Title | Nijiyon Animation ([UHA-WINGS&LoliHouse] Nijiyon Animation S2 - 04 [WebRip 1080p HEVC-10bit AAC ASSx2].mkv) |
Category | Movies |
Size | 46.16MB |
Title | Nijiyon Animation |
Year | 2023– |
Country | N/A |
Category | Animation, Short, Comedy |
Director | N/A |
Actors | Tomori Kusunoki, Akari Kitô, Kaori Maeda |
Description | Short anime based on the 4-koma series, showing the daily lives of the members of the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. |
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[UHA-WINGS&LoliHouse] Nijiyon Animation S2 - 04 [WebRip 1080p HEVC-10bit AAC ASSx2].mkv | 46.16MB |
United States (US) | 6 |
China (CN) | 2 |
France (FR) | 1 |
Total | 9 |
IP List | List of IP addresses which were distributed this torrent |