Torrent Info
Title Vintage Synths
Size 3.14GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
!Info.ned 128B
+JNO Bass RR.nxs 6.48MB
+TSC Bass 1.nxs 3.16MB
+ TSC Bass 2.nxs 4.56MB
330Strings2.nxs 14.91MB
330Vocode4ft.nxs 3.72MB
330Vocode4ft+.nxs 12.39MB
330Vocode8ft.nxs 3.69MB
330Vocode8ft+.nxs 11.43MB
330VocSpeechA.nxs 6.09MB
330VocSpeechHow.nxs 6.79MB
330VocSpeechI.nxs 13.45MB
330VocSpeechLa.nxs 6.04MB
Angeldust.nxs 14.92MB
AR BMX Ride.fxp 2.95KB
AR BMX Ride.nksf.ogg 83.37KB
AR Chroma Brass.fxp 3.25KB
AR Chroma Brass.nksf.ogg 78.99KB
AR Discotron.fxp 3.31KB
AR Discotron.nksf.ogg 86.73KB
AR Gaiden Commando.fxp 4.68KB
AR Gaiden Commando.nksf.ogg 91.54KB
AR Happy Houser.fxp 3.64KB
AR Happy Houser.nksf.ogg 72.00KB
AR Italian Bassline.fxp 2.88KB
AR Italian Bassline.nksf.ogg 43.47KB
AR Lectro Brahms.fxp 2.59KB
AR Lectro Brahms.nksf.ogg 91.46KB
AR Odyssey Analog.fxp 4.40KB
AR Odyssey Analog.nksf.ogg 88.15KB
AR Odyssey Digital.fxp 4.35KB
AR Odyssey Digital.nksf.ogg 89.38KB
AR Rainbow Falls.fxp 3.27KB
AR Rainbow Falls.nksf.ogg 94.46KB
AR Stompin 80s.fxp 4.27KB
AR Stompin 80s.nksf.ogg 22.01KB
AR Take an 80s Trip.fxp 3.68KB
AR Take an 80s Trip.nksf.ogg 95.10KB
AR Time is Tickin'.fxp 2.23KB
AR Time is Tickin'.nksf.ogg 99.43KB
BA Analog Power 1.fxp 2.77KB
BA Analog Power 1.nksf.ogg 34.43KB
BA Analog Power 2.fxp 3.27KB
BA Analog Power 2.nksf.ogg 17.01KB
BA Dark Rezonator.fxp 2.92KB
BA Dark Rezonator.nksf.ogg 103.67KB
BA Digital Plonk.fxp 3.20KB
BA Digital Plonk.nksf.ogg 37.14KB
BA FM Ebass.fxp 2.88KB
BA FM Ebass.nksf.ogg 38.19KB
BA JP8 Bass 1.fxp 2.02KB
BA JP8 Bass 1.nksf.ogg 30.99KB
BA JP8 Bass 2.fxp 2.05KB
BA JP8 Bass 2.nksf.ogg 40.84KB
BA Late Future.fxp 2.86KB
BA Late Future.nksf.ogg 37.48KB
BA Late Past.fxp 2.50KB
BA Late Past.nksf.ogg 14.12KB
BA Late Past Solid.fxp 2.50KB
BA Late Past Solid.nksf.ogg 18.81KB
BA Mogg Mini Bass.fxp 1.93KB
BA Mogg Mini Bass.nksf.ogg 22.60KB
BA Not so Vint.fxp 1.89KB
BA Not so Vint.nksf.ogg 16.60KB
BA Odyssey Bass.fxp 2.28KB
BA Odyssey Bass.nksf.ogg 20.40KB
BA Quintus Dominus.fxp 2.83KB
BA Quintus Dominus.nksf.ogg 65.71KB
BA Simple But Strong.fxp 1.96KB
BA Simple But Strong.nksf.ogg 18.97KB
BA Warm Direct.fxp 2.84KB
BA Warm Direct.nksf.ogg 32.56KB
BellpadLoF.nxs 30.99MB
BF1 SolN FF.nxs 5.09MB
BF1 SolN MF.nxs 5.12MB
BF1 SolN MP.nxs 5.07MB
BF1 SolN PP.nxs 4.98MB
BL 80s Gangsta 1.fxp 2.91KB
BL 80s Gangsta 1.nksf.ogg 69.17KB
BL 80s Gangsta 2.fxp 2.81KB
BL 80s Gangsta 2.nksf.ogg 67.95KB
BL Angeldust.fxp 2.88KB
BL Angeldust.nksf.ogg 69.44KB
BL F-EMpire.fxp 2.84KB
BL F-EMpire.nksf.ogg 81.59KB
BL Glorious Digitals.fxp 2.79KB
BL Glorious Digitals.nksf.ogg 96.11KB
BL Mars Wind.fxp 2.82KB
BL Mars Wind.nksf.ogg 75.05KB
BL Mother Of Bells.fxp 2.11KB
BL Mother Of Bells.nksf.ogg 60.83KB
BL This Lead Cuts.fxp 2.86KB
BL This Lead Cuts.nksf.ogg 77.08KB
BL Tubular Mini.fxp 3.20KB
BL Tubular Mini.nksf.ogg 76.52KB
BR Chroma Sunrise.fxp 2.86KB
BR Chroma Sunrise.nksf.ogg 71.53KB
BR Fanfare.fxp 2.07KB
BR Fanfare.nksf.ogg 74.02KB
BR Future City.fxp 2.31KB
BR Future City.nksf.ogg 70.74KB
BR Jupiters Brass.fxp 2.33KB
BR Jupiters Brass.nksf.ogg 76.84KB
BR Soft Digital Brass.fxp 2.81KB
BR Soft Digital Brass.nksf.ogg 63.59KB
BR Vintage Brass 1.fxp 2.75KB
BR Vintage Brass 1.nksf.ogg 66.17KB
BR Vintage Brass 2.fxp 2.87KB
BR Vintage Brass 2.nksf.ogg 60.97KB
BR Yhazzz.fxp 2.82KB
BR Yhazzz.nksf.ogg 98.57KB
CAVZ Bells 2.nxs 6.99MB
CAVZ Bells 3.nxs 9.10MB
CAZC Attacked.nxs 577.65KB
CAZC Bell Deep.nxs 4.44MB
CAZC DigPluck 1.nxs 3.86MB
CAZC DigPluck 2.nxs 3.78MB
CAZC Lately Kind.nxs 7.96MB
CAZC Lead Cold.nxs 14.00MB
CAZC Pad Cold.nxs 11.25MB
CAZC Release Sample.nxs 2.20MB
CAZC Voice.nxs 9.78MB
CAZC Wired.nxs 7.50MB
CAZV Slap F.nxs 6.99MB
CAZV Slap P.nxs 7.13MB
CmarB Bass Ital.nxs 2.98MB
CmarB Sweep Thick.nxs 35.84MB
CrmarB Bass 1.nxs 2.98MB
CrmarB Bass 2.nxs 4.18MB
CrmarB Brass.nxs 5.22MB
CrmarB SqPluck.nxs 3.37MB
CrmarB Sweep Pad.nxs 18.13MB
CS30 Choiral.nxs 7.10MB
CS30 Detuner.nxs 8.84MB
CS30 HP Pad.nxs 17.99MB
CS30 PWM Pad.nxs 10.16MB
CS40 BP Pad.nxs 15.41MB
CS40 Lead 1.nxs 5.70MB
DRO Fantasy.nxs 7.38MB
DRO FShimmer.nxs 18.59MB
Drumset Claps.nxs 4.90MB
Drumset Cymbs.nxs 6.71MB
Drumset Hihats.nxs 3.84MB
Drumset Kicks.nxs 2.05MB
Drumset Percs.nxs 4.86MB
Drumset Snares.nxs 4.15MB
DR Vintage Claps.fxp 2.00KB
DR Vintage Claps.nksf.ogg 69.04KB
DR Vintage Cymbals & Percs.fxp 2.03KB
DR Vintage Cymbals & Percs.nksf.ogg 47.79KB
DR Vintage Hihats.fxp 2.02KB
DR Vintage Hihats.nksf.ogg 42.50KB
DR Vintage Kicks.fxp 1.97KB
DR Vintage Kicks.nksf.ogg 42.03KB
DR Vintage Snares.fxp 1.98KB
DR Vintage Snares.nksf.ogg 50.71KB
DR Vintage Toms.fxp 2.01KB
DR Vintage Toms.nksf.ogg 55.93KB
DX Tines Fat.nxs 10.36MB
E1 Lush Pad.nxs 10.78MB
E1 Mallet 2.nxs 1.96MB
E1 Trem Tines.nxs 8.02MB
E490 Cello L.nxs 31.54MB
E490 Cello R.nxs 31.64MB
E490 Violin.nxs 19.20MB
EF Fifth Risepad.nxs 12.64MB
EF Hi Bellpad.nxs 10.36MB
EF Plucked Fantasy.nxs 15.69MB
EF Voice Attack.nxs 11.34MB
EMR MegPianoX.nxs 22.13MB
EMR Mystic Voices Piano.nxs 16.25MB
EQ Supra Piano.nxs 16.55MB
EQ Supra Piano Thin.nxs 11.86MB
EQ Windy Chimes.nxs 14.83MB
FM Bellpluck 1.nxs 9.24MB
FMD1 Bell 2.nxs 5.93MB
FMD1 Bell Attack.nxs 3.70MB
FM Digi Chips.nxs 11.37MB
FMF LoFi Ebass F.nxs 6.09MB
FMF LoFi Ebass P.nxs 5.56MB
FMF String.nxs 8.67MB
FMPX Big Band Rls.nxs 11.16MB
FMPX Big Bang.nxs 28.96MB
FMPX Brass.nxs 10.56MB
FMT E-Bass 1.nxs 3.50MB
FMT Pokbass 1.nxs 5.34MB
JNOA Bass 1.nxs 1.08MB
JNOA Bass 3.nxs 4.52MB
JNOA Bells.nxs 10.48MB
JNOA Pluck 2.nxs 1.14MB
JNOA Pluck R.nxs 11.14MB
JNOA Rezonatrix.nxs 24.27MB
JNOA Smooth 1.nxs 5.05MB
JNOA Squared Hi.nxs 3.59MB
JNOA Strings.nxs 8.51MB
JNOA Synth.nxs 11.35MB
JNO Bass 1.nxs 3.61MB
JNO Bass 1 I.nxs 1.60MB
JNO Bass 2.nxs 1.56MB
JNO Bass 3.nxs 1.21MB
JNO Bass 4.nxs 2.56MB
JNO Bass Complete.nxs 5.62MB
JNO Bright Brass.nxs 15.01MB
JNO Bright Brass XT.nxs 17.10MB
JNO Chords.nxs 8.07MB
JNO Chords TubUni.nxs 8.38MB
JNO FilterLD ST.nxs 5.22MB
JNO Lead II.nxs 6.52MB
JNO OrgAtt 1.nxs 2.18MB
JNO OrgAtt 2.nxs 4.15MB
JNO Pulse Sweeper.nxs 11.38MB
JNO RezoSweep.nxs 9.77MB
JNO Saw Sweeper.nxs 13.01MB
JNO Smooth Pad.nxs 8.49MB
JNO Stereo Brass.nxs 3.44MB
JNO Superbrass.nxs 4.22MB
JNO Supersweep.nxs 31.68MB
JNO Sweep Raw.nxs 22.00MB
JNO Synth 1.nxs 13.15MB
JNO Synth 2.nxs 6.94MB
JNO Synth 2 +Chrs.nxs 10.09MB
JNO Synth PWM.nxs 5.81MB
JP8 Bass 1.nxs 2.61MB
JP8 Bass 2.nxs 2.21MB
JP8 Bass 4.nxs 1.62MB
JP8 Bell High 2.nxs 3.07MB
JP8 Blades.nxs 19.07MB
JP8 Brass 1.nxs 6.57MB
JP8 Brass 2.nxs 8.41MB
JP8 Dark Pad.nxs 10.46MB
JP8 Fat NoiseSaw.nxs 9.26MB
JP8 Pulsepad.nxs 10.84MB
JP8 Strings.nxs 9.08MB
JP8 Sweep Big PW.nxs 18.77MB
JP8 Sync.nxs 2.96MB
JP8 Synciano.nxs 2.04MB
JP8 WarmSyn.nxs 7.20MB
K12 Ambiano.nxs 15.51MB
K12 Copper Pad Lofi.nxs 13.74MB
K12 Dig String.nxs 9.30MB
K12 EPiano.nxs 7.72MB
K12 Fluty.nxs 7.85MB
K12 Plucked.nxs 5.77MB
K12 Vox Pluck.nxs 10.07MB
K5K Choir.nxs 7.06MB
K5K Cinematic Pad.nxs 13.52MB
K5K Glocken 1.nxs 5.66MB
K5K Glocken 2.nxs 10.77MB
K5K Glocken 3.nxs 7.45MB
K5K Lead.nxs 10.29MB
K5K Lead partial.nxs 8.77MB
K5K Pad 2.nxs 10.17MB
K5K Pluck 1.nxs 12.31MB
K5K Pluck 2.nxs 5.57MB
K5K Sweep Pad.nxs 15.61MB
KFM Alias Pluck.nxs 15.91MB
KGP8 Bass 1.nxs 1.05MB
KGP8 Bass 2.nxs 2.97MB
KGP8 Brass.nxs 4.85MB
KGP8 Digi.nxs 2.06MB
KGP8 HighSq.nxs 3.50MB
KGP8 Pad Sweep.nxs 20.30MB
KGP8 SqrSweep.nxs 11.68MB
KGP8 Strings 1.nxs 6.86MB
KGP8 Strings 2.nxs 8.40MB
KGP8 Synth 2.nxs 8.21MB
KGP8 Synth 3.nxs 12.65MB
KGP8 Synth 4.nxs 13.02MB
KGP8 Synth 5.nxs 7.19MB
KGP8 Synth 6.nxs 8.49MB
KMonPol Atonal Bell.nxs 1.95MB
KMonPol Bass 1.nxs 3.60MB
KMonPol Bass 2.nxs 4.02MB
KMonPol Bass 3.nxs 3.18MB
KMonPol Brass 1.nxs 6.80MB
KMonPol Keys.nxs 4.62MB
KMonPol Master Sweep.nxs 25.58MB
KMonPol Pad 1.nxs 11.93MB
KMonPol Pad 1 Fusion.nxs 11.87MB
KMonPol Synced Hard.nxs 7.02MB
KMonPol Synced Soft.nxs 7.14MB
KMonPol SyncPhat.nxs 11.48MB
KMonPol Vintage PW.nxs 15.30MB
KMonPol Vintage Solid.nxs 11.94MB
KPM Bells 1.nxs 11.46MB
KPM Bells 2.nxs 14.07MB
KW1 Light Bells.nxs 8.01MB
KW1 Vox.nxs 10.77MB
KW3 Bells 1.nxs 3.94MB
KW5 Bells 3.nxs 10.02MB
KW5 Brass BP.nxs 11.05MB
KW5 Digital.nxs 11.20MB
KW5 Mallet.nxs 1.37MB
KW5 Pad Bows 2.nxs 17.30MB
KW5 Voxo.nxs 11.37MB
KX8 Bass 1.nxs 1.05MB
KX8 Bass 2.nxs 838.81KB
KX8 Choir 1.nxs 6.55MB
KX8 DigiSweep.nxs 12.98MB
KX8 Goldpikes.nxs 1.86MB
KX8 Soft Pad.nxs 12.21MB
KX8 Superbadbrass.nxs 7.36MB
Later Clone TG.nxs 888.54KB
LD Big Digilead.fxp 2.59KB
LD Big Digilead.nksf.ogg 84.05KB
LD Bowed Jupiters.fxp 2.82KB
LD Bowed Jupiters.nksf.ogg 70.11KB
LD CBell PadLead Split.fxp 2.93KB
LD CBell PadLead Split.nksf.ogg 72.39KB
LD Juno Mids.fxp 1.95KB
LD Juno Mids.nksf.ogg 41.92KB
LD Large 100m Modular.fxp 2.88KB
LD Large 100m Modular.nksf.ogg 72.09KB
LD Magic 80s.fxp 2.82KB
LD Magic 80s.nksf.ogg 87.99KB
LD MKS Matrix.fxp 2.86KB
LD MKS Matrix.nksf.ogg 66.62KB
LD MKS Simplex 1.fxp 2.37KB
LD MKS Simplex 1.nksf.ogg 72.72KB
LD MKS Simplex 2.fxp 2.38KB
LD MKS Simplex 2.nksf.ogg 53.86KB
LD Polar Chrome.fxp 2.88KB
LD Polar Chrome.nksf.ogg 76.01KB
LD Squaresweeper.fxp 2.46KB
LD Squaresweeper.nksf.ogg 80.72KB
LD Sunset Boulevard.fxp 2.81KB
LD Sunset Boulevard.nksf.ogg 73.83KB
LD Thats 2x JN60 Power.fxp 2.44KB
LD Thats 2x JN60 Power.nksf.ogg 89.49KB
LD Tiny Juno.fxp 2.86KB
LD Tiny Juno.nksf.ogg 68.38KB
LD Yam SK50d All4Engines.fxp 2.77KB
LD Yam SK50d All4Engines.nksf.ogg 72.04KB
MgOp3 Str Core.nxs 4.77MB
MgOp3 Str Hi+.nxs 18.78MB
MgOp3 Str Lo+.nxs 20.00MB
MiniM Bass Fat.nxs 5.84MB
MogD Bass 1.nxs 5.84MB
MS3 Bass 1.nxs 875.08KB
MS3 Bass 3.nxs 1.87MB
MS3 BassPluck.nxs 6.30MB
MS3 Brass 1.nxs 10.43MB
MS3 Digital LD.nxs 11.30MB
MS3 Pads 3.nxs 13.15MB
MS3 Plucked PW.nxs 3.16MB
MS3 Plucked Rect.nxs 2.72MB
MS3 Sweep 1.nxs 16.46MB
MS3 Sweep 2.nxs 17.77MB
MS3 Sweep Rls.nxs 7.96MB
MS3 Synced Bass.nxs 4.15MB
MS3 UniSQPluck.nxs 3.13MB
MS7 Bass Inertia.nxs 3.38MB
MS7 Bell 1.nxs 5.20MB
MS7 Bell 2.nxs 5.34MB
MS7 Digtal Lead.nxs 5.24MB
MS7 Direct Brass.nxs 9.88MB
MS7 Fat Strings.nxs 16.78MB
MS7 Pad 1.nxs 11.09MB
MS7 Pads Wide.nxs 9.55MB
MS7 Piano.nxs 6.03MB
MS7 Synth 1.nxs 10.87MB
MS8 Analogue LD.nxs 7.65MB
MS8 Plucky.nxs 1.00MB
MS8 Strings 1.nxs 11.13MB
MS8 Strings 2.nxs 9.78MB
Mtx Digi.nxs 8.51MB
Mtx Mono Lead.nxs 3.67MB
Mtx Pluck Fanta.nxs 2.78MB
OC Orchestral Hit 1.fxp 2.02KB
OC Orchestral Hit 1.nksf.ogg 37.84KB
OC Orchestral Hit 2.fxp 2.03KB
OC Orchestral Hit 2.nksf.ogg 40.30KB
Odys Bass Fat.nxs 5.43MB
Orch Hit 1.nxs 1.04MB
Orch Hit 2.nxs 495.24KB
Orch Hit 3.nxs 800.40KB
Orch Hit 4.nxs 1.03MB
Orch Hit 5.nxs 1.17MB
Orch Hit 7.nxs 1.43MB
Orch Hit 8.nxs 1.28MB
Orch Hit 9.nxs 1.15MB
PD Ambientonic.fxp 2.86KB
PD Ambientonic.nksf.ogg 91.90KB
PD Cinematic Bed.fxp 2.84KB
PD Cinematic Bed.nksf.ogg 67.44KB
PD CS Analog Space.fxp 2.85KB
PD CS Analog Space.nksf.ogg 76.41KB
PD Double Sweep.fxp 2.88KB
PD Double Sweep.nksf.ogg 76.84KB
PD I am all digital.fxp 2.04KB
PD I am all digital.nksf.ogg 79.83KB
PD LoFi and Metals.fxp 2.99KB
PD LoFi and Metals.nksf.ogg 79.90KB
PD LowRes Samplers.fxp 2.00KB
PD LowRes Samplers.nksf.ogg 68.61KB
PD Organism.fxp 2.85KB
PD Organism.nksf.ogg 72.92KB
PD Pax Nebula.fxp 2.87KB
PD Pax Nebula.nksf.ogg 75.04KB
PD Shimmer Sweep.fxp 2.95KB
PD Shimmer Sweep.nksf.ogg 92.67KB
PD Starlord.fxp 2.86KB
PD Starlord.nksf.ogg 77.26KB
PD Strings of Hoth.fxp 2.89KB
PD Strings of Hoth.nksf.ogg 90.21KB
Pizza Mash.nxs 2.67MB
PL Airy Plucks 1.fxp 2.82KB
PL Airy Plucks 1.nksf.ogg 65.75KB
PL Airy Plucks 2.fxp 2.85KB
PL Airy Plucks 2.nksf.ogg 71.26KB
Plasma Pad.nxs 27.49MB
PL Cavern Tail.fxp 2.88KB
PL Cavern Tail.nksf.ogg 81.64KB
PL Ice Rings.fxp 1.96KB
PL Ice Rings.nksf.ogg 43.98KB
PL MKS Rectangular.fxp 1.98KB
PL MKS Rectangular.nksf.ogg 50.94KB
PL Monopoly Pluck.fxp 2.36KB
PL Monopoly Pluck.nksf.ogg 67.82KB
PL Pizza Mash.fxp 2.97KB
PL Pizza Mash.nksf.ogg 32.27KB
PL Plucked Fantasy.fxp 2.82KB
PL Plucked Fantasy.nksf.ogg 88.59KB
PL Sinusoid.fxp 2.42KB
PL Sinusoid.nksf.ogg 43.08KB
PL Tropic Vint.fxp 2.82KB
PL Tropic Vint.nksf.ogg 54.38KB
PN Gaia.fxp 2.88KB
PN Gaia.nksf.ogg 76.68KB
PN Red Dwarf.fxp 2.89KB
PN Red Dwarf.nksf.ogg 78.27KB
PN Stack of Stars.fxp 2.86KB
PN Stack of Stars.nksf.ogg 71.00KB
PN Tines Deluxe.fxp 2.83KB
PN Tines Deluxe.nksf.ogg 70.53KB
PN Voices in Space.fxp 2.89KB
PN Voices in Space.nksf.ogg 78.68KB
POL Analog Synth 1.nxs 6.86MB
POL Analog Synth 2.nxs 4.88MB
POL Brass.nxs 6.73MB
POL Chariot.nxs 9.99MB
POL Digi Lead.nxs 9.40MB
POL Overdriven.nxs 7.77MB
POL Pad Ringmod.nxs 11.69MB
POL Pad Wide.nxs 9.55MB
POL Thick Filter.nxs 5.06MB
Poly6 Strings.nxs 12.21MB
Poly FM.nxs 2.23MB
Pro10 80sPoly.nxs 7.89MB
Pro10 LightSynth.nxs 5.95MB
Proton LD.nxs 13.28MB
R100m BrassPad.nxs 8.30MB
R100m Double Rez.nxs 14.26MB
R100m Double Rez D.nxs 13.11MB
R100m Lead Boot.nxs 7.95MB
R100m Stacked.nxs 4.46MB
SawPad OakChorus.nxs 5.33MB
Shiny Noise Attack.nxs 2.29MB
SIL AnaBrass.nxs 4.56MB
SIL Str Core.nxs 2.19MB
SIL String Hi+.nxs 9.57MB
SIL String Lo+.nxs 7.38MB
Simple Saw Bossed.nxs 7.69MB
SQ Circuit Boards.fxp 7.77KB
SQ Circuit Boards.nksf.ogg 76.58KB
SQ Digi-razer.fxp 6.86KB
SQ Digi-razer.nksf.ogg 80.64KB
SQ Energize.fxp 7.20KB
SQ Energize.nksf.ogg 83.42KB
SQ Eternal Dreamer.fxp 6.52KB
SQ Eternal Dreamer.nksf.ogg 74.00KB
SQ First Love.fxp 5.23KB
SQ First Love.nksf.ogg 81.03KB
SQ Hi Score.fxp 7.25KB
SQ Hi Score.nksf.ogg 83.95KB
SQ Miami Beats.fxp 7.32KB
SQ Miami Beats.nksf.ogg 80.98KB
SQ Neon Split.fxp 3.95KB
SQ Neon Split.nksf.ogg 28.87KB
SQ PumpPunk.fxp 5.32KB
SQ PumpPunk.nksf.ogg 55.90KB
SQ Synth Pop.fxp 7.81KB
SQ Synth Pop.nksf.ogg 83.91KB
SQ Triple Strike.fxp 6.02KB
SQ Triple Strike.nksf.ogg 43.27KB
SQ Wired.fxp 5.50KB
SQ Wired.nksf.ogg 67.96KB
Stack80.nxs 9.17MB
ST Analolgue Strings.fxp 2.87KB
ST Analolgue Strings.nksf.ogg 91.16KB
ST Lush Strings.fxp 2.85KB
ST Lush Strings.nksf.ogg 73.07KB
ST Marcato Analog.fxp 2.96KB
ST Marcato Analog.nksf.ogg 81.48KB
String Machine 1.nxs 9.62MB
String Machine 2.nxs 7.91MB
String Machine 3.nxs 6.73MB
String Machine 5.nxs 14.62MB
String Machine 6.nxs 10.14MB
String Machine 7.nxs 5.34MB
String Machine 8.nxs 12.42MB
StrngMchne09 Sol1.nxs 8.03MB
StrngMchne09 Sol1+.nxs 13.10MB
StrngMchne09 Sol2+.nxs 12.17MB
ST Simple Always Fits.fxp 2.82KB
ST Simple Always Fits.nksf.ogg 81.60KB
ST String Machine E490 .fxp 2.42KB
ST String Machine E490 .nksf.ogg 115.11KB
ST String Machine MgOpIII .fxp 2.82KB
ST String Machine MgOpIII .nksf.ogg 114.28KB
ST String Machine RS09.fxp 2.79KB
ST String Machine RS09.nksf.ogg 86.65KB
ST String Machine Siehl .fxp 2.50KB
ST String Machine Siehl .nksf.ogg 107.73KB
ST String Machine VP330.fxp 2.77KB
ST String Machine VP330.nksf.ogg 78.26KB
SY A Prophets Tale.fxp 2.86KB
SY A Prophets Tale.nksf.ogg 70.23KB
SY Clicky Organic Juno.fxp 2.91KB
SY Clicky Organic Juno.nksf.ogg 70.85KB
SY Digitized Fantasies.fxp 2.93KB
SY Digitized Fantasies.nksf.ogg 77.54KB
SY Jupiters Glory.fxp 2.12KB
SY Jupiters Glory.nksf.ogg 78.56KB
SY Nebula Waves.fxp 2.04KB
SY Nebula Waves.nksf.ogg 56.27KB
SY S.y.n.c..fxp 2.75KB
SY S.y.n.c..nksf.ogg 55.66KB
SY The Beauty of Waves.fxp 2.93KB
SY The Beauty of Waves.nksf.ogg 90.14KB
SY The Synctron 1.fxp 2.88KB
SY The Synctron 1.nksf.ogg 42.30KB
SY The Synctron 2.fxp 2.91KB
SY The Synctron 2.nksf.ogg 42.86KB
SY Transwave Morpher.fxp 2.86KB
SY Transwave Morpher.nksf.ogg 80.12KB
SY Water Organ.fxp 2.90KB
SY Water Organ.nksf.ogg 83.38KB
T3 VoxoGM.nxs 8.71MB
T58 Bell.nxs 1.83MB
TFM Big Digi.nxs 11.24MB
TFM Big Tubbs.nxs 11.66MB
TSC Banger.nxs 6.58MB
TSC Bass 2 R1.nxs 1.19MB
TSC Bass 3.nxs 1.29MB
TSC Brass R1.nxs 12.73MB
TSC Rez Sweep.nxs 7.37MB
TSC Sub Pad L.nxs 3.33MB
TSC Sub Pad R.nxs 3.29MB
TW Digital Pad.nxs 16.18MB
UAQ Digital 1.nxs 9.06MB
UAQ Digital 2.nxs 11.66MB
UAQ Digital 3.nxs 8.79MB
UAQ Digital 4.nxs 6.88MB
Universe Bellpad.nxs 14.25MB
V5 Big Bells.nxs 8.12MB
V5 Blown.nxs 10.81MB
V5 Boot Pad.nxs 9.78MB
V5 Chiller.nxs 9.78MB
V5 Halo Bells.nxs 13.14MB
V5 Hi Bells.nxs 6.09MB
V5 Octave Morpher.nxs 16.02MB
V5 Octave Morpher Hi.nxs 17.61MB
VArtVox.nxs 15.80MB
VectorBellpad.nxs 12.37MB
Vibra FSFM.nxs 5.70MB
Vintage MonoBrass.nxs 3.50MB
Virus Angels.nxs 11.65MB
Virus Gregorians.nxs 12.09MB
VO Analog Choirs 1.fxp 2.88KB
VO Analog Choirs 1.nksf.ogg 69.02KB
VO Analog Choirs 2.fxp 2.88KB
VO Analog Choirs 2.nksf.ogg 83.21KB
VO Analog Choirs 3.fxp 2.91KB
VO Analog Choirs 3.nksf.ogg 81.88KB
VO Analog Humans.fxp 2.80KB
VO Analog Humans.nksf.ogg 79.33KB
VO Digital Choirs 1.fxp 2.81KB
VO Digital Choirs 1.nksf.ogg 83.92KB
VO Digital Choirs 2.fxp 2.82KB
VO Digital Choirs 2.nksf.ogg 83.35KB
VO Digital Choirs 3.fxp 2.85KB
VO Digital Choirs 3.nksf.ogg 87.94KB
VO Mega 32OSC-All-Cluster.fxp 2.86KB
VO Mega 32OSC-All-Cluster.nksf.ogg 86.64KB
VO Romplers Vox.fxp 2.91KB
VO Romplers Vox.nksf.ogg 93.05KB
VO Vectorized.fxp 2.77KB
VO Vectorized.nksf.ogg 80.81KB
VO Vocoder Live 330.fxp 1.90KB
VO Vocoder Live 330.nksf.ogg 88.77KB
VO Vocoder Voice 330.fxp 1.98KB
VO Vocoder Voice 330.nksf.ogg 72.18KB
Vox Analog 1.nxs 7.96MB
Vox Analog 10.nxs 5.95MB
Vox Analog 11.nxs 7.86MB
Vox Analog 12.nxs 5.48MB
Vox Analog 13.nxs 9.97MB
Vox Analog 2.nxs 12.00MB
Vox Analog 3.nxs 10.56MB
Vox Analog 4.nxs 5.35MB
Vox Analog 5.nxs 10.32MB
Vox Analog 6.nxs 3.45MB
Vox Analog 7.nxs 3.21MB
Vox Analog 8.nxs 8.37MB
Vox Analog 9.nxs 8.64MB
Vox Digital 1.nxs 12.29MB
Vox Digital 10.nxs 16.14MB
Vox Digital 11.nxs 11.81MB
Vox Digital 12.nxs 12.53MB
Vox Digital 2.nxs 5.54MB
Vox Digital 3.nxs 12.00MB
Vox Digital 4.nxs 6.41MB
Vox Digital 5.nxs 6.11MB
Vox Digital 6.nxs 10.91MB
Vox Digital 7.nxs 16.75MB
Vox Digital 8.nxs 16.10MB
Vox Digital 9.nxs 15.77MB
Vox Str 2.nxs 7.39MB
Vox Str 3.nxs 7.56MB
Vox Str 4.nxs 7.60MB
Vox Str 5.nxs 8.42MB
Vox Str 7.nxs 7.62MB
VS Octashifter.nxs 10.43MB
VS Stringed.nxs 11.10MB
Warm Ana Voice.nxs 15.02MB
Whispered Ambi.nxs 8.15MB
WIS Coders.nxs 4.95MB
WIS Plucks.nxs 5.94MB
WIS Solina.nxs 11.46MB
WPulse Bassline.nxs 1.97MB
WW Airy Sines.nxs 14.67MB
WW Big Bell.nxs 7.82MB
WW EPpianoSus.nxs 6.69MB
WW Tabloid Sus.nxs 11.07MB
WW Traveller.nxs 13.46MB
XT BassClasFF.nxs 13.86MB
XT BassClasMF.nxs 13.51MB
XT BassClasMP.nxs 13.94MB
XT BassClasPP.nxs 14.66MB
YamSK50d Brass 2 Ens.nxs 2.90MB
YamSK50d Organ Ens.nxs 3.07MB
YamSK50d Polysyn1.nxs 2.09MB
YamSK50d Polysyn2.nxs 1.93MB
YamSK50d Solo.nxs 3.11MB
YamSK50d String 2.nxs 4.35MB
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France (FR) 4
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Israel (IL) 2
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Total 37
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