Torrent Info
Title Bad Science
Category Music
Size 391.62MB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
back cover.jpg 155.31KB
Bad Science (00) - Foreword.mp3 532.75KB
Bad Science (00) - Introduction.mp3 5.06MB
Bad Science (01) - Matter.mp3 13.93MB
Bad Science (02) - Brain Gym.mp3 9.50MB
Bad Science (03) - The Progenium XY Complex.mp3 8.16MB
Bad Science (04) - Homeopathy.mp3 40.04MB
Bad Science (05) - The Placebo Effect.mp3 28.61MB
Bad Science (06) - The Nonsense Du Jour.mp3 32.43MB
Bad Science (07) - Dr Gillian McKeith PhD.mp3 30.43MB
Bad Science (08) - 'Pill Solves Complex Social Problem'.mp3 30.38MB
Bad Science (09) - Professor Patrick Holford.mp3 25.90MB
Bad Science (10) - Is Mainstream Medicine Evil.mp3 30.25MB
Bad Science (11) - How the Media Promote the Public Misunderstanding of Science.mp3 22.12MB
Bad Science (12) - Why Clever People Believe Stupid Things.mp3 16.03MB
Bad Science (13) - Bad Stats.mp3 25.52MB
Bad Science (14) - Health Scares.mp3 14.04MB
Bad Science (15) - The Media's MMR Hoax.mp3 57.94MB
cover.jpg 197.19KB
description.txt 940B
The-Doctor-Will-Sue-You-Now.pdf 419.59KB
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