Torrent Info
Title Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima isekai e odekake-chû ([Yameii] Skeleton Knight in Another World - 12 [English Dub] [WEB-DL 720p] [BB131DAB].mkv)
Category Movies
Size 703.03MB

Movie Info
Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima isekai e odekake-chû
Title Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima isekai e odekake-chû
Year 2022–
Country Japan
Category Animation, Action, Fantasy
Director N/A
Actors Tomoaki Maeno, Fairouz Ai, Nene Hieda
Description A gamer ends up in the world he was playing, but also with the skeletal appearance he was using. Now he must make his way in the new world conscious of his frightening appearance.
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[Yameii] Skeleton Knight in Another World - 12 [English Dub] [WEB-DL 720p] [BB131DAB].mkv 703.03MB
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