Title | Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu (Mushoku Tensei S01 1080p Dual Audio BD remux FLAC-TTGA) |
Category | Movies |
Size | 66.59GB |
Title | Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation |
Year | 2021– |
Country | Japan |
Category | Animation |
Director | N/A |
Actors | Ai Kakuma |
Description | N/A |
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here. | |
S01E01-Jobless Reincarnation.mkv | 6.34GB |
S01E02-Teacher.mkv | 6.53GB |
S01E03-A Friend.mkv | 6.54GB |
S01E04-Emergency Family Meeting.mkv | 6.53GB |
S01E05-A Young Lady and Violence.mkv | 6.53GB |
S01E06-A Day Off in Roa.mkv | 5.54GB |
S01E07-What Lies Beyond Effort.mkv | 5.54GB |
S01E08-Turning Point 1.mkv | 5.55GB |
S01E09-A Chance Encounter.mkv | 5.98GB |
S01E10-The Value of a Life and the First Job.mkv | 5.54GB |
S01E11-Children and Warriors.mkv | 5.54GB |
S01ED-Only [Yuiko Ohara].mkv | 432.51MB |
United States (US) | 4 |
China (CN) | 4 |
Israel (IL) | 3 |
Hong Kong (HK) | 2 |
Canada (CA) | 2 |
Republic of Korea (KR) | 2 |
Romania (RO) | 2 |
Netherlands (NL) | 1 |
Slovenia (SI) | 1 |
Turkey (TR) | 1 |
United Kingdom (GB) | 1 |
Czechia (CZ) | 1 |
Total | 24 |
IP List | List of IP addresses which were distributed this torrent |