Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You
cannot download any of those files from here.
1. Add,subtract,divide,multiply.mp4 |
52.42MB |
1. Append multiple csv files from a folder.mp4 |
61.10MB |
1. Clear-RecycleBin -Confirm false.mp4 |
61.66MB |
1. Column chart.mp4 |
54.03MB |
1. Creating a simple table.mp4 |
24.63MB |
1. Creating a superstore report.mp4 |
233.77MB |
1. Download and installation.mp4 |
49.66MB |
1. HR Data Analytics Project parts 1.mp4 |
213.87MB |
1. HR Data Analytics Project parts 2.mp4 |
77.71MB |
1. Insert object.mp4 |
26.49MB |
1. Introduction to Power BI.mp4 |
12.68MB |
1. Merge.mp4 |
86.29MB |
1. Number card.mp4 |
55.04MB |
1. Simple Map.mp4 |
38.38MB |
1. Slicer for text.mp4 |
25.30MB |
1. Year,quarter,month,day.mp4 |
4.89MB |
2. Append multiple excel tablessheets from single file.mp4 |
35.73MB |
2. Difference between dates,earliest and latest.mp4 |
14.21MB |
2. Drill down donut chart.mp4 |
37.01MB |
2. Filled map.mp4 |
28.40MB |
2. Format text slicer.mp4 |
40.83MB |
2. Formatting in table.mp4 |
44.92MB |
2. Insert text.mp4 |
18.01MB |
2. Percentage,percent of,modulo.mp4 |
38.63MB |
2. Publish report to power bi service account.mp4 |
33.14MB |
2. Split and trim.mp4 |
42.67MB |
2. Stacked column chart.mp4 |
25.06MB |
2. Text card.mp4 |
64.74MB |
3. Append excel tables with different numbers of columns.mp4 |
58.79MB |
3. Conditional formatting in table.mp4 |
64.22MB |
3. Date card.mp4 |
49.47MB |
3. Export(PPT,PDF,PBIX)report and share.mp4 |
40.82MB |
3. Insert shapes.mp4 |
15.85MB |
3. Map with pie chart.mp4 |
29.08MB |
3. Name of day and name of month.mp4 |
14.86MB |
3. Pie chart.mp4 |
22.21MB |
3. Rounding the numbers.mp4 |
21.27MB |
3. Slicer for Date.mp4 |
44.72MB |
3. Upper,lower and proper.mp4 |
36.38MB |
3. Word cloud.mp4 |
26.50MB |
4. Add suffix and prefix.mp4 |
28.00MB |
4. Append multiple excel files from a folder.mp4 |
85.54MB |
4. Changing aggregation in table.mp4 |
32.40MB |
4. Create a dashboard in power bi service.mp4 |
69.45MB |
4. Day of weekmonthyear & week of monthyear.mp4 |
15.14MB |
4. Donut chart.mp4 |
14.42MB |
4. Format date slicer.mp4 |
27.07MB |
4. Formatting in map.mp4 |
30.12MB |
4. Insert buttons.mp4 |
16.42MB |
4. IsEven,IsOdd and sign.mp4 |
20.88MB |
4. Multi-row card.mp4 |
39.41MB |
4. Sankey chart.mp4 |
35.14MB |
5. Action-web URL.mp4 |
16.68MB |
5. Append different data source files in power query.mp4 |
36.15MB |
5. Background changes in map.mp4 |
18.69MB |
5. Creating a matrix in power bi.mp4 |
35.50MB |
5. Extract date from date and time.mp4 |
15.63MB |
5. Filter on visual.mp4 |
34.42MB |
5. Funnel chart.mp4 |
12.25MB |
5. Infographic.mp4 |
40.32MB |
5. Left,right and mid.mp4 |
44.78MB |
5. Number slicer.mp4 |
28.17MB |
5. Problem in power bi dashboard and its solution.mp4 |
58.72MB |
6. Calculate age in 2 button clicks.mp4 |
23.21MB |
6. Conditional formatting in matrix.mp4 |
48.32MB |
6. Extract text with delimiter.mp4 |
32.93MB |
6. Filter on page.mp4 |
31.69MB |
6. Page navigation.mp4 |
12.87MB |
6. Play axis.mp4 |
18.39MB |
6. Ribbon chart.mp4 |
31.76MB |
7. Automatic hierarchy in matrix.mp4 |
43.47MB |
7. Bookmark.mp4 |
15.94MB |
7. Filter on all pages.mp4 |
33.98MB |
7. Scroller.mp4 |
20.04MB |
7. Which day of year,quarter,month your date of birth is.mp4 |
32.86MB |
8. Subtotal and grand total.mp4 |
24.37MB |
8. Sunburst.mp4 |
22.36MB |
9. Histogram.mp4 |
23.00MB |
9. Number formatting in table and matrix.mp4 |
33.88MB |
Bonus Resources.txt |
386B |
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url |
182B |