB
Bangor-DowAFB-AirForce-NPL-RFI-Final-101315.pdf 4.89MB
Bangor-DowAFB-City-NPL-RFI-Final-101315.pdf 2.04MB
Bangor-DowAFB-City-NPL-RFI-Response-full-031616.pdf 26.83MB
Bangor-DowAFB-MeANG-NPL-RFI-Final-101315.pdf 4.98MB
Bangor-DowAFB-USACE-INPRamend-052515.pdf 5.34MB
Bangor-DowAFB-USAF-Response-NPL-RFI-121417.pdf 712.31KB
Bangor-DOW-ltr-req-ext-resp-NPL-RFI-110415.pdf 1.10MB
Bangor-DOW-ltr-time-Ext-City-NPL-RFI-110615.pdf 241.17KB
Bangor-DOW-ltr-to-City-RFIclarification-121115.pdf 231.97KB
Bangor-DOW-Ltr-to-DEP-RFIclarification-121015.pdf 1004.88KB
Bangor Gas letter on Biogas Acceptance 11.pdf 25.71KB
bangor-hillside-cleaners-rpt-120820-rcra-closure-determination.pdf 28.44KB
Bangor MS4 2022 SMP Signed 3-26-21.pdf 4.52MB
Bangor Signed NOI 03262021.pdf 479.45KB
Banks, Andrew.pdf 14.55KB
Banks, Andy.pdf 14.28KB
Banks, Dennis.pdf 14.28KB
Banks, EV.pdf 13.60KB
Banks, John.pdf 14.27KB
Barilone, Jessica.pdf 32.69KB
Barkalow, Robert.pdf 33.00KB
Barker, Richard.pdf 38.72KB
barn-20200205_112553.jpg 2.17MB
barn-20200205_112555.jpg 2.11MB
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barn-20200205_112955.jpg 2.07MB
barn-20200205_113330.jpg 2.52MB
barn-20200205_113525.jpg 1.94MB
Barnes letter.docx 65.88KB
Barnett, Adinah1.pdf 39.15KB
Barnett, Adinah2.pdf 37.83KB
Barnett, Alice.pdf 13.49KB
Barnett, Thomas.pdf 32.44KB
barn loft-20200205_113157.jpg 2.14MB
barn loft-20200205_113203.jpg 1.62MB
barn loft-20200205_113213.jpg 2.01MB
Barrett letter.docx 146.26KB
Barrington, Thomas.pdf 33.07KB
Barron 1.31.2020.pdf 592.25KB
BART Attachments.doc 74.50KB
BarthComments.pdf 103.57KB
Bartlett, Emily.pdf 32.63KB
Bartlett, Grace.pdf 33.47KB
Bartrug, Bruce.pdf 32.87KB
Basic-Data-Review-Checklist-Attachment-A-20140307.docx 71.45KB
Basic-Data-Review-Checklist-Attachment-A-20140307.docx 71.45KB
Bassett, Ed.pdf 14.27KB
Baston, Roger1.pdf 38.60KB
Baston, Roger2.pdf 60.00KB
Bates letter.docx 63.45KB
Bausch, William.pdf 32.68KB
Beal, Scott_Woodland Pulp.pdf 131.11KB
Bean, Merit.pdf 39.19KB
Bear_Paw_Final_Phase_I_ESA_07302018.pdf 25.28MB
Beards, Allison.pdf 67.51KB
Beauregard, Abigail.pdf 42.96KB
Beck, Polly.pdf 58.19KB
Beckett, Louisa.pdf 32.51KB
Beckman, Siri1.pdf 38.67KB
Beckman, Siri2.pdf 39.52KB
Begg, Kathryn.pdf 33.99KB
Benedict, Denise.pdf 32.67KB
Beneficial Re-Use Plan View.pdf 274.67KB
Beneficial Re-Use Plan View.pdf 274.67KB
Benner, Pamela.pdf 32.90KB
Bennett, Bob.pdf 33.49KB
Benson, Mary Ann.pdf 14.28KB
BEP Comment EXHIBIT INDEX 8-16-2020.pdf 63.15KB
BEP Ex 14 11-14-2018 Dorsky Survey plan.pdf 750.18KB
BEP Ex 15 Dorsky survey revisions 2018-2019.pdf 3.85MB
BEP Ex 16 5-16-2019 Dorsky surveyor's opinion to Heim.pdf 1.02MB
BEP Ex 17 7-31-to 8-2-2019 Dorsky-Cotter emails and Dorksy 8-2-sketch.pdf 1.59MB
BEP Ex 18 7-24-2020 Dorsky survey revision.pdf 1.01MB
BEP Final Minutes 03-18-21.pdf 156.04KB
BEP MGL Challenge to Air Emissions Permit Staff Recommendation.pdf 288.29KB
BEP Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Brenda Chandler.pdf 189.46KB
BEP Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Brett Doyon, Exhibits 30-31.pdf 683.41KB
BEP Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Cathal Dinneen, Exhibit 32.pdf 589.95KB
BEP Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Erik Heim and Edward Cotter, Exhibit 2....pdf 483.54KB
BEP Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Thomas Neilson, Exhibits 24-28.pdf 3.53MB
BEP Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Tyler Parent, Exhibit 37.pdf 403.06KB
BEP Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - William Keleher and Peter Merrill.pdf 1.14MB
BEP Rebuttal Testimony David Black with EX MGMLU 3.pdf 476.80KB
Berk, Judy.pdf 38.65KB
Berk, Judy.pdf 103.03KB
Berky, Melissa.pdf 32.09KB
Berman, Jean.pdf 38.73KB
Berman, Jean.pdf 13.43KB
Bernard, John.pdf 39.20KB
Bernard, John.pdf 32.46KB
Berry, Seth.pdf 32.40KB
Berwick_MS4StormwaterPlan.pdf 3.21MB
BerwickSignedNOI.pdf 166.49KB
Berwick-VI-120810.pdf 2.73MB
Bess, Betsey.pdf 38.71KB
Bessemer Securities-Moxie Gore-West Forks-Som-536-131.pdf 975.51KB
Bessette, Bob.pdf 137.57KB
Bessey.Bingham Decom Letter.pdf 533.37KB
BETH_Efficiency Letter_20-May-2016.pdf 78.76KB
Beth, Leda.pdf 38.78KB
Bethel_Prebs Market_PhaseI ESA_07312020.pdf 16.84MB
Betit, Chris.pdf 82.41KB
Bettencourt, Alexia.pdf 38.90KB
Betts, David.pdf 33.40KB
Betts, David and Sharon.pdf 39.28KB
Bidd_2022_2027_MS4StormwaterPlan.pdf 5.12MB
BiddefordNOI2022MS4GP.pdf 827.44KB
Bilski, David.pdf 32.89KB
Bilyk, Mariya.pdf 38.38KB
Binder1.pdf 19.63MB
Bingham_Blue_Sky_West_Profiles_1-517_(UPDATED_2-22-13).pdf 97.51MB
Bingham_CompensatoryMitPackage_May8-2013.pdf 2.17MB
Bingham_Corps_Salmon_Data_Request_FINAL_120613.pdf 31.11MB
Bingham_ILF_Compensation_FINAL_112613.pdf 5.07MB
Bingham_MDEP_NRPA_Mod_Summary_111413.pdf 8.85MB
bingham_mdifw_ salamander_submission_082113.pdf 298.76KB
Bingham_Public_Meeting.pdf 263.71KB
Bingham_Stormwater_Response_091213.pdf 12.31MB
Bingham_Stormwater_Response_Complete_080613.pdf 253.62MB
Bingham_VIA_FINAL.pdf 34.29MB
Bingham Accept.pdf 101.89KB
Bingham Decommissioning SIEMENS revised version.pdf 256.48KB
Bingham Decommissioning VESTAS revised version.pdf 255.06KB
Bingham Fire Supression Response 071713.pdf 108.34KB
Bingham Fisheries Comments #2.pdf 180.27KB
Bingham Fisheries Response From FW 9_18_13.pdf 3.39MB
Bingham Geology Coments.pdf 54.18KB
Bingham Geology Comments Final.pdf 53.54KB
Bingham Quitclaim Deed (5099-289).pdf 378.05KB
Bingham Quitclaim Deed (5099-302).pdf 612.96KB
Bingham revised curtailment 12-9.pdf 94.73KB
Bingham Turbine Weights.pdf 83.03KB
Bingham Wind Historic Property Survey_August 2013.pdf 723.45KB
Bingham Wind Project_MDIFW_FinalComments_Oct9.pdf 305.26KB
Bingham Wind Project Draft Analysis.pdf 411.59KB
Bingham Wind Project Engineering Comments.pdf 420.78KB
Bingham Wind Project Engineering Comments #2.pdf 265.63KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 1.pdf 671.42KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 10.pdf 958.36KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 11.pdf 1.28MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 12.pdf 771.81KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 13.pdf 1.45MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 14.pdf 1.05MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 15.pdf 922.12KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 16.pdf 1.02MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 17.pdf 950.97KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 18.pdf 1.04MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 19.pdf 925.72KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 1A.pdf 856.14KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 2.pdf 872.42KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 20.pdf 830.14KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 21.pdf 1.02MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 22.pdf 1.18MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 23.pdf 604.79KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 24.pdf 656.28KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 25.pdf 706.61KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 26.pdf 663.54KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 27.pdf 992.00KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 28.pdf 1.07MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 29.pdf 1.24MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 2A.pdf 987.19KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 3.pdf 1.18MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 30.pdf 1.07MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 31.pdf 1.20MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 32.pdf 1.28MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 33.pdf 1.00MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 34.pdf 1.32MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 35.pdf 1.04MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 36.pdf 1.05MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 37.pdf 1.48MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 38.pdf 1.08MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 39.pdf 1.11MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 4.pdf 959.91KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 40.pdf 1.40MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 41.pdf 1.31MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 42.pdf 1.06MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 43.pdf 959.00KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 44.pdf 1.16MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 45.pdf 1003.60KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 5.pdf 1.14MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 6.pdf 1.11MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 7.pdf 1.04MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 8.pdf 1.10MB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet 9.pdf 897.35KB
Bingham Wind Project SOILS MAP-REVISED 3-21-13 Sheet Review Plan.pdf 4.94MB
Bingham Wind Project SW Approval.pdf 444.82KB
Bio-gas Clean-up System - Design Material Balance 9.pdf 183.25KB
Biomass_SCC_table.pdf 164.45KB
biomedalpha.pdf 23.71KB
Birkett, Lucy.pdf 14.29KB
Bishop, James.pdf 32.78KB
Bishop, Kristy_Sevee Mahar.pdf 365.79KB
Bixler, Nancy.pdf 32.70KB
Bjerke, Lisa.pdf 39.44KB
Black Bear BEP Decision 06-03-21.pdf 396.40KB
BlackBearHydroPartnersLLC_13256LN_102019.pdf 617.79KB
BlackBearHydroPartnersLLC_13256LN_102019.pdf 609.04KB
Blackburn, Suzanne.pdf 38.73KB
Blais letter.docx 12.49KB
Blais-PPT-09162021-Final Presentation.pptx 1.72MB
Blais-PPT-09162021-Final Presentation.pptx 1.72MB
Blake, Pam.pdf 32.74KB
Blasi, Antonio.pdf 32.97KB
Blasi, Antonio.pdf 15.00KB
Blasting _NVCUPSTREAM10.pdf 6.31MB
Bliss, Nancy.pdf 33.22KB
Block, Martha 1.pdf 77.64KB
Block, Martha 2.pdf 61.54KB
Block, Sidney.pdf 83.43KB
Block, Sidney 1.pdf 115.98KB
Block, Sidney 2.pdf 65.24KB
Block Diagram Mass Balance.pdf 49.92KB
BLR_Land_presentation_SolarOverview2019pptx.pdf 2.33MB
Blue Sky West LLC, LUPC Letter 5_2_13.pdf 83.58KB
blundon2.2.20.pdf 59.68KB
Bogart, Molly.pdf 51.70KB
Bolstridge, Alice.pdf 466.77KB
Bond, Caroline.pdf 32.49KB
Bonish Sr, Harry.pdf 38.78KB
Bonk, Janine.pdf 72.43KB
Bonnet, Jen.pdf 33.56KB
Bonney, Mercer.pdf 32.05KB
Bonny Eagle Maine DEP Package FINALIZED.pdf 35.59MB
Bono, Pete.pdf 32.55KB
Boothby, Tom.pdf 32.56KB
Borelli 3.2.2020.pdf 522.50KB
Bouchard, Kathy1.pdf 56.99KB
Bouchard, Kathy2.pdf 44.85KB
Boucher, Lance_American Lung Association.pdf 416.40KB
Boucher Timmins final 2008.doc 1.85MB
Boudin-Whitefield-Lincoln-662-254.pdf 960.39KB
Boulos, Rebecca_Maine Public Health Association.pdf 692.50KB
Boulos, Rebecca.pdf 38.71KB
Bourgoin, Kathryn.pdf 32.90KB
Bourgoin, Kathryn.pdf 14.28KB
Bourgoin, Kathy.pdf 626.15KB
Bourgoin, Kathy (2).pdf 13.73KB
Bourne, Susan.pdf 17.57KB
Bowen, Diana.pdf 32.74KB
Bowen letter.docx 14.12KB
Bowker, Lindsay1.pdf 70.33KB
Bowker, Lindsay2.pdf 595.86KB
Bowker, Lindsay3.pdf 48.88KB
Bowker, Lindsay4.pdf 71.29KB
Bowker, Lindsay5.pdf 59.31KB
Bowker, Lindsay6.pdf 58.65KB
Bowker, Lindsay7.pdf 31.69KB
Bowker, Lindsay8.pdf 1.98MB
Boyle, Lawrence.pdf 32.59KB
Boynton, Joanne.pdf 32.64KB
Bradford, Abigail.pdf 38.66KB
Bradley, Linda.pdf 14.35KB
Bradstreet Quitclaim Deed (5099-211).pdf 367.81KB
b-RAGs-RA-Manual-PRD-2021-02-19-V2-markup.docx 175.76KB
Bravesnow, Nyla.pdf 97.17KB
Breakwater, Larry and June.pdf 39.96KB
Breckinridge, Lynn.pdf 32.75KB
Breeden, Paul.pdf 32.61KB
Brennan-Crosby, Mary Alice.pdf 27.85KB
Brewer, Suzanne1.pdf 32.75KB
Brewer, Suzanne2.pdf 82.99KB
Brewer NOI.pdf 569.52KB
Briard, Arlene.pdf 37.50KB
Bridgton_Squeaky Clean_Phase I_ESA_07312020.pdf 16.46MB
Briggs, Martha.pdf 32.65KB
Brinnick, Ken.pdf 32.60KB
Briquet, Emmanuel.pdf 100.50KB
Britton, Joan.pdf 81.18KB
Britton, Joan1.pdf 59.74KB
Britton, Joan2.pdf 59.69KB
Bromage, Joan.pdf 32.91KB
Brooks, Robin.pdf 32.88KB
Brooks, Robin.pdf 16.71KB
Brophy, Sally.pdf 7.87MB
Brophy, Sally.pdf 181.85KB
Brown, B& J 3.9.2020.pdf 58.46KB
Brown, Diane.pdf 32.74KB
Brown, Rex.pdf 32.83KB
Brown, Ruben_Northeast Clean Heat and Power Initiative.pdf 1.77MB
Brown, Sarah.pdf 32.31KB
Brown 2.3.2020.pdf 41.92KB
Browne, Allen.pdf 32.23KB
Broydrick, Paula.pdf 33.11KB
Brug, Timothy.pdf 32.58KB
Brunswick_Plaza Dry Cleaners_Key Bank_Ph I ESA_07312020.pdf 46.48MB
Brunswick PA.pdf 47.34MB
Bruskin, Meredith.pdf 42.40KB
BRWM Pole Yard Guidance Feb 2021.pdf 265.93KB
BRWM Remediation Org Chart-Oct 2020.pdf 618.69KB
Bryant, Carolyn.pdf 38.68KB
Bryant, CF.pdf 32.54KB
BSEE - OSPD - Renewable Energy Program - 220413.pdf 2.03MB
Buck, David.pdf 39.53KB
Buck, Ruth.pdf 32.98KB
Buckmaster, Linda.pdf 75.44KB
Buker, Russell.pdf 38.71KB
Bull Hill ER summary 052913 (2).pdf 273.75KB
Burch, Tim and Theresa.pdf 39.17KB
Bureau of Land Management Manual H-8410-1.pdf 1.61MB
Burhoe, Leslie.pdf 33.04KB
Burke, Gary.pdf 33.05KB
Burke-PFASSampling.pptx 46.52MB
Burke-PFASSampling.pptx 46.52MB
Burnham, Dori.pdf 33.33KB
Burns, Penthea.pdf 14.03KB
Burt, Anne.pdf 13.69KB
Bush, Don and Leslie.pdf 32.82KB
Buttitta, James.pdf 37.28KB
Butts letter.docx 12.42KB
BWD&City_Amendment_03.29.19.pdf 746.53KB
BWPH_Lockwood_Maint_Repair_L2021834NNupd.pdf 330.61KB
Byers, Steve.pdf 61.26KB
Byers, Steve.pdf 50.92KB
C2.10 Site Plan.pdf 981.47KB
C2.1 Site Plan.pdf 588.12KB
C2.2 Site Plan.pdf 904.08KB
C2.3 Site Plan.pdf 1004.38KB
C2.4 Site Plan.pdf 540.76KB
C2.5 Site Plan.pdf 644.94KB
C2.6 Site Plan.pdf 607.04KB
C2.7 Site Plan.pdf 922.10KB
C2.8 Site Plan.pdf 1.11MB
C2.9 Site Plan.pdf 1.16MB
C-3-5_USFWS_Stream.pdf 13.99MB
C5.10 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.27MB
C5.11 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 987.09KB
C5.12 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 915.19KB
C5.13 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 955.47KB
C5.1 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.09MB
C5.2 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.12MB
C5.3 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 961.15KB
C5.4 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.22MB
C5.5 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.87MB
C5.6 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 991.10KB
C5.7 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 1.21MB
C5.8 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 980.99KB
C5.9 Road Plan & Profile.pdf 785.13KB
C7.0 Sewer Plan Overview.pdf 1.71MB
C7.10 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.28MB
C7.11 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.14MB
C7.12 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.20MB
C7.13 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.03MB
C7.14 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 763.48KB
C7.1 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.29MB
C7.2 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.02MB
C7.3 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.16MB
C7.4 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.02MB
C7.5 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.25MB
C7.6 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 737.79KB
C7.7 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1.23MB
C7.8 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 1007.03KB
C7.9 Sewer Plan & Profile.pdf 928.49KB
C8.0 Water Plan Overview.pdf 1.64MB
C8.1 Water Plan & Profile.pdf 398.81KB
C8.2 Water Plan & Profile.pdf 517.08KB
C8.3 Water Plan & Profile.pdf 852.25KB
C8.4 Water Plan & Profile.pdf 1.11MB
Cadot, Andrew.pdf 32.92KB
Cadot, Andrew1.pdf 38.70KB
Cadot, Andrew2.pdf 39.70KB
Cadot, Lindsey.pdf 38.15KB
Calabi, Silvio.pdf 32.24KB
Caldwell, Dorothy.pdf 39.19KB
Caldwell, Dotty.pdf 38.78KB
Caldwell, Dotty.pdf 32.41KB
California Pipeline Spill b.pdf 954.28KB
Camden_Spotless Cleaners_Phase I_ESA_07312020.pdf 14.42MB
CAP_readme.txt 361B
CapeElizNOI_2022MS4GP.pdf 106.02KB
Capone, Suzy.pdf 39.27KB
Capouya, Renee.pdf 32.88KB
Capwell, Deborah 1.pdf 49.43KB
Capwell, Deborah 2.pdf 64.67KB
Carew, Maryellen.pdf 32.44KB
Carl Boudin-Wiscasset-Lin-598-374.pdf 252.72KB
Carlson, Gail.pdf 90.87KB
Carney, Anne.pdf 35.61KB
Caron, Mary.pdf 32.29KB
Carpenter, John.pdf 52.76KB
Carpenter, Judith.pdf 53.34KB
Carr, Janice.pdf 63.73KB
Carrier, Joan.pdf 33.07KB
Carson, Brownie.pdf 87.99KB
Carson, Chris, Diana, Sophia and Erik.pdf 33.09KB
Carson, Christopher.pdf 32.79KB
Carter, Bill.pdf 32.47KB
Carter, Bill.pdf 13.38KB
Carter, Julie.pdf 32.66KB
Cartwright, Steve.pdf 32.19KB
Casey letter.docx 13.78KB
Cassida_01.29.18.pdf 6.83MB
Cassida_Amendment_03.11.19.pdf 238.22KB
Cassidy, Janice.pdf 38.75KB
Castaway, Karralena.pdf 32.28KB
Cavanaugh, Deborah.pdf 33.01KB
CBA 071822 Comment to Maine DEP re PFAS in Products Program Rulemaking.pdf 115.83KB
CDD-visual-est-form.xls 1010.50KB
cd-visual-estimation-guidance.pdf 45.33KB
CE_2022_2027_MS4StormwaterPlan.pdf 3.90MB
Cerick, Kathy.pdf 27.25KB
Certified Mail Receipts.pdf 51.59MB
CES Covanta email 4-21-16.pdf 65.14KB
CES Covanta email attachment 4-21-16.pdf 104.85KB
CES Response to Critical Analysis 2-1-2106.pdf 105.90KB
CES - Visual Impact Assessment Letter.pdf 3.50MB
CETL Analysis.pptx 96.63KB
Chandler, Jayne1.pdf 32.53KB
Chandler, Jayne2.pdf 32.95KB
Chandler, John Testimony.pdf 196.49KB
Chandler letter.pdf 36.14KB
Chapman, Ralph Rep.pdf 785.18KB
Chappell, Sally.pdf 38.66KB
Chappell, Sally.pdf 32.35KB
Chapter 2 section 24_F Appeal Procedure.pdf 86.42KB
Chapter 2 section 24 appeals.pdf 273.63KB
Charles, Natalie.pdf 55.94KB
Charles Gendron-Lewiston-Adr-408-419.pdf 813.75KB
Charles Larrabee-Durham-Adr-397-599.pdf 483.26KB
Checklist (1)-09-25-2019.pdf 109.79KB
Chesley, Sharon.pdf 32.44KB
Chester Brewer-Lewiston-Adr-407-678.pdf 1.52MB
Chinoy, Dennis1.pdf 337.91KB
Chinoy, Dennis2.pdf 121.06KB
Chitown2020DV07182021.png 44.34KB
Chitown2020DVand2015NA07182021.png 37.94KB
Chitown2021DV05172022.png 42.60KB
Chitown2021DVand2015NA05172022.png 35.68KB
Christia Smith-Lewiston-Adr-395-483.pdf 443.02KB
Christoforo, Faye.pdf 15.94KB
Chute, James.pdf 39.56KB
Cisle, Lewis.pdf 32.29KB
Cisle, Lewis.pdf 48.33KB
City of Waterville.pdf 253.80KB
City of Westbrook 2022-2027 SWMP.pdf 938.47KB
Clair 1.15.2020.pdf 86.06KB
Clarification of Waste 1 and 22.pdf 1.99MB
Clark, Barbara.pdf 38.79KB
Clark, Jani.pdf 14.29KB
Clark, Len.pdf 39.14KB
Clark, Steve_Front Street Shipyard.pdf 86.65KB
Clark, Zandy.pdf 39.04KB
Clark-Livermore Falls-Androscoggin-284-539.pdf 290.19KB
class1OTCtom.jpg 363.41KB
class1tom.jpg 461.58KB
Cleaveland, Folger.pdf 33.21KB
Clement, Stephanie_Friends of Acada Testimony.pdf 128.61KB
Clement, Stephanie_Friends of Acadia.pdf 4.08MB
CLF Comments_Crossroads Landfill Project_Oct 13. 2020.pdf 1.36MB
Cloutier, Tammy.pdf 72.96KB
Clyde Hall-Auburn-Adr-386-499.pdf 809.57KB
CMP-CMP-Corridor.pdf 290.34KB
CMP-Corridor-Comments.pdf 1.88MB
CMP-Leroy Case-Moxie Gore-Som-596-102.pdf 964.28KB
CMP-NECEC FAR Minor Revision L27625QC.pdf 365.65KB
CMP-NECEC Rev1L-27625VMWMYMZM.pdf 351.52KB
CMP to Brookfield White Pine Hydro, 2017-03-22, SOM 5152-29.pdf 2.22MB
CMP to Oxford Paper Co., 1995-12-26, SOM 2166-1.pdf 3.81MB
CMP to Western Mountains Charitable Foundation, Trail Agreement, 2008-3-....pdf 7.87MB
CMP Transmission Project Testimony.pdf 30.09KB
Coastal Response Research Center.pdf 1.48MB
Coastal Response Research Center.pdf 1.48MB
Coauette, Roger.pdf 38.75KB
Cockrill, Polly.pdf 38.69KB
Coffee, Brandy.pdf 15.05KB
Cohen-Solal, Armonie.pdf 58.53KB
Cohen-Solal, Lea.pdf 55.29KB
Cohen-Solal Eric.pdf 57.11KB
Coldren, Elizabeth.pdf 66.74KB
Coleman, Tom.pdf 39.21KB
Colihan, Dana.pdf 14.28KB
Colihan, Dana Community Action Works.pdf 248.01KB
Collier, Peter.pdf 39.19KB
Collins, Jan.pdf 32.56KB
Collins, Jennifer.pdf 52.40KB
Collins, Robert.pdf 32.59KB
Colman, Peter.pdf 32.71KB
Comeau, Beth.pdf 59.43KB
Commander, Brenda.pdf 531.14KB
Comment Letter_CLF to DEP_ 2.25.21.pdf 134.91KB
Comment Response and Update Submittal 2022-04-29.pdf 211.72MB
Comments_Clean Air Act.xlsx 69.49KB
Comments Combined.pdf 3.23MB
Comments - Food Contact Chemicals of High Concern.docx.pdf 105.17KB
comments from ACOE.pdf 429.98KB
CommentsinSupport.pdf 575.42KB
CommentsofConcernDRAFTlicenseENRLegislativeCommittee7-5-16.pdf 261.40KB
CommentsOnDraft.pdf 3.80MB
Comments on Dyer Long Pond MDMR (002).docx 224.94KB
Comments PFAS Maine law MRSA 38 §1614 Crypton.pdf 29.63KB
Compare21RAGdraft-to-2018v3.xlsx 68.81KB
Compare-RAG-changes-2018-to-2021.xlsx 67.31KB
compostbiosolids_BROKEN.pdf 44.19KB
compostfishfood_BROKEN.pdf 74.38KB
compostleafyard_BROKEN.pdf 80.18KB
Concerned Citizen.pdf 38.21KB
Concerns.pdf 120.77KB
Connor, Dylan.pdf 45.10KB
Conrad, Kathleen.pdf 38.77KB
Conrad, Kathleen.pdf 32.73KB
ConsolidatedEmails-Part1.pdf 56.80MB
ConsolidatedEmails-Part2.pdf 38.75MB
Constantine, Jason_North End Composites and Back Cove Yachts.pdf 324.85KB
contngent floats2.jpg 49.67KB
ContPlan30thAnniv_v3.pptx 1.84MB
Converse, Ken.pdf 32.74KB
Cook, Keith.pdf 33.14KB
Cook, Peter.pdf 38.74KB
Cooley, Josephine.pdf 55.52KB
Cooper, Debbie.pdf 14.28KB
Cooper, Debbie (2).pdf 14.82KB
Cooperscherr, Stephanie.pdf 14.28KB
Copy of Letter to DEP & LUPC regarding proposed transmission line.pdf 52.52KB
Copy of MOVESVOC_NOX.xlsx 28.44KB
Copy of PS Ex. A.xlsx 101.59KB
Copy of Select Background study Tables 11-27-2012.xls 690.00KB
Corbin, Kelly.pdf 38.73KB
Corbin, Kelly.pdf 32.67KB
corp__conversion_addendum__transmittal_082713.pdf 35.40MB
Costello, Sheila.pdf 32.59KB
Cote, Denis.pdf 33.21KB
Coty, Loretta.pdf 32.20KB
Cough 1.22.2020.pdf 88.73KB
Coupe, Philip.pdf 32.45KB
Cover Letter for updated submittal book 04-29-2022.pdf 188.59KB
Cover Ltr to Presiding Officer re Pre-Filed Testimony.pdf 215.10KB
Cover Memo for Delibertive Session 05-20-2020.pdf 717.00KB
Covers.pdf 2.45MB
COVID-19 xOTC 2015-21 Percent Change of Pollutants 2021 to previous years.xlsx 1.32MB
Cowan, Jensen.pdf 16.31KB
Cowenhaven 1.30.2020.pdf 616.92KB
Cowenhoven, Nick 2.2.2020.pdf 51.95KB
Cowenhoven 2.2.2020.pdf 47.02KB
Cowenhoven Part two 2.2.2020.pdf 481.99KB
CPI Comments on Concept Draft of Regulation Implementing Maine’s Act to Stop Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Pollution.pdf 160.00KB
c-RAGs-Petrol-Addend-PRD-2021-02-19-V.docx 137.78KB
Crandall, Nichole.pdf 14.28KB
Cranford, Meghann.pdf 15.11KB
Crary, Hilly.pdf 62.41KB
Cratty, Mariah.pdf 39.13KB
Crawford, Jared.pdf 32.63KB
Crawford, Mikal.pdf 32.33KB
Creagan, Laura.pdf 33.06KB
Critchfield, Patricia.pdf 31.73KB
Crockett, Peter.pdf 15.05KB
Crofoot, Beverly.pdf 76.75KB
Crofoot, Beverly 1.pdf 68.13KB
Crofoot, Beverly 2.pdf 83.67KB
Crowell, Kenneth.pdf 38.78KB
Crowell, Marilyn.pdf 81.87KB
Crowell, Marne.pdf 38.68KB
Cruz, Maria.pdf 32.46KB
Csenge, Debra.pdf 38.61KB
CTA comments Concept Draft for the Maine PFAS in Products Program.pdf 184.02KB
CUC Comments on Maine PFAS in Products Program Reporting Rules with Cover Letter 071822.pdf 824.61KB
Cuddy, Carol.pdf 32.55KB
Cumberland_2022MS4StormwaterPlan.pdf 3.21MB
CumberlandNOI_2022MS4GP.pdf 457.66KB
Cunnane, Kelly.pdf 14.97KB
Cunningham, Sharon.pdf 32.47KB
Curlik, Semena.pdf 38.65KB
Curran, Michael.pdf 14.29KB
Currier, Shannon.pdf 14.29KB
Currier, Theresa.pdf 32.26KB
Curtailment & Mitigation Strategy.pdf 571.74KB
Cutting, Susan.pdf 93.44KB
Cutting, Susan.pdf 77.14KB
Cvr Ltr to Presiding Officer re Rebuttal Testimony.pdf 220.22KB
CWood_Gas Tanker Rollover.pptx 156.79MB
C-X1.0.pdf 375.77KB
C-X1.1.pdf 440.57KB
C-X1.2.pdf 432.16KB
C-X1.3.pdf 327.36KB
Cyrus Penley-Durham-Adr-395-567.pdf 459.64KB
DACF Marvinney, Robert.pdf 2.10MB
Dale, Eric.pdf 14.59KB
Damren, Barbara.pdf 33.00KB
Dana C. Witham-Embden-Som-401-313.pdf 690.56KB
Daniels, Tess.pdf 13.39KB
Darcy.pdf 14.27KB
Darling, Peter.pdf 39.14KB
Dartt, Linda.pdf 38.71KB
David Nutting-Lewiston-Adr-8012-263.pdf 2.00MB
Davidson, Darwin.pdf 32.52KB
Davidson, Jacqueline.pdf 32.63KB
Davidson, Joshua.pdf 106.18KB
Davies, Susan.pdf 158.13KB
Davis, Shirley.pdf 32.20KB
Davis, Shirley1.pdf 38.66KB
Davis, Shirley2.pdf 39.20KB
Davis, Timothy.pdf 14.28KB
Davis1.23.20.pdf 3.89MB
Davis 12.02.2019.pdf 60.03KB
Davis 12.02.2019 Hearing request.pdf 839.64KB
Davis letter.docx 99.36KB
DawnHillLetterToDEP0501917.pdf 60.86KB
Day, Pamela.pdf 32.76KB
DEABarryMowercomments_LockwoodFishway.pdf 68.19KB
DEA Comments 2021-11-30.pdf 289.33KB
DEA Comments 2022-02-11_correction.pdf 531.74KB
DEA Comments 2022-02-11.pdf 291.15KB
DEALindaBaconcomment_LockwoodFishway.pdf 68.87KB
Deane, Doiron, Jones-Livermore Falls-Androscoggin-8024-191.pdf 915.11KB
Deans, Elizabeth.pdf 32.68KB
DECD Statement on Economic Impact Kingfish.pdf 106.60KB
Decom_single_turbine_011014.pdf 79.76KB
Deed - Fuller to SWEB Development USA LLC 14342-208.pdf 0B
Deed History.pdf 1.83MB
DeHart 3 letter.docx 13.36KB
DeHart JR. Letter DEP.pdf 138.84KB
DeHart JR. Letter LUPC.pdf 59.30KB
DeHart Sr. Letter DEP.pdf 41.10KB
DeHart Sr. Letter LUPC.pdf 40.99KB
Delamater, Adair.pdf 32.69KB
Delaney, Tim.pdf 180.32KB
DELAWARE 1997-25 8-hr Ozone SUMMARY.xlsx 2.24MB
DELAWARE Ozone 1997-25 Sequential Data.xlsx 12.31MB
Della Valle, Beth.pdf 39.11KB
Della Valle, Elizabeth.pdf 38.65KB
Demos, George.pdf 60.42KB
Denham, Isabel.pdf 32.85KB
Denis, Cheryl.pdf 38.70KB
Denis, Cheryl.pdf 32.68KB
dep_cmp_necec_mnapresponse.pdf 130.69KB
dep_necec_merrillstriptwp_beattie-pond-alternative.pdf 66.18KB
DEPAg letter 052114.pdf 301.60KB
DEP app 092719.docx 17.36KB
DEP app 120219.pdf 89.88KB
DEP Application Cover Letter 9-27-2017.pdf 604.40KB
DEP Comment Form2.4.20.pdf 66.32KB
DEP comments 11-15-21.docx 16.95KB
DEP comments 11-15-21 Applicant response 11-19-21.pdf 126.65KB
DEP Cover Letter 09_25.pdf 283.81KB
DEP Draft Permit Order Comments 04092020 1.pdf 169.43KB
DEP Letter.pdf 99.47KB
DEP Loyzim, Melanie.pdf 644.10KB
DEP NRPA Questions Response 2018-05-30.pdf 106.86KB
DEPreplytoconsentagreementfordisclosurecorrection.pdf 109.11KB
DEP Request for Hearing ltr.pdf 2.36MB
DEP Request to Fiberight for ConsentAgreement Disclosure Information.pdf 58.27KB
DEP-Response.pdf 90.12KB
DEP Response Letter.pdf 135.69KB
DEP Response to Comments.pdf 189.08KB
Designtex_Comments for Maine Concept Draft.pdf 152.29KB
Desruisseaux, Kylie.pdf 77.33KB
Detailed drawing plans 12.pdf 559.80KB
DeTect Brochure - TDS-ADLS-180831-US.pdf 176.74KB
de Tuede, Catherine.pdf 38.63KB
Deveneau, Jacqui.pdf 32.93KB
Devoy, Sara.pdf 32.54KB
Dexter, Susan.pdf 61.07KB
Dibiase, Barbara.pdf 689.19KB
DiBlasi, Dawn.pdf 32.87KB
Dickerson, Kate.pdf 64.33KB
Dietrich 12.27.2019.pdf 56.37KB
Dietrich 2.17.2020.pdf 320.15KB
Dietrich Part two 2.17.2020.pdf 199.93KB
Dietz, Brian.pdf 32.89KB
Dimoula, Ariadne.pdf 43.34KB
Dinmore, Grant.pdf 32.34KB
Dinmore, Judy.pdf 32.43KB
Discovery Mtg_ Transition to Electronic Admin Record.mp4 371.72MB
Dixon, Susie.pdf 38.77KB
DLJ Development LLC-Lewiston-Adr-7969-262.pdf 1.98MB
DLPelevationsurvey.pdf 40.03KB
DMR's Assessment with Appendices.pdf 6.13MB
DMR Comments 08-23-2021.pdf 83.63KB
DMR Comments to DEP WQC Shawmut_July.pdf 603.09KB
DOC060517-06052017152012.pdf 2.86MB
DOC Master License 2011-01-04.pdf 1.65MB
Documentation for SO2 Inventories.doc 36.00KB
DOH_Implementation of Maine PFAS Notification Requirement - Final (1).pdf 197.83KB
DOH Comments.pdf 1.26MB
Dohen Solal, Eric.pdf 59.43KB
Dohmen, Ellen and Bill.pdf 32.85KB
Dole, George.pdf 37.30KB
Donelon, Jane.pdf 32.54KB
Donnelly, Russell.pdf 39.22KB
Donnelly, Tim_Power Engineers.pdf 212.38KB
Donoghue, Eliza.pdf 38.76KB
Doran, Dana_Professional Logging Contractors of Maine.pdf 290.04KB
Dornish, Karl.pdf 58.44KB
Dorsey, Robert_Aroostook Partner.pdf 894.20KB
Doucette letter.docx 60.25KB
Dougherty, Paula.pdf 57.94KB
Downing, Sherrie.pdf 39.13KB
DPugh cv Jan 2021.pdf 94.04KB
Draft_WMDSM_Phase_14_PBD_12_11_18.pdf 181.56KB
DRAFT A0097PM.pdf 223.53KB
DRAFT A0179RM.pdf 274.63KB
DRAFT A0432PM 2020 08 20.pdf 189.66KB
DRAFT MANEVU Trends 2004-20 Report 2nd SIP Metrics -March XX 2022 Update.docx 10.10MB
draft memorandum.pdf 24.37KB
DRAFT Order with JBT redlines.pdf 135.34KB
d-RAGsUpdate-Workshop-Notes-n-Response-to-Comments-Final-2021-05-01.pdf 147.63KB
Drake, Adele.pdf 59.23KB
Drake, Heather.pdf 32.98KB
Drake, Peggy.pdf 39.00KB
Drucker, Susan.pdf 32.39KB
Drucker, Susan1.pdf 38.60KB
Drucker, Susan2.pdf 39.14KB
Dubrow, Ethan.pdf 56.44KB
Duffy, Robyn.pdf 62.40KB
Dugas, Peter.pdf 32.81KB
Duggan, Janet and Tom.pdf 609.81KB
Duncan, Nancy.pdf 14.28KB
Dunlap, Joanne.pdf 39.12KB
Dunlap, Joanne.pdf 32.67KB
Dunn, M.pdf 14.26KB
Dunn, Mary.pdf 32.75KB
Dunn, Mary.pdf 13.77KB
Dunn letter.docx 74.97KB
Dunton, Londa.pdf 14.27KB
Duplissis, Eve.pdf 39.12KB
Durand Lanson, Nancy.pdf 114.71KB
Durand Lanson, Nancy 1.pdf 74.43KB
Durand Lanson, Nancy 2.pdf 99.28KB
DWA 1.Bingham.pdf 428.65KB
DWA 2 Bingham.pdf 395.08KB
DWA V Notch Plan.pdf 154.05KB
Dyer_Long_Pond_22951AN.pdf 618.41KB
Dyer, Luwana.pdf 39.13KB
Dyer Long Pond_MDMRcomment.doc 44.00KB
Dyer Long Pond Outlet.pdf 107.36KB
DYER LONG POND water level petition.pdf 5.68MB
Dzija, Juliette.pdf 59.51KB
E.J. Carrier- Recorded Quitclaim Deed with Covenant.pdf 1.31MB
Earle, Nancy.pdf 38.73KB
Earle, Nancy.pdf 32.64KB
Easement.pdf 687.65KB
Easement - Emera to Pisgah Mountian - Hancock County ROD 6617-270.pdf 0B
Easement - Mannisto to Pisgah Mountain, LLC - 12186-257.pdf 0B
Easement - Oliver to Pisgah 12392-101.pdf 1.76MB
Easement - Pagnozzi to Pisgah 14130-314.pdf 1.81MB
Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC) Initial SWMP 2022.pdf 2.71MB
Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC) NOI 2022.pdf 233.07KB
EAST SEASON TO DATE STATS 5-30-22.xlsx 472.73KB
Eaton, Chuck.pdf 998.03KB
Ecker, Emily.pdf 32.34KB
Eckrote_08.06.18.pdf 6.48MB
Eckrote Culvert Permission_04.25.19.pdf 187.00KB
Eckstrand, Tatyana.pdf 32.88KB
Eddy, Steve.pdf 100.78KB
Ede, K.pdf 12.89KB
Ede, Kris.pdf 14.33KB
Ede, Kristin.pdf 12.89KB
Edgecomb, Eli.pdf 39.24KB
Edmond Turmenne-Lewiston-Adr-408-431.pdf 666.09KB
Ednie, Catherine.pdf 13.78KB
Edward and Lizzie Perkins-Durham-Adr-395-538.pdf 699.28KB
Edward Bowie-Durham-Adr-395-571.pdf 744.12KB
Edward C. Park-Moxie Gore-West-Som-536-138.pdf 974.85KB
Edward Furbush-Lewiston-Adr-515-568.pdf 307.05KB
Edwards, Jon.pdf 39.26KB
Edwin Brown-Leeds-Adr-407-416.pdf 510.23KB
EGAD-Data-Summary-2016-2020-Missing-RAGs-2021-01-12v5.xlsx 34.24MB
Ehrlich, Joshua.pdf 32.43KB
Eisinger, Jane.pdf 32.84KB
Ekholm, Judi and Erik.pdf 38.68KB
Eleanor Daniels and Donna Broderick.pdf 70.75KB
Elery Keene letter.docx 118.02KB
Eliot_MS4StormwaterPlan.pdf 2.71MB
EliotNOI2022MS4GP.pdf 103.70KB
Eliza White-Pownal-Cum-1337-332.pdf 276.44KB
Elliot, Jackie.pdf 54.37KB
Elliott, Jacquelyn.pdf 38.80KB
Elliott, Jacquelyn.pdf 131.42KB
Ellis, Jon.pdf 32.40KB
Ellis River Visibility Review_beach.pdf 1.30MB
Ellsworth, Kelley J.pdf 38.80KB
EllsworthAmerican_20180405_B011.pdf 369.86KB
Ellsworth WQC Application Form Final Signed 03.21.2019.pdf 896.13KB
Ellsworth WQC Application Letter 03.21.2019.pdf 124.33KB
Ellsworth WQC Complete Application 03.21.2019.pdf 46.97MB
Elwood, Lauren.pdf 14.34KB
E MacKenney letter.docx 13.38KB
Email2ndOppositionCommentsDRAFTlicenseKeithBowden7-5-16.pdf 28.28KB
email4lew.pdf 14.26KB
EmailOppositionCommentsdraftlicenseKeithBowden7-5-16.pdf 28.09KB
EMCC NOI 2022.pdf 233.07KB
EMCC SWMP 2022.pdf 2.71MB
Emile Michaud-Lewiston-Adr-408-430.pdf 705.58KB
Emmons, Joy.pdf 32.26KB
ENG_form_4345_signatures.pdf 259.05KB
Engert, Frank.pdf 32.31KB
Engineering Plans-Dyer Long Pond Jefferson 6-6-97.pdf 1.90MB
English, Jean.pdf 38.77KB
Erdman letter.docx 12.84KB
Erdoes, Jaki.pdf 82.28KB
Erlon J. Dill-Lewiston-Adr-395-576.pdf 316.50KB
Errata Notice 04091999.pdf 19.11KB
Estabrooks, Paul.pdf 71.17KB
Ethan Allen Global Inc Comments.pdf 94.95KB
Eugene Fredette-Durham-Adr-395-572.pdf 1008.69KB
Evans-PFAS Primer092021.pptx 12.03MB
Evans-PFAS Primer092021.pptx 12.03MB
Everett Davis-Lewiston-Adr-395-544.pdf 445.25KB
Everett letter.png 102.48KB
exh_a_good_standing.pdf 124.03KB
exh_b_tri_r1.pdf 5.58MB
exh_c_public_notice_docs.pdf 1.90MB
exh_d_agent_auth.pdf 123.36KB
Exhbit R2-B Michael Lannan Rebuttal.pdf 1.94MB
Exhibit_2.pdf 7.67MB
Exhibit 10 - FERC Draft Environmental Assessment dated 11 2018.pdf 9.29MB
Exhibit 10 Meteorological Tower Viewshed Map.pdf 13.53MB
Exhibit 1-1_part1of2_Solar Array Plan Set_01-31-2022_cover to Sheet C-31.pdf 42.35MB
Exhibit 1-1_part2of2_Solar Array Plan Set_01-31-2022_Sheet C-32 to D-2.pdf 54.09MB
Exhibit 11 - FERC Final Env Assessment dated 07 2019 .pdf 8.26MB
Exhibit 11 Turbine Night Lighting Viewshed Map 1.pdf 8.61MB
Exhibit 11 Turbine Night Lighting Viewshed Map 2.pdf 12.74MB
Exhibit 12 Annotated Visual Simulations.pdf 9.91MB
Exhibit 12 - Brassua Hydroelectric Project (FERC 2615) Macroinvertebrate Study Report, Normandeau Assoc. 02 04 09.pdf 1.84MB
Exhibit 1-2 Genlead Plan Set_01-26-2022.pdf 12.65MB
Exhibit 13-A Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 1.24MB
Exhibit 13-B Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 1.35MB
Exhibit 13-C Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 524.95KB
Exhibit 13-D Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 956.91KB
Exhibit 13 - E-mails from Paul Leeper with attachments; Letter to Kim Bose dated 02 05 09, etc.pdf 9.85MB
Exhibit 13-E Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 904.99KB
Exhibit 13-F Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 572.80KB
Exhibit 13-G Michael Lannan Testimony 42-63.pdf 8.49MB
Exhibit 13-G Michael Lannan Testimony page 23-41.pdf 3.28MB
Exhibit 13-G Michael Lannan Testimony pages 1-22.pdf 1.19MB
Exhibit 13-G Michael Lannan Testimony pages 64-72.pdf 1.03MB
Exhibit 13-G Michael Lannan Testimony pages 73-78.pdf 6.86MB
Exhibit 13-G Michael Lannan Testimony pages 79-81.pdf 6.27MB
Exhibit 13-G Michael Lannan Testimony pages 82-92.pdf 4.52MB
Exhibit 13-H Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 2.96MB
Exhibit 13-I Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 535.73KB
Exhibit 13-J Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 1.47MB
Exhibit 13-K Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 1020.52KB
Exhibit 13-L Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 518.56KB
Exhibit 13-M Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 543.22KB
Exhibit 13-N Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 549.96KB
Exhibit 13-O Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 3.57MB
Exhibit 13-P Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 2.73MB
Exhibit 13 Predicted Remoteness.pdf 13.60MB
Exhibit 14 Angle of View Thresholds 180º.pdf 1.60MB
Exhibit 14 - DEP limits public walk-in access to offices.pdf 194.00KB
Exhibit 15 Angle of View Thresholds 360º.pdf 1.60MB
Exhibit 16 Bald Mountain Pond Simulation.pdf 2.85MB
Exhibit 17 Wyman Lake Simulation.pdf 2.33MB
Exhibit 18 Bald Kennebec River Simulation.pdf 2.45MB
Exhibit 19 Punchbowl Pond Simulation.pdf 2.84MB
Exhibit 1 - Denial of WQC 0319 2020.pdf 975.41KB
Exhibit 1 Viewshed Map topo tip.pdf 12.90MB
Exhibit 2 - Application for WQC of 03 21 2019 with Supplements of 01 31 2020.pdf 48.98MB
Exhibit 2 Viewshed Map topo hub.pdf 12.90MB
Exhibit 3 - July 25, 2007 Letter from Dana Murch of DEP to Frank Dunlap of FLP Energy.pdf 3.19MB
Exhibit 3 Viewshed Map topo veg tip.pdf 12.90MB
Exhibit 4 Beginning with Habitat map.pdf 253.56KB
Exhibit 4 - Great Lakes Hydro America Storage Project - WQC 12 01 2004.pdf 2.21MB
Exhibit 4 topo_veg_hub.pdf 7.39MB
Exhibit 5 - FPL Energy Maine Hydro - Upper & Middle Dam Storage Project, WQC - Corrected Order - 07 25 2001.pdf 1.35MB
Exhibit 5 Sim vs. post construction.pdf 5.96MB
Exhibit 6 - Affidavit of Kelly Maloney.pdf 1017.23KB
Exhibit 6 References.docx 24.20KB
Exhibit 7 gen lead collector viewshed.pdf 7.85MB
Exhibit 7 - Ltr. from Kathy David Howatt of Me DEP to to Kimberly Bose 02 21 2013.pdf 1.75MB
Exhibit 8 - Affidavit of Frank Dunlap.pdf 221.08KB
Exhibit 8 Substation and DRD viewshed.pdf 6.21MB
Exhibit 9 - FERC Draft License Application, FERC No. 2727 dated 07 10 2015.pdf 14.59MB
Exhibit 9 OM Potential Visibility Map.pdf 9.21MB
Exhibit A_GreatHeath_PleasantRiver.pdf 20.67MB
Exhibit A.pdf 2.08MB
Exhibit A1.pdf 28.92MB
Exhibit A2.pdf 6.49MB
Exhibit B_Great Heath Photosimulations.pdf 4.14MB
Exhibit B.pdf 1.38MB
Exhibit B.pdf 143.11KB
Exhibit C.pdf 1.37MB
Exhibit C.pdf 138.02KB
Exhibit D.pdf 37.50KB
Exhibit D.pdf 161.55KB
Exhibit E.pdf 67.66KB
Exhibit F.pdf 156.81KB
Exhibit G.pdf 36.03KB
Exhibit R2-A Michael Lannan Rebuttal.pdf 915.05KB
Exhibit R2-D Micahel Lannan Rebuttal.pdf 998.14KB
Exhibit R2-E Michael Lannan Rebuttal.pdf 580.25KB
Exhibits AA-BB.pdf 5.24MB
Exhibits F-I.pdf 4.10MB
Exhibits J-M.pdf 4.40MB
Exhibits N-Q.pdf 4.55MB
Exhibits R-U.pdf 8.84MB
Exhibits W - Z.pdf 3.69MB
Exhibit W1-A Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 1.77MB
Exhibit W1-B Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 2.21MB
Exhibit W1-C Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 1.46MB
Exhibit W1-D Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 11.92MB
Exhibit W1-E Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 23.81MB
Exhibit W1-F Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 548.61KB
Exhibit W1-G Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 561.09KB
Exhibit W1-H Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 1.47MB
Exhibit W1-I Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 2.96MB
Exhibit W1-J Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 983.36KB
Exhibit W1-K Michael Lannan Testimony.pdf 648.53KB
ExtendDeadline.pdf 30.28KB
Extensive fields_FBCF.jpg 986.26KB
FAA lighting letter.pdf 70.59KB
Faegre, Dirk.pdf 40.63KB
Falmouth_Accent Cleaners_Phase I_ESA_07312020.pdf 38.16MB
Falmouth_noi-2021-03-16-signed.pdf 121.39KB
Falmouth SMWP_2022-2027_Final.pdf 3.07MB
falmouth turbine mitigation study.pdf 5.34MB
FarFieldDilutionMemo_II-11-3-2019.pdf 250.68KB
Farrin, Robin.pdf 14.29KB
Farrington, Anne.pdf 14.76KB
Faubel, Holly.pdf 76.64KB
FB01 Long Porcupine Fish Rearing Facilities Form with Attachments.pdf 19.35MB
FB01 Long Porcupine General Application for Waste Discharge Permit with Attachments.pdf 34.05MB
FB01 Long Porcupine Net Pen Aquaculture Supplemental Application Form with Attachments.pdf 43.14MB
FB01 Long Porcupine Outfall Information Form with Attachments.pdf 28.38MB
FB01 Long Porcupine U.S. EPA Form 2D with Attachments.pdf 19.98MB
FB02 Bald Rock Fish Rearing Facilities Form with Attachments.pdf 13.01MB
FB02 Bald Rock General Application for Waste Discharge Permit with Attachments.pdf 29.73MB
FB02 Bald Rock Net Pen Aquaculture Supplemental Application Form with Attachments.pdf 34.66MB
FB02 Bald Rock Outfall Information Form with Attachments.pdf 24.41MB
FB02 Bald Rock U.S. EPA Form 2D with Attachments.pdf 21.71MB
FBC letter in support of Silver Maple Wind's mitigation strategy_2020 JAN.pdf 438.29KB
FBM to Loyzim, Stay Request.pdf 236.90KB
Feb 29 Response to CES-MRC-Fiberight.pdf 454.80KB
Feiner, Susan.pdf 691.97KB
FERC_ecomment_P-2932-051etal_MaineRivers.pdf 59.29KB
FERC 2727 License App .pdf 32.96MB
Ferguson, Leslie.pdf 32.53KB
Ferraz, Clara.pdf 15.09KB
Ferreira, Ed.pdf 13.92KB
Fesler, Sarah.pdf 31.91KB
Fiberight Board of Directors 18.pdf 89.26KB
FiberightConsentAgreement 06_12_2014.pdf 6.90MB
Fiberight Facility -- Hampden ME_BPS_405 PSIG 750 F_PHS Biomass (5 TPH)....pdf 51.15KB
Fiberight Questions 10-14-15.pdf 202.55KB
Fiberight Reply to DEP Request for ConsentAgreement.pdf 75.33KB
Fiberight Response to Solid Waste Letter 03-08-2016.pdf 13.04MB
Fickett Road Complete.pdf 9.98MB
Fickett Road SS Geotech Report 6-19-2018.pdf 2.48MB
Fickett to CMP - Cumberland - 8664-217.pdf 93.65KB
FifthProceduralOrder_DyerLong 03 28 18.pdf 92.62KB
Figure1.pdf 733.26KB
Figure 2-1. Potential Aquaculture Sites by Town.pdf 2.06MB
Figure 2-2. Option 1 - 100' Setback.pdf 342.32KB
Figure 2-3. Option 2 - 100' Setback.pdf 2.80MB
Figure 2-4. Option 3.pdf 324.22KB
Figure 2-5. Option 4.pdf 309.12KB
Figure 2-6. Pipe Routes Considered.pdf 245.58KB
Figure 27.jpg 1.65MB
Figure 28.jpg 1.88MB
Figures for Houlton RFB Old Woodstock Road.pdf 1.18MB
filename-1.pdf 1.12MB
Files, Nancye.pdf 39.39KB
FileViewing.pdf 168.20KB
FINAL_EighthProceduralOrder_DyerLong 06 04 18.pdf 104.14KB
FINAL_FirstProceduralOrder_DyerLong.pdf 143.51KB
FINAL_FourthProceduralOrder_DyerLong 12 18 17.pdf 133.95KB
FINAL_NinthProceduralOrder_DyerLong.pdf 133.03KB
FINAL_NoticeofHearing_DLP WLH.pdf 73.12KB
FINAL_SecondProceduralOrder_DyerLong 11-9.pdf 139.74KB
FINAL_SeventhProceduralOrder_ DyerLong 05 04 18.pdf 429.89KB
FINAL_SixthProceduralOrder_DyerLong 04 24 18.pdf 174.92KB
FINAL_ThirdProceduralOrder_DyerLong 12 6 17.pdf 131.41KB
Final AA Public Meeting Agenda slide 10-12-2021.pdf 36.83KB
Final APERC Comments on Maine COHC in Food Packaging 03 10.2021.pdf 199.38KB
Final DEP Permit Process slide 10-12-2021.pdf 44.71KB
Final ME comments.doc 60.00KB
FINAL OTR Petition.pdf 4.75MB
FINAL Phase I ESA Preliminary Assessment - Tasman 20210201.pdf 56.42MB
Final Phase II ESA Summary Report - Tasman Hartland ME - 20220103.pdf 42.43MB
Final Scope of public mtg slide 10-12-2021.pdf 66.85KB
Financial Addendum.pdf 165.81KB
Findlen 1.23.2020.pdf 66.25KB
First_procedural_order_pre-hearing_agenda.pdf 336.64KB
First Procedural Order NECEC-FINAL.pdf 186.66KB
fish-and-food-compost.pdf 94.02KB
Fisher, Lane.pdf 61.93KB
Fithian, Herb.pdf 38.70KB
FitzGerald, Alyssa.pdf 15.07KB
Fitzgerald, Charles.pdf 28.15KB
Flanagan, Richard.pdf 32.62KB
Fleishman, Martha.pdf 32.59KB
Fleming, Diane.pdf 39.25KB
Fletcher-Jay-Franklin-245-113.pdf 1.04MB
Floor Drain Maintenance Plan 16.pdf 146.96KB
Florance, Kathleen.pdf 38.76KB
Florance, Kathleen.pdf 32.94KB
Florance, Patrick.pdf 32.61KB
Fochtmann, Richard.pdf 41.50KB
Fogg, Ann.pdf 32.80KB
Foley, Kyle.pdf 32.36KB
Follansbee, Mark.pdf 39.47KB
Follansbee, Mark.pdf 13.91KB
Foran, Amanda.pdf 32.25KB
Ford, George.pdf 33.93KB
Forma, Ananur.pdf 32.52KB
Form A.pdf 283.89KB
Form D.pdf 815.10KB
Forms.pdf 2.19MB
Fortin, Jennifer.pdf 32.77KB
Foundation Plan Trench Tank Support Details.pdf 409.15KB
Fournier, Deborah.pdf 32.88KB
Fourth_Procedural_Order_Final.pdf 72.82KB
Fowler, Jasmine.pdf 63.92KB
Fox, Martin.pdf 32.69KB
Fra-241-539.pdf 1.33MB
Fra-241-541.pdf 816.08KB
Fra-241-542.pdf 663.18KB
Fra-241-544.pdf 2.46MB
Fra-241-545.pdf 669.45KB
Fra-241-546.pdf 603.88KB
Fra-241-556.pdf 1.13MB
Fra-241-558.pdf 812.33KB
Fra-241-559.pdf 1.36MB
Fra-241-561.pdf 1.18MB
Fra-241-581.pdf 739.65KB
Fra-241-583.pdf 1.16MB
Fra-241-584.pdf 873.18KB
Fra-241-585.pdf 1.13MB
Fra-241-587.pdf 815.84KB
Fra-241-588.pdf 1.39MB
Fra-241-589.pdf 1.23MB
Fra-241-591.pdf 1.22MB
Fra-241-593.pdf 724.90KB
Fra-241-595.pdf 1.50MB
Fra-241-596.pdf 763.35KB
Fra-244-57.pdf 910.91KB
Fra-245-104.pdf 721.42KB
Fra-245-105.pdf 1.02MB
Fra-245-106.pdf 678.89KB
Fra-245-107.pdf 744.35KB
Fra-245-108.pdf 721.99KB
Fra-245-109.pdf 1.18MB
Fra-245-110.pdf 780.03KB
Fra-245-111.pdf 827.32KB
Fra-245-112.pdf 717.52KB
Fra-245-113.pdf 1.04MB
Fra-245-114.pdf 1.40MB
Fra-245-140.pdf 835.19KB
Fra-245-141.pdf 676.20KB
Fra-245-142.pdf 1.03MB
Fra-245-143.pdf 732.55KB
Fra-245-144.pdf 711.77KB
Fra-245-155.pdf 746.80KB
Fra-245-156.pdf 987.02KB
Fra-245-157.pdf 1.00MB
Fra-245-158.pdf 696.08KB
Fra-245-159.pdf 858.77KB
Fra-245-161.pdf 747.38KB
Fra-245-168.pdf 1.30MB
Fra-245-169.pdf 815.22KB
Fra-245-170.pdf 870.49KB
Fra-245-171.pdf 682.85KB
Fra-245-172.pdf 941.29KB
Fra-245-173.pdf 833.65KB
Fra-245-174.pdf 802.54KB
Fra-245-175.pdf 1.28MB
Fra-245-33.pdf 943.75KB
Fra-245-34.pdf 921.96KB
Fra-245-35.pdf 783.44KB
Fra-245-36.pdf 870.29KB
Fra-245-37.pdf 701.92KB
Fra-245-38.pdf 624.24KB
Fra-245-39.pdf 617.39KB
Fra-245-40.pdf 698.27KB
Fra-245-62.pdf 710.96KB
Fra-245-63.pdf 1.18MB
Fra-245-64.pdf 1.04MB
Fra-245-65.pdf 1.04MB
Fra-245-66.pdf 1.06MB
Fra-245-67.pdf 1.23MB
Fra-247-103.pdf 914.94KB
Fra-247-190.pdf 1.48MB
Fra-247-192.pdf 1.20MB
Fra-247-26.pdf 924.00KB
Fra-247-28.pdf 815.43KB
Fra-247-29.pdf 831.98KB
Fra-247-31.pdf 2.07MB
Fra-247-32.pdf 866.19KB
Fra-247-71.pdf 813.13KB
Fra-247-73.pdf 806.96KB
Fra-247-74.pdf 759.63KB
Francis, Donald.pdf 12.89KB
Frank and Maggie Turner-Pownal-Cum-1337-334.pdf 276.46KB
Frank H. Richardson-Lewiston-Adr-395-489.pdf 293.29KB
Frank LaCroix-Lewiston-Adr-395-485.pdf 295.90KB
Franklin, Chris.pdf 38.73KB
Frank Morey and Peter Allen-Lewiston-Adr-397-475.pdf 376.75KB
Frank Osgood-Lewiston-Adr-408-429.pdf 413.66KB
Frank Sprague-Lewiston-Adr-395-575.pdf 575.32KB
Fraser, Ellen.pdf 38.04KB
Frawley letter.docx 13.27KB
Frazier, Douglas.pdf 32.82KB
Fred Parcher-Livermore Falls-Adr-408-229.pdf 482.57KB
Fred Wright-Lewiston-Adr-515-492.pdf 704.75KB
Freeport NOI.pdf 271.92KB
Frenchman Bay Community Forest letter_Silver Maple Wind (2).pdf 107.10KB
FrenchmanBayForest_Hancock_MNAPsummary.pdf 1.80MB
Friend, Albert.pdf 32.79KB
Friends of Penobscot Bay.pdf 93.95KB
Friends of Penobscot Bay Huber, Ron 1.pdf 76.32KB
Friends of Penobscot Bay Huber, Ron 2.pdf 71.71KB
Fritsch, Robert.pdf 83.92KB
Fritsch, Robert.pdf 33.10KB
FS_correspondence.doc 53.50KB
Fuel and Emissions 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.pdf 691.80KB
Fuller, Ridgely.pdf 38.81KB
Fuller, Ridgely.pdf 67.28KB
FV NO EXCUSE PP 0 MST1 Hanson.pptx 38.99MB
Gagnon, Bruce.pdf 38.79KB
Gagnon, Tony.pdf 38.52KB
Gallagher, Neil1.pdf 2.23MB
Gallagher, Neil1.pdf 33.29KB
Gallagher, Neil2.pdf 41.43KB
Gallagher, Neil2.pdf 33.23KB
Gallant, Kenneth_Verso.pdf 1017.87KB
Gallant 11.15.2019.pdf 64.43KB
Galloway, Patricia.pdf 32.67KB
Garcelon, Bill.pdf 38.73KB
Garey, Gina.pdf 32.38KB
garret2.3.20.pdf 57.13KB
Garrett, Peter.pdf 178.88KB
Gaseidnes, Geir.pdf 134.87KB
Geer, Moriah.pdf 32.81KB
General_Arrangement_Process_Diagram100715.pdf 1.22MB
General Permit Final.pdf 66.61MB
General Permit Stormwater Report 10-17-2016 final.pdf 3.40MB
General Questions for CMP 12-11-17.pdf 15.42KB
Genereal Permit Stormwater Plans 10-17-2016 final.pdf 107.29MB
Geologycomments3.12.20.pdf 27.32KB
George Bradstreet-Lewiston-Adr-408-425.pdf 829.97KB
George Nelson-Durham-Adr-395-568.pdf 250.71KB
George Pastorius-Embden-Som-398-522.pdf 815.90KB
Georgie Clark-Durham-Adr-395-539.pdf 704.43KB
Geotech Response.pdf 2.12MB
Geotech Review.pdf 6.64KB
Gerard, Kathy.pdf 63.42KB
Gerard, Peter.pdf 54.46KB
Gerow, Ward.pdf 38.75KB
Gerrish, Sharon1.pdf 38.77KB
Gerrish, Sharon2.pdf 37.44KB
Gerstenberger, Karl and Louisa.pdf 38.90KB
Gervais, George_OTM Holdings.pdf 149.91KB
Getchell_Ice_Property_Final_Phase_I_ESA_01102019.pdf 38.70MB
GHG_readme.txt 690B
Gideon Cloutier-Lewiston-Adr-395-360.pdf 359.42KB
Gideonse, Hendrik.pdf 48.16KB
Gideonse, Hendrik1.pdf 37.73KB
Gideonse, Hendrik2.pdf 35.56KB
Gifford, Terry.pdf 32.78KB
Gilbert, Lynne.pdf 32.51KB
Gilbert, Nancy.pdf 38.72KB
Gilley 2.3.2020.pdf 327.34KB
Gilman, Ben_Maine State Chamber of Commerce.pdf 44.77KB
Gilman, Diane.pdf 38.78KB
Gimond, Nina.pdf 32.48KB
Ginger, Bonnie.pdf 33.00KB
Giouard, Maria.pdf 122.16KB
Gizzi, Danielle.pdf 58.07KB
GKinkadecomment.pdf 39.61KB
Gleason, Sarah.pdf 32.63KB
Glidden, Maryann.pdf 32.45KB
Glowinski, Robert_American Forest and Paper Association.pdf 61.18KB
Gluck, Sonya.pdf 14.34KB
GMRI (Perkins) Pre-Filed Testimony re Nordic Aquafarms 121219.pdf 332.50KB
Gnutti, Alan.pdf 49.42KB
Goff, Emery.pdf 33.01KB
Goldenrod_08.22.18.pdf 924.60KB
Goldenrod_Amendment_04.18.19.pdf 68.91KB
Goldenrod Easement Deed_4.18.2019.pdf 1.82MB
Goldfarb, Cara.pdf 38.75KB
Gonnerman, Matt.pdf 33.60KB
Goodale, Martha.pdf 32.56KB
Goodrich, Barry_Enbridge.pdf 488.50KB
Good Standing_Black Bear Hydro Partners, LLC_3.19.2018.pdf 28.58KB
Goodwin, Susan.pdf 38.74KB
Goodwin, Susan.pdf 32.66KB
Gordon, Donna.pdf 33.03KB
Gordon, Janet.pdf 65.46KB
Gordon D. Harriman-Moxie Gore-West-Som-536-141A.pdf 839.82KB
Gorecki, Carol.pdf 38.72KB
Gorham 2022 MS4 SMP.pdf 5.06MB
Gorham-VI-08Feb2011.pdf 2.46MB
graban2.3.20.pdf 65.10KB
Grace Pond Owners assn.docx 14.67KB
Graffam, Jordan.pdf 14.29KB
Graffam, Nicole.pdf 13.49KB
Grafton, Jr, Ward.pdf 39.28KB
Graham Lake water level letter to FERC 6-17-16.pdf 408.80KB
Grandin, Mercedes.pdf 32.20KB
Grant, Alice.pdf 32.26KB
Grant, Marcia.pdf 32.86KB
Grassi, Anthony.pdf 107.36KB
Grassi, Sally.pdf 80.73KB
Gray, Leda Beth.pdf 32.20KB
Gray, Peter.pdf 37.99KB
GREAT HEATH ASSESSMENT 2021.07.13 Final.docx 443.98KB
Greatheath Context Photographs_20210610.pdf 2.92MB
Great Heath Recreation Study_03202017.pdf 990.66KB
GREAT HEATH RESPONSE 20211021.pdf 2.14MB
Greath Heath Photosimulations_2021.06.04 (1).pdf 58.95MB
Greco, Tiffany.pdf 32.58KB
Green, Amy.pdf 14.31KB
Green, John.pdf 38.71KB
Green, Peter.pdf 32.56KB
Green, William1.pdf 72.58KB
Green, William2.pdf 294.58KB
Greenleaf letter.docx 123.33KB
Grguras, Young.pdf 16.28KB
Griffin, Teen Ellen.pdf 32.89KB
Griffith, Edward.pdf 32.85KB
Grohoski, Jacqueline.pdf 41.12KB
Grohoski, Nicole.pdf 38.77KB
Groman, Phillip.pdf 38.75KB
Group 4 Objection to CMP Motion to Reopen Record.pdf 66.17KB
Group 4 Surrebuttal Testimony Calhoun Publicover Reardon sm.pdf 881.10KB
Groups 2&10 2019-03-27 Motion to Strike.pdf 151.38KB
GRSC By-Laws, executed 5-12-2020.pdf 3.35MB
GRSC bylaws - draft 11-11-2019.pdf 206.23KB
GRSC bylaws - draft 11-2-2019.pdf 212.02KB
GRSC license - draft1.pdf 38.39KB
GRSC license - draft 11-11-2019.pdf 54.01KB
GRSC membership application.pdf 165.42KB
Grunkemeyer, Gabrielle.pdf 32.72KB
Guernsey, Cynthia.pdf 32.55KB
Guldberg2.19.20.pdf 135.21KB
Gulezian, Greta.pdf 54.05KB
Gulf of Maine Research Institute.pdf 77.97KB
Guthrie, Susan.pdf 76.57KB
GW-Opt-Slides-2021-04-29.pdf 11.09MB
Haas, Misha.pdf 14.07KB
Hagerty, Patricia.pdf 47.49KB
Hahn, Douglas_McCain.pdf 43.03KB
Haire, Sandra.pdf 59.65KB
Hale, Mary Ann.pdf 39.28KB
Hale, Mary Ann.pdf 82.58KB
Hall Bourrie, Sandra.pdf 32.15KB
Halpin, Wanda.pdf 60.79KB
Hamlin, Nicole.pdf 32.74KB
Hampden_review.pdf 28.86KB
Hampden MS4 SMP 2022.pdf 2.58MB
Hampden Signed NOI.pdf 134.61KB
Hampton, Stephanie.pdf 32.47KB
Hancock, Ann.pdf 39.21KB
Hancock-Hancock-Ellsworth-Tanners-Phase-I-062915.pdf 30.67MB
Hannum, Jamie.pdf 39.17KB
Hanson, Shana.pdf 56.04KB
Hardison, Thomas_Portland Pipe Line Corp.pdf 90.90KB
Hardy, Douglas.pdf 38.74KB
Hardy, Douglas.pdf 32.98KB
Hardy, Jane.pdf 38.81KB
Hardy, Marilyn.pdf 32.74KB
Hargan, Louis.pdf 32.59KB
Harold Redding-Durham-Adr-395-493.pdf 307.77KB
Harper, Julia.pdf 14.38KB
Harrell, Henry.pdf 13.32KB
Harriman, Sarah.pdf 39.25KB
Harrington, Marcia.pdf 32.72KB
Harris, Kate.pdf 581.81KB
Harris, Patricia.pdf 32.45KB
Harrison, Eliza.pdf 69.08KB
Harry Clark-Lewiston-Adr-361-9.pdf 448.37KB
Harry Clark-Lewiston-Adr-515-565.pdf 1.19MB
Harry Coffin-Lewiston-Adr-395-487.pdf 528.35KB
Hart, Jennifer.pdf 32.52KB
Hartland Quitclaim Deed (5099-319).pdf 453.73KB
Hartley 2.14.2020.pdf 51.03KB
Hartley Part two 2.14.2020.pdf 128.91KB
Hartman, Megan.pdf 51.91KB
Harvey, Sarah.pdf 32.78KB
Harvey Hilton-Lewiston-Adr-408-426.pdf 451.45KB
Haskell, Tracy1.pdf 51.40KB
Haskell, Tracy2.pdf 51.81KB
Hatch, Conny.pdf 48.64KB
Hatch, Conny.pdf 65.89KB
Hathaway, Nancy.pdf 38.78KB
Hattie Stackpole-Auburn-Adr-395-543.pdf 342.47KB
Hawkhavn.pdf 13.59KB
Hawkhavn (2).pdf 13.60KB
Haws, Mike_Sappi North America.pdf 558.02KB
Haynes_NaturesNetwork_6_25_19.pdf 546.55KB
HCPA Comments on Concept Draft for the Maine PFAS in Products Program.pdf 297.16KB
HEARING DATE CHANGE - Dyer Long Pong WLH.pdf 57.27KB
Heath, Valerie.pdf 39.30KB
HeidiVierthaler.pdf 266.90MB
Heilman Piper, Gretchen.pdf 310.56KB
Heinz, Stephen.pdf 601.53KB
Hellewell, Susan.pdf 61.11KB
Hempe, Sandra.pdf 32.53KB
Henckel, Barbara.pdf 70.93KB
Henderson, Douglas.pdf 38.64KB
Henkin, Michelle.pdf 32.47KB
Hensley, William.pdf 32.43KB
Herbener, Jana.pdf 71.30KB
Herbener, Rachel.pdf 98.38KB
Herold, Karen.pdf 32.44KB
Hersey, Jane.pdf 32.27KB
Herter 1.26.2020.pdf 1.21MB
Herz, Michael (1).pdf 14.29KB
Herz, Michael (2).pdf 692.25KB
Hess, Kalie.pdf 32.16KB
Hesslein Jr, Richard.pdf 39.09KB
Hestad, Dan.pdf 32.79KB
Hester, Joshua.pdf 13.85KB
Hewitt, S.pdf 14.26KB
Hickman, Amanda.pdf 55.92KB
Hicks, Jeffrey.pdf 32.72KB
Hildebrand, Susana_Vistra Energy.pdf 273.43KB
Hill, Elizabeth.pdf 38.83KB
Hill, Jennifer.pdf 60.34KB
Hiram BWPH Response to WQC Draft Order 03022022 final.pdf 551.53KB
Hiram WQC Application Application FINAL 3.12.2021.pdf 1.30MB
Hobbstown Quitclaim Deed (5099-189).pdf 359.25KB
Hodge, Sandra.pdf 39.17KB
Hodge, Sandra.pdf 32.47KB
Hoffman, Cheryl.pdf 32.15KB
Hoffman, Nancy.pdf 13.59KB
Hoglund, Andrew.pdf 93.15KB
Holland, Katherine.pdf 32.29KB
Hollauer, Helena.pdf 37.10KB
Holmes, Donald.pdf 38.75KB
Holt, Edward.pdf 32.80KB
Hood, Rachael.pdf 14.25KB
Hoopa Valley Tribe V. FERC et al.pdf 193.35KB
Hooper, Ashley.pdf 38.66KB
Hopeck_Letter_080213.pdf 161.17KB
Hopkins, Ellen.pdf 33.28KB
Hopkins letter.docx 143.92KB
Hopkins Pond Turbine Locations.png 15.18MB
Horseshoe_NLEB_BITH_20161028.pdf 2.88MB
Horton, Richard.pdf 62.90KB
Horton, Victor (ME Resource Recovery Assoc).pdf 1019.46KB
Hotchkiss, Jeffrey.pdf 13.84KB
Houdlette, Tammy.pdf 38.74KB
house exterior-20200205_114825.jpg 3.06MB
Howard-Starks-Somerset-407-326.pdf 487.93KB
HOWARD - Winter Recreation Impact Survey 2019.pdf 9.40MB
Howell, Carol.pdf 39.83KB
Howell, Jennifer.pdf 39.21KB
Hoyt, Linda.pdf 38.82KB
hsargent2.3.20.pdf 58.70KB
Huber Deed - Somerset - 1932-248.pdf 500.45KB
Hughes, Beverly.pdf 32.96KB
Hughes, Isla.pdf 20.21KB
Hull, Lucy.pdf 39.78KB
Hull, Zoe.pdf 32.59KB
Humphreys, Lee.pdf 38.77KB
Hunter, Karla.pdf 33.20KB
Hunter, Rob.pdf 39.51KB
Huntington, Ted.pdf 32.92KB
Hustus, Robert.pdf 14.28KB
Hutch, Don.pdf 32.79KB
Hydropower Maintenance and Repair Application_Lockwood Access Road_Signed.pdf 212.84KB
Hydropower Maintenance and Repair Application_Lockwood Access Road_Signed.pdf 212.84KB
Iannazzi Public Hearing Request & Response.pdf 837.39KB
IECG DEP NECEC License Suspension Post-Hearing Reply Brief.pdf 197.03KB
ILF_Compensation_memo_MDEP_121113.pdf 13.04MB
Iltis, Gilliam.pdf 33.24KB
IMAG0110.jpg 1.08MB
IMAG0170.jpg 1.49MB
IMAG0172.jpg 2.53MB
IMG_snettletion2.4.20.jpg 758.04KB
Impact Compensation Plan 5-15-2019_combined.pdf 21.23MB
Ingraham, Alexander_Pingree Associates Inc.pdf 716.25KB
Inmar_proposal.pdf 8.06MB 27.64MB
Inspection Notes & Photos 01-07-2021.pdf 2.04MB
installdatematerial.pdf 2.66MB
Intervenor_request_for_extension.pdf 344.17KB
Intervenor`s Post-Hearing Brief-07142017145907.pdf 648.54KB
Intervenor Comments on Draft Order.pdf 2.62MB
Intervenor Pre-Filed 10.41MB
IPCC 2014 AR5 Table 8 A 1 Lifetimes Radiative Efficiencies and Metric values pp 731-738 pdf 117.50KB
Irene Allen-Durham-Adr-395-570.pdf 983.06KB
Irvine, Nancy.pdf 32.90KB
Isaacson, Stuart_PalletOne.pdf 391.30KB
Island Point, Lewiston - Site Investigation Report_Final_02.01.2013.pdf 31.90MB
Island Point Lewiston - FFS Report_Final_07Nov2014.pdf 9.67MB
Islesboro Islands Trust.pdf 1.47MB
Islesboro Marine Enterprises Conover, Shey.pdf 122.97KB
Ivens, Rosalind.pdf 32.54KB
Jackson, Elizabeth.pdf 38.81KB
Jackson, Elizabeth1.pdf 32.76KB
Jackson, Elizabeth2.pdf 33.21KB
Jackson, Nick.pdf 13.46KB
JAdams_DSullivan PreFiled Testimony.pdf 213.12KB
JADS Ex. A.pdf 526.00KB
JADS Ex. B.pdf 132.27KB
Jae, Lisa.pdf 38.80KB
Jan 29 letter to DEP and to PB.pdf 52.76KB
jane2.2.20.pdf 184.69KB
Janeway, Sophie.pdf 32.52KB
Japan 4EEIAs Comments on Concept Draft for the Maine PFAS in Products Program.pdf 222.60KB
JDresser Comments.pdf 103.97KB
Jean, Carole.pdf 40.81KB
Jean, Carole.pdf 38.08KB
Jean, Ruby.pdf 14.65KB
Jeffrey Mabee and Judith Grace.pdf 57.55MB
Jellison2.12.20.pdf 1.69MB
Jenkins, Priscilla.pdf 32.66KB
Jensen, Nancy.pdf 36.98KB
Jirsa, Curtis.pdf 39.29KB
Joanne.pdf 12.72KB
John Breen-Lewiston-Adr-361-11.pdf 1.11MB
John Burns-Durham-Adr-395-569.pdf 272.19KB
John Pinard-Lewiston-Adr-395-488.pdf 426.35KB
Johnson, Myke.pdf 14.05KB
Johnson Mountain Quitclaim Deed (5099-230).pdf 429.70KB
JointHearingNotice.pdf 153.91KB
Jordan, Julie_Downeast Economic Development.pdf 302.52KB
Jordan, Robin.pdf 32.49KB
Joseph Caron-Adr-953-218.pdf 1.03MB
Josephine Bolduc-Lewiston-Adr-395-481.pdf 404.95KB
Joseph Pare-Lewiston-Adr-408-421.pdf 851.28KB
Joseph Rousseau and Josephine-Lewiston-Adr-395-495.pdf 1.10MB
Joss, Donna.pdf 42.33KB
Joy, Sandra.pdf 39.71KB
jud2.4.20.pdf 64.19KB
July 18, 2022 3M Comments to Maine DEP Concept Draft.pdf 882.26KB
July 20 CMP Plan.docx 14.96KB
June 6 CMP.docx 15.95KB
K1611056.pdf 23.78MB
K1613222.pdf 162.89MB
K1613913.pdf 88.05MB
Kallin, Peter.pdf 1.37MB
Kammerer2.13.20.pdf 54.98KB
Kanellakis, Theodore.pdf 32.33KB
Kantner, Barbara.pdf 33.00KB
Kantor, Mark.pdf 26.18KB
Kao, Ezra.pdf 55.70KB
Kaplan, Patricia.pdf 41.88KB
Kardulas, Aimee.pdf 32.53KB
Kasregis, Earle.pdf 26.24KB
Kasregis, Earle.pdf 32.79KB
Kast, Chris.pdf 32.54KB
KatahdinBART.pdf 268.77KB
Kauppila, Joshua.pdf 14.23KB
Kaynor, Leslie.pdf 26.21KB
Kealy 1.11.2019.pdf 48.64KB
Kealy 1.13.2020.pdf 54.26KB
Kealy 11.18.2019.pdf 65.81KB
Kealy 2.12.2020.pdf 56.88KB
Kealy 2.3.2020.pdf 34.71KB
Kearns, Melissa.pdf 70.11KB
Kee, Paula.pdf 33.05KB
Keene, Elery1.pdf 26.48KB
Keene, Elery2.pdf 355.46KB
Keene, Walter.pdf 32.58KB
Keith Bowden Air comments 4-19-16.pdf 27.72KB
Keith Bowden Air comments email attachment 4-19-16.pdf 517.35KB
KeithBowdencritical issues for Fiberight to resolve comments emailattachment 6-9-16.pdf 351.92KB
KeithBowdenCriticial Issues for Fiberight to ResolveCommentsemail6-9-16.pdf 60.57KB
KeithBowdenPHStechnicalreview4-29-16.pdf 353.71KB
Keith Bowden Technical Review Comments Air Application March 23 2016.pdf 372.99KB
Keller, Katenia.pdf 61.68KB
Kellett, Lucas.pdf 32.61KB
Kelly, Dot.pdf 32.38KB
Kelly 2.7.2020.pdf 35.46KB
Kelly-Hamm, Alan 1.pdf 62.02KB
Kelly-Hamm, Alan 2.pdf 61.55KB
Ken-10132-309.pdf 113.73KB
Ken-10201-115.pdf 78.83KB
Ken-1029-392.pdf 344.24KB
Ken-10428-208.pdf 99.06KB
Ken-10458-342.pdf 153.04KB
Ken-10502-347.pdf 286.49KB
Ken-10531-99.pdf 119.07KB
Ken-1070-134.pdf 353.29KB
Ken-11335-33.pdf 136.55KB
Ken-11335-59.pdf 791.62KB
Ken-11687-105.pdf 83.81KB
Ken-1500-393.pdf 960.76KB
Ken-1501-103.pdf 681.13KB
Ken-1502-829.pdf 464.74KB
Ken-1502-831.pdf 532.00KB
Ken-1505-407.pdf 466.82KB
Ken-1505-409.pdf 479.87KB
Ken-1506-726.pdf 463.34KB
Ken-1508-654.pdf 455.99KB
Ken-1509-194.pdf 877.64KB
Ken-1511-281.pdf 635.68KB
Ken-1511-480.pdf 507.55KB
Ken-1511-812.pdf 403.56KB
Ken-4448-135.pdf 64.46KB
Ken-761-429.pdf 637.41KB
Ken-762-351.pdf 318.55KB
Ken-762-392.pdf 693.70KB
Ken-770-449.pdf 563.05KB
Ken-770-450.pdf 570.12KB
Ken-770-451.pdf 490.08KB
Ken-770-452.pdf 476.46KB
Ken-770-453.pdf 448.18KB
Ken-770-482.pdf 523.73KB
Ken-770-483.pdf 504.24KB
Ken-770-484.pdf 556.47KB
Ken-771-532.pdf 601.87KB
Ken-771-533.pdf 398.18KB
Ken-771-563.pdf 617.62KB
Ken-771-564.pdf 584.87KB
Ken-781-591.pdf 607.45KB
Ken-869-249.pdf 212.58KB
Ken-873-327.pdf 157.89KB
Ken-882-491.pdf 141.25KB
Ken-9846-88.pdf 202.43KB
Ken Capron Maine PFAS in Products Concept Draft Comment.pdf 116.52KB
Kennebec Gorge_NORTH PICNIC AREA_2018.01.23r.pdf 3.06MB
Kennebec Gorge - Cross Section 3 structures.120817.pdf 2.15MB
Kennebec Gorge North Picnic Area.pdf 4.74MB
Kennebec Gorge SOUTH Picnic Area Lking N_2018.01.22r.pdf 2.41MB
Kennebec Gorge Within Corridor_Photosimulations-2017.12.12r.pdf 2.81MB
Kennebec River factual background_July.pdf 1013.75KB
Kennedy, Mary.pdf 26.09KB
Kepner, Susan.pdf 26.23KB
Kerr, Brad.pdf 14.22KB
Keschl, Dennis.pdf 676.42KB
Ketchum, Cynthia.pdf 78.76KB
KFM Section 1.pdf 1.25MB
KFM Section 10.pdf 75.95KB
KFM Section 11.pdf 7.08MB
KFM Section 12.pdf 1.99MB
KFM Section 13.pdf 92.04KB
KFM Section 14.pdf 133.29KB
KFM Section 15.pdf 2.46MB
KFM Section 16.pdf 19.40MB
KFM Section 17.pdf 4.54MB
KFM Section 18.pdf 530.94KB
KFM Section 19.pdf 9.22MB
KFM Section 2.pdf 1.27MB
KFM Section 20.pdf 1.08MB
KFM Section 21.pdf 93.33KB
KFM Section 22.pdf 86.05KB
KFM Section 23.pdf 91.22KB
KFM Section 24.pdf 1.32MB
KFM Section 25.pdf 2.48MB
KFM Section 3.pdf 1021.88KB
KFM Section 4.pdf 12.74MB
KFM Section 5.pdf 101.59KB
KFM Section 6.pdf 4.49MB
KFM Section 7.pdf 11.22MB
KFM Section 8.pdf 2.95MB
KFM Section 9.pdf 219.53KB
Kidwell, James.pdf 26.18KB
Kidwell, James.pdf 32.85KB
Kiernan letter.pdf 29.92KB
Kiipman, Elizabeth.pdf 14.31KB
Kim, Shelby.pdf 14.54KB
Kimball, Richard L.pdf 26.09KB
Kimber, Greg.pdf 26.23KB
Kimber, Greg.pdf 32.54KB
King, Steve.pdf 202.78KB
Kingfish Maine, Inc. L28995anbncndnen Order.pdf 341.63KB
Kingfish Technical Information from Prelim draft comments.pdf 344.00KB
King-PFASEttiquette.pptx 5.19MB
King-PFASEttiquette.pptx 5.19MB
Kingsbury, Lew.pdf 3.03MB
Kingsbury, Lew and Kelly1.pdf 133.67KB
Kingsbury, Lew and Kelly2.pdf 62.89KB
Kingsbury Plantation request for hearing.pdf 124.94KB
Kinney, Sean.pdf 13.35KB
Kirk letter.docx 103.78KB
Kistenmacher, Sue.pdf 32.70KB
Kittery_MS4StormwaterPlan.pdf 2.53MB
KitteryNOI_2022MS4.pdf 56.44KB
Klick, James1.pdf 26.22KB
Klick, James2.pdf 26.67KB
Klimova, Natalia.pdf 26.21KB
Klimp, Jack_Cianbro.pdf 121.53KB
Klotz, Bob.pdf 26.46KB
Knapp, Carol.pdf 32.01KB
KnipBio Feinberg, Larry.pdf 82.23KB
Knolwes 1.30.2020.pdf 115.32KB
Knowles 2.3.2020.pdf 83.62KB
Knowlton, Rayann.pdf 26.48KB
Koenig letter.docx 50.98KB
Kohl, Robert.pdf 32.90KB
Kola, Marcia.pdf 32.31KB
Kondilis, Debra.pdf 14.29KB
Kosmala, Daniel.pdf 32.80KB
Kourajian, Barbara.pdf 26.42KB
Kraft-Smith, Donna.pdf 26.26KB
Kriva, Audrey.pdf 14.03KB
Krueger, John.pdf 617.28KB
Krumrein, John.pdf 32.50KB
KTI_2010_Annual_Report.pdf 172.76KB
KTI_2011_Annual_Report.pdf 293.45KB
KTI_2012_Annual_Report.pdf 100.07KB
Kurtz, M Elaine.pdf 26.15KB
L'Heureux, Juliana_American Nurses Association.pdf 188.41KB
L1000214.jpg 1.64MB
L16413-33-HM-AT_Fish_pass_minor_revis_permit.pdf 245.96KB
L-19751-33-H-N MDMR comments.pdf 644.67KB
L20386ANBN.pdf 565.89KB
L20386ANBN-Corr.pdf 569.13KB
L20386CN.pdf 441.84KB
L20386DT.pdf 258.75KB
L20386EMFN.pdf 543.92KB
L20386GBHN.pdf 655.60KB
L20386IMJM.pdf 136.07KB
L20386KMLM.pdf 179.51KB
L20386MM.pdf 106.47KB
L20386MM-Corr.pdf 106.64KB
L20386NTOT.pdf 235.69KB
LA-1.00 Master Plan.pdf 20.71MB
LA-2.00 Phasing Plan.pdf 20.40MB
Lab Results 2015.pdf 1.38MB
Lagassee, Janet.pdf 26.22KB
Laird-Lagassee, Janet.pdf 32.32KB
Lamson, Athena.pdf 13.98KB
Land Use License Agreement, GRSC 6-3-2020 (FINAL, EXECUTED).pdf 2.42MB
LaneConstructionGlobalTransfer.pdf 2.78MB
Laner, Morgan.pdf 14.60KB
Langelo, Victor.pdf 32.78KB
Langley, Jason.pdf 33.20KB
Langley letter.docx 13.28KB
Langlois, Anne.pdf 82.70KB
Langlois, Samantha.pdf 75.08KB
Langlois, Samantha.pdf 179.43KB
Lannan_notarizedsignature_13.pdf 2.94MB
Lannan_notarizedsignature_R2.pdf 3.05MB
Lannan_notarizedsignature_W1.pdf 3.20MB
Lannan - Tech Environmental Technical Ability Statement current as of 2-18-2020.pdf 1.00MB
Larlee, Sandra.pdf 32.51KB
Larson, Mary Ann.pdf 26.28KB
Lauchlan, Susan.pdf 46.68KB
Lauchlan, Susan.pdf 42.57KB
Laufer, Leopold.pdf 32.28KB
Lausier, Marc.pdf 32.48KB
Lavigne, Beverly.pdf 25.15KB
Lawrence, Vinnedge.pdf 26.22KB
Lawrence, Vinnedge.pdf 32.69KB
Lawrence Reichard.pdf 261.78KB
Lawrence Reichard PRT 12-13-19.pdf 484.78KB
LB_WQC_application.pdf 845.32KB
LCN Article 031220.pdf 251.91KB
LCN Editorial 021320a.jpg 87.43KB
LCN Editorial 021320b.jpg 269.11KB
LCN Editorial 022020.jpg 74.24KB
leaf-and-yard-compost.pdf 54.01KB
Leary, Jeremiah.pdf 28.37KB
Leavenworth, William.pdf 26.21KB
Leavenworth, William.pdf 32.66KB
Leavenworth, William 1.pdf 69.76KB
Leavenworth, William 2.pdf 53.99KB
Leavenworth, William 3.pdf 56.72KB
LED-RED-Standard_LG3_ENG.maj2020.pdf 163.95KB
Lee, William.pdf 33.26KB
Lee.pdf 26.37KB
Leeds-VI_2-9-11, Sub.pdf 2.30MB
Leithiser, Charles.pdf 74.56KB
Lemelin, Jolene.pdf 26.47KB
Lemelin, Jolene.pdf 32.26KB
Lemire Maine Adirondack Chairs 1.13.2020.pdf 4.24MB
Lemire Maine Adirondack Chairs 12.10.2019.pdf 65.62KB
Lemire Maine Adirondack Chairs 12.20.2019.pdf 68.89KB
Leonard, Sonja.pdf 32.60KB
Leon Bowie-Durham-Adr-397-604.pdf 474.14KB
Leon Carleton-Durham-Cum-1342-23.pdf 310.06KB
Leonile Fortier-Lewiston-Adr-408-424.pdf 672.81KB
Leon R. Carleton-Durham-Adr-397-602.pdf 312.39KB
Lepore, Paula.pdf 33.75KB
Lepore, Paula.pdf 32.65KB
Letter_site_visit_final.pdf 71.57KB
letter.docx 14.90KB
Letter from EPA 6-29-16.pdf 57.52KB
Letter-GerryMirabile-re-OverheadCrossing5-7-18.pdf 150.86KB
Letter of Support, Covanta-Fiberight MRC Project.pdf 104.81KB
Letter Report Dec 9 2029.pdf 60.16KB
Letter Report Jan 8 2020.pdf 57.20KB
Letter Report July 9 2018.pdf 58.05KB
Letter Report June 19 2018.pdf 56.72KB
Letter Report November 27 2013.pdf 29.29KB
Letter to DEP in opposition to Silver Maple Wind, 4.13.2020.pdf 206.71KB
Lewis, Paige.pdf 32.58KB
Lewis L. Files-Pownal-Cum-1337-342.pdf 305.10KB
Lewiston, John's Drycleaners - Phase I ESA.pdf 24.54MB
Lewiston-VI_ 5 10 11.pdf 31.07MB
LGF Pre-Filing Meeting Request (ME) jcg 2021 03 01.pdf 117.76KB
Li, Yan.pdf 101.12KB
Liao, Jennifer.pdf 82.45KB
Light, Brita.pdf 26.14KB
Lightner, Ned.pdf 63.08KB
Lin-1900-172.pdf 69.42KB
Lin-4308-74.pdf 696.81KB
Lin-433-435.pdf 600.10KB
Lin-439-495.pdf 742.57KB
Lin-439-497.pdf 418.24KB
Lin-439-498.pdf 462.62KB
Lin-439-512.pdf 970.70KB
Lin-439-544.pdf 1.04MB
Lin-439-548.pdf 466.57KB
Lin-439-549.pdf 526.06KB
Lin-441-130.pdf 469.10KB
Lin-441-131.pdf 494.99KB
Lin-441-137.pdf 528.03KB
Lin-441-139.pdf 473.41KB
Lin-441-140.pdf 510.44KB
Lin-441-144.pdf 544.54KB
Lin-441-145.pdf 496.17KB
Lin-441-146.pdf 513.82KB
Lin-441-147.pdf 639.76KB
Lin-441-160.pdf 784.81KB
Lin-441-161.pdf 464.57KB
Lin-441-163.pdf 792.83KB
Lin-441-164.pdf 545.62KB
Lin-441-171.pdf 504.15KB
Lin-441-173.pdf 788.51KB
Lin-441-174.pdf 506.11KB
Lin-441-175.pdf 1.12MB
Lin-441-186.pdf 347.86KB
Lin-441-230.pdf 494.58KB
Lin-441-231.pdf 479.36KB
Lin-441-232.pdf 452.85KB
Lin-441-233.pdf 476.19KB
Lin-441-234.pdf 486.68KB
Lin-441-235.pdf 446.45KB
Lin-441-236.pdf 518.07KB
Lin-441-256.pdf 504.70KB
Lin-441-257.pdf 469.98KB
Lin-441-258.pdf 452.88KB
Lin-441-259.pdf 492.11KB
Lin-441-261.pdf 420.75KB
Lin-441-262.pdf 479.99KB
Lin-441-263.pdf 727.64KB
Lin-441-264.pdf 429.20KB
Lin-441-265.pdf 513.62KB
Lin-441-266.pdf 417.65KB
Lin-441-268.pdf 501.68KB
Lin-441-291.pdf 855.33KB
Lin-441-292.pdf 456.24KB
Lin-441-293.pdf 523.53KB
Lin-441-294.pdf 547.21KB
Lin-441-295.pdf 479.35KB
Lin-441-296.pdf 849.66KB
Lin-441-298.pdf 511.72KB
Lin-441-299.pdf 526.58KB
Lin-441-300.pdf 570.65KB
Lin-441-301.pdf 541.18KB
Lin-441-302.pdf 478.63KB
Lin-441-303.pdf 508.50KB
Lin-441-309.pdf 506.31KB
Lin-441-310.pdf 509.70KB
Lin-441-311.pdf 1.00MB
Lin-441-312.pdf 473.78KB
Lin-441-314.pdf 465.66KB
Lin-441-316.pdf 451.14KB
Lin-441-318.pdf 1002.09KB
Lin-441-320.pdf 443.92KB
Lin-441-434.pdf 388.79KB
Lin-441-435.pdf 419.53KB
Lin-441-436.pdf 1013.00KB
Lin-441-437.pdf 469.88KB
Lin-441-438.pdf 443.99KB
Lin-441-440.pdf 930.21KB
Lin-441-441.pdf 609.01KB
Lin-441-442.pdf 1.07MB
Lin-441-444.pdf 422.95KB
Lin-441-445.pdf 555.33KB
Lin-441-446.pdf 492.41KB
Lin-441-448.pdf 614.44KB
Lin-441-449.pdf 962.06KB
Lin-441-450.pdf 954.49KB
Lin-441-457.pdf 518.46KB
Lin-441-460.pdf 1.91MB
Lin-441-461.pdf 552.99KB
Lin-441-463.pdf 455.19KB
Lin-441-464.pdf 1001.18KB
Lin-441-533.pdf 476.18KB
Lin-441-535.pdf 477.23KB
Lin-441-537.pdf 460.23KB
Lin-441-538.pdf 563.28KB
Lin-441-67.pdf 546.33KB
Lin-441-68.pdf 480.95KB
Lin-441-70.pdf 469.09KB
Lin-441-71.pdf 526.47KB
Lin-441-72.pdf 520.49KB
Lin-441-94.pdf 509.85KB
Lin-444-144.pdf 505.62KB
Lin-445-62.pdf 1.17MB
Lin-593-206.pdf 320.21KB
Lin-594-313.pdf 297.43KB
Lin-598-249.pdf 263.10KB
Lin-598-298.pdf 253.30KB
Lin-598-301.pdf 329.67KB
Lin-598-303.pdf 251.72KB
Lin-598-304.pdf 281.84KB
Lin-598-306.pdf 269.34KB
Lin-598-307.pdf 274.96KB
Lin-598-309.pdf 252.43KB
Lin-599-258.pdf 360.71KB
Lin-610-227.pdf 305.26KB
Lin-610-42.pdf 347.56KB
Lin-612-1.pdf 110.42KB
Lin-629-311.pdf 389.63KB
Lin-629-323.pdf 404.06KB
Lin-636-252.pdf 165.18KB
Lin-636-263.pdf 345.80KB
Lin-640-259.pdf 348.69KB
Lin-644-212.pdf 1.17MB
Lin-644-363.pdf 407.52KB
Lin-644-437.pdf 450.24KB
Lin-654-302.pdf 890.52KB
Lin-655-331.pdf 343.38KB
Lin-656-422.pdf 294.62KB
Lin-656-423.pdf 339.94KB
Lin-656-425.pdf 263.75KB
Lin-656-427.pdf 240.33KB
Lin-656-430.pdf 207.44KB
Lin-656-432.pdf 430.66KB
Lin-657-336.pdf 188.71KB
Lin-657-376.pdf 231.32KB
Lin-657-377.pdf 290.70KB
Lin-657-417.pdf 378.74KB
Lin-658-25.pdf 281.42KB
Lin-658-76.pdf 268.26KB
Lin-660-162.pdf 336.93KB
Lin-660-164.pdf 578.83KB
Lin-660-166.pdf 572.28KB
Lin-660-168.pdf 377.34KB
Lin-661-101.pdf 491.54KB
Lin-661-120.pdf 322.68KB
Lin-661-122.pdf 299.29KB
Lin-661-124.pdf 389.96KB
Lin-661-126.pdf 266.83KB
Lin-661-128.pdf 320.11KB
Lin-661-130.pdf 550.06KB
Lin-661-132.pdf 293.86KB
Lin-661-134.pdf 409.72KB
Lin-661-136.pdf 284.12KB
Lin-661-139.pdf 260.80KB
Lin-661-150.pdf 703.90KB
Lin-661-152.pdf 612.78KB
Lin-661-154.pdf 364.38KB
Lin-661-156.pdf 683.44KB
Lin-661-158.pdf 693.65KB
Lin-661-160.pdf 281.10KB
Lin-661-162.pdf 258.53KB
Lin-661-164.pdf 241.89KB
Lin-661-165.pdf 365.30KB
Lin-661-167.pdf 311.16KB
Lin-661-169.pdf 315.05KB
Lin-661-171.pdf 690.15KB
Lin-661-440.pdf 292.86KB
Lin-661-55.pdf 792.65KB
Lin-661-56.pdf 568.42KB
Lin-661-58.pdf 475.95KB
Lin-661-61.pdf 321.84KB
Lin-661-89.pdf 375.39KB
Lin-661-91.pdf 112.31KB
Lin-661-93.pdf 331.96KB
Lin-661-95.pdf 286.53KB
Lin-661-97.pdf 378.86KB
Lin-661-99.pdf 301.25KB
Lin-662-119.pdf 267.65KB
Lin-662-121.pdf 394.21KB
Lin-662-123.pdf 351.04KB
Lin-662-125.pdf 385.15KB
Lin-662-128.pdf 573.66KB
Lin-662-130.pdf 296.77KB
Lin-662-131.pdf 284.46KB
Lin-662-252.pdf 301.01KB
Lin-662-256.pdf 367.53KB
Lin-662-261.pdf 583.56KB
Lin-662-28.pdf 337.73KB
Lin-662-30.pdf 292.86KB
Lin-662-32.pdf 224.61KB
Lin-662-33.pdf 329.89KB
Lin-662-41.pdf 265.64KB
Lin-662-42.pdf 424.56KB
Lin-662-435.pdf 563.82KB
Lin-662-44.pdf 363.87KB
Lin-662-46.pdf 540.46KB
Lin-662-48.pdf 603.23KB
Lin-662-50.pdf 437.38KB
Lin-662-52.pdf 311.08KB
Lin-662-54.pdf 302.10KB
Lin-662-76.pdf 355.87KB
Lin-662-78.pdf 532.37KB
Lin-662-80.pdf 250.23KB
Lin-662-82.pdf 379.66KB
Lin-662-84.pdf 181.12KB
Lin-662-86.pdf 377.83KB
Lin-662-88.pdf 358.76KB
Lin-662-90.pdf 404.16KB
Lin-662-92.pdf 315.99KB
Lin-662-96.pdf 308.16KB
Lin-665-10.pdf 142.83KB
Lin-665-101.pdf 199.95KB
Lin-665-103.pdf 316.61KB
Lin-665-105.pdf 265.17KB
Lin-665-116.pdf 428.07KB
Lin-665-136.pdf 480.42KB
Lin-665-138.pdf 288.75KB
Lin-665-141.pdf 831.68KB
Lin-665-144.pdf 254.41KB
Lin-665-6.pdf 392.19KB
Lin-665-8.pdf 296.55KB
Lin-665-93.pdf 186.69KB
Lin-666-1.pdf 632.01KB
Lin-666-77.pdf 156.47KB
Lin-666-8.pdf 310.19KB
Lin-670-312.pdf 609.03KB
Lin-670-98.pdf 422.27KB
Lin-722-16.pdf 5.96MB
Lin-734-280.pdf 552.51KB
Lin-779-176.pdf 456.02KB
Lincoln, David.pdf 14.28KB
LincolnBART.doc 68.50KB
Lindquist, Kristen and Doiron, Paul.pdf 39.11KB
Linkletter.Bingham Decom Letter.pdf 549.43KB
Link to Photos.docx 11.75KB
Linn, Penny.pdf 59.73KB
Linzee, Jill.pdf 32.42KB
Lippincott, Bill (1).pdf 142.97KB
Lippincott, Bill (2).pdf 126.04KB
Lippincott Public Hearing Request & Response.pdf 1.26MB
Lisbon NOI.pdf 87.69KB
Liska, Alan.pdf 82.59KB
List, Henrietta.pdf 32.54KB
List, Henrietta.pdf 14.27KB
Lister, Hillary.pdf 129.36KB
Lister, Hillary (Maine Matters).pdf 123.55KB
Listowich letter.docx 110.21KB
Litchfield, Jennifer.pdf 32.77KB
Livermore Falls-VI_4-13-2011.pdf 22.34MB
Lizzie Perkins et al-Durham-Adr-397-598.pdf 1.05MB
LO-58 RI_FS_Appendices_Final_160624.pdf 39.01MB
Locke, Carolyn.pdf 682.84KB
Lockwood Fishway Passage Agency Review 2-3-2021.pdf 28.45MB
Lockwood MWDCA Application Attachments.pdf 21.76MB
Lockwood MWDCA Application Attachments.pdf 21.76MB
Loef letter.docx 12.86KB
LOI Fully Executed 7-17-17.pdf 230.00KB
Lolar, Dale.pdf 14.28KB
Lomaka, Chris.pdf 26.47KB
Lombard, Pam.pdf 26.15KB
Longchamps-Recorded Warranty Deed-2016.pdf 115.01KB
Lord, Harrah.pdf 32.75KB
Lord, Sandy.pdf 64.27KB
Louis Jean-Lewiston-Adr-7973-221.pdf 1.54MB
Lovely1.28.20.pdf 48.24KB
Lovely 1.28.2020 Part two.pdf 468.07KB
Lovitch, Derek.pdf 26.51KB
lower_sheepscot_river_focus_area.pdf 2.07MB
ltr_corps_cover_20180510.pdf 557.72KB
ltr_mdep_cover_20180510.pdf 557.83KB
Ltr to Erle Townsend (DEP) Transmission Option_12766593(1).pdf 336.64KB
Luce, David.pdf 25.67KB
Lucia Halajian-Lewiston-Adr-962-653.pdf 631.85KB
Lucretia Fogg et al-Leeds-Adr-408-376.pdf 459.86KB
Luminous Range chart.pdf 298.45KB
Lund, Ben.pdf 31.85KB
LUPC Letter Michaud September 13.docx 14.76KB
LUPC Site Law Certification.pdf 4.33MB
Luther, Doris.pdf 26.21KB
Luther, Doris.pdf 32.64KB
Luzzi, Lynn.pdf 26.30KB
Lyman, Bob.pdf 32.70KB
Lynch, Jaremy.pdf 32.94KB
Lynch, Joe.pdf 77.51KB
Lynch, Mary.pdf 32.74KB
Mabee, Grace and MGL Comments Filed on DMR's Assessment.pdf 455.50KB
Mabee, Jeffrey.pdf 84.98KB
Mabee-Grace-MLU appeal of Third Proc Order 2019-11-04.pdf 2.04MB
MA Bingham Wind Comments 10-13.pdf 550.11KB
Mable Sawyer-Durham-Adr-395-566.pdf 296.39KB
MacBrayne, Pamela.pdf 26.60KB
MacBrayne, Pamela (1).pdf 14.29KB
MacBrayne, Pamela (2).pdf 691.29KB
MacColl, Sarah.pdf 32.93KB
MacDonald, Jeff.pdf 32.26KB
MacKenzie, Jennifer.pdf 32.67KB
Macomber, Jessica.pdf 32.57KB
MacRae, Carolyn.pdf 26.25KB
Mae Heutz et al-Lewiston-Adr-397-403.pdf 942.30KB
Maendel, George.pdf 61.26KB
Mahoney, Kate.pdf 27.22KB
Maine_Audubon_Bingham_Response_100413.pdf 527.31KB
Maine_Better_Transportation_Association_Ltr_05012017.pdf 97.08KB
Maine_Chamber_of_Commerce_ltr.pdf 89.04KB
Maine_Motor_Transport_Association_Ltr_05082017.pdf 61.50KB
Maine_Turnpike_Authority_L27241AN_draft.pdf 326.34KB
Maine_Turnpike_Authority_L27241AN_final.pdf 189.07KB
Maine & Company.pdf 923.80KB
Maine Air National Guard (MEANG) Initial SWMP 2022.pdf 2.19MB
Maine Air National Guard (MEANG) NOI 2022.pdf 167.65KB
Maine Audubon Gray, Jen1.pdf 1.08MB
Maine Audubon Gray, Jen2.pdf 218.67KB
Maine boating laws and guidelines_DMR and IFW guide.pdf 5.35MB
MaineClassIareas4SIP.jpg 175.72KB
Maine Conservation Voters.pdf 100.69KB
Maine DEP Cover Letter.pdf 56.28KB
Maine DEP Cover Letter.pdf 56.28KB
Maine DEP Milltown Station Decommissioning Public.pdf 172.60MB
Maine DEP MWDCA - Weston SIGNED.pdf 75.81KB
Maine Dept of Environmental Protection 9.24.19.pdf 1013.09KB
MaineDOT 2018-2021 STIP for FHWA and FTA Approval July 2018.pdf 9.63MB
MaineDOT NOI Received.pdf 190.10KB
MaineDOT SWMP compiled.pdf 5.32MB
Maine Forest Legacy program.pdf 7.67MB
Maine Lobstering Union.pdf 6.56MB
Maine Mass Balance Summary January 2016.pdf 142.88KB
Maine Materials Management Plan 2014 update.pdf 966.43KB
MaineModelingApproach.docx 35.72KB
Maine Natural Areas Program Memo.pdf 130.69KB
Maine NGO comments on Shawmut Project Draft Order 8-18-21.pdf 390.79KB
Maine PFAS in Products Concept Draft_06292022 GM comments 7.12.pdf 328.67KB
Maine-RAG-Changes-2018-to-2021-markup.pdf 2.50MB
MaineRH-DOIcomments.pdf 1.31MB
Maine rulemaking NCTO 7-15-22 Final.pdf 1.19MB
Maine Shellfish Developers Pryer, Tap.pdf 59.60KB
Maine Solid Waste Generation and Disposal Capacity Report Calendar Year 2014.pdf 482.63KB
Maine State Chamber of Commerce.pdf 172.27KB
Mairs Amadei, Regina.pdf 32.86KB
Malik, Christopher.pdf 29.14KB
Malis-Andersen, Suzanne.pdf 14.29KB
Maloney, Jonnie.pdf 32.59KB
Mancivalano, S.pdf 26.29KB
MANEVU_2002_Pt_Version 3_040706.mdb 323.81MB
MANE-VU_5-yr_SIP_Template_update_03-30-15.docx 27.09MB
MANE-VU CLASS I SITE PLOTS FOR 2nd SIP Report 2-15-2022.pptx 4.12MB
MANE-VU PROTOCOL SITE PLOTS FOR 2nd SIP Report 2-15-2022.pptx 2.39MB
Mann, Doreen.pdf 26.51KB
Mann, Doreen.pdf 32.53KB
Mann, Shaw.pdf 14.28KB
Manning, Letitia.pdf 32.46KB
Manning, Letitia.pdf 71.51KB
Mansius, Donald_Maine Forest Service.pdf 417.57KB
Map and Elevations.pdf 217.89KB
Maps of Monitors for 2022 Monitoring Meeting.pptx 7.44MB
MARAMA2020.accdb 15.50MB
March.24.2020 - IFW - SWEB.pdf 87.78KB
March.27.2020 - IFW - SWEB.pdf 87.87KB
Marie Belzil-Lewiston-Adr-395-478.pdf 441.62KB
Marine Contingency Plan_October2020.pdf 632.65KB
Marsh, Bonnie.pdf 82.67KB
Martin, Andrew.pdf 76.64KB
Martin, Jordana.pdf 58.70KB
Martin, Ross and Jordana.pdf 71.35KB
Martin - DLP WLH Officer Appointment.pdf 70.82KB
Martunas, Michael_Dragon Products.pdf 926.10KB
Mary, Arthur and Charlotte.pdf 26.17KB
Mary, Arthur and Charlotte.pdf 32.75KB
Marysdaughter, Karen.pdf 14.29KB
Mason, Jay.pdf 26.11KB
Massucco, Andrew.pdf 26.26KB
Matthews, Pamela.pdf 38.18KB
Matthews, Victoria.pdf 56.35KB
Matusovich, Becca.pdf 33.13KB
Maurice Bickford-Lewiston-Adr-408-416.pdf 388.87KB
Maxmin, Chloe.pdf 26.21KB
Mayers, Natasha.pdf 32.64KB
Maynard, Gail.pdf 22.47KB
Mayo Public Hearing Request & Response.pdf 815.58KB
McAleenan, Marian.pdf 32.11KB
McAllister, Kelsey.pdf 26.33KB
McCabe, Terrence.pdf 406.67KB
McCarthy, Debbie.pdf 32.32KB
McCarthy, Debbie1.pdf 26.25KB
McCarthy, Debbie2.pdf 26.54KB
McDonald, Michael.pdf 32.36KB
McElroy, Tamara.pdf 51.62KB
McFadden, Armidy.pdf 520.94KB
McFadden, Armidy and Larrabee, Joseph.pdf 51.71KB
McGarry 2.10.2020.pdf 1.06MB
McGinley, CE.pdf 26.23KB
McGinley 2.12.2020.pdf 98.64KB
McGonagle, Richard.pdf 26.59KB
McGonagle, Richard.pdf 33.15KB
McGregor, Lewis.pdf 52.78KB
McIntyre, John.pdf 26.49KB
McIntyre, Regine.pdf 26.55KB
Mckay 1.13.2020.pdf 126.53KB
McKeage, Aleta.pdf 32.92KB
McKee 2.10.2020.pdf 31.21KB
McKeon, Kevin and Patricia.pdf 25.37KB
McKinney, Marianne.pdf 26.26KB
McLain, Suzanne.pdf 33.15KB
McLean, David.pdf 32.12KB
McLean, Susan.pdf 26.15KB
McMahon, Jesse.pdf 33.44KB
McMorrow letter.docx 99.85KB
McNulty, John_Seven Islands Land Company.pdf 42.35KB
McPherson, Barbara.pdf 32.52KB
McPherson, Elizabeth1.pdf 32.67KB
McPherson, Elizabeth2.pdf 32.41KB
McPherson, Susan.pdf 26.59KB
MDACFRandyCharettecomments_LockwoodFishway.pdf 68.19KB
mdep_brewerholdeneddington_mainedot_nrpa-individual.pdf 30.86MB
MDEP 401 WQC Application-Lower Great Falls Project.pdf 677.98KB
MDEP 401 WQC Application-Rollinsford Project jcg 2020 06 12.pdf 212.50KB
MDIFW_Bat_Curtailment_Response_101813.pdf 251.42KB
MDIFW_Bingham_Response_101813.pdf 3.32MB
MDIFW_commentstoLockwoodAccessRoad.pdf 117.21KB
MDIFW3.19.20.pdf 95.17KB
MDIFW5.29.20.pdf 120.88KB
MDIFW6.17.20.pdf 135.08KB
MDIFWcomment_LockwoodFishway.pdf 88.55KB
MDIFW Comments 2020-11-03.pdf 159.81KB
MDIFW Comments 2022-01-25 (with DEP notes).pdf 1.52MB
MDIFW Determination_VernalPools_2021-02-25.pdf 128.91KB
MDIFW letter 02-20-2019.pdf 72.16KB
MDIFW map 02-2019.pdf 2.10MB
MDIFWResponse_ERid1123_ERVerID2303-FINAL.pdf 323.39KB
MDIFWResponse_ERid2362_ERVerID2863-FINAL.pdf 458.81KB
MDIFWResponse_ERid2362_ERVerID2863-FINAL.pdf 459.51KB
MDIFWResponse_ERid2580_ERVerID2820-FINAL.pdf 469.32KB
MDMR comments_accessRoadL-20218-34-N-N.pdf 1.37MB
MDMR COMMENTS on Kennebec River EIS Scoping.pdf 852.38KB
MDOT_commentstoLockwoodAccessroad.pdf 75.96KB
ME0037559_2021 FINAL with attachments.pdf 3.40MB
ME0037559_2021 PROPOSED draft with attachments.pdf 10.04MB
MEANG NOI 2022.pdf 167.65KB
MEANG SWMP 2022.pdf 2.19MB
Meddybemps_ES_2012_Annual_Data_Summary Rep_Nobis_082913.pdf 81.06MB
Meddybemps_ES_2012_Final_QAPP_LTM_Nobis_122015.pdf 16.35MB
Meddybemps_ES_2012_Nobis_draft_Annual_Data_Summary_Rpt_cmt_ltr_051613.pdf 266.38KB
Meddybemps_ES_2013_Annual_Data_Summary_Rep_Nobis_011515.pdf 44.91MB
Meddybemps_ES_2013_Annual_Data_Summary_Rep_Nobis_011515-2.pdf 132.48MB
Meddybemps_ES_2013_Annual_Data_Summary_Rpt_ltr_Nobis_011515.pdf 174.84KB
Meddybemps_ES_2013_Annual_Data_Summary_rpt_ltr_Nobis_123014.pdf 96.96KB
Meddybemps_ES_2013_Final_QAPP_Addendum_LTM_Nobis_062713.pdf 4.06MB
Meddybemps ES 2013 Nobis draft Annual Data Summary Report cmt ltr 073114 pdf 1.57MB
Meddybemps_ES_2014_Annual_Data_Summary_Rpt_Nobis_072715.pdf 45.70MB
Meddybemps_ES_2014_Annual_LTM_Rpt_RTC_Nobis_070715.pdf 155.00KB
Meddybemps_ES_2014_Annual_Report_cvr_ltr_Nobis_031815.pdf 96.67KB
Meddybemps_ES_2014_Annual_Report_cvr_ltr_Nobis_072415.pdf 96.78KB
Meddybemps_ES_2014_Nobis_draft_Annual_Data_Summary_Rpt_cmt_ltr_051515.pdf 1.38MB
Meddybemps_ES_2015_CEG_Groundwater_Monitoring_Rpt_cmt_ltr_041916.pdf 3.86MB
Meddybemps_ES_2015_draft_GW_Monitoring_rpt_memo_review_EPA_TC_031816.pdf 72.07KB
Meddybemps_ES_2015_draft_GW_Monitoring_rpt_memo_review_RNP_031516.pdf 18.09KB
Meddybemps_ES_2015_draft_GW_Monitoring_rpt_review_RNP_031416.pdf 6.67MB
Meddybemps_ES_2015_monitoring_HASP_complete_CEG_091616.pdf 1.64MB
Meddybemps_ES_2015_Sampling_Report_Complete_CEG_091416.pdf 10.88MB
Meddybemps_ES_2016_MW_abandonment_ logs (corrected)_TBuck_102516.pdf 371.17KB
Meddybemps_ES_2017_approved_budget_011717.pdf 223.08KB
Meddybemps_ES_construction_compensation_agreement_MDOT_010515.pdf 60.45KB
Meddybemps_ES_construction_compensation_area_MDOT_figure_010515.pdf 803.79KB
Meddybemps_ES_construction_compensation_ltr_MDOT_010115.pdf 77.68KB
Meddybemps_ES_DEP Lien Report and Lien Chart_MDOT_Memo_111516.pdf 426.56KB
Meddybemps ES Draft 2013 Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation Summary Nobis cmt ltr 090613 pdf 137.59KB
Meddybemps ES Draft 2013 Enhanced In-Situ Bioremediation Summary Nobis cvr ltr 090613 pdf 26.00KB
Meddybemps ES draft Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation Implementation Plan Nobis cvr ltr 081612 pdf 52.59KB
Meddybemps_ES_email_Draft_MNA_Data_Review_040714.pdf 607.25KB
Meddybemps_ES_Fall_2015_monitoring_ltr_to_EPA_050815.pdf 97.68KB
Meddybemps_ES_Fall_2016_Data_Review_SJ8495_memo_120616.doc 185.50KB
Meddybemps_ES_Field_trip_rpt_053116.pdf 1.45MB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_061010.pdf 14.06MB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_073016.pdf 11.16MB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_081115.pdf 722.11KB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_091916.pdf 1.13MB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_092415.pdf 1.26MB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_100912.pdf 10.83MB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_102015.pdf 1.44MB
Meddybemps_ES_field_trip_rpt_Revised_Fall_2016_Monitoring_112116.pdf 18.62MB
Meddybemps ES Final Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation Implememtation Plan Nobis 090712 pdf 1.89MB
Meddybemps ES Final Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation Summary Report Nobis cvr ltr 092713 pdf 25.22KB
Meddybemps ES Final Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation Summary Rpt rev01 Nobis 092713 pdf 2.89MB
Meddybemps ES Final Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation Summary Rpt rev01 Nobis cvr ltr 092713 pdf 24.97KB
Meddybemps_ES_Five_Year_Review_rpt_EPA_092906.pdf 10.33MB
Meddybemps_ES_June_2013_Data_Review_Memo_Nobis_082613.pdf 481.08KB
Meddybemps_ES_ltr_Nobis_2014_Draft_MNA_Data_Review_041114.pdf 190.34KB
Meddybemps_ES_ltr_Nobis_revised_MNA_Data-Review_082014.pdf 637.82KB
Meddybemps_ES_LTRA_Final_Site_Summary_Rpt_Nobis_082213.pdf 33.79MB
Meddybemps_ES_memo_2014_Draft_MNA_Data _Review_040814.pdf 18.83KB
Meddybemps_ES_MNA Data Evaluation Report_Nobis_091614.pdf 9.85MB
Meddybemps_ES_public_mgt_attendees_list_073016.pdf 74.90KB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2013_2014_Winter_memo_Nobis_012714.pdf 5.22MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2013_Fall_memo_Nobis_010614.pdf 6.36MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2013_Spring_memo_Nobis_060413.pdf 5.55MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2013_Summer_memo_Nobis_070413.pdf 8.46MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2014_Fall_memo_Nobis_120514.pdf 6.01MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2014_Spring_Memo_Nobis_060614.pdf 6.78MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2014_Summer_memo_Nobis_081214.pdf 4.84MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2015_Summer_memo_Nobis_073115.pdf 6.98MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site_inspection_2015_Winter_memo_Nobis_011915.pdf 5.93MB
Meddybemps_ES_qtrly_site inspection_2015_Spring_memo_Nobis_042015.pdf 6.30MB
Meddybemps_ES_RTC_Draft_MNA_Data_Evaluation_Rpt_Nobis_052114.pdf 143.57KB
Meddybemps_ES_Second_Five_Year_Review_rpt_EPA_092911.pdf 4.46MB
Meddybemps_ES_Southern_Plume_MW_abandonment_ltr_EPA_040416.pdf 23.15KB
Meddybemps_ES_Spring_2013_LTM_Tech_Memo_Nobis_102313.pdf 24.77MB
Meddybemps_ES_Spring_2014_LTM_Tech_Memo_Nobis_013015.pdf 44.38MB
Meddybemps_ES_Spring_2014_Technical_Memo_cvr_ltr_Nobis_013015.pdf 173.79KB
Meddybemps_ES_Third_Five_Year_Review_rpt_EPA_092816.pdf 2.15MB
Meddybemps_ES_Town_site_ownership_e-mail_ltr_warrent_092116.pdf 182.98KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis__060215.pdf 358.26KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_010515.pdf 360.76KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_011315.pdf 356.49KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_011915.pdf 356.33KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_012615.pdf 440.90KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_020315.pdf 355.09KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_021015.pdf 355.45KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_021715.pdf 352.83KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_022415.pdf 443.17KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_030214.pdf 352.68KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_030415.pdf 361.35KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_030914.pdf 354.52KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_031015.pdf 353.67KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_Site_Inspection_Nobis_031614.pdf 356.92KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_031715.pdf 356.39KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_032414.pdf 352.06KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_032415.pdf 353.82KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_033114.pdf 356.89KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_040714.pdf 355.53KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_040715.pdf 352.58KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_041014.pdf 352.74KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_041315.pdf 359.59KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_042014.pdf 358.64KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_042814.pdf 356.97KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_042815.pdf 356.72KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_050514.pdf 353.68KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_050515.pdf 358.19KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_051214.pdf 358.37KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_051215.pdf 359.98KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_051814.pdf 358.54KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_052614.pdf 442.61KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_060314.pdf 357.06KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_060914.pdf 353.14KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_060915.pdf 364.97KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_ inspection_Nobis_061515.pdf 355.47KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_061614.pdf 357.35KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_062314.pdf 348.29KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_062315.pdf 355.64KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_062914.pdf 349.65KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_063015.pdf 356.67KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_070614.pdf 346.65KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_070615.pdf 356.49KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_071514.pdf 352.46KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_071515.pdf 354.59KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_072114.pdf 350.13KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_072115.pdf 360.04KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_072814.pdf 332.45KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_072815.pdf 362.36KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_080514.pdf 351.11KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_081114.pdf 351.75KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_081914.pdf 355.58KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_082514.pdf 357.81KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_090214.pdf 358.93KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_090814.pdf 357.83KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_091614.pdf 356.38KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_092314.pdf 360.14KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_100614.pdf 359.22KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_101414.pdf 361.19KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_102014.pdf 357.55KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_103114.pdf 356.45KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_110414.pdf 359.19KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_111214.pdf 355.94KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_111814.pdf 356.37KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_112414.pdf 360.45KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_120114.pdf 356.45KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_120814.pdf 356.50KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_121514.pdf 345.34KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_122314.pdf 357.57KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspection_Nobis_123014.pdf 361.40KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_site_inspections_Nobis_033115.pdf 354.57KB
Meddybemps_ES_wkly_sites_inspection_Nobis_042115.pdf 365.08KB
Meddybemps_ES-DEP-NPL-at-PSC-SCDHEC-080514.pdf 626.18KB
Meddybemps-Eastern-Surplus-2016-Data-Summary-Memo-052617.pdf 51.83MB
Meddybemps-Eastern-Surplus-2016-Data-Summary-Memo-WithoutLabReports-052617 pdf 48.40MB
Meddybemps-Eastern-Surplus-EPA-Summary-2018.pdf 340.14KB
Meddybemps-ES-1998-Survey-Rpt-Addendum-Oest-012098.pdf 12.34MB
Meddybemps-ES-1999-NTCRA-Final-Complete-Rpt-ACE-060199.pdf 8.98MB
Meddybemps-ES-1999-NTCRA-PCB-soils-removal-emails-030920.pdf 12.81MB
Meddybemps-ES-2017-Final-QAPP-Nobis-091517.pdf 17.02MB
Meddybemps-ES-2018-Conceptual-Design-Memorandum-Nobis-cmt-ltr-021418.pdf 135.02KB
Meddybemps-ES-2018-Conceptual-Design-Memorandum-Nobis-review-cmts-021318 pdf 28.57KB
Meddybemps-ES-2020-draft-Cleanup-Status-Rpr-Nobis-EPA-cmts-email-021720.pdf 104.50KB
Meddybemps-ES-6-29-17-picture-EPA-071317.pdf 770.94KB
Meddybemps-ES-Agencies-Review-of-Nobis-Preliminary-BOD-Document-EPA-051718 pdf 280.15KB
Meddybemps-ES-AG-Referral-memo-101017.pdf 158.71KB
Meddybemps-ES-BDN-article-fish-passage-restoration-011620.pdf 194.75KB
Meddybemps-ES-Citizens-Request-for-Meddybemps-Town-Ownership-email-092116 pdf 79.38KB
Meddybemps-ES-Disposition-EPA-ltr-112717.pdf 301.83KB
Meddybemps-ES-Draft-Cleanup-Status-Rpt-cmts-email-022520.pdf 147.82KB
Meddybemps-ES-draft-Cleanup-Status-Rpt-EPA-cmts-021720.pdf 107.48KB
Meddybemps-ES-draft-EISB-WP-cmts-EPA-email-111518.pdf 47.68KB
Meddybemps-ES-Draft-Preliminary-Basis-of-Design-Report-Nobis-041618.pdf 12.19MB
Meddybemps-ES-EPA PM-transition-Town-031219.pdf 42.22KB
Meddybemps-ES-EPA-project-manager-change-email-031119.pdf 110.04KB
Meddybemps-ES-EPA-Project-mgr-transition-031119.pdf 40.29KB
Meddybemps-ES-EPA-RPM-Change-ltr-050619.pdf 160.11KB
Meddybemps-ES-ESD-ConcurLtr-091917.pdf 398.44KB
Meddybemps-ES-ES-ExhibitB-062617-a.pdf 11.62MB
Meddybemps-ES-Field-Trip-Report-022020.pdf 1.75MB
Meddybemps-ES-field-trip-rpt-062019.pdf 1.93MB
Meddybemps-ES-field-trip-rpt-080917.pdf 5.62MB
Meddybemps-ES-Final-Basis-of-Design-EPA-cmt-approval-ltr-092118.pdf 157.08KB
Meddybemps-ES-Final-Basis-of-Design-Rpt-Nobis-083018.pdf 29.42MB
Meddybemps-ES-Final-Cleanup-Status-Report-Nobis-022820.pdf 68.66MB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-Data-Tracking-rev12.12.18-Nobis-121218.pdf 74.51KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-001-Nobis-120318.pdf 890.81KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-002-Nobis-120418.pdf 697.13KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-003-Nobis-120518.pdf 525.83KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-004-Nobis-120618.pdf 782.03KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-005-Nobis-120718.pdf 784.97KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-006-Nobis-120818.pdf 156.38KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-007-Nobis-121118.pdf 156.40KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-008-Nobis-121218.pdf 156.87KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-010-Nobis-121418.pdf 155.97KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-011-Nobis-121718.pdf 411.33KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-013-Nobis-121918.pdf 511.90KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-014-Nobis-122018.pdf 677.47KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Daily-Report-Nobis-009-121318.pdf 155.15KB
Meddybemps-ES-ISB-RA-Update-email-Nobis-122718.pdf 41.15KB
Meddybemps-ES-June-2018-site-visit-memo-EPA-062718.pdf 83.75KB
Meddybemps-ES-Optimization-RSE-100111.pdf 7.29MB
Meddybemps-ES-Path-Frwd-ltr-101711-Final.pdf 202.43KB
Meddybemps-ES-Performance-Monitoirng-and-RA-Modification-Memo-Nobis-031819 pdf 1.60MB
Meddybemps-ES-Phase-2-Treatment-Program-memo-Nobis-081419.pdf 136.71KB
Meddybemps-ES-property-transfer-email-052319.pdf 124.02KB
Meddybemps-ES-Proposed-Well-Screen-Memo-Nobis-082218.pdf 909.65KB
Meddybemps-ES-RA-ISB-Draft-Work-Plan-Nobis-102318.pdf 932.39KB
Meddybemps-ES-RD-Draft-WP-Amend 1-Nobis-032618.pdf 1019.71KB
Meddybemps-ES-RD-QAPP-cmt-ltr-091217.pdf 86.66KB
Meddybemps-ES-September-2001-Preliminary-Close-Out-Report-EPA-092501.pdf 1.40MB
Meddybemps-ES-Site-Transfer-email-052319.pdf 128.97KB
Meddybemps-ES-Site-Update-EPA-080217.pdf 1.41MB
Meddybemps-ES-title-update-Smith-Stonewall-Abstracting-memo-101519.pdf 1.37MB
MEDEP_checklist_MARA_2020.xlsx 13.69KB 36.91MB 132.49MB
MEDEP-RCRA-CAC-Mtg-Notes-2020-11-18.pdf 534.73KB
MEDEP-RCRA-CAC-Mtg-PPT-2020-11-xx.pdf 2.55MB
MED-Project_proposal.pdf 1.06MB
Melcher-McKeagney, Sally.pdf 32.97KB
Melloh, James.pdf 26.55KB
Melloh, James.pdf 32.37KB
Melone, Lisa.pdf 26.61KB
Melone, Lisa.pdf 32.58KB
Melville, Tyler.pdf 32.97KB
Memo-Groundwater-Optimization-Submittals-BRWM-2020.pdf 67.53KB
MEPDES Application - KINGFISH MAINE - Signed.pdf 33.70MB
MEPDES Permit Application_Final_Oct 19, 2018.pdf 53.82MB
MEPDES-WDL signed order 11-19-2020.pdf 4.26MB
MER041001 Veazie 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.74KB
MER041001 Veazie Proposed Draft 11-30-2021 .pdf 397.45KB
MER041001 Veazie Signed 5-23-2022.pdf 595.12KB
MER041002 Westbrook 2022 Proposed 3-28-2022.pdf 239.65KB
MER041002 Westbrook Final Signed 6-7-2022.pdf 665.70KB
MER041003 Berwick 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.42KB
MER041003 Berwick Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 594.34KB
MER041003 Berwick Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.83KB
MER041004 Eliot 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 242.33KB
MER041004 Eliot Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 595.54KB
MER041004 Eliot Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 396.77KB
MER041005 Cape Elizabeth 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 234.08KB
MER041005 Cape Elizabeth Final Signed 6-7-2022.pdf 651.03KB
MER041006 Auburn 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 212.40KB
MER041006 Auburn Final Signed 5-17-2022.pdf 561.28KB
MER041007 Yarmouth 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.37KB
MER041007 Yarmouth Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 634.39KB
MER041007 Yarmouth Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.96KB
MER041008 Brewer 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 201.92KB
MER041008 Brewer Final Signed 5-23-2022.pdf 594.22KB
MER041008 Brewer Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.62KB
MER041009 Cumberland 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.01KB
MER041009 Cumberland Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 633.72KB
MER041009 Cumberland Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 398.31KB
MER041010 Windham 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 195.54KB
MER041010 Windham Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 633.68KB
MER041010 Windham Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.53KB
MER041011 Saco 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 239.71KB
MER041011 Saco Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 645.24KB
MER041012 Lewiston 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 209.17KB
MER041012 Lewiston Final Signed 5-17-2022.pdf 561.31KB
MER041013 Kittery 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 195.23KB
MER041013 Kittery Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 567.21KB
MER041013 Kittery Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.17KB
MER041014 South Berwick 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.12KB
MER041014 South Berwick Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 595.26KB
MER041014 South Berwick Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.71KB
MER041015 Milford 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 203.53KB
MER041015 Milford Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 553.20KB
MER041015 Milford Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 399.06KB
MER041016 Sabattus 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.22KB
MER041016 Sabattus Final Signed 5-23-2022.pdf 592.25KB
MER041016 Sabattus Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 398.07KB
MER041017 Freeport 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 218.79KB
MER041017 Freeport Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 640.26KB
MER041018 South Portland 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 269.27KB
MER041018 South Portland Final Signed 6-7-2022.pdf 650.03KB
MER041019 Orono 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.04KB
MER041019 Orono Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 553.28KB
MER041019 Orono Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 396.97KB
MER041020 Old Town 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 201.93KB
MER041020 Old Town Final Signed 5-23-2022.pdf 594.11KB
MER041020 Old Town Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.88KB
MER041021 Biddeford 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 240.55KB
MER041021 Biddeford Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 651.18KB
MER041022 Hampden 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 247.41KB
MER041022 Hampden Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 597.98KB
MER041023 Falmouth 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 201.92KB
MER041023 Falmouth Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 661.10KB
MER041023 Falmouth Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.73KB
MER041024 Portland 2022 Proposed 3-26-2022.pdf 216.70KB
MER041024 Portland Final Signed 6-7-2022.pdf 647.60KB
MER041025 OOB 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 251.99KB
MER041025 OOB Final Signed 5-24-2022.pdf 575.25KB
MER041026 Bangor 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 229.43KB
MER041026 Bangor Final Signed 5-23-2022.pdf 598.24KB
MER041027 Gorham 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 202.00KB
MER041027 Gorham Final Signed 6-2-2022.pdf 633.89KB
MER041027 Gorham Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 397.99KB
MER041028 Scarborough 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 266.79KB
MER041028 Scarborough Final Signed 6-7-2022.pdf 645.20KB
MER041029 York 2022 Revised Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 201.90KB
MER041029 York Final Signed 5-18-2022.pdf 568.16KB
MER041029 York Proposed Draft 11-30-2021.pdf 398.52KB
MER041030 Lisbon 2022 Proposed 3-16-2022.pdf 246.69KB
MER041030 Lisbon Final Signed 5-23-2022.pdf 595.39KB
MER043001 MTA Final Signed 6-6-2022.pdf 675.43KB
MER043002 MDOT Final Signed 6-6-2022.pdf 1.72MB
MERC_2010_Annual_Report.pdf 656.27KB
MERC_2011_Annual_Report.pdf 907.65KB
MERC_2012_Annual_Report.pdf 989.29KB
MERC_2013_Annual_Report.pdf 175.43KB
Merkel, Jim 1.pdf 14.01MB
Merkel, Jim 2.pdf 11.90MB
Merkel, Jim 3.pdf 218.71KB
Merrill, Richard.pdf 47.53KB
Merrill Road Complete.pdf 18.56MB
Merrow, Catherine.pdf 32.38KB
Messwilde, Joanne.pdf 94.28KB 43.07MB
Meunier, Yvette.pdf 32.35KB
Meyer, Nancy.pdf 82.89KB
MEZEV.xls 50.00KB
MFPC Comments regarding CMP proposed NECEC transmission line project 1-18-2019.pdf 133.23KB
MGFPA_Comments on Maine PFAS in Products Program Concept Draft 7-17-22_FINAL MGFPA RAM.pdf 250.23KB
MGL's BEP In Lieu of Brief Filing.pdf 87.17KB
MGL's Filing.pdf 15.42MB
MGL's Response to MEPDES recommendation (combined).pdf 1.59MB
MHPC# 0086-11_FINAL.pdf 195.92KB
MHPC# 0086-11.pdf 267.26KB
MHPC-1148-17_NECEC_Response_20180406.pdf 221.55KB
MHPC Cover Letter 9.27.17.pdf 379.79KB
MIC_Maine PFAS in Products Concept Draft_06292022 redline.pdf 112.47KB
MIC_ME PFAS Concept Draft Comments FINAL.pdf 291.44KB
Michael, Doug.pdf 32.37KB
MicMac Tribe.pdf 81.63KB
Microsoft Outlook-GW06262018.pdf 134.37KB
Microsoft Word - DEP Clifton Comment Form2.11.20.pdf 31.21KB
Microsoft Word - DEPLW0267 - antidegradation.pdf 123.32KB
Mildred Johnson-Lewiston-Adr-407-588.pdf 1.29MB
Mildred Johnson-Lewiston-Adr-515-651.pdf 623.09KB
Millay, Jo.pdf 32.30KB
Miller, David.pdf 44.89KB
Miller, David.pdf 32.55KB
Miller, George.pdf 32.64KB
Miller, Marie.pdf 13.57KB
Miller, Trudy.pdf 55.53KB
Milliken, Douglas.pdf 14.28KB
Mills, Chad.pdf 47.36KB
Mills, Marjorie.pdf 26.51KB
Mills, Tiffany.pdf 32.87KB
Milltown Decommissioning Project Description FN_LL .pdf 5.19MB
Milo-VI_12-21-2010.pdf 3.30MB
Minervino letter.docx 12.09KB
Mink, Catherine and Clifford.pdf 62.39KB
Minzy, Caren.pdf 32.44KB
Mirsky, Seth.pdf 26.13KB
MiscCMP-PowerlineEtc.pdf 189.84KB
MiscComments.pdf 10.56MB
Miska, Doug.pdf 91.06KB
Missal, Erik.pdf 26.31KB
Missal, Kathy.pdf 32.75KB
MJarvis PreFiled Testimony.pdf 92.93KB
MJ Ex. A.pdf 209.89KB
MJ Ex. B.pdf 346.19KB
MJ Ex. C.pdf 2.39MB
MJ Ex. D.pdf 1.34MB
MJ Ex. E.pdf 460.95KB
MJ Ex. F.pdf 1.85MB
MJ Ex. G.pdf 177.82KB
MJ Ex. H.pdf 450.37KB
MJ Ex. I.pdf 470.76KB
MMTA _ MRAA additional PFAS comments to Maine DEP July 2022.pdf 135.61KB
MNAP_Comments.pdf 12.38KB
MNAP Comments 2020-07-10.pdf 3.21MB
MNAP Comments 2022-02-02.pdf 316.79KB
ModelDomain2020countgrtr7007182021.png 59.15KB
ModelDomain2020DV07182021.png 87.69KB
ModelDomain2020DVand2008NA07182021.png 40.92KB
ModelDomain2020DVand2015NA07182021.png 46.82KB
ModelDomain2020H4H07182021.png 90.04KB
ModelDomain2021DV05172022.png 89.71KB
ModelDomain2021DVand2008NA05172022.png 41.59KB
ModelDomain2021DVand2015NA05172022.png 48.12KB
ModelDomain2021DVif65naaqs05172022.png 92.40KB
ModelDomain2021PH4H05172022.png 95.91KB
ModelDomain2021thres2008NAAQS07182021.png 77.32KB
ModelDomain2021thresh07182021.png 82.13KB
ModelDomain2021threshand2008NA07182021.png 40.76KB
ModelDomain2021threshand2015NA07182021.png 45.61KB
ModelDomain2022threshand2008NA05172022.png 42.89KB
ModelDomain2022threshand2015NA05172022.png 48.47KB
ModelDomain2022threshold2008naaqs05172022.png 81.91KB
ModelDomain2022threshold2015naaqs05172022.png 86.23KB
Moesswilde, Joanne 1.pdf 66.87KB
Moesswilde, Joanne 2.pdf 59.38KB
Moesswilde, Joanne 3.pdf 63.52KB
Moesswilde, Morten.pdf 60.65KB
Moffa, Anthony.pdf 1.03MB
Moffet, Lawrence.pdf 57.90KB
Moffet, Lawrence 1.pdf 56.62KB
Moffet, Lydia.pdf 13.67KB
Moffitt Mercer, Aimee.pdf 80.84KB
Moffitt-Mercer, Aimee.pdf 52.05KB
Mogul2.23.20.pdf 61.95KB
Moll, Judith.pdf 32.18KB
Monahan, Daniel.pdf 33.25KB
Monroe, Linda.pdf 26.82KB
Monroe, Linda.pdf 32.90KB
Montague, Teresa.pdf 27.02KB
Monteleon, Marjorie.pdf 26.18KB
Monteleon, Marjorie.pdf 32.41KB
Monteleon, Marjorie.pdf 14.31KB
Moody, Stanley.pdf 26.21KB
Moody, Stanley and Michelle.pdf 32.27KB
Mooney, Kevin.pdf 32.64KB
Moore, Anna.pdf 14.52KB
Moore, Conner.pdf 32.49KB
Moore, Janine.pdf 26.59KB
Moore, Janine.pdf 32.31KB
Moore, Lauren1.pdf 25.79KB
Moore, Lauren2.pdf 25.89KB
moore2.10.20.pdf 67.21KB
Moosehead Region Futures Committee public hearing request 11-1-17.pdf 519.13KB
Moosehorn_and_RCIP_with_improve_4SIP.jpg 435.44KB
Morazzini, Glenn.pdf 26.14KB
Moreau, Jackie.pdf 26.10KB
Morgan, Andrew.pdf 800.76KB
Morrill, Allison.pdf 32.47KB
Morrill, Ann.pdf 26.18KB
Morris, Lisa.pdf 14.28KB
Morrow, John.pdf 189.31KB
Morse 1.16.2020.pdf 56.17KB
Mortimer, Claire.pdf 26.55KB
Mortimer, Claire.pdf 690.20KB
Moscow Quitclaim Deed (5099-262).pdf 344.18KB
Moscow Quitclaim Deed (5099-276).pdf 333.30KB
Moscow Quitclaim Deed (5099-282).pdf 394.61KB
Moscow Quitclaim Deed (5099-296).pdf 353.82KB
Mosher, Greg and Catharine.pdf 26.33KB
Mosston, Leora.pdf 26.40KB
Motion for Stay Ex 1.pdf 563.75KB
Motion for Stay Exhibit 2.pdf 1.25MB
Motion for Stay Exhibit 6.pdf 1.50MB
Motion to Consolidate.pdf 357.93KB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 10.pdf 6.06MB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 11.pdf 494.21KB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 12.pdf 3.14MB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 3.pdf 4.85MB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 4.pdf 1.19MB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 5.pdf 1.23MB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 7.pdf 2.25MB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 8.pdf 618.80KB
Motion to Stay Exhibit 9.pdf 246.53KB
Motter, Emily.pdf 14.36KB
Mountain, Shelly1.pdf 81.62KB
MOVES 2020 ALL County Inputs FuelSupplyData existing regulatory requirements xls 4.10MB
MOVES_2020_All_County_Inputs_HPMSVTypeYEAR.xls 137.50KB
MOVES_2020_ALL_County_Inputs_IMPrograms.xls 296.50KB
MOVES_2020_ALL_County_Inputs_USE2008_zoneMonthHour.xls 503.00KB
MOVES_2020_ALL County_Inputs_sourceTypeYear.xls 128.00KB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_avgSpeedDistribution.xls 44.23MB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_County.xls 30.50KB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_dayVMTFraction.xls 1.98MB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_fixmonthVMTFraction.xls 326.50KB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_hourVMTFraction.xls 3.78MB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_roadType.xls 45.00KB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_roadTypeDistribution.xls 86.50KB
MOVES_All_County_Inputs_sourceTypeAgeDistribution.xls 524.50KB 66.16MB
MPUC Letter.doc 24.00KB
MPUC Rev Comments.pdf 478.41KB
MR 16(A)(2) Request.pdf 2.96MB
Mraz, Mary.pdf 26.78KB
Mraz, Mary.pdf 32.25KB
Mraz, Randy.pdf 26.46KB
MRC 2014 Financial Statements 20.pdf 1.11MB
MRC Equity Ownership 21.pdf 259.11KB
MRC Response to NRCM Dec 3 2015 memo on Processing facility application.pdf 774.17KB
MRCs-Plan-for-2018.pdf 9.24MB
Mrozicki, Kate.pdf 13.43KB
Mrozinski, Sharon.pdf 32.65KB
MRRA letter of support of MRC Fiberight Project.pdf 1.40MB
msargent2.3.20.pdf 73.43KB
MSEA_05222017.pdf 115.54KB
MTA_ExhibitAA.pdf 4.81MB
MTA_ExhibitBB.pdf 913.80KB
MTA_Review_Criteria.pdf 131.21KB
MTA_s Objections to Pre-Filed Testimony.pdf 61.18KB
MTA Brief 6-5-2017.pdf 887.49KB
MTA Exhibits.pdf 65.08MB
MTA MS4 NOI Received.pdf 541.28KB
MTA MS4 SWMP 092421.pdf 8.26MB
MTA Pre_filetestimony040717_from Drummond Woodsum.pdf 498.16KB
MTA Pre_filetestimony040717_from MTA.pdf 14.26MB
MTA Proposed Findings of Fact.pdf 112.30KB
MTA-PublicHrg-GP-ltr-120216.pdf 145.21KB
Mundell, Clare.pdf 31.12KB
Munderback, Lisa.pdf 26.25KB
Munderback, Lisa.pdf 32.89KB
Munier, Joyce.pdf 32.68KB
Murray, Georgia_Appalachian Mountain Club.pdf 186.72KB
MW-14-01B_ Falling Head 1.xls 1.16MB
MW-14-01B_ Rising Head 1.xls 1.16MB
MW14-01D Falling Head 1.xls 1.18MB
MW14-01D Rising Head 1.xls 1.34MB
MW14-01S Falling Head 1.xls 1.94MB
MW14-01S Rising Head 1.xls 1.07MB
MW14-02B Falling Head 1.xls 1.50MB
MW14-02B Rising Head 1.xls 1.55MB
MW14-02D Falling Head 1.xls 4.69MB
MW14-02D Rising Head 1.xls 2.03MB
MW14-02M Falling Head 1.xls 1.26MB
MW14-02M Rising Head 1.xls 2.92MB
MW14-03B Falling Head 1.xls 1.05MB
MW14-03B Rising Head 1.xls 209.50KB
MW14-03D Falling Head 1.xls 177.00KB
MW14-03D Falling Head 2.xls 182.00KB
MW14-03D Rising Head 1.xls 162.00KB
MW14-03D Rising Head 2.xls 1.19MB
MW14-03M Falling Head 1.xls 428.00KB
MW14-03M Rising Head 1.xls 301.00KB
MW14-03S Falling Head 1.xls 275.00KB
MW14-03S Falling Head 2.xls 3.17MB
MW14-03S Rising Head 1.xls 3.32MB
MW14-03S Rising Head 2.xls 148.00KB
MW14-04B Falling Head 1.xls 3.34MB
MW14-04B Rising Head 1.xls 457.00KB
MW14-04D Falling Head 1.xls 3.18MB
MW14-04D Rising Head 1.xls 3.19MB
MW14-04S Falling Head 1.xls 230.50KB
MW14-04S Falling Head 2.xls 312.00KB
MW14-04S Falling Head 3.xls 1.19MB
MW14-04S Rising Head 1.xls 3.24MB
MW14-04S Rising Head 2.xls 3.27MB
MW14-04S Rising Head 3.xls 3.17MB
MW14-05D Falling Head 1.xls 3.20MB
MW14-05D Rising Head 1.xls 3.19MB
MW14-05M Falling Head 1.xls 3.21MB
MW14-05M Rising Head 1.xls 3.27MB
MW14-06D Falling Head 1.xls 3.21MB
MW14-06D Rising Head 1.xls 3.18MB
MWDCA Form V1.pdf 67.49KB
MWSA signature page.pdf 42.70KB
Myrick, Dean_The Hinkley Company.pdf 101.33KB
Myron Fickett-Pownal-Cum-1337-339.pdf 298.74KB
n_spring_salamander_summary_010914.pdf 14.77MB
N_Windham-VI-08Feb2011.pdf 3.43MB
nactive.pdf 82.88KB
NADP & Aeroallergens Updates for BAQ Annual Air Monitoring Planning Meeting March 2, 2022.pptx 5.25MB
NAE-2021-01934-PERMIT.pdf 3.93MB
NAF Consolidated Acceptance Letter.pdf 175.45KB
NAS_Brunswick_ONFF_GW_TM_Nov2020_11-13-2020.pdf 37.04MB
Nathanson, Barbara.pdf 32.72KB
Neal, John1.pdf 26.15KB
Neal, John2.pdf 26.69KB
NECEC_CompensationPlanReview_12282018.pdf 745.75KB
NECEC_MNAP 8.33KB 112.63KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 001.jpg 184.40KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 002.jpg 152.87KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 003.jpg 209.02KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 004.jpg 137.96KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 005.jpg 181.27KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 006.jpg 147.58KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 007.jpg 141.89KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 008.jpg 117.52KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 009.jpg 131.56KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 010.jpg 133.75KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 011.jpg 156.48KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 012.jpg 163.24KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 013.jpg 206.50KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 014.jpg 149.06KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 015.jpg 166.90KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 016.jpg 168.30KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 017.jpg 172.38KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 018.jpg 79.96KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 019.jpg 102.91KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 020.jpg 183.35KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 021.jpg 164.59KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 022.jpg 144.34KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 023.jpg 93.74KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 024.jpg 153.82KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 025.jpg 109.42KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 026.jpg 87.49KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 027.jpg 162.65KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 028.jpg 159.15KB
NECEC_Site_Visit_11_13_2017 029.jpg 98.64KB
NECEC, TU letter 1-24-2019.pdf 84.61KB
NECEC 2nd PHC Agenda.pdf 80.26KB
NECEC Kennebec River HDD NRPA Application Amendment_10.19.18.pdf 2.54MB
NECEC Kennebec River HDD Site Law Application Amendment_10.19.18.pdf 102.56MB
NECEC - LUPC RFI Response 3-29-2018.pdf 1.88MB
NECEC MDEP Natural Resource Map Data Requests 12-11-17.pdf 44.46KB
NECEC - MDEP RFI Response Cover Letter 3-29-2018.pdf 384.84KB
NECEC Natural Resources Maps_Seg1.pdf 97.96MB
NECEC Natural Resources Maps_Seg2.pdf 39.02MB
NECEC Natural Resources Maps_Seg3.pdf 115.94MB
NECEC Natural Resources Maps_Seg4.pdf 24.95MB
NECEC Natural Resources Maps_Seg5.pdf 45.35MB
NECEC-Notice-to-Intervenors.pdf 96.79KB
NECEC NRPA Application_Final_9.27.17.pdf 43.87MB
NECEC October 19 2018 Filing Cover Letter_Final.pdf 159.21KB
NECEC Opposition Letter-2.docx 14.44KB
NECEC PH 10-19-21 Morning Session.mp4 2.02GB
NECEC Public Comments 10-19-21.mp4 551.95MB
NECECPublicHearigDetermination.pdf 275.48KB
NECEC Response to USACE February 2018 Data Request 3.23.2018.pdf 17.65MB
NECEC RTI Table Exhibit.docx 91.40KB
NECEC Suspension initiation 081321.pdf 255.96KB
NECEC Transmission LLC L27625KT.pdf 363.13KB
NECEC Updated Natural Resources Tables_October 2018.pdf 498.55KB
Nehls, Breana.pdf 14.66KB
Neill, Theresa.pdf 26.53KB
Neptune, Angelique.pdf 13.39KB
Neptune Adams, Dawn (1).pdf 14.52KB
Neptune Adams, Dawn (2).pdf 14.42KB 102.31KB
Nettleton 2.11.2020.pdf 55.77KB
Nettleton2.4.20.pdf 48.29KB 3.56GB
NEW HAMPSHIRE 1997-25 8-hr Ozone SUMMARY.xlsx 3.79MB
NEW HAMPSHIRE Ozone 1997-25 Sequential Data.xlsx 29.38MB
Newhouse, Henry.pdf 32.72KB
Newman, Diana.pdf 58.34KB
Newman, Vivian.pdf 26.69KB
Newton, Joan.pdf 32.66KB
Newton Stowell-Durham-Adr-395-574.pdf 273.20KB
Nichols, Tom.pdf 26.75KB
nick2.2.20.pdf 51.94KB
Nickerson, Albert.pdf 32.62KB
Nicoloff, Lee.pdf 32.53KB
Nilsen, Kristen.pdf 32.78KB
Niolar, Eric.pdf 14.30KB
NMFS DEA Comments_p2322.pdf 415.22KB
NMMA MMTA and MRAA PFAS comments to Maine DEP July 2022.pdf 159.28KB
NOAA Report Out.pdf 1.43MB
NOAA Report Out.pdf 1.43MB
NO CMP NECEC.docx 22.27KB
Noel Coumont-Lewiston-Adr-408-418.pdf 407.42KB
Noise_review12.10.pdf 60.16KB
Noise Impact Assessment_Peer Review.pdf 58.05KB
Noise Impacts Letter Report June 19 2018.pdf 56.72KB
NOI-York 2022MS4GP.pdf 96.78KB
Nolon, Julie1.pdf 32.54KB
Nolon, Julie2.pdf 32.69KB
nonconformingtanks.pdf 54.45KB 53.36MB
No-Oppose.pdf 480.21KB
Norden 2.26.2020.pdf 124.23KB
Nordic's Response to Mabee-Grace-MLU appeal 2019-11-05.pdf 1.95MB
Nordic's Response to Upstream appeal 2019-11-06.pdf 104.11KB
Nordic's -SLODA-NRPA Response Letter.pdf 343.82KB
Nordic agenda 2nd pre-hearing conference 10-17-19.pdf 51.95KB
Nordic Aquafarms' Comment on DMR's Assessment.pdf 82.61KB
Nordic-Aquafarms-Inc-L28319ANBNCNDNEN-draft.pdf 567.70KB
Nordic BP1 050119 1225pm.pdf 991.83KB
Nordic BP1 050119 1225pm.pdf 991.83KB
Nordic Comments on DEP Air Modeling.pdf 132.89KB
NordicDischargeOfPathogensReviewforDEP.pdf 268.21KB
Nordic-Draft-Board-Order-MEPDES-permit-8-13-2020.pdf 3.83MB
Nordic - Exhibit 41 and MGL Bernacki on TRI.pdf 1.04MB
Nordic Final.pdf 11.95MB
Nordic Hearing Comments 040720 PK APPROVED.pdf 394.71KB
Nordic - Kristina Deye's comment letter 8-25-2020.pdf 614.73KB
Nordic Response - Draft MEPDES Response Letter.pdf 315.47KB
Nordic -S Whipple's response - Air Emissions License Comments Dated 08-14-2020.pdf 309.94KB
North Dakota State Legislation.pdf 47.88KB 986.62MB 397.27MB
Northport Village Corporation.pdf 121.87KB
Northport Village Corporation's Comments on DMR's Assessment.pdf 276.31KB
Norton, Mark.pdf 32.82KB
Norton, Mark F.pdf 26.26KB
Notice_to_Intervenors.pdf 95.95KB
Notice Form_Complete - 09-25-2019.pdf 163.61KB
NoticeForm_Filled_5-15-2019.pdf 632.09KB
Notice of Petition to Intervene_Dyer Long Pond.pdf 87.62KB
Notice of Petition to Intervene_Dyer Long Pond Notice 2.pdf 87.80KB
NO WIND.pdf 431.23KB
NOXQRY.xlsx 23.54KB
NPS TMDL Addendum Draft.pdf 13.69MB
NRCM Bennett, Nick1.pdf 6.64MB
NRCM Bennett, Nick2.pdf 96.34KB
NRCM CLF.pdf 329.68KB
NRCM Exhibit 1 - Verified Complaint Excerpt.pdf 484.43KB
NRCM Exhibit 2 - Dickinson Affidavit Excerpt.pdf 226.51KB
NRCM Exhibit 3 - Official Tabulation.pdf 479.83KB
NRCM letter.pdf 1.73MB
NRDA-for-Area Committee meeting.pptx 9.30MB
NRDC Maine PFAS Comments 7.18.22.pdf 89.76KB
NRPA_A10_Notice_text.pdf 13.83KB
NRPA_A11_MHPC_text.pdf 87.38KB
NRPA_A12_FunctionalAssessment_text.pdf 9.25KB
NRPA_A13_CompensationPlan_text.pdf 10.27KB
NRPA_A1A_AD_text.pdf 279.65KB
NRPA_A1B_SP_text.pdf 96.67KB
NRPA_A2_AlternativesAnalysis_text.pdf 566.20KB
NRPA_A3_SiteLocationMap.pdf 2.77MB
NRPA_A3_SiteMap_text.pdf 10.57KB
NRPA_A4_SitePhotos_Text .pdf 9.48KB
NRPA_A5_SitePlans_text.pdf 258.83KB
NRPA_A6_AdditionalPlans_text.pdf 265.59KB
NRPA_A7_ConstructionPlan_text.pdf 226.83KB
NRPA_A8_ErosionControl_text.pdf 32.28KB
NRPA_A9_SiteConditions_text.pdf 1.16MB
NRPA_AppA-VisChklst-DRAFT_18076.pdf 413.74KB
NRPA_AppB_MDEP-CoastalWetlandChar.pdf 1.38MB
NRPA_Appendix C_Final.pdf 281.27KB
NRPA_Att00_General_Text.pdf 624.11KB
NRPA_Attachment 1_Delineation Report.pdf 34.03MB
NRPA_cover.pdf 2.44MB
NRPA_form.pdf 1.87MB
NRPA_TOC.pdf 569.72KB
NRPA Application_SHM Rockland LLC.pdf 8.68MB
NRPA Application.pdf 4.71MB
NRPA Application form.pdf 719.07KB
NR Report with Appendii 7-8-19.pdf 15.56MB
NSF Capabilities Brief_.ppt 10.06MB
Nugent, Jeni.pdf 26.53KB
NVC's 10-5-2020 water permit follow-up letter.pdf 871.19KB
NVC's 9-14-2020 final wastewater discharge permit comments.pdf 1.65MB
NVC - BEP 11-20-19 re schedule.pdf 48.56KB
NVC let to BEP 08-16-20.pdf 152.85KB
N vs S Impacts Comparison.pdf 893.03KB
O'Connell, Coleen.pdf 57.68KB
O'Connor, Linda Silvia.pdf 63.35KB
O'Keefe, Maureen.pdf 69.17KB
O'Rourke, Karen.pdf 32.74KB
O'Rourke, Lawrence.pdf 32.96KB
O'Toole, Cynthia.pdf 25.68KB
Oberholtzer, Ken1.pdf 32.65KB
Oberholtzer, Ken2.pdf 32.85KB
OBrien, Mary.pdf 14.29KB
Odor_UPSTREAM9.pdf 898.50KB
Odor Control 19.pdf 1.40MB
Olander, Erik.pdf 32.64KB
Old Town MS4 SMP Final 3-25-21.pdf 6.20MB
Olivine Bourassa-Greene-Adr-408-272.pdf 360.47KB
Olsen, Jon.pdf 26.20KB
Olsen, Jon.pdf 32.97KB
Olsen, Jon.pdf 14.28KB
Olson, Sandy.pdf 26.15KB
Oltarzewski, Diane.pdf 26.29KB
Oltarzewski, Diane.pdf 13.29KB
Olympia_proposal.pdf 113.04KB
ONE 7771 ALP EDD.xls 74.00KB
ONE 7771 EAI EDD.xls 148.50KB
ONE 7771 EDD.xlsx 25.33KB
ONE 7771 Pace EDD.xls 178.50KB
ONE 7771 Rpt COC ALP EAI Pace.pdf 3.90MB
Onion, Dan.pdf 32.88KB
Onsite storage of waste residuals 14.pdf 147.72KB
OOB-MS4-NOI_20210330.pdf 52.58KB
OOB-MS4-SWMP_20210330.pdf 6.67MB
OppositionCommentsDRAFTlicenseBernsteinShur7-5-16.pdf 319.46KB
OppositionCommentsDRAFTlicenseKeithBowden7-5-16.pdf 960.04KB
OppositioncommentsDRAFTlicenseLippencott7-5-16.pdf 80.03KB
OppositionCommentsDRAFTlicenseNRCM7-5-16.pdf 313.01KB
OppositionCommentsDRAFTlicenseSchroeder7-5-16.pdf 12.53KB
OppositionCommentsDRAFTlicenseUSAEnergy7-5-16.pdf 255.13KB
OppositionCommentsDraftSolidWasteLicenseKAS7-1-16.pdf 34.35KB
Order Amending License 01081992.pdf 38.49KB
Order Amending License 03221999.pdf 88.02KB
Order Amending Licensee 10312000.pdf 50.80KB
Order Amending Licesnse 09272002.pdf 34.53KB
Order Approving License Transfer 09122009.pdf 20.89KB
Ordway, Janet.pdf 32.59KB
Orem, Carole.pdf 14.29KB
Original 6 Comp parcels, Summary of Encumbrances.xlsx 14.68KB
Orono 2021 NOI.pdf 87.63KB
Orr, Nancy.pdf 26.20KB
Orrington_review.pdf 4.68MB
Osann, Richard.pdf 33.07KB
Osborne, Hannah.pdf 32.67KB
Osborne, Michael_Our Katahdin.pdf 1.27MB
Osborne Groves-Auburn-Adr-395-491.pdf 430.05KB
Oswald Wilson-Durham-Adr-395-573.pdf 655.58KB
OT_NOI_Signed.pdf 60.57KB
OTC2020countgrtr7007182021.png 41.74KB
OTC2020DV07182021.png 52.67KB
OTC2020DVand2008NA07182021.png 40.66KB
OTC2020DVand2015NA07182021.png 41.71KB
OTC2020H4H07182021.png 51.39KB
OTC2021DV05172022.png 54.91KB
OTC2021DVand2008NA05172022.png 42.09KB
OTC2021DVand2015NA05172022.png 44.52KB
OTC2021DVif65naaqs05172022.png 60.83KB
OTC2021H4H05172022.png 58.09KB
OTC2021Thresh2008NAAQS07182021.png 46.76KB
OTC2021Thresh2015NAAQS07182021.png 50.80KB
OTC2021threshand2008NA07182021.png 41.23KB
OTC2021Threshand2015NA07182021.png 40.98KB
OTC2022threshold2008naaqs05172022.png 48.28KB
OTC2022threshold2008naaqswithNA05172022.png 41.71KB
OTC2022threshold2015naaqs05172022.png 52.02KB
OTC2022threshold2015naaqswithNA05172022.png 44.17KB
OTCcore2020DVand2008NA07182021.png 48.03KB
OTCcore2020DVand2015NA07182021.png 51.37KB
OTCcore2021DVand2008NA05172022.png 49.40KB
OTCcore2021DVand2015NA05172022.png 53.57KB
OTC MONTHLY OZONE AVERAGES - updated 5-30-22.xlsx 20.50MB
OTC SITE TREND PLOTS 5-30-22.xlsx 32.03MB
Outlet Dam Survey.pdf 72.18KB
outlet-dam-survey.pdf 72.18KB
Owens, Tony.pdf 32.90KB
OZONE.pptx 1.95MB
Ozone download template(step1).xlsx 17.69KB
Ozone Nonattainment area summary 5-20-2022.xlsx 18.36KB
P-2808 Lower Barker FLA.pdf 14.44MB
P2809 Fish P - ECN 2_Downstream Eel System-DRAFT_110420.pdf 2.93MB
PA210033.jpg 1.49MB
PA210034.jpg 1.54MB
PA210046.jpg 1.51MB
PA210049.jpg 1.50MB
Paetow, Lana.pdf 32.46KB
Page opposition to Pisgah Mountain wind project2.4.20.pdf 155.44KB
Palin, John.pdf 32.74KB
Palin, Karen.pdf 32.90KB
Palm, Alison.pdf 55.21KB
Palmer10.2.20.pdf 57.38KB
Pan, Frances.pdf 52.28KB
Panepinto, Lisa.pdf 13.51KB
Paradis, Samantha_City of Belfast.pdf 51.88KB
Pariser, Ellen.pdf 429.84KB
Parker, Beedy1.pdf 26.25KB
Parker, Beedy2.pdf 26.75KB
Parkinson, Donna.pdf 32.60KB
ParkmanDWA_AltAnalysis_071013.pdf 1.59MB
Parkman Utility Location App and Permit 7 12 13.pdf 3.13MB
Parlin Pond Quitclaim Deed (5099-224).pdf 360.38KB
Parson, Elizabeth.pdf 26.20KB
Parsons letter.docx 12.56KB
Passamaquoddy Response 9-28-21.docx 14.06KB
Passamaquoddy Tribes.pdf 81.77KB
PastedGraphic-5.pdf 4.19MB
Patten, Elizabeth.pdf 32.97KB
Patterson, Judith.pdf 26.13KB
Paul, Kathy.pdf 63.60KB
Paul, Rosalie.pdf 26.13KB
Pauls, Beth.pdf 32.72KB
Pauls, Beth.pdf 14.28KB
PB Minutes 10-8-19_DRAFT.docx 168.83KB
PBR Application.pdf 1.53MB
PCT Deed - Somerset - 3993-14.pdf 532.61KB
Pease, Roderick.pdf 690.95KB
Peaslee, Clare.pdf 32.58KB
Peasley 1.22.2020.pdf 1.09MB
Peasley 1.22.2020 email.pdf 1.91MB
Peasley 1.22.2020 Part two.pdf 876.33KB
Peasley 2.14.2020.pdf 60.15KB
Peasly2.12.20.jpg 2.60MB
Peasly2.7.20.pdf 1.59MB
Peck, John.pdf 32.93KB
Pedreschi, Ann.pdf 32.08KB
Pedreschi, Michael.pdf 26.31KB
Peer Review Sound June 12 2018.pdf 64.87KB
PejepscotHydroWQC_RevReq.pdf 100.44KB
Pejepscot L-007867-33-S-N WQC 06082022.pdf 411.52KB
Pelletier, Jerome_Irving Forest Products.pdf 367.54KB
Pemberton, Janet.pdf 32.53KB
Pena, Carmelo.pdf 25.64KB
Penalver, Marina.pdf 26.15KB
Pen Bay Exercise AAR Highlights.pdf 2.43MB
Pendharkar 12.05.2019.pdf 60.31KB
Pendleton, Belinda1.pdf 26.25KB
Pendleton, Belinda2.pdf 26.96KB
Penney, Hunter.pdf 41.84KB
Pennoyer, Marguerite_American Lung Association.pdf 804.77KB
Penobscot Bay After Action Report.pdf 696.46KB
Penobscot Bay After Action Report.pdf 696.46KB
Pentaleri Comments on Spinney Dock and Ramp Permit Application - Final.pdf 2.51MB
Pentaleri comments on Spinney NRPA permit application - Final.pdf 4.95MB
Pentaleri - Second Comment Letter on Spinney NRPA Permit Application.pdf 52.97KB
Pentaleri - Third Comment Letter on Spinney NRPA Permit Application - Final.pdf 1.70MB
Peralta, Sharon.pdf 26.27KB
PERC_2010_Annual_Report.pdf 39.41KB
PERC_2011_Annual_Report.pdf 1.06MB
PERC_2012_Annual_Report.pdf 731.35KB
PERC_2013_Annual_Report.pdf 2.69MB
PERC.pdf 41.04KB
Percy, Michael.pdf 32.42KB
Perkins, Kathleen.pdf 26.53KB
Perkins, Meredith1.pdf 26.41KB
Perkins, Meredith2.pdf 24.67KB
PermeOx application guide.pdf 66.38KB
PermeOx SDS.pdf 118.87KB
Perry, Anne.pdf 32.49KB
Perry, Duncan.pdf 32.40KB
Perry, Steve.pdf 846.06KB
Pessoa, Ignacio.pdf 708.84KB
Peter J. Sweeney-Lewiston-Adr-284-486.pdf 251.74KB
Peters, Jacqueline.pdf 32.35KB
Peterson, Richard.pdf 32.19KB
Peterson, Thomas.pdf 26.22KB
Petit, Nicole.pdf 32.69KB
Petit, Rebecca.pdf 32.68KB
PetitionerTestimonyCercena.pdf 15.47MB
PetitionerTestimonyProuty.pdf 5.30MB
PetitionerTestimonyUrkowitz.pdf 651.93KB
PetitionerTestimonyWronker.pdf 8.07MB
Petition for public hearing on NECEC, revised.pdf 121.18KB
Pettigrew, Patricia.pdf 26.16KB
PFAS All Current Results 2.12.2020_Revisedv4-2020-04-28.xlsx 9.68MB
Ph14 Solid Waste Permit Application.Submission Letter.10242019.pdf 91.03KB
Ph14 SW PermitApp_Vol. I General Information Requirements.pdf 88.51MB
Ph14 SW PermitApp_Vol. II NRPA Permit Application.pdf 100.92MB
Ph14 SW PermitApp_Vol. IV Engineering Report.pdf 104.64MB
Ph14 SW PermitApp_Vol. VI Draft Construction Bid Documents.pdf 2.55MB
Ph14 SW PermitApp_Vol. V Operations Manual.pdf 168.03MB
Phase 14 pbd accept app ltr head2.pdf 171.48KB
Phase 14 PBD Application 7.2.18 Final.pdf 1.29MB
Phase I ESA, Pahl Property, Washburn - March 28, 2014.pdf 24.05MB
Phase I ESA - West Commercial St_12-8-2014.pdf 109.17MB
Phase II ESA, Pahl Property - September 10, 2014.pdf 8.95MB
Philias Cloutier-Lewiston-Adr-395-490.pdf 925.62KB
Phillips, Janie.pdf 55.27KB
Phillips, Winthrop.pdf 32.63KB
Photo Log & Map.pdf 6.40MB
Photos and captions from webpage.docx 3.65MB
Photosimulation Information.pdf 412.26KB
Photosimulations 6-29-2018.pdf 54.21MB
Piechocki, Sandra.pdf 817.45KB
Piel, Lily.pdf 53.15KB
Pierce, Brian and Forrester, Rhonda (Sevee and Maher Engineers).pdf 84.15KB
Pierce, Patrick.pdf 26.58KB
Pierce, Patrick.pdf 32.23KB
Pierre LaAdr-395-496.pdf 402.58KB
Pierre LaFlamme-Lewiston-Adr-395-496.pdf 402.58KB
Pike, Dixon_Pierce Atwood.pdf 930.86KB
Pincince, John.pdf 63.82KB
Pingree, Brett.pdf 32.68KB
Piro, Samantha.pdf 32.43KB
Pittsfield Quitclaim Deed (5099-327).pdf 380.54KB
Plan of property 1985.pdf 253.46KB
Plan set.pdf 19.63MB
Plan Set revised 10-2021.pdf 3.77MB
Plan Set revised 10-2021 (tracked changes).pdf 3.26MB
PLASTICS Comments re Maine COHC in Food Packaging - for submission.pdf 178.44KB
PleaseAcceptThisPublicComment.pdf 2.66MB
PleaseDoNotApprove.pdf 2.46MB
Plimpton, David.pdf 32.77KB
Plumb, Julia.pdf 26.21KB
Plumb, Steve.pdf 32.23KB
Plumb Steve.pdf 26.10KB
Plum Creek.Bingham Decom Letter.pdf 193.25KB
PM10QRY.xlsx 74.99KB
PM 25 and PA.pptx 6.29MB
PM25QRY.xlsx 73.65KB
pmt 18_19_20_2012-WTE-5678-OE.pdf 16.54KB
pmt 18_2012-WTE-5677-OE.pdf 16.54KB
pmt 27_28_2012-WTE-5679-OE.pdf 16.54KB
pmt 53_54_2012-WTE-5680-OE.pdf 16.54KB
pmt 8_9_2012-WTE-5676-OE.pdf 16.54KB
PNSY NOI 2022.pdf 94.72KB
PNSY SWMP 2022.pdf 836.53KB
Pokras, Mark.pdf 27.28KB
Pollock-Reyes, Tina.pdf 13.38KB
Pontoh, Daniel.pdf 13.79KB
PO Response to Nextera on TRI 110618.docx 916.82KB
Porter, Kenneth.pdf 32.59KB
Porter, Tracy.pdf 56.29KB
Portlan_Washington_Ave-VI_5-6-11.pdf 6.92MB
Portland_Forest_Ave-VI_5-6-11.pdf 9.35MB
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY) Initial SWMP 2022.pdf 836.53KB
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY) NOI 2022.pdf 94.72KB
Pottle, Nina.pdf 26.12KB
Powers, Scott.pdf 13.77KB
Pre-app site plan_01.04.2019.pdf 1.23MB
Pre-app site plan for marina expansion_01.04.2019.pdf 8.14MB
Pre-app site plan to Bud.pdf 1.23MB
Prebs PA.pdf 43.45MB
Preliminary Results051818.xlsx 25.60KB
Prelim stormwater plan_Yachting Solutions.pdf 426.56KB
PRES 22.pptx 1.24MB
Present, Carolann.pdf 70.90KB
Presiding Officer Memo 2.pdf 381.24KB
Presley, Gail.pdf 26.25KB
Presque_Isle-VI_5-21-2011.pdf 29.94MB
Presson, Barbara.pdf 26.32KB
PresumpscotRiverDamsTransfer_Chigas.pdf 80.97KB
Primalbirthdoula.pdf 14.27KB
Prince, Nancy.pdf 32.49KB
Prince, Nancy1.pdf 26.25KB
Prince, Nancy2.pdf 43.21KB
ProcessFlowDiagram 12.pdf 1.63MB
ProjectReview.pdf 277.36KB
Project Scope revised 10-25-2021_tracked changes.pdf 370.44KB
PROJREV.pdf 97.48KB
PROJREV.pdf 98.16KB
Prontnicki, Claire.pdf 26.23KB
Proulx, Deneen.pdf 26.15KB
Provencher, Jerry.pdf 26.17KB
Provost, Phil.pdf 25.18KB
PSmith PreFiled Testimony.pdf 2.58MB
PTE Boiler 4.pdf 295.20KB
Public Hearing Request, DEP Response.pdf 253.32KB
Public Hearing Spoken Commentors 7-30-18.pdf 955.67KB
Public Mtg Agenda.pdf 52.97KB
Public Mtg Agenda - Searsport.pdf 104.69KB
Public Mtg Agenda - SoPo.pdf 104.80KB
Public notice receipts.pdf 600.98KB
Pulling, Brian.pdf 33.09KB
Purcell, Susan.pdf 27.13KB
Purdy, Eileen.pdf 32.42KB
PURPLE AIR ANALYSIS-3-tier equation 5 24 22 update.xlsx 52.39MB
PZ-10D Falling Head 1.xls 1.22MB
PZ-10D Rising Head 1.xls 1.21MB
PZ-10M Falling Head.xls 1.21MB
PZ-10M Rising Head.xls 1.19MB
PZ-10S Rising Head 1.xls 1.20MB
PZ-10S Rising Head 2.xls 1.23MB
PZ-11D Falling Head 1.xls 1.20MB
PZ-11D Falling Head 2.xls 1.26MB
PZ-11D Rising Head 1.xls 1.20MB
PZ-11D Rising Head 2.xls 1.23MB
PZ-12D Falling Head 1.xls 1.30MB
PZ-12D Falling Head 2.xls 1.26MB
PZ-12D Falling Head 3.xlsx 583.06KB
PZ-12D Rising Head 1.xls 1.34MB
PZ-12D Rising Head 2.xls 1.26MB
PZ-12D Rising Head 3.xls 1.16MB
PZ-12S Rising Head 1.xls 1.19MB
PZ-12S Rising Head 2.xls 1.19MB
PZ-13D Falling Head 1.xlsx 603.99KB
PZ-13D Falling Head 2.xls 1.28MB
PZ-13D Rising Head 1.xls 1.32MB
PZ-13D Rising Head 2.xlsx 601.92KB
PZ-13S Rising Head 1.xls 1.26MB
PZ-13S Rising Head 2.xlsx 582.74KB
PZ-14D Falling Head 1.xls 1.26MB
PZ-14D Falling Head 2.xls 1.22MB
PZ-14D Rising Head 1.xls 1.23MB
PZ-14D Rising Head 2.xlsx 583.81KB
PZ-15D Falling Head 1.xls 2.43MB
PZ-15D Rising Head 1.xls 3.44MB
PZ-15M Falling Head 1.xls 1.75MB
PZ-15M Rising Head 1.xls 1.32MB
PZ-16M Falling Head 1.xls 1.35MB
PZ-16M Rising Head 1.xls 1.33MB
PZ-17M Falling Head 1.xls 1.81MB
PZ-17M Rising Head 1.xls 1.47MB
PZ-18M Falling Head 1.xls 1.47MB
PZ-18M Rising Head 1.xls 1.40MB
PZ-1S Rising Head 1.xls 3.19MB
PZ-1S Rising Head 2.xls 3.20MB
PZ-1S Rising Head 3.xls 3.20MB
PZ-2S Rising Head 1.xls 3.23MB
PZ-3S Rising Head 1.xls 1.22MB
PZ-4S Rising Head 1.xls 3.21MB
PZ-4S Rising Head 2.xls 3.26MB
PZ-4S Rising Head 3.xls 3.20MB
PZ-5D Falling Head 1.xls 1.28MB
PZ-5D Falling Head 2.xls 1.21MB
PZ-5D Rising Head 1.xls 1.26MB
PZ-5D Rising Head 2.xls 1.22MB
PZ-6S Rising Head 1.xls 3.19MB
PZ-6S Rising Head 2.xls 3.19MB
PZ-6S Rising Head 3.xls 3.21MB
PZ-7D Falling Head 1.xls 1.25MB
PZ-7D Falling Head 2.xls 1.25MB
PZ-7D Falling Head 3.xls 1.27MB
PZ-7D Rising Head 1.xls 1.29MB
PZ-7D Rising Head 2.xls 1.29MB
PZ-7D Rising Head 3.xls 1.26MB
PZ-8D Falling Head 1.xls 1.25MB
PZ-8D Falling Head 2.xls 1.26MB
PZ-8D Rising Head 1.xls 1.23MB
PZ-8D Rising Head 2.xls 1.24MB
PZ-9D Falling Head 1.xls 2.00MB
PZ-9D Rising Head 1.xls 1.88MB
PZ-9S Rising Head 1.xls 1.31MB
PZ-9S Rising Head 2.xls 1.33MB
Quality Cleaners PA.pdf 2.16MB
Quality Cleaners PA Form.pdf 264.22KB
Radding, Carolyn.pdf 32.76KB
Rand, C 2.13.2020.pdf 94.99KB
Rand, Julie.pdf 32.92KB
Rand, P 2.13.2020.pdf 104.76KB
Randall, Elizabeth.pdf 32.75KB
Rankin, Heather.pdf 32.96KB
Ranney, Katherine.pdf 27.22KB
Raven Farm Substation Sound Study 05-17-18.pdf 1.23MB
Rawn, Jason.pdf 48.62KB
RAW RH DATA DOWNLOAD 2-15-22.xlsx 75.15MB
Rayback, Brian (Pierce Atwood).pdf 256.83KB
Raymond, Linda.pdf 380.91KB
Rayner, Bruce.pdf 14.29KB
Raytown Quitclaim Deed (5099-182).pdf 441.22KB
Raytown Quitclaim Deed (5099-218).pdf 350.54KB
RE_ Intervenor Request.pdf 95.04KB
Rea, Steven.pdf 46.36KB
readme.txt 10.21KB
Reagan, Robin.pdf 32.15KB
Realty Operators Corporation-Moxie Gore West-Som-536-135.pdf 749.74KB
Rebuttal Testimony of Marshall Jarvis.pdf 212.31KB
Receipts from 03_15_19 Mailing.pdf 20.18MB
Redman, Janel.pdf 32.58KB
Reed, Kirsten.pdf 25.65KB
ReEnergy_2014_Annual_Report.pdf 45.53MB
ReEnergy_2015_Annual_Report.pdf 256.71KB
ReEnergy_KTI_2013_Annual_Report.pdf 284.69KB
ReEnergy_Lewiston_2017AR.pdf 4.78MB
ReEnergy Lewiston.pdf 476.28KB
REENERGY LEWISTON OPS Manual - November 2018.pdf 14.41MB
Region1TechForum2022 PA-Clarity comparison FINAL.pdf 2.45MB
Regional Haze SIP Draft For FLM Review.pdf 4.02MB
RegionalhazesipFLMReview.pdf 2.70MB
regundtanks.pdf 10.77MB
Reichard, Lawrence.pdf 1.58MB
Reid, Michael.pdf 102.76KB
Reighley, Jay.pdf 26.28KB
Reis, Jenni.pdf 47.17KB
Reis, Jenni1.pdf 32.37KB
Reis, Jenni2.pdf 32.05KB
Relevant Regulatory Review Criteria.pdf 87.11KB
REM00716-20041227-UNC=rpt basement samples DEP 2004.pdf 210.61KB
REM00716-20060620-UNC=inventory of containers house-yard-barn DEP 2006.pdf 146.63KB
REM00716-20060620-UNC=second inventory of containers house-yard-barn DEP circa 2006.pdf 154.22KB
REM03100-20080506-UNC=Water Results 34 Business Park Rd Maxtorque aka Wedgerock.pdf 1.77MB
REM03100-20171017-UNC=Phase I 286 Burnham.pdf 10.61MB
REM03100-20191001-UNC=water results 286 Burnham first test.pdf 1.96MB
REM03100-20191111-UNC=Water results 286 Burnham and LAC.pdf 847.19KB
REM03100-20200306-UNC=email DEP to 286 Burnham owner well details and status.pdf 3.46MB
REM03100-20210521-UNC=Water Results 34 Business Park Rd Wedgerock and 286 Burnham.pdf 481.88KB
REM03100-20210610-UNC=ltr - DEP to 286 Burnham well sample results.pdf 996.97KB
REM03100-20210610-UNC=ltr - DEP to 34BusinessPark(Wedgerock) well sample results.pdf 933.24KB
REM03100-20210611-UNC=Limerick Water District Active Properties.pdf 2.02MB
REM03100-20210615-GEN=rcra-status manifests wedgerock -34 Business Park Road.pdf 172.79KB
REM03100-20210707-UNC=map and results LakeArrowheadCommunity water supply.pdf 1.40MB
REM03100-20210813-UNC=Water results Carrol Concrete 25 Dole Ridge Rd.pdf 1.41MB
REM03100-20210913-UNC=Figure -site and surrounding properties.pdf 1.24MB
REM03185-20080617-UNC=2008-06-17 Outfall Inspection - DEP Water Qual.pdf 142.91KB
REM03185-20130502-UNC=2013-05-02 Bldg Condition Report - GEI.pdf 293.42KB
REM03185-20180531-UNC=2018-05-31 Phase I - Ransom.pdf 91.04MB
REM03185-20181217-UNC=2018-12-17 Phase II HBMI - ACM PCB Paint Lead - Ransom.pdf 9.67MB
REM03185-20190709-UNC=2019-07-09 TSCA PCB Noncompliance ltr - EPA.pdf 79.61KB
REM03185-20200219-UNC=2020-02-19 Mercury Assessment - Ransom.pdf 2.56MB
REM03185-20201204-UNC=2020-12-04 DEP Draft CONSENT ORDER transmittal.pdf 3.69MB
REM03185-20210316-UNC=2021-03-16 DEP Trip Report -security asbestos etc Redmond.pdf 16.09MB
REM03185-20210405-UNC=2021-04-05 ltr Mason to DEP - AOC Position Response.pdf 5.84MB
REM03185-20210506-UNC=2021-05-06 ltr CMP to DEP response to AOC.pdf 81.60KB
REM03185-20210506-UNC=2021-05-06 ltr FPL to DEP response to AOC.pdf 118.74KB
REM03185-20210506-UNC=2021-05-06 ltr Mason to DEP response to AOC.pdf 3.30MB
REM03185-20210727-UNC=2021-07-27 ltr DEP to Mason-FPL-CMP AOC status update.pdf 135.67KB
REM03185-20211019-UNC=2021-10-19 Asbestos Damage Assessment - Ransom.pdf 18.61MB
REM03185-20220218-UNC=2022-02-18 ltr DEP to Mason - discharge response.pdf 39.26MB
REM03260-20220630-UNC=Preliminary Assessment Full Report - DRAFT signed by DEP.pdf 73.71MB
REM03260-20220630-UNC=Preliminary Assessment Short Form.pdf 241.25KB
REM03261-20220630-UNC=Preliminary Assessment PA Full Report-DRAFT DEP signed.pdf 73.65MB
REM03261-20220630-UNC=Preliminary Assessment PA Short Form.pdf 232.70KB
Remmel, Kathleen.pdf 26.44KB
Remsen, Michael.pdf 32.45KB
Remsen, Petra.pdf 26.15KB
Remsen, Petra.pdf 32.63KB
Renfrew, Roger.pdf 32.49KB
report_attachment.txt 3.27MB
report_change_log.txt 20.86MB
report_contact.txt 8.72MB
report_employee.txt 2.68MB
report_inc_medium.txt 2.13MB
report_material_recovered.txt 4.11MB
report_prod_recovery_method.txt 2.15MB
report_product_found.txt 4.38MB
report_spill_point.txt 1.55MB
report_tank_involved.txt 2.74MB
Request 11-13 re air disperison modeling and testimony timeline questions.pdf 96.61KB
Request 11-15 NAF Noise needs timeline to date and outstanding RFIs.pdf 154.85KB
Request for Sample Analysis Plan for Rockland Harbor.pdf 2.11MB
Response from Aroostook.pdf 57.91KB
Response from Houlton Band.pdf 226.53KB
Response from Pasamaquoddy.pdf 112.13KB
Response from Penobscot Nation.pdf 186.08KB
Response-Group-8-Motion-Continuation-of-Hearing.pdf 56.83KB
Response MDEP 1-18 Tech Rev Memo 6-29-2018.pdf 20.44MB
Response to 11-5-2018 MDEP Letter_Final.pdf 134.44KB
Response-to-DEP-Additional-Questions-CMP_Final 7-31-2018.pdf 3.27MB
Response to FMM Comments.pdf 227.88KB
Response to MDEP Information Requests 3-29-2018.pdf 5.99MB
Response to MDEP Information Requests 3-29-2018.pdf 5.57MB
Response to MTA Objections.pdf 779.28KB
Response to Tech Env Review of Silver Maple Noise Assessment 20200115.pdf 88.89KB
ReviewCommentsEmailfromMRC-FiberightDraftlicenses7-5-16.pdf 66.28KB
ReviewCommentsfromMRC-FiberightDRAFTAirlicense7-5-16.pdf 540.80KB
ReviewCommentsfromMRC-FiberightDRAFTSolidWastelicense7-5-16.pdf 343.46KB
ReviewCommentsfromMRC-FiberightDRAFTStormwaterNRPA7-5-16.pdf 331.57KB
Review of Oct 2018 VIA Supplement.pdf 1.28MB
Revised notes.pdf 455.08KB
Revised Yachting Solution - ERL-ERM standards vs RDS reference values.xls 31.50KB
Reynolds, Austin.pdf 41.81KB
Reynolds, Tom.pdf 26.05KB
Rhoda, Katherine.pdf 26.18KB
Rhodes Haskell-Lewiston-Adr-7983-106.pdf 255.50KB
RHR III Endpoints 2-15-22.xlsx 15.09KB
Rice, Adam.pdf 14.29KB
Rice, Ellen.pdf 14.28KB
Richard Norris-Durham-Adr-395-540.pdf 482.08KB
Richards, Elizabeth.pdf 33.59KB
Richards, Gola Wolf.pdf 26.19KB
Rico, Suzanne.pdf 94.26KB
Riel, Jamie.pdf 26.86KB
Riggs, Edward.pdf 32.80KB
RISE-CLA Comments ME DEP LD 1503 Reporting 7-18-22.pdf 161.83KB
Riser, George.pdf 32.56KB
Riverence Trushenski, Jesse.pdf 1.55MB
Rivers and large streams more important than originally thought for brook trout.pdf 466.98KB
Robbins, James_Robbins Lumber.pdf 857.06KB
Robert Bradbury-New Gloucester-Cum-1337-345.pdf 321.50KB
Robertson, Cheryl (1).pdf 14.28KB
Robertson, Cheryl (2).pdf 123.94KB
Roberts S. Barnes-Wiscasset-Lin-598-299.pdf 311.23KB
Robin, Ellen.pdf 14.27KB
Robins, Susanne.pdf 14.28KB
Robinson, Irv.pdf 32.63KB
Robitaille, Andrew.pdf 32.64KB
Roderick, Ryan.pdf 13.68KB
Roeber, Thomas.pdf 691.27KB
Roelofs, Richard.pdf 32.71KB
Rogers, Rita.pdf 26.80KB
Rogers-Embden-Somerset-398-546.pdf 321.87KB
Rohrer, Jean.pdf 26.92KB
Roller, Gail.pdf 32.96KB
Rollinsford_WQC_L17487-33-M-N.pdf 415.11KB
Rosborogh 2.3.2020.pdf 472.60KB
Rosenblum, Aaron.pdf 63.25KB
Rosenblum, Constance.pdf 27.54KB
Rosenblum, Harry 1.pdf 72.85KB
Rosenblum, Harry 2.pdf 93.12KB
Ross, Carol.pdf 26.35KB
Ross, Ronald.pdf 32.19KB
Rowland, Jennifer.pdf 26.22KB
RoxWind_LLC_L27863ANBNCNFINAL.pdf 597.77KB
roxwind_photos.pdf 2.36MB
Roxwind Final Report.11.7.18.pdf 9.12MB
RoxWind Slope Protection 2018-09-14.pdf 2.79MB
RoxWind SWIFT RIVER Psim 061418.pdf 12.21MB
Roxwind VIA Final Report.11.7.18.pdf 9.12MB
rpt_2018_roxwind_soil_survey_v2npp.pdf 14.37MB
rpt_horseshoe_valley_rte_20161104.pdf 11.13MB
Rubin, Cheryl.pdf 26.58KB
Rukin, Bonnie.pdf 26.15KB
Rukin, Bonnie.pdf 46.68KB
RumfordBART.pdf 183.86KB
Rusnov, Christina.pdf 27.20KB
Ruthsdottir, Ann.pdf 26.36KB
Ryan, Rachael.pdf 14.29KB
Ryder, Allan_Stratton Lumber.pdf 119.68KB
S_ Portland-VI-120810.pdf 2.58MB
S.D. Warren- Moxie Gore-West-Som-1416-127.pdf 334.04KB
S-010735-WD-YB-N_WMDSM Phase_14_Expansion.pdf 779.84KB
S-022546-W3-A-N (86686).pdf 130.07KB
S27001.10 Grand Falls, Weyerhaeuser and CMP Reciprocal Access Easement A....pdf 1.46MB
SA-010-320-005 Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Action Plan.pdf 232.37KB
SA-010-320-008 Fire Safety Plan.pdf 183.90KB
Sabattus 2022 MS4 SMP.pdf 2.51MB
Sabattus NOI.pdf 113.46KB
Saco-VI_2-3-2011.pdf 3.65MB
Sadler, Lisa.pdf 58.35KB
Saffer, Jeff.pdf 14.29KB
Sag-220-193.pdf 509.70KB
Sag-274-361.pdf 570.61KB
Sag-277-33.pdf 587.64KB
Sag-357-874.pdf 476.05KB
Sag-366-492.pdf 188.01KB
Sag-367-517.pdf 387.56KB
Sag-367-518.pdf 175.50KB
Sag-367-520.pdf 201.65KB
Sag-368-1044.pdf 346.45KB
Sag-368-1135.pdf 263.93KB
Sag-368-701.pdf 156.47KB
Sag-369-425.pdf 121.82KB
Sakellaris, George_Ameresco.pdf 401.29KB
Salisbury 1.27.2020.pdf 51.27KB
Salisbury 1.27.2020 Part two.pdf 367.65KB
Salley, Eve.pdf 32.06KB
Salzman, Doris.pdf 32.78KB
sample_results_Oct10_and_April11_6-6-11.pdf 11.52MB
Samway, Pappy.pdf 67.82KB
Samway, Tim.pdf 2.64MB
Sanborn, Patricia.pdf 44.31KB
Sanborn Public Hearing Request & Response.pdf 2.72MB
Sand and Gravel Aquifer map.pdf 14.42MB
Sandra Roy-Lewiston-Adr-8193-321.pdf 394.54KB
Sanford-CGA-Phase-I-ESA-2007.pdf 19.54MB
Sanford-CGA-Phase II-ESA-2008.pdf 109.58MB
Sanford-VI_3-1-2011.pdf 10.20MB
Sapiel, Sandy.pdf 13.42KB
Sapiel-Bassett, Irving.pdf 13.36KB
Sara Tozier-Lewiston-Adr-395-361.pdf 623.63KB
Sargent, A 2.28.2020.pdf 68.43KB
sargent2.1.20.pdf 54.75KB
Sargent2.19.20.pdf 58.64KB
Sargent2.28.20.pdf 54.01KB
sargent2.3.20.pdf 75.83KB
Sargent3.31.20.pdf 55.29KB
Saum, Karen.pdf 26.21KB
Saunders, Richard.pdf 33.17KB
Saunders, Sharon.pdf 25.72KB
Savage, Hope.pdf 25.71KB
Savage, Lisa.pdf 29.96KB
Savage, Lisa.pdf 106.17KB
Saviello-Tom_new cutting 2.jpg 0B
Saviello-Tom_new cutting 3.jpg 0B
SBerwickNOI2022MS4GP.pdf 485.42KB
scan0012.jpg 2.98MB
scan0013.jpg 4.51MB
Scan0041.pdf 623.60KB
Schauffler, Marina.pdf 1.55MB
Schiller, Elizabeth.pdf 31.89KB
Schlein, Paul.pdf 32.42KB
Schlueter, Erica.pdf 70.35KB
Schmitt, Catherine.pdf 13.69KB
Schofield, Nicole.pdf 13.66KB
Schoolcraft, Sheila.pdf 32.39KB
Schopmeyer, Betty.pdf 49.73KB
Schuler, Margaret.pdf 26.27KB
Schultz, Anneliese.pdf 32.77KB
ScieGen_proposal.pdf 1.76MB
Scopan WQC Application for MDEP Part 1.pdf 22.96MB
Scopan WQC Application for MDEP Part 2.pdf 12.92MB
Scott, Matthew.pdf 1.34MB
Seaver, George.pdf 57.32KB
Second_Procedural_Order_Final.pdf 339.21KB
Second Procedural Order NECEC FINAL 10.05.18.pdf 100.35KB
section_1_proj_desc.pdf 1.41MB
section_1_project_description.pdf 691.06KB
section_10_buffers.pdf 550.64KB
section_10_buffers.pdf 899.10KB
section_11_soils.pdf 19.39MB
section_11_soils.pdf 87.84MB
section_12_stormwater.pdf 487.73KB
section_12_stormwater.pdf 399.26KB
section_13_urban_imp_strms.pdf 79.07KB
section_13_urban_impaired_streams.pdf 56.97KB
section_14_basic_standards.pdf 202.55KB
section_14_basic_standards.pdf 135.98KB
section_15_groundwater.pdf 1.22MB
section_15_groundwater.pdf 16.64MB
section_16_water_supply.pdf 148.13KB
section_16_water_supply.pdf 59.50KB
section_17_wastewater.pdf 98.57KB
section_17_wastewater.pdf 59.11KB
section_18_solid_waste.pdf 132.99KB
section_18_solid_waste.pdf 526.87KB
section_19_flooding.pdf 1.21MB
section_19_flooding.pdf 73.07KB
section_2_title_right_interest.pdf 39.80MB
section_2_tri_revised 02-17-2022.pdf 6.69MB
section_2_tri.pdf 25.22MB
section_20_blasting.pdf 117.93KB
section_20_blasting.pdf 85.24KB
section_21_air_emissions.pdf 78.31KB
section_21_air_emissions.pdf 62.29KB
section_22_odors.pdf 78.74KB
section_22_odors.pdf 59.70KB
section_23_water_vapor.pdf 79.84KB
section_23_water_vapor.pdf 63.03KB
section_24_sunlight.pdf 80.75KB
section_24_sunlight.pdf 62.43KB
section_25_public_notice.pdf 1.99MB
section_25_public_notice.pdf 2.24MB
section_26_lupc_certification.pdf 3.91MB
section_26_shadow_flicker.pdf 6.51MB
section_27_decommissioning.pdf 428.36KB
section_27_public_safety.pdf 3.17MB
section_28_tangible_benefits.pdf 2.02MB
section_29_decommissioning_plan.pdf 347.24KB
section_3_financial_capacity_revised 02-03-2022.pdf 540.98KB
section_3_financial_capacity.pdf 842.21KB
section_3_financial_capacity.pdf 336.10KB
section_30_visual_impact.pdf 36.55MB
section_31_lupc_certification.pdf 3.13MB
section_32_best_practical_mitigation.pdf 75.25KB
section_4_tech.pdf 353.63KB
section_4_technical_capacity.pdf 3.20MB
section_5_noise.pdf 524.39KB
section_5_noise.pdf 4.73MB
section_6_visual_quality_and_scenic_character.pdf 54.10KB
section_6_visual_scenic.pdf 14.26MB
section_7_wet_wildlife_fish.pdf 85.25MB
Section_7_wetlands_wildlife_and_fisheries.pdf 81.08MB
section_8_historic_sites.pdf 9.81MB
section_8_historic.pdf 66.80MB
section_9_unusual_natl_areas.pdf 10.06MB
section_9_unusual_natural_areas.pdf 8.40MB
Section 1_Development Description.pdf 54.10MB
Section 1_Downeast Wind Project Description and Impact Summary (1).pdf 58.91MB
section 1. development description.pdf 5.90MB
Section 10_Buffers.pdf 283.39KB
Section 10_Wetlands, Waterbodies, and Significant Wildlife Habitat.pdf 251.66KB
section 10. buffers.pdf 5.49MB
Section 10 text.pdf 8.66MB
Section 11_Public Notice (1).pdf 5.94MB
Section 11_Soils.pdf 59.93MB
section 11. soils.pdf 142.18MB
Section 11 text.pdf 12.52KB
Section 12_Stormwater Management.pdf 638.11KB
Section 12_Title, Right or Interest (1).pdf 9.56MB
section 12. stormwater.pdf 72.26MB
Section 12 Plans.pdf 78.52MB
Section 12 - Stormwater Management .pdf 4.25MB
Section 13_Compensation (1).pdf 149.08KB
Section 13_Urban Impaired Streams.pdf 130.33KB
section 13. urban impaired stream submissions.pdf 40.71KB
Section 13 text.pdf 8.34KB
Section 14_Basic Standards.pdf 368.85KB
section 14. basic standards.pdf 10.94MB
Section 14 - FINAL DRAFT-5-9-19.pdf 5.64MB
Section 14 Plans.pdf 73.09MB
Section 14 text.pdf 9.83KB
Section 15_Groundwater.pdf 17.72MB
section 15. groundwater.pdf 371.53KB
Section 15 text.pdf 17.42MB
Section 16_Water Supply.pdf 134.38KB
section 16. water supply.pdf 87.47KB
section 16. water supply revised.pdf 397.50KB
Section 16 text.pdf 260.62KB
Section 17_Wastewater Disposal.pdf 8.33MB
section 17. wastewater.pdf 87.32KB
section 17. wastewater disposal revised.pdf 397.78KB
Section 17 text.pdf 13.53KB
Section 18_Solid Waste.pdf 206.00KB
section 18. solid waste.pdf 3.02MB
Section 18 text.pdf 217.76KB
Section 19_Flooding.pdf 2.54MB
section 19. flooding.pdf 92.92KB
Section 19 text.pdf 17.28KB
Section 1 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application.pdf 33.73MB
Section 1 text.pdf 36.67MB
Section 2_Project Alternatives Analyses (1).pdf 746.47KB
Section 2_Project Alternatives Analyses rev 1.pdf 4.50MB
Section 2_Title, Right or Interest.pdf 9.53MB
section 2. title right or interest.pdf 2.76MB
Section 20_Blasting.pdf 418.75KB
section 20. blasting.pdf 87.39KB
section 20. blasting revised.pdf 397.69KB
Section 20 text.pdf 2.59MB
Section 21_Air Emissions.pdf 122.14KB
Section 21. air emissions.pdf 90.65KB
Section 21 text.pdf 63.35KB
Section 22_Odors.pdf 65.47KB
section 22. odors.pdf 87.74KB
Section 22 text.pdf 405.68KB
Section 23_Water Vapor.pdf 65.57KB
section 23. water vapor.pdf 87.66KB
Section 23 text.pdf 54.01KB
Section 24_Sunlight.pdf 65.09KB
section 24. sunlight.pdf 87.39KB
Section 24 text.pdf 83.50KB
Section 25_Notice.pdf 6.13MB
section 25. notices.pdf 9.79MB
Section 25 text.pdf 14.07KB
Section 26_Shadow Flicker.pdf 8.26MB
section 26. LUPC.pdf 1.36MB
Section 27_Public Safety.pdf 2.82MB
section 27. decommissioning.pdf 323.51KB
Section 28_Tangible Benefits.pdf 4.23MB
Section 29_Decommissioning Plan.pdf 4.08MB
Section 2 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application-2.pdf 2.32MB
Section 2 text.pdf 12.29KB
Section 3_Financial Capacity.pdf 783.66KB
Section 3_USGS Map (1).pdf 637.56KB
section 3. financial capacity.pdf 555.06KB
Section 30_Visual Quality and Scenic Character.pdf 22.38MB
Section 31_LUPC Certification.pdf 648.34KB
Section 32_Best Practical Mitigation.pdf 247.25KB
Section 3 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application-3.pdf 1.76MB
Section 3 text.pdf 113.31KB
Section 4_Photographs (1).pdf 9.92MB
Section 4_Technical Ability.pdf 2.02MB
section 4. technical ability.pdf 293.92KB
Section 4 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application.pdf 54.71MB
Section 4 text.pdf 190.06KB
Section 5_Natural Resource Maps (1).pdf 22.06MB
Section 5_Noise.pdf 11.25MB
section 5. noise.pdf 1.03MB
Section 5 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application-2.pdf 124.51MB
Section 5 text.pdf 9.56KB
Section 6_Construction Plan (1).pdf 151.21KB
Section 6_Visual Quality and Scenic Character.pdf 65.06KB
section 6. visual quality & scenic character.pdf 34.23MB
Section 6 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application-3.pdf 3.92MB
Section 6 text.pdf 92.11KB
Section 6 - Visual Quality and Scenic Character.pdf 86.40KB
Section 7_Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (1).pdf 139.19KB
Section 7_Wetlands and Wildlife.pdf 47.27MB
Section 7_Wildlife & Fisheries_narrative rev 04-29-2022.pdf 1.03MB
Section 7_Wildlife and Fisheries.pdf 170.89MB
section 7. wildlife & fisheries.pdf 126.85MB
Section 7 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application-4.pdf 3.14MB
Section 7 text.pdf 1.56MB
Section 8_Historic Sites.pdf 19.97MB
Section 8_Site Conditions, Wetland Delineation, and Vernal Pool Survey (1).pdf 146.47MB
section 8. historic sites.pdf 7.75MB
Section 8 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application-5.pdf 6.48MB
Section 8 text.pdf 69.18KB
Section 9_Unusual Natural Areas_narrative revised 04-29-2022.pdf 140.69KB
Section 9_Unusual Natural Areas.pdf 54.11MB
Section 9_Wetland Function Assessment (1).pdf 1.09MB
section 9. unusual natural resources.pdf 19.16MB
Section 9 RoxWind LLC Small Wind Application-6.pdf 2.75MB
Section 9 text.pdf 82.11KB
Section View Lower Ramp_12.9.2019.pdf 79.19KB
Section View Upper Ramp_12.9.2019.pdf 65.04KB
Sedgwick, Richard Kane.pdf 26.63KB
Seeley, David.pdf 144.25KB
SEGMENT 1 - New HVDC.pdf 102.06MB
SEGMENT 2 - Co-Located HVDC.pdf 113.52MB
SEGMENT 3 - Section 62&64 Rebuild.pdf 34.07MB
SEGMENT 4 - Co-Located 345k.pdf 23.37MB
SEHSC Comments to Maine DEP on Food Contact Draft CHC List_March 10, 2021.pdf 579.94KB
Seigars-Alna-Lincoln-630-285.pdf 926.25KB
Sen. Nate Libby and Sen. Bob Foley.pdf 153.35KB
Senator_Ron_Collins_Ltr_04282017.pdf 166.41KB
Serina, Mary Ellen.pdf 26.33KB
Service_List_March2017annotated.pdf 59.86KB
Service List_10152018.pdf 33.01KB
Sevee and Maher Engineers.pdf 295.43KB
Shagas, Kathryn.pdf 125.13KB
Sharland, Susan.pdf 13.43KB
Sharon.pdf 26.54KB
Sharood, Edward.pdf 32.51KB
Shawmut_fact_sheet_3-17-11.pdf 146.01KB
Shawmut_WQC_L19751-33-H-N_DRAFT.pdf 644.91KB
Shawmut 2020-08-28 REA MDMR response.pdf 696.73KB
Shawmut Additional Comments on WQC 8_18.pdf 197.20KB
Shawmut draft Order 07292022 L-019751-33-I-N.pdf 836.71KB
Shawmut MDEP Condition Compliance Application 12-31-2019.pdf 27.97MB
Shawmut MDEP Condition Compliance Application 12-31-2019.pdf 27.97MB
Shawmut MWDCA Permit 6-1-2020.pdf 22.12MB
Shawmut Project 2016 Water Quality Data DEA_BM.pdf 123.23KB
Shawmut Project 2016 Water Quality Data DEA_JD.pdf 72.62KB
Shawmut SPP 2020-03-20 DMR letter.pdf 80.71KB
Shawmut WQC MDMR comments cover letter.pdf 132.58KB
Sheaffer, Rani.pdf 32.84KB
Shell, Marilyn.pdf 32.66KB
Shelton, Katera.pdf 27.10KB
Sherblom, Liz.pdf 26.39KB
Sheridan, Paul.pdf 32.18KB
Shetterly, Robert.pdf 689.41KB
shippen2.4.20.pdf 77.12KB
Shiseido Americas Maine PFAS in Products Concept Draft Comments.pdf 75.86KB
SHM Concerns.pdf 457.45KB
SHM Rockland LLC_L20386PNQN.docx 225.99KB
SHM Rockland LLC_L20386PNQN.pdf 336.11KB
Shore Bird - Don Katnik.pdf 8.88MB
Short, Christopher.pdf 79.47KB
Shula, Jeff and Kris.pdf 82.02KB
Shunney, Michael.pdf 26.99KB
Shyka, Polly 1.pdf 82.90KB
Shyka, Polly 2.pdf 56.08KB
SIA Comments on Maine PFAS in Products Program Concept Draft 7_18_22.pdf 164.73KB
Siemens fire safety letter 060513.pdf 19.58KB
Siens, Susan.pdf 31.89KB
Sierra Club.pdf 42.25KB
Sierra Club Maine Bartovics, Becky.pdf 28.32KB
Signed - DLP 1st Procedural Order.pdf 3.18MB
Signed Gorham NOI_3_29_2021.pdf 573.84KB
Signed Lease - State of Maine.pdf 1.42MB
Signed NOI.pdf 99.37KB
Silin, James.pdf 26.62KB
Silver, Judi.pdf 26.59KB
Silver Maple DEP Memo 20200207.pdf 3.60MB
Silver Maple Interconnection Area.pdf 658.24KB
Silver Maple Map.pdf 485.33KB
Silver Maple Wind 11Dec2019.pdf 168.70KB
Silver Maple Wind 28Aug2019.pdf 151.70KB
Silver Maple Wind 28Aug2020.docx.pdf 143.99KB
Silver Maple Wind 28June2019.pdf 171.63KB
Silver Maple Wind project.anne2.2.20.pdf 593.67KB
Silver Maple Wind Project - Accessory Infrastructure Letter.pdf 159.44KB
Silver Maple Wind Project comments3.30.20.pdf 4.11MB
Silver Maple Wind Project - Radar Lighting - Pisgah Mountain.pdf 147.18KB
Silver Maple Wind Project - Visual Impact Mitigation.pdf 132.04KB
Silver Maple Wind Survey Report_BRI.pdf 5.98MB
Simmons, Bree.pdf 26.18KB
Simmons, Cortney.pdf 32.99KB
Simmons, Peter.pdf 26.21KB
Simon, Carol.pdf 26.32KB
Simon, Tia.pdf 33.07KB
Simonds, Diana.pdf 32.84KB
Simpson, Elizabeth.pdf 15.14KB
Sims, Pat.pdf 44.79KB
Sipe, Bob.pdf 26.24KB
Sipe, Bob.pdf 32.76KB
SIRC Comments on ME Draft Listing Criteria for Chemsin Food Packaging 030921.pdf 533.79KB
Sisson, John.pdf 26.35KB
Sisson, John.pdf 32.33KB
Site_NRPA signed order 11-19-2020.pdf 992.40KB
Site Assessment - Prelim. Assessment.docx 381.63KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 10 - Buffers.pdf 322.52KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 11 - Soils.pdf 15.89MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 12 - Stormwater Management.pdf 3.23MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 13 - Urban Impaired Stream Submissions.pdf 16.52KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 14 - Basic Standard Submissions.pdf 2.68MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 15 - Groundwater.pdf 54.61KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 16 - Water Supply.pdf 17.06KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 17 - Wastewater Disposal.pdf 16.75KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 18 - Solid Waste.pdf 75.07KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 19 - Flooding.pdf 29.60KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 1 - Development Description.pdf 1.53MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 20 - Blasting.pdf 45.81KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 21 - Air Emissions.pdf 20.86KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 22 - Odors.pdf 16.56KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 23 - Water Vapor.pdf 15.93KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 24 - Sunlight.pdf 16.27KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 25 - LUPC Certification.pdf 88.97MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 26 - Notices.pdf 9.77MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 2 - Title, Right or Interest.pdf 315.38KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 3 - Financial Capacity.pdf 1.83MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 4 - Technical Ability.pdf 867.61KB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 5- Noise.pdf 16.02MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 6 - Visual Quality and Scenic Character.pdf 1.37MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 7- Wildlife and Fisheries.pdf 15.03MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 8 - Historic Sites.pdf 3.04MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Chapter 9 - Unusual Natural Areas.pdf 6.72MB
Site Law Application_Final_9.27.17 - Table of Contents.pdf 235.11KB
Site Law Application Form A_FINAL_9.27.2017.pdf 1.60MB
Site Law Application Form D Submissions Checklist Final_9.27.17.pdf 234.28KB
Site Law Check List.pdf 110.31KB
Site Photos.pdf 52.45MB
Site Visit 04052017.pdf 4.97MB
Site Visit Notes 11-05-2021_JEM.docx 493.33KB
Sivik, Carolyn.pdf 14.28KB
Sivulich, Lenore.pdf 26.30KB
Sivulich, Lenore.pdf 32.28KB
Skalecki, Joseph.pdf 48.28KB
Skalecki, Joseph.pdf 32.59KB
Skerry, Priscilla.pdf 26.26KB
Skerry, Priscilla.pdf 14.28KB
Skillin-Alna-Lincoln-630-285.pdf 915.73KB
Skinner Quitclaim Deed (3872-103).pdf 445.75KB
SKM_C28720031907370.pdf 657.75KB
SKM_C30819011810470.pdf 5.25MB
SLC-3_BinghamWind_Allowed Use letter_final_signed.pdf 519.78KB
SLC-3_TurbineChangeLtr.pdf 25.87KB
slc9_CompletenessDetermination.pdf 118.76KB
sludge-compost.pdf 95.66KB
Smallman, Sassy.pdf 26.74KB
SMCC NOI 2022.pdf 56.08KB
SMCC SWMP 2022.pdf 10.39MB
Smedley, John.pdf 32.40KB
Smith_etal_ApGeo_NASGLP_final.pdf 2.48MB
Smith, Brianna.pdf 32.83KB
Smith, David.pdf 26.16KB
Smith, David.pdf 57.67KB
Smith, Deborah.pdf 94.51KB
Smith, Emerson.pdf 180.01KB
Smith, Gordon.pdf 26.21KB
Smith, Gordon.pdf 32.59KB
Smith, Jean.pdf 32.30KB
Smith, K 2.13.2020.pdf 728.03KB
Smith, Marsha1.pdf 32.29KB
Smith, Marsha2.pdf 63.36KB
Smith, Michele.pdf 32.72KB
Smith, Ralph.pdf 25.74KB
Smith, Randi.pdf 32.60KB
Smith, Trisha.pdf 14.29KB
Smith 1.22.2020.pdf 54.81KB
Smith2.11.20.pdf 77.34KB
Smith-Contractor_Reporting_Requirements.pptx 576.59KB
Smith-Contractor_Reporting_Requirements.pptx 576.59KB
SMRO Region Substantial Changes 15.17MB
Snider, Susan.pdf 32.33KB
SO2 Emission Factors.xls 15.00KB
SO2QRY.xlsx 25.60KB
Soil Gas Report, Whitten Brook Skowhegan, 9-5-12, Sub.pdf 579.60KB
Sok, Leakana.pdf 14.25KB
Solberg, Carl.pdf 32.67KB
SolidWasteApplicationCESSupplemental3-30-16.pdf 5.31MB
SolidWasteApplicationCESSupplementalEmail3-30-16.pdf 61.47KB
Solid Waste MRC-Fiberight letter February 2016.pdf 3.45MB
Solid Waste Review.pdf 58.13KB
Som-1289-120 Bingham Land Co.pdf 225.64KB
Som-1289-123 BLC.pdf 373.64KB
Som-1291-258.pdf 194.23KB
Som-1295-309.pdf 196.80KB
Som-1375-306 CMP-USA esmt.pdf 318.32KB
Som-1375-308 USA.pdf 355.59KB
Som-1973-16 Gilbert.pdf 1.36MB
Som-247-70.pdf 3.11MB
Som-2540-140.pdf 1.02MB
Som-2540-140 FPL Wyman.pdf 1.02MB
Som-398-442.pdf 2.28MB
Som-398-443.pdf 697.00KB
Som-398-444.pdf 671.76KB
Som-398-445.pdf 681.23KB
Som-398-446.pdf 910.14KB
Som-398-447.pdf 716.86KB
Som-398-448.pdf 1.03MB
Som-398-449.pdf 983.96KB
Som-398-451.pdf 866.78KB
Som-398-452.pdf 528.09KB
Som-398-453.pdf 724.67KB
Som-398-454.pdf 492.99KB
Som-398-455.pdf 504.03KB
Som-398-457.pdf 1.29MB
Som-398-458.pdf 1.27MB
Som-398-463.pdf 654.38KB
Som-398-488.pdf 1.10MB
Som-398-489.pdf 2.01MB
Som-398-490.pdf 3.29MB
Som-398-491.pdf 2.96MB
Som-398-492.pdf 2.47MB
Som-398-493.pdf 818.67KB
Som-398-494.pdf 818.75KB
Som-398-495.pdf 1.72MB
Som-398-496.pdf 1.98MB
Som-398-497.pdf 1.02MB
Som-398-498.pdf 702.60KB
Som-398-499.pdf 1.39MB
Som-398-500.pdf 936.28KB
Som-398-501.pdf 1.30MB
Som-398-509.pdf 583.44KB
Som-398-510.pdf 1.53MB
Som-398-511.pdf 674.91KB
Som-398-512.pdf 690.67KB
Som-398-513.pdf 1.02MB
Som-398-514.pdf 669.92KB
Som-398-515.pdf 675.12KB
Som-398-516.pdf 1.01MB
Som-398-517.pdf 1.20MB
Som-398-518.pdf 1.34MB
Som-398-519.pdf 629.00KB
Som-398-520.pdf 1.25MB
Som-398-521.pdf 781.38KB
Som-398-523.pdf 1.04MB
Som-398-524.pdf 1.18MB
Som-398-526.pdf 2.70MB
Som-398-535.pdf 1.35MB
Som-398-536.pdf 266.27KB
Som-398-542.pdf 691.12KB
Som-398-543.pdf 692.95KB
Som-398-544.pdf 1011.39KB
Som-398-545.pdf 1.01MB
Som-398-546.pdf 1.25MB
Som-398-547.pdf 1.09MB
Som-398-548.pdf 1.23MB
Som-398-549.pdf 988.55KB
Som-398-550.pdf 1.27MB
Som-398-551.pdf 1.10MB
Som-398-552.pdf 1.81MB
Som-398-553.pdf 1.18MB
Som-398-554.pdf 1.06MB
Som-398-555.pdf 699.06KB
Som-398-556.pdf 1.54MB
Som-398-557.pdf 1.20MB
Som-398-558.pdf 1.15MB
Som-398-564.pdf 1.16MB
Som-398-565.pdf 859.71KB
Som-398-566.pdf 1.31MB
Som-398-580.pdf 698.94KB
Som-400-77.pdf 706.85KB
Som-401-296.pdf 1.28MB
Som-401-305.pdf 1.66MB
Som-401-306.pdf 668.97KB
Som-401-307.pdf 1.28MB
Som-401-314.pdf 783.35KB
Som-401-346.pdf 1.14MB
Som-401-347.pdf 1.02MB
Som-401-348.pdf 1.02MB
Som-401-349.pdf 697.14KB
Som-401-350.pdf 1.80MB
Som-401-351.pdf 1.13MB
Som-401-352.pdf 1.10MB
Som-401-370.pdf 812.53KB
Som-401-390.pdf 700.84KB
Som-401-529.pdf 1.48MB
Som-404-13.pdf 791.93KB
Som-404-34.pdf 730.46KB
Som-407-162.pdf 1.02MB
Som-407-163.pdf 1.10MB
Som-407-164.pdf 1.21MB
Som-407-165.pdf 1.43MB
Som-407-166.pdf 1.06MB
Som-407-167.pdf 690.12KB
Som-407-168.pdf 791.68KB
Som-407-169.pdf 1014.01KB
Som-407-170.pdf 994.87KB
Som-407-171.pdf 680.67KB
Som-407-172.pdf 946.05KB
Som-407-173.pdf 719.95KB
Som-407-174.pdf 585.98KB
Som-407-175.pdf 696.91KB
Som-407-176.pdf 693.88KB
Som-407-186.pdf 735.94KB
Som-407-189.pdf 910.97KB
Som-407-190.pdf 796.99KB
Som-407-290.pdf 1.44MB
Som-407-326.pdf 1.15MB
Som-408-243.pdf 1.05MB
Som-408-244.pdf 1.22MB
Som-408-245.pdf 1.45MB
Som-408-246.pdf 1.01MB
Som-408-247.pdf 1.32MB
Som-408-248.pdf 746.56KB
Som-408-249.pdf 1.20MB
Som-408-250.pdf 1.65MB
Som-408-464.pdf 1.45MB
Som-411-170.pdf 540.28KB
Som-411-230.pdf 1.21MB
Som-413-111.pdf 2.81MB
Som-434-79.pdf 20.05MB
Som-458-326.pdf 163.38KB
Som-546-280.pdf 760.08KB
Som-546-292 Andrews.pdf 754.27KB
Som-554-466 Andrews.pdf 591.01KB
Som-554-467 Cates.pdf 624.58KB
Som-554-468 Frith.pdf 524.15KB
Som-554-469 Hill.pdf 578.66KB
Som-554-470.pdf 581.26KB
Som-554-471 Newton.pdf 645.32KB
Som-554-472 E Rollins.pdf 619.69KB
Som-554-473 Rollins.pdf 627.76KB
Som-554-474 GNP.pdf 2.07MB
Som-554-477 F Cates.pdf 492.34KB
Som-554-478.pdf 608.20KB
Som-554-517 Spaulding.pdf 510.81KB
Som-554-518 Bingham Land Co.pdf 678.38KB
Som-557-295 Cates.pdf 907.77KB
Som-558-50.pdf 938.03KB
Som-561-468 H&W IP.pdf 811.62KB
Som-592-452.pdf 2.60MB
Som-619-192.pdf 404.81KB
Som-619-359.pdf 443.23KB
Som-664-374 GNP.pdf 3.54MB
SOM License Moxie Stream.pdf 1.10MB
Sommers, Tracy.pdf 26.63KB
Sophronie DeForge-Lewiston-Adr-408-534.pdf 398.46KB
SoPo-Po VOC Project Update for BAQ Annual Air Monitoring Planning Meeting March 2, 2022.pptx 810.32KB
SOP-RWM-DR-006-Soil-Sampling-04012015.pdf 108.98KB
Sousa, Richard.pdf 26.15KB
Sousa, Tony.pdf 26.30KB
Sousa letter.docx 13.08KB
SouthBerwick_MS4StormwaterPlan.pdf 2.67MB
South Dakota State Legislation.pdf 140.00KB
Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) Initial SWMP 2022.pdf 10.39MB
Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) NOI 2022.pdf 56.08KB
South Portland 2022-27 Stormwater Managment Plan 3-31-21.pdf 8.90MB
SOUTH SITE TREND PLOTS 5-30-22.xlsx 39.47MB
Spacks, Jude.pdf 88.50KB
SPAN ME Concept Draft Comment 7.18.22.pdf 298.88KB
Spear, Jody.pdf 26.42KB
Spear, Jody.pdf 31.97KB
Spears, Karen.pdf 32.61KB
Species List_ Maine Ecological Services Field Office (2).pdf 216.23KB
Spencer, Diane.pdf 25.93KB
Spencer, Ed (1).pdf 813.42KB
Spencer, Ed (2).pdf 113.06KB
Spencer, Ed (3).pdf 83.15KB
Spencer, Ed (4).pdf 126.15KB
Spencer, Ed (5).pdf 85.73KB
Spencer Public Hearing Request & Response.pdf 1007.80KB
SPFA Request for Changes to LD 1503.pdf 402.63KB
spill_file.txt 5.47MB
spill_log.txt 19.86MB 27.92MB
spill_report.txt 25.80MB
spills.pdf 19.22MB
Spinney_dock & ramp plans_revised 12.9.2019.pdf 183.57KB
Spinney_Jeffry_L28397AN_DRAFT.pdf 348.01KB
Spinney_Jeffry_L28397AN_FINAL.pdf 585.96KB
Spinney_L28397-4E-A-N_Service List_Rev-01-26-2021.pdf 127.47KB
Spinney_L28397-4E-A-N_Service List_Rev-02-16-2021.pdf 130.53KB
Spinney_L28397-4E-A-N_ServiceList_Rev-10-13-2020.pdf 46.76KB
Spinney_L28397-4E-A-N_ServiceList_Rev-5-12-2020.pdf 18.49KB
Spinney_L28397-4E-A-N_ServiceList_Rev-6-15-2020.pdf 21.65KB
Spinney_L28397-4E-A-N_ServiceList_Rev-6-24-2020.docx 21.72KB
Spinney_L28397-4E-A-N_ServiceList_Rev-7-24-2020.docx 21.72KB
Spinney Army Corps of Engineers permit.pdf 6.34MB
Spinney dock Alna permit application 111119.pdf 522.16KB
Spinney L-28397-4E-A-N Interested Persons List.docx 20.32KB
Spinney NRPA Application L-28397-4E-A-N.pdf 3.38MB
Spitfire, Karin.pdf 32.19KB
SPLiCE_18JUL22 Request to amend the definition of “brand name” and “manufacturer” in PFAS Concept Draft.pdf 170.65KB
Springman, Lucie.pdf 26.28KB
Springman, Lucie.pdf 32.31KB
Squeaky Clean Bridgton - Prelim. Assessment.pdf 1.19MB
St. Clair, George.pdf 38.89KB
St. Germain, Mark.pdf 144.94KB
Staber, T.pdf 26.53KB
Stableford, Sue.pdf 26.33KB
Stableford, Sue.pdf 32.58KB
Stackpole, Ruth.pdf 26.45KB
Stallman, Barron.pdf 32.83KB
Stallman, Barry.pdf 26.68KB
Stanley, Josseph.pdf 32.68KB
Stanley, Ralph.pdf 60.36KB
Stanley, Rebecca.pdf 26.30KB
Stanley, Rebecca.pdf 32.78KB
Stanton, Maureen.pdf 26.24KB
Stanton, Maureen.pdf 32.98KB
Stanton, Maureen (1).pdf 747.49KB
Stanton, Maureen (2).pdf 17.74KB
Stanton, Maureen (3).pdf 68.31KB
Stanton, Sally.pdf 14.29KB
Stanton, Sandra.pdf 26.36KB
Staples, Ronald.pdf 65.10KB
State Economist Comments.pdf 76.65KB
Statewide-VI-Study01192012.pdf 891.58KB
Steinman, Medea.pdf 26.25KB
Stelk, Marla.pdf 26.63KB
Stephanie, Lian.pdf 26.22KB
Sternlieb, Corinne.pdf 26.52KB
Stevens, Linda.pdf 26.29KB
Stevens, Linda.pdf 32.77KB
Stevens, Richard.pdf 33.03KB
Stevens, Robin and Alton.pdf 48.16KB
Stevens, Trish.pdf 26.28KB
Stevens, Trish1.pdf 32.18KB
Stevens, Trish2.pdf 32.42KB
Stevenson, Andrew.pdf 107.05KB
Stevenson, Andrew 1.pdf 48.10KB
Stevenson, Andrew 2.pdf 74.90KB
Stevenson, Chris.pdf 26.43KB
Stewart, Jean.pdf 32.91KB
St Germain, Peter.pdf 32.92KB
Stickler, Marjory.pdf 33.02KB
Stivers, Marie.pdf 47.94KB
Stone, Avery Booth.pdf 25.32KB
Stone, Suzanne.pdf 74.03KB
Stop-CMP-Corridor.pdf 2.59MB
Storlazzi Ward, Heather.pdf 32.45KB
Stormwater.Sphossilvermaplewindclifton2020.pdf 68.29KB
Stormwater Drawings.pdf 7.72MB
Stormwater Management Plan.pdf 2.49MB
Stout, Christy.pdf 32.43KB
Stratton, Cheryl.pdf 25.22KB
Strauch, Peter_Maine Forest Products Council.pdf 874.56KB
Streeter, Elizabeth.pdf 32.83KB
StreetOpeningPermit_NorthportAve_02.13.19.pdf 1.81MB
StreetOpeningPermit_PerkinsRd_03.07.19.pdf 1.82MB
Stroup 1.24.2020.pdf 190.45KB
STUDY AREA PHOTOS_Map 11.pdf 21.38MB
STUDY AREA PHOTOS_Map 12.pdf 20.27MB
STUDY AREA PHOTOS_Raven Farm.pdf 3.48MB
Submerged Lands comments 07-28-2021.pdf 833.26KB
Submerged Lands Lease Application_10.10.18.pdf 8.12MB
Sugarloaf_Responses to MNAP_MDIFW_03182022.pdf 5.06MB
Sugarloaf public notice West Mtn Irreg 0915-21.pdf 380.09KB
Sugarloaf West Mountain VHB Plan Set 20210924.pdf 81.92MB
Sulak, Dustin.pdf 27.98KB
Sullivan, Elizabeth.pdf 32.98KB
Sullivan, Heather.pdf 82.75KB
Sullivan, Kyle and Pond, John_CES Inc.pdf 182.29KB
summary 167 emissions chart.xlsx 13.18KB
SUMMARY FILE 5-27-22.xlsx 3.49MB
Summerall, Jennie.pdf 32.46KB
Sun, Rivera.pdf 14.04KB
Swackhamer, Linda.pdf 14.06KB
swactiveliclf.pdf 26.37KB
swactivelicp.pdf 42.68KB
swactivelict.pdf 46.42KB
Swain, Susan.pdf 26.17KB
Swan, DD.pdf 32.95KB
Swan, Jon.pdf 32.48KB
SWEBL25245enDRAFT.pdf 661.38KB
SWEBL25245enFINALpermit.pdf 553.83KB
SWEB Response - IFW_Jan.13.2020.pdf 726.79KB
Swift River Visibility Review_beach_sand bar.pdf 1.64MB
Swift River Visibility Review_braided channel.pdf 1.41MB
SWMP_Freeport_2022-MS4 GP.pdf 6.11MB
T01_2012-WTE-5681-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T02_2012-WTE-5682-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T03_2012-WTE-5683-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T04_2012-WTE-5684-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T05_2012-WTE-5685-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T06_2012-WTE-5686-OE.pdf 16.55KB
T07_2012-WTE-5687-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T07Alt_2012-WTE-5688-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T08_2012-WTE-5689-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T09_2012-WTE-5690-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T10_2012-WTE-5691-OE.pdf 16.54KB
T11_2012-WTE-5692-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T12_2012-WTE-5693-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T13_2012-WTE-5694-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T14_2012-WTE-5695-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T15_2012-WTE-5696-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T16_2012-WTE-5697-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T17_2012-WTE-5698-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T18_2012-WTE-5699-OE.pdf 16.55KB
T19_2012-WTE-5700-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T20_2012-WTE-5701-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T21_2012-WTE-5702-OE.pdf 16.56KB
T22_2012-WTE-5703-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T23_2012-WTE-5704-OE.pdf 16.53KB
T24_2012-WTE-5705-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T25_2012-WTE-5706-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T26_2012-WTE-5707-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T27_2012-WTE-5708-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T28_2012-WTE-5709-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T29_2012-WTE-5710-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T30_2012-WTE-5711-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T31_2012-WTE-5712-OE.pdf 17.59KB
T32_2012-WTE-5713-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T33_2012-WTE-5714-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T34_2012-WTE-5715-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T35_2012-WTE-5716-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T36_2012-WTE-5717-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T37_2012-WTE-5718-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T38_2012-WTE-5719-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T39_2012-WTE-5720-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T40_2012-WTE-5721-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T41_2012-WTE-5722-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T42_2012-WTE-5723-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T43_2012-WTE-5724-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T44_2012-WTE-5725-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T45_2012-WTE-5726-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T46_2012-WTE-5727-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T47_2012-WTE-5728-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T48_2012-WTE-5729-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T49_2012-WTE-5730-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T50_2012-WTE-5731-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T51_2012-WTE-5732-OE.pdf 17.63KB
T53_2012-WTE-5733-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T54_2012-WTE-5734-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T55_2012-WTE-5735-OE.pdf 17.63KB
T56_2012-WTE-5736-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T57_2012-WTE-5737-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T58_2012-WTE-5738-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T73_2012-WTE-5739-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T74_2012-WTE-5740-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T75_2012-WTE-5741-OE.pdf 17.62KB
T76_2012-WTE-5742-OE.pdf 17.60KB
T77_2012-WTE-5743-OE.pdf 17.62KB
Table1.pdf 87.52KB
Table 4-1.pdf 40.21KB
Table 4-2.pdf 40.30KB
Table 4-3.pdf 11.93KB
Table A1.pdf 461.01KB
Table A1 (1).pdf 461.01KB
Table A2.pdf 477.96KB
Table A3.pdf 461.06KB
Table A3 (1).pdf 461.06KB
Table A4.pdf 475.17KB
Talan, Susa.pdf 14.28KB
tanks_owner_all_registered_tanks.txt 25.51MB
Tarantino, Robyn.pdf 636.53KB
Tasker, Heidi.pdf 14.28KB
tax map_public notice.pdf 67.48KB
Taylor, Bruce.pdf 105.12KB
Taylor, Kat.pdf 26.77KB
Taylor, Kat (1).pdf 1.39MB
Taylor, Kat (2).pdf 192.12KB
Tays, Hannah.pdf 58.12KB
TC-18-22_Performance Assessment of the Vestas InteliLight™ X-Band System as an ADLS_07172018.pdf 6.60MB
TC-219701-A-2_V112-3 0MW_5060Hz_Type Certificate.pdf 209.71KB
TC-230903-A-0 Rev 1_V112-3 3MW-IEC2A_5060Hz_MK2A pdf.pdf 179.75KB
TC-TN16-41_Performance Assessment of Terma OLC as an ADLS_090718.pdf 2.66MB
TC-TN17-58_Performance Assessment of the DeTect Harrier ADLS_07102018.pdf.pdf 6.50MB
TD MANE-VU 2000-19 RH METRICS COMPARISON PLOTS 2-15-22.xlsx 238.74KB
TD MANE-VU 2000-20 Parameter and Extinction Data Analysis 2-15-22.xlsx 53.52MB
TD MANE-VU 2000-20 RHII & III Metrics Trends Plots 2-15-22.xlsx 23.15MB
TD MANE-VU 2000-20 RHII & III Speciation plots 2-15-20.xlsx 18.70MB
TD MANE-VU sites analysis 2000-20 summary 2nd SIP 2-15-22.xlsx 1.18MB
TD MANE-VU sites constituents analysis 2000-20 summary 2nd SIP 2-15-22.xlsx 332.65KB
Teach, Finn.pdf 34.12KB
Tech Environmental Comments on Air Dispersion Modeling Deficiencies 4-2-2020.pdf 85.70KB
Technical Ability Process System Design 17.pdf 525.30KB
Technical Review Memo - CMP NECEC KG.pdf 454.78KB
Technostrobe LIDS Information.pdf 4.98MB
Tech Rev CMP NECEC KG-Jan2018.pdf 225.48KB
Tech Rev CMP NECEC Rev2 KG-Dec2018.pdf 223.84KB
Telfair, Jody.pdf 26.52KB
Terma ADLS.pdf 346.42KB
Terrell, Betsy Bishop.pdf 431.15KB
Terrell, Craig1.pdf 26.16KB
Terrell, Craig2.pdf 26.06KB
Terrell, Craig3.pdf 3.28MB
Terrell, Errol.pdf 48.17KB
Terreri letter.docx 12.81KB
Test Result Summary Tables.pdf 3.59MB
TFAO 1 (Braybrook statement with attachments).pdf 9.80MB
TFAO 2 (Faegre statement with 1 attachment).pdf 2.03MB
TFAO 4 (Flimlin statement).pdf 3.23MB
TFAO Post-Hearing Final.pdf 6.51MB
Thanhauser, David.pdf 13.69KB
Tharpe, Neil.pdf 33.50KB
Thayer, Seth.pdf 64.99KB
The Aroostook Partnership.pdf 77.03KB
TheCorridor-ProposedCorridor.pdf 340.26KB
The Fish are Okay.pdf 87.57KB
The Nature Conservancy.pdf 128.13KB
Theve, Larry and Betty.pdf 65.89KB
Thibodeau, David.pdf 32.86KB
Thibodeau, Tracy1.pdf 32.53KB
Thibodeau, Tracy2.pdf 32.90KB
Think Again request to intervene ltr 1 30 17.pdf 50.96KB
Third_Procedural_Order_Final.pdf 326.04KB
Thomas, Haley.pdf 14.28KB
Thomas, Jayme1.pdf 25.37KB
Thomas, Jayme2.pdf 25.71KB
Thomas, Karin.pdf 32.74KB
Thomas, Meagan.pdf 26.34KB
Thomas, Trudi.pdf 32.56KB
Thompson, Jean.pdf 33.06KB
Thorncraft, Sylvan.pdf 32.65KB
Thorne, Gary F.pdf 26.20KB
Thorne, William.pdf 26.12KB
Thorne-Lyman, Caroline.pdf 39.20KB
Thorne-Lyman, Caroline.pdf 33.17KB
Three Rivers MHPC Phase 1 response.pdf 2.85MB
Three Rivers RTE map.pdf 12.42MB
Three Rivers RTE report.pdf 9.50MB
Three Rivers Solar Power, LLC L28195anbncn Order.pdf 514.09KB
Thron, Anna Marie.pdf 38.86KB
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Tibbetts.docx 108.84KB
Tikkanen, Glenn.pdf 33.63KB
Tingle, Jennifer.pdf 39.41KB
title38sec1310-N_1_5A.pdf 20.01KB
Title Page and Index of Witnesses & Exhibits.pdf 9.13KB
Titon, Jeff.pdf 38.82KB
Titon, Jeff.pdf 32.11KB
Tkalel2.4.20.pdf 55.39KB
TM Corporation-Moxie Gore-West-Som-1506-288.pdf 136.91KB
TM Corp - Somerset-1480-089.pdf 297.42KB
tmt 08_2012-WTE-5667-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 09_2012-WTE-5668-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 18_2012-WTE-5669-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 19_2012-WTE-5670-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 20_2012-WTE-5671-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 27_2012-WTE-5672-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 28_2012-WTE-5673-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 53_2012-WTE-5674-OE.pdf 16.54KB
tmt 54_2012-WTE-5675-OE.pdf 16.54KB
TNC and CLF comments on NECEC Conservation Plan (11.17.21).pdf 195.95KB
TOC - DEP Weaver.pdf 575.35KB
TOC Three Rivers Solar Power.pdf 242.34KB
Tolman, Andrews.pdf 32.51KB
Tompkins, Joel.pdf 38.74KB
Toothaker, Holly.pdf 32.44KB
Torrey, Cynthia.pdf 12.88KB
Towle, Todd.pdf 32.38KB
Towle, Todd1.pdf 38.89KB
Towle, Todd2.pdf 39.83KB
Town_of_Wells_letter_05022017.pdf 130.41KB
Town of Bradley.pdf 379.02KB
Town of Stonington.pdf 58.02KB
Townsend, Elizabeth.pdf 57.11KB
Toy Association Comments on Maine PFAS in Products Concept Draft 7-18-22.pdf 73.47KB
Tracy, Bob1.pdf 37.38KB
Tracy, Bob2.pdf 37.31KB
Tracy's Peacefulpack.pdf 51.56KB
Trafton, David.pdf 32.54KB
Trafton, David (2).pdf 32.57KB
Trainer, Tamie.pdf 82.63KB
Transcript_052217KI.pdf 852.07KB
TRC_MHPC_Response_083013.pdf 5.02MB
Treat, Carolyn.pdf 38.89KB
Trice, Liz.pdf 39.19KB
Trice, Sally.pdf 32.67KB
Tripp, Rebecca.pdf 32.81KB
Troiano, TJ.pdf 150.56KB
Trout Unlimited.pdf 105.52KB
Trowbridge, Nina.pdf 32.68KB
Trudy Miller and School of Fish.pdf 83.62KB
True1.28.20.pdf 63.81KB
True 1.31.2020.pdf 64.55KB
Trusty 2.2.2020.pdf 184.66KB
TU Letter 8-18-21 Supporting Stay Request.pdf 108.47KB
Tupper, Mariana.pdf 37.56KB
Tupper, Mariana.pdf 32.43KB
Turbine Specification Update_RoxWind_Cover Letter 11.30.18.pdf 60.06KB
Turbine Specification Update_RoxWind_Epsilon Letter 11.30.18.pdf 107.52KB
Turbine Specification Update_RoxWind_Flicker Supplement 11.30.18.pdf 3.07MB
Turbine Specification Update_RoxWind_TJDA Letter 11.29.18.pdf 176.09KB
Turner, Gabriella.pdf 33.01KB
Turner, Kathy.pdf 32.87KB
Turner, Scott.pdf 32.77KB
Turner, Theodore.pdf 198.44KB
Turner, William.pdf 38.86KB
Tuttle, Eric.pdf 782.72KB
Twomey, John.pdf 60.23KB
UMAB NOI 2022.pdf 102.75KB
UMAB SWMP 2022.pdf 10.36MB
UMG NOI 2022.pdf 85.23KB
UMO NOI 2022.pdf 122.42KB
UMO SWMP 2022.pdf 3.00MB
Underwood, Marie.pdf 32.33KB
UNE Testimony in the Case of Nordic Aquafarms.pdf 217.02KB
Ungs, Molly.pdf 32.50KB
University of Maine Augusta at Bangor (UMAB) Initial SWMP 2022.pdf 10.36MB
University of Maine Augusta at Bangor (UMAB) NOI 2022.pdf 102.75KB
University of Maine Gorham (UMG) NOI 2022.pdf 85.23KB
University of Maine Gorham (USMG) Initial SWMP 2022.pdf 2.88MB
University of Maine Orono (UMO) Initial SWMP 2022.pdf 3.00MB
University of Maine Orono (UMO) NOI 2022.pdf 122.42KB
University of New England.pdf 70.00KB
Updated Site Plan & stormwater Calcs 23.pdf 3.40MB
Upstream's appeal of Third Proc Order 2019-11-05.pdf 2.99MB
Upstream - ME BEP - Cover letter and Response to Board Order 9-11-2020 FINAL (c).pdf 1.03MB
Upstream - ME BEP - SITE LOCATION 10-05-2020 (c).pdf 1.03MB
Upstream Post Hearing Final.pdf 1.61MB
Upstream Watch.pdf 8.46MB
Upstream Watch's Comments on DMR's Assessment.pdf 902.80KB
Upstream Watch's response - Air Emissions draft.pdf 372.38KB
Upton, Carol.pdf 37.96KB
USCG Div. 1 Update.pdf 127.36KB
USCG Div. 1 Update.pdf 127.36KB
User Survey Supplement.pdf 706.19KB
USGS_GeoChemLandscape_bkgnd-metals-soil-NE-2007-V2.xlsx 424.20KB
USMG SWMP 2022.pdf 2.88MB
V-001.pdf 423.80KB
V-002.pdf 434.07KB
V-003.pdf 381.32KB
Valetnine, J.pdf 38.89KB
Van Denburgh, Mendora.pdf 38.97KB
Van Duysen, Jillian.pdf 13.22KB
Varney, Roger.pdf 33.17KB
Veazie_NOI_Signed.pdf 44.28KB
Veazie MS4 SMP Final 3-25-21.pdf 3.02MB
Venhuizen, Katrina.pdf 32.61KB
Verrill, Shri.pdf 39.40KB
Vessel Response Plans.pdf 1.14MB
Vessel Response Plans.pdf 1.14MB
Vestas ADLS.pdf 832.15KB
Vestas fire safety letter 060313.pdf 212.55KB
VIA_Addendum_July.8.pdf 227.62KB
Viega, Steve.pdf 32.67KB
Viewshed_Sandy Beach.pdf 321.10KB
Viewsheds 1 of 3.pdf 19.82MB
Viewsheds 2 of 3.pdf 18.57MB
Viewsheds 3 of 3.pdf 20.70MB
Vigeant, Meghan.pdf 56.32KB
Vigue, Tom.pdf 32.88KB
Villforth, Robert.pdf 38.96KB
Vincze, Zaprinca.pdf 38.39KB
Vine, Jackie.pdf 33.14KB
Visual Impact.pdf 441.58KB
Visual Impact Evaluation Matrix.pdf 159.97KB
Visualizations.pdf 798.86KB
Visual Review Part 1.pdf 3.19MB
Visual Review Part 2.pdf 1.44MB
VOCQRY.xlsx 23.83KB
Vollen, Maribeth.pdf 32.81KB
Voorhees, Dylan_Natural Resources Council of Maine.pdf 1.13MB
Voskian, Mary.pdf 32.48KB
Wakefield, Louise.pdf 379.98KB
Wakefield, Victor.pdf 32.70KB
Waken, Jean.pdf 47.68KB
Walchli, Patricia.pdf 32.60KB
Walker, Laurie.pdf 14.29KB
Wall, Alexander.pdf 32.61KB
Wall, Chris.pdf 32.24KB
Wall, Christopher.pdf 38.70KB
Wallace, Selena.pdf 38.72KB
Wallis, Hilary.pdf 32.73KB
Walsh, Kathryn.pdf 32.56KB
Walworth, Edward.pdf 32.99KB
Warren-Steamship-Navigation-Phase-I-ESA-05222018.pdf 585.00KB
Warren-Steamship-Navigation-Phase-II-ESA-11052018.pdf 7.03MB
Washburn, Henry.pdf 82.62KB
Washburn, Jane.pdf 39.37KB
Waste Management - Motion To Reopen the Record 10.21.2020.pdf 23.47KB
Waterford-Bear Paw Phase II SOW-Final-081718.pdf 1013.53KB
Watson, Bret.pdf 116.35KB
Watson, Sue.pdf 12.74KB
Watson, Wendy.pdf 76.24KB
W-E-100_E-121_COLLECTOR SYSTEM.pdf 14.26MB
WE31 FTA RI_Final_08102017.pdf 42.88MB
WEA Associated Facilites Letter.pdf 101.22KB
Weaver, Deanna.pdf 32.39KB
Weaver Wind, LLC L26464knlnmnnn Order.pdf 1011.24KB
Weaver-Wind-LLC-Draft-Staff-Analysis.pdf 246.81KB
Weaver-Wind-LLC-L26464knlnmnnn-Order-DRAFT.pdf 969.84KB
Weaver Wind Photosimulations.pdf 4.68MB
Webber, Joelle.pdf 32.83KB
WEB Silver Maple Wind LLC 2021-07-23 Attachment to Maine DEP Transfer Application.pdf 143.06KB
WEB Silver Maple Wind LLC Financial LOI WEB Silver Maple Wind, LLC_SIMA LLC_2021-06-22.pdf 313.55KB
WEB Silver Maple Wind LLC L-25245-24-H-T, ATS # 88132 9-15-21.pdf 921.18KB
WEB SILVER MAPLE WIND LLC - ME - 2021-06-14 Certificate of Good Standing.pdf 33.33KB
WEB Silver Maple Wind LLC NOI Submittal CE 9-15-21.pdf 92.07KB
WEB Silver Maple Wind LLC Transfer Application Submittal 7-23-21.pdf 76.70KB
Weems, Susan.pdf 32.38KB
Weeter, Deb.pdf 31.69KB
Welch, Jane.pdf 39.18KB
Wellman 2.11.2020.pdf 54.12KB
Wellman PDF.pdf 35.28KB
Wellman permission.docx 50.36KB
Wells, Ebony.pdf 14.29KB
Wentworth, Hatch-Whitefield-Lincoln-441-539.pdf 583.03KB
Werth, Nancy.pdf 39.46KB
West, Don and Linda.pdf 38.80KB
West, Natalie.pdf 32.83KB
West, Penny 1.pdf 68.92KB
West, Penny 2.pdf 60.69KB
Westbrook IDDE 2022.pdf 669.52KB
Westbrook NOI pdf.pdf 172.06KB
Westbrook QAPP.pdf 4.88MB
Westcott, Doug.pdf 62.69KB
Western Maine L-29026-25-A-N, ATS # 87757, NOI # 72700 6-24-21.pdf 252.42KB
Western Maine L-29026-TH-B-N, ATS # 87759 6-24-21.pdf 478.08KB
Western Maine NRPA_2Agent Authorization Letter_23Jun2021.pdf 27.07KB
Western Maine NRPA_3CheckProcessingForm_23Jun2021.pdf 96.60KB
Western Maine NRPA_4Application Checklist_23Jun2021.pdf 115.41KB
Western Maine NRPA_5Cover and TOC_23Jun2021.pdf 846.89KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 1_Description of Activity_23Jun2021.pdf 5.96MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 10_Public Notice_23Jun2021.pdf 738.32KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 11_Historic_23Jun2021_Part 1.pdf 19.11MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 11_Historic_23Jun2021_Part 2.pdf 7.79MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 12_Functions and Values Assessment_23Jun2021.pdf 401.19KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 13_Compensation Plan_23Jun2021.pdf 115.61KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 1A_Title, Right or Interest_23Jun2021_Part 1.pdf 4.01MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 1A_Title, Right or Interest_23Jun2021_Part 2.pdf 16.50MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 1A_Title, Right or Interest_23Jun2021_Part 3.pdf 8.58MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 2_Alternatives Analysis_23Jun2021.pdf 1.12MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 3_Site Location Map_23Jun2021.pdf 962.68KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 4_Site Photographs_23Jun2021.pdf 14.27MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 5_Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 1_C-001 to C-107.pdf 11.65MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 5_Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 2_C-108 to C-225.pdf 17.59MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 5_Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 3_C-300 to C-309.pdf 9.24MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 5_Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 4_C-401 to C-501.pdf 11.55MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 6_Proposed Aquatic Resources Impacts_23Jun2021.pdf 5.88MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 7_Construction Plan_23Jun2021.pdf 162.16KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 8_Erosion Control Plan_23Jun2021.pdf 347.94KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 9_Site Conditions Report_23Jun2021_Part 1.pdf 457.15KB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 9_Site Conditions Report_23Jun2021_Part 2.pdf 11.69MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 9_Site Conditions Report_23Jun2021_Part 3.pdf 14.92MB
Western Maine NRPA_Attachment 9_Site Conditions Report_23Jun2021_Part 4.pdf 9.55MB
Western Maine NRPA_MDEP Visual Checklist_23Jun2021.pdf 63.77KB
Western Maine PBR #72701 6-24-21.pdf 11.87MB
Western Maine Renewables, LLC L29026anbncndn Order.pdf 539.03KB
Western Maine Renewables LLC Application Submittal CE 6-24-21.pdf 57.94KB
Western Maine Site Law_2Agent Authorization Letter_23Jun2021.pdf 27.07KB
Western Maine Site Law_3CheckProcessingForm_23Jun2021.pdf 96.30KB
Western Maine Site Law_4Application_FormD_Checklist_23Jun2021.pdf 171.89KB
Western Maine Site Law_Cover and TOC_23Jun2021.pdf 483.03KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 1_Exhibit 1-1_Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 2_C-108 to C-225.pdf 17.59MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 1_Exhibit 1-1_Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 3_C-300 to C-309.pdf 9.24MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 1_Exhibit 1-1_Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 4_C-401 to C-501.pdf 11.55MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 1_Exhibit 1-1 Civil Engineering Plan Set_23Jun2021_Part 1_C-001 to C-107.pdf 11.65MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 10 Buffers_23Jun2021.pdf 9.05MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 11 Soils_23Jun2021.pdf 14.30MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 12 Stormwater Management_23Jun2021_Part 1.pdf 883.46KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 12 Stormwater Management_23Jun2021_Part 2.pdf 19.30MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 13 Urban Impaired Streams Submissions_23Jun2021.pdf 179.66KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 14 Basic Standards Submissions_23Jun2021.pdf 196.24KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 15 Groundwater_23Jun2021.pdf 6.63MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 16 Water Supply_23Jun2021.pdf 460.96KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 17 Wastewater Disposal_23Jun2021.pdf 4.72MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 18 Solid Waste_23Jun2021.pdf 294.43KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 19 Flooding_23Jun2021.pdf 1.10MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 1 Development Description_23Jun2021.pdf 1.20MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 20 Blasting_23Jun2021.pdf 253.57KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 21 Air Emissions_23Jun2021.pdf 183.41KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 22 Odors_23Jun2021.pdf 180.56KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 23 Water Vapor_23Jun2021.pdf 180.56KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 24 Sunlight_23Jun2021.pdf 180.76KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 25 Notices_23Jun2021.pdf 3.67MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 26 Shadow Flicker_23Jun2021.pdf 7.81MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 27 Public Safety_23Jun2021.pdf 5.23MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 28 Tangible Benefits_23Jun2021.pdf 297.25KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 29 Decommissioning Plan_23Jun2021.pdf 350.33KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 2 Title, Right, or Interest_23Jun2021_Part 1.pdf 16.19MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 2 Title, Right, or Interest_23Jun2021_Part 2.pdf 13.02MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 30 Generating Facility - Visual Quality and Scenic Character_23Jun2021.pdf 17.04MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 31 LUPC Certification_23Jun2021.pdf 180.53KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 32 Best Practical Mitigation_23Jun2021.pdf 192.87KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 3 Financial Capacity_23Jun2021.pdf 487.75KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 4 Technical Ability_23Jun2021.pdf 2.47MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 5 Noise_23Jun2021.pdf 3.35MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 6 Visual Quality and Scenic Character_23Jun2021.pdf 181.62KB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 7 Wetlands, Watercourse, Wildife and Fisheries_23Jun2021_Part 1.pdf 10.71MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 7 Wetlands, Watercourse, Wildife and Fisheries_23Jun2021_Part 2.pdf 17.05MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 7 Wetlands, Watercourse, Wildife and Fisheries_23Jun2021_Part 3.pdf 11.92MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 7 Wetlands, Watercourse, Wildife and Fisheries_23Jun2021_Part 4.pdf 11.97MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 7 Wetlands, Watercourse, Wildife and Fisheries_23Jun2021_Part 5.pdf 14.93MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 7 Wetlands, Watercourse, Wildife and Fisheries_23Jun2021_Part 6.pdf 16.76MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 7 Wetlands, Watercourse, Wildife and Fisheries_23Jun2021_Part 7.pdf 9.71MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 8 Historic Sites_23Jun2021_Part 1.pdf 19.08MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 8 Historic Sites_23Jun2021_Part 2.pdf 5.52MB
Western Maine Site Law_Section 9 Unusual Natural Areas_23Jun2021.pdf 9.46MB
West Forks Quitclaim Deed (5099-255).pdf 401.13KB
Weston Fishlift application.pdf 63.80MB
Westport-W112-34m-GA.pdf 2.14MB
Weyerhaeuser Company 5099-247 Raytown TWP.pdf 826.14KB
Wharfe, David.pdf 48.50KB
Wheeler, Elizabeth.pdf 32.91KB
Whirlpool Comments on Maine DEP PFAS in Products Program.pdf 149.53KB
Whitcomb 1.13.2020.pdf 506.11KB
White, Alice.pdf 32.98KB
White, Alice1.pdf 38.80KB
White, Alice2.pdf 37.34KB
White, Cassandra.pdf 38.58KB
White, David.pdf 117.90KB
White, Gail.pdf 14.34KB
White, Martha.pdf 32.77KB
White, Sheila.pdf 32.44KB
Whiting, Scott.pdf 32.57KB
Whitney, Lisbeth.pdf 38.03KB
Whitney, Lisbeth.pdf 32.78KB
Whitten Brook 2012December_.pdf 6.76MB
Whitten Brook Pilot Test Letter_06182013.pdf 1.09MB
Widoff, Lissa.pdf 87.69KB
Wilder, Flo.pdf 39.52KB
Wilder, Florence.pdf 32.24KB
Wilder, Sofia.pdf 14.27KB
Wilfred Dube-Lewiston-Adr-395-484.pdf 295.49KB
Willard Beach Spill_compressed.pptx 20.24MB
Willard Bowie-Durham-Adr-395-242.pdf 267.74KB
Willas Libby-Lewiston-Adr-395-494.pdf 538.51KB
Williams, Abby.pdf 38.92KB
Williams, Janet.pdf 39.28KB
Williams, Janet.pdf 32.78KB
Williams, Sally.pdf 38.74KB
Williams, Sally.pdf 14.28KB
William Sawyer-Pownal-Cum-1337-335.pdf 302.81KB
William Woddard-Lewiston-Adr-408-423.pdf 406.73KB
Willie Barnes-Alna-Lin-601-30.pdf 304.33KB
Wilson, Douglas.pdf 82.43KB
Wimett, Cathryn.pdf 32.46KB
Winchester, Anne.pdf 38.90KB
Winchester, Anne.pdf 32.44KB
Winder, Cynthia.pdf 32.41KB
Windham_Keddy_Mill_HASP_SEC_042211.pdf 1.25MB
Windham_KM_2009_TPCB_data_013012.pdf 12.09KB
Windham_KM_2010_TPCB_data_013012.pdf 7.20KB
Windham_KM_4-27-2011_XRF_results(2)_111511.pdf 26.04KB
Windham_KM_4-28-2011_results_111511.pdf 22.84KB
Windham_KM_April_2011_Lab_PCB_data2_061611.pdf 2.63MB
Windham_KM_Brownfields_QAPP_signature_page_SEC_092410.pdf 12.55KB
Windham_KM_ESA_Phase_I_and_II_rpt_1997_SWCole_031912.pdf 8.41MB
Windham_KM_field_trip_rpt_050516.pdf 16.90MB
Windham_KM_field_Trip_rpt_060414.pdf 212.17KB
Windham_KM_field_trip_rpt_063016.pdf 13.40MB
Windham_KM_field_trip_rpt_070115.pdf 1.66MB
Windham_KM_field_trip_rpt_091615.pdf 19.85MB
Windham_KM_field_trip_rpt_111815.pdf 10.57MB
Windham_KM_field_trip_rpt_120814.pdf 1.99MB
Windham_KM_Final_SI_Rpt_Nobis_011513.pdf 17.51MB
Windham_KM_HHRA for Trespasser_TRC_0914.pdf 903.25KB
Windham_KM_Keddy_Mill_Ownership_History_May 2013_WHS_110816pdf.pdf 7.14MB
Windham_KM_PCB_Analysis_4-11 (EPA Fixed Lab)_111511.pdf 19.31KB
Windham_KM_Photographs_Bldgs_MHPC#0483-15_Nobis_121315.pdf 9.03MB
Windham_KM_property_map_032012.pdf 8.86MB
Windham_KM_REV02_HRS_Documentation_Record_083013.pdf 7.75MB
Windham_KM_Samples_April_2011_111511.pdf 80.10KB
Windham_KM_Sediment_Data_Summary_letter_report_Nobis_022017.pdf 1.60MB
Windham_KM_Self-Implementing_Remediation_Rpt_GEI_081010.pdf 16.00KB
Windham_KM_SI_Field_Task_Work_Plan_Nobis_071012.pdf 1.56MB
Windham_KM_Site_Location_Map_10-23-1997_SWCole_030912.pdf 104.84KB
Windham_KM_SJ9528_RE2_lab_rpt_KAS_112216.pdf 1.23MB
Windham_KM_Wetland_Technical_Memo_Nobis_080112.pdf 8.81MB
Windham_NOI_2022-2027.pdf 164.68KB
Windham_SWMP_2022-2027.pdf 6.28MB
Windham, Keddy, Interior Debris Sampling Report.pdf 2.00MB
Windham, Keddy Mill, EC Survey Memo.pdf 4.53MB
Windham, Keddy Mill, PCB Sampling Memo 1-5-11.pdf 9.44MB
Windham, Keddy Mill Final Phase I ESA Report.pdf 42.29MB
Windham, Keddy Mill SSQAPP .pdf 9.52MB
Windham-KM-2008-bldg-rpt-photos-090519.pdf 9.16MB
Windham-KM-2019-AOC-Notification-of-Consultant-ltr-and-QMP-ITT-102819.pdf 1.23MB
Windham-KM-EECA-Report-ITT-051718.pdf 4.30MB
Windham-KM-field-trip-rpt-051018.pdf 3.30MB
Windham-KM-field-trip-rpt-081319.pdf 4.66MB
Windham-KM-field-trip-rpt-100217.pdf 2.23MB
Windham-KM-field-trip-rpt-121917.pdf 2.07MB
Windham-KM-FINAL-Archaeological-Architectural-Assessment-rpt-NARC-090617 pdf 12.44MB
Windham-KM-Final-EECA-Work-Plan-ERM-082517.pdf 817.57KB
Windham-KM-Foundation-Assessment-and-Seismic-Review-final-Rpt-Resurgence-021109 pdf 14.50MB
Windham-KM-Geophys-Invest-and-Security-Work-Plan-ERM-071720.pdf 12.41MB
Windham-KM-Geotch-invest-rpt-Oak-Eng-022707.docx 30.56MB
Windham-KM-Proposed-Test-Pit-Excavation-APPENDIX A-REVISED-Nobis-110717.pdf 1.54MB
Windham-KM-Proposed-Test-Pit-Excavations-Nobis-101217.pdf 3.54MB
Windham-KM-Removal-PASI-Final-Combined-rpt-EPA-072816.pdf 4.15MB
Windham-KM-RI-eco-field-work-TO-Amendment-EPA-061219.docx 20.56KB
Windham-KM-RI-Eco-TO-Amendment-Select-Detected-Chemicals-Sediment-061219 pdf 88.06KB
Windham-KM-Sturctural-Condition-Investigation-ltr-rpt-Oak-Eng-061207.pdf 6.91MB
Windham-KM-Suppl-Geotech-Invest-rpt-Oak-Eng-060107.pdf 8.53MB
Wingo, Chek (1).pdf 24.04KB
Wingo, Chek (2).pdf 388.93KB
Winter, Lois.pdf 39.04KB
Winter, Lois.pdf 32.80KB
Winters, Jayne.pdf 39.40KB
Wiscasset Newspaper Article 2.8.16.pdf 711.97KB
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