Torrent Info
Title Haigakura (Haigakura - 04 「水月之舞」 (MX 1920x1080 x264 AAC).mp4)
Category Movies
Size 1.13GB

Movie Info
Title Haigakura
Year 2024–
Country Japan
Category Animation, Action, Adventure
Director N/A
Actors Takeo Otsuka, Kaito Ishikawa, Christina Sherman
Description Based on the Chinese-style Josei Fantasy Manga by Shinobu Takayama about a man capturing gods that fled to Japan with the help of singing and dancing.
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Haigakura - 04 「水月之舞」 (MX 1920x1080 x264 AAC).mp4 1.13GB
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Japan (JP) 1
Russia (RU) 1
Romania (RO) 1
Total 3
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