Torrent Info
Title 13_2000076distrib302
Category Games
Size 46.39GB

Files List
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Distribution statistics by country
Brazil (BR) 210
Ukraine (UA) 104
United States (US) 99
Germany (DE) 79
Poland (PL) 51
China (CN) 49
Turkey (TR) 48
France (FR) 47
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United Kingdom (GB) 23
Romania (RO) 23
Argentina (AR) 22
India (IN) 17
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Canada (CA) 14
Italy (IT) 14
Hungary (HU) 14
Czechia (CZ) 13
Peru (PE) 12
Vietnam (VN) 12
Belgium (BE) 11
Spain (ES) 11
Chile (CL) 9
Colombia (CO) 9
Greece (GR) 9
Pakistan (PK) 8
Republic of Korea (KR) 8
Mexico (MX) 8
Bulgaria (BG) 7
Iraq (IQ) 7
Thailand (TH) 7
Bangladesh (BD) 7
Indonesia (ID) 7
Switzerland (CH) 6
Israel (IL) 6
Serbia (RS) 6
Panama (PA) 6
Algeria (DZ) 5
Republic of Lithuania (LT) 5
Singapore (SG) 5
Austria (AT) 5
Slovak Republic (SK) 5
Sweden (SE) 4
Costa Rica (CR) 4
Kuwait (KW) 4
Iran (IR) 4
Australia (AU) 4
Netherlands (NL) 4
Saudi Arabia (SA) 4
Venezuela (VE) 4
Japan (JP) 4
Finland (FI) 4
South Africa (ZA) 3
Philippines (PH) 3
Tunisia (TN) 3
Azerbaijan (AZ) 3
Egypt (EG) 3
Republic of Moldova (MD) 3
Jamaica (JM) 3
Morocco (MA) 3
Bolivia (BO) 3
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) 3
Sri Lanka (LK) 2
United Arab Emirates (AE) 2
Croatia (HR) 2
Togo (TG) 2
Ireland (IE) 2
Georgia (GE) 2
Mauritius (MU) 1
Lebanon (LB) 1
Ethiopia (ET) 1
Macedonia (MK) 1
Norway (NO) 1
Kenya (KE) 1
Ecuador (EC) 1
Benin (BJ) 1
Uzbekistan (UZ) 1
Curaçao (CW) 1
Kazakhstan (KZ) 1
Bahrain (BH) 1
Dominican Republic (DO) 1
Seychelles (SC) 1
New Zealand (NZ) 1
Martinique (MQ) 1
Denmark (DK) 1
Albania (AL) 1
Namibia (NA) 1
Mali (ML) 1
Réunion (RE) 1
Latvia (LV) 1
Armenia (AM) 1
Uruguay (UY) 1
Qatar (QA) 1
Ghana (GH) 1
Estonia (EE) 1
Cameroon (CM) 1
Guatemala (GT) 1
Total 1167
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