Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You
cannot download any of those files from here.
[TGx]Downloaded from .txt |
585B |
0 |
731.53KB |
1 |
42.85KB |
1. Condition Handling using If Handle Single Condition.mp4 |
58.81MB |
1. Create first class.mp4 |
43.26MB |
1. First Python Code Create Python File, Comments & Print on Console.mp4 |
66.03MB |
1. Functions Basics.mp4 |
48.03MB |
1. Inheritance.mp4 |
43.86MB |
1. Install Module Move to Sheet Level.mp4 |
37.88MB |
1. Introduction of Loops - Why and Where to use Loops.mp4 |
24.02MB |
1. JSON Basic Understanding.mp4 |
46.25MB |
1. List.mp4 |
65.13MB |
1. Note about this task.mp4 |
8.45MB |
1. Prepare configuration files.mp4 |
27.28MB |
1. Read Data from CSV.mp4 |
54.21MB |
1. Read Data from File(.txt).mp4 |
38.31MB |
1. Request Package Installation.mp4 |
70.51MB |
1. Setup Selenium on Python.mp4 |
15.11MB |
1. WebScraping Introduction.mp4 |
37.22MB |
1. What is Exception and Exception Handling.mp4 |
39.67MB |
1. What is Module.mp4 |
48.01MB |
1. What is String and basic operations.mp4 |
72.15MB |
1. Why as a Tester we need to learn Python.mp4 |
77.17MB |
1. Why to read data from excel.mp4 |
20.63MB |
10 |
922.91KB |
10. Continue Statement.mp4 |
20.34MB |
100 |
858.68KB |
101 |
405.54KB |
102 |
489.70KB |
103 |
912.21KB |
104 |
312.26KB |
105 |
885.95KB |
11 |
1004.75KB |
11. Else Statement.mp4 |
12.70MB |
12 |
721.49KB |
13 |
582.98KB |
14 |
990.18KB |
15 |
892.64KB |
16 |
908.00KB |
17 |
960.05KB |
18 |
983.78KB |
19 |
700.40KB |
2 |
991.34KB |
2. Condition Handling using If Handle 2 Conditions.mp4 |
36.14MB |
2. Course Architecture Must for Everyone .mp4 |
26.59MB |
2. For Loop with Final Range - Run code until the given condition(value) reach.mp4 |
35.32MB |
2. Functions in Class.mp4 |
48.73MB |
2. Handle Exception using try, exception and finally.mp4 |
42.40MB |
2. How to Declare and use Variables in Python.mp4 |
37.13MB |
2. How to Use Modules.mp4 |
65.11MB |
2. Inheritance Example- Single Inheritance.mp4 |
29.06MB |
2. JSON Path Basics.mp4 |
30.90MB |
2. List function.mp4 |
24.20MB |
2. Making a GET request using python.mp4 |
63.04MB |
2. Pick data & Display on Console.mp4 |
30.35MB |
2. Python And PyDev setup.mp4 |
50.05MB |
2. Read character by character and line by line.mp4 |
24.12MB |
2. Read data from config file.mp4 |
44.84MB |
2. Read data from excel.mp4 |
61.58MB |
2. Read one Cell Data.mp4 |
33.37MB |
2. Rules to create functions.mp4 |
33.02MB |
2. String Fetch Substring.mp4 |
40.63MB |
2. Write Data to CSV.mp4 |
24.39MB |
2. Write First TestCase Open Browser Enter URL Maximize.mp4 |
62.32MB |
20 |
427.22KB |
21 |
751.52KB |
22 |
197.05KB |
23 |
574.25KB |
24 |
808.57KB |
25 |
367.14KB |
26 |
813.46KB |
27 |
376.47KB |
28 |
33.64KB |
29 |
972.50KB |
3 |
844.84KB |
3. Common String Functions - Part 1.mp4 |
36.82MB |
3. Compare Data.mp4 |
30.52MB |
3. Constructors.mp4 |
47.37MB |
3. Creating Project Structure.mp4 |
39.11MB |
3. Different types of functions.mp4 |
42.25MB |
3. For Loop with initial and final range -Run code between given range.mp4 |
44.08MB |
3. How to take user input and use it in programming.mp4 |
53.63MB |
3. JSON Path Advance.mp4 |
28.58MB |
3. Multilevel Inheritance.mp4 |
46.77MB |
3. Multiple Condition Handling (If - Elif - else) with practice exercise.mp4 |
43.60MB |
3. Pick data & save to File.mp4 |
22.59MB |
3. Read All Rows & Cells Data.mp4 |
46.55MB |
3. Read All Rows and Columns.mp4 |
30.13MB |
3. Step 1 Setup Python on Windows Machine with Environment Variable.mp4 |
24.29MB |
3. Test data generation in python-1.mp4 |
86.28MB |
3. Tuple.mp4 |
55.64MB |
3. Validate Status Code.mp4 |
18.27MB |
3. Work on TextBox.mp4 |
45.88MB |
3. Write data to File(.txt).mp4 |
18.16MB |
30 |
142.63KB |
31 |
743.66KB |
32 |
279.31KB |
33 |
941.43KB |
34 |
997.97KB |
35 |
1018.83KB |
36 |
647.83KB |
37 |
236.96KB |
38 |
455.74KB |
39 |
766.70KB |
4 |
788.52KB |
4. Common file methods.mp4 |
17.52MB |
4. Common String Functions - Part 2.mp4 |
19.47MB |
4. Constraints and Type Casting.mp4 |
48.08MB |
4. Difference between import and from-import.mp4 |
70.74MB |
4. Fetch data using BeautifulSoup.mp4 |
67.30MB |
4. Fetch Response Header Values.mp4 |
45.33MB |
4. For loop with increment value - Run code with different increment value.mp4 |
20.68MB |
4. Functions with return value.mp4 |
49.86MB |
4. Multiple Inheritance.mp4 |
32.02MB |
4. Nested Condition Handling (Condition inside Condition).mp4 |
44.77MB |
4. Nested Dictionary.mp4 |
56.21MB |
4. Step 2 Setup Pycharm - Editor fort Python Programming.mp4 |
29.78MB |
4. Test data generation in python-2.mp4 |
61.27MB |
4. Tuple advance operations.mp4 |
44.86MB |
4. Why and Where we use constructors.mp4 |
21.70MB |
4. Work on Radio Button Checkbox Link Button.mp4 |
82.96MB |
4. Work with JSON.mp4 |
10.13MB |
4. Write Data to Excel.mp4 |
58.44MB |
4. Write data to Excel File.mp4 |
38.42MB |
40 |
788.31KB |
41 |
125.45KB |
42 |
682.07KB |
43 |
61.83KB |
44 |
138.36KB |
45 |
163.13KB |
46 |
230.79KB |
47 |
775.51KB |
48 |
938.85KB |
49 |
142.18KB |
5 |
947.68KB |
5. Common String Functions - Part 3.mp4 |
36.64MB |
5. Condition Handling with Logical OR and Logical AND.mp4 |
66.43MB |
5. Create Object in another file.mp4 |
44.94MB |
5. Dictionary basics.mp4 |
46.23MB |
5. Different types of arguments.mp4 |
75.07MB |
5. Fetch & Validate JSON Response.mp4 |
82.03MB |
5. Fetch Response Content - using Json Path.mp4 |
52.97MB |
5. For loop with decrement value - Run code with different decrement value.mp4 |
26.44MB |
5. Inheritance Constructor in Parent and Child Class.mp4 |
25.88MB |
5. Standard datatypes in Python Number, String, List, Tuple & Dictionary.mp4 |
63.06MB |
5. Step 3 Setup PIP Package Manager for Python.mp4 |
17.60MB |
5. Test data generation in python-3.mp4 |
68.02MB |
5. Work on Dropdown or List.mp4 |
74.30MB |
50 |
408.23KB |
51 |
547.04KB |
52 |
753.06KB |
53 |
618.62KB |
54 |
770.45KB |
55 |
867.94KB |
56 |
381.96KB |
57 |
340.58KB |
58 |
431.16KB |
59 |
908.53KB |
6 |
718.01KB |
6. Common String Functions - Part 4.mp4 |
36.22MB |
6. Create New Resource - POST Request - Part1.mp4 |
43.47MB |
6. Data Overriding.mp4 |
70.10MB |
6. Dictionary Methods.mp4 |
23.57MB |
6. For loop with list - Running a loop on the List of values.mp4 |
41.15MB |
6. Test data generation in python-4.mp4 |
76.23MB |
60 |
592.22KB |
61 |
704.47KB |
62 |
123.32KB |
63 |
798.80KB |
64 |
879.31KB |
65 |
895.77KB |
66 |
185.99KB |
67 |
363.80KB |
68 |
795.54KB |
69 |
882.39KB |
7 |
869.98KB |
7. Compare 2 Strings in Python.mp4 |
49.27MB |
7. Create New Resource - POST Request - Part2.mp4 |
39.58MB |
7. While Loop with increments.mp4 |
30.76MB |
70 |
692.94KB |
71 |
640.67KB |
72 |
998.84KB |
73 |
1006.63KB |
74 |
104.72KB |
75 |
250.01KB |
76 |
486.51KB |
77 |
661.78KB |
78 |
890.00KB |
79 |
221.79KB |
8 |
265.74KB |
8. Update Resource on Server UPDATE Method.mp4 |
44.24MB |
8. While loop with decrements.mp4 |
19.61MB |
80 |
963.28KB |
81 |
427.78KB |
82 |
737.99KB |
83 |
424.02KB |
84 |
573.36KB |
85 |
122.36KB |
86 |
626.22KB |
87 |
730.79KB |
88 |
818.47KB |
89 |
904.57KB |
9 |
501.51KB |
9. Break Statement.mp4 |
37.14MB |
90 |
1003.25KB |
91 |
442.63KB |
92 |
416.83KB |
93 |
308.20KB |
94 |
330.93KB |
95 |
374.52KB |
96 |
677.37KB |
97 |
400.22KB |
98 |
546.42KB |
99 |
743.18KB | |
63B |