Torrent Info
Title Cymatics.Blade.Dubstep.Synths.WAVE.SERUM.PRESETS-HiDERA
Category PC
Size 12.28MB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
ARP - Galaxies.fxp 1.65MB
ARP - Triad.fxp 9.84KB
ARP - Wireframe.fxp 1.75MB
ARP - Woods.fxp 2.92KB
BASS - Archangel.fxp 2.51KB
BASS - Blaster.fxp 2.55KB
BASS - Dragon.fxp 2.74KB
BASS - Intro Reese.fxp 2.29KB
BASS - Old School.fxp 5.57KB
BASS - Power.fxp 2.64KB
BASS - Ragga Sweeper.fxp 2.43KB
BASS - Robots.fxp 2.26KB
BASS - Screamer.fxp 4.89KB
BASS - Shatter.fxp 4.89KB
BASS - Silver Fox.fxp 4.88KB
BASS - Space Screech.fxp 2.48KB
BASS - Subwoofer.fxp 2.08KB
BASS - Titanium.fxp 4.76KB
BASS - Waspocalypse.fxp 4.82KB
BASS - Womp.fxp 4.72KB
BASS - Yoink.fxp 2.49KB
CHORD - Hyperstack.fxp 5.26KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 10 - D#.wav 258.44KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 11 - D#.wav 258.44KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 12 - D#.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 13 - E.wav 206.76KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 14 - E.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 15 - E.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 16 - E.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 17 - E.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 18 - E.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 19 - E.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 1 - D.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 20 - E.wav 275.67KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 21 - E.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 22 - E.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 23 - E.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 24 - E.wav 129.24KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 25 - E.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 26 - E.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 27 - E.wav 258.44KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 28 - F.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 29 - F.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 2 - D.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 30 - F.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 31 - F.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 32 - F.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 33 - F.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 34 - F.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 35 - F.wav 516.84KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 36 - F.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 37 - F.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 38 - F.wav 344.57KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 39 - F.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 3 - D.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 40 - F.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 41 - F#.wav 206.76KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 42 - F#.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 43 - F#.wav 68.95KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 44 - F#.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 45 - G.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 46 - G.wav 206.76KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 47 - G.wav 206.76KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 48 - A.wav 34.50KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 49 - A#.wav 137.86KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 4 - D.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 50 - A#.wav 120.14KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 5 - D.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 6 - D.wav 103.40KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 7 - D#.wav 258.44KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 8 - D#.wav 310.12KB
Cymatics - Blade Dubstep One Shot 9 - D#.wav 206.76KB
LEAD - Drop Shriek.fxp 2.88KB
LEAD - Low Scream.fxp 2.27KB
LEAD - Sharpshooter.fxp 2.45KB
Distribution statistics by country
India (IN) 2
Ukraine (UA) 2
Canada (CA) 2
Kazakhstan (KZ) 1
Belgium (BE) 1
Israel (IL) 1
Switzerland (CH) 1
United States (US) 1
Germany (DE) 1
Total 12
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